If the ESL tour is discontinued, how much are you willing to spend per year to support SC2 esports? (crowdfunding, stream subscriptions, donations, etc.) :
$0 (398) | 39% | | $1-50 (277) | 27% | | $51-100 (144) | 14% | | $101-$200 (92) | 9% | | $1000+ (89) | 9% | | $201-$1000 (33) | 3% | |
1033 votes
Comments (75)
As an esports viewer, how often would you like to see all-in/cheese strategies in tournament games? :
In 21% to 40% of games (479) | 48% | | In 0% to 20% of games (268) | 27% | | In 41% to 60% of games (138) | 14% | | In 81% to 100% of games (57) | 6% | | I don't watch StarCraft esports (38) | 4% | | In 61% to 80% of games (20) | 2% | |
1000 votes
Comments (48)
How do you feel about the 5.0.14 (revised) balance changes? :
Neutral/don't know (147) | 29% | | Somewhat positive (135) | 27% | | Very positive (83) | 16% | | Very negative (77) | 15% | | Somewhat negative (67) | 13% | |
509 votes
Comments (4)
How optimistic are you about ESL SC2 continuing for another season? :
Very optimistic (124) | 24% | | Somewhat optimistic (116) | 22% | | Neutral/don't know (112) | 21% | | Somewhat pessimistic (94) | 18% | | Very pessimistic (76) | 15% | |
522 votes
Comments (5)
Which run was more impressive? :
Summer of Clem 2024 (387) | 42% | | Summer of TaeJa 2012 (385) | 42% | | Don't know/tie (146) | 16% | |
918 votes
Comments (56)
Who will win SOOP Starcraft League Autumn (ASL18)? :
Soulkey (198) | 38% | | Snow (103) | 20% | | Someone else (93) | 18% | | Light (53) | 10% | | Mini (36) | 7% | | Queen (32) | 6% | |
515 votes
Comments (38)
Who will win SOOP Starleague Autumn (ASL 18)? :
Queen (0) | 0% | | Snow (0) | 0% | | Mini (0) | 0% | | Light (0) | 0% | | Soulkey (0) | 0% | | Someone else (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (1)
How interested would you be in watching competitive SC2 without the ESL and GSL tours? :
Very interested (147) | 28% | | Very uninterested (120) | 23% | | Somewhat interested (102) | 20% | | Somewhat disinterested (78) | 15% | | Neutral/don't know (72) | 14% | |
519 votes
Comments (25)
How do you feel about Flash possibly returning to Brood War streaming/competition after his crypto scandal? :
Very positive (367) | 54% | | Neutral/no opinion (155) | 23% | | Somewhat positive (81) | 12% | | Somewhat negative (44) | 6% | | Very negative (33) | 5% | |
680 votes
Comments (55)
Which SC2 expansion had the most entertaining esports? :
Wings of Liberty (241) | 35% | | Legacy of the Void (222) | 33% | | Heart of the Swarm (155) | 23% | | Don't know/No opinion (62) | 9% | |
680 votes
Comments (79)
Which SC2 expansion had the most entertaining esports? :
Legacy of the Void (0) | 0% | | Heart of the Swarm (0) | 0% | | Wings of Liberty (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (1)
How interested are you in playing or watching the SC: Evo Complete (BW vs SC2) mod? :
Very interested (404) | 39% | | Somewhat interested (288) | 28% | | Very uninterested (154) | 15% | | Neutral/don't know (105) | 10% | | Somewhat uninterested (89) | 9% | |
1040 votes
Comments (51)
What is your favorite new 1v1 map? :
Ghost River (88) | 27% | | Post-Youth (80) | 25% | | Crimson Court (58) | 18% | | Dynasty (52) | 16% | | Amphion (46) | 14% | |
324 votes
Comments (19)
How do you feel about the latest PTR Balance Patch? :
Somewhat positive (156) | 28% | | Neutral/don't know (147) | 26% | | Very positive (117) | 21% | | Very negative (79) | 14% | | Somewhat negative (64) | 11% | |
563 votes
Comments (5)
Are you interested in Stormgate and/or ZeroSpace? :
Somewhat interested (254) | 30% | | Very uninterested (172) | 21% | | Very interested (159) | 19% | | Somewhat uninterested (137) | 16% | | Neutral/don't know (114) | 14% | |
836 votes
Comments (100)
Who will win IEM Katowice 2024? :
Serral (1140) | 60% | | Maru (185) | 10% | | Clem (162) | 9% | | Oliveira (86) | 5% | | Reynor (72) | 4% | | Someone else (72) | 4% | | herO (66) | 3% | | Dark (64) | 3% | | ByuN (38) | 2% | | Solar (20) | 1% | |
1905 votes
Comments (54)
How interested are you in non-Korean Brood War competiton? :
Extremely disinterested (200) | 37% | | Somewhat interested (132) | 24% | | Extremely interested (111) | 20% | | Somewhat disinterested (59) | 11% | | Neutral/don't know (45) | 8% | |
547 votes
Comments (48)
How interested are you in non-Korean Brood War competiton? :
Extremely uninterested (1) | 100% | | Extremely interested (0) | 0% | | Somewhat interested (0) | 0% | | Neutral/don't know (0) | 0% | | Somewhat uninteresterd (0) | 0% | |
1 votes
Comments (1)
How do you feel about the level of variety in the current SC2 1v1 map pool? :
There should be much more variety in maps (202) | 41% | | There should be slightly more variety in maps (136) | 27% | | Neutral/don't know (124) | 25% | | There should be slightly less variety in maps (20) | 4% | | There should be much less variety in maps (13) | 3% | |
495 votes
Comments (40)
How do you feel about the level of variety in the current SC2 1v1 map pool? :
There should be much more variety in maps (0) | 0% | | There should be slightly more variety in maps (0) | 0% | | Neutral/don't know (0) | 0% | | There should be less more variety in maps (0) | 0% | | There should be much less variety in maps (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (2)
Which region will win the EPT Atlanta main event? :
Europe (490) | 66% | | Korea (221) | 30% | | Other (32) | 4% | |
743 votes
Comments (16)
Who will win ESL Europe Winter 2023? :
Serral (706) | 66% | | Clem (166) | 15% | | Other (119) | 11% | | Reynor (86) | 8% | |
1077 votes
Comments (12)
How do you feel about the map pool being increased to nine maps? :
Very positive (211) | 55% | | Neutral/don't know (81) | 21% | | Somewhat positive (64) | 17% | | Somewhat negative (16) | 4% | | Very negative (15) | 4% | |
387 votes
Comments (9)
How do you feel about the proposed balance changes from ESL/Balance Council? :
Somewhat positive (216) | 28% | | Neutral/don't know (197) | 26% | | Very positive (120) | 16% | | Somewhat negative (119) | 16% | | Very negative (109) | 14% | |
761 votes
Comments (35)
How do you feel about the proposed changes in the Balance Test Mod? :
Neutral/don't know (1) | 100% | | Very positive (0) | 0% | | Somewhat positive (0) | 0% | | Somewhat negative (0) | 0% | | Very negative (0) | 0% | |
1 votes
Comments (1)
What should Maru's seventh Code S championship be called? :
GS7 (334) | 39% | | G7L (253) | 29% | | None of the above (187) | 22% | | 7SL (89) | 10% | |
863 votes
Comments (21)
What was your impression of the Stormgate gameplay reveal? :
Somewhat positive (433) | 39% | | Somewhat negative (243) | 22% | | Didn't watch/don't care (193) | 18% | | Very positive (162) | 15% | | Very negative (71) | 6% | |
1102 votes
Comments (29)
Do you prefer the new ESL Swiss group format, or the previous round-robin format? :
I prefer Swiss (304) | 37% | | I prefer round robin (299) | 36% | | No preference/not relevant to me (227) | 27% | |
830 votes
Comments (39)
What's the correct order of naming the three races of StarCraft? :
Terran - Zerg - Protoss (537) | 42% | | Terran - Protoss - Zerg (458) | 36% | | Protoss - Terran - Zerg (154) | 12% | | Zerg - Terran - Protoss (71) | 6% | | Zerg - Protoss - Terran (34) | 3% | | Protoss - Zerg - Terran (31) | 2% | |
1285 votes
Comments (71)
How much are you willing to pay a year for StarCraft esports content? :
Nothing (407) | 35% | | $20 - $49 (195) | 17% | | $50 - $99 (180) | 15% | | $1 - $19 (158) | 13% | | $200+ (127) | 11% | | $100 - $199 (109) | 9% | |
1176 votes
Comments (47)
Will you consider 2023 GSL tournaments to be 'legitimate?' :
Yes (584) | 48% | | Don't know/neutral (352) | 29% | | No (271) | 22% | |
1207 votes
Comments (50)
Which region will win IEM Katowice 2023? :
Korea (498) | 39% | | Europe (392) | 31% | | Other (390) | 30% | |
1280 votes
Comments (50)
Are you interested in seeing more dedicated 2v2 competitions? :
Extremely interested (215) | 32% | | Somewhat interested (211) | 32% | | Extremely disinterested (104) | 16% | | Somewhat disinterested (72) | 11% | | Neutral/don't know (63) | 9% | |
665 votes
Comments (25)
How do you feel about the new patch? :
Approve (243) | 31% | | Neutral (217) | 27% | | Strongly Approve (160) | 20% | | Disapprove (97) | 12% | | Strongly Disapprove (77) | 10% | |
794 votes
Comments (16)
How do you feel about the new patch? :
Strongly Approve (0) | 0% | | Approve (0) | 0% | | Neutral (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (1)
How much does the quality of the grand finals affect your enjoyment of a tournament? :
5: Significantly affects my enjoyment (160) | 30% | | 4 (143) | 27% | | 3 (133) | 25% | | 2 (55) | 10% | | 1: Does not affect my enjoyment at all (48) | 9% | |
539 votes
Comments (20)
Who is the SECOND greatest StarCraft: Brood War player of all time? :
Jaedong (733) | 53% | | Boxer (246) | 18% | | Nada (220) | 16% | | Other (113) | 8% | | iloveoov (78) | 6% | |
1390 votes
Comments (142)
How will Artosis' departure from the GSL affect your viewing habits? :
It will have no effect on my GSL viewing (699) | 49% | | I will watch somewhat less GSL (283) | 20% | | I will watch much less GSL (213) | 15% | | Don't know/Didn't watch GSL to begin with (191) | 13% | | I will watch much more GSL (36) | 3% | | I will watch somewhat more GSL (10) | 1% | |
1432 votes
Comments (70)
How will Artosis' departure from GSL affect your viewing habits? :
It will have no affect on my GSL viewing (3) | 75% | | I will watch somewhat less GSL (1) | 25% | | I will watch much less GSL (0) | 0% | | I will watch somewhat more GSL (0) | 0% | | I will watch much more GSL (0) | 0% | | Don't know/Didn't watch GSL to begin with (0) | 0% | |
4 votes
Comments (3)
What are your feelings on the new SC2 map pool? :
Neutral/don't know (339) | 32% | | Very positive (298) | 28% | | Somewhat positive (296) | 28% | | Somewhat negative (62) | 6% | | Very negative (53) | 5% | |
1048 votes
Comments (29)
3 Months later, how do you feel the March 15 (5.0.9) balance patch has worked out? :
Neutral/don't know (580) | 41% | | Somewhat improved the game (463) | 33% | | Significantly improved the game (244) | 17% | | Somewhat hurt the game (63) | 4% | | Significantly hurt the game (63) | 4% | |
1413 votes
Comments (43)
How do you feel about rotating old maps back into the competitive pool? :
Very positive (700) | 46% | | Somewhat positive (448) | 29% | | Neutral/don't know (190) | 12% | | Somewhat negative (104) | 7% | | Very negative (84) | 6% | |
1526 votes
Comments (43)
How do you feel about the new PTR patch notes? :
Somewhat positive (411) | 37% | | Very positive (300) | 27% | | Neutral/don't know (248) | 22% | | Somewhat negative (86) | 8% | | Very negative (79) | 7% | |
1124 votes
Comments (131)
Which region will win IEM Katowice 2022? :
Rest of the world (519) | 52% | | Korea (476) | 48% | |
995 votes
Comments (22)
IEM Katowice: Which is the group of death? :
D: Maru, Clem, Reynor, Scarlett, Zoun (758) | 74% | | B: Serral, Dark, TIME, SpeCial, ShoWTimE (119) | 12% | | A: Rogue, Cure, Solar, Neeb, Dream (109) | 11% | | C: Trap, Zest, HeroMarine, Bunny, Lambo (36) | 4% | |
1022 votes
Comments (46)
How comfortable do you feel about attending a live esports event in first half 2022? :
Very comfortable (386) | 46% | | Very uncomfortable (128) | 15% | | Somewhat uncomfortable (122) | 14% | | Somewhat comfortable (117) | 14% | | Don't know/neutral (94) | 11% | |
847 votes
Comments (75)
What series/types of tournaments did you enjoy most in 2021? :
EPT/DreamHack Masters Season Finals (176) | 33% | | EPT 3rd party events (TSL, King of Battles,etc) (92) | 17% | | Other 3rd party events (StayAt HSC, Wardi events) (90) | 17% | | EPT/DreamHack Masters Regionals (69) | 13% | | World Team League (65) | 12% | | Weekly Cups (ESL Opens, etc) (40) | 8% | |
532 votes
Comments (28)
How are you watching ASL since the EN streaming changes? :
YouTube English VODs (Tastosis) (754) | 47% | | Other/I don't watch ASL (468) | 29% | | AfreecaTV English stream (286) | 18% | | AfreecaTV Korean stream (100) | 6% | |
1608 votes
Comments (75)
How important is it for StarCraft II to get a new balance patch? :
Extremely important (785) | 38% | | Somewhat important (541) | 26% | | Don't know/undecided (399) | 19% | | Somewhat unimportant (207) | 10% | | Extremely unimportant (161) | 8% | |
2093 votes
Comments (192)
Has online-only competition during the pandemic changed your enjoyment of pro SC2? :
No change in my enjoyment of pro SC2 (1165) | 46% | | Somewhat decreased my enjoyment of pro SC2 (761) | 30% | | Greatly decreased my enjoyment of pro SC2 (322) | 13% | | Increased my enjoyment of pro SC2 (271) | 11% | |
2519 votes
Comments (55)
Who will win TeamLiquid Starleague 7? :
Trap (215) | 32% | | Reynor (154) | 23% | | Serral (140) | 21% | | Dark (94) | 14% | | Zest (40) | 6% | | Cure (28) | 4% | |
671 votes
Comments (6)
What's the most exciting match of TSL7 Week 2? :
Reynor vs Dark (212) | 44% | | Serral vs Zoun (125) | 26% | | Cure vs Clem (88) | 18% | | TIME vs SpeCial (30) | 6% | | Neeb vs Armani (17) | 4% | | HeroMarine vs SouL (12) | 2% | |
484 votes
Comments (11)
Which first round match of TSL7 are you most excited for? :
Serral vs Neeb (209) | 37% | | Zoun vs Dark (99) | 17% | | Has vs Clem (90) | 16% | | Reynor vs MaxPax (53) | 9% | | HeroMarine vs TIME (52) | 9% | | SpeCial vs Cure (32) | 6% | | Trap vs souL (25) | 4% | | Zest vs Armani (12) | 2% | |
572 votes
Comments (18)
Do 'unorthodox' maps make the VIEWING experience for StarCraft better? :
Yes (1134) | 69% | | Not sure/no opinion (284) | 17% | | No (237) | 14% | |
1655 votes
Comments (64)
Do you play RTS games outside of the StarCraft series? :
1300 votes
Comments (24)
How will the removal of the ASL official English stream change your viewing habits? :
I'll stop watching ASL altogether (561) | 31% | | I didn't watch ASL to begin with. (531) | 30% | | I'll watch ASL through English community streams (522) | 29% | | I'll watch ASL through the Korean stream (177) | 10% | |
1791 votes
Comments (23)
How are you watching IEM Katowice 2021? :
Partially live, partially through VODs (659) | 44% | | Watching all of it live (463) | 31% | | Not watching at all (212) | 14% | | Entirely through VODs (157) | 11% | |
1491 votes
Comments (14)
Which region will win IEM Katowice 2021? :
Korea (527) | 62% | | Rest of the world (324) | 38% | |
851 votes
Comments (18)
What do you think about the default font size on TL.net? :
It's fine (720) | 66% | | It's too small (313) | 29% | | It's too big (really???) (54) | 5% | |
1087 votes
Comments (19)
What was your favorite TSL touranment? :
TSL3 (591) | 33% | | TSL5 (452) | 25% | | TSL1 (326) | 18% | | TSL2 (233) | 13% | | TSL4 (172) | 10% | |
1774 votes
Comments (42)
How do you feel about Flash playing random in ASL? :
Like it! (2047) | 81% | | Neutral/don't know (383) | 15% | | Hate it! (102) | 4% | |
2532 votes
Comments (21)
How do you feel about Golden Wall? :
Like to play, like to watch (570) | 43% | | Dislike to play, like to watch (526) | 40% | | Dislike to play, dislike to watch (205) | 16% | | Like to play, dislike to watch (20) | 2% | |
1321 votes
Comments (18)
Which region will win the DH Fall Finals? :
Europe (589) | 63% | | Korea (326) | 35% | | Other (25) | 3% | |
940 votes
Comments (15)
Will there be another Serral-Reynor finals in DreamHack EU Fall? :
796 votes
Comments (11)
How long have you been following competitive StarCraft II? :
All 10 years! (2239) | 62% | | 7-9 years (722) | 20% | | 4-6 years (390) | 11% | | 1-3 years (245) | 7% | |
