United States9244 Posts
What is the TL Mafia Database?
The TL mafia database contains a record of the majority of mafia games played on Teamliquid, dating back to 2008. In the game records section you may find a list of games, sorted by type, containing the player list, role list, and result. The player list section (second post) will contain a player's history, as well as a filter link to each game they have played in. Finally, I put together a few fun statistics based on the data.
While the majority of games have been documented, there were some that were excluded for a variety of reasons. It is possible that some of these may be added at a later time.
+ Show Spoiler +There was no role list posted for the following games. I tried piecing things together from the flips, but at end game there were still too many roles that I couldn't figure out unless I went back and read through the entire game. If the host of one of these games still has the role post, give me a pm and I'll get it added.
Ace's Mafia World Russian Caller Game And Then There Were None BC's Arkham Asylum
Ended Early:
TL Mafia LI TL Mafia XLVII Day 1: The Beginning TL Mafia XIV - Smurf Edition TL Mafia LXIV
Experiment Mafia I Experiment Mafia II
Not Really Mafia:
BR Survival Program Mini Mafia VI: Diplomacy Resistance I - London Calling Resistance 2 - Tunnel Rats Survivor Outwit, Outplay, Outlast Survivor II: The Amazon One Lynch Mafia [T] MTG Mini Mafia Age of Empires: The Age of Kings Mini Mafia Swedish House Mafia Big Brother Resistance 3 Resistance VI
Didn't fit with database scheme/Caller Games:
Bastard Mafia Holy Roman Mafia [GG] Red Army Mafia
Still Ongoing:
Sengoku Mafia
Special thanks to Meapak, Dirkzor, VisceraEyes, layabout and Marv for their contributions in putting things together initially. An extra special thanks goes to prplhz for spending the time to put together a website to input data and hosting the database.
This is an ongoing work in progress so if you have any ideas, suggestions, or notice an error, no matter how small, feel free to either give me a PM or mention it in this thread.
How can I contribute?
I will attempt to update the player list on a bi-monthly basis. The game list and statistics are typically updated less frequently since they are a bit more time consuming.
If you ever host a game, it is incredibly helpful when the OP is fully updated when the game is completed. If the OP contains the player list, their roles, and the cycle that they died, it makes entering the data much more easier and saves me a bunch of time so I don't need to read through the game. It also helps to use a player's exact name in the player list. For example, Mr. Wiggles had his name spelled differently in five different games, which results in numerous duplicate users.
Game Records Moved here
Player Records Moved to post #2!
Statistics Last Updated: September 21, 2018
Please note that these stats are just for entertainment purposes. Mafia is obviously a team game so its difficult to put much weight into individual statistics, especially with a small sample size. As I mentioned earlier, these stats aren't 100% accurate, as some games have been excluded.
If you have any ideas or requests, please share! The attributes that we have recorded include game id, game name, host, game type, game result, date started, game size, player id, player name, role, alignment, result, cycle, and cycle number.
Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +Palmar 110 raynpelikoneet 95 VisceraEyes 92 Damdred 85 Koshi 83 Vivax 83 marvellosity 82 Holyflare 80 Oatsmaster 76 prplhz 60 Onegu 59 yamato77 52 Alakaslam 50 GlowingBear 48 kitaman27 48 bumatlarge 47 sicklucker 47 sandroba 47 kushm4sta 45 Blazinghand 45 Jackal58 43 FecalFeast 43 VayneAuthority 42 Bill Murray 42 LightningStrike 42 RebirthOfLeGenD 41 Chezinu 41 Hopeless1der 41 Rels 41 Ace 40 WaveofShadow 40 BloodyC0bbler 39 Artanis[Xp] 39 chaoser 38 geript 37 Coagulation 37 Grackaroni 37 ritoky 37 wherebugsgo 36 rsoultin 36 strongandbig 35 Kenpachi 35 Mr. Wiggles 34 ObiWanShinobi 33 justanothertownie 33 Stutters695 33 austinmcc 33 Meapak_Ziphh 32 deconduo 32 slOosh 32 Kurumi 32 iamperfection 31 Foolishness 31 thrawn2112 30 Amber[LighT] 30
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
Holyflare 2014: 25 raynpelikoneet 2014: 23 kushm4sta 2014: 23 Damdred 2014: 21 Palmar 2014: 21 Oatsmaster 2014: 20 VisceraEyes 2014: 20 Alakaslam 2014: 20 Tehpoofter 2014: 19 IAmRobik 2014: 18 Koshi 2014: 18
Damdred 2015: 34 Onegu 2015: 29 rsoultin 2015: 25 LightningStrike 2015: 23 Sicklucker 2015: 21 Palmar 2015: 21 Fecalfeast 2015: 21 Trfel 2015: 19 The Shining 2015: 19 GlowingBear 2015: 18 raynpelikoneet 2015: 18 ritoky 2015: 17 scott31337 2015: 17 Half the Sky 2015: 17
Koshi 2016: 19 Tumblewood 2016: 17 Rels 2016: 16 Tictock 2016: 15 Shapelog 2016: 14 sicklucker 2016: 14 Damdred 2016: 14 Vivax 2016: 12 Superbia 2016: 12 Skynx 2016: 11 GlowingBear 2016: 11 LightningStrike 2016: 10 Palmar 2016: 10
Holyflare 2017: 13 Damdred 2017: 12 Vivax 2017: 11 Koshi 2017: 10 Tumblewood 2017: 10 DarthFoley 2017: 10 Rels 2017: 8 raynpelikoneet 2017: 8 Conversion 2017: 7 Onegu 2017: 7 ruXxar 2017: 7 Grackaroni 2017: 7
Holyflare 2018: 9 Koshi 2018: 7 raynpelikoneet 2018: 7 Vivax 2018: 5 Rels 2018: 5 Mocsta 2018: 5 darthfoley 2018: 5 KelsierSC 2018: 5
Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 15 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% DarthPunk 17/25 = 68.0000% Tubesock 10/15 = 66.6667% Rels 26/41 = 63.4146% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% marvellosity 50/82 = 60.9756% syllogism 14/23 = 60.8696% FecalFeast 26/43 = 60.4651% DoYouHas 9/15 = 60.0000% Gonzaw 10/17 = 58.8235% malongo 10/17 = 58.8235% Caller 12/21 = 57.1429% Holyflare 45/80 = 56.2500% kitaman27 27/48 = 56.2500% Sn0_Man 9/16 = 56.2500% Shapelog 9/16 = 56.2500% keirathi 14/25 = 56.0000% scott31337 14/25 = 56.0000% Superbia 16/29 = 55.1724% WaveofShadow 22/40 = 55.0000% Supersoft 11/20 = 55.0000%
Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 12/18 = 66.6667% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% Rels 21/33 = 63.6364% Tubesock 7/11 = 63.6364% disformation 7/11 = 63.6364% MoosyDoosy 8/13 = 61.5385% Hapahauli 12/21 = 57.1429% malongo 8/14 = 57.1429% Promethelax 8/14 = 57.1429% Foolishness 13/23 = 56.5217% Supersoft 9/16 = 56.2500% KelsierSC 11/20 = 55.0000%
Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 7 games) + Show Spoiler +Fecalfeast 7/7 = 100.0000% GlowingBear 10/11 = 90.9091% marvellosity 14/18 = 77.7778% Superbia 6/8 = 75.0000% ritoky 6/8 = 75.0000% WaveofShadow 6/8 = 75.0000% Holyflare 16/22 = 72.7273% Kurumi 6/9 = 66.6667% Koshi 11/17 = 64.7059% kitaman27 9/14 = 64.2857% EchelonTee 5/8 = 62.5000% iamperfection 5/8 = 62.5000% Rels 5/8 = 62.5000% sandroba 9/15 = 60.0000% DarthPunk 6/10 = 60.0000% Bill Murray 6/10 = 60.0000%
Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 7/8 = 87.5000% ver 6/7 = 85.7143% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% dinmsab 5/7 = 71.4286% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% Foolishness 10/15 = 66.6667% batsnacks 4/6 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% GlowingBear 4/6 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% decafchicken 4/6 = 66.6667%
Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +Acrofales 6/6 = 100.0000% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 10/15 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% keirathi 5/8 = 62.5000% Supersoft 5/8 = 62.5000% sandroba 11/18 = 61.1111%
Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +DoYouHas 8/9 = 88.8889% ShoCkeyy 5/6 = 83.3333% Rels 25/32 = 78.1250% Tubesock 7/9 = 77.7778% DarthPunk 12/16 = 75.0000% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% RebirthOfLeGenD 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi 8/11 = 72.7273% FecalFeast 21/30 = 70.0000% Kurumi 4/6 = 66.6667% Forumite 4/6 = 66.6667% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% ExO_ 4/6 = 66.6667% ritoky 13/20 = 65.0000%
Student Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Tictock 7/8 = 87.5000% sicklucker 5/6 = 83.3333% Rels 7/10 = 70.0000% MoosyDoosy 6/9 = 66.6667% FecalFeast 6/9 = 66.6667% The Shining 6/9 = 66.6667% Scott31337 9/14 = 64.2857%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000%
Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6
Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Mafia 244/467 = 52.2484% Town 202/453 = 44.5916% Third Party 40/134 = 29.8507%
Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 207 Town 174 Third Party 40
Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +
Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 9 2010: 34 2011: 51 2012: 96 2013: 72 2014: 67 2015: 59 2016: 35 2017: 17 2018: 9
Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 51 2: 41 3: 42 4: 41 5: 33 6: 45 7: 41 8: 40 9: 33 10: 31 11: 29 12: 28
Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 203 2009: 158 2010: 256 2011: 293 2012: 420 2013: 311 2014: 227 2015: 171 2016: 134 2017: 72 2018: 57
Player Count By Year Excluding Players With 2 Games or Less + Show Spoiler +2008: 90 2009: 103 2010: 156 2011: 175 2012: 239 2013: 182 2014: 156 2015: 120 2016: 94 2017: 56 2018: 49
Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 174 Normal 75 Themed 54 Mini Themed 58 Newbie 66 Student 29
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +Blazinghand 33 Artanis[Xp] 24 kitaman27 21 GMarshal 19 Palmar 14 GreYMisT 14 [UoN]Sentinel 10 Ace 10 Half the Sky 9 DoctorHelvetica 9 FecalFeast 9 iGrok 9 Onegu 8 deconduo 8 flamewheel 8 iamperfection 8 Incognito 8 Ver 7 wherebugsgo 7 LSB 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 Dandel Ion 7
Hosting Godfathers (Hosted a Game With a First Time Player) + Show Spoiler +Chuiu 206 kitaman27 80 GMarshal 76 DoctorHelvetica 61 flamewheel 58 Artanis[xp] 50 BloodyC0bbler 46 Blazinghand 43 Incognito 36 Caller 34 GreYMisT 34 Meapak_Ziphh 32
Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/33 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/25 = 0.0000% Trfel 0/20 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/19 = 0.0000% Mig 0/16 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% disformation 0/11 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 2/62 = 3.2258% rsoultin 1/27 = 3.7037% Artanis[Xp] 1/26 = 3.8462% keirathi 1/21 = 4.7619% IAmRobik 1/20 = 5.0000%
Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 9/11 = 81.8182% Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% chaos13 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 12/16 = 75.0000% Fishball 14/19 = 73.6842% DoctorHelvetica 10/14 = 71.4286% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/13 = 69.2308% Eden1892 9/13 = 69.2308% Mig 11/16 = 68.7500% LSB 15/22 = 68.1818% Foolishness 15/23 = 65.2174%
Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 10/13 = 76.9231% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Half the Sky 14/21 = 66.6667% FecalFeast 26/43 = 60.4651% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Tubesock 9/15 = 60.0000% Conversion 7/12 = 58.3333% Snarfs 7/12 = 58.3333% Mr. Cheesecake 11/19 = 57.8947% Acrofales 8/14 = 57.1429% The Shining 12/21 = 57.1429% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% DarthPunk 14/25 = 56.0000% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556%
Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 334/5780 = 5.7785% Mafia 84/1778 = 4.7244% Third Party 7/148 = 4.7297%
Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% redtooth 10/10 = 100.0000% mysterymeat1 10/10 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% vivi57 13/14 = 92.8571% ExO_ 12/13 = 92.3077% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% The Shining 19/21 = 90.4762%
Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Chairman Ray 8/13 = 61.5385% L 10/19 = 52.6316% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 8/17 = 47.0588% ShoCkeyy 5/11 = 45.4545% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% Acrofales 6/14 = 42.8571% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765%
Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% kitaman27 35/48 = 72.9167% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 28/39 = 71.7949% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% Acrofales 10/14 = 71.4286% Fishball 17/24 = 70.8333% Scamp 14/20 = 70.0000% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% heist 7/10 = 70.0000%
Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +mysterymeat1 9/10 = 90.0000% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% Lazermonkey 11/13 = 84.6154% Conversion 10/12 = 83.3333% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% boxerfred 12/15 = 80.0000% Sinensis 8/10 = 80.0000% vivi57 11/14 = 78.5714% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% sciberbia 10/13 = 76.9231% ruXxar 10/13 = 76.9231% malongo 13/17 = 76.4706% scott31337 19/25 = 76.0000% mderg 15/20 = 75.0000% IAmRobik 19/26 = 73.0769%
Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +
Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16, '17 + Show Spoiler +
Players With Common Games + Show Spoiler +raynpelikoneet Koshi 41 VisceraEyes Palmar 40 Koshi Holyflare 39 Holyflare Damdred 37 raynpelikoneet Oatsmaster 37 Palmar marvellosity 36 Vivax Damdred 35 Vivax Holyflare 34 Vivax Koshi 34 Koshi Damdred 32 raynpelikoneet Holyflare 32 Palmar Holyflare 31 LightningStrike Damdred 30 Palmar Damdred 30 prplhz Palmar 30
Soul Mates - Players With Common Alignment + Show Spoiler +JeeJee-Caller 11/11 = 100.0000% nemY-Ace 10/10 = 100.0000% Koshi-ExO_ 9/9 = 100.0000% Rels-KelsierSC 8/8 = 100.0000% Vivax-ObiWanShinobi 13/14 = 92.8571% Kenpachi-chaoser 10/11 = 90.9091% LightningStrike-GlowingBear 10/11 = 90.9091% JeeJee-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% kitaman27-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% zeks-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000%
Mortal Enemies - Players With Opposite Alignment + Show Spoiler +wherebugsgo-chaoser 1/10 = 10.0000% Foolishness-Bill Murray 1/9 = 11.1111% Shapelog-Damdred 1/9 = 11.1111% Hopeless1der-Alakaslam 1/8 = 12.5000% Palmar-Blazinghand 3/16 = 18.7500% L-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% L-Ace 2/10 = 20.0000% Palmar-Mig 2/10 = 20.0000% sandroba-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% Scamp-L 2/10 = 20.0000% VisceraEyes-VayneAuthority 2/10 = 20.0000% Palmar-Curu 2/9 = 22.2222% RebirthOfLeGenD-Palmar 2/9 = 22.2222% rsoultin-ritoky 3/13 = 23.0769%
Dynamic Duos - Win Percentage By Pair With Common Alignment + Show Spoiler +Mr. Wiggles-kitaman27 8/9 = 88.8889% raynpelikoneet-prplhz 8/9 = 88.8889% Hopeless1der-Holyflare 7/8 = 87.5000% kitaman27-bumatlarge 8/10 = 80.0000% marvellosity-Hopeless1der 7/9 = 77.7778% strongandbig-marvellosity 10/13 = 76.9231% VisceraEyes -Raynpelikoneet 10/13 = 76.9231% chaoser-bumatlarge 9/12 = 75.0000% prplhz-marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Jackal58-GMarshal 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi-austinmcc 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Damdred 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Koshi 6/8 = 75.0000% marvellosity-LightningStrike 6/8 = 75.0000% Rels-LightningStrike 6/8 = 75.0000% sandroba-Kurumi 6/8 = 75.0000% scott31337-MoosyDoosy 6/8 = 75.0000% WaveofShadow-Oatsmaster 6/8 = 75.0000%
Endgame Win Percentage + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 13/14 = 92.8571% Chezinu 12/13 = 92.3077% Justanothertownie 13/15 = 86.6667% RebirthOfLeGenD 13/15 = 86.6667% Superbia 10/12 = 83.3333% Koshi 23/28 = 82.1429% Bill Murray 9/11 = 81.8182% chaoser 9/11 = 81.8182% scott31337 8/10 = 80.0000% Kurumi 8/10 = 80.0000% thrawn2112 8/10 = 80.0000% GMarshal 8/10 = 80.0000% Foolishness 8/10 = 80.0000%
Win Percentage By Experience (Games Played) + Show Spoiler +0 646/1367 = 47.2568% 1 364/703 = 51.7781% 2 259/523 = 49.5220% 3 186/425 = 43.7647% 4 169/371 = 45.5526% 5 160/325 = 49.2308% 6 128/285 = 44.9123% 7 120/246 = 48.7805% 8 95/221 = 42.9864% 9 92/203 = 45.3202% 10 90/184 = 48.9130% 11 71/172 = 41.2791% 12 76/161 = 47.2050% 13 75/147 = 51.0204% 14 59/137 = 43.0657% 15 56/127 = 44.0945% 16 59/115 = 51.3043% 17 43/109 = 39.4495% 18 41/104 = 39.4231% 19 48/98 = 48.9796% 20 40/92 = 43.4783% 21 42/85 = 49.4118% 22 34/80 = 42.5000% 23 33/79 = 41.7722% 24 31/74 = 41.8919% 25 36/69 = 52.1739% 26 35/65 = 53.8462% 27 28/64 = 43.7500% 28 28/60 = 46.6667% 29 23/55 = 41.8182% 30 26/53 = 49.0566% 31 19/50 = 38.0000% 32 26/47 = 55.3191% 33 15/42 = 35.7143% 34 18/43 = 41.8605% 35 18/39 = 46.1538% 36 20/38 = 52.6316% 37 17/34 = 50.0000% 38 10/33 = 30.3030% 39 13/31 = 41.9355% 40 14/29 = 48.2759%
Mafia players are lynched 25.9% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.0% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.4% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 27.5%! 52% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1358 distinct mafia players.
I will also keep a snapshot of what the statistics looked like as time goes by:
+ Show Spoiler [January 2013] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +bumatlarge 42 Jackal58 40 Palmar 39 VisceraEyes 38 RebirthofLegend 36 chaoser 36 BloodyC0bbler 33 Kenpachi 33 Mr. Wiggles 32 kitaman27 31 wherebugsgo 31 sandroba 30 Amber[LighT] 30 Ace 29 prplhz 27 deconduo 26 Foolishness 26 Bill Murray 25 marvellosity 25 ~OpZ~ 24 GGQ 24 Fishball 23 Chezinu 23 JeeJee 23 LSB 22 Meapak_Ziphh 22 BrownBear 22 radfield 22 Pandain 20 Mattchew 20 Kurumi 20 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 10/11 = 90.91% Incognito 8/10 = 80.00% Hapahauli 9/13 = 69.23% Divinek 8/12 = 66.67% GMarshal 11/17 = 64.71% Adam4167 7/11 = 63.64% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.50% Supersoft 10/16 = 62.50% syllogism 11/18 = 61.11% Bill Murray 15/25 = 60.00% marvellosity 15/25 = 60.00% GreYmist 6/10 = 60.00% Southrawrea 6/10 = 60.00% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.00%
Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 7/10 = 70.00% syllogism 9/14 = 64.29% supersoft 8/13 = 61.54% kitaman27 15/25 = 60.00% Radfield 9/15 = 60.00% Foolishness 10/18 = 55.56% bumatlarge 16/30 = 53.33% GGQ 8/15 = 53.33% zeks 8/15 = 53.33% Bill Murray 9/17 = 52.94% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +EchelonTee 5/5 = 100.00% annul 5/6 = 83.33% Bill Murray 5/6 = 83.33% marvellosity 5/6 = 83.33% Node 4/5 = 80.00% Jackal58 7/10 = 70.00% GGQ 4/6 = 66.67% RebirthOfLegend 7/11 = 63.64% Palmar 8/13 = 61.54% prplhz 3/5 = 60.00% Pyrrhuloxia 3/5 = 60.00% Radfield 3/5 = 60.00% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.33% Dreamflower 4/5 = 80.00% GGQ 6/8 = 75.00% Incognito 5/7 = 71.43% LucasWoJ 5/7 = 71.43% Bockit 5/7 = 71.43% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +supersoft 6/7 = 85.71% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.33% syllogism 8/10 = 80.00% Chaoser 8/11 = 72.73% Bill Murray 5/7 = 71.43% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 6/6 = 100.00% Dirkzor 4/5 = 80.00% GMarshal 4/5 = 80.00% Node 4/5 = 80.00% EchelonTee 5/7 = 71.43% Forumite 4/6 = 66.67% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.67% Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +debears 4/4 = 100.00% JacobStrangeLove 4/4 = 100.00% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.00% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.00% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.00% The_Zen_Man 3/3 = 100.00% Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 40.6% Mafia 52.1% Third Party 30.3% Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 77 Town 60 Draw 3 Third Party 4 Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 5 2009 8 2010 34 2011 49 2012 93 2013 3 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1 23 2 12 3 18 4 18 5 15 6 20 7 14 8 16 9 16 10 10 11 13 12 17 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 248 2011 286 2012 417 2013 39 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Normal 47 Theme 38 Mini 66 Newbie 41 Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 16 Ace 10 GreYMisT 8 flamewheel 8 Incognito 8 iGrok 7 DoctorHelvetica 7 LSB 6 kitaman27 6 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/25 = 0.00% Fishball 0/18 = 0.00% Foolishness 0/18 = 0.00% Keirathi 0/13 = 0.00% Node 0/13 = 0.00% supersoft 0/13 = 0.00% chaos13 0/11 = 0.00% barundar 0/10 = 0.00% iamperfection 0/10 = 0.00% DoctorHelvetica 0/10 = 0.00% Eiii 0/10 = 0.00% GMarshal 0/10 = 0.00% Mementoss 0/10 = 0.00% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +LSB 14/17 = 82.35% Mementoss 8/10 = 80.00% Coagulation 10/13 = 76.92% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.00% infundibulum 9/12 = 75.00% GGQ 11/15 = 73.33% chaos13 8/11 = 72.73% Jackal58 21/29 = 72.41% Fishball 13/18 = 72.22% DoctorHelvetica 7/10 = 70.00% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 201/2946 = 6.82% Mafia 56/848 = 6.60% Third Party 3/66 = 4.55% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +redFF 11/11 = 100.00% Keirathi 13/14 = 92.86% Vivi57 12/13 = 92.31% johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.91% hiro protagonist 10/11 = 90.91% jcarlsoniv 9/10 = 90.00% aidnai 9/10 = 90.00% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.00% austinmcc 16/18 = 88.89% zeks 15/17 = 88.24% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.00% DropBear 5/11 = 45.45% L 8/18 = 44.44% Divinek 5/12 = 41.67% annul 5/12 = 41.67% GMarshal 7/17 = 41.18% DarthThienAn 6/15 = 40.00% OriginalName 6/16 = 37.50% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.91% hiro protagonist 9/11 = 81.82% syllogism 14/18 = 77.78% Nisani201 10/13 = 76.92% BloodyC0bbler 25/33 = 75.76% Blazinghand 12/16 = 75.00% Zephirdd 9/12 = 75.00% kitaman27 23/31 = 74.19% Fishball 17/23 = 73.91% deconduo 19/26 = 73.08% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +Vivi57 2/13 = 15.38% Adam4167 3/11 = 27.27% johnnyspazz 3/11 = 27.27% kushm4sta 3/11 = 27.27% jaybrundage 3/10 = 30.00% SouthRawrea 3/10 = 30.00% Hapahauli 4/13 = 30.77% strongandbig 4/12 = 33.33% Bluelightz 6/17 = 35.29% Mayors/Pardoners/Sheriffs by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, and '12 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chaoser Chezinu JeeJee L RebirthOfLeGenD Forum Vets + Show Spoiler +Mynock 14 [GiTM]-Ace 21 789 218 Ace 377 Mandalor 2074 LTT 2283 SoMuchBetter 2825 jtan 2868 KH1031 3017 SoleSteeler 3099 Players With User IDs That Are Prime + Show Spoiler +[NyC]HoBbes 57853 [UoN]Sentinel 55351 Aepplet 6269 Alethios 33289 Atreides- 49459 BaronFel 49531 barth 35591 BassinSpace 187027 Believer 63949 bereft 60901 betaben 30851 blubbdavid 60919 Caller 30803 Clicker 111439 CosmosXAM 166541 CynanMachae 23719 darmousseh 76537 da0ud 169097 dementrio 121469 demonic_phate 30467 DimmuKlok 83009 drwiggl3s 263567 ecomania 34961 ELITECubWarman8 147793 Esspen 70489 Fallen_arK 50503 Fen 22483 FezTheCaliph 60443 Funcmode 80747 fusionsdf 22343 GeorgeClooney 122651 goldenkrnboi 30223 Grackaroni 198851 HiroPro 258487 Intact 102437 Janaan 195329 Johnhughthom 147787 JoxxOr 31321 Kenpachi 51151 Khorrus 237043 Kickstart 38671 KillingTime 280933 Knutti 39877 Kohbee 182857 KorvspaD 4691 LazinCajun 199489 Lenwe 35083 Lexpar 45533 love1another 56431 Lvdr 278119 MeatlessTaco 157747 Mig 11719 Mordanis 137393 more_minerals 32479 MrBabyHands 41543 Myles 63773 nard 50551 nbtnbt5 45161 NeaX 3109 Omniscient4983 284093 omnomMuffins 202409 Pondo 97511 Pyrrhuloxia 36781 Quesadilla 31817 Ra.Xor.2 36923 rgTheSchworz 128099 Roco69 287281 SacredSystem 136753 Ser Aspi 57713 Seviro 188261 Sharrant 279649 Skrammen 117373 slOosh 53783 Soulfire 104287 Spiritclown 210643 sugiuramidori 47491 Superouman 30509 to miss the mark 19447 Toadesstern 40853 Twelve 105229 VayeshMoru 52517 whatchamacallit 53987 WhySoMuch 262621 xsksc 149333 ZBiR 5021 Zorkmid 41737 Mafia players are lynched 21.3% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 24.8% of the time. 45% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 951 distinct mafia players. And finally my favorite stat... VisceraEyes has survived until endgame three times out of 38 games (7.89%). The highest survival percentage is 60%.
