Welcome to the LiquidDota Off-Topic General Discussion!
So what do we do here? You get to discuss anything related ranging from Sailor Moon to Sailor Mars without having to worry about making LD any shittier than it already is. Some Dota talk is fine as long as it doesn't warrant it's own thread, such as news, strategy talk, and players/teams.
How strictly will this thread be moderated? The moderation will be fairly lenient.
Great! Time to spam image macros, memes and spam posts to increase my post count artificially! Woah, hold up there buddy. This thread is not an excuse to spam post, behave like it's Reddit or be egregiously rude to other users on LiquidDota.
So what else should I know? If someone rubs you the wrong way you shouldn't hesitate to challenge them to the 1v1 Ban Challange. If you win, they get banned. If they win you get banned. Either way the community wins!
I think there's a useful resource which should be linked in the OP of this thread! Drop me a PM and if it's useful I'll update the OP. If not I'll kill a kitten. Your call.
Did you really steal this OP from the LoL Off-Topic thread on TL? Hells yeah. We're also soon going to add a filter that changes the use of "hero" to "champion". We Superiormoba now!
So, how about them apples?
I like my apples shiny and sweet+ Show Spoiler +
Alternative OP below because this one is trash
Hello fellow Liquiddotaians and welcome to the Official Offtopic General DiscussionThread where we discuss everything that IS NOT between the Dire and Radiant Ancients. How much is that is still unknown, but Tinker is looking into it.
While moderation cannot be as strict in a thread without rails as it is in normal ones, you better watch your filthy tongue mister.
Here are some rules, because you can't be a hip rebel without something to go against.
- No dota talk. It's an off-topic thread ffs.
- Normal forum rules apply. You're still on a Liquid franchise community website
- Low content posts are fine, non content posts will be fined.
- There's a thread for that!
Someone's being a criminal scumlord and the mods are asleep? Get in on that 1v1 ban challenge thread and ban his ass yourself. If you dare.
And remember. Have fun!
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
On November 27 2014 20:36 Qbek wrote:I like my apples shiny and sweet + Show Spoiler + there needs to be a rule limiting number of ponies per page
On November 27 2014 20:49 ahswtini wrote:there needs to be a rule limiting number of ponies per page All that'll do is make me treat that as a quota to meet.
On November 27 2014 20:54 Qbek wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2014 20:49 ahswtini wrote:On November 27 2014 20:36 Qbek wrote:I like my apples shiny and sweet + Show Spoiler + there needs to be a rule limiting number of ponies per page All that'll do is make me treat that as a quota to meet. Nice, the limit should be 0 then. n_n
I made my own OP in the second post. Would put more in there but I kinda have plans for today AND dreamhack CS is going on www.twitch.tv/dreamhackcs
Twitch chat accusing every player who made a good play of hacks is already boring and there's only been 2 matches >.>
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
twitch chat overusing memes to death, thats unheard of!
On November 27 2014 22:21 ahswtini wrote: twitch chat overusing memes to death, thats unheard of! I guess I watched too many 1k viewer streams lately :/
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
you should watch kirstyplays
28077 Posts
I thought we weren't going with the "champion" joke Julmust
I'm dissapointed.
Also Hello other OT posters.
Wait, so we killed GD, said there would be an alternative to GD, and then resurrected GD?
28077 Posts
On November 28 2014 03:34 tehh4ck3r wrote: Wait, so we killed GD, said there would be an alternative to GD, and then resurrected GD?
Awesome. This isn't GD. It's actually the opposite because there is no dota discussion allowed (I mean some references is fine).
It's GD with all the colors inverted. The shape is the same, contents are completely opposite
Are we still allowed to have our customary CM tip on every 1000th page?
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
On November 28 2014 03:45 tehh4ck3r wrote: Are we still allowed to have our customary CM tip on every 1000th page? if its a tip not about dota
Sadly, this wont fit the the needs of GD, but I guess this will do.
do any of you guys lift or do some kind of physical activity