3596 votes
Comments (34)
Do you enjoy the team matches (2v2, 3v3) in the ASTL? :
Yes (320) | 49% | | No opinion/not sure (191) | 29% | | No (139) | 21% | |
650 votes
Comments (8)
Which region will win the DH Summer Finals? :
Europe (451) | 58% | | Korea (305) | 39% | | Other (21) | 3% | |
777 votes
Comments (4)
What is the strongest SC2 faction right now? :
Terran (597) | 37% | | Zerg (543) | 34% | | None/no opinion (305) | 19% | | Protoss (173) | 11% | |
1618 votes
Comments (15)
On a scale of 1-5, how much did you enjoy TSL5? :
5 (742) | 35% | | I didn't watch TSL5 (539) | 26% | | 4 (492) | 23% | | 3 (183) | 9% | | 2 (80) | 4% | | 1 (72) | 3% | |
2108 votes
Comments (26)
Who will win TeamLiquid Starleague 5? :
INnoVation (494) | 55% | | soO (170) | 19% | | Zest (76) | 9% | | Trap (70) | 8% | | uThermal (43) | 5% | | Elazer (41) | 5% | |
894 votes
Comments (6)
When did you start following SC2 esports? :
Before TSL4 (1606) | 81% | | After TSL4 (236) | 12% | | I never followed SC2 esports (147) | 7% | |
1989 votes
Comments (32)
How important is commentary to your enjoyment of StarCraft esports? :
5 (very important) (953) | 57% | | 4 (466) | 28% | | 3 (156) | 9% | | 1 (not important at all) (53) | 3% | | 2 (45) | 3% | |
1673 votes
Comments (29)
Are you watching more or less StarCraft due to the global pandemic? :
Watching more (1247) | 55% | | About the same (859) | 38% | | Watching less (157) | 7% | |
2263 votes
Comments (11)
What's your favorite new 1v1 map? :
Golden Wall (161) | 36% | | Ever Dream (150) | 34% | | Purity and Industry (135) | 30% | |
446 votes
Comments (5)
Who will win the Super Tournament? :
Maru (253) | 37% | | Dark (180) | 27% | | Zest (75) | 11% | | INnoVation (69) | 10% | | sOs (52) | 8% | | Cure (19) | 3% | | Solar (16) | 2% | | Trap (11) | 2% | |
675 votes
Comments (10)
How do you feel about the ASL9 map pool? :
Generally positive (322) | 48% | | Not sure/no opinion (270) | 40% | | Generally negative (81) | 12% | |
673 votes
Comments (10)
Which faction will win the IEM Katowice championship? :
Zerg (876) | 69% | | Terran (206) | 16% | | Protoss (185) | 15% | |
1267 votes
Comments (22)
How do you feel about the 2020 pre-season for SC2? :
I'm really enjoying all the online competitions (640) | 45% | | I'm checked out until major offline tournaments (533) | 37% | | Neutral/No opinion (263) | 18% | |
1436 votes
Comments (16)
How do you feel about the 2020 pre-season for SC2? :
I'm checked out until major offline tournaments (0) | 0% | | Neutral/No opinion (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (1)
Is region-lock still necessary in 2020? :
No (961) | 56% | | Yes (396) | 23% | | Don't know/Ambivalent (361) | 21% | |
1718 votes
Comments (32)
Who was the best SC2 player of 2019? :
Serral (890) | 67% | | Dark (319) | 24% | | Other (111) | 8% | |
1320 votes
Comments (34)
What is your preferred team league format? :
Proleague style (598) | 58% | | All-kill style (238) | 23% | | Mixed format/other (187) | 18% | |
1023 votes
Comments (20)
What is your favorite team league format? :
Proleague style (3) | 75% | | Proleague style (1) | 25% | | All-kill style (0) | 0% | | Other/hybrid (0) | 0% | | All-kill style (0) | 0% | | Mixed format/other (0) | 0% | |
4 votes
Comments (2)
Who will win NationWars 2019? :
Korea (174) | 45% | | Finland (168) | 44% | | Italy (25) | 6% | | France (18) | 5% | |
385 votes
Comments (2)
How are you feeling about SC2 esports headed into 2020? :
Positive (762) | 35% | | Neutral/Don't know (744) | 34% | | Negative (679) | 31% | |
2185 votes
Comments (29)
How is the Korean-Foreigner gap compared to 2018? (SC2) :
Narrower (383) | 55% | | About the same (267) | 38% | | Wider (50) | 7% | |
700 votes
Comments (12)
Who will win the 2019 Global Finals? (Again!) :
Serral (861) | 54% | | Dark (376) | 24% | | Maru (164) | 10% | | Reynor (58) | 4% | | Rogue (45) | 3% | | Classic (33) | 2% | | soO (32) | 2% | | Trap (18) | 1% | |
1587 votes
Comments (29)
Who will win the 2019 Global Finals? :
Serral (1021) | 67% | | Anyone else (497) | 33% | |
1518 votes
Comments (18)
What is the biggest problem with Zerg right now? :
Brood Lord-Infestor (440) | 53% | | Nydus Worms (215) | 26% | | The map pool (139) | 17% | | Pneumatized Carapace (Overlord speed) (29) | 4% | |
823 votes
Comments (20)
Is it time to phase out Fighting Spirit? :
652 votes
Comments (19)
Which single-player campaign did you enjoy the most? :
Wings of Liberty (1071) | 53% | | No opinion/didn't play (338) | 17% | | Heart of the Swarm (331) | 16% | | Legacy of the Void (288) | 14% | |
2028 votes
Comments (31)
Which had the better fan vote system? :
GSL vs. The World (397) | 40% | | No opinion/both were fine (352) | 35% | | Nation Wars (249) | 25% | |
998 votes
Comments (15)
Who will win GSL vs. the World? :
A World player (609) | 57% | | A GSL player (466) | 43% | |
1075 votes
Comments (10)
Are you satisfied with the GSL vs World rosters? :
Yes (379) | 60% | | No (137) | 22% | | I was directed here by a YouTube video (111) | 18% | |
627 votes
Comments (14)
RE-poll: Do you still think Protoss is too strong in SC2? :
Yes (1538) | 45% | | No (1202) | 36% | | Not sure (643) | 19% | |
3383 votes
Comments (31)
Who will win WCS Summer? :
Serral (422) | 76% | | Someone else (130) | 24% | |
552 votes
Comments (4)
How do you feel about the proposed Warp Prism nerf (warp-in time increase)? :
Approve (513) | 53% | | Disapprove (227) | 24% | | Not sure (220) | 23% | |
960 votes
Comments (19)
Who is the greatest Zerg of LotV? :
Serral (923) | 72% | | Dark (181) | 14% | | soO (117) | 9% | | Rogue (54) | 4% | |
1275 votes
Comments (14)
Who will win the Code S finals? :
Dark (792) | 80% | | Trap (198) | 20% | |
990 votes
Comments (12)
Is Protoss too strong in SC2? :
Yes (1543) | 53% | | No (807) | 28% | | Not sure (553) | 19% | |
2903 votes
Comments (63)
Is Protoss too strong? :
Yes (0) | 0% | | No (0) | 0% | | Not sure (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (1)
Who will win WCS Spring? :
Serral (584) | 77% | | Someone else (179) | 23% | |
763 votes
Comments (11)
Did R1CH fix the poll system? :
3 votes
Comments (2)
Serral (1587) | 63% | | Someone else (950) | 37% | |
2537 votes
Comments (25)
Are you following ASL? :
Yes (2835) | 50% | | No (2832) | 50% | |
5667 votes
Comments (21)
Which StarCraft II scene are you most interested in? :
Korean StarCraft II (3064) | 37% | | Equally interested in Korea and Foreign SC2 (2840) | 34% | | Foreign StarCraft II (1315) | 16% | | Not interested in SC2 (1130) | 14% | |
8349 votes
Comments (36)
Which StarCraft II scene are you more interested in? :
Korean StarCraft II (10) | 59% | | Equally interested in Korea and Foreign SC2 (4) | 24% | | Not interested in SC2 (2) | 12% | | Foreign StarCraft II (1) | 6% | |
17 votes
Comments (410)
What was the first StarCraft game you ever played? :
The original StarCraft (4902) | 50% | | StarCraft: Brood War (2270) | 23% | | StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (2183) | 22% | | StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (254) | 3% | | StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (224) | 2% | |
9833 votes
Comments (8)
On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), how do you rate the major design patch for SC2? :
No opinion (1046) | 26% | | 4 (879) | 22% | | 3 (612) | 15% | | 5 (607) | 15% | | 1 (549) | 14% | | 2 (314) | 8% | |
4007 votes
Comments (11)
Do you plan on trying BW:Remastered when it comes out? :
Yes (9041) | 60% | | No (3471) | 23% | | Maybe (2606) | 17% | |
15118 votes
Comments (71)
How do you feel about Blizzard's Community Feedback Updates? :
★★★★ Happy but still room for improvement (348) | 37% | | ★★★★★ Very satisfied. Thumbs up! (219) | 23% | | ★★★ Neutral... I could take it or leave it (146) | 16% | | ★ Not happy at all/Not satisfied (130) | 14% | | ★★ They're not where they need to be (92) | 10% | |
935 votes
Comments (9)
How do you feel about Blizzard's Community Feedback Updates? :
★★★★★ Very satisfied. Thumbs up! (0) | 0% | | ★★★★ Happy but there's still room for imp (0) | 0% | | ★★★ Neutral... I could take it or leave it (0) | 0% | | ★★ They're not where they need to be (0) | 0% | | ★ Not happy at all/Not satisfied (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (0)
Who will be the 2017 GSL Season 1 Code S Champion? :
Stats (1980) | 43% | | soO (1282) | 28% | | sOs (746) | 16% | | Ryung (598) | 13% | |
4606 votes
Comments (25)
How often do you play Starcraft? :
Never (5213) | 22% | | A few times a week (4845) | 21% | | Daily (3990) | 17% | | Yearly (3053) | 13% | | Every few months (2995) | 13% | | Every couple weeks (1469) | 6% | | Once a week (1131) | 5% | | Once a month (879) | 4% | |
23575 votes
Comments (145)
Which race do you think is currently the strongest? :
Protoss (3093) | 46% | | Zerg (2235) | 33% | | Terran (1374) | 21% | |
6702 votes
Comments (61)
Out of the four new ladder maps, which is your favorite? :
Frozen Temple (805) | 57% | | Ruins of Endion (277) | 20% | | Korhal Carnage Knockout (188) | 13% | | Invader (134) | 10% | |
1404 votes
Comments (19)
What's your favorite LotV ladder map? :
Dusk Towers (2429) | 29% | | Orbital Shipyard (1764) | 21% | | Ulrena (1434) | 17% | | Ruins of Seras (1052) | 13% | | Prion Terraces (809) | 10% | | Central Protocol (463) | 6% | | Lerilak Crest (426) | 5% | |
8377 votes
Comments (43)
Who will win the WCS Global Finals? :
sOs (2589) | 40% | | Life (1514) | 23% | | INnoVation (1438) | 22% | | herO (355) | 5% | | Classic (174) | 3% | | Rogue (174) | 3% | | Rain (141) | 2% | | Hydra (122) | 2% | |
6507 votes
Comments (33)
Are Blizzard going in the right direction with recent LotV changes? :
Undecided (3454) | 36% | | Yes (3012) | 32% | | No (3002) | 32% | |
9468 votes
Comments (57)
How do you like the new forum color scheme now that you've been with it for a while? :
I'm pretty neutral about it (1677) | 40% | | I love the new look (1400) | 34% | | I don't like the new look (792) | 19% | | The new look is a little straining (303) | 7% | |
4172 votes
Comments (34)
What do you think about suggested changes to macro mechanics? :
Don't touch at all (1893) | 55% | | Remove them totally (789) | 23% | | Find a way to automate or lessen their effect (763) | 22% | |
3445 votes
Comments (51)
How long have you been playing StarCraft? :
3 to 5 years (3864) | 41% | | The full 15+, baby (2150) | 23% | | More than 9 but not up to 15 (1292) | 14% | | 6 to 8 years (995) | 11% | | Beween 1 and 2 years (671) | 7% | | Less than 1 year (374) | 4% | |
9346 votes
Comments (128)
Do you like the Legacy of the Void beta so far? :
Withholding judgement until Life plays it (3698) | 45% | | Meh, it doesn't make me gouge my eyes out (2165) | 26% | | It's the best thing ever! (1537) | 19% | | It's terrible and anyone who likes it is terrible (862) | 10% | |
8262 votes
Comments (35)
Would you pay for SC2 unit skins? :
No (8132) | 49% | | Yes (4377) | 26% | | Only if the game were free-to-play (4163) | 25% | |
16672 votes
Comments (94)
LotV Impressions? :
Generally positive, room for improvement (3964) | 54% | | Everything is amazing (951) | 13% | | Right idea but bad changes (840) | 11% | | Indifferent (692) | 9% | | Horrible (475) | 6% | | Wrong direction entirely (422) | 6% | |
7344 votes
Comments (48)
What are your thoughts on the changes for the 2015 WCS season? :
Good (402) | 33% | | Undecided (346) | 28% | | Very good (310) | 25% | | Very bad (92) | 8% | | Bad (71) | 6% | |
1221 votes
Comments (5)
Which region will win WCS Global Finals? :
Korea (1683) | 78% | | North America (311) | 14% | | Europe (155) | 7% | |
2149 votes
Comments (28)
Do you support the WCS 2015 region lock? :
Yes (5284) | 57% | | No (2188) | 23% | | Undecided (1861) | 20% | |
9333 votes
Comments (60)
How has the hellion/hellbat change affected the Terran vs Zerg match-up? :
The match-up is balanced. (5306) | 34% | | Terran is slightly favored. (3183) | 20% | | Terran is heavily favored. (3039) | 19% | | Zerg is slightly favored. (2448) | 16% | | Zerg is heavily favored. (1652) | 11% | |
15628 votes
Comments (67)
Do you play Blizzard's Balance Test maps? :
6789 votes
Comments (40)
Which new Season 2 map is your favorite? :
Overgrowth (1719) | 33% | | Merry Go Round (1564) | 30% | | King Sejong Station (1207) | 23% | | Waystation (702) | 14% | |
5192 votes
Comments (43)
What do you think recent European success against Korean players? :
It's a fluke. Koreans will dominate again. (4074) | 52% | | It's a sign that Europeans really have improved. (3005) | 38% | | Don't know/no opinion. (807) | 10% | |
7886 votes
Comments (54)
Which WCS region are you most interested in? :
GSL/Korea (5470) | 47% | | WCS Europe (4688) | 41% | | WCS America (1411) | 12% | |
11569 votes
Comments (70)
Which team will win the Proleague Round 1 playoffs? :
KT Rolster (2053) | 47% | | SK Telecom T1 (1717) | 39% | | Jin Air Green Wings (377) | 9% | | Samsung Galaxy (203) | 5% | |
4350 votes
Comments (36)
Biggest upset from IEM/ASUS ROG weekend? :
SortOf 3-1 TaeJa (1160) | 29% | | TLO 3-2 Bomber (1110) | 28% | | Welmu 3-1 Life (538) | 14% | | Zanster 3-1 Hero (474) | 12% | | ABomB 2-0 Bbyong (464) | 12% | | BabyKnight 3-0 Alicia (115) | 3% | | MajOR 2-1 Bbyong (80) | 2% | |
3941 votes
Comments (33)
Should Daedalus Point be removed from the map pool? :
Yes (2648) | 52% | | Unsure/No opinion (1418) | 28% | | No (996) | 20% | |
5062 votes
Comments (61)
Which team will win the 2014 Proleague? :
SK Telecom T1 (6009) | 47% | | Incredible Miracle (1617) | 13% | | KT Rolster (1539) | 12% | | Jin Air Green Wings (1420) | 11% | | CJ Entus (751) | 6% | | PRIME (569) | 4% | | Samsung Galaxy Khan (471) | 4% | | Team MVP (432) | 3% | |
12808 votes
Comments (97)
NaNiwa or Scarlett? :
Scarlett (4846) | 55% | | NaNiwa (3159) | 36% | | Neutral/can't decide (849) | 10% | |
8854 votes
Comments (103)
What do you think of the WCS 2014 changes? :
Moderately approve (2332) | 37% | | Highly approve (1775) | 28% | | Neutral/Don't Care (1593) | 25% | | Highly disapprove (381) | 6% | | Moderately disapprove (278) | 4% | |
6359 votes
Comments (40)
How many non-Koreans will finish in the top four at HomeStory Cup 8? :
None (2065) | 34% | | 4 (1406) | 23% | | 1 (1249) | 21% | | 2 (842) | 14% | | 3 (488) | 8% | |
6050 votes
Comments (55)
How many non-Koreans will finish top four at HomeStory Cup 8? :
1 (12) | 60% | | 4 (5) | 25% | | 2 (2) | 10% | | 3 (1) | 5% | |
20 votes
Comments (0)
Which race will win Blizzcon? :
Protoss (2911) | 46% | | Terran (2241) | 35% | | Zerg (1178) | 19% | |
6330 votes
Comments (68)
Do you want Revival to tie NaNiwa for 16th place? :
No (3192) | 55% | | Yes (1745) | 30% | | Neutral (894) | 15% | |
5831 votes
Comments (74)
What region will the WCS Season 3 winner come from? :
WCS Korea (3517) | 71% | | WCS America (762) | 15% | | WCS Europe (683) | 14% | |
4962 votes
Comments (47)
What do you think of the new Dota patch? :
Undecided/No Opinion (1917) | 54% | | Good (1080) | 30% | | Bad (583) | 16% | |
3580 votes
Comments (63)
? :
1028 votes
Comments (51)
Should the 2014 season of WCS have residency/citizenship restrictions? :
Yes (7649) | 59% | | No (3578) | 27% | | Not sure (1809) | 14% | |
13036 votes
Comments (209)
Which SC2 teamleague do you enjoy the most? :
Proleague (5068) | 48% | | GSTL (3617) | 34% | | ATC (1078) | 10% | | SC2L (866) | 8% | |
10629 votes
Comments (102)
Which race is the most powerful? :
Terran (4700) | 31% | | Protoss (4577) | 31% | | No race is significantly imbalanced (4218) | 28% | | Zerg (1448) | 10% | |