+ Show Spoiler [October 2013] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes 50 Palmar 43 bumatlarge 41 Jackal58 40 marvellosity 37 BloodyC0bbler 36 chaoser 36 Ace 36 kitaman27 36 RebirthOfLeGenD 36 prplhz 35 wherebugsgo 33 Kenpachi 32 sandroba 32 Mr. Wiggles 31 Amber[LighT] 30 deconduo 28 Bill Murray 28 Oatsmaster 28 Foolishness 26 Vivax 26 Chezinu 26 Meapak_Ziphh 25 austinmcc 24 ~OpZ~ 24 slOosh 23 JeeJee 23 Fishball 23 Kurumi 23 GGQ 23 Blazinghand 22 strongandbig 22 LSB 22 Radfield 22 iamperfection 22 Coagulation 22 BrownBear 22 raynpelikoneet 21 sinani206 21 Mattchew 21 Pandain 20 yamato77 20 Caller 20 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Incognito 8/10 = 80.0000% DarthPunk 13/17 = 76.4706% Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% Koshi 7/10 = 70.0000% Gonzaw 11/16 = 68.7500% Divinek 8/12 = 66.6667% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 7/11 = 63.6364% GreYMisT 7/11 = 63.6364% GMarshal 10/16 = 62.5000% marvellosity 23/37 = 62.1622% syllogism 11/18 = 61.1111% OriginalName 9/15 = 60.0000% SouthRawrea 6/10 = 60.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.0000% Djodref 6/10 = 60.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 8/10 = 80.0000% Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% GMarshal 7/10 = 70.0000% Radfield 10/15 = 66.6667% syllogism 9/14 = 64.2857% mkfuba07 7/11 = 63.6364% Hapahauli 8/13 = 61.5385% kitaman27 16/27 = 59.2593% bumatlarge 17/29 = 58.6207% Supersoft 8/14 = 57.1429% Chezinu 8/14 = 57.1429% Artanis[Xp] 6/11 = 54.5455% RedFF 6/11 = 54.5455% marvellosity 15/28 = 53.5714% GGQ 8/15 = 53.3333% zeks 8/15 = 53.3333% BrownBear 10/19 = 52.6316% Foolishness 10/19 = 52.6316% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +EchelonTee 5/5 = 100.0000% marvellosity 7/8 = 87.5000% austinmcc 4/5 = 80.0000% Node 4/5 = 80.0000% iamperfection 4/5 = 80.0000% annul 4/5 = 80.0000% Gonzaw 6/8 = 75.0000% Bill Murray 5/7 = 71.4286% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% DarthPunk 4/6 = 66.6667% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% RebirthOfLeGenD 7/11 = 63.6364% kitaman27 5/8 = 62.5000% Palmar 8/13 = 61.5385% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% Kavdragon 4/5 = 80.0000% dreamflower 4/5 = 80.0000% LucasWoJ 5/7 = 71.4286% Incognito 5/7 = 71.4286% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% chaoser 8/10 = 80.0000% Pandain 4/5 = 80.0000% Gonzaw 4/5 = 80.0000% Zephirdd 4/5 = 80.0000% syllogism 7/9 = 77.7778% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 8/9 = 88.8889% Dirkzor 4/5 = 80.0000% Node 4/5 = 80.0000% ghost_403 4/5 = 80.0000% Stutters695 6/8 = 75.0000% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% The_Zen_Man 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 108 Third Party 19 Town 79 Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 8 2010: 34 2011: 48 2012: 87 2013: 55 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 27 2: 19 3: 24 4: 24 5: 19 6: 27 7: 20 8: 23 9: 17 10: 10 11: 13 12: 14 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 249 2011 287 2012 408 2013 260 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 18 GreYMisT 11 Ace 10 Blazinghand 9 flamewheel 8 kitaman27 8 Artanis[xp] 8 DoctorHelvetica 8 iGrok 8 Incognito 8 BloodyC0bbler 7 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/27 = 0.0000% Foolishness 0/19 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/18 = 0.0000% keirathi 0/16 = 0.0000% iamperfection 0/15 = 0.0000% raynpelikoneet 0/15 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/14 = 0.0000% Node 0/13 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/13 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/11 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/11 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/11 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/10 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/10 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/10 = 0.0000% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +LSB 14/17 = 82.3529% Mementoss 8/10 = 80.0000% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 11/15 = 73.3333% chaos13 8/11 = 72.7273% Jackal58 21/29 = 72.4138% Fishball 13/18 = 72.2222% s0Lstice 7/10 = 70.0000% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 224/3454 = 6.4852% Mafia 63/1060 = 5.9434% Third Party 5/92 = 5.4348% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% phagga 11/11 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 11/11 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% vivi57 12/13 = 92.3077% jcarlsoniv 11/12 = 91.6667% s0Lstice 10/11 = 90.9091% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/11 = 90.9091% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% Stutters695 16/18 = 88.8889% keirathi 16/18 = 88.8889% Hopeless1der 15/17 = 88.2353% zeks 15/17 = 88.2353% grush57 15/17 = 88.2353% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +L 10/18 = 55.5556% Gonzaw 8/16 = 50.0000% Acrofales 6/12 = 50.0000% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Crossfire99 5/10 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% Cyber_Cheese 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% Mr. Wiggles 13/31 = 41.9355% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 9/11 = 81.8182% Blazinghand 17/22 = 77.2727% kitaman27 27/36 = 75.0000% Acrofales 9/12 = 75.0000% Fishball 17/23 = 73.9130% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 26/36 = 72.2222% syllogism 13/18 = 72.2222% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +s0Lstice 10/11 = 90.9091% vivi57 11/13 = 84.6154% Lazermonkey 9/11 = 81.8182% kushm4sta 13/16 = 81.2500% VayneAuthority 8/10 = 80.0000% Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% phagga 8/11 = 72.7273% Johnnyspazz 8/11 = 72.7273% mkfuba07 8/11 = 72.7273% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, and '12 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chaoser Chezinu JeeJee L RebirthOfLeGenD Forum Vets + Show Spoiler +Mynock 14 [GiTM]-Ace 21 789 218 Ace 377 Mandalor 2074 LTT 2283 SoMuchBetter 2825 jtan 2868 KH1031 3017 SoleSteeler 3099 Players With User IDs That Are Prime + Show Spoiler +[NyC]HoBbes 57853 [UoN]Sentinel 55351 Aepplet 6269 Alethios 33289 Atreides- 49459 BaronFel 49531 barth 35591 BassinSpace 187027 Believer 63949 bereft 60901 betaben 30851 blubbdavid 60919 Caller 30803 Clicker 111439 CosmosXAM 166541 CynanMachae 23719 darmousseh 76537 da0ud 169097 dementrio 121469 demonic_phate 30467 DimmuKlok 83009 drwiggl3s 263567 ecomania 34961 ELITECubWarman8 147793 Esspen 70489 Fallen_arK 50503 Fen 22483 FezTheCaliph 60443 Funcmode 80747 fusionsdf 22343 GeorgeClooney 122651 goldenkrnboi 30223 Grackaroni 198851 HiroPro 258487 Intact 102437 Janaan 195329 Johnhughthom 147787 JoxxOr 31321 Kenpachi 51151 Khorrus 237043 Kickstart 38671 KillingTime 280933 Knutti 39877 Kohbee 182857 KorvspaD 4691 LazinCajun 199489 Lenwe 35083 Lexpar 45533 love1another 56431 Lvdr 278119 MeatlessTaco 157747 Mig 11719 Mordanis 137393 more_minerals 32479 MrBabyHands 41543 Myles 63773 nard 50551 nbtnbt5 45161 NeaX 3109 Omniscient4983 284093 omnomMuffins 202409 Pondo 97511 Pyrrhuloxia 36781 Quesadilla 31817 Ra.Xor.2 36923 rgTheSchworz 128099 Roco69 287281 SacredSystem 136753 Ser Aspi 57713 Seviro 188261 Sharrant 279649 Skrammen 117373 slOosh 53783 Soulfire 104287 Spiritclown 210643 sugiuramidori 47491 Superouman 30509 to miss the mark 19447 Toadesstern 40853 Twelve 105229 VayeshMoru 52517 whatchamacallit 53987 WhySoMuch 262621 xsksc 149333 ZBiR 5021 Zorkmid 41737 Mafia players are lynched 24.0% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.1% of the time. 43% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1070 distinct mafia players.
+ Show Spoiler [March 2014] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes 59 Palmar 50 bumatlarge 46 marvellosity 46 Jackal58 43 Oatsmaster 41 raynpelikoneet 39 kitaman27 38 BloodyC0bbler 38 chaoser 37 prplhz 37 Ace 37 RebirthOfLeGenD 37 sandroba 36 wherebugsgo 35 Kenpachi 34 Mr. Wiggles 33 Blazinghand 32 Coagulation 30 Amber[LighT] 30 deconduo 29 strongandbig 29 austinmcc 29 Bill Murray 28 Foolishness 28 Chezinu 28 yamato77 27 Pandain 27 Meapak_Ziphh 26 Mattchew 26 Vivax 26 LSB 25 kushm4sta 25 Hopeless1der 25 Kurumi 25 slOosh 25 thrawn2112 24 iamperfection 24 ~OpZ~ 24 JeeJee 23 Fishball 23 sinani206 23 WaveofShadow 23 GGQ 23 Stutters695 22 Radfield 22 Hapahauli 22 BrownBear 22 Layabout 21 risk.nuke 21 Mocsta 21 syllogism 21 Supersoft 20 Node 20 Artanis[Xp] 20 keirathi 20 Caller 20 Toadesstern 20
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Incognito 8/10 = 80.0000% DarthPunk 15/19 = 78.9474% Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% OriginalName 11/16 = 68.7500% GMarshal 11/17 = 64.7059% d3_crescentia 7/11 = 63.6364% Djodref 7/11 = 63.6364% HolyFlare 7/11 = 63.6364% Koshi 12/19 = 63.1579% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% syllogism 13/21 = 61.9048% Acrofales 8/13 = 61.5385% marvellosity 28/46 = 60.8696% SouthRawrea 6/10 = 60.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 9/11 = 81.8182% Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% GMarshal 8/11 = 72.7273% syllogism 11/17 = 64.7059% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% kitaman27 16/28 = 57.1429% Chezinu 9/16 = 56.2500% Hapahauli 9/16 = 56.2500% sandroba 14/25 = 56.0000% bumatlarge 18/33 = 54.5455% malongo 6/11 = 54.5455% jaybrundage 6/11 = 54.5455% nemY 6/11 = 54.5455% Mig 7/13 = 53.8462% zeks 8/15 = 53.3333% Scamp 8/15 = 53.3333% GGQ 8/15 = 53.3333% Koshi 8/15 = 53.3333% Radfield 8/15 = 53.3333% keirathi 9/17 = 52.9412% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +marvellosity 9/10 = 90.0000% EchelonTee 6/7 = 85.7143% OriginalName 5/6 = 83.3333% Node 4/5 = 80.0000% annul 4/5 = 80.0000% Mattchew 4/5 = 80.0000% iamperfection 4/5 = 80.0000% prplhz 5/7 = 71.4286% DarthPunk 5/7 = 71.4286% Pandain 5/7 = 71.4286% Bill Murray 5/7 = 71.4286% kitaman27 6/9 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% Blazinghand 4/6 = 66.6667% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 6/7 = 85.7143% ver 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% decafchicken 4/5 = 80.0000% dreamflower 4/5 = 80.0000% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% Incognito 5/7 = 71.4286% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% BloodyC0bbler 15/22 = 68.1818% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% Pyrrhuloxia 4/6 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% dinmsab 4/6 = 66.6667% LSB 5/8 = 62.5000% d3_crescentia 5/8 = 62.5000% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Acrofales 5/5 = 100.0000% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% Mig 4/5 = 80.0000% marvellosity 6/8 = 75.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Pandain 5/7 = 71.4286% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 9/13 = 69.2308% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% sandroba 9/14 = 64.2857% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 10/11 = 90.9091% Layabout 4/5 = 80.0000% Stutters695 7/9 = 77.7778% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% keirathi 7/10 = 70.0000% prplhz 12/18 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% Onegu 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% EchelonTee 4/6 = 66.6667%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +debears 4/4 = 100.0000% umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% The_Zen_Man 3/3 = 100.0000% Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 121 Town 92 Third Party 30 Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 8 2010: 34 2011: 48 2012: 93 2013: 73 2014: 14 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 36 2: 26 3: 24 4: 26 5: 19 6: 27 7: 22 8: 24 9: 21 10: 16 11: 17 12: 17 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 249 2011 284 2012 419 2013 315 2014 80 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 19 GreYMisT 12 Blazinghand 12 Ace 10 Artanis[Xp] 10 iGrok 9 kitaman27 9 DoctorHelvetica 9 Incognito 8 flamewheel 8 LSB 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/28 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/18 = 0.0000% keirathi 0/17 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% Mig 0/13 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/13 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/12 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/11 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 1/34 = 2.9412% Foolishness 1/20 = 5.0000% iamperfection 1/18 = 5.5556% syllogism 1/17 = 5.8824% Hapahauli 1/16 = 6.2500% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% GGQ 1/15 = 6.6667% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% sciberbia 8/10 = 80.0000% Mig 10/13 = 76.9231% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 11/15 = 73.3333% chaos13 8/11 = 72.7273% Fishball 13/18 = 72.2222% Blazinghand 17/24 = 70.8333% LSB 14/20 = 70.0000% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 9/12 = 75.0000% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Djodref 7/11 = 63.6364% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Hopeless1der 15/25 = 60.0000% Sn0_Man 7/12 = 58.3333% iamperfection 14/24 = 58.3333% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% keirathi 11/20 = 55.0000% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 252/3868 = 6.5150% Mafia 65/1183 = 5.4945% Third Party 5/111 = 4.5045% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +phagga 12/12 = 100.0000% RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% jcarlsoniv 12/13 = 92.3077% vivi57 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% gumshoe 10/11 = 90.9091% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% sciberbia 10/11 = 90.9091% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% Beneather 9/10 = 90.0000% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +L 10/18 = 55.5556% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 7/15 = 46.6667% Acrofales 6/13 = 46.1538% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% Xatalos 5/12 = 41.6667% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Crossfire99 5/12 = 41.6667% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 16/21 = 76.1905% Fishball 17/23 = 73.9130% BloodyC0bbler 28/38 = 73.6842% kitaman27 28/38 = 73.6842% Djodref 8/11 = 72.7273% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% deconduo 21/29 = 72.4138% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% Toadesstern 14/20 = 70.0000% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 10/11 = 90.9091% vivi57 11/13 = 84.6154% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% JarJarDrinks 9/11 = 81.8182% Lazermonkey 9/11 = 81.8182% gumshoe 9/11 = 81.8182% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% kushm4sta 19/25 = 76.0000% jaybrundage 12/16 = 75.0000% VayneAuthority 14/19 = 73.6842% Johnnyspazz 8/11 = 72.7273% malongo 10/14 = 71.4286% ShiaoPi 12/17 = 70.5882% yamato77 19/27 = 70.3704% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, and '12 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chaoser Chezinu RebirthOfLeGenD Forum Vets (No longer updated) + Show Spoiler +Mynock 14 [GiTM]-Ace 21 789 218 Ace 377 Mandalor 2074 LTT 2283 SoMuchBetter 2825 jtan 2868 KH1031 3017 SoleSteeler 3099 Mafia players are lynched 24.1% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.1% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 17.3% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 25.8%! 45% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1116 distinct mafia players. LSB has survived to endgame 1/25 times. VE has been lynched 17 times.
+ Show Spoiler [July 2014] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes 65 Palmar 59 marvellosity 49 bumatlarge 46 Oatsmaster 46 raynpelikoneet 45 Jackal58 43 prplhz 42 kitaman27 41 sandroba 39 BloodyC0bbler 38 Ace 38 RebirthOfLeGenD 38 chaoser 37 Kenpachi 35 wherebugsgo 35 Blazinghand 34 Mr. Wiggles 34 Coagulation 34 austinmcc 33 strongandbig 32 Vivax 31 yamato77 30 deconduo 30 Foolishness 30 thrawn2112 30 Amber[LighT] 30 Meapak_Ziphh 28 Pandain 28 Chezinu 28 kushm4sta 28 LSB 28 Hopeless1der 28 Bill Murray 28 slOosh 27 Mattchew 27 Kurumi 26 WaveofShadow 26 iamperfection 25 ~OpZ~ 25 JeeJee 24 GGQ 24 Koshi 24 Fishball 23 Hapahauli 23 syllogism 23 sinani206 23 Artanis[Xp] 23 Stutters695 22 Toadesstern 22 Radfield 22 BrownBear 22 Mocsta 22 Layabout 22 keirathi 21 Caller 21 VayneAuthority 21 risk.nuke 21 Holyflare 20 Node 20 DarthPunk 20 Supersoft 20
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
raynpelikoneet 2014: 14 Holyflare 2014: 12 thrawn2112 2014: 11 Oatsmaster 2014: 11 Palmar 2014: 10 Alakaslam 2014: 9 Koshi 2014: 9 Tehpoofter 2014: 8 kushm4sta 2014: 8 gumshoe 2014: 8 VisceraEyes 2014: 8 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Incognito 8/10 = 80.0000% DarthPunk 15/20 = 75.0000% Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% Holyflare 14/20 = 70.0000% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Koshi 16/24 = 66.6667% d3_crescentia 7/11 = 63.6364% marvellosity 31/49 = 63.2653% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% Acrofales 8/13 = 61.5385% Djodref 8/13 = 61.5385% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% kitaman27 25/41 = 60.9756% SouthRawrea 6/10 = 60.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 9/11 = 81.8182% Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% Alakaslam 8/13 = 61.5385% syllogism 11/18 = 61.1111% Artanis[Xp] 9/15 = 60.0000% Hapahauli 10/17 = 58.8235% kitaman27 17/29 = 58.6207% Koshi 11/19 = 57.8947% Chezinu 9/16 = 56.2500% sandroba 15/27 = 55.5556% keirathi 10/18 = 55.5556% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +marvellosity 9/10 = 90.0000% Holyflare 6/7 = 85.7142% Node 4/5 = 80.0000% JeeJee 4/5 = 80.0000% annul 4/5 = 80.0000% Cephiro 4/5 = 80.0000% Mattchew 4/5 = 80.0000% EchelonTee 6/8 = 75.0000% prplhz 6/8 = 75.0000% kitaman27 8/11 = 72.7273% Bill Murray 5/7 = 71.4286% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 4/6 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% austinmcc 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 6/7 = 85.7143% ver 5/6 = 83.3333% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% Rastaban 4/5 = 80.0000% SouthRawrea 4/5 = 80.0000% decafchicken 4/5 = 80.0000% dreamflower 4/5 = 80.0000% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% dinmsab 4/6 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% Foolishness 9/14 = 64.2857% BloodyC0bbler 15/24 = 62.5000% d3_crescentia 5/8 = 62.5000% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Acrofales 5/5 = 100.0000% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% Koshi 4/5 = 80.0000% keirathi 4/5 = 80.0000% marvellosity 7/9 = 77.7778% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% Pandain 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% kitaman27 13/21 = 61.9048% syllogism 9/15 = 60.0000% heist 3/5 = 60.0000% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 10/12 = 83.3333% Stutters695 7/9 = 77.7778% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% Artanis[Xp] 8/11 = 72.7273% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% keirathi 7/10 = 70.0000% Holyflare 9/13 = 69.2308% prplhz 14/21 = 66.6667% Tehpoofter 4/6 = 66.6667% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% kitaman27 4/6 = 66.6667% Onegu 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% Meapak_Ziphh 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 9/14 = 64.2857% Gonzaw 5/8 = 62.5000% Dandel Ion 5/8 = 62.5000% Koshi 8/13 = 61.5385%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% The_Zen_Man 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 127 Town 101 Third Party 34
Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 8 2010: 34 2011: 50 2012: 95 2013: 72 2014: 30 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 36 2: 27 3: 30 4: 31 5: 23 6: 27 7: 23 8: 24 9: 21 10: 17 11: 18 12: 17 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 249 2011 289 2012 419 2013 311 2014 139 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 144 Normal 62 Newbie 60 Themed 46
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 19 Blazinghand 15 Artanis[Xp] 12 GreYMisT 12 Ace 10 DoctorHelvetica 9 iGrok 9 kitaman27 9 Incognito 8 Flamewheel 8 deconduo 7 Palmar 7 LSB 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/29 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/18 = 0.0000% keirathi 0/18 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/15 = 0.0000% Mig 0/14 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 1/37 = 2.7027% iamperfection 1/18 = 5.5556% syllogism 1/18 = 5.5556% Hapahauli 1/17 = 5.8824% GGQ 1/16 = 6.2500% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% sciberbia 8/10 = 80.0000% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% chaos13 9/12 = 75.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 12/16 = 75.0000% Fishball 13/18 = 72.2222% Mig 10/14 = 71.4286% DoctorHelvetica 10/14 = 71.4286% LSB 15/21 = 71.4286% Blazinghand 17/24 = 70.8333% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% kitaman27 19/29 = 65.5172% wherebugsgo 16/25 = 64.0000% s0Lstice 7/11 = 63.6364% Foolishness 14/22 = 63.6364% Varpulis 6/10 = 60.0000% barundar 6/10 = 60.0000% Radfield 9/15 = 60.0000% Node 9/15 = 60.0000% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 9/12 = 75.0000% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Holyflare 13/20 = 65.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Tehpoofter 6/10 = 60.0000% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% Sn0_Man 7/12 = 58.3333% Hopeless1der 16/28 = 57.1429% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% iamperfection 14/25 = 56.0000% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% DarthPunk 11/20 = 55.0000% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 254/4067 = 6.2454% Mafia 63/1256 = 5.0159% Third Party 5/117 = 4.2735% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% vivi57 12/13 = 92.3077% jcarlsoniv 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% sciberbia 10/11 = 90.9091% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% Beneather 9/10 = 90.0000% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +L 10/18 = 55.5556% EchelonTee 8/16 = 50.0000% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% Acrofales 6/13 = 46.1538% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Crossfire99 5/12 = 41.6667% Xatalos 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% kitaman27 31/41 = 75.6098% Fishball 17/23 = 73.9130% BloodyC0bbler 28/38 = 73.6842% deconduo 22/30 = 73.3333% Toadesstern 16/22 = 72.7273% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 10/11 = 90.9091% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% vivi57 11/13 = 84.6154% Lazermonkey 9/11 = 81.8182% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% kushm4sta 21/28 = 75.0000% jaybrundage 12/16 = 75.0000% Johnnyspazz 8/11 = 72.7273% malongo 10/14 = 71.4286% ShiaoPi 12/17 = 70.5882% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12 and '13 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chaoser Chezinu RebirthOfLeGenD Forum Vets (No longer updated) + Show Spoiler +Mynock 14 [GiTM]-Ace 21 789 218 Ace 377 Mandalor 2074 LTT 2283 SoMuchBetter 2825 jtan 2868 KH1031 3017 SoleSteeler 3099 Players With User IDs That Are Prime (No longer updated) + Show Spoiler +[NyC]HoBbes 57853 [UoN]Sentinel 55351 Aepplet 6269 Alethios 33289 Atreides- 49459 BaronFel 49531 barth 35591 BassinSpace 187027 Believer 63949 bereft 60901 betaben 30851 blubbdavid 60919 Caller 30803 Clicker 111439 CosmosXAM 166541 CynanMachae 23719 darmousseh 76537 da0ud 169097 dementrio 121469 demonic_phate 30467 DimmuKlok 83009 drwiggl3s 263567 ecomania 34961 ELITECubWarman8 147793 Esspen 70489 Fallen_arK 50503 Fen 22483 FezTheCaliph 60443 Funcmode 80747 fusionsdf 22343 GeorgeClooney 122651 goldenkrnboi 30223 Grackaroni 198851 HiroPro 258487 Intact 102437 Janaan 195329 Johnhughthom 147787 JoxxOr 31321 Kenpachi 51151 Khorrus 237043 Kickstart 38671 KillingTime 280933 Knutti 39877 Kohbee 182857 KorvspaD 4691 LazinCajun 199489 Lenwe 35083 Lexpar 45533 love1another 56431 Lvdr 278119 MeatlessTaco 157747 Mig 11719 Mordanis 137393 more_minerals 32479 MrBabyHands 41543 Myles 63773 nard 50551 nbtnbt5 45161 NeaX 3109 Omniscient4983 284093 omnomMuffins 202409 Pondo 97511 Pyrrhuloxia 36781 Quesadilla 31817 Ra.Xor.2 36923 rgTheSchworz 128099 Roco69 287281 SacredSystem 136753 Ser Aspi 57713 Seviro 188261 Sharrant 279649 Skrammen 117373 slOosh 53783 Soulfire 104287 Spiritclown 210643 sugiuramidori 47491 Superouman 30509 to miss the mark 19447 Toadesstern 40853 Twelve 105229 VayeshMoru 52517 whatchamacallit 53987 WhySoMuch 262621 xsksc 149333 ZBiR 5021 Zorkmid 41737 Mafia players are lynched 25.3% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.3% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.1% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 27.6%! 45% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1146 distinct mafia players. VE has been lynched 21 times.
+ Show Spoiler [November 2014] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes 74 Palmar 67 marvellosity 57 Oatsmaster 53 raynpelikoneet 51 bumatlarge 46 Jackal58 43 prplhz 42 kitaman27 42 sandroba 40 BloodyC0bbler 39 kushm4sta 39 Blazinghand 38 Ace 38 RebirthOfLeGenD 38 yamato77 37 chaoser 37 Vivax 36 Kenpachi 35 wherebugsgo 35 strongandbig 34 Mr. Wiggles 34 Coagulation 34 austinmcc 33 Koshi 31 Hopeless1der 31 slOosh 30 WaveofShadow 30 Amber[LighT] 30 Holyflare 30 Bill Murray 30 deconduo 30 Foolishness 30 thrawn2112 30 Meapak_Ziphh 29 sinani206 29 Chezinu 29 LSB 28 Pandain 28 Mattchew 27 Alakaslam 27 Kurumi 27 iamperfection 26 Artanis[Xp] 26 Hapahauli 25 ~OpZ~ 25 GGQ 24 JeeJee 24 VayneAuthority 24 syllogism 23 Toadesstern 23 Fishball 23 Layabout 23 Stutters695 22 risk.nuke 22 Radfield 22 DarthPunk 22 Mocsta 22 BrownBear 22 keirathi 21 Caller 21 Tehpoofter 21 Node 20 Grackaroni 20 Supersoft 20
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
Holyflare 2014: 22 raynpelikoneet 2014: 20 Tehpoofter 2014: 19 kushm4sta 2014: 19 Palmar 2014: 18 Oatsmaster 2014: 18 Alakaslam 2014: 17 VisceraEyes 2014: 17 IAmRobik 2014: 16 Koshi 2014: 16 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Incognito 8/10 = 80.0000% Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% justanothertownie 11/16 = 68.7500% DarthPunk 15/22 = 68.1818% GlowingBear 8/12 = 66.6667% d3_crescentia 7/11 = 63.6364% Holyflare 19/30 = 63.3333% marvellosity 36/57 = 63.1579% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% Djodref 8/13 = 61.5385% Acrofales 8/13 = 61.5385% Koshi 19/31 = 61.2903% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% syllogism 14/23 = 60.8696% SouthRawrea 6/10 = 60.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 9/12 = 75.0000% Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% syllogism 12/18 = 66.6667% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% justanothertownie 8/13 = 61.5385% Hapahauli 11/18 = 61.1111% Grackaroni 9/15 = 60.0000% Artanis[Xp] 10/17 = 58.8235% Promethelax 8/14 = 57.1429% kitaman27 17/30 = 56.6667% Supersoft 9/16 = 56.2500% keirathi 10/18 = 55.5556% Holyflare 11/20 = 55.0000% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +marvellosity 10/11 = 90.9091% Koshi 5/6 = 83.3333% Holyflare 8/10 = 80.0000% Cephiro 4/5 = 80.0000% JeeJee 4/5 = 80.0000% Mattchew 4/5 = 80.0000% WaveofShadow 4/5 = 80.0000% Node 4/5 = 80.0000% annul 4/5 = 80.0000% prplhz 6/8 = 75.0000% Bill Murray 6/8 = 75.0000% kitaman27 8/11 = 72.7273% austinmcc 4/6 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 4/6 = 66.6667% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 6/7 = 85.7143% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% ver 5/6 = 83.3333% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% decafchicken 4/5 = 80.0000% Rastaban 4/5 = 80.0000% SouthRawrea 4/5 = 80.0000% dreamflower 4/5 = 80.0000% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% dinmsab 4/6 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% Foolishness 9/14 = 64.2857% d3_crescentia 5/8 = 62.5000% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Acrofales 5/5 = 100.0000% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 9/11 = 81.8182% keirathi 4/5 = 80.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 10/15 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Koshi 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Supersoft 5/8 = 62.5000% kitaman27 13/21 = 61.9048% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +justanothertownie 6/7 = 85.7143% Stutters695 7/9 = 77.7778% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 10/14 = 71.4286% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% keirathi 7/10 = 70.0000% Koshi 11/16 = 68.7500% prplhz 14/21 = 66.6667% Holyflare 12/18 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% Meapak_Ziphh 4/6 = 66.6667% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 9/14 = 64.2857% Dandel Ion 5/8 = 62.5000% Gonzaw 5/8 = 62.5000% Sylencia 5/8 = 62.5000% Promethelax 5/8 = 62.5000% Artanis[Xp] 8/13 = 61.5385% WaveofShadow 11/18 = 61.1111% marvellosity 20/33 = 60.6061%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 142 Town 111 Third Party 36
Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 8 2010: 34 2011: 50 2012: 95 2013: 72 2014: 58 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 36 2: 27 3: 30 4: 31 5: 23 6: 32 7: 29 8: 30 9: 26 10: 23 11: 18 12: 17 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 249 2011 289 2012 419 2013 311 2014 218 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 147 Normal 63 Newbie 60 Themed 47
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +Blazinghand 20 GMarshal 19 Artanis[xp] 13 GreYMisT 12 kitaman27 11 Ace 10 DoctorHelvetica 9 iGrok 9 Palmar 9 Flamewheel 8 Incognito 8 LSB 7 deconduo 7 Dandel Ion 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/30 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/18 = 0.0000% keirathi 0/18 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/17 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% IAmRobik 0/14 = 0.0000% Mig 0/14 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/13 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/10 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 1/44 = 2.2727% Holyflare 1/20 = 5.0000% syllogism 1/18 = 5.5556% Hapahauli 1/18 = 5.5556% GGQ 1/16 = 6.2500% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% sciberbia 8/10 = 80.0000% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% chaos13 9/12 = 75.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 12/16 = 75.0000% Fishball 13/18 = 72.2222% DoctorHelvetica 10/14 = 71.4286% Mig 10/14 = 71.4286% LSB 15/21 = 71.4286% Blazinghand 19/27 = 70.3704% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 9/12 = 75.0000% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% GlowingBear 8/12 = 66.6667% Damdred 9/14 = 64.2857% Holyflare 19/30 = 63.3333% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% justanothertownie 9/16 = 56.2500% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 254/4067 = 6.44% Mafia 63/1256 = 5.013% Third Party 5/117 = 4.84% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% jcarlsoniv 13/14 = 92.8571% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% vivi57 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% sciberbia 10/11 = 90.9091% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% Beneather 9/10 = 90.0000% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Chairman Ray 7/12 = 58.3333% L 10/18 = 55.5556% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 8/17 = 47.0588% Acrofales 6/13 = 46.1538% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Crossfire99 5/12 = 41.6667% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% SouthRawrea 4/10 = 40.0000% Z-BosoN 4/10 = 40.0000% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% Fishball 17/23 = 73.9130% kitaman27 31/42 = 73.8095% deconduo 22/30 = 73.3333% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 28/39 = 71.7949% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 10/11 = 90.9091% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% vivi57 11/13 = 84.6154% mderg 10/12 = 83.3333% Lazermonkey 10/12 = 83.3333% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% IAmRobik 13/17 = 76.4706% Johnnyspazz 8/11 = 72.7273% batsnacks 8/11 = 72.7273% ShiaoPi 13/18 = 72.2222% kushm4sta 28/39 = 71.7949% Tehpoofter 15/21 = 71.4286% malongo 10/14 = 71.4286% Sylencia 10/14 = 71.4286% jaybrundage 12/17 = 70.5882% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12 and '13 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chaoser Chezinu RebirthOfLeGenD Mafia players are lynched 26.2% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.2% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.9% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 28.5%! 48% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1200 distinct mafia players. VE has been lynched 24 times.
