The most important thing is I want to figure out what kind of content people want to watch. It's no secret that YouTube has the biggest audience, but I would need to get people to follow my SC channel to actually get exposure.
I tried two types of videos: first person videos of me playing and explanation videos. So far I've gotten positive feedback on in depth videos, but they don't really get many video views. Whenever I link on social media to videos they get some views, but my most popular video is how to make OBS microphone louder, lol
In terms of my Twitch, I don't really get anything out of spamming discords according to metrics in Twitch. My biggest referring website is
I get the most value from interacting with other streamers that will sometimes raid me. Once you get a dozen viewers you tend to stay there as more people tend to get interested in higher viewer streams with chatting going on.
So maybe improving my stream is the way to go by talking more often and responding to chats when they appear. I'm waiting for RAM to come for my new laptop so it might be cool. I'm currently streaming in 1440p, but I'm not sure if that matters for Twitch.
So anyone have suggestions?