14943 votes
Comments (204)
Will a non-Korean player win either WCS AM or EU? :
No (5557) | 75% | | Yes (1813) | 25% | |
7370 votes
Comments (44)
What will you be watching on August 10-11? :
Exclusively WCS Finals (4220) | 37% | | Exclusively The International (2727) | 24% | | Mostly WCS Finals (2219) | 19% | | Mostly The International (1366) | 12% | | Even between TI3/WCS (933) | 8% | |
11465 votes
Comments (185)
How do you feel about the proposed Hellbat nerf/Banshee buff? :
Strongly approve (3808) | 37% | | Somewhat approve (3524) | 34% | | Neutral/no opinion (1617) | 16% | | Strongly disapprove (719) | 7% | | Somewhat disapprove (667) | 6% | |
10335 votes
Comments (55)
What do you think about the return of Extended Series at MLG? :
Disapprove (4112) | 43% | | Approve (3013) | 32% | | Don't know/neutral (2385) | 25% | |
9510 votes
Comments (74)
What do you think of the Starleague's best of one Ro32 format? :
Disapprove (3147) | 61% | | Undecided / Neutral (1173) | 23% | | Approve (830) | 16% | |
5150 votes
Comments (78)
Who will win DreamHack Summer 2013? :
Startale_Life (3023) | 50% | | Someone else (2998) | 50% | |
6021 votes
Comments (92)
What do you think of TL's new layout? :
Slightly better than old layout. (4596) | 34% | | Same as old layout / no opinion. (4403) | 33% | | Much better than old layout. (2188) | 16% | | Slightly worse than old layout. (1313) | 10% | | Much worse than old layout. (845) | 6% | |
13345 votes
Comments (121)
What is the least entertaining match-up to watch? :
Zerg vs. Zerg (13566) | 43% | | Protoss vs. Protoss (6483) | 21% | | Terran vs. Terran (3960) | 13% | | Terran vs. Zerg (3698) | 12% | | Zerg vs. Protoss (2267) | 7% | | Terran vs. Protoss (1495) | 5% | |
31469 votes
Comments (261)
If major tournaments released replays, how would you use them? :
Learning resource for strategies and builds (3632) | 54% | | Not interested in watching tournament replays (1503) | 23% | | Supplementary viewing source /w VODs/streams (852) | 13% | | Primary viewing source over VODs/streams (576) | 9% | | Other (109) | 2% | |
6672 votes
Comments (59)
Which team are you most surprised didn't get a TI3 invite? :
Evil Geniuses (6263) | 58% | | None (1696) | 16% | | Mousesports (1072) | 10% | | Empire (901) | 8% | | TongFu (423) | 4% | | Vici Gaming (235) | 2% | | Rattlesnake (228) | 2% | |
10818 votes
Comments (77)
Which WCS region has the most interesting roster? :
Korea (11737) | 50% | | Europe (8298) | 35% | | America (3664) | 15% | |
23699 votes
Comments (119)
What do you think of the new WCS system? :
Strongly approve. (3360) | 25% | | Somewhat approve. (3051) | 23% | | I don't know. (2933) | 22% | | Neutral. (2144) | 16% | | Somewhat disapprove. (1090) | 8% | | Strongly disapprove. (793) | 6% | |
13371 votes
Comments (77)
What is your favorite new ladder map? :
Neo Planet S (2149) | 32% | | Whirlwind (1130) | 17% | | Akilon Wastes (968) | 14% | | Bel'Shir Vestige (851) | 13% | | Newkirk Precinct (654) | 10% | | Star Station (500) | 7% | | Korhal City (457) | 7% | |
6709 votes
Comments (76)
When should Blizzard release a balance patch for HotS? :
After 1 - 3 months. (11471) | 48% | | As soon as possible. (7387) | 31% | | After 4 - 6 months. (3275) | 14% | | After 6+ months / never. (1827) | 8% | |
23960 votes
Comments (161)
What is the strongest race in HotS? :
Terran (8783) | 43% | | Protoss (5407) | 26% | | No one race is the strongest. (3856) | 19% | | Zerg (2519) | 12% | |
20565 votes
Comments (3)
So far, has HotS been more entertaining than WoL at the professional level? :
Not enough information to decide. (8523) | 37% | | Yes. (8203) | 35% | | No. (3563) | 15% | | Fairly even. (2990) | 13% | |
23279 votes
Comments (88)
Will you purchase Heart of the Swarm? :
Yes / Already pre-ordered. (12138) | 68% | | Unsure. (3264) | 18% | | No. (2475) | 14% | |
17877 votes
Comments (205)
Will you still be interested in WoL tournaments after HotS release? :
No. (13366) | 57% | | Not sure. (5241) | 22% | | Yes. (4781) | 20% | |
23388 votes
Comments (134)
How will HuK and Stephano do in the Code S Ro32? :
Only Stephano will advance. (12394) | 50% | | Both will be eliminated. (8549) | 34% | | Both will advance. (3027) | 12% | | Only HuK will advance. (913) | 4% | |
24883 votes
Comments (100)
What game do you visit TeamLiquid for? :
StarCraft II (20856) | 77% | | A mixture of games (2864) | 11% | | Dota 2 (1926) | 7% | | Brood War (871) | 3% | | I visit for the community, not the games covered (530) | 2% | |
27047 votes
Comments (276)
As a viewer, would you like an official off-season? :
No, I enjoy non-stop esports. (16677) | 57% | | Yes, fans need a break, too! (12423) | 43% | |
29100 votes
Comments (208)
What was your favorite live event from the winter season? :
IPL5 (2638) | 38% | | DreamHack Winter (1756) | 25% | | Battle.net World Championship (1042) | 15% | | Other (701) | 10% | | MLG Fall (695) | 10% | | IEM Singapore (164) | 2% | |
6996 votes
Comments (133)
What are your thoughts on the balance test map? :
Decent fixes, room for small improvements. (5339) | 47% | | Great fixes, no complaints. (2102) | 19% | | Terrible fixes, need to change completely. (1963) | 17% | | Bad fixes, lots of room for improvement. (1890) | 17% | |
11294 votes
Comments (106)
WCS Group of Death? :
E - Stephano, HerO, IdrA, RorO (16781) | 73% | | H - mOOnGLaDe, Scarlett, Nerchio, Creator (4010) | 17% | | C - Sen, KiLLeR, HuK, Grubby (755) | 3% | | F - Curious, TitaN, MajOr, herO (529) | 2% | | A - Illusion, Fenix, Parting, Socke (447) | 2% | | D - State, BabyKnight, MaFia, Rain (232) | 1% | | B - Vortix, Vibe, Comm, Suppy (143) | 1% | | G - Insur, Lowely, Levin, LucifroN (130) | 1% | |
23027 votes
Comments (142)
Is there a balance problem with Brood Lord + Infestor? :
Yes, it needs to be fixed immediately. (992) | 46% | | Maybe, need to see how players adapt. (473) | 22% | | Yes, but it's okay to just wait for HotS. (425) | 20% | | No, there's no balance problem. (271) | 13% | |
2161 votes
Comments (45)
Who will win MLG Fall Championship? :
A NON-KeSPA Korean player. (6826) | 50% | | A KeSPA pro. (4550) | 33% | | A foreigner. (2242) | 16% | |
13618 votes
Comments (92)
GSL S Group of Death? :
E - Mvp Bbyong Creator DRG (5786) | 54% | | A - Taeja Finale Polt Parting (3453) | 32% | | D - Rain Hyun Yoda Gumiho (589) | 5% | | G - Leenock Bogus Keen Squirtle (285) | 3% | | F - MKP Sos Sniper Seed (217) | 2% | | C - Hero Soulkey Maru Curious (213) | 2% | | H - Life Baby Vampire Ryung (180) | 2% | | B - Symbol Roro Hack Happy (87) | 1% | |
10810 votes
Comments (57)
Winner of the Auction OnGameNet Starleague Grand Finals? :
DongRaeGu (5452) | 52% | | By.Rain (4966) | 48% | |
10418 votes
Comments (123)
Winner of Code S Season 4 Grand Finals? :
LG-IM_Mvp (9250) | 70% | | ST_Life (3939) | 30% | |
13189 votes
Comments (127)
How many non-Koreans will make top 6 (World final seed) at WCS Asia Finals? :
None (4351) | 38% | | 1 (2897) | 26% | | 3+ (2558) | 23% | | 2 (1511) | 13% | |
11317 votes
Comments (95)
How many non-Koreans will make top 6 (World final seed) at WCS Asia? :
1 (14) | 58% | | 2 (6) | 25% | | 3+ (4) | 17% | |
24 votes
Comments (1)
Best OSL or GSL semifinal? :
GSL 1 - Rain vs Mvp (5226) | 50% | | OSL 2 - MC vs DRG (3087) | 29% | | GSL 2 - Taeja vs Life (1964) | 19% | | OSL 1 - Rain vs Last (205) | 2% | |
10482 votes
Comments (63)
MLG vs Proleague who will win? :
KeSPA Players (9301) | 52% | | MLG Players (8542) | 48% | |
17843 votes
Comments (187)
Who will win DreamHack Valencia? :
Stephano (6927) | 39% | | TaeJa (6277) | 35% | | HerO (1237) | 7% | | ForGG (838) | 5% | | Grubby (743) | 4% | | Lucifron (556) | 3% | | Other (513) | 3% | | Vortix (368) | 2% | | Moon (269) | 2% | | TheStC (111) | 1% | |
17839 votes
Comments (140)
Who will win WCS EU Finals? :
Stephano (18488) | 61% | | Nerchio (2765) | 9% | | Thorzain (2602) | 9% | | Grubby (1972) | 6% | | Mana (1322) | 4% | | Other (1079) | 4% | | Vortix (691) | 2% | | Ret (643) | 2% | | Lucifron (409) | 1% | | Titan (388) | 1% | |
30359 votes
Comments (200)
Would you rather watch the best possible players in a tournament, or matches that feature your country's rising talent? :
I prefer to watch the best players. (15397) | 71% | | I prefer to watch rising national talent. (6363) | 29% | |
21760 votes
Comments (180)
Hardest IEM Bracket? :
4 - MC, JYP, ForGG, Lucifron, White-Ra, Cloud (5943) | 42% | | 2 - Mvp, Oz, Ace, Grubby, Targa, Adelscott, DBS (3627) | 26% | | 3 - Nestea, Killer, Puma, Socke, XlorD, Strelok (2321) | 16% | | 1 - Bomber, YongHwa, Naniwa, Real, Bly, Tarson (2262) | 16% | |
14153 votes
Comments (40)
Most anticipated TSL4 Week 2 match? :
Thorzain vs Hasuobs (4797) | 30% | | Sase vs Coca (3944) | 24% | | Taeja vs Bischu (3751) | 23% | | Creator vs Select (1728) | 11% | | Hack vs Mana (822) | 5% | | Nerchio vs Darkforce (778) | 5% | | Sting vs Beastyqt (241) | 1% | | Daisy vs First (157) | 1% | |
16218 votes
Comments (63)
Most anticipated TSL4 opening week match? :
Ret vs Squirtle (7877) | 57% | | Naniwa vs Jonnyrecco (2372) | 17% | | Major vs Hyun (1192) | 9% | | Kas vs Fraer (753) | 5% | | Life vs Elfi (537) | 4% | | Vortix vs Babyknight (536) | 4% | | Curious vs Lalush (269) | 2% | | Keen vs Welmu (203) | 1% | |
13739 votes
Comments (82)
Who is the best 'foreigner'? :
Stephano (17422) | 64% | | NaNiwa (7175) | 27% | | Other (2475) | 9% | |
27072 votes
Comments (496)
Who will win NASL Season 3? :
Stephano (9240) | 62% | | MC (1899) | 13% | | HerO (1040) | 7% | | HuK (737) | 5% | | Alicia (609) | 4% | | PuMa (519) | 3% | | Ret (486) | 3% | | Puzzle (347) | 2% | |
14877 votes
Comments (101)
Who will win GSL? :
DRG (6136) | 31% | | MC (3618) | 18% | | NaNiwa (3359) | 17% | | Symbol (2057) | 10% | | NesTea (1999) | 10% | | TaeJa (1562) | 8% | | Byun (665) | 3% | | Seed (279) | 1% | |
19675 votes
Comments (237)
What's your reaction to the new HOTS info? :
Mostly positive. (8540) | 35% | | Moderately positive (7198) | 30% | | Indifferent. (4307) | 18% | | Moderately negative. (2223) | 9% | | Mostly negative. (2087) | 9% | |
24355 votes
Comments (194)
Who will win in GSTL? :
IM (5775) | 26% | | Slayers-EG (5098) | 23% | | Prime (3517) | 16% | | StarTaleQ (2799) | 12% | | MVP (2556) | 11% | | TSL (1401) | 6% | | Fnatic (533) | 2% | | ZeNEX (299) | 1% | | NSH (263) | 1% | | FXO (208) | 1% | |
22449 votes
Comments (172)
Who will win GSTL? :
IM (26) | 35% | | SlayerS-EG (26) | 35% | | Prime (8) | 11% | | ZeNEX (4) | 5% | | StarTaleQ (4) | 5% | | TSL (3) | 4% | | NSH (3) | 4% | | FXO (0) | 0% | |
74 votes
Comments (7)
Who will win Red Bull Battlegrounds? :
MC (6266) | 38% | | Not a Korean? (4425) | 27% | | Squirtle (2421) | 15% | | PartinG (1081) | 7% | | viOLet (882) | 5% | | Bomber (741) | 4% | | TaeJa (645) | 4% | | Ganzi (158) | 1% | |
16619 votes
Comments (164)
What do you think of the hybrid BW/SC2 Proleague? :
Not so hot, but it's a necessary transition.step. (4662) | 44% | | Kill that abomination with fire. (3649) | 34% | | Great Idea! I'm all for it! (2394) | 22% | |
10705 votes
Comments (114)
GSL Finals Winner? :
MVP (9393) | 65% | | Squirtle (5156) | 35% | |
14549 votes
Comments (115)
On a Liquid` Jacket i would prefer :
No Sponsors (More Casual) (8307) | 44% | | Same as Liquid Progamers (sponsor wise) (7098) | 38% | | Would get one either way (3519) | 19% | |
18924 votes
Comments (200)
Realistically, where do you think NaNiwa's GSL run will end? :
RO8 (10426) | 37% | | RO4 (9024) | 32% | | GSL Champion (6509) | 23% | | Runner-up (2537) | 9% | |
28496 votes
Comments (215)
What is your opinion on the Parting/MKP decision in the GSTL Finals? :
Parting definitely should have been given the win. (6348) | 42% | | Re-game was the correct call. (5695) | 38% | | Indifferent / okay with any decision. (2930) | 20% | |
14973 votes
Comments (240)
Do you own a smart phone? :
Android (8138) | 49% | | Iphone (5292) | 32% | | Other (2395) | 14% | | Blackberry (871) | 5% | |
16696 votes
Comments (110)
Which Gaming Systems Do You Own? :
None/PC Only (1523) | 35% | | Multiple (1384) | 32% | | XBox 360 (526) | 12% | | PS3 (458) | 11% | | Older Gen Console (PS2/XBox etc) (246) | 6% | | Wii (137) | 3% | | Handheld (DS, 3DS, PSP, PSVita etc) (80) | 2% | |
4354 votes
Comments (67)
Hardest GSL Code S Group? :
A - DRG Stc Taeja Jjakji (7717) | 30% | | F - MMA Squirtle Leenock Nada (6080) | 23% | | E - MC Virus Inca Nestea (3884) | 15% | | H - Parting Polt Fin Oz (3215) | 12% | | G - Puzzle Naniwa Ryung MVP (2490) | 10% | | C - Alive July Zenio MKP (2325) | 9% | | D - Gumiho Maru Hero Curios (268) | 1% | | B - Genius Boong Seed Supernova (170) | 1% | |
26149 votes
Comments (106)
Most overpowered race? :
63 votes
Comments (10)
Which race is the strongest right now? :
Protoss (9822) | 39% | | Terran (7596) | 30% | | Zerg (7580) | 30% | |
24998 votes
Comments (454)
Which foreigner will place highest at IEM WC? :
Feast (8685) | 44% | | Idra (3317) | 17% | | Kas (2016) | 10% | | Dimaga (2001) | 10% | | Elfi (1562) | 8% | | MaNa (1023) | 5% | | HasuObs (863) | 4% | | DarkForce (468) | 2% | |
19935 votes
Comments (166)
IEM WC Group of Death? :
D - Idra DRG Supernova Kas Real Feast (7401) | 45% | | A - Violet MMA JYP Killer Socke Strelok (5282) | 32% | | C - Puma DIMAGA FruitDealer Mana Killer Zenio (2327) | 14% | | B - MC Elfi Sound Ret Hasu Nerchio (1426) | 9% | |
16436 votes
Comments (142)
Biggest Upset Today? :
Demuslim over NesTea (5838) | 48% | | Ret over MVP (4076) | 34% | | BlinG over Polt (1287) | 11% | | DieStar over JYP (631) | 5% | | Strelok over Lucky (267) | 2% | |
12099 votes
Comments (73)
Toughest ASUS ROG Group? :
B: Stephano Mana Happy NightEnd (3296) | 45% | | A: Puma Kas Titan Welmu (1103) | 15% | | H: Polt Phoenix Bling TLO (1020) | 14% | | D: Hero Select Seiplo Syz (709) | 10% | | E: JYP White-Ra Satiini DieStar (513) | 7% | | F: Taeja Elfi Adelscott Jinro (342) | 5% | | C: Moon Real Brat Cloud (198) | 3% | | G: Lucky Strelok Bly Bischu (89) | 1% | |
7270 votes
Comments (38)
How do you feel about MLG's new PPV model? :
Don't like it, too expensive, won't pay (8861) | 41% | | I don't mind them trying, but I won't pay (7389) | 35% | | I'm undecided about it (2579) | 12% | | Good idea, good value, will pay (1421) | 7% | | Not too happy, but I'll pay anyway (1112) | 5% | |
21362 votes
Comments (251)
Who will win GSTL? :
SlayerS (11569) | 36% | | IM (8045) | 25% | | MVP (5531) | 17% | | oGsTL (2469) | 8% | | Prime (1290) | 4% | | StartaleQ (1202) | 4% | | FXO (1072) | 3% | | NSH (624) | 2% | | TSL (443) | 1% | | ZeNEX (308) | 1% | |
32553 votes
Comments (145)
How do you usually view TL community news? :
Front page section (4569) | 69% | | Left sidebar headlines (1873) | 28% | | Click on Community news forum (179) | 3% | |
6621 votes
Comments (38)
Best GSL Code S Group? :
C - Mvp, Lucky, Idra, Nestea (27328) | 71% | | B - Leenock, Fin, Supernova, MC (5744) | 15% | | A - Jjakji, Sen, Boxer, Ganzi (2505) | 7% | | F - SC, JYP, DRG, Genius (1356) | 4% | | E - MMA, Gumiho, Yugioh, Zenio (673) | 2% | | H - Puzzle, Parting, Keen, Nada (337) | 1% | | G - Alive, Brown, Happy, MKP (290) | 1% | | D - Oz, Curious, Bomber, Inca (267) | 1% | |
38500 votes
Comments (216)
What do you think of Naniwa vs Nestea? :
Disappointing but no big deal (13141) | 41% | | Completely unacceptable (8000) | 25% | | Understandable (7188) | 22% | | Completely justified (3646) | 11% | |
31975 votes
Comments (324)
Who will win Blizzard Cup? :