+ Show Spoiler [February 2015] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes 78 Palmar 76 marvellosity 63 Oatsmaster 58 raynpelikoneet 56 bumatlarge 46 Jackal58 43 kushm4sta 43 kitaman27 43 prplhz 43 Vivax 40 sandroba 40 BloodyC0bbler 39 Blazinghand 39 Ace 38 RebirthOfLeGenD 38 chaoser 37 yamato77 37 Holyflare 36 Kenpachi 35 Koshi 35 wherebugsgo 35 Coagulation 35 strongandbig 34 Mr. Wiggles 34 Alakaslam 34 austinmcc 33 Hopeless1der 32 Chezinu 31 Amber[LighT] 30 Bill Murray 30 thrawn2112 30 deconduo 30 slOosh 30 WaveofShadow 30 Foolishness 30 Meapak_Ziphh 29 sinani206 29 iamperfection 28 Pandain 28 LSB 28 VayneAuthority 27 Mattchew 27 Kurumi 27 Artanis[Xp] 27 Damdred 27 Hapahauli 25 ~OpZ~ 25 JeeJee 24 Toadesstern 24 GGQ 24 DarthPunk 24 Fishball 23 syllogism 23 IAmRobik 23 Layabout 23 Mocsta 22 Stutters695 22 Radfield 22 keirathi 22 risk.nuke 22 BrownBear 22 geript 22 Onegu 22 Tehpoofter 21 Caller 21 Grackaroni 21 justanothertownie 20 Node 20 Supersoft 20
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
Holyflare 2014: 25 raynpelikoneet 2014: 23 kushm4sta 2014: 23 Damdred 2014: 21 Palmar 2014: 21 Oatsmaster 2014: 20 VisceraEyes 2014: 20 Alakaslam 2014: 20 Tehpoofter 2014: 19 IAmRobik 2014: 18 Koshi 2014: 18
LightningStrike 2015: 7 rsoultin 2015: 7 Palmar 2015: 6 Half the Sky 2015: 6 Damdred 2015: 6 sicklucker 2015: 5 liancourt 2015: 5 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Incognito 8/10 = 80.0000% Adam4167 11/14 = 78.5714% FecalFeast 9/13 = 69.2308% DarthPunk 16/24 = 66.6667% Acrofales 8/12 = 66.6667% marvellosity 41/63 = 65.0794% d3_crescentia 7/11 = 63.6364% Divinek 7/11 = 63.6364% GlowingBear 12/19 = 63.1579% Holyflare 22/35 = 62.8571% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% Djodref 8/13 = 61.5385% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% syllogism 14/23 = 60.8696% kitaman27 26/43 = 60.4651% justanothertownie 12/20 = 60.0000% liancourt 6/10 = 60.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.0000% LoneMeow 6/10 = 60.0000% Superbia 6/10 = 60.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 12/18 = 66.6667% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% FecalFeast 7/11 = 63.6364% Hapahauli 11/18 = 61.1111% Artanis[Xp] 10/17 = 58.8235% Holyflare 14/24 = 58.3333% kitaman27 18/31 = 58.0645% keirathi 11/19 = 57.8947% marvellosity 27/47 = 57.4468% Promethelax 8/14 = 57.1429% GlowingBear 8/14 = 57.1429% Supersoft 9/16 = 56.2500% Grackaroni 9/16 = 56.2500% justanothertownie 9/16 = 56.2500% Alakaslam 14/25 = 56.0000% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +marvellosity 12/14 = 85.7143% Mattchew 4/5 = 80.0000% annul 4/5 = 80.0000% Acrofales 4/5 = 80.0000% Node 4/5 = 80.0000% Cephiro 4/5 = 80.0000% WaveofShadow 4/5 = 80.0000% JeeJee 4/5 = 80.0000% Bill Murray 6/8 = 75.0000% kitaman27 8/11 = 72.7273% Holyflare 8/11 = 72.7273% Koshi 5/7 = 71.4286% prplhz 6/9 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% austinmcc 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 4/6 = 66.6667% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +ver 5/5 = 100.0000% LucasWoJ 6/7 = 85.7143% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% SouthRawrea 4/5 = 80.0000% Rastaban 4/5 = 80.0000% decafchicken 4/5 = 80.0000% dreamflower 4/5 = 80.0000% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% redtooth 4/6 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% dinmsab 4/6 = 66.6667% Foolishness 9/14 = 64.2857% d3_crescentia 5/8 = 62.5000% Alakaslam 5/8 = 62.5000% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Acrofales 5/5 = 100.0000% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 9/11 = 81.8182% keirathi 4/5 = 80.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 10/15 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% yamato77 4/6 = 66.6667% Koshi 4/6 = 66.6667% Supersoft 5/8 = 62.5000% kitaman27 13/21 = 61.9048% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Stutters695 7/9 = 77.7778% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 11/15 = 73.3333% keirathi 8/11 = 72.7273% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% justanothertownie 7/10 = 70.0000% prplhz 14/21 = 66.6667% FecalFeast 6/9 = 66.6667% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% Superbia 4/6 = 66.6667% Meapak_Ziphh 4/6 = 66.6667% Holyflare 15/23 = 65.2174% marvellosity 24/38 = 63.1579% iamperfection 10/16 = 62.5000% Dandel Ion 5/8 = 62.5000% Gonzaw 5/8 = 62.5000% Sylencia 5/8 = 62.5000% Promethelax 5/8 = 62.5000% Artanis[Xp] 8/13 = 61.5385% Koshi 11/18 = 61.1111% WaveofShadow 11/18 = 61.1111%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 150 Town 120 Third Party 36
Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 8 2010: 34 2011: 50 2012: 95 2013: 72 2014: 66 2015: 11 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 43 2: 31 3: 30 4: 31 5: 23 6: 32 7: 29 8: 30 9: 26 10: 23 11: 23 12: 20 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 249 2011 289 2012 419 2013 311 2014 229 2015 58 Player Count By Year Excluding Players With 2 Games or Less + Show Spoiler +2008 89 2009 90 2010 144 2011 172 2012 237 2013 182 2014 151 2015 45 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 162 Normal 67 Newbie 65 Themed 47
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +Blazinghand 25 GMarshal 19 Artanis[xp] 15 kitaman27 13 GreYMisT 12 Palmar 10 Ace 10 [UoN]Sentinel 9 DoctorHelvetica 9 iGrok 9 Incognito 8 flamewheel 8 Deconduo 7 LSB 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 Dandel Ion 7 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/31 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/18 = 0.0000% IAmRobik 0/18 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/17 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/16 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% Mig 0/14 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 1/47 = 2.1277% keirathi 1/19 = 5.2632% syllogism 1/18 = 5.5556% Hapahauli 1/18 = 5.5556% GGQ 1/16 = 6.2500% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +chaos13 11/12 = 91.6667% sciberbia 9/10 = 90.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 10/12 = 83.3333% Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% GGQ 13/16 = 81.2500% Amber[LighT] 20/25 = 80.0000% DoctorHelvetica 11/14 = 78.5714% Fishball 14/18 = 77.7778% IAmRobik 13/18 = 72.2222% Mig 10/14 = 71.4286% LSB 15/21 = 71.4286% barundar 7/10 = 70.0000% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +FecalFeast 12/13 = 92.3077% Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 9/12 = 75.0000% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Superbia 6/10 = 60.0000% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Holyflare 21/36 = 58.3333% GlowingBear 11/19 = 57.8947% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 287/4557 = 6.2980% Mafia 72/1406 = 5.1209% Third Party 6/126 = 4.7619% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% jcarlsoniv 13/14 = 92.8571% vivi57 12/13 = 92.3077% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% LightningStrike 10/11 = 90.9091% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% liancourt 9/10 = 90.0000% Beneather 9/10 = 90.0000% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% grush57 17/19 = 89.4737% ObiWanShinobi 15/17 = 88.2353% zeks 15/17 = 88.2353% Hopeless1der 28/32 = 87.5000% youngminii 14/16 = 87.5000% mkfuba07 14/16 = 87.5000% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Chairman Ray 7/12 = 58.3333% L 10/18 = 55.5556% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 8/17 = 47.0588% Acrofales 6/13 = 46.1538% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Crossfire99 5/12 = 41.6667% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% kitaman27 32/43 = 74.4186% Fishball 17/23 = 73.9130% deconduo 22/30 = 73.3333% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 28/39 = 71.7949% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +vivi57 11/13 = 84.6154% Lazermonkey 11/13 = 84.6154% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% mderg 11/14 = 78.5714% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% sciberbia 9/12 = 75.0000% IAmRobik 17/23 = 73.9130% Johnnyspazz 8/11 = 72.7273% sicklucker 8/11 = 72.7273% ShiaoPi 13/18 = 72.2222% batsnacks 13/18 = 72.2222% kushm4sta 31/43 = 72.0930% Tehpoofter 15/21 = 71.4286% malongo 10/14 = 71.4286% Sylencia 10/14 = 71.4286% jaybrundage 12/17 = 70.5882% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, and '14 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chezinu RebirthOfLeGenD Mafia players are lynched 25.6% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.2% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.4% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 27.8%! 49% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1219 distinct mafia players. VE has been lynched 25 times, Palmar has been lynched 24 times.
+ Show Spoiler [July 2015] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes 85 Palmar 85 marvellosity 69 Oatsmaster 67 raynpelikoneet 61 prplhz 51 bumatlarge 46 Vivax 46 yamato77 46 Holyflare 45 kitaman27 45 sandroba 44 Jackal58 43 kushm4sta 43 Koshi 42 Blazinghand 42 RebirthOfLeGenD 40 Damdred 40 BloodyC0bbler 39 Alakaslam 39 Ace 39 chaoser 38 wherebugsgo 36 WaveofShadow 35 Coagulation 35 Onegu 35 strongandbig 35 Bill Murray 35 Kenpachi 35 Mr. Wiggles 34 austinmcc 33 Chezinu 33 Hopeless1der 33 Artanis[Xp] 32 Foolishness 31 slOosh 31 VayneAuthority 31 deconduo 30 Amber[LighT] 30 thrawn2112 30 Meapak_Ziphh 29 LSB 29 sinani206 29 Kurumi 29 iamperfection 28 Stutters695 28 Pandain 28 Mattchew 28 IAmRobik 26 Hapahauli 26 ~OpZ~ 26 geript 26 Toadesstern 26 JeeJee 25 batsnacks 24 Fishball 24 justanothertownie 24 keirathi 24 GlowingBear 24 ObiWanShinobi 24 DarthPunk 24 GGQ 24 Mocsta 24 risk.nuke 23 Layabout 23 syllogism 23 Radfield 22 FecalFeast 22 BrownBear 22 sicklucker 22 LightningStrike 21 Grackaroni 21 Caller 21 Tehpoofter 21 rsoultin 20 Node 20 Supersoft 20 iNfuNdiBuLuM 20 Scamp 20
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
Holyflare 2014: 25 raynpelikoneet 2014: 23 kushm4sta 2014: 23 Damdred 2014: 21 Palmar 2014: 21 Oatsmaster 2014: 20 VisceraEyes 2014: 20 Alakaslam 2014: 20 Tehpoofter 2014: 19 IAmRobik 2014: 18 Koshi 2014: 18
Damdred 2015: 19 rsoultin 2015: 18 LightningStrike 2015: 17 Onegu 2015: 17 Sicklucker 2015: 16 Palmar 2015: 14 Fecalfeast 2015: 13 Half the Sky 2015: 12 Trfel 2015: 12 Holyflare 2015: 12 Oatsmaster 2015: 11 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 15 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% FecalFeast 15/22 = 68.1818% DarthPunk 16/24 = 66.6667% marvellosity 44/69 = 63.7681% GlowingBear 15/24 = 62.5000% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% syllogism 14/23 = 60.8696% malongo 9/15 = 60.0000% Gonzaw 10/17 = 58.8235% keirathi 14/24 = 58.3333% Holyflare 26/45 = 57.7778% kitaman27 26/45 = 57.7778% Caller 12/21 = 57.1429% Supersoft 11/20 = 55.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 12/18 = 66.6667% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% FecalFeast 11/18 = 61.1111% Half the Sky 6/10 = 60.0000% GlowingBear 10/17 = 58.8235% malongo 7/12 = 58.3333% Hapahauli 11/19 = 57.8947% marvellosity 30/52 = 57.6923% Artanis[Xp] 12/21 = 57.1429% Promethelax 8/14 = 57.1429% Foolishness 13/23 = 56.5217% Supersoft 9/16 = 56.2500% Grackaroni 9/16 = 56.2500% keirathi 11/20 = 55.0000% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +GlowingBear 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 12/15 = 80.0000% kitaman27 8/11 = 72.7273% Holyflare 10/14 = 71.4286% Koshi 5/7 = 71.4286% WaveofShadow 5/7 = 71.4286% Damdred 6/9 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 4/6 = 66.6667% Mattchew 4/6 = 66.6667% austinmcc 4/6 = 66.6667% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 7/8 = 87.5000% ver 6/7 = 85.7143% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% dinmsab 5/7 = 71.4286% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% Foolishness 10/15 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% decafchicken 4/6 = 66.6667% batsnacks 4/6 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi 5/7 = 71.4286% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 10/15 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% Supersoft 5/8 = 62.5000% sandroba 11/18 = 61.1111% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% FecalFeast 11/15 = 73.3333% DarthPunk 11/15 = 73.3333% keirathi 8/11 = 72.7273% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% Meapak_Ziphh 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% Kurumi 4/6 = 66.6667% marvellosity 27/42 = 64.2857% Koshi 14/22 = 63.6364% WaveofShadow 14/22 = 63.6364% rsoultin 7/11 = 63.6364% Breshke 7/11 = 63.6364%
Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 163 Town 133 Third Party 39
Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 9 2010: 34 2011: 50 2012: 96 2013: 72 2014: 67 2015: 34 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 43 2: 33 3: 37 4: 36 5: 29 6: 37 7: 30 8: 30 9: 26 10: 23 11: 23 12: 20 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 158 2010 249 2011 289 2012 420 2013 311 2014 230 2015 123 Player Count By Year Excluding Players With 2 Games or Less + Show Spoiler +2008 90 2009 103 2010 148 2011 172 2012 238 2013 182 2014 153 2015 79 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 182 Normal 70 Newbie 65 Themed 50
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +Blazinghand 28 GMarshal 19 Artanis[xp] 16 kitaman27 14 GreYMisT 13 Palmar 11 Ace 10 DoctorHelvetica 9 [UoN]Sentinel 9 iGrok 9 Incognito 8 flamewheel 8 Deconduo 7 Ver 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 LSB 7 wherebugsgo 7 Dandel Ion 7 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/33 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/21 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/19 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/18 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% Mig 0/15 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% Trfel 0/11 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% Half the Sky 0/10 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 2/52 = 3.8462% keirathi 1/20 = 5.0000% IAmRobik 1/20 = 5.0000% Hapahauli 1/19 = 5.2632% FecalFeast 1/18 = 5.5556% syllogism 1/18 = 5.5556% Mocsta 1/16 = 6.2500% rsoultin 1/16 = 6.2500% GGQ 1/16 = 6.2500% Holyflare 2/30 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 9/11 = 81.8182% Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% chaos13 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 12/16 = 75.0000% Fishball 14/19 = 73.6842% DoctorHelvetica 10/14 = 71.4286% Eden1892 7/10 = 70.0000% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/13 = 69.2308% LSB 15/22 = 68.1818% Mig 10/15 = 66.6667% Foolishness 15/23 = 65.2174% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Half the Sky 11/14 = 78.5714% Crossfire99 10/13 = 76.9231% FecalFeast 15/22 = 68.1818% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Trfel 9/14 = 64.2857% The Shining 6/10 = 60.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% Snarfs 7/12 = 58.3333% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% Xatalos 10/18 = 55.5556% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 309/4882 = 6.3294% Third Party 7/136 = 5.1471% Mafia 74/1504 = 4.9202% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% mysterymeat1 10/10 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% redtooth 10/10 = 100.0000% jcarlsoniv 13/14 = 92.8571% vivi57 13/14 = 92.8571% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% The Shining 9/10 = 90.0000% Beneather 9/10 = 90.0000% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Chairman Ray 7/12 = 58.3333% L 10/19 = 52.6316% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 8/17 = 47.0588% Acrofales 6/13 = 46.1538% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% kitaman27 33/45 = 73.3333% deconduo 22/30 = 73.3333% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 28/39 = 71.7949% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% Fishball 17/24 = 70.8333% Scamp 14/20 = 70.0000% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +mysterymeat1 9/10 = 90.0000% Lazermonkey 11/13 = 84.6154% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% Sinensis 8/10 = 80.0000% vivi57 11/14 = 78.5714% mderg 11/14 = 78.5714% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% sciberbia 10/13 = 76.9231% malongo 11/15 = 73.3333% IAmRobik 19/26 = 73.0769% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, and '14 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chezinu RebirthOfLeGenD Mafia players are lynched 26.0% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.0% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.4% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 28.0%! 50% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1260 distinct mafia players. VE has been lynched 26 times, Palmar has been lynched 24 times.
+ Show Spoiler [January 2016] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +Palmar 91 VisceraEyes 89 marvellosity 77 raynpelikoneet 74 Oatsmaster 68 Damdred 54 Vivax 53 prplhz 52 yamato77 50 Holyflare 48 bumatlarge 46 Onegu 46 kitaman27 45 Koshi 45 kushm4sta 45 sandroba 44 Jackal58 43 Blazinghand 43 Alakaslam 42 RebirthOfLeGenD 40 Bill Murray 39 BloodyC0bbler 39 Ace 39 WaveofShadow 39 chaoser 38 Hopeless1der 37 wherebugsgo 36 Coagulation 35 strongandbig 35 Chezinu 35 Kenpachi 35 GlowingBear 34 Mr. Wiggles 34 VayneAuthority 33 Artanis[Xp] 33 austinmcc 33 deconduo 32 geript 32 Foolishness 31 slOosh 31 thrawn2112 30 Meapak_Ziphh 30 FecalFeast 30 Amber[LighT] 30
Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
Holyflare 2014: 25 raynpelikoneet 2014: 23 kushm4sta 2014: 23 Damdred 2014: 21 Palmar 2014: 21 Oatsmaster 2014: 20 VisceraEyes 2014: 20 Alakaslam 2014: 20 Tehpoofter 2014: 19 IAmRobik 2014: 18 Koshi 2014: 18
Damdred 2015: 33 Onegu 2015: 28 rsoultin 2015: 24 LightningStrike 2015: 23 Fecalfeast 2015: 21 Palmar 2015: 20 Sicklucker 2015: 20 Trfel 2015: 18 The Shining 2015: 18 scott31337 2015: 17 raynpelikoneet 2015: 17 Half the Sky 2015: 17 GlowingBear 2015: 17 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 15 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% DarthPunk 17/25 = 68.0000% GlowingBear 22/34 = 64.7059% FecalFeast 19/30 = 63.3333% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% marvellosity 48/77 = 62.3377% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% syllogism 14/23 = 60.8696% malongo 9/15 = 60.0000% scott31337 10/17 = 58.8235% Gonzaw 10/17 = 58.8235% keirathi 14/24 = 58.3333% Half the Sky 11/19 = 57.8947% kitaman27 26/45 = 57.7778% Caller 12/21 = 57.1429% Holyflare 27/48 = 56.2500% Sn0_Man 9/16 = 56.2500% Supersoft 11/20 = 55.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 12/18 = 66.6667% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% KelsierSC 7/11 = 63.6364% Artanis[Xp] 13/22 = 59.0909% GlowingBear 14/24 = 58.3333% malongo 7/12 = 58.3333% Hapahauli 11/19 = 57.8947% FecalFeast 15/26 = 57.6923% Promethelax 8/14 = 57.1429% Foolishness 13/23 = 56.5217% Grackaroni 9/16 = 56.2500% Supersoft 9/16 = 56.2500% marvellosity 32/57 = 56.1404% keirathi 11/20 = 55.0000% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +GlowingBear 8/9 = 88.8889% marvellosity 14/18 = 77.7778% WaveofShadow 6/8 = 75.0000% Holyflare 11/15 = 73.3333% Damdred 8/11 = 72.7273% kitaman27 8/11 = 72.7273% Koshi 5/7 = 71.4286% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% Mattchew 4/6 = 66.6667% ritoky 4/6 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% ObiWanShinobi 4/6 = 66.6667% austinmcc 4/6 = 66.6667% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% iamperfection 4/6 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 7/8 = 87.5000% ver 6/7 = 85.7143% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% dinmsab 5/7 = 71.4286% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% Foolishness 10/15 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% decafchicken 4/6 = 66.6667% LightningStrike 4/6 = 66.6667% batsnacks 4/6 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi 5/7 = 71.4286% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 10/15 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% Supersoft 5/8 = 62.5000% sandroba 11/18 = 61.1111% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 12/16 = 75.0000% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi 8/11 = 72.7273% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% MoosyDoosy 7/10 = 70.0000% Rels 7/10 = 70.0000% FecalFeast 15/22 = 68.1818% rsoultin 10/15 = 66.6667% Kurumi 4/6 = 66.6667% Fidei86 4/6 = 66.6667% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% Meapak_Ziphh 4/6 = 66.6667% GlowingBear 16/25 = 64.0000% marvellosity 31/49 = 63.2653%
Student Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +sicklucker 5/6 = 83.3333% FecalFeast 5/6 = 83.3333% MoosyDoosy 5/7 = 71.4286% The Shining 6/9 = 66.6667% Scott31337 6/10 = 60.0000% Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Mafia 211/405 = 52.0988% Town 173/391 = 44.2455% Third Party 39/125 = 31.2000% Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 174 Town 145 Third Party 39 Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 9 2010: 34 2011: 51 2012: 96 2013: 72 2014: 67 2015: 59 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 43 2: 33 3: 37 4: 36 5: 29 6: 38 7: 36 8: 34 9: 30 10: 27 11: 26 12: 24 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 158 2010 249 2011 293 2012 420 2013 311 2014 228 2015 170 Player Count By Year Excluding Players With 2 Games or Less + Show Spoiler +2008 90 2009 103 2010 148 2011 174 2012 239 2013 183 2014 156 2015 113 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 188 Normal 71 Newbie 66 Themed 51 Student 16
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +Blazinghand 33 GMarshal 19 Artanis[xp] 16 kitaman27 16 GreYMisT 13 Palmar 12 [UoN]Sentinel 10 Ace 10 iGrok 9 DoctorHelvetica 9 Deconduo 8 Incognito 8 Half the Sky 8 flamewheel 8 Dandel Ion 7 Ver 7 LSB 7 wherebugsgo 7 BloodyC0bbler 7 Hosting Godfathers (Hosted a Game With a First Time Player) + Show Spoiler +Chuiu 206 GMarshal 77 kitaman27 70 DoctorHelvetica 61 flamewheel 58 Artanis[xp] 49 BloodyC0bbler 46 Blazinghand 45 Incognito 36 Caller 34 GreYMisT 33 Meapak_Ziphh 32 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/33 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/22 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/20 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/19 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% Mig 0/15 = 0.0000% Trfel 0/15 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% Half the Sky 0/14 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% KelsierSC 0/11 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 1/57 = 1.7544% FecalFeast 1/26 = 3.8462% rsoultin 1/20 = 5.0000% keirathi 1/20 = 5.0000% IAmRobik 1/20 = 5.0000% Hapahauli 1/19 = 5.2632% syllogism 1/18 = 5.5556% Mocsta 1/16 = 6.2500% GGQ 1/16 = 6.2500% The Shining 1/16 = 6.2500% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 9/11 = 81.8182% Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% chaos13 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 12/16 = 75.0000% Fishball 14/19 = 73.6842% DoctorHelvetica 10/14 = 71.4286% Eden1892 7/10 = 70.0000% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/13 = 69.2308% LSB 15/22 = 68.1818% Mig 10/15 = 66.6667% Foolishness 15/23 = 65.2174% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 10/13 = 76.9231% Half the Sky 13/19 = 68.4211% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% FecalFeast 20/30 = 66.6667% The Shining 11/18 = 61.1111% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% Trfel 12/20 = 60.0000% Snarfs 7/12 = 58.3333% Mr. Cheesecake 11/19 = 57.8947% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% DarthPunk 14/25 = 56.0000% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 312/5133 = 6.0783% Third Party 7/138 = 5.0725% Mafia 77/1587 = 4.8519% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% redtooth 10/10 = 100.0000% mysterymeat1 10/10 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% vivi57 13/14 = 92.8571% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.0000% MoosyDoosy 9/10 = 90.0000% Aidnai 9/10 = 90.0000% Beneather 9/10 = 90.0000% grush57 17/19 = 89.4737% The Shining 16/18 = 88.8889% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Chairman Ray 7/12 = 58.3333% L 10/19 = 52.6316% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 8/17 = 47.0588% Acrofales 6/13 = 46.1538% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% kitaman27 33/45 = 73.3333% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 28/39 = 71.7949% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% Fishball 17/24 = 70.8333% Scamp 14/20 = 70.0000% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +mysterymeat1 9/10 = 90.0000% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% Lazermonkey 11/13 = 84.6154% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% mderg 12/15 = 80.0000% Sinensis 8/10 = 80.0000% vivi57 11/14 = 78.5714% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% sciberbia 10/13 = 76.9231% malongo 11/15 = 73.3333% IAmRobik 19/26 = 73.0769% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14 and '15 + Show Spoiler +Players With Common Games + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes Palmar 38 raynpelikoneet Oatsmaster 34 Palmar marvellosity 32 prplhz Palmar 28 VisceraEyes marvellosity 28 raynpelikoneet Koshi 25 Oatsmaster Koshi 24 yamato77 raynpelikoneet 24 raynpelikoneet Alakaslam 23 raynpelikoneet marvellosity 23 sandroba Palmar 23 VisceraEyes prplhz 23 yamato77 Oatsmaster 23 Oatsmaster marvellosity 22 raynpelikoneet Palmar 22 Vivax Oatsmaster 22 Soul Mates - Players With Common Alignment + Show Spoiler +JeeJee-Caller 11/11 = 100.0000% nemY-Ace 10/10 = 100.0000% Vivax-ObiWanShinobi 10/10 = 100.0000% Vivax-raynpelikoneet 15/16 = 93.7500% Kenpachi-chaoser 10/11 = 90.9091% JeeJee-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% zeks-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% kitaman27-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% VisceraEyes-iamperfection 8/9 = 88.8889% The Shining-FecalFeast 8/9 = 88.8889% ~OpZ~-LSB 8/9 = 88.8889% youngminii-bumatlarge 8/9 = 88.8889% malongo-Fishball 8/9 = 88.8889% Mortal Enemies - Players With Opposite Alignment + Show Spoiler +wherebugsgo-chaoser 1/10 = 10.0000% Foolishness-Bill Murray 1/9 = 11.1111% Hopeless1der-Alakaslam 1/8 = 12.5000% rsoultin-Holyflare 2/11 = 18.1818% Palmar-Blazinghand 3/15 = 20.0000% VisceraEyes-VayneAuthority 2/10 = 20.0000% L-Ace 2/10 = 20.0000% L-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% sandroba-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% Scamp-L 2/10 = 20.0000% Dynamic Duos - Win Percentage By Pair With Common Alignment + Show Spoiler +Mr. Wiggles-kitaman27 8/9 = 88.8889% kitaman27-bumatlarge 8/10 = 80.0000% marvellosity-Hopeless1der 7/9 = 77.7778% VisceraEyes -Raynpelikoneet 10/13 = 76.9231% strongandbig-marvellosity 10/13 = 76.9231% chaoser-bumatlarge 9/12 = 75.0000% prplhz-marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Jackal58-GMarshal 6/8 = 75.0000% LightningStrike-FecalFeast 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Koshi 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Damdred 6/8 = 75.0000% sandroba-Kurumi 6/8 = 75.0000% WaveofShadow-Oatsmaster 6/8 = 75.0000% Palmar-LightningStrike 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi-austinmcc 6/8 = 75.0000% marvellosity-Damdred 6/8 = 75.0000% Endgame Win Percentage + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 13/14 = 92.8571% Chezinu 11/12 = 91.6667% LightningStrike 11/12 = 91.6667% RebirthOfLeGenD 12/14 = 85.7143% Stutters695 11/13 = 84.6154% Justanothertownie 10/12 = 83.3333% chaoser 9/11 = 81.8182% prplhz 16/20 = 80.0000% GMarshal 8/10 = 80.0000% thrawn2112 8/10 = 80.0000% Foolishness 8/10 = 80.0000% Win Percentage By Experience (Games Played) + Show Spoiler +0 618/1297 = 47.6484% 1 351/670 = 52.3881% 2 254/503 = 50.4970% 3 176/405 = 43.4568% 4 159/350 = 45.4286% 5 149/307 = 48.5342% 6 123/268 = 45.8955% 7 108/230 = 46.9565% 8 89/207 = 42.9952% 9 85/189 = 44.9735% 10 88/169 = 52.0710% 11 65/157 = 41.4013% 12 67/147 = 45.5782% 13 69/135 = 51.1111% 14 52/121 = 42.9752% 15 48/114 = 42.1053% 16 53/105 = 50.4762% 17 38/99 = 38.3838% 18 37/95 = 38.9474% 19 40/86 = 46.5116% 20 38/78 = 48.7179% 21 31/72 = 43.0556% 22 33/70 = 47.1429% 23 30/70 = 42.8571% 24 24/62 = 38.7097% 25 32/61 = 52.4590% 26 30/54 = 55.5556% 27 23/53 = 43.3962% 28 21/46 = 45.6522% 29 22/45 = 48.8889% 30 16/40 = 40.0000% 31 17/37 = 45.9459% 32 18/36 = 50.0000% 33 9/32 = 28.1250% 34 12/32 = 37.5000% 35 12/26 = 46.1538% 36 15/26 = 57.6923% 37 12/25 = 48.0000% 38 8/24 = 33.3333% 39 7/20 = 35.0000% 40 10/19 = 52.6316% Mafia players are lynched 26.3% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.2% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.4% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 28.2%! 51% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1288 distinct mafia players. VE has been lynched 26 times, Vivax and Palmar have been lynched 24 times.
+ Show Spoiler [January 2017] +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +Palmar 102 VisceraEyes 90 marvellosity 82 raynpelikoneet 77 Damdred 69 Oatsmaster 69 Vivax 66 Koshi 64 Holyflare 58 prplhz 55 yamato77 52 Onegu 52 Alakaslam 47 sandroba 47 kitaman27 47 bumatlarge 47 GlowingBear 45 kushm4sta 45 Blazinghand 43 Jackal58 43 sicklucker 41 WaveofShadow 40 Ace 40 RebirthOfLeGenD 40 Bill Murray 40 VayneAuthority 39 BloodyC0bbler 39 Hopeless1der 39 Artanis[Xp] 38 Chezinu 38 chaoser 38 LightningStrike 36 FecalFeast 36 wherebugsgo 36 Coagulation 36 strongandbig 35 Kenpachi 35 geript 35 Mr. Wiggles 34 Stutters695 33 austinmcc 33 ObiWanShinobi 33 justanothertownie 32 slOosh 32 Kurumi 32 deconduo 32 ritoky 31 Foolishness 31 Meapak_Ziphh 31 rsoultin 31 iamperfection 30 Amber[LighT] 30 thrawn2112 30 Most Games By Year + Show Spoiler +clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
Holyflare 2014: 25 raynpelikoneet 2014: 23 kushm4sta 2014: 23 Damdred 2014: 21 Palmar 2014: 21 Oatsmaster 2014: 20 VisceraEyes 2014: 20 Alakaslam 2014: 20 Tehpoofter 2014: 19 IAmRobik 2014: 18 Koshi 2014: 18
Damdred 2015: 34 Onegu 2015: 29 rsoultin 2015: 25 LightningStrike 2015: 23 Sicklucker 2015: 21 Palmar 2015: 21 Fecalfeast 2015: 21 Trfel 2015: 19 The Shining 2015: 19 GlowingBear 2015: 18 raynpelikoneet 2015: 18 ritoky 2015: 17 scott31337 2015: 17 Half the Sky 2015: 17
Koshi 2016: 18 Tumblewood 2016: 17 Rels 2016: 16 sicklucker 2016: 14 Damdred 2016: 14 Shapelog 2016: 14 Tictock 2016: 14 Vivax 2016: 12 Superbia 2016: 11 Skynx 2016: 11 Palmar 2016: 10 GlowingBear 2016: 10 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 15 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% DarthPunk 17/25 = 68.0000% mkfuba07 10/16 = 62.5000% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.5000% FecalFeast 22/36 = 61.1111% GMarshal 11/18 = 61.1111% marvellosity 50/82 = 60.9756% syllogism 14/23 = 60.8696% Rels 17/28 = 60.7143% malongo 9/15 = 60.0000% DoYouHas 9/15 = 60.0000% Gonzaw 10/17 = 58.8235% kitaman27 27/47 = 57.4468% Caller 12/21 = 57.1429% Sn0_Man 9/16 = 56.2500% Superbia 14/25 = 56.0000% scott31337 14/25 = 56.0000% keirathi 14/25 = 56.0000% Tictock 14/25 = 56.0000% GlowingBear 25/45 = 55.5556% Holyflare 32/58 = 55.1724% WaveofShadow 22/40 = 55.0000% Supersoft 11/20 = 55.0000% Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +Adam4167 9/12 = 75.0000% DarthPunk 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 12/18 = 66.6667% GMarshal 8/12 = 66.6667% mkfuba07 9/14 = 64.2857% Rels 14/22 = 63.6364% MoosyDoosy 7/11 = 63.6364% KelsierSC 8/13 = 61.5385% malongo 7/12 = 58.3333% Hapahauli 11/19 = 57.8947% Promethelax 8/14 = 57.1429% Foolishness 13/23 = 56.5217% Supersoft 9/16 = 56.2500% Artanis[Xp] 14/25 = 56.0000% Grackaroni 11/20 = 55.0000% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +GlowingBear 10/11 = 90.9091% marvellosity 14/18 = 77.7778% WaveofShadow 6/8 = 75.0000% Superbia 6/8 = 75.0000% iamperfection 5/7 = 71.4286% ritoky 5/7 = 71.4286% Holyflare 12/17 = 70.5882% kitaman27 9/13 = 69.2308% Damdred 10/15 = 66.6667% Koshi 8/12 = 66.6667% Kurumi 6/9 = 66.6667% OriginalName 4/6 = 66.6667% ObiWanShinobi 4/6 = 66.6667% Caller 4/6 = 66.6667% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.6667% Geript 4/6 = 66.6667% Mattchew 4/6 = 66.6667% austinmcc 4/6 = 66.6667% Acrofales 4/6 = 66.6667% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +LucasWoJ 7/8 = 87.5000% ver 6/7 = 85.7143% GMarshal 5/6 = 83.3333% fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.3333% Incognito 7/9 = 77.7778% GGQ 6/8 = 75.0000% dinmsab 5/7 = 71.4286% Bockit 5/7 = 71.4286% Foolishness 10/15 = 66.6667% Blue_arrow 4/6 = 66.6667% aZnvaLiaNce 4/6 = 66.6667% decafchicken 4/6 = 66.6667% batsnacks 4/6 = 66.6667% GlowingBear 4/6 = 66.6667% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +Acrofales 6/6 = 100.0000% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.3333% marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Radfield 6/8 = 75.0000% Scamp 5/7 = 71.4286% chaoser 9/13 = 69.2308% syllogism 10/15 = 66.6667% Gonzaw 4/6 = 66.6667% Zephirdd 4/6 = 66.6667% Mig 4/6 = 66.6667% Supersoft 5/8 = 62.5000% keirathi 5/8 = 62.5000% sandroba 11/18 = 61.1111% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 6 games) + Show Spoiler +DoYouHas 8/9 = 88.8889% Rels 16/21 = 76.1905% DarthPunk 12/16 = 75.0000% Adam4167 6/8 = 75.0000% disformation 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi 8/11 = 72.7273% RebirthOfLeGenD 5/7 = 71.4286% FecalFeast 17/25 = 68.0000% Layabout 4/6 = 66.6667% Meapak_Ziphh 4/6 = 66.6667% Node 4/6 = 66.6667% Kurumi 4/6 = 66.6667% Artanis[Xp] 13/20 = 65.0000% Superbia 11/17 = 64.7059% Tictock 12/19 = 63.1579%
Student Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +Tictock 7/8 = 87.5000% sicklucker 5/6 = 83.3333% Rels 6/8 = 75.0000% FecalFeast 6/8 = 75.0000% The Shining 6/9 = 66.6667% MoosyDoosy 6/9 = 66.6667% Scott31337 9/14 = 64.2857% Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +umasi 4/4 = 100.0000% Rainbows 4/4 = 100.0000% debears 4/4 = 100.0000% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.0000% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.0000% LoneMeow 3/3 = 100.0000% Oatsmaster 3/3 = 100.0000% Obzy 3/3 = 100.0000% Chromatically 3/3 = 100.0000% Aquanim 3/3 = 100.0000% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.0000% Longest Win Streak + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 GlowingBear 8 Rainbows 7 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 GMarshal 6 Amiko 6 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Mafia 229/439 = 52.1640% Town 189/425 = 44.4706% Third Party 40/132 = 30.3030% Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 192 Town 161 Third Party 40 Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008: 5 2009: 9 2010: 34 2011: 51 2012: 96 2013: 72 2014: 67 2015: 59 2016: 34 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1: 48 2: 38 3: 39 4: 39 5: 31 6: 41 7: 39 8: 37 9: 32 10: 29 11: 28 12: 26 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 158 2010 249 2011 293 2012 420 2013 311 2014 228 2015 171 2016 134 Player Count By Year Excluding Players With 2 Games or Less + Show Spoiler +2008 90 2009 103 2010 149 2011 174 2012 239 2013 183 2014 156 2015 117 2016 93 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Mini 21 Normal 73 Newbie 66 Themed 54 Student 23
Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +Blazinghand 33 Artanis[xp] 22 GMarshal 19 kitaman27 17 Palmar 14 GreYMisT 14 [UoN]Sentinel 10 Ace 10 iGrok 9 DoctorHelvetica 9 Half the Sky 9 flamewheel 8 Deconduo 8 Incognito 8 BloodyC0bbler 7 Onegu 7 Dandel Ion 7 LSB 7 Ver 7 wherebugsgo 7 Hosting Godfathers (Hosted a Game With a First Time Player) + Show Spoiler +Chuiu 206 GMarshal 77 kitaman27 74 DoctorHelvetica 61 flamewheel 58 Artanis[xp] 51 BloodyC0bbler 46 Blazinghand 45 Incognito 36 Caller 34 GreYMisT 34 Meapak_Ziphh 32 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/33 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/25 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/24 = 0.0000% Trfel 0/19 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/19 = 0.0000% Mig 0/16 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/11 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 2/62 = 3.2258% rsoultin 1/23 = 4.3478% keirathi 1/21 = 4.7619% IAmRobik 1/20 = 5.0000% Hapahauli 1/19 = 5.2632% The Shining 1/19 = 5.2632% syllogism 1/18 = 5.5556% Mocsta 1/16 = 6.2500% GGQ 1/16 = 6.2500% Half the Sky 1/16 = 6.2500% Scamp 1/15 = 6.6667% Radfield 1/15 = 6.6667% Node 1/15 = 6.6667% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +sciberbia 9/11 = 81.8182% Mementoss 9/11 = 81.8182% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.0000% chaos13 9/12 = 75.0000% GGQ 12/16 = 75.0000% Fishball 14/19 = 73.6842% DoctorHelvetica 10/14 = 71.4286% Jackal58 21/30 = 70.0000% Eden1892 9/13 = 69.2308% iNfuNdiBuLuM 9/13 = 69.2308% Mig 11/16 = 68.7500% LSB 15/22 = 68.1818% Foolishness 15/23 = 65.2174% Survived/Endgamed Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 10/13 = 76.9231% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Half the Sky 14/21 = 66.6667% FecalFeast 22/36 = 61.1111% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% Snarfs 7/12 = 58.3333% Mr. Cheesecake 11/19 = 57.8947% Acrofales 8/14 = 57.1429% The Shining 12/21 = 57.1429% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% Trfel 14/25 = 56.0000% DarthPunk 14/25 = 56.0000% GMarshal 10/18 = 55.5556% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 323/5494 = 5.8791% Mafia 81/1698 = 4.7703% Third Party 7/147 = 4.7619% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +RedFF 11/11 = 100.0000% BroodKingEXE 10/10 = 100.0000% redtooth 10/10 = 100.0000% mysterymeat1 10/10 = 100.0000% vivi57 13/14 = 92.8571% phagga 12/13 = 92.3077% hiro protagonist 11/12 = 91.6667% Johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.9091% The Shining 19/21 = 90.4762% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Chairman Ray 8/13 = 61.5385% L 10/19 = 52.6316% Divinek 6/12 = 50.0000% Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.0000% EchelonTee 8/17 = 47.0588% DropBear 5/11 = 45.4545% DarthThienAn 6/14 = 42.8571% Acrofales 6/14 = 42.8571% Cyber_Cheese 5/12 = 41.6667% annul 5/12 = 41.6667% Mr. Wiggles 14/34 = 41.1765% Gonzaw 7/17 = 41.1765% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.9091% hiro protagonist 10/12 = 83.3333% syllogism 18/23 = 78.2609% kitaman27 35/47 = 74.4681% LunarDestiny 8/11 = 72.7273% BloodyC0bbler 28/39 = 71.7949% Acrofales 10/14 = 71.4286% Nisani201 10/14 = 71.4286% Fishball 17/24 = 70.8333% Scamp 14/20 = 70.0000% heist 7/10 = 70.0000% Beneather 7/10 = 70.0000% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +mysterymeat1 9/10 = 90.0000% Lazermonkey 11/13 = 84.6154% s0Lstice 11/13 = 84.6154% Adam4167 12/15 = 80.0000% Sinensis 8/10 = 80.0000% boxerfred 11/14 = 78.5714% vivi57 11/14 = 78.5714% JarJarDrinks 11/14 = 78.5714% mderg 14/18 = 77.7778% sciberbia 10/13 = 76.9231% scott31337 19/25 = 76.0000% malongo 11/15 = 73.3333% IAmRobik 19/26 = 73.0769% Mayors by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16 + Show Spoiler +Players With Common Games + Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes Palmar 38 Palmar marvellosity 36 raynpelikoneet Oatsmaster 34 prplhz Palmar 29 VisceraEyes marvellosity 29 GlowingBear Damdred 27 LightningStrike Damdred 27 raynpelikoneet Koshi 27 Oatsmaster Koshi 25 Palmar Holyflare 25 Palmar Damdred 25 Vivax Damdred 25 yamato77 raynpelikoneet 25 Soul Mates - Players With Common Alignment + Show Spoiler +JeeJee-Caller 11/11 = 100.0000% nemY-Ace 10/10 = 100.0000% Vivax-raynpelikoneet 16/17 = 94.1176% Vivax-ObiWanShinobi 13/14 = 92.8571% Kenpachi-chaoser 10/11 = 90.9091% JeeJee-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% kitaman27-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% zeks-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% Mortal Enemies - Players With Opposite Alignment + Show Spoiler +wherebugsgo-chaoser 1/10 = 10.0000% Foolishness-Bill Murray 1/9 = 11.1111% Shapelog-Damdred 1/9 = 11.1111% Hopeless1der-Alakaslam 1/8 = 12.5000% Palmar-Blazinghand 3/15 = 20.0000% L-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% L-Ace 2/10 = 20.0000% Palmar-Mig 2/10 = 20.0000% sandroba-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% Scamp-L 2/10 = 20.0000% VisceraEyes-VayneAuthority 2/10 = 20.0000% Dynamic Duos - Win Percentage By Pair With Common Alignment + Show Spoiler +Mr. Wiggles-kitaman27 8/9 = 88.8889% kitaman27-bumatlarge 8/10 = 80.0000% marvellosity-Hopeless1der 7/9 = 77.7778% Palmar-LightningStrike 7/9 = 77.7778% strongandbig-marvellosity 10/13 = 76.9231% VisceraEyes -Raynpelikoneet 10/13 = 76.9231% chaoser-bumatlarge 9/12 = 75.0000% prplhz-marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Jackal58-GMarshal 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi-austinmcc 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Damdred 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Koshi 6/8 = 75.0000% marvellosity-LightningStrike 6/8 = 75.0000% sandroba-Kurumi 6/8 = 75.0000% scott31337-MoosyDoosy 6/8 = 75.0000% WaveofShadow-Oatsmaster 6/8 = 75.0000% Endgame Win Percentage + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 13/14 = 92.8571% Chezinu 12/13 = 92.3077% RebirthOfLeGenD 12/14 = 85.7143% Justanothertownie 12/14 = 85.7143% chaoser 9/11 = 81.8182% Superbia 9/11 = 81.8182% LightningStrike 13/16 = 81.2500% GlowingBear 12/15 = 80.0000% Kurumi 8/10 = 80.0000% GMarshal 8/10 = 80.0000% Foolishness 8/10 = 80.0000% scott31337 8/10 = 80.0000% thrawn2112 8/10 = 80.0000% Bill Murray 8/10 = 80.0000% Win Percentage By Experience (Games Played) + Show Spoiler +0 618/1297 = 47.6484% 1 351/670 = 52.3881% 2 254/503 = 50.4970% 3 176/405 = 43.4568% 4 159/350 = 45.4286% 5 149/307 = 48.5342% 6 123/268 = 45.8955% 7 108/230 = 46.9565% 8 89/207 = 42.9952% 9 85/189 = 44.9735% 10 88/169 = 52.0710% 11 65/157 = 41.4013% 12 67/147 = 45.5782% 13 69/135 = 51.1111% 14 52/121 = 42.9752% 15 48/114 = 42.1053% 16 53/105 = 50.4762% 17 38/99 = 38.3838% 18 37/95 = 38.9474% 19 40/86 = 46.5116% 20 38/78 = 48.7179% 21 31/72 = 43.0556% 22 33/70 = 47.1429% 23 30/70 = 42.8571% 24 24/62 = 38.7097% 25 32/61 = 52.4590% 26 30/54 = 55.5556% 27 23/53 = 43.3962% 28 21/46 = 45.6522% 29 22/45 = 48.8889% 30 16/40 = 40.0000% 31 17/37 = 45.9459% 32 18/36 = 50.0000% 33 9/32 = 28.1250% 34 12/32 = 37.5000% 35 12/26 = 46.1538% 36 15/26 = 57.6923% 37 12/25 = 48.0000% 38 8/24 = 33.3333% 39 7/20 = 35.0000% 40 10/19 = 52.6316% Mafia players are lynched 25.9% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.1% of the time. Mafia players are lynched only 16.4% of the time in newbie games on day one, so excluding these games brings the overall day one lynch percentage up to 27.6%! 51% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 1336 distinct mafia players. 
United States9244 Posts
United States9639 Posts
Wow. Awesome job kita! How long did that take you?
Lol Foolish get fucked! No more unlynched status for you :D
Top 5 in overall win %. Did not expect that.
Nothing like being carried ;D
What doesn't surprise me is EchT having 100% wins as mafia. He's a slippery scum that one.
United States3044 Posts
Yes! Now everyone will know that I've never been lynched as town!
But speaking of that statistic, it says 0/24 for me. Shouldn't it say 0/17 as it should only count the games you are town?
You should add dies day 1 stats. I want to see rad's percentage.
Btw, awesome job!
PS: that harry potter game shouldn't count. I don't even think I even posted (maybe once...or twice...too lazy to check -- I was a replacement) before dying in that game. Well, I better continue on playing a game that I haven't finished yet...
Wow, this is really cool :p
What would be the chances of having game results put in with players' games and having a total win-rate statistic for each player?
Lots of people misspell my name, haha. I've also had to ask hosts maybe 4 or 5 times if they've forgotten to send me a role PM, because they didn't add the period to the end of Mr. or misspelled some other part of my name.
United States3044 Posts
On December 25 2012 14:52 Risen wrote: Lol Foolish get fucked! No more unlynched status for you :D The unlynched statistic is only when you are town, as I have been lynched as mafia before this recent game. =D
I also had no idea I would be in the top 20 most games played...I really have played a lot over the years x.x
Also, the relevant data (or all of it) should be transferred to the TL Mafia Library.
Awesome job kita!
Is it me or did you forget about LI?
United States9244 Posts
On December 25 2012 14:33 Hapahauli wrote: Wow. Awesome job kita! How long did that take you?
I have no idea, but probably longer than I'd ever admit to -_-
Since I usually only did a few games at a time it didn't seem too bad, but over 9 months it probably added up. Some of the older huge games were really a pain though, especially TL Mafia 2.
On December 25 2012 15:03 Foolishness wrote: But speaking of that statistic, it says 0/24 for me. Shouldn't it say 0/17 as it should only count the games you are town?
Makes sense...but only because it allows me to jump into first! :p
On December 25 2012 15:11 Chezinu wrote: You should add dies day 1 stats. I want to see rad's percentage.
I was going to add that, but the sample size on day one deaths was pretty small for nearly everyone, making the percentages all really close. Radfield's percentage doubled if you took n2 deaths into account as well.
On December 25 2012 15:17 Mr. Wiggles wrote: What would be the chances of having game results put in with players' games and having a total win-rate statistic for each player?
It wouldn't be too hard to add, but I would be worried about things turning too elitist if everyone's record was displayed. There are several well known players that are hovering around a 10 percent win rate and I don't want them to feel too bad. If anyone wants their personal win rate they can give me a pm. If the majority of people would like all the win rates made public, then I'll add them in.
On December 25 2012 15:30 gonzaw wrote: Awesome job kita!
Is it me or did you forget about LI?
LI was on the list of unarchived games since it ended early.
On December 25 2012 15:01 Adam4167 wrote: Top 5 in overall win %. Did not expect that.
Nothing like being carried ;D
What doesn't surprise me is EchT having 100% wins as mafia. He's a slippery scum that one.
He doesn't really though, he was scum in Your Clothes and lost.
United States9244 Posts
On December 25 2012 15:38 Promethelax wrote:Show nested quote +On December 25 2012 15:01 Adam4167 wrote: Top 5 in overall win %. Did not expect that.
Nothing like being carried ;D
What doesn't surprise me is EchT having 100% wins as mafia. He's a slippery scum that one. He doesn't really though, he was scum in Your Clothes and lost.
Clearly that wasn't him. It was John Matrix!
Original Message From Incognito:
Welcome to Mini Mafia III! Your role is: MafiaYour team consists of: 1. Caller (Saboteur)2. Chezinu3. ScampPM Incognito if you have any questions about your role.
Mini Mafia III + Show Spoiler +
Yeah that's right Scamp was mafia!
+1 for me, I winning!
Amazing job Kita, holy crap.
United States22154 Posts
I love numbers!
Awesome job Kita ^_^
Wow didnt realize my win percentage was that high!
Im going to catch up to you GM in hosted games!
On December 25 2012 15:32 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 25 2012 14:33 Hapahauli wrote: Wow. Awesome job kita! How long did that take you? I have no idea, but probably longer than I'd ever admit to -_- Since I usually only did a few games at a time it didn't seem too bad, but over 9 months it probably added up. Some of the older huge games were really a pain though, especially TL Mafia 2. Show nested quote +On December 25 2012 15:03 Foolishness wrote: But speaking of that statistic, it says 0/24 for me. Shouldn't it say 0/17 as it should only count the games you are town? Makes sense...but only because it allows me to jump into first! :p Show nested quote +On December 25 2012 15:11 Chezinu wrote: You should add dies day 1 stats. I want to see rad's percentage. I was going to add that, but the sample size on day one deaths was pretty small for nearly everyone, making the percentages all really close. Radfield's percentage doubled if you took n2 deaths into account as well. Show nested quote +On December 25 2012 15:17 Mr. Wiggles wrote: What would be the chances of having game results put in with players' games and having a total win-rate statistic for each player? It wouldn't be too hard to add, but I would be worried about things turning too elitist if everyone's record was displayed. There are several well known players that are hovering around a 10 percent win rate and I don't want them to feel too bad. If anyone wants their personal win rate they can give me a pm. If the majority of people would like all the win rates made public, then I'll add them in. Show nested quote +On December 25 2012 15:30 gonzaw wrote: Awesome job kita!
Is it me or did you forget about LI? LI was on the list of unarchived games since it ended early. Ok, that makes sense. I feel like mine is <50% anyways, haha. :p
On December 25 2012 16:05 GreYMisT wrote: Wow didnt realize my win percentage was that high!
Im going to catch up to you GM in hosted games!
Yeah, like the only game where you lost was that game where I tunneled you as town for like 3 cycles in a row...
...so yeah sorry for breaking your perfect record
wow i didn't think anybody could do this in 9 months
this is mind blowing someone get kita (and his little helpers) a medal or something
is there any chance other people might get some sort of access to the database?
Holy pissballs I've played a lot of mafia here. How do I still suck so bad?! 
edit: Also LOL @ last statistic. I die a lot I guess...
I love you kita
that is all
Thanks! I died D1 in XXXIX because I sucked, duh.
Non-Vanilla-%: 75
And here I thought that was normal. And yet I'm in a top-X statistic somewhere because of that :3 Obviously ctrl-f'ing the whole thing for my name was the first thing to do. Good thing there's no win percentages, would be embarassing :p
lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho.
On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho.
he was pretty pissed off at me in space station, you remember that?
that was the last game I saw him play. the one where he basically suicided with the vet claim
lol dem smurfs:
Hide Spoiler [SamuelLJackson] - Responsibility Mafia! Town Elitist Vigilante Killed n1 A Game of Thrones Mafia Town Vigilante Killed n1 Wheel of Fortune Mini Mafia Town Vanilla Killed n1
On December 27 2012 02:49 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. he was pretty pissed off at me in space station, you remember that? that was the last game I saw him play. the one where he basically suicided with the vet claim
I remember playing with Jackal in....LI I think? Was that after or before Space Station mafia?
On December 27 2012 02:49 wherebugsgo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. he was pretty pissed off at me in space station, you remember that? that was the last game I saw him play. the one where he basically suicided with the vet claim
im pretty sure he hated you long before he quit.
On December 27 2012 03:21 gonzaw wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2012 02:49 wherebugsgo wrote:On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. he was pretty pissed off at me in space station, you remember that? that was the last game I saw him play. the one where he basically suicided with the vet claim I remember playing with Jackal in....LI I think? Was that after or before Space Station mafia?
nah that was before
On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. I'm pretty sure it was because of the Protactinium triple smurf thing, wasn't it? I remember him being pretty mad after that. Wasn't he?
On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. NOOOOOO NOT JACKAL, WE WERE THE SHERIFFS IN ONE GAME I liked him ;_; But he might be mad at me, I suck.
On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho.
I always wanted to lynch that dude
I miss Jackal
On December 27 2012 04:19 Mr. Wiggles wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. I'm pretty sure it was because of the Protactinium triple smurf thing, wasn't it? I remember him being pretty mad after that. Wasn't he?
That thing was just before I joined and I played multiple games with Jackal, so he didn't quit after that.
SSB-64 Mafia missing on purpose?
But great job! I hope I'll be able to grow my list of games a lot in the future, and overall bring some contribution to the mafia scene.
On December 27 2012 04:19 Mr. Wiggles wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. I'm pretty sure it was because of the Protactinium triple smurf thing, wasn't it? I remember him being pretty mad after that. Wasn't he?
He was pretty unimpressed with the whole cheating thing but he still played mafia after that. Hell I was more pissed about that game ver hosted and some little butt hurt drama queen told ver that If I played in the game they wouldnt play so he refused to let me sign up. I still dont know who it was but if your reading this I hope your balls have finally dropped.