MVP (5596) | 30% | | Stephano (2711) | 15% | | HerO (2204) | 12% | | Leenock (1678) | 9% | | Naniwa (1577) | 9% | | NesTea (1539) | 8% | | MMA (1095) | 6% | | MC (759) | 4% | | Other (673) | 4% | | DRG (611) | 3% | |
18443 votes
Comments (187)
Who will win NASL? :
HerO (6932) | 29% | | PuMa (5334) | 22% | | IdrA (3278) | 14% | | HuK (3012) | 13% | | ThorZaIN (1470) | 6% | | Sen (1169) | 5% | | Other (1148) | 5% | | DIMAGA (875) | 4% | | MaNa (529) | 2% | |
23747 votes
Comments (168)
For Europeans: If TL sets up better shipping in Europe and the cost is lower: :
I will buy items that I was not buying before (6401) | 68% | | I still won't buy items (2253) | 24% | | I'm already buying the things I want (783) | 8% | |
9437 votes
Comments (154)
Favourite new HotS unit? :
Viper (18202) | 35% | | Swarm Host (7108) | 13% | | Shredder (6068) | 12% | | Oracle (5549) | 11% | | Replicant (5461) | 10% | | Tempest (4072) | 8% | | Battle Hellion (3929) | 7% | | Warhound (2278) | 4% | |
52667 votes
Comments (317)
Blizzcon Winner? :
MVP (18242) | 47% | | Nestea (11968) | 31% | | Other (1883) | 5% | | Dimaga (1794) | 5% | | Naniwa (1688) | 4% | | Sen (1015) | 3% | | Ret (862) | 2% | | Select (784) | 2% | | Sheth (534) | 1% | |
38770 votes
Comments (241)
Have the recent tournament results changed your opinion on balance? :
No (6568) | 54% | | A little (2940) | 24% | | Yes (2749) | 22% | |
12257 votes
Comments (248)
Have the results of IPL3 and IEM Guangzhou changed your opinion on the Korea-International skill gap? :
Little to no change. (10296) | 48% | | Moderately changed. (8665) | 41% | | Significantly changed. (2276) | 11% | |
21237 votes
Comments (298)
GSTL Winner? :
MVP (14389) | 61% | | Prime (3503) | 15% | | TSL (3369) | 14% | | NsHS (2319) | 10% | |
23580 votes
Comments (130)
SC2 production? :
GomTV's GSL (7524) | 71% | | OGN's WCG Korea (3082) | 29% | |
10606 votes
Comments (176)
Code S Hardest Group? :
C - Nestea, MMA, Nada, Keen (20138) | 65% | | B - MKP, Puzzle, Bomber, Ryung (5476) | 18% | | G - DRG, Polt, Killer, Taeja (1862) | 6% | | E - Losira, July, HongUn, GanZi (1285) | 4% | | A - Mvp, Ensnare, Clide, Noblesse (1245) | 4% | | D - HuK, Zenio, Virus, asd (779) | 2% | | H - Supernova, TOP, Coca, Alive (291) | 1% | | F - Leenock, Happy, Jjakji, Genius (131) | 0% | |
31207 votes
Comments (143)
DreamHack Valencia :
DRG (7207) | 37% | | Thorzain (3275) | 17% | | HuK (3025) | 15% | | Hero (2393) | 12% | | Idra (1951) | 10% | | Naniwa (862) | 4% | | Lucifron (496) | 3% | | Rain (406) | 2% | |
19615 votes
Comments (144)
Jinair OSL Final :
Fantasy (2926) | 55% | | Jangbi (2425) | 45% | |
5351 votes
Comments (212)
Big event re-broadcasts on the TL calendar? :
I find them useful (5769) | 53% | | I don't mind them being there (3615) | 33% | | I'd prefer them not be listed (1426) | 13% | |
10810 votes
Comments (121)
Looking forward to? :
MLG Orlando (4317) | 34% | | DreamHack Valencia (2169) | 17% | | GSL Finals (2098) | 17% | | Blizzcon SC2 Invite (2086) | 16% | | IPL3 Finals (1072) | 8% | | NASL Season 2 (903) | 7% | |
12645 votes
Comments (195)
Who will win Code S? :
Mvp (22205) | 54% | | Huk (9186) | 22% | | July (5325) | 13% | | Polt (2389) | 6% | | TOP (928) | 2% | | Ryung (810) | 2% | | Genius (453) | 1% | | Keen (165) | 0% | |
41461 votes
Comments (296)
MLG Raleigh hardest pool? :
A: Nani, Huk, Inc, Rain, Coca (14071) | 46% | | B: Idra, Sjow, Haypro, Machine, Bomber (6687) | 22% | | D: Kiwi, Ret, Sheth, Moonan, Nada (6032) | 20% | | C: Slush, Select, TLO, DRG, Tester (4021) | 13% | |
30811 votes
Comments (155)
IEM Cologne Group of Death? :
MC, Idra, Kas, Beastyqt (14814) | 56% | | Puma, Mana, Stephano, Sase (6690) | 25% | | Huk, Nerchio, Tarson, Moonglade (3815) | 15% | | Killer, Select, Socke, Diestar (962) | 4% | |
26281 votes
Comments (146)
NA Battle.net Invite :
HuK (9170) | 42% | | IdrA (6208) | 29% | | SeleCT (2447) | 11% | | Sheth (1898) | 9% | | KiWiKaKi (1100) | 5% | | ostijiy (369) | 2% | | dde (254) | 1% | | TT1 (147) | 1% | |
21593 votes
Comments (174)
Foreigner with best chance in Code A? :
NaNiwa (6664) | 48% | | ThorZaIN (4301) | 31% | | Jinro (1886) | 14% | | SaSe (686) | 5% | | Fenix (264) | 2% | |
13801 votes
Comments (191)
Did the final MLG Anaheim matches being Korean vs Korean affect your interest? :
No, but so many TvTs did (7617) | 35% | | No, I just want to watch the best players (7252) | 33% | | Yes, very much (3851) | 18% | | Maybe a little bit (3070) | 14% | |
21790 votes
Comments (333)
Who wins MLG Anaheim? :
Kor Z: DongRaeGu (5942) | 23% | | Kor T1: MMA, Boxer (4927) | 19% | | NA P: HuK, Inc, Kiwi (4220) | 16% | | Kor T2: MVP (3632) | 14% | | NA Z: Idra, Machine, Slush, Sheth (2591) | 10% | | Other - Open bracket (1753) | 7% | | EU P: Naniwa, Socke (1575) | 6% | | EU T: Sjow, TLO (652) | 3% | | NA T: Select, Drewbie, Moonan (279) | 1% | | EU Z: Ret, Haypro (236) | 1% | |
25807 votes
Comments (333)
MLG Anaheim Winner? :
Kor Z: DongRaeGu (15) | 44% | | Kor T1: MMA, Boxer (5) | 15% | | EU P: Naniwa, Socke (4) | 12% | | Kor T2: MVP (3) | 9% | | NA P: HuK, Inc, Kiwi (3) | 9% | | NA Z: Idra, Machine, Slush, Sheth (2) | 6% | | NA T: Select, Drewbie, Moonan (1) | 3% | | EU TZ: Ret, Haypro, Sjow, TLO (1) | 3% | |
34 votes
Comments (3)
Favorite format? :
GSL Code S / A (4264) | 41% | | GSTL (4123) | 39% | | GSL Super (2110) | 20% | |
10497 votes
Comments (70)
Inevitable Poll :
MLG Columbus (5890) | 37% | | DreamHack Summer (5810) | 36% | | NASL Finals (4231) | 27% | |
15931 votes
Comments (330)
Who will win NASL Finals? :
Korean P - MC, Squirtle (6677) | 34% | | Korean T - PuMa, aLive, BoxeR (4094) | 21% | | Korean Z - Moon, July, Zenio (2566) | 13% | | EU P - WhiteRa, HasuObs (2026) | 10% | | EU Z - Ret, Morrow, Darkforce (1398) | 7% | | Taiwan Z - Sen (1010) | 5% | | NA Z - Sheth (936) | 5% | | NA T - SelecT (835) | 4% | |
19542 votes
Comments (264)
Are there too many SC2 events? :
The more events the better! (7203) | 45% | | There are too many to keep track... (6027) | 38% | | The number there are now is fine (2747) | 17% | |
15977 votes
Comments (197)
HomeStory Cup!! :
Casual atmosphere (5283) | 48% | | Diverse casting (2401) | 22% | | Level of competition (1830) | 17% | | Live fan experience (1157) | 11% | | Production value (314) | 3% | |
10985 votes
Comments (181)
DreamHack vs MLG Columbus :
DreamHack (7009) | 41% | | MLG Columbus (5742) | 34% | | Both were equally great (4165) | 25% | |
16916 votes
Comments (312)
Excited about DreamHack? :
Player pool (5535) | 43% | | Broadcast quality (2980) | 23% | | Five streams (2730) | 21% | | ~$30,000 prizes (1134) | 9% | | Other (591) | 5% | |
12970 votes
Comments (80)
MLG Columbus reaction? :
Super awesome (13424) | 57% | | Perfect event (5298) | 22% | | Not bad (3652) | 15% | | Disappointing (821) | 3% | | Dallas repeat (547) | 2% | |
23742 votes
Comments (212)
How excited are you for MLG Columbus? :
Super excited! (7328) | 47% | | Excited! (4451) | 29% | | Neutral. (1946) | 13% | | Not excited at all. (1279) | 8% | | Not very excited. (519) | 3% | |
15523 votes
Comments (118)
Best GSL tournament? :
Team League (4815) | 39% | | Code S / Code A (3035) | 24% | | World Championship (3027) | 24% | | Super Tournament (1518) | 12% | |
12395 votes
Comments (107)
TSL4? :
Start qualifiers now!! (13294) | 52% | | Maybe wait a bit... (6760) | 26% | | Once a year is good (4647) | 18% | | Don't need anymore (837) | 3% | |
25538 votes
Comments (440)
Are you attending MLG Columbus? :
No (3676) | 86% | | Yes (338) | 8% | | Maybe (268) | 6% | |
4282 votes
Comments (86)
Favorte TSL3 Series :
Thorzain vs Naniwa (Finals) (2764) | 55% | | Thorzain vs MC (Ro8) (1340) | 27% | | Boxer vs Sen (Ro16) (466) | 9% | | Cruncher vs Idra (Ro32) (248) | 5% | | Qxc vs Adelscott (Ro16) (104) | 2% | | Mondragon vs Cruncher (Ro16) (94) | 2% | |
5016 votes
Comments (81)
TSL3 Finals: Naniwa or Thorzain? :
Thorzain (13860) | 57% | | Naniwa (10423) | 43% | |
24283 votes
Comments (201)
What do you think of 1.3.3 PTR Patch Notes? :
Good job (7375) | 25% | | Not bad (7110) | 24% | | Meh (6384) | 22% | | They suck (3693) | 13% | | Amazing (2918) | 10% | | Disappointed (2030) | 7% | |
29510 votes
Comments (188)
Most interesting TSL Ro8 match? :
MC vs Thorzain (10191) | 56% | | HasuObs vs Boxer (4684) | 26% | | Naniwa vs Cruncher (1754) | 10% | | Kas vs Adelscott (1715) | 9% | |
18344 votes
Comments (101)
Most interesting TSL3 Ro16 match? :
MC vs White-Ra (10111) | 32% | | Sen vs Boxer (6992) | 22% | | Qxc vs Adelscott (3384) | 11% | | Tyler vs Thorzain (2686) | 8% | | Mondi vs Cruncher (2622) | 8% | | Naniwa vs Goody (2404) | 8% | | Nada vs Kas (1934) | 6% | | HasuObs vs Morrow (1773) | 6% | |
31906 votes
Comments (167)
MLG Storyline? :
SC2 on main stage (4102) | 18% | | IdrA vs ROOT (3897) | 17% | | Destiny debuts (2813) | 12% | | TLO is Terran again (2635) | 12% | | Grubby competes (2277) | 10% | | HuK in Open Bracket (1937) | 9% | | Other (1934) | 9% | | More Cruncher :) (1563) | 7% | | Naniwa & Naama arrive (1456) | 6% | |
22614 votes
Comments (207)
Favorite TSL3 week 2 match? :
Idra vs Cruncher (3840) | 26% | | Mvp vs Adelscott (3167) | 21% | | Nada vs TLO (2475) | 17% | | Mondragon vs Zeerax (2012) | 13% | | Nestea vs Goody (1509) | 10% | | Qxc vs Genius (1415) | 9% | | Kas vs Haypro (292) | 2% | | Naniwa vs Ret (221) | 1% | |
14931 votes
Comments (161)
Favorite TSL3 match this weekend? :
Thorzain vs FruitDealer (5251) | 27% | | Jinro vs Morrow (4845) | 25% | | HasuObs vs Huk (1935) | 10% | | White-Ra vs Loner (1765) | 9% | | Tyler vs Strelok (1677) | 9% | | NightEnd vs Boxer (1668) | 9% | | MC vs Ciara (1536) | 8% | | Sen vs Fenix (707) | 4% | |
19384 votes
Comments (173)
Your First TSL? :
TSL 3 (12076) | 70% | | TSL 1 (2790) | 16% | | TSL 2 (2423) | 14% | |
17289 votes
Comments (297)
Favorite TSL Matchup? :
oGsNaDa vs Liquid`TLO (10436) | 46% | | Liquid`Jinro vs mouz.MorroW (4327) | 19% | | EG.IdrA vs coL.CrunCher (1744) | 8% | | SlayerS_BoxeR vs Prae.NightEnD (1293) | 6% | | Other (1208) | 5% | | Duckload.White-Ra vs LonerPrime.WE (947) | 4% | | Liquid`Tyler vs mouz.Strelok (817) | 4% | | ROOT.qxc vs MVP_Genius (731) | 3% | | dignitas.Naniwa vs Liquid`Ret (611) | 3% | | Prae.Thorzain vs TSL_FruitDealer (489) | 2% | |
22603 votes
Comments (237)
Which TSL candidate map is your favourite? :
Xel'Naga Caverns (2205) | 21% | | Tal'Darim Altar (2040) | 20% | | Terminus Re (1668) | 16% | | Metalopolis (1181) | 11% | | Crevasse (1134) | 11% | | Shakuras Plateau (1087) | 11% | | Crossfire SE (697) | 7% | | Scrap Station (324) | 3% | |
10336 votes
Comments (88)
Favourite Korean TSL invite? :
SlayerS_Boxer (7734) | 32% | | IMMVP (4428) | 19% | | oGs.MC (3781) | 16% | | IMNesTea (2939) | 12% | | TSL_Fruitdealer (2669) | 11% | | oGs.Nada (1917) | 8% | | NSP_Genius (367) | 2% | |
23835 votes
Comments (267)
What is your time zone? :
CET (5746) | 30% | | US Eastern (4419) | 23% | | GMT / UTC (2778) | 14% | | US Pacific (2437) | 13% | | US Central (1760) | 9% | | Other (1235) | 6% | | EET (542) | 3% | | KST (232) | 1% | | MSK (189) | 1% | |
19338 votes
Comments (356)
Qualifying Korean most likely to go the furthest in GSL Code A March? :
IMLosirA (Z) (3874) | 34% | | StartaleAce (P) (2549) | 22% | | Other (1549) | 13% | | oGsSupernova (T) (979) | 8% | | SlayersCchapSeungEu (T) (869) | 8% | | SlayersAlicia (P) (588) | 5% | | GanZi (T) (433) | 4% | | StartaleVirus (T) (343) | 3% | | NEXCoCa (Z) (188) | 2% | | ZeNEXDestination (T) (157) | 1% | |
11529 votes
Comments (138)
GSTL Winner? :
Old Generations (5495) | 37% | | Incredible Miracle (5268) | 36% | | Prime (1128) | 8% | | Slayers (1068) | 7% | | SCV Life (836) | 6% | | Fou (407) | 3% | | Startale (323) | 2% | | ZeNEX (216) | 1% | |
14741 votes
Comments (203)
Who will win the GSL / OSL Finals :
MVP / Stork (5507) | 54% | | MVP / Fantasy (2258) | 22% | | MKP / Stork (1743) | 17% | | MKP / Fantasy (624) | 6% | |
10132 votes
Comments (169)
Best GSL Format? :
Ro32 & Ro16 Groups (GSL4) (7312) | 61% | | Ro32 & Ro16 Bracket (GSL3) (4604) | 39% | |
11916 votes
Comments (113)
Most exciting TSL3 announcement :
$34,500 prize pool (6188) | 39% | | Mondragon returns (3832) | 24% | | Tyler's teaser trailer (2990) | 19% | | 13 Korea / Asia invites (2739) | 17% | |
15749 votes
Comments (203)
Do you understand the GSL format? :
No (4386) | 43% | | Don't care (2983) | 29% | | Yes (2909) | 28% | |
10278 votes
Comments (105)
Best GSL thus far? :
GSL1 (FruitDealer win) (10091) | 45% | | GSL3 (Rain / MC win) (7260) | 32% | | GSL2 (NesTea win) (5070) | 23% | |
22421 votes
Comments (263)
How fast is your Internet? :
>= 10mbps (4741) | 41% | | < 10mbps (1680) | 15% | | <= 5mbps (1436) | 12% | | <= 1mbps (911) | 8% | | <= 2mbps (843) | 7% | | <= 512kbps (799) | 7% | | <= 1.5mbps (572) | 5% | | <= 2.5mbps (531) | 5% | |
11513 votes
Comments (360)
Who will win the GSL3? :
LiquidJinro (11225) | 53% | | oGsMC (3367) | 16% | | TSL.FruitDealer (2436) | 11% | | MarineKingPrime.WE (1731) | 8% | | IMNestea (1145) | 5% | | HongUnPrime (891) | 4% | | TSL.Rain (296) | 1% | | choyafOu (231) | 1% | |
21322 votes
Comments (340)
Do you like MLG's extended series rule? :
No (4589) | 56% | | Yes (2007) | 24% | | Undecided (1613) | 20% | |
8209 votes
Comments (239)
Dreamhack winner from what group? :
G - TLO, Lalush (2635) | 18% | | F - Inca, Tyler (2629) | 18% | | H - Huk, Tarson (2292) | 15% | | A - White-Ra, Madfrog (1870) | 12% | | D - Socke, naama (1768) | 12% | | Qualifier - TOP, other (1518) | 10% | | C - Sjow, Morrow (805) | 5% | | E - Fenix, Demuslim (797) | 5% | | B - Dimaga, Lucifron (694) | 5% | |
15008 votes
Comments (141)
Biggest GSL3 Qualifier Upset? :
Nada (10056) | 43% | | Huk (5817) | 25% | | Tester (3873) | 17% | | Select (1219) | 5% | | InCa (813) | 4% | | Loner (794) | 3% | | Sangho (607) | 3% | |
23179 votes
Comments (240)
Which non-Korean has the best chance to qualify out of those who haven't qualified? :
Huk (4169) | 30% | | Jinro (3151) | 23% | | Ret (3051) | 22% | | Select (1835) | 13% | | Kiwikaki (671) | 5% | | Haypro (637) | 5% | | Incontrol (325) | 2% | |
13839 votes
Comments (189)
GSL Finals, pick one :
Foxer (3537) | 56% | | Nestea (2800) | 44% | |
6337 votes
Comments (113)
Biggest MLG Dallas Story? :
Finals Internet Fail (2704) | 34% | | Jinrownage (2121) | 26% | | Gracken blunked (1224) | 15% | | 4 Liquids in Top 8 (1027) | 13% | | Painuser 4-1 Liquid (673) | 8% | | TT1 breaks through (272) | 3% | |
8021 votes
Comments (102)
Biggest GSL2 Storyline? :
Foxer's Rise (4320) | 58% | | Nada vs Boxer (2441) | 33% | | Return of Mr.T (449) | 6% | | Zenio's Ceremony (266) | 4% | |
7476 votes
Comments (84)
Who will go furthest in the GSL? :
Idra (15258) | 42% | | Boxer (14533) | 40% | | Nada (6906) | 19% | |
36697 votes
Comments (496)
Best overall SC2 event? :
MLG Washington D.C. (5445) | 85% | | IEM NY Comic Con (951) | 15% | |
6396 votes
Comments (125)
Who will win MLG DC? :
IdrA (11213) | 50% | | HuK (5843) | 26% | | White-Ra (1354) | 6% | | Select (1238) | 5% | | Other (919) | 4% | | Qxc (792) | 4% | | Other Liquid (522) | 2% | | Kiwikaki (519) | 2% | | Other Root (93) | 0% | | Other EG (82) | 0% | |
22575 votes
Comments (201)
Do you know who "Boxer" is? :
Yes (8942) | 82% | | I just found out recently (1424) | 13% | | No (561) | 5% | |
10927 votes
Comments (223)
Who will win GSL2? :
Old SC1 pro (Nada, July, Boxer, etc) (5103) | 30% | | GSL1 Korean (Tester, Rainbow, etc) (4895) | 29% | | Foreigner (IdrA, TLO, etc) (2958) | 18% | | Someone completely new (2026) | 12% | | GSL1 Champion (1855) | 11% | |
16837 votes
Comments (187)
GSL Finals: vote with your heart, then with your head. :