On December 28 2012 04:10 Coagulation wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2012 04:19 Mr. Wiggles wrote:On December 27 2012 02:27 Coagulation wrote: lol jackal has second most played games here. he quit tho. you guys sure pissed him off. he really hates some of you. he never told me what happend that pisseed him off tho. I'm pretty sure it was because of the Protactinium triple smurf thing, wasn't it? I remember him being pretty mad after that. Wasn't he? He was pretty unimpressed with the whole cheating thing but he still played mafia after that. Hell I was more pissed about that game ver hosted and some little butt hurt drama queen told ver that If I played in the game they wouldnt play so he refused to let me sign up. I still dont know who it was but if your reading this I hope your balls have finally dropped.
That was me coag
no it wasnt. you dont even know me.
It was someone on the role list.
1.bumatlarge 2.Foolishness 3.kitaman27 4.Chaoser 5.Barundar the Caller Godfather 6.Mr.Wiggles the NKVD Agent 7.GMarshal 8.Node the Copycat Inventor 9. Deconduo the Vanilla townie 10.Infinitestory the Parity Cop 11.Original Name the Village Idiot Wins!! 12.tnkted the Bus driver 13. Flamewheel the Chuiu Jack 14. Radfield 15. Kurumi the Admiral Ackbar 16. KillerSOS the PYP Tracker 17. Eiii 18. Dreamflower replaced by Meapak_ziphh 19. Kavdragon the Vanilla Townie 20. Incognito of America 21. Chezinu the Mafia CPR Doctor 22. Scamp the Inventor 23. Ace the Capitalist 24. Caller the NRA Member 25. Fishball the Kingmaker
btw that game isnt listed in your database either.
United States9244 Posts
On December 27 2012 20:14 Cephiro wrote:SSB-64 Mafia missing on purpose?
I went through the list of games twice to make sure I included everything, but apparently I missed a small group. I'll try to get the others added this weekend.
Thanks! Just the game we need to lower GMarshal's win percentage.
so good
Hell it's about time
It's nice to finally see this and it looks great.
Amazing work
I think you are missing Swedish House mafia (it was a really short game though):
Also I was town in Experimental Haunted Mafia, not a third party. I noticed some inaccuracies with the player specific statistics, but probably not worth pointing them out.
On December 28 2012 23:25 Jackal58 wrote: #2 in games played? gtfo
How does that shit even work?
oh wow, this is amazing! kudos to you!
that is so awesome. now i am afraid, that i ruin my #3 Spot in winpercentage by losing the game i just subscribed :D
You are missing Looney Lynching Mafia. Austin was lynched as town.
Interesting read, thanks.
On January 01 2013 02:17 supersoft wrote: that is so awesome. now i am afraid, that i ruin my #3 Spot in winpercentage by losing the game i just subscribed :D You make it sound like that's something bad. You've got to make it like me. Only have wins in the weird ones and thus almost have 0% winrate in here because 4 of my wins aren't even counted (which is a lot given my low gamecount^^).
And when you've got them thinking you're a noob you go full Sandroba on them!
I need my win percentage huehuehue :p
Also Probulous's win percentage :3
The percentage of newb games is really high. So imo that throws off the first day scumlynch statistic.
This thing is sorely missing third party statistics!
This is amazing, thanks alot to everyone that worked on it.
I think im 0/11 for not being lynched as town btw.
I'm planning to read through a few recent games, but there's so many to choose from.. Any particularly entertaining games that you guys would recommend? Bear in mind that I haven't played or read a game since June.
can we plesae fix that thread? I need it so often :D
United States9244 Posts
Still working on updating. I'm guessing it will take about 3-4 hours to add in the games that were missing so it might be a bit longer depending on my motivation and how much free time I have this week.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On January 08 2013 08:50 kitaman27 wrote: Still working on updating. I'm guessing it will take about 3-4 hours to add in the games that were missing so it might be a bit longer depending on my motivation and how much free time I have this week.
i have some other games/fixes. if you need help with it gimme a shout.
On January 08 2013 07:56 supersoft wrote: can we plesae fix that thread? I need it so often :D
i meant make it purple, so it appears on the top of the site you know, like the other general threads :-o
United States22154 Posts
On January 16 2013 11:32 supersoft wrote:Show nested quote +On January 08 2013 07:56 supersoft wrote: can we plesae fix that thread? I need it so often :D i meant make it purple, so it appears on the top of the site you know, like the other general threads :-o sticky, the term is sticky, and I'd have to remove something to put this up, so I'm not sure if we want that
On January 16 2013 11:36 GMarshal wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2013 11:32 supersoft wrote:On January 08 2013 07:56 supersoft wrote: can we plesae fix that thread? I need it so often :D i meant make it purple, so it appears on the top of the site you know, like the other general threads :-o sticky, the term is sticky, and I'd have to remove something to put this up, so I'm not sure if we want that
Well, "A General Guide to Mafia" and "How To Improve: bla bla bla" are "similar" threads that both describe how to play, etc; so you can theoretically take out one of them and keep the "theme" of the stickies.
Maybe take out "How to Improve: bla bla" but obviously keep it in the "Central Library" like all other guides are kept.
Also...it's not possible to just add more stickies? Some site admin could maybe?
Cause really, there is enough space in the "main page" for any amount of stickies you want. I mean, there are like 30 or so yellow finished games there, we can handle not seeing 4-5 of them.
or we could simply bump this thread forever. Lateral thinking pal.
Here's an idea:
Take the contents of this thread and shove it into the TL Library thread. Give ample credit to kita. Leave this thread up if need be.
On January 17 2013 01:21 wherebugsgo wrote: Here's an idea:
Take the contents of this thread and shove it into the TL Library thread. Give ample credit to kita. Leave this thread up if need be. ` I like dis guy, clever thoughts and such.
United States9244 Posts
On January 17 2013 01:21 wherebugsgo wrote: Here's an idea:
Take the contents of this thread and shove it into the TL Library thread. Give ample credit to kita. Leave this thread up if need be.
Yep, that's the plan.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to the account currently :p
United States9244 Posts
OP has been updated with the missing games and a few of the newer games from December/early January. I've moved the player filters to the second post to make updating easier. I think I'll try to update the thread every 3 months from now on. It simply takes too long for a small update to be worth it. I've added a few new stats to include win percentage by game type. The most significant change with this update would probably be that DarthPunk, Incognito, and Hapahauli all broke the minimum 10 games barrier and now hold the top 3 spots for overall win percentage.
As always, please feel free to send me a pm if you notice something is incorrect or if there are any stats you would like to see.
Thanks again to the hosts that keep their OPs up to date after the game completed. It really saves me a ton of time (15+ minutes per game). Unfortunately, it seems like far less than half of the hosts do so and it really is a struggle to try to piece together what happens by reading through the thread. 
On December 28 2012 21:16 syllogism wrote:Amazing work I think you are missing Swedish House mafia (it was a really short game though): Also I was town in Experimental Haunted Mafia, not a third party. I noticed some inaccuracies with the player specific statistics, but probably not worth pointing them out.
I had Swedish under the list of games that weren't included since it was so short/more of a puzzle game than mafia. I caught the Experimental change after I updated the post, so it will be reflected in the next update.
On January 03 2013 18:38 kushm4sta wrote: The percentage of newb games is really high. So imo that throws off the first day scumlynch statistic.
Newbie games are at 19.4% and non-newbie games are at 21.7% 
On January 03 2013 19:24 Palmar wrote: This thing is sorely missing third party statistics!
Unfortunately, the sample size for most third party statistics is far too small. Only a handful of players have been third party more than once. I did include the overall third party win percentage (30%), which appears quite low. Was there anything in particular you had in mind?
WOot so this was stickied then?
Lol. No wonder I couldn't find it yesterday. I remembered looking for LIX and scrolling past this thread in the list, then later needing it and it was gone! Haha. Glad to see it's stickied and easy to find now!
United States9639 Posts
On February 10 2013 06:45 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 03 2013 19:24 Palmar wrote: This thing is sorely missing third party statistics! Unfortunately, the sample size for most third party statistics is far too small. Only a handful of players have been third party more than once. I did include the overall third party win percentage (30%), which appears quite low. Was there anything in particular you had in mind?
but but but then my perfect win % as third party wont be recorded i deserve to have a statue for that.
I think wiggles has one as 3rd party multiple times
Hey, I should have, like, top spot in the "Mafia Alignment Percentage" thingy
United States9244 Posts
Oh dear. All my filter links busted :o
United States22154 Posts
I'm on it! I promise no solutions, but I'll look into it!
United States9244 Posts
It's actually not that difficult of a change to fix (arguably easier when updating new users since I don't have to look up the user id's one by one). Either way would work out fine. I'm planning on doing a new batch of updates for the more recent games soon, so I can probably fix it then.
btw I'm still in the database twice.
Probably cause I'm twice the player than all of you.
I am twice listed in the Player records, once as ShiaoPi once as ShiaoPo. Would appreciate it being changed to the correct!
United States9244 Posts
Thanks I'll add you guys to the list. If anyone else has any issues, no matter how small, now would be a great time to point them out.
There's a smiley face in the title of one of the games I played in.
United States9244 Posts
For the past six months, prplhz has been working on putting together an easy to use web interface to input games into the mafia database. He has been nice enough to host it for us here:
The first tab corresponds to the game record, where someone would enter the game id, game name, host, start date, end date, type, winning faction, and a field for game summaries/analysis/qt links.
The players tab will contain the players name, role name, faction, their endgame status, and the cycle they were removed from the game.
Finally, the factions tab will contain the name, type, and result of each faction in the game. In most instances, this would simply be Town, Town, Win/Loss and Mafia, Mafia, Win/Loss, but it also allows you to enter multiple mafia teams or third party factions.
For now, the users tab may be ignored based on how the new filters work.
While we are planning to back things up regularly, we're going to try to use the honor system while updating things so hopefully we won't have to worry about an upset player that decides to go and sabotage the data.
Only prpl and myself have tested it, so if you come across any quirks or have any questions, just let us know.
In a few days, I'll come up with a list of old games that still haven't been inputted and a few other small maintenance tasks that we could use some help with. Maybe we can divide these games among people that would be interested in helping out or simply make it a free for all and having people double check the game hasn't already been entered before they put it in. I'll also try to keep the stats and game records updated more regularly, rather than six months at a time.
Big thanks to prpl for taking the time to put this together! Somebody needs to gift him that a TL+ subscription or something :p
I'd get TL+ for both you and prpl kita but I'm poor as fuck lol
I can fill in the games I've hosted. They not be old though. And generally that's by default probably something the host of a game should do.
Was this a "go do it scrubs" post or a "this exists now" post?
€: oh Ego is already in there lol *cough* that was totally me, trust me
I didn't see this before now! Can't believe you named me in the OP after doing, what, 3 games? You are insane Kita!
I can't get access to the DB right now. It just timed out.
(And whooo i got good statistic in mini games :D)
United States9244 Posts
On June 25 2013 08:53 Dandel Ion wrote: Was this a "go do it scrubs" post or a "this exists now" post?
Probably a "this exists now, so go do it scrubs" post.
I added roulette, my other games were already in there.
That said I corrected some mistakes about dessert while i was at it.
there isn't a 3rd party win option in the first tab, or am i missing something
United States9244 Posts
On June 25 2013 23:53 Sylencia wrote: there isn't a 3rd party win option in the first tab, or am i missing something
To add a third party option, you have to go into the factions tab and create a third party faction for that player.
For example, a 2 player third party team would share third party faction, while a survivor would get his own third party faction. Multiple factions can be selected to win the game, depending on their win conditions.
So should I just add my games to the database using that link once they are complete? I just added Catch 22 Mafia. Not sure if I did the formatting correctly though.
Also what exactly is supposed to go into the date/time box on the "games" tab? The game's start time, end time, or the date the thread was posted?
United States9244 Posts
On July 09 2013 17:22 HiroPro wrote: So should I just add my games to the database using that link once they are complete? I just added Catch 22 Mafia. Not sure if I did the formatting correctly though.
If you don't mind, that would be great. Thanks! Everything looks good. The only change I made was adding a 1 and 2 at the end of the two third party factions so you could differentiate between the one that last and the one that won.
On July 09 2013 17:22 HiroPro wrote: Also what exactly is supposed to go into the date/time box on the "games" tab? The game's start time, end time, or the date the thread was posted?
The first box is the start time and the second is the end time.
United States9244 Posts
Rather than going back and listing every game that still hasn't been archived, it looks like most games from page 1-4 on the forum list still need to be inputted.
Anyone is welcome to volunteer to help. To check that the game hasn't already been entered, just type in the game id and click load. If nothing comes up, it means the game does not exist. I'll probably work on getting most of the games caught up over the next month or so. I'll also fix all the filter links once things are up to date.
Ok, I tried to input a game: Newbie Mini Mafia XLII, but I have no clue whether I did it right. Couple of things:
Firstly the player list: they are all newbies and seems like they weren't in the system yet. Do I first have to add them in the system as users? Or will that happen automatically? I have not added them as users, but will do so if necessary.
Second, regarding most fields: I had to inspect the element to know what I was supposed to fill in. Some were still pretty cryptic.
Slightly minor things: the autofill for roles seems weird. Insofar as I could see it recognized Vanilla, Vigilante and Parity Cop, but it didn't catch on to jailkeeper, roleblocker, godfather, masoner or mad hatter.
Dates: I input them using US formatting, but no clue whether that was right. Making that a datetime field in the form would improve things.
United States9244 Posts
On July 20 2013 10:01 Acrofales wrote: Ok, I tried to input a game: Newbie Mini Mafia XLII, but I have no clue whether I did it right. Couple of things:
Everything looks good except that there were 2 town and 2 mafia factions and the dates were missing. I deleted the extra factions since 1 of each is sufficient. Thanks!
On July 20 2013 10:01 Acrofales wrote: Firstly the player list: they are all newbies and seems like they weren't in the system yet. Do I first have to add them in the system as users? Or will that happen automatically? I have not added them as users, but will do so if necessary.
No, you don't have to add them in users. That was something we used to use to link a user to their player id when the filters worked differently, but now it is unnecessary.
On July 20 2013 10:01 Acrofales wrote: Second, regarding most fields: I had to inspect the element to know what I was supposed to fill in. Some were still pretty cryptic.
Perhaps prpl can add in some labels to make things easier now that more than 2 people are using it.
For reference, the actual fields can be found here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=390080¤tpage=5#88
Or you can view an example by loading another game.
On July 20 2013 10:01 Acrofales wrote: Slightly minor things: the autofill for roles seems weird. Insofar as I could see it recognized Vanilla, Vigilante and Parity Cop, but it didn't catch on to jailkeeper, roleblocker, godfather, masoner or mad hatter.
lol ya there are only 3 roles that it will recognize right now. I'll see if I can update that with a list of common roles when I have some spare time.
On July 20 2013 10:01 Acrofales wrote: Dates: I input them using US formatting, but no clue whether that was right. Making that a datetime field in the form would improve things.
Having your country switch over from their backwards time format would work too! :p
It looks like yyyy-mm-dd works.
I put Smurf Mini-Mafia in the database. I'd be open to doing more but I want to make sure I did everything right. I opened another game that was already put in and used that as a guide.
And also:
GMarshal needs to keep his OP updated...just saying =P
United States9244 Posts
On August 01 2013 15:12 cDgCorazon wrote: I put Smurf Mini-Mafia in the database. I'd be open to doing more but I want to make sure I did everything right. I opened another game that was already put in and used that as a guide.
Looks good, except you don't need the extra town and scum functions that were labeled new. I went ahead and deleted them. Thanks!
Two more things: Is there a way to actually look at the results of more than one game (like look at town and scum win percentages)? It just kind of looks like a database where we put things in and never get anything nice out of it, unless I'm missing something =(
Secondly, if a player is victorious, do we put them under "endgamed" or "survived"?
United States9244 Posts
On August 02 2013 01:07 cDgCorazon wrote: Two more things: Is there a way to actually look at the results of more than one game (like look at town and scum win percentages)? It just kind of looks like a database where we put things in and never get anything nice out of it, unless I'm missing something =(
I'm actually in the process of rewriting the queries that produce the records and statistics in the OP. Once that is finished, I'll keep the OP updated with the new games as they are entered.
On August 02 2013 01:07 cDgCorazon wrote: Secondly, if a player is victorious, do we put them under "endgamed" or "survived"?
Endgamed means they survived until endgame and lost, such as a mafia team conceding or a town player losing control of the lynch. Surviving means they survived until endgame and won.
Well shit. I need to go fix Smurf and I Swear 2.
Oh! Last thing. What do we do with replacements?
United States9244 Posts
On August 02 2013 02:48 cDgCorazon wrote: Well shit. I need to go fix Smurf and I Swear 2.
Oh! Last thing. What do we do with replacements?
The player that replaces into the game is entered. The player that replaces out of the game is not entered.
On August 02 2013 02:51 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 02 2013 02:48 cDgCorazon wrote: Well shit. I need to go fix Smurf and I Swear 2.
Oh! Last thing. What do we do with replacements? The player that replaces into the game is entered. The player that replaces out of the game is not entered. Oh darn. Smurf was so hard to do because GMarshal did not update his OP and I had to go through the entire thread to find flips and such =(
Also, do you think it would be a good idea to have putting the game in the database a requirement for all hosts? It would be a good way of keeping the database updated if we held all of the hosts accountable for updating their games.
is there a way to see the data? like to look up toplists like in the OP of this thread?
also is there a 'draw' option or only a double-loss
On August 20 2013 07:25 strongandbig wrote: is there a way to see the data? like to look up toplists like in the OP of this thread? you can poll it for single game data but not in a very useful way right now
also maybe someone might perhaps be working on something possibly so you can get the data you want a little easier
On August 02 2013 02:57 cDgCorazon wrote: Also, do you think it would be a good idea to have putting the game in the database a requirement for all hosts? It would be a good way of keeping the database updated if we held all of the hosts accountable for updating their games. Sounds like a good idea, but since hosts don't often keep their OPs updated I have my doubts that merely "requiring" it will actually make it happen
Yeah I really wish people DID keep their OPs updated. Especially with links to day and nightposts, although it's always nice when flips are shown somewhere seperate in a list. Would be even cooler if the latest votecount was put somewhere in the OP or 2nd post or whatever. Can just copy/paste the votecount quote there.
Hosting is definitely hard work but I don't think these things take too much extra effort to update.
What can I say, I want to be spoiled as a player. Nothing worse than having to filter a host, lol.
United States9244 Posts
I've updated the player list in the second post with the most recent set of games. Let me know if you notice any errors.
I'll probably be updating the game list and statistics section sometime this weekend.
I think my question got buried, but what about a draw option? Or should Jose just be coded as double-win or double-loss?
United States9244 Posts
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+ Show Spoiler +Most Games Played + Show Spoiler +bumatlarge 42 Jackal58 40 Palmar 39 VisceraEyes 38 RebirthofLegend 36 chaoser 36 BloodyC0bbler 33 Kenpachi 33 Mr. Wiggles 32 kitaman27 31 wherebugsgo 31 sandroba 30 Amber[LighT] 30 Ace 29 prplhz 27 deconduo 26 Foolishness 26 Bill Murray 25 marvellosity 25 ~OpZ~ 24 GGQ 24 Fishball 23 Chezinu 23 JeeJee 23 LSB 22 Meapak_Ziphh 22 BrownBear 22 radfield 22 Pandain 20 Mattchew 20 Kurumi 20 Overall Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 10/11 = 90.91% Incognito 8/10 = 80.00% Hapahauli 9/13 = 69.23% Divinek 8/12 = 66.67% GMarshal 11/17 = 64.71% Adam4167 7/11 = 63.64% OriginalName 10/16 = 62.50% Supersoft 10/16 = 62.50% syllogism 11/18 = 61.11% Bill Murray 15/25 = 60.00% marvellosity 15/25 = 60.00% GreYmist 6/10 = 60.00% Southrawrea 6/10 = 60.00% Pyrrhuloxia 6/10 = 60.00%
Town Win Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 7/10 = 70.00% syllogism 9/14 = 64.29% supersoft 8/13 = 61.54% kitaman27 15/25 = 60.00% Radfield 9/15 = 60.00% Foolishness 10/18 = 55.56% bumatlarge 16/30 = 53.33% GGQ 8/15 = 53.33% zeks 8/15 = 53.33% Bill Murray 9/17 = 52.94% Mafia Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +EchelonTee 5/5 = 100.00% annul 5/6 = 83.33% Bill Murray 5/6 = 83.33% marvellosity 5/6 = 83.33% Node 4/5 = 80.00% Jackal58 7/10 = 70.00% GGQ 4/6 = 66.67% RebirthOfLegend 7/11 = 63.64% Palmar 8/13 = 61.54% prplhz 3/5 = 60.00% Pyrrhuloxia 3/5 = 60.00% Radfield 3/5 = 60.00% Normal Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +fusionsdf 5/6 = 83.33% Dreamflower 4/5 = 80.00% GGQ 6/8 = 75.00% Incognito 5/7 = 71.43% LucasWoJ 5/7 = 71.43% Bockit 5/7 = 71.43% Theme Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +supersoft 6/7 = 85.71% GreYMisT 5/6 = 83.33% syllogism 8/10 = 80.00% Chaoser 8/11 = 72.73% Bill Murray 5/7 = 71.43% Mini Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 games) + Show Spoiler +DarthPunk 6/6 = 100.00% Dirkzor 4/5 = 80.00% GMarshal 4/5 = 80.00% Node 4/5 = 80.00% EchelonTee 5/7 = 71.43% Forumite 4/6 = 66.67% HiroPro 4/6 = 66.67% Perfect Newbie Record (Minimum 3 games) + Show Spoiler +debears 4/4 = 100.00% JacobStrangeLove 4/4 = 100.00% Hapahauli 3/3 = 100.00% mkfuba07 3/3 = 100.00% Mordanis 3/3 = 100.00% The_Zen_Man 3/3 = 100.00% Win Percentage By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 40.6% Mafia 52.1% Third Party 30.3% Game Results (Non-newbies) + Show Spoiler +Mafia 77 Town 60 Draw 3 Third Party 4 Newbie Game Results + Show Spoiler +Game Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 5 2009 8 2010 34 2011 49 2012 93 2013 3 Game Count By Month + Show Spoiler +1 23 2 12 3 18 4 18 5 15 6 20 7 14 8 16 9 16 10 10 11 13 12 17 Player Count By Year + Show Spoiler +2008 203 2009 134 2010 248 2011 286 2012 417 2013 39 Game Type Count + Show Spoiler +Normal 47 Theme 38 Mini 66 Newbie 41 Games Hosted + Show Spoiler +GMarshal 16 Ace 10 GreYMisT 8 flamewheel 8 Incognito 8 iGrok 7 DoctorHelvetica 7 LSB 6 kitaman27 6 Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +kitaman27 0/25 = 0.00% Fishball 0/18 = 0.00% Foolishness 0/18 = 0.00% Keirathi 0/13 = 0.00% Node 0/13 = 0.00% supersoft 0/13 = 0.00% chaos13 0/11 = 0.00% barundar 0/10 = 0.00% iamperfection 0/10 = 0.00% DoctorHelvetica 0/10 = 0.00% Eiii 0/10 = 0.00% GMarshal 0/10 = 0.00% Mementoss 0/10 = 0.00% Town Killed Percentage (Minimum 10 games) + Show Spoiler +LSB 14/17 = 82.35% Mementoss 8/10 = 80.00% Coagulation 10/13 = 76.92% Amber[LighT] 19/25 = 76.00% infundibulum 9/12 = 75.00% GGQ 11/15 = 73.33% chaos13 8/11 = 72.73% Jackal58 21/29 = 72.41% Fishball 13/18 = 72.22% DoctorHelvetica 7/10 = 70.00% Modkills By Alignment + Show Spoiler +Town 201/2946 = 6.82% Mafia 56/848 = 6.60% Third Party 3/66 = 4.55% Town Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +redFF 11/11 = 100.00% Keirathi 13/14 = 92.86% Vivi57 12/13 = 92.31% johnnyspazz 10/11 = 90.91% hiro protagonist 10/11 = 90.91% jcarlsoniv 9/10 = 90.00% aidnai 9/10 = 90.00% CynanMachae 9/10 = 90.00% austinmcc 16/18 = 88.89% zeks 15/17 = 88.24% Mafia Alignment Percentage + Show Spoiler +Pyrrhuloxia 5/10 = 50.00% DropBear 5/11 = 45.45% L 8/18 = 44.44% Divinek 5/12 = 41.67% annul 5/12 = 41.67% GMarshal 7/17 = 41.18% DarthThienAn 6/15 = 40.00% OriginalName 6/16 = 37.50% Non-Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +DropBear 10/11 = 90.91% hiro protagonist 9/11 = 81.82% syllogism 14/18 = 77.78% Nisani201 10/13 = 76.92% BloodyC0bbler 25/33 = 75.76% Blazinghand 12/16 = 75.00% Zephirdd 9/12 = 75.00% kitaman27 23/31 = 74.19% Fishball 17/23 = 73.91% deconduo 19/26 = 73.08% Vanilla Percentage + Show Spoiler +Vivi57 2/13 = 15.38% Adam4167 3/11 = 27.27% johnnyspazz 3/11 = 27.27% kushm4sta 3/11 = 27.27% jaybrundage 3/10 = 30.00% SouthRawrea 3/10 = 30.00% Hapahauli 4/13 = 30.77% strongandbig 4/12 = 33.33% Bluelightz 6/17 = 35.29% Mayors/Pardoners/Sheriffs by Alignment + Show Spoiler +Players Who Have Played A Game In '08, '09, '10, '11, and '12 + Show Spoiler +Ace BloodyC0bbler bumatlarge Caller Chaoser Chezinu JeeJee L RebirthOfLeGenD Forum Vets + Show Spoiler +Mynock 14 [GiTM]-Ace 21 789 218 Ace 377 Mandalor 2074 LTT 2283 SoMuchBetter 2825 jtan 2868 KH1031 3017 SoleSteeler 3099 Players With User IDs That Are Prime + Show Spoiler +[NyC]HoBbes 57853 [UoN]Sentinel 55351 Aepplet 6269 Alethios 33289 Atreides- 49459 BaronFel 49531 barth 35591 BassinSpace 187027 Believer 63949 bereft 60901 betaben 30851 blubbdavid 60919 Caller 30803 Clicker 111439 CosmosXAM 166541 CynanMachae 23719 darmousseh 76537 da0ud 169097 dementrio 121469 demonic_phate 30467 DimmuKlok 83009 drwiggl3s 263567 ecomania 34961 ELITECubWarman8 147793 Esspen 70489 Fallen_arK 50503 Fen 22483 FezTheCaliph 60443 Funcmode 80747 fusionsdf 22343 GeorgeClooney 122651 goldenkrnboi 30223 Grackaroni 198851 HiroPro 258487 Intact 102437 Janaan 195329 Johnhughthom 147787 JoxxOr 31321 Kenpachi 51151 Khorrus 237043 Kickstart 38671 KillingTime 280933 Knutti 39877 Kohbee 182857 KorvspaD 4691 LazinCajun 199489 Lenwe 35083 Lexpar 45533 love1another 56431 Lvdr 278119 MeatlessTaco 157747 Mig 11719 Mordanis 137393 more_minerals 32479 MrBabyHands 41543 Myles 63773 nard 50551 nbtnbt5 45161 NeaX 3109 Omniscient4983 284093 omnomMuffins 202409 Pondo 97511 Pyrrhuloxia 36781 Quesadilla 31817 Ra.Xor.2 36923 rgTheSchworz 128099 Roco69 287281 SacredSystem 136753 Ser Aspi 57713 Seviro 188261 Sharrant 279649 Skrammen 117373 slOosh 53783 Soulfire 104287 Spiritclown 210643 sugiuramidori 47491 Superouman 30509 to miss the mark 19447 Toadesstern 40853 Twelve 105229 VayeshMoru 52517 whatchamacallit 53987 WhySoMuch 262621 xsksc 149333 ZBiR 5021 Zorkmid 41737 Mafia players are lynched 21.3% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 24.8% of the time. 45% of players playing in a newbie game have returned to play in at least 1 other game. There have been 951 distinct mafia players. And finally my favorite stat... VisceraEyes has survived until endgame three times out of 38 games (7.89%). The highest survival percentage is 60%.
Yay you finally updated the OP! Random point: the hydra I used with MrCheesecake is named wrong and so the link doesn't work. It's not WaferofCheesecake it's just WaveofCheesecake. :D
From the current OP:
- Hide Spoiler [Mini] - select CONCAT('' , games.name,'' , char(13) , '+ Show Spoiler +' ) from games where GetGameSize(id) < 17 and (games.type != 'newbie') order by games.start
I don't think that's supposed to look like this
On September 25 2013 22:17 WaveofShadow wrote: Yay you finally updated the OP! Random point: the hydra I used with MrCheesecake is named wrong and so the link doesn't work. It's not WaferofCheesecake it's just WaveofCheesecake. :D That's what the endgame post says though
i gotta say i think there should be something to account for people on the "never lynched as town" list who ragequit or get replaced when they would've been lynched
My win % as scum is 5/6, not 4/6. It's probably 5/7, because there is the never-ended Caller game that scum had quite obviously lost (although it's unclear who won, and it's possible scum and the vampires might have won together or something wacko), and there is also iGrok's Basterd game, which ended in a draw, because everybody stopped playing (but scum would probably have won if anybody had cared).
And great work, not just making this in the first place, but keeping it updated too
Yeah I do wonder when there should be exceptions to what is considered a 'counted' game, and when people getting modkilled/replacing out affects stats.
United States9244 Posts
As people have noticed, the OP has been updated with the last 9 months of games. Now that the dirty work has been taken care of, it should be a lot easier to update in the future. I've also cleaned up the OP to include a better explanation of how to log games using the website.
Mini games have been re-categorized to 16 players or less, so now you can have a normal or themed mini. I'll also be keeping the old statistic records so we can see how they change over time.
VE and Palmar have overtaken bum and Jackal as the players that have far too much time on their hands, with marv close behind.
Incognito has taken the lead for overall win percentage, but I might have to consider raising the minimum game threshold to 11 to force him to defend his title.
DP finally took a mini game loss, but is still crazy high.
Five new players have completed their newbie training with perfect records.
Mafia has been slightly more successful than town over the last 9 months. However, town has also gone 8-3 in newbies to close the gap over the same amount of time.
After the huge boom in 2012, this year we are on pace to host slightly less games than last year. Despite the number of newbie games, the number of distinct players is also on the decline.
Anti-town players are more frequently getting lynched on day one, but random lynching is still more accurate.
I'll also have some new stats to post sometime soon, but they are still a work in progress.
On August 22 2013 23:05 strongandbig wrote: I think my question got buried, but what about a draw option? Or should Jose just be coded as double-win or double-loss?
Currently we have no way to record a tie. I believe I have been entering them as double-loss until the time comes where this can be corrected.
On September 26 2013 04:42 strongandbig wrote: i gotta say i think there should be something to account for people on the "never lynched as town" list who ragequit or get replaced when they would've been lynched
Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to record this. We could assume that any player that is modkilled would have been lynched instead, but that isn't always the case. What do you guys think about this one?
On September 26 2013 05:22 Acrofales wrote: My win % as scum is 5/6, not 4/6. It's probably 5/7, because there is the never-ended Caller game that scum had quite obviously lost (although it's unclear who won, and it's possible scum and the vampires might have won together or something wacko), and there is also iGrok's Basterd game, which ended in a draw, because everybody stopped playing (but scum would probably have won if anybody had cared).
The win percentage calculation currently considers a modkill as a loss since it generally means the team won in spite of you, not because of you. This isn't always the case either though, so I'm open to change it if enough people disagree with it.
I added purgatory mafia to the database (the role list was posted by Zona's bot not by Zona), so you can take that off the list of games that aren't in the database. I also added space station using the role document that seems to have been deleted by DrH, but google let me make a copy of it for some reason lol. Space Station is done to the best of my ability but there may be slight inaccuracies in the specific roles that certain town players have as I had to rely partly on my memory.
So both Purgatory and Space Station can be taken off the "not in database" list.
I also corrected the endgame result for Liar Game (it was recorded as a win for both mafia factions when it was in fact only a win for Harimoto: family 1). I'm not sure if a similar mistake has been made for other multi-family games but someone may want to check that.
Zephirdd also seemed to have been incorrectly listed as Zephirrd for PTP IV, so I went ahead and fixed that.
I will have the most hosted games on this forum.
My bastard game should be recorded as a win for all players, as they defeated me haha
United States9639 Posts
iamperfection a top scum player. I am ok with this.
Can we get an op update for lowest winrate or longest losing streak
United States9639 Posts
On September 27 2013 09:49 iGrok wrote: My bastard game should be recorded as a win for all players, as they defeated me haha that would bump me to third all time
Vanilla Percentage - Hide Spoiler - s0Lstice 10/11 = 90.9091% vivi57 11/13 = 84.6154% Lazermonkey 9/11 = 81.8182% kushm4sta 13/16 = 81.2500% VayneAuthority 8/10 = 80.0000% Adam4167 11/15 = 73.3333% phagga 8/11 = 72.7273% Johnnyspazz 8/11 = 72.7273% mkfuba07 8/11 = 72.7273%
stop hogging all the blue, guys
On September 27 2013 04:27 kitaman27 wrote:As people have noticed, the OP has been updated with the last 9 months of games. Now that the dirty work has been taken care of, it should be a lot easier to update in the future. I've also cleaned up the OP to include a better explanation of how to log games using the website. Mini games have been re-categorized to 16 players or less, so now you can have a normal or themed mini. I'll also be keeping the old statistic records so we can see how they change over time. VE and Palmar have overtaken bum and Jackal as the players that have far too much time on their hands, with marv close behind. Incognito has taken the lead for overall win percentage, but I might have to consider raising the minimum game threshold to 11 to force him to defend his title. DP finally took a mini game loss, but is still crazy high. Five new players have completed their newbie training with perfect records. Mafia has been slightly more successful than town over the last 9 months. However, town has also gone 8-3 in newbies to close the gap over the same amount of time. After the huge boom in 2012, this year we are on pace to host slightly less games than last year. Despite the number of newbie games, the number of distinct players is also on the decline. Anti-town players are more frequently getting lynched on day one, but random lynching is still more accurate. I'll also have some new stats to post sometime soon, but they are still a work in progress. Show nested quote +On August 22 2013 23:05 strongandbig wrote: I think my question got buried, but what about a draw option? Or should Jose just be coded as double-win or double-loss? Currently we have no way to record a tie. I believe I have been entering them as double-loss until the time comes where this can be corrected. Show nested quote +On September 26 2013 04:42 strongandbig wrote: i gotta say i think there should be something to account for people on the "never lynched as town" list who ragequit or get replaced when they would've been lynched Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to record this. We could assume that any player that is modkilled would have been lynched instead, but that isn't always the case. What do you guys think about this one? Show nested quote +On September 26 2013 05:22 Acrofales wrote: My win % as scum is 5/6, not 4/6. It's probably 5/7, because there is the never-ended Caller game that scum had quite obviously lost (although it's unclear who won, and it's possible scum and the vampires might have won together or something wacko), and there is also iGrok's Basterd game, which ended in a draw, because everybody stopped playing (but scum would probably have won if anybody had cared). The win percentage calculation currently considers a modkill as a loss since it generally means the team won in spite of you, not because of you. This isn't always the case either though, so I'm open to change it if enough people disagree with it.
I think you can ask anybody in the original GoT mafia and you'll hear that I played my part well. The modkill wasn't due to inactivity, it was due to me being a complete newbie and not really understanding the rules properly with my blue claim: I made myself a fake role PM and posted it (after the red check by the cop had happened and we had already lynched the cop). In the OP it said you'd get modkilled for posting PMs. In the end it was solved by modkilling me and ending the day. But /shrug. Screw statistics. Just keep giving me scum games and I'll keep nailing them 
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Why was the recent Smurf game included but not last year's? I even offered to sort out the players and shit for it?
Edit: Redux is still showing as endgamed when it was abandoned due to host error
Death Note is also missing; again if help is needed with roles/players, just poke me and I'll sort it
Anti-town players are more frequently getting lynched on day one, but random lynching is still more accurate.
Amusing and sad at the same time
Nice work kita
It's funny that it's not quite specified but I take anti-town members to include scum as well as useless PoS town lurkers/non/shitposters. Which would explain why the ratio sucks.
On September 30 2013 18:29 marvellosity wrote: Why was the recent Smurf game included but not last year's? I even offered to sort out the players and shit for it?
Edit: Redux is still showing as endgamed when it was abandoned due to host error
Death Note is also missing; again if help is needed with roles/players, just poke me and I'll sort it I just added Death Note Mini Mafia and DBZ Mini Mafia. For death note, I decided to label the "detectives" as vanilla town and "suspicious detective" as miller, as otherwise it would be confusing plus it would break the vanilla/non-vanilla classification. For DBZ, red roles(except for Vegeta) are town and blue roles are mafia.
Also the game categories (Normal, Themed, Newbie) seem to have become broken after you removed mini from the list, kita. Every game is now labelled as normal in the online site. I fixed a couple then got bored.
United States9244 Posts
On September 27 2013 08:41 HiroPro wrote: I also corrected the endgame result for Liar Game (it was recorded as a win for both mafia factions when it was in fact only a win for Harimoto: family 1). I'm not sure if a similar mistake has been made for other multi-family games but someone may want to check that.
Yep, it looks like that was the case for several games.
Thanks for making the other changes too!
On September 27 2013 09:54 strongandbig wrote: Can we get an op update for lowest winrate or longest losing streak
Heh I don't want to release any names for lowest winrate, but streaks might be interesting if I can come up with an easy way to identify them. I believe there was one player that won around 10% of their games a town, but they aren't someone I'd necessary consider terrible.
On September 30 2013 17:53 Acrofales wrote:Show nested quote +On September 27 2013 04:27 kitaman27 wrote:As people have noticed, the OP has been updated with the last 9 months of games. Now that the dirty work has been taken care of, it should be a lot easier to update in the future. I've also cleaned up the OP to include a better explanation of how to log games using the website. Mini games have been re-categorized to 16 players or less, so now you can have a normal or themed mini. I'll also be keeping the old statistic records so we can see how they change over time. VE and Palmar have overtaken bum and Jackal as the players that have far too much time on their hands, with marv close behind. Incognito has taken the lead for overall win percentage, but I might have to consider raising the minimum game threshold to 11 to force him to defend his title. DP finally took a mini game loss, but is still crazy high. Five new players have completed their newbie training with perfect records. Mafia has been slightly more successful than town over the last 9 months. However, town has also gone 8-3 in newbies to close the gap over the same amount of time. After the huge boom in 2012, this year we are on pace to host slightly less games than last year. Despite the number of newbie games, the number of distinct players is also on the decline. Anti-town players are more frequently getting lynched on day one, but random lynching is still more accurate. I'll also have some new stats to post sometime soon, but they are still a work in progress. On August 22 2013 23:05 strongandbig wrote: I think my question got buried, but what about a draw option? Or should Jose just be coded as double-win or double-loss? Currently we have no way to record a tie. I believe I have been entering them as double-loss until the time comes where this can be corrected. On September 26 2013 04:42 strongandbig wrote: i gotta say i think there should be something to account for people on the "never lynched as town" list who ragequit or get replaced when they would've been lynched Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to record this. We could assume that any player that is modkilled would have been lynched instead, but that isn't always the case. What do you guys think about this one? On September 26 2013 05:22 Acrofales wrote: My win % as scum is 5/6, not 4/6. It's probably 5/7, because there is the never-ended Caller game that scum had quite obviously lost (although it's unclear who won, and it's possible scum and the vampires might have won together or something wacko), and there is also iGrok's Basterd game, which ended in a draw, because everybody stopped playing (but scum would probably have won if anybody had cared). The win percentage calculation currently considers a modkill as a loss since it generally means the team won in spite of you, not because of you. This isn't always the case either though, so I'm open to change it if enough people disagree with it. I think you can ask anybody in the original GoT mafia and you'll hear that I played my part well. The modkill wasn't due to inactivity, it was due to me being a complete newbie and not really understanding the rules properly with my blue claim: I made myself a fake role PM and posted it (after the red check by the cop had happened and we had already lynched the cop). In the OP it said you'd get modkilled for posting PMs. In the end it was solved by modkilling me and ending the day. But /shrug. Screw statistics. Just keep giving me scum games and I'll keep nailing them 
It doesn't really matter to me one way or another if they are counted. Maybe I'll make a poll. 
On October 01 2013 02:40 HiroPro wrote: Also the game categories (Normal, Themed, Newbie) seem to have become broken after you removed mini from the list, kita. Every game is now labelled as normal in the online site. I fixed a couple then got bored.
As far as I can tell, the only games that should have been impacted are the games that were classified as mini, which will now show up as normal. I haven't gone back and updated the mini games that are themed mini's yet, but that shouldn't affect anything, as normal and themed mini's are currently grouped into one category in the OP.
On September 30 2013 18:29 marvellosity wrote: Why was the recent Smurf game included but not last year's? I even offered to sort out the players and shit for it?
Edit: Redux is still showing as endgamed when it was abandoned due to host error
Death Note is also missing; again if help is needed with roles/players, just poke me and I'll sort it
Smurf was added because I added it. It didn't help that GMarshal won the award for worst-updated OP...
Also, I've been town 8/9 games on this acc. Shouldn't I be in the "most times rolled town by percentage" thing? Or is the requirement 10 games?
United States9244 Posts
Ya that one only looks at people with 10 games or more. You gotta play 1 more :D
Kita, I think you're completely missing SSB-64 Mafia in your database. :>
On November 01 2013 05:39 Cephiro wrote:Kita, I think you're completely missing SSB-64 Mafiain your database. :> I'm pretty sure I added that game recently (I can't check since prplhz's site seems to be down). It should show up in the OP the next time kita updates it.
Oh! That game was awesome! I still think we should have been nominated (at least) for best play or so for that pro bus plot we hatched :D
hey i turned off my website for the moment if anybody wants to input some games then send me a pm and i'll put it up again for a weekend or whatever you need
it's just that it's almost christmas and i'm a little low on money so i don't want to have it up all the time
I've got to be close to the record for least number of times rolled scum atm. 1/23 games I have played scum. Scum/3P is 4/23.
And I for the most scum I am at 50% now but I was at 6/11 earlier.
On November 10 2013 16:05 WaveofShadow wrote: I've got to be close to the record for least number of times rolled scum atm. 1/23 games I have played scum. Scum/3P is 4/23. wow,u have played more games than me
Town killed percentage #1 LOL, it makes so much sense though . I wonder what is my day 2 survival rate.
LSB 14/17 = 82.3529%
EDIT: If you count getting endgamed as death, apparently I have a 0% survival rate.
Did I break the database when I changed my name? =P
United States9244 Posts
I'll do a mass update when I have some spare time.
Right now we're working on moving the site/db to a free web host and creating a script that will automatically update the OP, though it may take a little while.
On December 10 2013 01:21 Corazon wrote: Did I break the database when I changed my name? =P No, just my heart.
i just want to say this database is amazing but you should include smurf games
United States9244 Posts
On December 26 2013 16:01 kushm4sta wrote: i just want to say this database is amazing but you should include smurf games
I believe we already are (with the exception of the two experimental mini's where the IDs were never revealed), unless you notice others that are missing to?
You are missing Witchcraft Mini and Hydra II from my stats. Just noticed
And I just finished Titanic II as a smurf which should bring my win rate back to 80%
I was in experimental II, if that helps
United States9244 Posts
On December 27 2013 02:31 iGrok wrote:I was in experimental II, if that helps 
I'll just assume you were everyone.
can you put it back plz??
United States9244 Posts
This feature is now only available to TL Mafia Plus members. PM for how you can subscribe!
+ Show Spoiler +I'll try to have it back up by tonight.
On January 03 2014 00:51 kitaman27 wrote:This feature is now only available to TL Mafia Plus members. PM for how you can subscribe! + Show Spoiler +I'll try to have it back up by tonight. Hijole
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Is there a way we can keep the database up to date currently? The link seems to be dead
On January 09 2014 13:52 Holyflare wrote:Is there a way we can keep the database up to date currently? The link seems to be dead 
On November 10 2013 04:53 prplhz wrote: hey i turned off my website for the moment if anybody wants to input some games then send me a pm and i'll put it up again for a weekend or whatever you need
it's just that it's almost christmas and i'm a little low on money so i don't want to have it up all the time
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Well how much is it to upkeep cz I can take over the payments or we can donate or whatever. The database is a very useful tool after all
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Save your money for buying me drinks next weekend babes x
United Kingdom30774 Posts
you're the one with the job, i'm just a poor attractive student you should be buying ME drinks yo!
United Kingdom36156 Posts
dagger through the heart
Well, there are some free hosting services here and there. It "could" be possible to use one of those perhaps?
Also, let's settle this argument, marv and Holy: You both get ME drinks instead. I just solved your problem, you should be thanking me just now.
United States9244 Posts
We've given that a try, but unfortunately we weren't able to get any functionality out of it. Hopefully I'll come up with something in the next few weeks.
What kinda server stuff do you need for the script to run? PHP & SQL? Or is it Python + SQL or something?
If you only need PHP and SQL, you could always host it on SourceForge. If you put a project on there, they give you free webspace that you can use and a couple of databases. I don't remember what all features it has, but I made a site on there a while back for a thing I made.
Poke me prplhz. Unless you've written this thing in .net or something I should be able to host it.
Insofar as I know Amazon Web Services has a free tier. Of course, you need to get everything set up, but it should be easy to host the DB there?
Yes, AWS gives you a free instance (server) to basically put anything you want in it. However, it kind of sucks because the free tier has a LOT of restrictions, and as soon as you pass one of them they start charging you. So at every single minute you have to keep tabs on every single thing (amount of records in the DB, amount of trafic, amount of storage, etc etc) so you don't pass the limit on one of those.
But yes, depending on your language and shit you need (SQL db, bla bla bla), your possible choices of hosting services change
Anyways, here are some options:
Heroku: Link: https://www.heroku.com/ Pricing (free): https://www.heroku.com/pricing No restrictions basically. Other than having 10k DB records. Oh...you need PostgreSQL though. But I really like this one, you can use Rails or PHP and others. Porting from, say, MySQL to PostgreSQL might be worth it to use this one.
AWS: Link: http://aws.amazon.com/en/elasticbeanstalk/ Pricing (free): http://aws.amazon.com/en/free/ As you can see, you have lots of stuff to worry about to use the free tier. But...well, if you know it's just for the database, and it's not a super popular website with millions of viewers and the like, you could almost be sure you'll be below those limits. And at the very least, it'll be something like 5$ per month at some points maybe.
AppFog: Link: https://www.appfog.com/ Pricing (free): https://www.appfog.com/pricing/ Don't know anything about this one just stumbled upon it. But it seems it may work.
The database is a web site that will likely be accessed few times. It's mainly an online storage, with a nice GUI to access it. There won't be that many data in it either, since there aren't THAT many mafia games and players in TL. So I think choosing any of the above you guys will be fine and won't need to pay a dime. I recommend Heroku, but well you can find guides for any of the others.
I've already talked to prplhz about this, since he is cohosting Classified with me.
My understanding is that the big issue is man-hours, not $$$ - I already offered to cover server costs.
But isn't the whole thing already done? And it only needs an on-going server?
Like I said, just my understanding
United States9244 Posts
On January 31 2014 12:24 Keirathi wrote: If you only need PHP and SQL, you could always host it on SourceForge. If you put a project on there, they give you free webspace that you can use and a couple of databases. I don't remember what all features it has, but I made a site on there a while back for a thing I made.
I was able to set up the database hosting, but does anyone know if you can actually host the php side of things? I don't see any reference to a subdomain or any tools to get things set up. There is a file manager, but that seems more like something used for source control and file sharing, rather than web hosting.
On February 01 2014 02:10 gonzaw wrote: The database is a web site that will likely be accessed few times. It's mainly an online storage, with a nice GUI to access it. There won't be that many data in it either, since there aren't THAT many mafia games and players in TL. So I think choosing any of the above you guys will be fine and won't need to pay a dime. I recommend Heroku, but well you can find guides for any of the others.
We're actually around 7500 records right now, so we're probably not that far off from the limit.Thanks for the suggestions, I'll take a look and see if I can get any of them to work.
On February 01 2014 03:11 iGrok wrote: I've already talked to prplhz about this, since he is cohosting Classified with me.
My understanding is that the big issue is man-hours, not $$$ - I already offered to cover server costs.
Thanks for the offer!
On February 01 2014 03:20 gonzaw wrote: But isn't the whole thing already done? And it only needs an on-going server?
Well you have to register for an account, create the database and script the schema and records, ftp the files and set up the file structure, configure the php settings, and change all the connection strings that are currently hard coded. The issue is that once I've done this on the 2-3 "free" hosting services, it still isn't working and there isn't a great way to figure out what's wrong.
On February 01 2014 03:50 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 31 2014 12:24 Keirathi wrote: If you only need PHP and SQL, you could always host it on SourceForge. If you put a project on there, they give you free webspace that you can use and a couple of databases. I don't remember what all features it has, but I made a site on there a while back for a thing I made. Yea, there are some instructions on how to get access to your project web here: http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/Project Web Services/
An example page I hosted on sourceforge: http://twitchmodbot.sourceforge.net/
Used wordpress and phpBB
On February 01 2014 03:50 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2014 02:10 gonzaw wrote: The database is a web site that will likely be accessed few times. It's mainly an online storage, with a nice GUI to access it. There won't be that many data in it either, since there aren't THAT many mafia games and players in TL. So I think choosing any of the above you guys will be fine and won't need to pay a dime. I recommend Heroku, but well you can find guides for any of the others. We're actually around 7500 records right now, so we're probably not that far off from the limit.Thanks for the suggestions, I'll take a look and see if I can get any of them to work.
Hmm, yeah that might be a problem. Guess Heroku is out then. AWS offers 20GB of DB space for free. Maybe AWS will be the best choice. You won't have much traffic and stuff to worry about, so you won't have to worry about the limits.
Show nested quote +On February 01 2014 03:20 gonzaw wrote: But isn't the whole thing already done? And it only needs an on-going server? Well you have to register for an account, create the database and script the schema and records, ftp the files and set up the file structure, configure the php settings, and change all the connection strings that are currently hard coded. The issue is that once I've done this on the 2-3 "free" hosting services, it still isn't working and there isn't a great way to figure out what's wrong.
Well, maybe I could help a little if you give me more info. Like which framework/language/database/etc you are using, if you are using a specific file system (to get images maybe), etc. Some of the hosting services I mentioned work better with "simple" frameworks and the like. Like just a PHP server with a database and nothing else, or a whole ruby on rails structure, etc. If you have more detailed stuff, it may be harder to get one that does exactly what you want with little effort
Although yeah, you'll need some dependency management in almost all of those. Either Maven if you used java, Composer if you used php (I believe), gems if you used rails, etc.
EDIT: Actually, maybe not. Depends on you set up your project basically
United States9244 Posts
I've finally managed to get the database connection working in some parts.
You can load a player and factions list, but loading the game info and saving any changes still isn't functional. This would be a lot easier if I had minimal php knowledge 
I may be able to help, just poke me on IRC
United States9244 Posts
We're back up and running thanks to prpl!
I've logged a bunch of games today, though I probably won't update the OP until we're up to date. For anyone interested in lending a hand, here is the list of games I have yet to get to:
[M][N] "SMB" Mini Mafia
TL Mafia LXIV: The Restart
Normal Mini Mafia: Episode I
GSL Open Mini Mafia IV
Shadow Mini Mafia
Shadowed Mini Mafia: The Reboot
[M][N] Default Suspicions Mafia
PYP: League of Legends Mafia
TL Mafia LXIII: Time to Die
Extractor Trick Mini Mafia
I'm a cop you idiot mafia 2
A quiet game of mini mafia
thanks to me but a lot more thanks to kitaman though
Tried to add smb not so sure it saved the playerlist stuff
United States9244 Posts
United States9244 Posts
The OP has been updated with games that have finished as of 3/4/14. Let me know if you notice any mistakes or games that are missing.
A few things of interest from the statistics: rayn has nearly doubled his game count over the last 6 months and is on pace to be in the top two by the end of the year. Darthpunk is still really good as town. Marv is still really good as mafia (Policy lynch pls?) ET no longer has a perfect record as mafia Most of the people with a high normal game win percentage haven't played in forever Obzy has been added to the list of perfect newbies Town has been doing slightly better than normal over the last 6 months, but still trails overall by a fair amount Compared to 2012, the number of games in 2013 is down about 20% This year we are on pace for roughly the same amount of games as last year Compared to 2012, the number of unique players in 2013 is down about 25% Foolishness, iamp, and rayn have been lynched for the first time as town. None of these are my fault. JeeJee and L were removed from the list of players to have played a game every year The day one lynch percentage is still slightly below random, but not if you exclude newbie games. VE has been lynched 17 times.
nice :D stats are awesome
can you tell how many people with 3+ games played every year? because unique players might be boosted for 2012 because we had that "lets get everybody playing mafia"-initiative while regulars might be overall the game
I don't think I need two accounts registered, Kita
Is there a statistic for surviving until endgame (either winning or losing)? Apparently, 9/12 games I have survived until the end, which is pretty ridiculous.
Do I still have the most ridiculous ratio of times rolled mafia compared to total games played? Ps love those stats And wait how was that fooloshness lynch not your fault again? Did you not contribute?
How do I get added to the database? 
EDIT: Didn't realize it was updated so recently ^_^ thought those posts were old
On March 10 2014 00:32 Balla24 wrote:How do I get added to the database?  You are already?!
I swear I just checked yesterday haha whoops~ 
EDIT: I updated Newbie L and Newbie LI in the sourceforge because they had some mispelled names (Bella24 and Johnnylaw lol), and Newbie LI only had 1 player entry.
EDIT2: Do you update the OP by hand? Cause jesus that's a lot of work LOL well done.
United States9244 Posts
I've added a new stat to the OP. I'm working on a few others, but let me know if you guys have any other ideas:
Most Games By Year: clazziquai 2008: 5 JeeJee 2008: 5 Amber[LighT] 2008: 5
iNfuNdiBuLuM 2009: 7 motbob 2009: 6 RebirthOfLeGenD 2009: 6 Caller 2009: 6 Pyrrhuloxia 2009: 6
BrownBear 2010: 16 ~OpZ~ 2010: 16 Bill Murray 2010: 15 Pandain 2010: 13 DarthThienAn 2010: 13 RebirthOfLeGenD 2010: 13 bumatlarge 2010: 13 Amber[LighT] 2010: 12
Jackal58 2011: 26 bumatlarge 2011: 21 Palmar 2011: 20 Mr. Wiggles 2011: 18 sandroba 2011: 18 kitaman27 2011: 17 Kenpachi 2011: 16 GGQ 2011: 16 GMarshal 2011: 15 chaoser 2011: 15
VisceraEyes 2012: 30 marvellosity 2012: 25 Mattchew 2012: 20 Bluelightz 2012: 18 wherebugsgo 2012: 18 Palmar 2012: 17 austinmcc 2012: 17 prplhz 2012: 17
Oatsmaster 2013: 32 raynpelikoneet 2013: 29 yamato77 2013: 21 Vivax 2013: 20 WaveofShadow 2013: 19 Mocsta 2013: 18 Stutters695 2013: 17 marvellosity 2013: 17 VayneAuthority 2013: 17
On March 09 2014 08:24 prplhz wrote: can you tell how many people with 3+ games played every year? because unique players might be boosted for 2012 because we had that "lets get everybody playing mafia"-initiative while regulars might be overall the game
Sure, here are the numbers I came up with. Still down by roughly 25% from the previous year.
2008 89 2009 89 2010 144 2011 166 2012 233 2013 178 2014 61
Looks like approximately 44% of players only play 1-2 games before quitting.
On March 09 2014 08:40 Artanis[Xp] wrote:I don't think I need two accounts registered, Kita 
You're just that important. Fixed.
On March 09 2014 08:54 Crossfire99 wrote: Is there a statistic for surviving until endgame (either winning or losing)? Apparently, 9/12 games I have survived until the end, which is pretty ridiculous.
There is now. Looks like you need 1 more to take the top spot 
This really should include games where players are killed/lynched that triggers the endgame, but that would take a bit more work.
Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 9/12 = 75.0000% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Djodref 7/11 = 63.6364% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Hopeless1der 15/25 = 60.0000% Sn0_Man 7/12 = 58.3333% iamperfection 14/24 = 58.3333% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% keirathi 11/20 = 55.0000%
On March 10 2014 00:27 WaveofShadow wrote: Do I still have the most ridiculous ratio of times rolled mafia compared to total games played?
That one should already be there under mafia alignment percentage. I think I put a minimum of 10 games for that one.
On March 10 2014 00:27 WaveofShadow wrote:And wait how was that fooloshness lynch not your fault again? Did you not contribute? 
On March 10 2014 00:56 Balla24 wrote: EDIT: I updated Newbie L and Newbie LI in the sourceforge because they had some mispelled names (Bella24 and Johnnylaw lol), and Newbie LI only had 1 player entry.
EDIT2: Do you update the OP by hand? Cause jesus that's a lot of work LOL well done.