Fruit, Fruit (5303) | 60% | | Fruit, Rainbow (2212) | 25% | | Rainbow, Rainbow (757) | 8% | | Rainbow, Fruit (637) | 7% | |
8909 votes
Comments (123)
Who will win IEM American Finals? :
HuK (11780) | 68% | | qxc (1771) | 10% | | KiWiKaKi (1308) | 8% | | Fenix (814) | 5% | | CauthonLuck (650) | 4% | | Drewbie (591) | 3% | | MuRder (235) | 1% | | Suggy (182) | 1% | |
17331 votes
Comments (169)
Best Ro64 GSL Series? :
TLO vs Losira (4362) | 56% | | Tester vs JSL (1557) | 20% | | Other (924) | 12% | | Polt vs Iron (643) | 8% | | August vs Spunky (325) | 4% | |
7811 votes
Comments (76)
RTS Background in the past 5 years?? :
Mostly/Entirely SC:BW (7018) | 32% | | Mostly/Entirely WC3 (4250) | 20% | | SC2 is my first RTS! (3937) | 18% | | Other RTS (Supcom, DoW, NS etc) (3386) | 16% | | Balance between WC3/SC:BW (3170) | 15% | |
21761 votes
Comments (260)
RTS Background in the past 5 years? :
Mostly/Entirely SC:BW (6) | 75% | | Mostly/Entirely WC3 (1) | 13% | | Other RTS (Supcom, DoW, NS) (1) | 13% | | Balance between WC3/SC:BW (0) | 0% | | SC2 is my firsr RTS! (0) | 0% | |
8 votes
Comments (1)
Predict IdrA's first GSL match :
IdrA 2-0 (5639) | 52% | | IdrA 2-1 (2912) | 27% | | IdrA 0-2 (1603) | 15% | | IdrA 1-2 (750) | 7% | |
10904 votes
Comments (118)
0 votes
Comments (1)
Will you pay for GOM's GSL stream? :
No (7692) | 85% | | Maybe (976) | 11% | | Yes (337) | 4% | |
9005 votes
Comments (298)
Who will win the GSL? :
Idra (1553) | 31% | | Tester (1139) | 23% | | TLO (1065) | 21% | | Other (421) | 8% | | Cool (277) | 6% | | Check (198) | 4% | | Ensnare (194) | 4% | | Maka (91) | 2% | | Iron (42) | 1% | | Spunky (25) | 0% | |
5005 votes
Comments (154)
Best overall SC2 event? :
IEM Gamescom Cologne (2560) | 73% | | MLG Pro Circuit Raleigh (969) | 27% | |
3529 votes
Comments (120)
Do you like TL's new look? :
Yes, I love it! (10426) | 65% | | Meh, It's not bad (4296) | 27% | | No, bring back the old one (1329) | 8% | |
16051 votes
Comments (299)
What are the chances a non-Korean qualifies for GSL? :
More likely than not (2458) | 33% | | Definitely (2347) | 31% | | Not very likely (1776) | 24% | | Absolutely not (884) | 12% | |
7465 votes
Comments (111)
Did you switch your race in SC2? :
BW Protoss, SC2 Protoss (4473) | 19% | | BW Zerg, SC2 Zerg (4011) | 17% | | BW Terran, SC2 Terran (3412) | 15% | | Other (switched to or from Random) (2975) | 13% | | BW Protoss, SC2 Terran (1826) | 8% | | BW Zerg, SC2 Terran (1704) | 7% | | BW Zerg, SC2 Protoss (1417) | 6% | | BW Protoss, SC2 Zerg (1253) | 5% | | BW Terran, SC2 Protoss (1182) | 5% | | BW Terran, SC2 Zerg (1088) | 5% | |
23341 votes
Comments (297)
Best TLOwnage Play :
EMP Orbital, then Nuke (4656) | 31% | | Mothership + Probe attack (3437) | 23% | | Ravens + "TLO" Auto-Turrets (3157) | 21% | | Planetary Fortress rush (2373) | 16% | | Proxy Sunken push (LOL tumors) (1486) | 10% | |
15109 votes
Comments (147)
Launch Day Excitement Level?!? :
Black (1198) | 26% | | Red (1125) | 24% | | White (592) | 13% | | Orange (423) | 9% | | Violet (360) | 8% | | Green (349) | 8% | | Blue (293) | 6% | | Yellow (264) | 6% | |
4604 votes
Comments (166)
What do you think about our horse banner? :
It's vital TL culture - don't ever change it (2189) | 27% | | I don't mind if you keep it or change it (1404) | 18% | | I'm used to it, but it may look bad to new users (1312) | 16% | | I like it, it's old but it makes TL unique (1251) | 16% | | I don't like it, it makes TL look old and outdate (1039) | 13% | | I hate it, it really hurts TL, change it (767) | 10% | |
7962 votes
Comments (411)
How did you first find TL? :
Youtube or stream (1929) | 30% | | IRL friend told me (1228) | 19% | | Search engine (1169) | 18% | | Website link (1003) | 16% | | TL Event or Player (537) | 8% | | Other (post please) (468) | 7% | |
6334 votes
Comments (452)
When do you plan to pick up your Starcraft 2 copy? :
Its being mailed to me. (1685) | 33% | | July 27 Midday (1190) | 23% | | Some time in the few days after launch (1179) | 23% | | Midnight July 27 (ill be lined up outside) (1029) | 20% | |
5083 votes
Comments (198)
If TL was Real ID only, I would :
Not post and browse TL only (3211) | 43% | | Not change my behavior (2074) | 28% | | Stop visiting TL completely (1214) | 16% | | Post less or differently (553) | 7% | | Post more, it's better (436) | 6% | |
7488 votes
Comments (169)
TL Attack in SC2? :
WTF is TL Attack? O_o (8154) | 70% | | Bring it back! (2119) | 18% | | Bring it back with a modified format (585) | 5% | | Don't bother (373) | 3% | | Staff time is better spent on other events (361) | 3% | |
11592 votes
Comments (300)
Display user post count? :
Keep postcount as it is (2897) | 38% | | I don't care (2837) | 37% | | Remove postcount entirely (1091) | 14% | | Postcount in user profile only (817) | 11% | |
7642 votes
Comments (318)
How Many SC1 OSLs Left? :
2-4 (1680) | 40% | | 1 (1110) | 27% | | 10+ (895) | 21% | | 5+ (484) | 12% | |
4169 votes
Comments (127)
How Many OSLs Left? :
2-4 (3) | 43% | | 10+ (2) | 29% | | 5+ (1) | 14% | | 1 (1) | 14% | |
7 votes
Comments (0)
If Only One Could Pass OSL Prelims? :
Jaedong (1863) | 34% | | Nal_Ra (1414) | 26% | | Idra (1314) | 24% | | Bisu (871) | 16% | |
5462 votes
Comments (173)
TL Beta Vacation: Most Excited About? :
Nal_rA's Oldboy Eps (1918) | 45% | | Day's SC story (1601) | 38% | | Artosis's LAN story (368) | 9% | | Chill's IEF story (207) | 5% | | Brood's Surfer4Life Interview (161) | 4% | |
4255 votes
Comments (81)
Preferred SC2 Stream/VOD quality :
Ultra (1080 / Ultra) (2584) | 30% | | High (720 / High) (2458) | 28% | | Medium (720 / Medium) (1372) | 16% | | Standard (Non-HD / High) (1066) | 12% | | Don't Care (891) | 10% | | Low (Non-HD / Low) (278) | 3% | |
8649 votes
Comments (130)
One or Two? :
Starcraft: Brood War (876) | 57% | | Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (655) | 43% | |
1531 votes
Comments (110)
If you had to choose now? :
Flash (3818) | 56% | | Jaedong (2998) | 44% | |
6816 votes
Comments (164)
Do you like the direction B.net 2.0 is taking? :
4203 votes
Comments (118)
If you had to choose? :
Jaedong (8007) | 53% | | Flash (7212) | 47% | |
15219 votes
Comments (620)
No SC2 Beta For 1 Month? Time to... :
Play Brood War again (2030) | 26% | | Wander restlessly on the Internet (1735) | 22% | | Play non-RTS computer games (1691) | 21% | | Stare at the clock (1294) | 16% | | Watch OSL MSL PL again (555) | 7% | | Go outside, possibly to a TL LAN (472) | 6% | | Attend TL Summer Camp (173) | 2% | |
7950 votes
Comments (173)
Average SC2 Beta play time? :
1-2 hours a day (4340) | 34% | | Less than 1 hour a day (2971) | 23% | | I don't have a Beta Key (2343) | 18% | | 3-5 hours a day (2295) | 18% | | More than 8 hours a day (481) | 4% | | 6-8 hours a day (360) | 3% | |
12790 votes
Comments (140)
Which Ro16 match should be casted? :
Artosis vs Day[9] (3595) | 49% | | qxc vs Nony (1434) | 19% | | Cauthonluck vs Tasteless (721) | 10% | | Huk vs Orb (671) | 9% | | Louder vs Machine (385) | 5% | | LZGamer vs Attero (284) | 4% | | Incontrol vs Slush (190) | 3% | | Inka vs PainUser (93) | 1% | |
7373 votes
Comments (145)
What do you love watching the most right now? :
Starcraft 2 (4202) | 67% | | OSL (953) | 15% | | Proleague (627) | 10% | | MSL (486) | 8% | |
6268 votes
Comments (303)
SC2 Beta Rank? :
Platinum (2852) | 38% | | Gold (1847) | 25% | | Silver (1213) | 16% | | Copper (871) | 12% | | Bronze (739) | 10% | |
7522 votes
Comments (139)
Favorite TL vs EG match? :
TLO vs Incontrol (2220) | 40% | | Nony vs LZ (1485) | 27% | | Nazgul vs Machine (1056) | 19% | | Jinro vs Inka (517) | 9% | | Drone vs Louder (206) | 4% | |
5484 votes
Comments (63)
What is your biggest SC2 worry at the moment? :
No higher ground advantage (2694) | 38% | | The game isn't balanced (2171) | 30% | | Not enough unit control (1038) | 14% | | Other (specify) (591) | 8% | | MBS and automine (343) | 5% | | Not enough macro (341) | 5% | |
7178 votes
Comments (196)
Biggest off screen progaming story? :
Jaedong hospitalized for Enteritis. (2283) | 38% | | Bisu on paid vacation. (2190) | 37% | | Savior facing knee surgery and staying at home. (829) | 14% | | Hwasin missing the WL playoffs to be with family. (651) | 11% | |
5953 votes
Comments (70)
Does StarCraft II Need a Patch? :
I'm not in the beta (347) | 28% | | Yes, a major patch (328) | 26% | | Yes, a minor patch (319) | 25% | | Yes, an overhaul (225) | 18% | | No, it is balanced (32) | 3% | |
1251 votes
Comments (33)
Favorite SC2 1v1 Map? :
Lost Temple (1739) | 30% | | Steppes of War (1004) | 17% | | Blistering Sands (820) | 14% | | Metalopolis (777) | 13% | | Scrap Station (634) | 11% | | Kulas Ravine (489) | 8% | | Desert Oasis (356) | 6% | |
5819 votes
Comments (132)
What is your Beta rank? :
No Beta key! (3630) | 56% | | Platinum (1121) | 17% | | Gold (635) | 10% | | Silver (458) | 7% | | Bronze (351) | 5% | | Copper (251) | 4% | |
6446 votes
Comments (130)
Most imba SC2 ability if put in SC1? :
Queen (3452) | 40% | | Warp Gate (3058) | 35% | | Chrono Boost (1450) | 17% | | MULE (655) | 8% | |
8615 votes
Comments (124)
Most Overpowered? :
Roach (3117) | 35% | | Immortal (1230) | 14% | | Mutalisk (1146) | 13% | | Colossus (1133) | 13% | | Baneling (990) | 11% | | Reaper (742) | 8% | | Marauder (606) | 7% | |
8964 votes
Comments (151)
This Sunday's winner will be... :
The Great American Hope (1975) | 54% | | The German War Machine (1676) | 46% | |
3651 votes
Comments (138)
Who will win the TSL? :
Liquid`NonY (3225) | 51% | | ToT)Mondragon( (2077) | 33% | | DuskBin.Sen (543) | 9% | | mouz.IefNaij (449) | 7% | |
6294 votes
Comments (143)
Best TSL Ro16 Play? :
Ret's extractor survivor (1396) | 31% | | Mondi's plagues and infested cc (1085) | 24% | | GosI[Terran]'s proxy defense (706) | 16% | | White-Ra's game 5 breakout (318) | 7% | | Mondi's hidden expo and harass (300) | 7% | | IefNaij's proxies and recalls (264) | 6% | | Fenix's marine rushes (228) | 5% | | Sen's simcity and lurker attack (168) | 4% | |
4465 votes
Comments (96)
How long should we wait before assuming we aren't spoiling TSL results? :
1 day (653) | 28% | | 2 days (563) | 24% | | 12 hours (531) | 22% | | 3 days (314) | 13% | | > 1 week (163) | 7% | | 5 days (58) | 2% | | 4 days (55) | 2% | | 6 days (33) | 1% | |
2370 votes
Comments (90)
Most impressive Ro16 performance? :
Mondragon (3-1 vs BRAT_OK) (90) | 27% | | IefNaij (3-1 vs Terran) (61) | 18% | | Sen (3-0 vs Draco) (46) | 14% | | NonY (3-0 vs Tarson) (46) | 14% | | Fenix (3-1 vs Kolll) (41) | 12% | | IdrA (3-0 vs XiaOzI) (24) | 7% | | ret (3-1 vs CaStrO) (15) | 4% | | White-Ra (3-2 vs TT1) (13) | 4% | |
336 votes
Comments (20)
Biggest TSL W2 Storyline? :
Will we ever see a 5th set? (907) | 32% | | ZvZ scares Ret fans (634) | 22% | | Last German vs Last Russian (505) | 18% | | IefNaij's current ability (477) | 17% | | GosI[Terran] destined for Ro8? (224) | 8% | | Can TT1 pull an upset? (111) | 4% | |
2858 votes
Comments (40)
Most Excited For? :
Mondragon vs Brat (2220) | 50% | | Draco vs Sen (1449) | 33% | | IefNaij vs Terran (753) | 17% | |
4422 votes
Comments (119)
Most anticipated R3 broadcast? :
Mondragon vs Shaman (1083) | 46% | | GosI[Terran] vs iNfeRnaL (669) | 28% | | MaNa vs CaStrO (414) | 17% | | Fenix vs Casper (212) | 9% | |
2378 votes
Comments (65)
Most Anticipated R1/R2 Trio? :
Kolll Naugrim OctZerg (923) | 31% | | Cloud G5 Flaf (547) | 18% | | Casper Nyoken Dreiven (392) | 13% | | Hayder Infernal Sawyer (304) | 10% | | Kawaii Gamtja Tarson (182) | 6% | | Incontrol Technics Shaman (176) | 6% | | Drone Closer Killer (157) | 5% | | Arew Mikoel Xiaozi (132) | 4% | | Horror Nemu Kenzy (90) | 3% | | Avi Datoby Kabal (82) | 3% | |
2985 votes
Comments (75)
Best Upcoming Matchup? :
Flash vs Best (1670) | 45% | | Flash vs Calm (1372) | 37% | | Movie vs Shine (325) | 9% | | Jaedong vs Stats (255) | 7% | | Kal vs Hwasin (68) | 2% | | Light vs Kwanro (51) | 1% | |
3741 votes
Comments (101)
Greatest quote from the Razer TSL? :
"The barbecue is over for Dreiven." (439) | 18% | | "Draco probably went online and purchased clothes (326) | 13% | | "He has blown his cover on that James Bond probe. (323) | 13% | | "Down, down, down." (320) | 13% | | "Everyone, including JF's Mother, knows it's ov (297) | 12% | | "It's a TvP hospital." (264) | 11% | | "He cancelled the engineering bay!" (204) | 8% | | "It's not acceptable." (141) | 6% | | Other (please post)! (114) | 5% | |
2428 votes
Comments (98)
Thoughts on JD vs Flash in OSL Ro8? :
Awesome! Jaedong vs. Flash!! (1087) | 46% | | Great, at least they get to play each other. (588) | 25% | | Oh well, better than nothing. (299) | 13% | | Very disappointed. Maybe next season. (204) | 9% | | This sucks so much, I hate OSL. (182) | 8% | |
2360 votes
Comments (50)
TSL group of death? :
Group F: ret, FlaF, G5, Cloud (1374) | 39% | | Group B: Morrow, OctZerg, Koll, Naugrim (926) | 26% | | Group G: Fenix, Casper, Nyoken, Dreiven (356) | 10% | | Group J: Mondragon, Shaman, iNcontrol, Technics (317) | 9% | | Group E: White-Ra, Killer, Drone, Closer (188) | 5% | | Group C: Mana, Kr, Castro, Shad (136) | 4% | | Group I: kogeT, Xiaozi, Arew, MikOeL (93) | 3% | | Group K: Sen, Yan, Marwin, GhosTa (58) | 2% | | Group D: Strelok, Kabal, Love, Datoby (42) | 1% | | Group H: Sziky, Tarson, Kawaii, Gamtja (38) | 1% | |
3528 votes
Comments (115)
Favorite Top 12 Player? :
Ret (916) | 25% | | Idra (752) | 20% | | White-Ra (710) | 19% | | Mondragon (656) | 18% | | Morrow (180) | 5% | | Mana (140) | 4% | | Sen (101) | 3% | | Strelok (90) | 2% | | Sziky (90) | 2% | | Koget (76) | 2% | |
3711 votes
Comments (147)
Most Impressive? :
Yosh's 57-0 Streak (1439) | 36% | | Idra's A+ Rank (1207) | 30% | | Mamon plays 700 Games (602) | 15% | | Underdog Morrow reaches #2 (541) | 14% | | Four Ukraine Flags in Top 20 (198) | 5% | |
3987 votes
Comments (151)
Who won't make it? (Players currently not in Top 48) :
Kwark (479) | 35% | | Incontrol (189) | 14% | | Kolll (185) | 14% | | Louder (125) | 9% | | Squall (82) | 6% | | Reason (80) | 6% | | Eriador (67) | 5% | | Horror (63) | 5% | | Cloud (46) | 3% | | Advocate (45) | 3% | |
1361 votes
Comments (55)
Who will win PL Round 2 :
KT (913) | 33% | | SK Telecom (788) | 28% | | CJ (336) | 12% | | Samsung (214) | 8% | | eSTRO (135) | 5% | | STX (113) | 4% | | MBCgame (108) | 4% | | Woongjin (61) | 2% | | WeMade (59) | 2% | | Hite (42) | 2% | |
2769 votes
Comments (122)
Biggest TSL Ladder Surprise After Week One? :
Mana (678) | 30% | | OctZerg (384) | 17% | | Sziky (217) | 10% | | G5 (194) | 9% | | Xiaozi (181) | 8% | | Praetor (171) | 8% | | Shad (162) | 7% | | DIMAGA (124) | 6% | | Fenix (77) | 3% | | Castro (60) | 3% | |
2248 votes
Comments (77)
Hardest Group? :
OSL C: Fantasy, Calm, Shine, Effort (1605) | 48% | | OSL D: Type-b, Stork, Kwanro, Flash (1414) | 42% | | MSL A: Calm, Best, Light, ForGG (161) | 5% | | MSL E: Canata, Hero, Movie, Stork (78) | 2% | | MSL G: Zero, Hyuk, Type-b, Kal (49) | 1% | | MSL H: Effort, Ruby, Firefist, Jangbi (46) | 1% | |
3353 votes
Comments (82)
TSL Ladder #1? :
Ret (1256) | 29% | | Idra (1214) | 28% | | Kolll (624) | 14% | | White-Ra (611) | 14% | | Mondragon (350) | 8% | | Mana (110) | 3% | | Gosia (81) | 2% | | Dinot (66) | 2% | | Dimaga (46) | 1% | | Strelok (37) | 1% | |
4395 votes
Comments (158)
Best TSL Format? :
Bo3 Ro16, Bo5 Ro8 / Ro4, Bo7 Finals (845) | 40% | | Bo3 Ro16, Bo5 after that (679) | 32% | | Bo5 until finals, Bo7 Finals (428) | 20% | | Bo5 all rounds (152) | 7% | |
2104 votes
Comments (115)
Best TSL Storyline? :
ESPORTS drama (761) | 28% | | Idra and Ret show off their progress (734) | 27% | | Inactive players come back (522) | 19% | | New rising stars (365) | 14% | | IefNaij defends title (187) | 7% | | Community plays the ladder (126) | 5% | |
2695 votes
Comments (68)
Most Overhyped? :
Hyuk (1027) | 31% | | Leta (619) | 19% | | Skyhigh (612) | 19% | | Fantasy (442) | 13% | | Zero (295) | 9% | | Effort (294) | 9% | |
3289 votes
Comments (179)
Which of the three will do the best at IEF? :
Chill (870) | 36% | | Rekrul (798) | 33% | | Midian (772) | 32% | |
2440 votes
Comments (118)
This season's breakout player? :
Hyuk (830) | 56% | | Movie (298) | 20% | | Shine (191) | 13% | | Roro (89) | 6% | | Ruby (78) | 5% | |
1486 votes
Comments (72)
Biggest PL Suprise So Far? :
Weird Ace Selections (801) | 31% | | WeMade & eSTRO (444) | 17% | | KT keeps winning (388) | 15% | | Samsung is still bad (384) | 15% | | RorO & Shine[KaL] (352) | 14% | | Kwanroll Fail (237) | 9% | |
2606 votes
Comments (69)
Most Excited For? :
Proleague (1126) | 48% | | OSL (920) | 39% | | MSL (299) | 13% | |
2345 votes
Comments (83)
Best New Proleague 09-10 Map? :
Asgard (464) | 20% | | Moon Glaive (348) | 15% | | Match Point (286) | 12% | | Judgement Day (270) | 12% | | Roadrunner (265) | 12% | | Tornado (264) | 12% | | Silver Wing (226) | 10% | | Acro (170) | 7% | |
2293 votes
Comments (66)
Which pre-season event are you looking most forward to? :
Proleague Map Tests (757) | 43% | | Proleague Championship (496) | 28% | | Race Lineup Matches (311) | 18% | | Team Evaluations (181) | 10% | |
1745 votes
Comments (46)
So what was the best final? :
Korea WCG (1044) | 37% | | Bacchus OSL (525) | 19% | | GOMTV Classic (521) | 19% | | STX Masters (438) | 16% | | Avalon MSL (276) | 10% | |
2804 votes
Comments (128)
What do you think about SC2 after BlizzCon 2K9? :
So excited. (1136) | 26% | | Meh, my opinion didn't really change (1006) | 23% | | SC2 is gonna suck :( (977) | 22% | | Best. Game. Ever. (888) | 20% | | I love Dustin Browder (336) | 8% | |
4343 votes
Comments (85)
Would you attend a Teamliquid OSL Finals party at Blizzcon? (Read first comment before voting!) :
I would if I was going to Blizzcon (1928) | 78% | | Yes (271) | 11% | | No (154) | 6% | | I wouldn't if I was going to Blizzcon (124) | 5% | |
2477 votes
Comments (78)
Where will we see ZvZ finals? :
Nowhere (984) | 38% | | In OSL and MSL (856) | 33% | | Only in OSL (486) | 19% | | Only in MSL (253) | 10% | |
2579 votes
Comments (57)
Do you like the new Super-Ace PL Format? :
Yes (1165) | 45% | | No (895) | 34% | | I don't care (536) | 21% | |
2596 votes
Comments (132)
What's your favorite MrHoon Comic? :
FrozenArbiter (224) | 19% | | Konadora (197) | 17% | | Manifesto7 (153) | 13% | | OneOther (147) | 12% | | GTR (121) | 10% | | FakeSteve and Boesthius (105) | 9% | | ilikestarcraft (97) | 8% | | Smix (70) | 6% | | alffla (38) | 3% | | Sonuvbob (33) | 3% | |
1185 votes
Comments (69)
What Finals are you most looking forward to? :
Shinhan ProLeague Finals (1030) | 26% | | Heritage League Finals (928) | 24% | | GOM Classic Finals (749) | 19% | | Bacchus StarLeague Finals (597) | 15% | | Avalon MSL Finals (585) | 15% | |
3889 votes
Comments (103)
What upcoming event are you most looking forward to? :
Proleague Finals (78) | 38% | | OSL Finals (56) | 27% | | GOM Finals (41) | 20% | | MSL Finals (33) | 16% | |
208 votes
Comments (25)
What should Manifesto7's son be named? :
Raynor (1490) | 40% | | Something Japanese (537) | 14% | | Jae/Jay (490) | 13% | | Magnus (412) | 11% | | Quantavious (396) | 11% | | Normal name "jack jake eric chris bob" etc etc (387) | 10% | |
3712 votes
Comments (179)
What feature is most important for you in SC2?? :
The Ability to have LAN games (1208) | 45% | | Watching Replays Online with Friends (473) | 18% | | Observer Tools (319) | 12% | | Replay Rewind (309) | 12% | | Replay Analysis Tools (260) | 10% | | Other (post in comments) (86) | 3% | |
2655 votes
Comments (110)
What feature is most important for you in SC2 :
LAN Latency (7) | 41% | | Observer Tools (4) | 24% | | Watching Replays Online with Friends (3) | 18% | | Replay Rewind (2) | 12% | | Replay Anlaysis Tools (1) | 6% | |
17 votes
Comments (1)
Hottest Korean League? :
Bacchus StarLeague (84) | 30% | | Shinhan Bank ProLeague Playoffs (70) | 25% | | GOM Classic (48) | 17% | | StarCraft Heritage League (40) | 14% | | Avalon MSL (34) | 12% | |
276 votes
Comments (21)
Combat-Ex vs Chill? :
Combat-Ex dodges (1475) | 36% | | Chill dodges (663) | 16% | | Combat-Ex 0-3 Chill (609) | 15% | | Combat-Ex 1-3 Chill (456) | 11% | | Combat-Ex 3-0 Chill (440) | 11% | | Combat-Ex 2-3 Chill (192) | 5% | | Combat-Ex 3-2 Chill (160) | 4% | | Combat-Ex 3-1 Chill (134) | 3% | |
4129 votes
Comments (266)
Combat-Ex vs Chill results? :
Combat-Ex dodges (9) | 38% | | Combat-Ex 0-3 Chill (7) | 29% | | Combat-Ex 3-0 Chill (3) | 13% | | Chill dodges (3) | 13% | | Combat-Ex 2-1 Chill (1) | 4% | | Combat-Ex 1-2 Chill (1) | 4% | |
24 votes
Comments (9)
Which player is most likely to upset his OSL group? :
Backho (Group B) (717) | 26% | | YellOw[arnc] (Group A) (556) | 20% | | Canata (Group D) (539) | 19% | | None; all favorites will qualify (482) | 17% | | go.go (Group C) (245) | 9% | | type-b (Group B) (238) | 9% | |
2777 votes
Comments (88)
Bacchus OSL 2009 Group of Death? :
Group A: Jaedong, EffOrt, Flash, YellOw[ArnC] (44) | 100% | | Group B: fantasy, BackHo, type-b, Stork (0) | 0% | | Group C: Bisu, go.go, Hwasin, ZerO (0) | 0% | | Group D: by.hero, Leta, Kwanro, Canata (0) | 0% | |
44 votes
Comments (14)
What TeamLiquid SC2 Beta Coverage would you like to see the most? :
Streamed live Beta games (686) | 31% | | VODs of interesting high level SC2 replays (658) | 30% | | Watching Artosis get DT-warped over and over (547) | 25% | | Balance reports and Technical Q&A with players (166) | 8% | | SC2 Beta Build Order discussion (103) | 5% | | Interviews with Blizzard officials (20) | 1% | |
2180 votes
Comments (111)
Who will win DreamHack Summer 2K9? :
ret (910) | 65% | | Dreiven (203) | 14% | | ZpuX, Datoby or one of the other Swedish underdogs (94) | 7% | | A2 (Advokate) (92) | 7% | | DIMAGA (61) | 4% | | ToT)Naugrim( (50) | 4% | |
1410 votes
Comments (61)
Avalon MSL Group of Death? :
Group F: Leta, fantasy, Jaedong, Movie (2479) | 56% | | Group B: JangBi, Bisu, free, Kal (1312) | 30% | | Group G: sAviOr, Canata, Flash, go.go (258) | 6% | | Group A: Luxury, Hwasin, HiyA, EffOrt (171) | 4% | | Group H: fOrGG, Much, firebathero, Pure (69) | 2% | | Group E: NaDa, Iris, Horang2, UpMaGiC (45) | 1% | | Group D: ZerO, sKyHigh, Sea, Calm (37) | 1% | | Group C: Stork, Shine, PianO, Kwanro (27) | 1% | |
4398 votes
Comments (157)
Which mach are you most looking forward to? :
Bisu vs Stork (244) | 30% | | Jaedong vs Effort (199) | 24% | | Fantasy vs Jangbi (162) | 20% | | Flash vs Leta (142) | 17% | | Bisu vs Hiya (34) | 4% | | Reach vs Really (24) | 3% | | Other (post in comments) (21) | 3% | |
826 votes
Comments (55)
Do you still like the front page? :
It needs lasers. (313) | 29% | | I like it. (225) | 20% | | In six months, I have never noticed it. (197) | 18% | | I love it more than Plexa. (149) | 14% | | I don't hate it. (120) | 11% | | I can tolerate it more than GTR. (94) | 9% | |
1098 votes
Comments (64)
Which slumper is most likely to win his game?? :
Luxury vs Saint (881) | 37% | | Much vs Roro (481) | 20% | | XellOs vs HoeJJa (419) | 18% | | Pusan vs Flash (371) | 16% | | great vs Zero (179) | 7% | | Sangho vs EffOrt (58) | 2% | |
2389 votes
Comments (69)
Which slumper is most likely to win his game? :
Luxury vs Saint (4) | 80% | | XellOs vs HoeJJa (1) | 20% | | Pusan vs Flash (0) | 0% | |
5 votes
Comments (1)
Favorite SNSD Member? :
Wut. (238) | 56% | | Tiffany (43) | 10% | | Yuri (32) | 8% | | Taeyeon (31) | 7% | | Jessica (23) | 5% | | Yoona (16) | 4% | | Sunny (14) | 3% | | Sooyoung (13) | 3% | | Seohyun (10) | 2% | | Hyoyeon (6) | 1% | |
426 votes
Comments (116)
GOL Finals: :
ret (1244) | 82% | | Castro (264) | 18% | |
1508 votes
Comments (60)
Which player is going to end up with most wins? :
Jaedong (808) | 50% | | Bisu (596) | 37% | | Flash (214) | 13% | |
1618 votes
Comments (74)
How many people are going to vote on this poll :
OVER 9000! (90) | 47% | | 1-1000 (37) | 19% | | 2001-3000 (28) | 15% | | 1001-2000 (24) | 13% | | 3001-4000 (7) | 4% | | 4001-5000 (6) | 3% | |
192 votes
Comments (20)
Which team is most likely to break into the top 6 in Round 5? :
KTF MagicNs (702) | 51% | | Woongjin Stars (271) | 20% | | eSTRO (179) | 13% | | WeMade FoX (132) | 10% | | MBCGame Hero (96) | 7% | |
1380 votes
Comments (69)
Which team is most likely to drop out of the top 6 in Round 5? :
Samsung Khan (521) | 30% | | Hite Sparkyz (477) | 27% | | STX Soul (473) | 27% | | Hwaseung Oz (116) | 7% | | CJ Entus (92) | 5% | | SK Telecom T1 (73) | 4% | |
1752 votes
Comments (84)
Which TL Staff member would make the best Proteam Coach?? :
Chill (660) | 33% | | Nazgul (309) | 15% | | FakeSteve[TPR] (293) | 15% | | Manifesto7 (201) | 10% | | Plexa (176) | 9% | | Other (post in comments) (136) | 7% | | Hot_bid (117) | 6% | | Last Romantic (59) | 3% | | Kennigit (34) | 2% | | LosingID8 (33) | 2% | |
2018 votes
Comments (136)
Which TL Staff member would make the best Proteam Coach? :
Chill (9) | 41% | | FakeSteve[TPR] (3) | 14% | | Nazgul (3) | 14% | | Plexa (3) | 14% | | Manifesto7 (2) | 9% | | Last Romantic (1) | 5% | | Other (post in comments) (1) | 5% | | GTR (0) | 0% | | Hot_Bid (0) | 0% | | LosingID8 (0) | 0% | |
22 votes
Comments (6)
Teamliquid.net's Forums are: :
Moderately moderated (657) | 54% | | Slightly over-moderated (212) | 18% | | Very over-moderated (149) | 12% | | Slightly under-moderated (109) | 9% | | Very under-moderated (81) | 7% | |
1208 votes
Comments (111)
The TL Forums are: :
Moderately moderated (69) | 55% | | Slightly under-moderated (23) | 18% | | Slightly over-moderated (19) | 15% | | Very over-moderated (14) | 11% | | Very over-moderated (0) | 0% | |
125 votes
Comments (13)
The teamliquid.net forums are :
Moderately moderated (14) | 70% | | Slightly under-moderated (3) | 15% | | Very over-moderated (2) | 10% | | Slightly over-moderated (1) | 5% | | Very over-moderated (0) | 0% | |
20 votes
Comments (4)
The teamliquid.net forums are: :
Slightly under-moderated (6) | 50% | | Slightly over-moderated (4) | 33% | | Very under-moderated (1) | 8% | | Very over-moderated (1) | 8% | |
12 votes
Comments (6)
Which new unit you are most looking forward to using in SC2? :
Baneling (279) | 19% | | Reaper (198) | 14% | | Mothership (194) | 14% | | Colossus (187) | 13% | | Roach (150) | 10% | | Other (post in comments) (110) | 8% | | Raven (98) | 7% | | Infestor (87) | 6% | | Marauder (65) | 5% | | Warp Ray (64) | 4% | |
1432 votes
Comments (104)
Unit you will miss the most from SC 1 in SC 2? :
Reaver (987) | 32% | | Vulture (527) | 17% | | Defiler (407) | 13% | | Medic (313) | 10% | | Arbiter (307) | 10% | | Scourge (241) | 8% | | Science Vessel (210) | 7% | | Firebat (95) | 3% | | Other (post in comments) (23) | 1% | |
3110 votes
Comments (135)
Who has had a greater impact on Terran? :
Boxer (85) | 63% | | Iloveoov (28) | 21% | | Nada (15) | 11% | | Flash (3) | 2% | | Midas (2) | 1% | | Fantasy (2) | 1% | | TheMarine (1) | 1% | |
136 votes
Comments (16)
Who has had a greater impact on the Protoss race? :
Bisu (875) | 44% | | Nal_ra (652) | 33% | | Reach (184) | 9% | | GARIMTO (170) | 9% | | Stork (61) | 3% | | Anytime (25) | 1% | |
1967 votes
Comments (205)
Most surprising result from the OSL Qualifiers? :
fOrGG, Savior and Jangbi failing before the finals (805) | 31% | | The number of Zergs qualifying (424) | 16% | | 2 SKT Zergs qualifying?!?! (422) | 16% | | Casy winning a TvP, and his group! (417) | 16% | | Canata beating Skyhigh, and qualifying (237) | 9% | | Mind and Nada failling in the first round (230) | 9% | | Other (post in comments) (50) | 2% | |
2585 votes
Comments (83)
Most surprising result from OSL Qualifiers? :
The number of Zergs qualifying (1) | 33% | | Casy winning a TvP, and his group! (1) | 33% | | fOrGG, Savior and Jangbi failing before finals (1) | 33% | | 2 SKT Zergs qualifying?!?! (0) | 0% | | Mind and Nada failling in the first round (0) | 0% | | Canata beatig Skyhigh, and qualifying (0) | 0% | | Other (post in comments) (0) | 0% | |
3 votes
Comments (0)
Which new map is the most entertaining? :
God's Garden (563) | 33% | | Outsider (332) | 19% | | Battle Royal (302) | 18% | | Heartbreak Ridge (290) | 17% | | Neo Medusa (235) | 14% | |
1722 votes
Comments (74)
Is the "Pandabearguy" joke still funny? :
Yes! It's hilarious (910) | 48% | | No; it's been overused (540) | 29% | | No; it never was (442) | 23% | |
1892 votes
Comments (134)
Liquibition #30 - whats going to happen? :
F91 will destroy kOs (1237) | 41% | | It'll be close, but F91 will win (661) | 22% | | kOs will destroy F91 (645) | 21% | | It'll be close, but kOs will win (469) | 16% | |
3012 votes
Comments (97)
What was the better final? :
Jaedong vs Fantasy (1329) | 43% | | Bisu vs Jaedong (979) | 32% | | CJ vs Hwaseung (685) | 22% | | Luxury vs Jangbi (99) | 3% | |
3092 votes
Comments (82)
Most Exciting New PL Map? :
Battle Royal (432) | 35% | | Heartbreak Ridge (265) | 22% | | Neo Medusa (242) | 20% | | God's Garden (157) | 13% | | Outsider (130) | 11% | |
1226 votes
Comments (73)
OSL Finals: Fantasy or Jaedong? :
Jaedong (2971) | 79% | | Fantasy (768) | 21% | |
3739 votes
Comments (117)
What is most exciting? :
OSL Semis / Finals (838) | 31% | | Winner's League Finals (616) | 23% | | GOM Season 3 (550) | 20% | | SC2 Beta Signups (519) | 19% | | Next MSL Season (137) | 5% | | Fantasy PL Round 4 (44) | 2% | |
2704 votes
Comments (69)
Most Excited About? :
OSL Semis / Finals (3) | 38% | | WL Finals CJ vs Oz (2) | 25% | | GOM Season 3 (2) | 25% | | Fantasy PL R4 (1) | 13% | |
8 votes
Comments (0)
What is the best map at the moment? :
Destination (318) | 32% | | Andromeda (166) | 17% | | Sin Chupung-Ryeung (163) | 17% | | Medusa (129) | 13% | | Colosseum II (59) | 6% | | Other (post in comments) (51) | 5% | | Neo Harmony (37) | 4% | | Byzantium/Carthage (30) | 3% | | Tears/Return of the King (27) | 3% | |
980 votes
Comments (67)
Liquibition #29 - Nony vs F91 :
Why can't it start now? (1081) | 27% | | F91 will destroy Nony easily (857) | 21% | | I wonder what Korea has done for Nony.. (855) | 21% | | I will not watch this series (390) | 10% | | omg best Liquibition series yet! (314) | 8% | | Nony will detroy F91 easily (301) | 7% | | Not too excited, hoping for good games (267) | 7% | |
4065 votes
Comments (150)
The 7th map for Liquibition #28 will be... :
Destination (531) | 24% | | Andromeda (462) | 21% | | Sin Chupung-Ryeong (397) | 18% | | Carthage (279) | 13% | | Tears of the Moon (267) | 12% | | Colosseum II (170) | 8% | | Neo Harmony (97) | 4% | |
2203 votes
Comments (121)
Most annoying anti-fans?? :
Bisu (477) | 34% | | Savior (244) | 18% | | Firebathero (236) | 17% | | Jaedong (96) | 7% | | Flash (93) | 7% | | Backho (79) | 6% | | Boxer (71) | 5% | | Stork (70) | 5% | | Nada (19) | 1% | |
1385 votes
Comments (87)
Most annoying anti-fans? :
Stork (1) | 50% | | Backho (1) | 50% | | Bisu (0) | 0% | | Savior (0) | 0% | | Firebathero (0) | 0% | | Flash (0) | 0% | | Boxer (0) | 0% | | Nada (0) | 0% | | iloveoov (0) | 0% | |
2 votes
Comments (0)
What matchup do you like watching the most?? :
ZvP (1412) | 37% | | ZvT (1411) | 37% | | TvP (673) | 18% | | PvP (119) | 3% | | TvT (115) | 3% | | ZvZ (96) | 3% | |