Thanks :D
I run the queries manually, though I am working on putting together a script that will automatically do so every so often. The toughest part is getting the format down. The players and games lists are pretty easy to update, but the statistics are a bit annoying. At the moment, I'm aiming to update the OP at the start of every month, until the script is finished.
Yeah I'm not on the mafia alignment percentage one because it looks like you count by highest rather than lowest  I wonder where HF fits on that one now...
Also just need a few more games to be up there for lowest town lynched percentage
Damn, Kitaman too stronk as town.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 10 2014 03:45 WaveofShadow wrote:Yeah I'm not on the mafia alignment percentage one because it looks like you count by highest rather than lowest  I wonder where HF fits on that one now... Also just need a few more games to be up there for lowest town lynched percentage 
i'd definitely be up there, even higher if i didn't sub out of shadow :/ +vengeful mini is gonna screw over my town lynch % :D:D:D:D:D
Updated Culture Mini Mafia by the way.
What's mafia D1 Lynch% in the past 15, 10, 5 games? I think it's pretty freaking high.
Can you change my smurf win (CuteFluffyPuppy) over to my real account or is that not a thing?
I think you can do that yourself just edit the game in the sourceforge link if allowed
On March 11 2014 02:16 Balla24 wrote: I think you can do that yourself just edit the game in the sourceforge link if allowed Ah, thanks. I tried to do it in any case
United States25550 Posts
Mafia players are lynched 24.1% of the time on day one. Random lynching would result in a mafia lynch 25.1% of the time.
As the greatest and loudest proponent of RNG lynching I am ready to use this quote in every game from now on until the end of time.
On March 11 2014 02:05 Balla24 wrote: What's mafia D1 Lynch% in the past 15, 10, 5 games? I think it's pretty freaking high. Last 20 games:
- [M][T] Foundation Mafia (still going on) town
- Newbie Mini Mafia LIII (still going on) town
- Handslaps and Fisticuff: A PYP Mini mafia
- Cultured Mini Mafia mafia
- Newbie Mini Mafia LII town
- [M][N] Default Suspicions Mafia mafia
- I'm a cop you idiot mafia 2 no-lynch, mafia D2
- [S] Shadowed Mini Mafia: The Reboot mafia
- [S] Shadow Mini Mafia mafia
- GSL Open Mini Mafia IV town
- Normal Mini Mafia: Episode I mafia
- [C][M][T] Survivor Series Mafia town
- TL Mafia LXIV: The Restart town
- [I][T][M] Vengeful Mini Mafia! town, vengefulshot mafia (kinda counts as mafia)
- [S] Shadowed Mini Mafia town - mainly due host error
- [M][N] "SMB" Mini Mafia town
- TL Mafia LXIV: A Game of Intrigue mafia
- Really Small Mafia mafia
- A Quiet Game of Mini Mafia mafia
- Extractor Trick Mini Mafia town
- TL Mafia LXIII: Time to Die town
[21]II Titanic Mini Mafia town
If you count vengeful shot as mafia "lynch" the percentage is 50%.
So fuck off Blazinghand!
Damn, that's so high recently. Towns too stronk.
I wouldn't count the cop you idiot game as we shot the cop so it was always going to be a mafia lynch.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Shadow had d1 mafia lynch
oh i missed the game. So 50% stands.
Also the original Shadowed had a town lynch because there were two people who thought they were docs. That was kinda my fault.
On March 11 2014 02:45 Artanis[Xp] wrote: Also the original Shadowed had a town lynch because there were two people who thought they were docs. That was kinda my fault. Well there are some games where something has gone clearly "wrong". Like my dumb "let's yolo gumshoe 6h into the D1 in Extractor trick". 
Also if you discount that game Titanic II moves up the list and that lynch was town.
On March 11 2014 02:46 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On March 11 2014 02:45 Artanis[Xp] wrote: Also the original Shadowed had a town lynch because there were two people who thought they were docs. That was kinda my fault. Well there are some games where something has gone clearly "wrong". Like my dumb "let's yolo gumshoe 6h into the D1 in Extractor trick".  True, but this was host error and not so much player error.
It doesn't matter that much... 40-50% is quite an incredible D1 lynch rate. Puts that "nothing to talk about D1, d1 so hard" shit to rest ^_^
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I've played 6 games in that list, and mafia was lynched day 1 in 5 of them. Sadly my mafia roll was not the 1/6...
On March 11 2014 02:56 marvellosity wrote: I've played 6 games in that list, and mafia was lynched day 1 in 5 of them. Sadly my mafia roll was not the 1/6...
On February 01 2014 07:59 marvellosity wrote:Happy Birthday austin! I don't think you get to complain too much.
On March 11 2014 02:56 marvellosity wrote: I've played 6 games in that list, and mafia was lynched day 1 in 5 of them. Sadly my mafia roll was not the 1/6... I helped when i was town, except in Default suspicions where i unhelped.
United States9244 Posts
On March 11 2014 02:13 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Can you change my smurf win (CuteFluffyPuppy) over to my real account or is that not a thing? 
I haven't been keeping track of smurfs, but if people want to update it themselves that's fine, as long as it isn't a hydra. Obviously, if people choose to do so, they should update all their smurf games, rather than just the ones that they won 
The only issue would be that the filter link is going to break if it's tied to your name, but that's not a huge deal.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
How do i change my name to just be Holyflare instead of HolyFlare? Can i just hit the overwrite button or do i need to change every game? :p
dunno but i just changed it so it should be correct now
hmmmm. I've played in most of those games where town was lynched day1. And none of the games where mafia was lynched. Must be a coincidence...
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 12 2014 13:50 prplhz wrote: dunno but i just changed it so it should be correct now
So when do you guys think ranked play is coming to tlmafia? I bet Marv wants to know his mafia mmr
We need Foolishness to write the TLMafia power rankings.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
na, he doesn't follow the games enough.
On March 15 2014 02:40 marvellosity wrote: na, he doesn't follow the games enough. You should totally write one then. You can even put yourself at the top. Seriously though I kinda wonder if there were some sort of way to rank people what it would be.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I think if I wrote it, I'd have to leave myself out :p
On March 15 2014 02:44 marvellosity wrote: I think if I wrote it, I'd have to leave myself out :p If you put in the time to write it then I fully support you putting yourself in first place. Let other people argue about whether you actually deserve to be there or not, I'd just use it as leverage/bribery to get you to do one in the first place.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Start hosting ranked minis!
I don't think there is a legit way of ranking people because winning/losing a game or games just isn't enough to tell who actually played good/bad.
If someone's gonna do that they needed to actually follow pretty much all games closely and have wow such skillz to actually look at what's going on in games and who deserves to be called good. Kinda hard and i think it would only make people hate each other if they feel like they are better than other people think. 
Edit: In the end it's really hard to say what's good play and what's bad.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Just do it on win/losses because eventually if you're good you'll be winning more than the scrubs!
United States9639 Posts
On March 15 2014 03:20 Holyflare wrote: Just do it on win/losses because eventually if you're good you'll be winning more than the scrubs! so darthpunk greatest player ever? BWhahahahaahaha
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Or have it like a fantasy football scoring system where getting night killed by scum is like +10 and getting lynched as town is -10 or some shit like that
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 15 2014 03:22 iamperfection wrote:Show nested quote +On March 15 2014 03:20 Holyflare wrote: Just do it on win/losses because eventually if you're good you'll be winning more than the scrubs! so darthpunk greatest player ever? BWhahahahaahaha
Always anomalies in any system!
United States25550 Posts
DP is actually almost as good as I am
United States9639 Posts
On March 15 2014 03:22 Blazinghand wrote: DP is actually almost as good as I am how good are you again?
I mean what's the point of doing it if it's not accurate?  imo you can't make it accurate.
United States25550 Posts
On March 15 2014 03:24 iamperfection wrote:Show nested quote +On March 15 2014 03:22 Blazinghand wrote: DP is actually almost as good as I am how good are you again? top 1% imo
On March 15 2014 03:25 raynpelikoneet wrote:I mean what's the point of doing it if it's not accurate?  imo you can't make it accurate. BW/SC2 power rankings aren't accurate either. You just go with your inclinations and argument where necessary. It's just meant for discussion and fun anyway, no one will take it as an objective reference and it might be fun for people to want to up their game to be on it.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 15 2014 03:25 raynpelikoneet wrote:I mean what's the point of doing it if it's not accurate?  imo you can't make it accurate.
Who said it can't be accurate? :p
+10 for winning faction +5 for getting nk'd as town (by scum) -10 for losing -5 for getting vig'd (any faction) +1 each day alive
Etc etc (obviously some balancing needs to be done) Or just generic win/loss with an elo system for balance!
Well go for it then! Artanis, that's why i don't look at sc2/bw rankings.
On March 15 2014 03:28 Holyflare wrote:Show nested quote +On March 15 2014 03:25 raynpelikoneet wrote:I mean what's the point of doing it if it's not accurate?  imo you can't make it accurate. Who said it can't be accurate? :p +10 for winning faction +5 for getting nk'd as town (by scum) -10 for losing -5 for getting vig'd (any faction) +1 each day alive Etc etc (obviously some balancing needs to be done) Or just generic win/loss with an elo system for balance! If you do it this way you could probably implement this into the program that keeps track of games atm.
+1 each day alive is retarded though. Best town players tend to get shot early.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
That's why you get +5 for being nk'd! Balancing issues obv it was just an example.
I still prefer elo with win/loss
+33333333 for posting Town Seal -0.4 for each utterance of the word "wonky"
So which is the ranking system that gives me the most points? You should probably go with that one. Trust me, it's accurate!
United Kingdom36156 Posts
wtf it's not meant to be 100% objective with points for various things
it's subjective so people can bitch about it. what's wrong with you people
United States9244 Posts
I have a rankings formula that uses all of the info in the database and is without a doubt 100% accurate.
On March 15 2014 04:02 kitaman27 wrote: I have a rankings formula that uses all of the info in the database and is without a doubt 100% accurate.
United States9244 Posts
Fine, Wave is 237th.
I shall now only refer to players by their number.
Objective rankings are boring. We need fully subjective ones. Get on it, marv.
And I agree with Wave, I'll even let you be #1 on your own list.
On March 15 2014 03:22 Blazinghand wrote: DP is actually almost as good as I am
I'm just misunderstood. q_q
Remove the stone of shame! Attach the stone of triumph!!
Yes, very good update. Thx. Damn imposter.
United States3044 Posts
A big problem with having a mafia mmr is finding a workaround to prevent players from voting/killing other players solely for the purpose of hurting their mmr.
"Oh marvellosity has the most points? Lynch him day 1 no matter what. If he's scum then we all get points and he doesn't, if he's town then he can't faceroll the mafia on later days and get even more points."
Sure you might be able to find a solution to the above issue, but solving all the issues of killing/lynching purely for the stats is a huge problem. I've been playing with a variety of ideas to set up a point system in video mafia (or some sort of ranked games) but figuring out a system that's fair is difficult (and maybe impossible).
I actually like the idea of a TL mafia power rank. The only thing to be worried about is hurting peoples' feelings. As someone said you could do something simple just based off of wins/losses. Whoever is number 1 should have won a majority of their games while at least performing somewhat well (catching mafia and misleading town). Doesn't need to be terribly subjective, and I don't think that would take up too much time for whoever's doing it (you wouldn't need to be closely reading every game).
Mafia games are long so what would the timeframe be for having a power rank? Every 3 months? Every 6 months? There should probably be a game requirement as well...whoever is on the power rank must be consistently (whatever that means) playing in games. That is, Foolishness can't be on the power rank just because he played in one game and facerolled the mafia.
Even if a power rank doesn't seem like a good idea, perhaps some sort of "news bulletin" every X months would be cool. It would essentially include: notable games played in the past X months (i.e. good to read as a high-level mafia game), highlights from the games played, outstanding performances by individual players, a "worst post" award, a "Chezinu Column" featuring the best Chezinu-like posts, etc.
United States9244 Posts
On March 29 2014 01:07 Foolishness wrote: "Oh marvellosity has the most points? Lynch him day 1 no matter what. If he's scum then we all get points and he doesn't, if he's town then he can't faceroll the mafia on later days and get even more points."
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan to me.
At one point, I think prpl mentioned that he was playing around with the idea of a power rank, but I don't know if anything came of it.
As for a news bulletin kind of thing, that sounds like it would be pretty cool. Maybe something like Pony Tales with 1/10th of the production value. It might even help bring in new players if we throw one up in the blogs sections every 3 months or something. One thing I miss with the old library game records is that players would occasionally write a brief recap of each game so you would have a general idea of what happened for people who didn't play or looking back at the game a year later.
Damn I totes forgot abou pony tales. Hilarious.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On March 29 2014 01:17 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 29 2014 01:07 Foolishness wrote: "Oh marvellosity has the most points? Lynch him day 1 no matter what. If he's scum then we all get points and he doesn't, if he's town then he can't faceroll the mafia on later days and get even more points." Sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan to me. bitch pls
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 29 2014 01:07 Foolishness wrote: A big problem with having a mafia mmr is finding a workaround to prevent players from voting/killing other players solely for the purpose of hurting their mmr.
"Oh marvellosity has the most points? Lynch him day 1 no matter what. If he's scum then we all get points and he doesn't, if he's town then he can't faceroll the mafia on later days and get even more points."
Sure you might be able to find a solution to the above issue, but solving all the issues of killing/lynching purely for the stats is a huge problem. I've been playing with a variety of ideas to set up a point system in video mafia (or some sort of ranked games) but figuring out a system that's fair is difficult (and maybe impossible).
I actually like the idea of a TL mafia power rank. The only thing to be worried about is hurting peoples' feelings. As someone said you could do something simple just based off of wins/losses. Whoever is number 1 should have won a majority of their games while at least performing somewhat well (catching mafia and misleading town). Doesn't need to be terribly subjective, and I don't think that would take up too much time for whoever's doing it (you wouldn't need to be closely reading every game).
Mafia games are long so what would the timeframe be for having a power rank? Every 3 months? Every 6 months? There should probably be a game requirement as well...whoever is on the power rank must be consistently (whatever that means) playing in games. That is, Foolishness can't be on the power rank just because he played in one game and facerolled the mafia.
Even if a power rank doesn't seem like a good idea, perhaps some sort of "news bulletin" every X months would be cool. It would essentially include: notable games played in the past X months (i.e. good to read as a high-level mafia game), highlights from the games played, outstanding performances by individual players, a "worst post" award, a "Chezinu Column" featuring the best Chezinu-like posts, etc.
well i don't think people would kill each other because of their mmr :s and generic win/loss should be fine anyway because people get more mmr for winning harder games etc so it's in their benefit to win with the higher mmr people on their team to prevent them losing more mmr if they lose
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I'm totes doing a Q1 power rank btw. I've already collated W/L
I'm thinking 10 may be too many players though. May cut down to somewhere in 5-8 region.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 31 2014 19:12 marvellosity wrote: I'm totes doing a Q1 power rank btw. I've already collated W/L
I'm thinking 10 may be too many players though. May cut down to somewhere in 5-8 region.
Another problem with power ranks is that it makes people go easy!
I have (sssshhh) been requesting mafia solely for the purpose of trying to improve my mafia play.
I'm going to ask this to be updated for me..
I was actually scum roleblocker in Newbie Mini Mafia L.
Also I'm Odin+OOP in the player history. Not sure what caused this. But ye, could someone combine the two?
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On May 23 2014 22:58 OdinOfPergo wrote: I'm going to ask this to be updated for me..
I was actually scum roleblocker in Newbie Mini Mafia L.
Also I'm Odin+OOP in the player history. Not sure what caused this. But ye, could someone combine the two?
You can edit them too :p
United States9244 Posts
Updated records and stats as of games finishing last week. Let me know if you notice something missing or incorrect.
Since March, the stats haven't changed a whole bunch.
rayn has played the most games this year despite getting banned back in April. Town continues to close the gap on mafia in terms of wins. We're currently on pace to fall short of last year's game and player count, but not by that much. The game type stat has been added. We host a lot of minis. phagga finally stopped rolling town. The day once lynch percentage is up a full percent, matching the random lynch percentage exactly. VE was lynched a bunch more times. After 27 games, LSB has won his first game as mafia.
Hoping to have a few new stats soon like longest win streak and best win percentage for players surviving to endgame.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On June 17 2014 00:02 marvellosity wrote: Holy lost Hogwarts
lol marv.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I just like things to be correct. Especially when it involves usurping my position :p
United States9639 Posts
i think players should get losses if they replace out and there team then goes on to lose.
On June 17 2014 00:15 iamperfection wrote: i think players should get losses if they replace out and there team then goes on to lose. +1 and not get a win when the team wins.
United States9639 Posts
whats your opinion on the matter marv?
United Kingdom36156 Posts
my opinion is that you're trolling the fuck out of me <3
I read Iamperfection as IMPERFECTION. Anyone else? can't stop doing it.
United States9639 Posts
On June 17 2014 00:32 DarthPunk wrote: I read Iamperfection as IMPERFECTION. Anyone else? can't stop doing it. DarthPunk is still the lamest sounding sith lord ever.
United States9244 Posts
On June 17 2014 00:02 marvellosity wrote: Holy lost Hogwarts
Yep, looks like it was entered incorrectly.
On June 17 2014 00:24 Koshi wrote:Show nested quote +On June 17 2014 00:15 iamperfection wrote: i think players should get losses if they replace out and there team then goes on to lose. +1 and not get a win when the team wins.
Unfortunately, this isn't plausible. A ton of the time replacements aren't documented and those that were would require going back and updating things for a couple hundred games, which isn't really worth the 1-2 game difference it would have on an individual level.
In my opinion, when the majority of players are replaced, they either have a valid reason or they have had a relatively low impact on the game. If they replace without a valid reason, they receive a postgame ban so people can't abuse subbing out during a losing effort. Modkills are still counted and they reflect most of the cases where you would want a loss to count against a player.
United States9639 Posts
Your missing the point kita we can give Marv another mafia loss.
United States9244 Posts
Oh in that case, I think that's a perfectly reasonable suggestion. Don't worry, I'm already punishing him for playing in games that end in ties due to host errors.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On June 17 2014 01:07 kitaman27 wrote: Don't worry, I'm already punishing him for playing in games that end in ties due to host errors.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On June 17 2014 00:02 marvellosity wrote: Holy lost Hogwarts
On June 17 2014 00:33 iamperfection wrote:Show nested quote +On June 17 2014 00:32 DarthPunk wrote: I read Iamperfection as IMPERFECTION. Anyone else? can't stop doing it. DarthPunk is still the lamest sounding sith lord ever. i read it as "lampaffection" the first time i saw it and that's just stuck with me
Is someone still updating this?
United States9244 Posts
On July 13 2014 00:21 kitaman27 wrote: Yep. Meh, I don't see my name in the overall win percentage thingy. ^_^
How do we deal with hydras?
United States9244 Posts
On July 13 2014 01:38 IAmRobik wrote: How do we deal with hydras?
The hydra username is used, unless the game was played under their regular account.
On July 13 2014 01:38 IAmRobik wrote: How do we deal with hydras? hydras don't count for your personal record. Because you can team up with somebody who can actually play.
On July 13 2014 01:41 Koshi wrote:hydras don't count for your personal record. Because you can team up with somebody who can actually play. The burn. So hot.
And newbie games don't count for overall games/win%/town/maf/etc stats?
United States9244 Posts
For individual stats? Yes, they count.
United States9244 Posts
So I threw together a query for win streaks:
Longest Win Streak DarthPunk 11 Holyflare 9 kitaman27 8 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Rainbows 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 GMarshal 6
Darthpunk takes the cake with a very impressive 11 game win streak from 8/2012 to 3/2013.
I potentially could have reached 13 games, but my 1 loss over that period was a game where I was shot night 0 before I made any posts. I still hate you BC. -_-
However, I'm now in a much better mood after discovering this wonderful stat:
From August 2010 to January 2011, LSB lost 12 games in a row. After displaying a complete disregard for the laws of physics in Insane Mafia 2, he has proven that even the law of averages apply not to him.
Interestingly enough, rayn has the third longest win streak (7) and second longest losing streak (11)
Hmm, I am on a 6 game win-streak, why didn't I show up? 
Oh derp. One of those games was on a smurf. I'm dumb.
wait i have won 7 games in a row? rofl. i lose all my games because i am bad or my town is bad.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 19 2014 11:40 kitaman27 wrote:So I threw together a query for win streaks: Longest Win StreakDarthPunk 11 kitaman27 8 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Rainbows 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 GMarshal 6 Darthpunk takes the cake with a very impressive 11 game win streak from 8/2012 to 3/2013. I potentially could have reached 13 games, but my 1 loss over that period was a game where I was shot night 0 before I made any posts. I still hate you BC. -_- However, I'm now in a much better mood after discovering this wonderful stat: From August 2010 to January 2011, LSB lost 12 games in a row. After displaying a complete disregard for the laws of physics in Insane Mafia 2, he has proven that even the law of averages apply not to him. Interestingly enough, rayn has the third longest win streak (7) and second longest losing streak (11) 
I've won 9 in a row?
United States9244 Posts
On July 19 2014 20:17 Holyflare wrote:Show nested quote +On July 19 2014 11:40 kitaman27 wrote:So I threw together a query for win streaks: Longest Win StreakDarthPunk 11 kitaman27 8 raynpelikoneet 7 Incognito 7 darmousseh 7 Adam4167 7 Rainbows 7 Divinek 7 debears 7 heist 7 justanothertownie 6 prplhz 6 GMarshal 6 Darthpunk takes the cake with a very impressive 11 game win streak from 8/2012 to 3/2013. I potentially could have reached 13 games, but my 1 loss over that period was a game where I was shot night 0 before I made any posts. I still hate you BC. -_- However, I'm now in a much better mood after discovering this wonderful stat: From August 2010 to January 2011, LSB lost 12 games in a row. After displaying a complete disregard for the laws of physics in Insane Mafia 2, he has proven that even the law of averages apply not to him. Interestingly enough, rayn has the third longest win streak (7) and second longest losing streak (11)  I've won 9 in a row?
Hmm looks like Vengeful Mafia was wrong. Looks like you're right.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Cell mafia ruins so many things
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Let's get some stats that don't include newbie games going !
United States9244 Posts
We wouldn't want to discriminate against those that are naturally talented from the start
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Well newbies are for learning how to play so there's obviously distinct advantages to those who aren't newbies. Hence balance out the stats with non newbie stats!
Should have probably played all the newbie games if you are a statshunter.
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
Hiho, I seem to have been erroneously put down as 'ashwtini' for one game
I'm not in the win streak list with 8 games 
I had 100% wins with 8 games (( now I'm 8-2
United States9244 Posts
The stats take a while to update so I do them less frequently than the filter lists.
You'll get your spot eventually
On October 04 2014 01:30 kitaman27 wrote:The stats take a while to update so I do them less frequently than the filter lists. You'll get your spot eventually  The filter lists are pretty outdated too...
United States9244 Posts
On October 04 2014 01:32 justanothertownie wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2014 01:30 kitaman27 wrote:The stats take a while to update so I do them less frequently than the filter lists. You'll get your spot eventually  The filter lists are pretty outdated too...
It shouldn't be too bad. I last updated them sometime in mid August.
If you'd like more frequent updates, the OP details how you can help enter games.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
aren't we supposed to add our own games after hosting them anyway? lazy mofo hosts
United States9244 Posts
Filters and statistics have been updated as of 11/13/14.
Holy has passed rayn in the race for most games played in 2014.
JAT is a mini game monster, winning 6 out of 7.
The_Zen_Man lost his perfect newbie record. Gotta quit while you're ahead!
GlowingBear registered an impressive 8 game win streak.
The gap between mafia and town has widened in the win column, but mafia are getting lynched more frequently on day one. I guess this means mafia are getting lynched less frequently after day one? -_-
Player and game counts are still on the decline, year to year.
Blazinghand has surpassed GMarshal as the most frequent hoster (lets pretend hoster is a word).
Chairman Ray always rolls mafia (7/12).
United States9639 Posts
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On November 18 2014 01:08 iamperfection wrote: DEAD GAME Just as all the threads go yellow :p
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Holyflare 8/10 = 80.0000%
what is this forged statistic and when did i lose this other mafia game?
United States9244 Posts
On November 18 2014 03:03 Holyflare wrote: Holyflare 8/10 = 80.0000%
what is this forged statistic and when did i lose this other mafia game?
On October 01 2013 04:31 kitaman27 wrote:Bonus poll, relating to the TL Database statistics: Poll: Should a player who is modkilled receive credit for a win?No (21) 95% Yes (1) 5% 22 total votes Your vote: Should a player who is modkilled receive credit for a win? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No
You got sabotaged by BH XD
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Shouldn't really count at all then!
your Country52797 Posts
There should be a highest losing percentage leaderboard. I have a perfect record there
United Kingdom36156 Posts
i approve of 8/10 statistic
United States9244 Posts
On November 18 2014 03:41 Holyflare wrote: Shouldn't really count at all then!
Well you can make the argument that it isn't counted. You played in ten games, you were credited for winning 8. Therefore, an 80% winning percentage. Nobody is saying that you have a 20% losing percentage! 
I don't really have a strong preference for how they should be counted. Maybe appeal the modkill to BH if you feel that it was unwarranted? Or register 20 smurf accounts to flip the results of the poll?
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Lol well it was a bs modkill 2 hours before the game was over but whatever
Can we get a killed n1 stat?
United States9244 Posts
On November 18 2014 07:12 Holyflare wrote: Lol well it was a bs modkill 2 hours before the game was over but whatever
I'll update the script so that it counts as a loss if you lose and doesn't count at all if you win 
On November 18 2014 07:17 IAmRobik wrote: Can we get a killed n1 stat?
Sure, these numbers are as town only.
Most N0/N1 Town Deaths Blazinghand 10 VisceraEyes 10 Palmar 10 raynpelikoneet 9 marvellosity 9 bumatlarge 7 Jackal58 7 Ace 7
Most N0/N1 Town Deaths by % IAmRobik 6/14 = 42.8571% Blazinghand 10/27 = 37.0370% s0Lstice 4/11 = 36.3636% chaos13 4/12 = 33.3333% Mr. Wiggles 6/19 = 31.5789% LSB 6/21 = 28.5714% Ace 7/25 = 28.0000% Caller 4/15 = 26.6667% Kurumi 5/19 = 26.3158%
Most N0/N1/N2 Town Deaths by % sciberbia 7/10 = 70.0000% s0Lstice 7/11 = 63.6364% Radfield 8/15 = 53.3333% Jackal58 16/30 = 53.3333% chaos13 6/12 = 50.0000% IAmRobik 7/14 = 50.0000%
Fewest N0/N1 Town Deaths by % Hopeless1der 0/27 = 0.0000% Coagulation 0/23 = 0.0000% Alakaslam 0/21 = 0.0000% ~OpZ~ 0/20 = 0.0000% Stutters695 0/19 = 0.0000% risk.nuke 0/18 = 0.0000% zeks 0/15 = 0.0000% MrZentor 0/14 = 0.0000% Mocsta 0/14 = 0.0000% Bluelightz 0/14 = 0.0000% Tehpoofter 0/14 = 0.0000% Toadesstern 0/14 = 0.0000%
SSON I gotta pass da KOAG
I am koming 4 U hopeless1der
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On November 18 2014 16:29 Alakaslam wrote: SSON I gotta pass da KOAG
I am koming 4 U hopeless1der Lol I don't think I should be proud of that Stat. Come get it slam.
On November 18 2014 20:04 marvellosity wrote: lol gj Robik. I knew I had a meaningful stat in there somewhere.
On November 18 2014 23:53 IAmRobik wrote:I knew I had a meaningful stat in there somewhere. ^^ You need to start sitting out stuff.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
N1 deaths are for noobs that aren't good enough for medic protects
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On November 18 2014 23:59 Holyflare wrote:N1 deaths are for noobs that aren't good enough for medic protects there is actually some truth to this
On November 18 2014 23:57 justanothertownie wrote:Show nested quote +On November 18 2014 23:53 IAmRobik wrote:On November 18 2014 20:04 marvellosity wrote: lol gj Robik. I knew I had a meaningful stat in there somewhere. ^^ You need to start sitting out stuff. i did...but no one acknowledged it so w/e
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Is Robik banned? Banlist shows 2 warns and thats it. Why would he need to sit?