3826 votes
Comments (227)
What matchup do you like watching the most? :
ZvP (50) | 41% | | TvZ (27) | 22% | | ZvT (19) | 16% | | TvP (19) | 16% | | TvT (4) | 3% | | PvP (2) | 2% | | ZvZ (1) | 1% | | ZvP (0) | 0% | |
122 votes
Comments (19)
Best Player Ever? :
Boxer (1082) | 35% | | Savior (487) | 16% | | Nada (418) | 13% | | Bisu (385) | 12% | | Jaedong (347) | 11% | | Flash (219) | 7% | | Iloveoov (196) | 6% | |
3134 votes
Comments (322)
Which do you prefer for Liquibetting Bo3 series across multiple days? :
One bet for the entire series (759) | 70% | | One bet for each play day (178) | 16% | | One bet for each game (even if game 3 isn' played (145) | 13% | |
1082 votes
Comments (32)
Which progamer has the most annoying fanbase?? :
Bisu (1562) | 28% | | firebathero (1152) | 21% | | Savior (922) | 16% | | Boxer (636) | 11% | | Flash (281) | 5% | | Jaedong (278) | 5% | | Stork (234) | 4% | | Other (say who) (227) | 4% | | Reach (198) | 4% | | Nada (122) | 2% | |
5612 votes
Comments (317)
Which progamer has the most annoying fanbase? :
Bisu (13) | 32% | | Other (say who) (7) | 17% | | Savior (6) | 15% | | Stork (5) | 12% | | Jaedong (3) | 7% | | Leta (3) | 7% | | Boxer (3) | 7% | | Reach (1) | 2% | | Hwasin (0) | 0% | | Nada (0) | 0% | |
41 votes
Comments (17)
GOM Finals: Bisu or Jangbi? :
Bisu (1078) | 76% | | Jangbi (345) | 24% | |
1423 votes
Comments (42)
Bisu or Jangbi? :
SAVIOR! (43) | 57% | | Bisu (22) | 29% | | Jangbi (10) | 13% | |
75 votes
Comments (12)
The map for Game 7 of Liquibition #27 will be... :
Python (390) | 22% | | Monty Hall (346) | 20% | | Neo Peaks of Baekdu (281) | 16% | | Tears of the Moon (268) | 15% | | Tau Cross (244) | 14% | | Carthage (236) | 13% | |
1765 votes
Comments (159)
Strongest OSL Group? :
Stork Bisu Yarnc July (1629) | 70% | | GGPlay Kal Luxury Jaedong (371) | 16% | | Best Hwasin UpMagic Flash (297) | 13% | | Fantasy Tester Leta Hero (40) | 2% | |
2337 votes
Comments (54)
Most Exciting For You? :
Savior in MSL (535) | 43% | | Winner's League Format (298) | 24% | | OSL Wildcard Winner (230) | 18% | | GOM Finals (123) | 10% | | Fantasy PL (58) | 5% | |
1244 votes
Comments (49)
OSL Wildcard Winner? :
Bisu (1397) | 59% | | Mind (251) | 11% | | Sea (205) | 9% | | Rock (121) | 5% | | Magma (114) | 5% | | Much (77) | 3% | | Midas (69) | 3% | | Light (61) | 3% | | Firefist or Thezerg (47) | 2% | | Mujuk or Shuttle (33) | 1% | |
2375 votes
Comments (95)
Which format do you prefer? :
New Winners League (1688) | 76% | | Traditional Proleague (541) | 24% | |
2229 votes
Comments (103)
How many times have you changed your Fantasy ProLeague Roster? :
0 (liar) (601) | 60% | | 1 - 2 (confident aren't you) (182) | 18% | | 10+ (I dreamed about it last night) (99) | 10% | | 3 - 5 (I bet that FzeroFX blog is to blame) (65) | 6% | | 5 - 10 (welcome to the club) (57) | 6% | |
1004 votes
Comments (66)
Will you play the Fantasy Proleague this season? :
No. (@>.>)=@ @(x.x@) (me vs you) (379) | 48% | | Yes, because it makes proleague fun to watch. (119) | 15% | | Yes, because Nazgul plays too. (107) | 14% | | Yes, because I can win that AND liquibet. (103) | 13% | | Yes, because it is fun to talk about with others. (41) | 5% | | Yes, because I can learn about new gamers. (35) | 4% | |
784 votes
Comments (45)
Will you play Fantasy Proleague this season? :
Yes, because I can win that AND liquibet. (3) | 43% | | Yes, because Nazgul plays too. (1) | 14% | | Yes, because it makes proleague fun to watch. (1) | 14% | | Yes, because it is fin to talk about with others. (1) | 14% | | No. (@")=@ @(x.x@) (me vs you) (1) | 14% | | Yes, because I can learn about new gamers. (0) | 0% | |
7 votes
Comments (3)
Which is the best round 1 MSL matchup? :
Savior vs Bisu (1406) | 62% | | FBH vs Flash (385) | 17% | | Jaedong vs Hwasin (294) | 13% | | Stork vs forGG (130) | 6% | | Kal vs Luxury (45) | 2% | |
2260 votes
Comments (84)
Lost Saga MSL Group of death? :
Kal, Luxury, Leta, Hyuk (2) | 67% | | Savior, Bisu, Magma, Zero (1) | 33% | |
3 votes
Comments (2)
Map for Game 7 of Liquibition #26? :
Monty Hall SE (279) | 26% | | Neo Requiem (252) | 24% | | Othello (231) | 22% | | 815 III (172) | 16% | | Neo Forte (134) | 13% | |
1068 votes
Comments (72)
Which 2009 comeback bandwagon are you on? :
Boxer (1447) | 46% | | Savior (1239) | 39% | | ILoveOov (259) | 8% | | Other (217) | 7% | |
3162 votes
Comments (132)
What are you most looking forward to during Xmas? :
The Old VOD night (455) | 30% | | TL: Attack! Xmas Special (426) | 28% | | Racewars (244) | 16% | | The 2v2 Tournament (221) | 15% | | Liquibition Xmas Special (162) | 11% | |
1508 votes
Comments (57)
The 7th map for Liquibition #25 will be... :
Ride of Valkyries (383) | 32% | | Rush Hour 3 (277) | 23% | | Monty Hall SE (206) | 17% | | Blitz X (126) | 11% | | Colosseum II (125) | 11% | | Neo Harmony (72) | 6% | |
1189 votes
Comments (65)
What are you doing over Christmas? :
Going home and spending it with family (411) | 31% | | Starcraft! (339) | 25% | | Nothing - life continues as normal (284) | 21% | | I dont know; TL entertain me! (189) | 14% | | Vacation (78) | 6% | | Going away and can't play Starcraft (46) | 3% | |
1347 votes
Comments (65)
Score for Liquibition? :
JF 4-2 Brat_OK (324) | 28% | | JF 4-3 Brat_OK (212) | 18% | | JF 3-4 Brat_OK (202) | 17% | | JF 2-4Brat_OK (136) | 12% | | JF 4-0 Brat_OK (94) | 8% | | JF 0-4 Brat_OK (82) | 7% | | JF 4-1 Brat_OK (81) | 7% | | JF 1-4 Brat_OK (26) | 2% | |
1157 votes
Comments (37)
The 7th map for Liquibition will be... :
Rush Hour III (573) | 37% | | Chupung-Ryeong (504) | 33% | | Colosseum II (163) | 11% | | Athena (147) | 10% | | Neo Harmony (142) | 9% | |
1529 votes
Comments (44)
Best TL vs YG game? :
The 3v3 (258) | 70% | | IefNaij vs eun (49) | 13% | | Artosis vs hon_joon (20) | 5% | | iNfeRnaL vs Miracle (17) | 5% | | Cloud vs TerrOr (13) | 4% | | Machine vs Choya (9) | 2% | | The 2v2 (4) | 1% | |
370 votes
Comments (26)
Most anticipated TL vs YG match? :
The 3v3 (314) | 34% | | IefNaij vs eun (272) | 29% | | Cloud vs TerrOr (136) | 15% | | Artosis vs Rani (131) | 14% | | The 2v2 (33) | 4% | | Machine vs Choya (23) | 2% | | iNfeRnaL vs Clide (18) | 2% | |
927 votes
Comments (36)
Predicted Proleague Winner? :
Lecaf Oz (802) | 26% | | Samsung KHAN (799) | 26% | | SK Telecom T1 (419) | 14% | | CJ Entus (232) | 8% | | eSTRO/Air Force/WeMade (211) | 7% | | KTF MagicNs (210) | 7% | | STX Soul (168) | 6% | | Woongjin Stars (126) | 4% | | MBCGame Hero (53) | 2% | | OnGameNet Sparkyz (20) | 1% | |
3040 votes
Comments (160)
Prediction of Proleague Winner? :
Samsung KHAN (31) | 35% | | Lecaf Oz (24) | 27% | | SK Telecom T1 (12) | 13% | | KTF MagicNs (9) | 10% | | CJ Entus (4) | 4% | | STX Soul (4) | 4% | | eSTRO/AirForce ACE (State Which) (3) | 3% | | OnGameNet Sparkyz (2) | 2% | | WeMade Fox (0) | 0% | | MBCGame Hero (0) | 0% | |
89 votes
Comments (18)
MSL Finals? :
Bisu-Free winner (1490) | 84% | | Jangbi-Kal winner (282) | 16% | |
1772 votes
Comments (48)
Proleague Finals? :
Bisu-Free winner (161) | 85% | | Jangbi-Kal winner (28) | 15% | |
189 votes
Comments (17)
MSL Finals :
3 votes
Comments (1)
What was the best match of the TL vs SC2GG grudge match? :
Rage vs Psyonic_Reaver (224) | 55% | | Chill vs Salv (75) | 19% | | OneOther vs Deus_073 (55) | 14% | | Hot_Bid vs Cholera (24) | 6% | | Carnac/Cow vs JWD/MrBitter (15) | 4% | | Insane vs Delirium (7) | 2% | | Deadvessel vs Vaul (4) | 1% | |
404 votes
Comments (26)
Who is most likely to lose for TL? :
Nobody (107) | 34% | | DeadVessel (89) | 28% | | Chill (53) | 17% | | Hot_Bid (27) | 9% | | OneOther (17) | 5% | | Rage (11) | 3% | | Carnac & Cow (10) | 3% | | Insane (3) | 1% | |
317 votes
Comments (17)
TL vs SC2GG Best Match? :
Chill vs Moletrap (casting) (628) | 48% | | Chill vs Salv (233) | 18% | | Insane vs Cholera (123) | 9% | | HotBid vs WC8 (90) | 7% | | Rage vs PsyonicReaver (70) | 5% | | Carnac/Cow vs MrBitter/JWD (61) | 5% | | DeadVessel vs Vaul (54) | 4% | | OneOther vs Deus (49) | 4% | |
1308 votes
Comments (61)
Best TL vs SC2GG Match? :
HotBid vs WC8 (4) | 100% | | OneOther vs Deus (0) | 0% | |
4 votes
Comments (0)
Your favorite league now that the OSL is over? :
GOM Classic Season 2 (879) | 41% | | ClubDay MSL (854) | 40% | | Shinhan Proleauge (388) | 18% | |
2121 votes
Comments (72)
Best poll on TL? :
305 votes
Comments (32)
Best TL vs SC2GG Matchup? :
Chill vs Combat-Ex (795) | 43% | | lilsusie vs Peanut (458) | 25% | | Baezzi vs Nevake (196) | 11% | | zulu_nation8 vs Klazart (189) | 10% | | Manifesto vs Radivel (129) | 7% | | WorldCommunist8 vs R1CH (66) | 4% | |
1833 votes
Comments (105)
The winner of the Club Day MSL will be... :
Stork (378) | 36% | | Bisu (229) | 22% | | Firebathero (198) | 19% | | Nada (134) | 13% | | Free (57) | 5% | | Yarnc (31) | 3% | | Jangbi (15) | 1% | | Kal (8) | 1% | |
1050 votes
Comments (86)
The winner of Incuit OSL will be... :
Stork (1047) | 66% | | fantasy (546) | 34% | |
1593 votes
Comments (91)
And the silver medallist is... :
YellOw (963) | 50% | | Stork (953) | 50% | |
1916 votes
Comments (171)
Best autovote option of all time: :
Boxer (668) | 33% | | When YellOw wins an OSL (438) | 22% | | Savior (280) | 14% | | Tossgirl (245) | 12% | | Bisu Build (181) | 9% | | Map imbalance (95) | 5% | | Teamliquid (93) | 5% | | Sea[shield] (20) | 1% | |
2020 votes
Comments (127)
Best autovote option of all time?? :
Boxer (29) | 34% | | When YellOw wins an OSL (21) | 24% | | Teamliquid (13) | 15% | | Savior (11) | 13% | | Bisu Build (7) | 8% | | Map Imbalance (5) | 6% | |
86 votes
Comments (9)
Best autovote option of all time? :
0 votes
Comments (1)
Why haven't we been seeing players repeatedly winning the MSL recently? :
Savior's been in a slump (452) | 56% | | Removal of the double-elim format (127) | 16% | | Quarterfinals being played over 2 days (74) | 9% | | Maps have been terrible (69) | 9% | | Introduction of the ODT style Ro32 (48) | 6% | | Devaluing the role of the Seed (37) | 5% | |
807 votes
Comments (49)
Valkyries in TvZ: :
Viable alternative (562) | 30% | | Revolutionary (442) | 23% | | Just a phase (382) | 20% | | Gimmick build (295) | 16% | | It's the maps fault! (208) | 11% | |
1889 votes
Comments (70)
Which Progamer is failing to meet expectations the most? :
Flash (819) | 43% | | Sea (524) | 27% | | Bisu (228) | 12% | | Luxury (129) | 7% | | Mind (117) | 6% | | Much (93) | 5% | |
1910 votes
Comments (84)
Best non-TSL TL feature? :
TLPD (286) | 38% | | Teamliquid: Attack! (219) | 29% | | Power Rank (78) | 10% | | Final Edits (74) | 10% | | Liquid Podcast (63) | 8% | | Liquibition (25) | 3% | |
745 votes
Comments (67)
Coolest Blizzcon Progamer? :
Savior (1198) | 68% | | Nada (196) | 11% | | YellOw (132) | 8% | | Idra (66) | 4% | | Jangbi (50) | 3% | | Xellos (44) | 3% | | Cloud (44) | 3% | | fOrGG (27) | 2% | |
1757 votes
Comments (58)
What are you most excited about at Blizzcon? :
Starcraft 2 (1017) | 56% | | Diablo 3 (336) | 19% | | Letting Chill have it (191) | 11% | | Meeting the Progamers (158) | 9% | | The TL Meetup (55) | 3% | | The inevitable LANs (55) | 3% | |
1812 votes
Comments (60)
Best game from TL vs GG? :
Chill vs Phantom trash talk (450) | 42% | | Fakesteve vs marCoon (208) | 19% | | Last Romantic vs EffOrt (203) | 19% | | Drone vs LML (79) | 7% | | Plexa vs Vilda (55) | 5% | | DeadVessel vs Groove (37) | 3% | | GTR/Insane vs LML/Phantom (24) | 2% | | Drone/Sp1ral vs synergis/Artanis (24) | 2% | |
1080 votes
Comments (49)
Score of TL.net vs GG.net? :
TL 6-0 GG (1055) | 44% | | TL 4-2 GG (389) | 16% | | TL 0-6 GG (301) | 12% | | TL 4-3 GG (269) | 11% | | TL 5-1 GG (189) | 8% | | TL 3-4 GG (107) | 4% | | TL 2-4 GG (85) | 4% | | TL 1-5 GG (24) | 1% | |
2419 votes
Comments (124)
Best OSL game so far? :
Much vs July on Medusa (202) | 37% | | July vs Bisu on Chupung-Ryeong (118) | 21% | | Much vs Bisu on Plasma (109) | 20% | | Backho vs Stork on Return of the King (72) | 13% | | Other (leave a comment) (29) | 5% | | GGPlay vs Rock on Return of the King (11) | 2% | | Luxury vs Thezerg on Chupung-Ryeong (8) | 1% | |
549 votes
Comments (29)
When did you join TL? :
2008 (494) | 29% | | 2007 (453) | 27% | | 2006 (227) | 13% | | 2003 (134) | 8% | | 2002 (132) | 8% | | 2004 (132) | 8% | | 2005 (122) | 7% | |
1694 votes
Comments (194)
Most feared TL moderator? :
Rekrul (413) | 39% | | Chill (210) | 20% | | FakeSteve[TPR] (163) | 15% | | Hot_Bid (55) | 5% | | FrozenArbiter (54) | 5% | | EvilTeletubby (43) | 4% | | Kennigit (43) | 4% | | Plexa (37) | 3% | | vGl-CoW (33) | 3% | | SonuvBob (13) | 1% | |
1064 votes
Comments (102)
MSL Group of Death?? :
Group D: Much, firebathero, Bisu, Backho (954) | 52% | | Group E: Kal, Stork, HerO, Sea (312) | 17% | | Group G: Free, Dongrae, NaDa, Savior (195) | 11% | | Group B: Flash, Yarnc, JangBi, Bul_T (154) | 8% | | Group C: Jaedong, go.go, UpMagic, FrOzean (112) | 6% | | Group A: fOrGG, Leta, Iris, Zero (68) | 4% | | Group H: Hwasin, Fantasy, Tempest, Ruby (37) | 2% | | Group F: Lomo, type-b, Canata, Memory (9) | 0% | |
1841 votes
Comments (61)
MSL Group of Death? :
Group A: fOrGG, Leta, Iris, Zero (1) | 100% | | Group B: Flash, Yarnc, JangBi, Bul_T (0) | 0% | | Group C: Jaedong, go.go, UpMagic, FrOzean (0) | 0% | | Group D: Much, firebathero, Bisu, Backho (0) | 0% | | Group E: Kal, Stork, (0) | 0% | |
1 votes
Comments (2)
What will happen when the Large Hadron Collider finally runs on October 21? :
YellOw wins an OSL (891) | 43% | | Oh dear! Gordon, get away from the- (278) | 13% | | $10,000,000,000 paperweight (206) | 10% | | Higgs boson produced (156) | 7% | | Portal to Dimension X opened, Krang arrives (121) | 6% | | Tiny black hole evaporates instantly (120) | 6% | | Nothing interesting, this stuff is for nerds (107) | 5% | | Tiny black hole devours the Earth (100) | 5% | | Dragon devours the Earth (93) | 4% | | Strangelet turns Earth into strange matter (21) | 1% | |
2093 votes
Comments (80)
OSL Group of Death? :
Group A: July, Flash, Bisu, Much (1435) | 93% | | Group D: Backho, Sea, Stork, Fantasy (51) | 3% | | Group C: Luxury, TheZerg, Midas, Mind (49) | 3% | | Group B: Best, GGPlay, Rock, Light (9) | 1% | |
1544 votes
Comments (60)
What do you think of GOMCast, GOMTV's New Casting Tool? :
Impartial (776) | 45% | | Love this idea! (682) | 40% | | Dont like it (260) | 15% | |
1718 votes
Comments (35)
[Inventory Poll] Would you pay $25 + Shipping for a CJ ETNUS uniform? ONLY SAY YES IF YOU MEAN IT! :
No (1897) | 55% | | Yes (1544) | 45% | |
3441 votes
Comments (269)
Did you get owned by the facebook thread? :
What facebook thread? (559) | 47% | | No (283) | 24% | | Yes (165) | 14% | | No, but I read the replies first (118) | 10% | | It ruined my life (55) | 5% | |
1180 votes
Comments (89)
When will the Starcraft II Beta be released? :
When YellOw wins an OSL (1192) | 30% | | 3-6 months (745) | 19% | | 7-12 months (582) | 15% | | The year 3015, when robots rule the Earth (528) | 13% | | 1-2 years (305) | 8% | | 0-2 months (193) | 5% | | The Rapture (130) | 3% | | When the current Mafia game ends (114) | 3% | | When mensrea's identity is revealed (108) | 3% | | 3-10 years (54) | 1% | |
3951 votes
Comments (67)
Which title will Blizzard announce at WWI? :
Diablo III (507) | 54% | | Starcraft III (ETA: Q3 2018) (79) | 8% | | Duke Nukem Forever (71) | 8% | | Announcement delayed until Blizzcon (71) | 8% | | World of Lost Vikings (53) | 6% | | Starcraft: Ghost (lol) (47) | 5% | | WoW 2: Electric Boogaloo (40) | 4% | | World of Starcraft (29) | 3% | | Warcraft IV (19) | 2% | | World of Diablo (16) | 2% | |
932 votes
Comments (51)
Who do you hope goes to BWWI? :
Tossgirl (840) | 24% | | Boxer (564) | 16% | | Jaedong (555) | 16% | | Flash (415) | 12% | | Savior (335) | 10% | | Bisu (260) | 8% | | Nal_Ra (232) | 7% | | Yellow (111) | 3% | | Reach (104) | 3% | | Sea (30) | 1% | |
3446 votes
Comments (176)
Best TSL feature? :
Organization and coverage (474) | 22% | | Game quality and competition (451) | 21% | | Commentators and obs (389) | 18% | | Prizes and sponsors (360) | 17% | | Overlay and video stream (270) | 13% | | Graphics and art (182) | 9% | |
2126 votes
Comments (96)
This weekend's winners? :
Draco and Brat (822) | 52% | | IefNaij and Brat (371) | 24% | | Draco and Nony (252) | 16% | | IefNaij and Nony (124) | 8% | |
1569 votes
Comments (34)
Who will win this weekend? :
Draco and Brat (1) | 100% | | Draco and Nony (0) | 0% | |
1 votes
Comments (0)
Who will win the TSL? :
Draco (2188) | 41% | | Brat (807) | 15% | | IefNaij (604) | 11% | | NonY (600) | 11% | | Dreiven (485) | 9% | | White-Ra (308) | 6% | | DinOt (165) | 3% | | GOsia (136) | 3% | |
5293 votes
Comments (128)
Most Anticipated TSL Match? :
ToT)Mondragon( vs. MYM.Dreiven (965) | 42% | | Retired_Draco vs. MYM.Strelok (627) | 27% | | MYM.White-Ra vs. Idra[Media] (362) | 16% | | ret[Media] vs. Excello.NonY (124) | 5% | | Excello.IefNaij vs. ToT)ClouD( (91) | 4% | | RoX.BRAT_OK vs. HayprO (75) | 3% | | MYM.DinOt vs. fuSion.Rondo (59) | 3% | | T.SQD)Kr vs. ToT)GOsia( (21) | 1% | |
2324 votes
Comments (70)
Hardest TSL R2 Group? :
A - Mondi, MIStrZZZ, GOsia, Legionnaire (1979) | 64% | | E - XiaOzI, White-Ra, Notforu, Rondo (447) | 14% | | B - Draco, Cloud, ALF, HoRRoR (172) | 6% | | H - SquaLL, Kr, Dreiven, Advokate (165) | 5% | | G - Strelok, IefNaij, Temujin, Slider (163) | 5% | | F - BRAT_OK, NonY, iNfeRnaL, Tarson (96) | 3% | | C - Yayba, ret, CaStrO, HayprO (39) | 1% | | D - DinOt, hanniGan, Idra, KwaK, (38) | 1% | |
3099 votes
Comments (95)
Should the team melee team get a shot at playing Mingu in TL Attack? :
Yes. (1052) | 81% | | No. (250) | 19% | |
1302 votes
Comments (72)
Who is most likely to qualify for TSL Top 48? :
Liquid_Nazgul (403) | 23% | | TSL-Leg (381) | 21% | | TSL-EX (264) | 15% | | TSL-Day[9] (262) | 15% | | Chill (218) | 12% | | TSL-Dashwriter (141) | 8% | | TSL-ZelotITO (108) | 6% | |
1777 votes
Comments (63)
Mondragon was the first to A- Who will end up first overall? :
Mondragon (1410) | 57% | | Xiaozi (277) | 11% | | Other (post in comments) (273) | 11% | | Nony (162) | 7% | | IdrA (132) | 5% | | IefNaij (105) | 4% | | Sen (53) | 2% | | Smuft (52) | 2% | |
2464 votes
Comments (95)
Mondragon was teh first to A- Who will end up first overall? :
Mondragon (12) | 86% | | Iejnaji (1) | 7% | | Xiaozi (1) | 7% | | IdrA (0) | 0% | | Sen (0) | 0% | | Nony (0) | 0% | | Smuft (0) | 0% | | Other (post in comments) (0) | 0% | |
14 votes
Comments (4)
Which league will you be following the most this season? :
TSL (292) | 31% | | OnGameNet Starleague (250) | 26% | | GOMTV Classic (215) | 23% | | KeSPA Proleague (104) | 11% | | MBCgame Starleague (84) | 9% | |
945 votes
Comments (49)
Who rigs TL.net polls? :
R1CH (449) | 50% | | SonuvBob (447) | 50% | |
896 votes
Comments (39)
Best Wizard? :
R1CH (10002) | 100% | | Merlin (2) | 0% | | Gandalf (1) | 0% | | Harry Potter (1) | 0% | | of Oz (0) | 0% | |
10006 votes
Comments (92)
What do you think of the TSL? :
I'm going to 4pool Mondragon (540) | 36% | | I wish this were yubee vs. Kennigit bo50 (302) | 20% | | Can't talk, too busy laddering (206) | 14% | | Meh, it's just gonna be another league (164) | 11% | | I'm already buying stuff with my $5000 (164) | 11% | | Hopefully I can sneak into the Top 48 (123) | 8% | |
1499 votes
Comments (57)
Favorite New 1v1 ProLeague Map? :
Wuthering Heights (285) | 35% | | Andromeda (188) | 23% | | Colosseum (180) | 22% | | Othello (154) | 19% | |
807 votes
Comments (42)
Best Non-SC Game We Could Cover? : :
WarCraft III (479) | 41% | | Super Smash Brothers Brawl (265) | 23% | | Defense of the Ancients (123) | 11% | | Counter Strike Source (88) | 8% | | World of WarCraft (68) | 6% | | Kart Rider (53) | 5% | | Halo (41) | 4% | | Command and Conquer 3 (32) | 3% | | Sudden Attack (7) | 1% | |
1156 votes
Comments (107)
Best Non-SC Korean Game We Could Cover? :
Warcraft III (2) | 100% | | World of Warcraft (0) | 0% | |
2 votes
Comments (0)
Best Staff Grudge Match? :
Rekrul vs. FakeSteve (559) | 50% | | Nazgul vs. Meat (234) | 21% | | Yubee vs. Kennigit (192) | 17% | | Haji vs. Bob/Ken/Steve Team Melee (129) | 12% | |
1114 votes
Comments (46)
Who would make the best foreign captain for a new ProLeague team? :
Mondragon (349) | 58% | | Testie (94) | 16% | | Draco (71) | 12% | | All of the above (50) | 8% | | Androide (40) | 7% | |
604 votes
Comments (78)
What older map do you wish was brought back to proleague? :
Lost Temple (384) | 31% | | Ride of the Valkyries (239) | 19% | | Longinus (196) | 16% | | Tau Cross (161) | 13% | | Rush Hour III (131) | 10% | | Blitz X (83) | 7% | | R-Point (64) | 5% | |
1258 votes
Comments (88)
Your opinion on this seasons OSL and MSL semi-final match-ups? :
Pretty good! (695) | 35% | | Awesome!111!111 (557) | 28% | | Meh... (360) | 18% | | Screw this season (310) | 16% | | Terrible! Terrible, terrible, terrible! (75) | 4% | |
1997 votes
Comments (37)
Your opinion on both starleague's semi-final match-ups? :
AWESOME!!!1111!! (0) | 0% | | Pretty good! (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (0)
GomTV Star Invitational Group of Death? :
Jaedong, Nada, Much, Boxer (1988) | 56% | | Savior, Flash, Anytime, Mind (772) | 22% | | Bisu, Sea, GGPlay, Light (444) | 12% | | Stork, Iris, Hwasin, Free (357) | 10% | |
3561 votes
Comments (86)
Most exciting Proleague finals match-up? :
Jaedong vs Iris on Python (570) | 48% | | Ace vs Ace on Blue Storm (282) | 24% | | Anytime vs Darkelf on Monty Hall SE (177) | 15% | | Bright/Dongrae vs Savior/Xellos on Seongangil (98) | 8% | | Forgg vs Kwanro on Un'Goro Crater (46) | 4% | | Hiya vs Much on Baekmagoji (10) | 1% | | Lomo/Shinhwa vs Jy/Memory on Hwangsanbul (6) | 1% | |
1189 votes
Comments (36)
Bacchus OSL Group of Death? :
Group A (Jaedong, sAviOr, Sea, BeSt) (1295) | 66% | | Group C (Bisu, XellOs, Luxury, July) (604) | 31% | | Group B (Stork, Rock, Rumble, Flash) (34) | 2% | | Group D (Much, BackHo, FrOzean, YellOw) (19) | 1% | |
1952 votes
Comments (41)
Most potential to royal road this seasons OSL? :
They all suck (871) | 58% | | Luxury (Z) (364) | 24% | | Best (P) (174) | 12% | | BackHo (P) (69) | 5% | | Rumble (Z) (35) | 2% | |
1513 votes
Comments (60)
The new 'star player' in 2008 will be.... :
Mind (958) | 43% | | Other (333) | 15% | | Kal (219) | 10% | | 815 (205) | 9% | | Haran (156) | 7% | | Ruby (150) | 7% | | Firefist (73) | 3% | | Best (65) | 3% | | Guemchi (29) | 1% | | Pure (29) | 1% | |
2217 votes
Comments (103)
Which race will win the most Starleagues in 2008? :
Protoss (920) | 45% | | Terran (653) | 32% | | Zerg (481) | 23% | |
2054 votes
Comments (74)
Most exciting Proleague set this week (12/01 - 12/05) ? :
Free vs BoxeR on Monty Hall SE (439) | 30% | | July vs Stork on Katrina (322) | 22% | | Jaedong vs Sea on Monty Hall SE (293) | 20% | | By.Sun vs DaezanG on Monty Hall SE (100) | 7% | | Anytime vs Pusan on Katrina (80) | 5% | | Midas vs Firebathero on Un'Goro Crater (71) | 5% | | rA vs Darkelf on Monty Hall SE (68) | 5% | | Other (Specify in comments) (41) | 3% | | 815 vs XellOs on Blue Storm (34) | 2% | | Chalrenge vs Kal on Baekmagoji (13) | 1% | |
1461 votes
Comments (56)
Most exciting Proleague set this week (11/24 - 11/28) ? :
Reach vs BoxeR on Katrina (794) | 56% | | Iris vs Jaedong on Un'Goro Crater (189) | 13% | | Stork vs Anytime on Katrina (109) | 8% | | NaDa vs PuSan on Baekmagoji (88) | 6% | | GGPlay vs Hwasin on Blue Storm (87) | 6% | | Free vs Bisu on Un'Goro Crater (70) | 5% | | Iris vs YellOw[ArnC] on Python (31) | 2% | | Other (29) | 2% | | Junwi/Max (R) vs Saint/Sea (R) on Hwangsanbul (15) | 1% | | Canata vs UpMagiC on Monty Hall SE (6) | 0% | |
1418 votes
Comments (54)
Most exciting EVER 2007 OSL Quarter Final Matchup? :
sAviOr vs Bisu (953) | 85% | | Light vs Jaedong (93) | 8% | | Stork vs FlaSh (50) | 4% | | UpMagiC vs HwaSin (25) | 2% | |
1121 votes
Comments (57)
Time Machine Tournament Winner? :
2001 Boxer (620) | 31% | | 2007 Bisu (387) | 19% | | 2006 Savior (375) | 18% | | 2004 Iloveoov (175) | 9% | | 2002 Nada (166) | 8% | | 2004 Nal_Ra (97) | 5% | | 05, 06, 07 Fall Anytime (79) | 4% | | 2002 Reach (64) | 3% | | 2005 July (55) | 3% | | 2003 GoRush (11) | 1% | |
2029 votes
Comments (157)
Who is your favourite for this seasons OSL 4th seed? :
Reach (525) | 24% | | Anytime (349) | 16% | | Xellos (308) | 14% | | Sea (282) | 13% | | Yellow[ArnC] (189) | 9% | | Midas (184) | 8% | | Other (165) | 8% | | Much (78) | 4% | | Calm (52) | 2% | | Luxury (39) | 2% | |
2171 votes
Comments (110)
Most Unfair? :
0 votes
Comments (11)
Best GomTV3 MSL Week1 Newspaper Headline? :
Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra (8 interceptors) (308) | 25% | | Bisu Has No Hwasinsurance for Blue Storm (236) | 19% | | PJ to Stork: I Pretended He Was Taiwanese (220) | 18% | | Mind Over Macro (145) | 12% | | KwanRo16 Changes Name to KwanRo8 (126) | 10% | | July Allergic to Fourth Base (115) | 9% | | Xellos Canata Be Perfect This Time (55) | 4% | | Lomowned for Free (26) | 2% | |
1231 votes
Comments (39)
Most Intriguing about the GomTV3 MSL? :
Oov's Last Dance? (329) | 23% | | Can Stork beat Savior? (292) | 20% | | Hwasin vs Bisu Rivalry (245) | 17% | | July playing ZvTs on new maps (196) | 14% | | Can Xellos or Ra make it past Ro16 this time? (145) | 10% | | LoL? Kwanro's road: Light then Bisu or Hwasin (99) | 7% | | Free Free! (73) | 5% | | New Terrans: Lomo, Mind, Mania (27) | 2% | | ForGG or Canata living up to potential? (22) | 2% | |
1428 votes
Comments (55)
What's the most intriguing EVER 07 OSL plotline? :
Savior getting out of his slump (514) | 27% | | Bisu as a double-title threat (461) | 24% | | Nada's quest for his 4th badge (337) | 18% | | Jaedong walking the Royal Road (146) | 8% | | Hwasin & Stork handling OSL / MSL / WCG / PL (134) | 7% | | Rock's ceremonies (and making it past quarters) (100) | 5% | | Flash back in semis? (80) | 4% | | Iris: Shinhan3--semis; Daum--Finals; Ever--Winner? (76) | 4% | | GGPlay's Daum title defense (69) | 4% | |
1917 votes
Comments (84)
How do you feel about Casy's move to FOX? :
I don't give a crap about Casy (727) | 42% | | Excellent (477) | 28% | | Good (301) | 18% | | No Idea (180) | 10% | | Bad (15) | 1% | | Terrible (15) | 1% | |
1715 votes
Comments (53)
You are the progaming manager for Air Force. You have to trade Boxer for one other player. Who would be the best trade for your Air Force team? :
Iris (489) | 42% | | Sea[Shield] (316) | 27% | | Anytime (120) | 10% | | GoRush (105) | 9% | | Yellow[arnc] (85) | 7% | | Pusan (63) | 5% | |
1178 votes
Comments (82)
You are the progaming manager for Air Force. You have to trade Boxer for one other player. Who would be the best trade for your Air Force team? :
GoRush (0) | 0% | | Anytime (0) | 0% | | Pusan (0) | 0% | | Yellow[arnc] (0) | 0% | |
0 votes
Comments (0)
How did you feel about the past progaming off-season? :
Boring as AIDS. (202) | 44% | | What's an off-season? (112) | 25% | | So-so. (89) | 20% | | Brilliant! (53) | 12% | |
456 votes
Comments (39)
Preferred VOD source? :
YouTube/Google Video (637) | 52% | | Tracker (Torrents) (228) | 19% | | Small VOD Thread (218) | 18% | | Don't watch VODs (69) | 6% | | GOM TV/Daum TV Pot (38) | 3% | | Other (30) | 2% | |
1220 votes
Comments (74)
FireBatHero ceremonies - What is your view? :
Absolutely retarded and awesome! (610) | 49% | | Absolutely retarded. (520) | 42% | | Awesome! (107) | 9% | |
1237 votes
Comments (64)
Battle of the best TL.net poll winners. Who will win here? :
sAviOr (StarCraft Player) (658) | 45% | | Chuck Norris (Guy) (420) | 29% | | Super Nintendo (Game Console) (391) | 27% | |
1469 votes
Comments (116)
Who will win WCG Korea 2007? :
sAviOr (216) | 36% | | Bisu (205) | 34% | | iloveoov (41) | 7% | | Jaedong (37) | 6% | | Other (Post in Comments) (33) | 6% | | Stork (20) | 3% | | Anytime (15) | 3% | | Sea (12) | 2% | | Free (9) | 2% | | YellOw[ArnC] (8) | 1% | |
596 votes
Comments (60)
What media/video player do you use (regulary)? :
VLC Media Player (468) | 25% | | Windows Media Player (444) | 23% | | Media Player Classic (279) | 15% | | Winamp (248) | 13% | | GOM Player (191) | 10% | | Other (post in comments) (108) | 6% | | iTunes (88) | 5% | | BSPlayer (73) | 4% | |
1899 votes
Comments (112)
Who will take home the Blizzcon 2007 title? :
Savior (463) | 42% | | Iris (157) | 14% | | Yellow (109) | 10% | | Ra (108) | 10% | | Reach (100) | 9% | | Skew (72) | 6% | | Testie (52) | 5% | | Xellos (51) | 5% | |
1112 votes
Comments (85)
Which of these companies will sponsor EX? :
Hana Bank (235) | 37% | | Team Liquid (218) | 34% | | Super Nintendo (140) | 22% | | WeMade Game Company (43) | 7% | |
636 votes
Comments (47)
Out of these potential OSL qualifiers, which do you most likely want to see as a Royal Roader? :
Jaedong (Z) (153) | 53% | | Free (P) (88) | 30% | | Shudder (T) (13) | 4% | | ZergBOy (Z) (12) | 4% | | Frozean (T) (11) | 4% | | BackHo (P) (7) | 2% | | TheZerg (Z) (4) | 1% | | Mind (T) (3) | 1% | |
291 votes
Comments (34)
Boxer's best winning streak against Protoss has been...... :
8 games (97) | 30% | | 4 games (66) | 20% | | 5 games (49) | 15% | | 6 games (40) | 12% | | 3 games (32) | 10% | | 7 games (26) | 8% | | 2 games (18) | 5% | |
328 votes
Comments (25)
How many times has Zergs won vs P and T on both Paradoxx and Paradoxx II? :
1 (134) | 24% | | 3 (94) | 17% | | 7 (86) | 16% | | 5 (85) | 15% | | 13 (66) | 12% | | 9 (38) | 7% | | 10 (35) | 6% | | 11 (15) | 3% | |
553 votes
Comments (30)
Which match-up has been Midas' weak point in his career? :
Terran vs Zerg (208) | 43% | | Terran vs Terran (177) | 36% | | Terran vs Protoss (100) | 21% | |
485 votes
Comments (34)
Which of these players had the highest ammount of wins in the MBC Movies Teamleague? :
NaDa (119) | 26% | | BoxeR (78) | 17% | | sAviOr (68) | 15% | | rA (56) | 12% | | XellOs (37) | 8% | | JJu (25) | 6% | | SaferZerg (24) | 5% | | ClouD (21) | 5% | | Anytime (18) | 4% | | HwaSin (8) | 2% | |
454 votes
Comments (35)
How many official games were played on Valley of Wind before its removal from the proleague in 2004? :
1 (64) | 19% | | 5 (52) | 15% | | 4 (47) | 14% | | 6 (45) | 13% | | 3 (38) | 11% | | 2 (27) | 8% | | 8 (21) | 6% | | 10 (20) | 6% | | 7 (18) | 5% | | 9 (6) | 2% | |
338 votes
Comments (28)
How well did zerg do against the protoss during the 2nd KT-KTF Premiere League? :
Better than normal (60%-80%) (115) | 29% | | ZvP is imbalanced (more than 80%) (96) | 24% | | Fair (40%-60%) (76) | 19% | | Decent (20-40%) (57) | 14% | | ZvP is hard (less than 20%) (50) | 13% | |
394 votes
Comments (16)
The proteam eSTRO has _ players with over a 50% or over winning record :
2 (115) | 33% | | 1 (84) | 24% | | 3 (73) | 21% | | 4 (41) | 12% | | 6 (25) | 7% | | 5 (8) | 2% | |
346 votes
Comments (27)
Out of these retired Terrans, who has the best record (percentage wise) versus Protoss? :
V-Gundam (278) | 49% | | TheMarine (124) | 22% | | ElkY (112) | 20% | | Oddysay (30) | 5% | | kOs (24) | 4% | |
568 votes
Comments (45)
Which one of these Protoss' has won a PvT on Desert Fox? :
rA (155) | 28% | | Bisu (108) | 20% | | Reach (82) | |