On November 19 2014 02:34 Hopeless1der wrote: Is Robik banned? Banlist shows 2 warns and thats it. Why would he need to sit? No final verdict was handed out, but i preemptively sat out knowing that it's probably going to happen. i think it's been about a month since i've been "banned"
I guess that would be it (although GM still hasn't approved):
On October 28 2014 07:23 geript wrote:Show nested quote +On October 28 2014 06:48 Hapahauli wrote:On October 28 2014 02:47 geript wrote:Fantasy football 2 bans: Requesting a 1 game ban for Damdred. He had been warned not to discuss host-player interaction in the thread and then deliberately did so again. He admitted that he'd probably would be modkilled so instead of thinking about it too hard I just obliged him. I could see this being lessened down to a warning considering the circumstances; he was put in a rather shitty position due to another player posting after death. That said, I think 1 game is right. I'm requesting a 4 game ban for IAmRobik. He wrote an abusive post. After being modkilled for said post, he intentionally outed his tracker check in order to ensure that a player that he knew was lying got lynched. He refused to stop playing the game and continued with his intention to ensure that Damdred got lynched. Additionally, he pretended to replace hosts. And he posted again in the morning affirming my suspicion that he wouldn't have stopped posting in the game short of a temporary ban. Additionally, in response to my pm informing him he was being modkilled, he sent me the following. Original Message From IAmRobik: Suck my dick. Dude has been diminutive to me all fuck game. Literally go fuck yourself GERIPT. Original Message From geript: On October 26 2014 15:04 IAmRobik wrote:On October 26 2014 12:29 GlowingBear wrote: I'd love to get Robik lynched You literally should die of aids and never play again. Seriously. You live in BR. How are you still alive? This post is entirely unacceptable and I will not have it in my game. Do no post in the game thread. If you would like, the obs QT I will send it to you. If you would like to discuss the modkill, you may do it either in post game or in pm with me here. Thank you. It all starts here. A warning or 1-game for damdred seems fine. I'd personally be a bit more lenient because he got absolutely screwed by Robik breaking the rules. And I find it hard to believe that a lot of players on this site (myself included) would keep their head after that situation. 3-games for Robik. I haven't seen a ban longer than that on this site. I actually like this opinion. +1 Requesting downgrade to warning for Damdred and downgrade to 3 games for Robik.
Honestly since Geript said the game was an abortion and didn't count robs ban probably shouldn't count maybe but wrong thread to discuss that
Of course the game does count. Wtf are you even talking about?
On October 28 2014 02:24 geript wrote: [N][M]Fantasy Fooball 2 Mafia has ended in an abortion of a game
United Kingdom30774 Posts
There was nothing even wrong with that game other than mafia getting completely shat on
It is a pretty blatant town win and Kita counted it accordingly.
On November 19 2014 04:05 Holyflare wrote: There was nothing even wrong with that game other than mafia getting completely shat on
....it was a joke to let rob play faster guys
United States25550 Posts
On November 19 2014 04:05 Holyflare wrote: There was nothing even wrong with that game other than mafia getting completely shat on
this is correct
On November 18 2014 23:25 Hopeless1der wrote:Show nested quote +On November 18 2014 16:29 Alakaslam wrote: SSON I gotta pass da KOAG
I am koming 4 U hopeless1der Lol I don't think I should be proud of that Stat. Come get it slam. See my sig
This is precisely why I seek it, I am one of the only who can take pride in this
these stats are cool ow up to date are thet?
United States9244 Posts
Part way through last month I believe. The last edit date at the very bottom of the post will usually show when they have been updated.
You got one of my games wrong. I was mafia in neat & tidy.
Hi, One of my games is missing, TL Mafia XLVII. Vanilla Townie, survived Day 3. I have tried to look it up in the database, I guess it hasn't been entered yet?
United States9244 Posts
XLVII ended prematurely with a draw so it was never counted.
One of these days I'll probably add support for ties though.
United States9244 Posts
Stats and filters have been updated up to mid-February. As always, let me know of any mistakes.
Things of note since last updated: Palmar is closing the gap with VE for most games played, trailing 78 to 76. More importantly, the gap for most lynched player is also one (25-24).
HolyFlare, rayn, poofter, and kush played the most games in 2014. LightnightStrike and rsoultin have essentially played in every game with 7 already under their belt in 2015.
FecalFeast broke the 10 game threshold to earn himself the third highest overall win percentage with 69%. Congrats!
Adam4167 has taken back the highest town win percentage, while stutters now holds the highest mini win rate, both through inactivity. Keep up the good work you two!
marv lost a game as mafia, but still sits on top.
The win percentage calculation has been modified so that modkills in a winning effort no longer count against you. As a result, Ver now has a 100% win rate in five games.
Mafia has won 1 more game than town since the last update (10-9).
The total number of games played was down year to year, but not too far off. Distinct player count was down almost 30% however.
There was a bug with the town killed percentage calculation. chaos now holds the top spot, having been shot in 11 out of 12 games.
FecalFeast on the other hand appears to never get shot, making it to end game in 12 out of 13. Based on his winning percentage, mafia might need to rethink leaving him around.
chaoser failed to play a game in 2014. Only Ace,BC, bum, Caller, Chezinu, and RoL have played in at least one game every year since '08.
Day one lynch percentage is slightly down. Don't let it fall below the random threshold!
Over the last 4 months, we only have 19 new players. That number seems low,
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Day one lynch percentage is slightly down. Don't let it fall below the random threshold!
The BH annoyance is nearing maximum.
I'm surprised I've only hosted 15 games, could swear I've hosted more.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Love these stats. Always had a fascination for this sort of thing.
also it seems like i play constantly, but since my high of 2nd in 2012 I seem to be falling way down the charts for games played by year.
United States25550 Posts
On March 09 2015 23:00 kitaman27 wrote: Day one lynch percentage is slightly down. Don't let it fall below the random threshold!
How many have left though kita?
United States2186 Posts
Maybe I'm crazy but I'm pretty sure I've played in something like 12-14 games, not 5, even if 1-2 of them were annulled midway.
Looks like some people pulled ahead of me for games hosted, guess not hosting for a while and not doing minis/normals will do that to a person though
United States9244 Posts
On March 10 2015 03:12 Alakaslam wrote: How many have left though kita?
I don't have an exact number, but it's probably around half.
On March 17 2015 13:45 Ver wrote: Maybe I'm crazy but I'm pretty sure I've played in something like 12-14 games, not 5, even if 1-2 of them were annulled midway.
Lets stick with the crazy theory. 
Smurf games aren't included in the total so that's probably the difference. Seems like you have 5 completed games, 1 modkilled game, and 1 where a role list was never posted unless I missed any others.
On March 17 2015 14:00 GreYMisT wrote: Looks like some people pulled ahead of me for games hosted, guess not hosting for a while and not doing minis/normals will do that to a person though
You just need Aperture to spawn 10 different mini games at once to inflate your total!
On March 17 2015 22:27 kitaman27 wrote:I don't have an exact number, but it's probably around half. Show nested quote +On March 17 2015 13:45 Ver wrote: Maybe I'm crazy but I'm pretty sure I've played in something like 12-14 games, not 5, even if 1-2 of them were annulled midway. Lets stick with the crazy theory.  Smurf games aren't included in the total so that's probably the difference. Seems like you have 5 completed games, 1 modkilled game, and 1 where a role list was never posted unless I missed any others. Show nested quote +On March 17 2015 14:00 GreYMisT wrote: Looks like some people pulled ahead of me for games hosted, guess not hosting for a while and not doing minis/normals will do that to a person though You just need Aperture to spawn 10 different mini games at once to inflate your total!
Would that count?
United States9244 Posts
On March 18 2015 00:13 GreYMisT wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2015 22:27 kitaman27 wrote:On March 10 2015 03:12 Alakaslam wrote: How many have left though kita? I don't have an exact number, but it's probably around half. On March 17 2015 13:45 Ver wrote: Maybe I'm crazy but I'm pretty sure I've played in something like 12-14 games, not 5, even if 1-2 of them were annulled midway. Lets stick with the crazy theory.  Smurf games aren't included in the total so that's probably the difference. Seems like you have 5 completed games, 1 modkilled game, and 1 where a role list was never posted unless I missed any others. On March 17 2015 14:00 GreYMisT wrote: Looks like some people pulled ahead of me for games hosted, guess not hosting for a while and not doing minis/normals will do that to a person though You just need Aperture to spawn 10 different mini games at once to inflate your total! Would that count?
Only if they positively impact my win percentage.
Hey Kita, can you do the other end of Town Lynched Percentage? It'd be funny to know who was most often mislynched
United States25550 Posts
also useful, since we'd know they are often suspected of being scum as town
On March 18 2015 07:33 iGrok wrote: Hey Kita, can you do the other end of Town Lynched Percentage? It'd be funny to know who was most often mislynched lets not do this?
As coag has said,
United States2186 Posts
On March 17 2015 22:27 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 17 2015 13:45 Ver wrote: Maybe I'm crazy but I'm pretty sure I've played in something like 12-14 games, not 5, even if 1-2 of them were annulled midway. Lets stick with the crazy theory.  Smurf games aren't included in the total so that's probably the difference. Seems like you have 5 completed games, 1 modkilled game, and 1 where a role list was never posted unless I missed any others.
Oh right. I had 2 games on Ser aspi and 2 games on jimbosilvers (last one was kavdragon), so it seems 11 total. You didn't list Caller's red army mafia game (role list). I forgot the smurf game got cancelled midway.
p.s that was a tactical modkill that won town the game
'tactical modkills' are considered cheating now days.
Yup no tactical modkill Sson
Is to cheeeeeeeeeeeet and wreck games
Tactical modkill rule dates even before I started playing and that was 4 years ago, Ver surely knows about it and that's why he mentioned it
United States2186 Posts
Yeah the game in question actually was responsible for the tactical modkill rule, since that was the first game inactivity modkills were introduced and nobody had conceived that they could be used to help win a game. Things were more like the wild west back then hehe.
Ver is right, tactical modkills weren't forbidden at the time, though it definitely felt like a dirty move and it added a ton of drama to that game. There was no ban list at the time either. However, we were more focused on getting games where half of the town wasn't inactive by night 3 simply because they were green and where the mafia's best strategy wasn't to simply shoot everyone who voted.
Let's be fair though, that wasn't the main move that won the town that game. It technically did win town the game, but only because the town won by such a razor thin margin that a bunch of things won them the game.
Wow, the holier-than-thou is strong with this one.
Not really. Just remembering a sour moment from an old game I hosted and taking the opportunity to poke a little fun at a friend.
Canada11355 Posts
On March 19 2015 13:34 Qatol wrote: Not really. Just remembering a sour moment from an old game I hosted and taking the opportunity to poke a little fun at a friend. Sorry, I was kind of out of line.
It's just frustrating when the "old-timers" only come around to post about the glory days and how TL Mafia ain't the same as it used to be, but with the undertone that it's objectively worse.
I could have been less snarky about it though. My apologies.
On March 19 2015 15:25 Keirathi wrote:Show nested quote +On March 19 2015 13:34 Qatol wrote: Not really. Just remembering a sour moment from an old game I hosted and taking the opportunity to poke a little fun at a friend. Sorry, I was kind of out of line. It's just frustrating when the "old-timers" only come around to post about the glory days and how TL Mafia ain't the same as it used to be, but with the undertone that it's objectively worse. I could have been less snarky about it though. My apologies. Qatol was not speaking about current games, but the past games While I do not doubt he reads something out of games sometimes, I really do not think he would talk about them in any way in an unrelated thread. Just go back to the Lurker Bane discussion and game that had them implemented - Real Time Mafia hosted by RebirthOfLegend. You will get why Qatol is so bitter about lurkers. We are friends here Kei, do not forget that
On March 19 2015 21:46 Kurumi wrote:Show nested quote +On March 19 2015 15:25 Keirathi wrote:On March 19 2015 13:34 Qatol wrote: Not really. Just remembering a sour moment from an old game I hosted and taking the opportunity to poke a little fun at a friend. Sorry, I was kind of out of line. It's just frustrating when the "old-timers" only come around to post about the glory days and how TL Mafia ain't the same as it used to be, but with the undertone that it's objectively worse. I could have been less snarky about it though. My apologies. Qatol was not speaking about current games, but the past games  While I do not doubt he reads something out of games sometimes, I really do not think he would talk about them in any way in an unrelated thread. Just go back to the Lurker Bane discussion and game that had them implemented - Real Time Mafia hosted by RebirthOfLegend. You will get why Qatol is so bitter about lurkers. We are friends here Kei, do not forget that 
No problem Keirathi. As Kurumi says, I was talking about an old game - specifically, the game Ver was modkilled in, which I hosted (Mafia VIII).
I don't think TL Mafia is objectively worse now than it was back then - in fact, I think things have improved a lot, in a lot of different ways - the players are WAY better, the setups are generally far more balanced, and the games actually get everyone involved (which was a serious problem back then - most of the town was basically expected to simply do what 1-2 confirmed townies told them to do, with most of the early game being centered around confirming those players as townies).
That being said, what I think you have been picking up on from us old timers (though, as Kurumi mentioned, not really what I intended with my post) is simply a little bit of nostalgia for fun times which happened during those games. It isn't that they were better or worse than the fun times that happen during the present games, we are just remembering that they happened and TL is still a natural meeting place for us. I apologize if someone (myself or someone else) made you feel like they were looking down on you just because you weren't around back then.
I definitely hate lurkers/inactives (definitely not a reference to current games), though it started earlier than Real Time Mafia. Mafia Resurrection hosted by BC was absolutely brutal. We had the ability to check how many mafia voted for someone during a given vote, giving us a 2/4 list and a 5/10 list, plus we had a day 1 rolecheck (rolechecks could be done during the day) + lynch on Ver (probably the mafia's best player that game), and still lost because the townies stopped voting.
Regardless, enough sidetracking the thread. The point of all of this is yes, there was a time where strategic modkills weren't against the rules, and yes, Ver's modkill was during that time. Also, he's totally engaging in puffery to say that his modkill "basically won the game for the town" and he needed to be called on it.
This talk of old games makes me want to host IRC SSB64 Mafia again... Would anyone be interested in that?
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 20 2015 13:57 iGrok wrote: This talk of old games makes me want to host IRC SSB64 Mafia again... Would anyone be interested in that?
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
United Kingdom36156 Posts
love IRC mafia, can do it without disturbing my other half (mostly)
I would be down for irc mafia as long as it's not during the week before 5pm CST
Just noticed an error.
Vivax is listed as mafia for Carol of the Bells, when he was actually town.
Hey Kita, what do you use to parse the data for the player records? Assuming it's some program you or someone else made, is it open source?
Basically I would like to add a couple of things:
1) Game type 2) Win or loss 3) Records
So for instance, the keirathi record would be something like this:
+ Show Spoiler [keirathi] +
i'm pretty sure kita hand crafted those queries like a boss
Hmm, if that's the case, would it be possible to get a dump of the DB? I might be interested in making the query -> post structure more automated.
pretty sure he's already way ahead of you there
United States9244 Posts
Sent you a PM
United States3044 Posts
The talk of the old-times of TL Mafia makes me want another smurf game.
Though I think besides Chezinu I was the only person entertained by that game.
Canada11355 Posts
As a young-timer I volunteer to host the smurf game
Wasn't there another smurf game like a year or two ago?
There's definitely been one since I've been around.
United States9244 Posts
On March 26 2015 14:19 Foolishness wrote: The talk of the old-times of TL Mafia makes me want another smurf game.
Though I think besides Chezinu I was the only person entertained by that game.
Just go ahead and create about 20 smurf accounts in preparation. I'm sure the mods won't mind.
United States2186 Posts
heh Smurf games are like opening pandora's box.
On March 26 2015 14:19 Foolishness wrote: The talk of the old-times of TL Mafia makes me want another smurf game.
Though I think besides Chezinu I was the only person entertained by that game.
I certainly enjoyed it. I bet Showtime! did too lol
Are we talking about bygone days now?
I miss playing mafia
I enjoyed the Experiment II mafia game that was all smurfs. Smurfs are fun!
On March 27 2015 16:34 iGrok wrote: I enjoyed the Experiment II mafia game that was all smurfs. Smurfs are fun! I cohosted those with RoL, he got banned for making all of the smurfs for a few days lol.
United States2186 Posts
Would it be convenient to get a list of faction winrates or flat games won for each year?
I remember compiling historical stats sometime in 2011 and found that the town and mafia had the exact same winrate (non-newbie) and almost no 3rd party wins, which was quite remarkable. Now it seems like every year town consistently takes a little bit more of a beating. Wonder why that is.
United States9244 Posts
Sure, here is what I came up with:
2008 Town 2/5 = 40.0000% Mafia 3/5 = 60.0000% Third Party 1/1 = 100.0000%
2009 Town 4/8 = 50.0000% Mafia 4/8 = 50.0000%
2010 Town 14/34 = 41.1765% Mafia 21/39 = 53.8462% Third Party 2/16 = 12.5000%
2011 Town 22/47 = 46.8085% Mafia 24/50 = 48.0000% Third Party 9/20 = 45.0000%
2012 Town 23/60 = 38.3333% Mafia 34/65 = 52.3077% Third Party 10/30 = 33.3333%
2013 Town 24/55 = 43.6364% Mafia 28/56 = 50.0000% Third Party 10/27 = 37.0370%
2014 Town 26/58 = 44.8276% Mafia 32/58 = 55.1724% Third Party 4/12 = 33.3333%
Overall excluding newbies Town 120/276 = 43.4783% Mafia 150/290 = 51.7241% Third Party 36/109 = 33.0275%
Overall including Newbies Town 148/341 = 43.4018% Mafia 186/355 = 52.3944% Third Party 36/113 = 31.8584%
Overall Newbies Town 28/65 = 43.0769% Mafia 36/65 = 55.3846% Third Party 0/4 - 0.0000%
Overall large normals Town 30/70 = 42.8571% Mafia 38/72 = 52.7778% Third Party 13/34 = 38.2353%
Overall normal minis Town 44/111 = 39.6396% Mafia 67/112 = 59.8214% Third Party 6/26 = 23.0769%
Overall themed Town 46/95 = 48.4211% Mafia 45/106 = 42.4528% Third Party 17/49 = 34.6939%
I can only conclude that we need more themed games to balance things out (or maybe getting rid of marv will help).
I'm a little confused.
Kita, how does this work out? Is this players? Games?
If its games, how does (for example) Town have 2/5 and Mafia have 3/5 and 3rd Party have 1/1 in 2008? Is that: 5 games played, 2 Town, 3 Mafia. One game had a third party with a non-exclusive wincon?
United States9244 Posts
On April 03 2015 12:30 iGrok wrote: I'm a little confused.
Kita, how does this work out? Is this players? Games?
If its games, how does (for example) Town have 2/5 and Mafia have 3/5 and 3rd Party have 1/1 in 2008? Is that: 5 games played, 2 Town, 3 Mafia. One game had a third party with a non-exclusive wincon?
Yeah it's games...or more specifically factions (for cases where you have several mafia teams or third party players in a single game),
And yes, 2 town wins, 3 mafia wins, and one shared third party win.
Ok cool. Would it be possible to adjust that list to separate third party wins into Shared with Town, Shared with Mafia, and Not Shared?
Seems to me we need to rethink our mini normal balance. Maybe tend to give town an extra power role? Reduce number/roles of mafia? Reduce mafia KP? 40/60 is very unbalanced.
The rest seems better (and tend to be more chaotic in balancing in any case).
United Kingdom30774 Posts
people will just bitch though 
Should train town people to be better instead.
On April 08 2015 02:21 Holyflare wrote:people will just bitch though  Should train town people to be better instead. YES
people will always bitch, such is life on tl mafia
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On April 08 2015 02:20 Acrofales wrote: Seems to me we need to rethink our mini normal balance. Maybe tend to give town an extra power role? Reduce number/roles of mafia? Reduce mafia KP? 40/60 is very unbalanced.
The rest seems better (and tend to be more chaotic in balancing in any case). Some people (who shall remain nameless) think that towns are constantly outperforming mafia, and as a consequence keep nerfing towns in minis. And then, surprisingly, mafia get decent results.
Nerfing towns is the zeitgeist for some reason.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
In certain player lists they do :p
United States9244 Posts
On April 08 2015 02:21 Holyflare wrote: Should train town people to be better instead.
Pssh town needs more tools to deal with the predominant mafia strategy of not doing anything until the town mislynches themselves into oblivion. If setups are more town favored then mafia would have to train themselves to be better instead! Plus, everyone would receive a bump in the all important win rate since you're more likely to roll town than mafia 
@iGrok yeah I can figure out the shared 3p wins, but it will take a bit longer
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On April 09 2015 23:12 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 08 2015 02:21 Holyflare wrote: Should train town people to be better instead. Pssh town needs more tools to deal with the predominant mafia strategy of not doing anything until the town mislynches themselves into oblivion. If setups are more town favored then mafia would have to train themselves to be better instead! Plus, everyone would receive a bump in the all important win rate since you're more likely to roll town than mafia  @iGrok yeah I can figure out the shared 3p wins, but it will take a bit longer
Think it's more just a problem of motivation on every front and I'm not sure how to change that. Especially for people that don't like playing as mafia.
Among other things.
Canada11355 Posts
On April 10 2015 09:40 GreYMisT wrote: and more dimensional bussdrivers
On April 10 2015 09:40 GreYMisT wrote: and more bussdrivers There is a limit. When you are shooting the person you have been originally gunning for again there are too many busdrivers.
United States9244 Posts
I just finished entered the remaining games over the last couple months so I'll update the filter lists today or tomorrow. I'll probably wait another month or two before refreshing the other stuff.
In the meantime, a couple polls based on Keirathi's suggestion, whether or not we should increase the minimum amount of games in the win rate stats now that we have a larger sample size compared to three years ago, and new stats to possibly play around with.
Poll: Should the win/loss result be included in each player's filter list?Yes, that would be useful info to have. (11) 69% No, it would only make things more elitist (5) 31% 16 total votes Your vote: Should the win/loss result be included in each player's filter list? (Vote): Yes, that would be useful info to have. (Vote): No, it would only make things more elitist
Poll: Should the minimum game threshold be increased for overall win %?Yes, it should be increased to 15 (11) 73% No, it should remain at 10 (3) 20% Yes, it should be increased to 20 (1) 7% 15 total votes Your vote: Should the minimum game threshold be increased for overall win %? (Vote): Yes, it should be increased to 15 (Vote): Yes, it should be increased to 20 (Vote): No, it should remain at 10
Poll: Should the minimum game threshold be increased for mafia/other win %?Yes, it should be increased to 6 (10) 67% No, it should remain at 5 (4) 27% Yes, it should be increased to 7+ (1) 7% 15 total votes Your vote: Should the minimum game threshold be increased for mafia/other win %? (Vote): Yes, it should be increased to 6 (Vote): Yes, it should be increased to 7+ (Vote): No, it should remain at 5
Poll: What type of new stat would you be most interested in?Simple multiplayer "elo"/alternative numerical ranking system (6) 40% Post count to game result correlations (5) 33% Impact of popular roles in normal mini game setups (4) 27% Other (specify) (0) 0% 15 total votes Your vote: What type of new stat would you be most interested in? (Vote): Post count to game result correlations (Vote): Simple multiplayer "elo"/alternative numerical ranking system (Vote): Impact of popular roles in normal mini game setups (Vote): Other (specify)
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Get dat elo system implemented so i can make some ranked games thing.
United States25550 Posts
I don't care what system we use as long as it accurately represents me as an S-Rank player
On May 20 2015 06:15 Holyflare wrote: Get dat elo system implemented so i can make some ranked games thing. I think this is a bad idea. First of all your win percentage is at best loosely tied to your actual skill level (especially as town) and more importantly you cannot compare let's say normal minis and big themed games. If you implement an elo system some people might just stop joining certain games to not ruin their stats. And it certainly will not reduce the amount of drama if people who care about their stats have people who don't care on their team. If you want some "ranked" game host an invite only game.
What temperature is it in hell again? 
Seriously though, I completely agree with JAT. I couldn't have said it any better than he just did.
And Kita, much <3 and thanks for updating/enhancing the database.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On May 20 2015 20:49 justanothertownie wrote:Show nested quote +On May 20 2015 06:15 Holyflare wrote: Get dat elo system implemented so i can make some ranked games thing. I think this is a bad idea. First of all your win percentage is at best loosely tied to your actual skill level (especially as town) and more importantly you cannot compare let's say normal minis and big themed games. If you implement an elo system some people might just stop joining certain games to not ruin their stats. And it certainly will not reduce the amount of drama if people who care about their stats have people who don't care on their team. If you want some "ranked" game host an invite only game.
Well I'm going to make it a totally fair hidden system with decay and mathematics! Nobody has to join it it'll be a separate queue or something.
just a note when checking out my filters: i was wrongfully added as town RB in LXX, was mafia RB. there may be other errors for that game, was going to edit it myself, but couldn't
On May 22 2015 04:15 ritoky wrote:just a note when checking out my filters: i was wrongfully added as town RB in LXX, was mafia RB. there may be other errors for that game, was going to edit it myself, but couldn't 
Not sure what happened.
But that's what I had in my OP.
Flips: + Show Spoiler [Flips] +D1: Bill Murray, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N1: VisceraEyes, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. N1: Holyflare, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D2: LightningStrike, the Kree footsoldier (Mafia Vanilla), has been lynched. N2: ExO_, as Peter Quill, the Star Lord (Alignment Cop), has been nightkilled. N2: rsoultin, as Gamora Zen-Whoberi, (Town Jailer), has been nightkilled. N2: Palmar, the Kree footsoldier (Mafia Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D3: Alakaslam, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N3: Eden1892, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D4: Superbia, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N4: No one has been nightkilled. D5: Breshke, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N5: Vivax, as Drax the Destroyer, (Town Vigilante), has been nightkilled. D6: ritoky, as Nebula (Mafia Roleblocker), has been lynched. N6: Artanis[Xp], the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D7: Onegu, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched.
D7: Damdred, as Yondu Udonta (Town Miller), has been endgamed. D7: Fecalfeast, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been endgamed. D7: Trfel, as Corpsman Rhomann Dey (Veteran), has been endgamed.
D7: Toadesstern, as Ronan the Accuser (Mafia Godfather), has survived. D7: sicklucker, as Tanaleer Tivan the Collector (Mafia Rolecop), has survived.
EDIT: Database OP isn't updated, so others in LXX should double check.
On May 22 2015 04:28 Half the Sky wrote:Show nested quote +On May 22 2015 04:15 ritoky wrote:just a note when checking out my filters: i was wrongfully added as town RB in LXX, was mafia RB. there may be other errors for that game, was going to edit it myself, but couldn't  Not sure what happened. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/mafia/480042-tl-mafia-lxx-guardians-of-the-galaxyBut that's what I had in my OP. Flips:+ Show Spoiler [Flips] +D1: Bill Murray, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N1: VisceraEyes, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. N1: Holyflare, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D2: LightningStrike, the Kree footsoldier (Mafia Vanilla), has been lynched. N2: ExO_, as Peter Quill, the Star Lord (Alignment Cop), has been nightkilled. N2: rsoultin, as Gamora Zen-Whoberi, (Town Jailer), has been nightkilled. N2: Palmar, the Kree footsoldier (Mafia Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D3: Alakaslam, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N3: Eden1892, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D4: Superbia, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N4: No one has been nightkilled. D5: Breshke, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched. N5: Vivax, as Drax the Destroyer, (Town Vigilante), has been nightkilled. D6: ritoky, as Nebula (Mafia Roleblocker), has been lynched. N6: Artanis[Xp], the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been nightkilled. D7: Onegu, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been lynched.
D7: Damdred, as Yondu Udonta (Town Miller), has been endgamed. D7: Fecalfeast, the Nova Corps (Town Vanilla), has been endgamed. D7: Trfel, as Corpsman Rhomann Dey (Veteran), has been endgamed.
D7: Toadesstern, as Ronan the Accuser (Mafia Godfather), has survived. D7: sicklucker, as Tanaleer Tivan the Collector (Mafia Rolecop), has survived. EDIT: Database OP isn't updated, so others in LXX should double check. Can confirm that that the database has him as Town Roleblocker not Mafia Roleblocker.
United States9244 Posts
The database has been updated as of 7 days ago. I made a few changes to the site to accommodate student games as a game type and ties as a game result. I still need to go back and update past games to back-fill the data. The player section now contains the game type tag for each game. I decided to hold off on including the game result, since there were enough votes against it. I also updated the minimum game cut-off on the win percentage stats based on the poll results on the previous page. The sample size is a bit larger than it was back in 2012, so that probably makes sense to increase as time goes on.
I also updated the statistics section. Here are the highlights from the 4-5 months:
VE and Palmar are tied for most games played at 85. damdred has played the most games so far this year with 19, with rsoul, LS and onegu close behind. A few of them might be able to challenge Oat's record of 32 games in 2013. Incognito has dropped off from top spot for overall win percentage due to the 15 minimum game cutoff. He totally needs to reclaim his title by playing a few more. Adam now holds the top spot at an impressive 79%. That's probably going to stand until the cutoff is raised again. GlowingBear holds the top spot for mafia win percentage at 5/6. Good thing we don't count smurf games. Ver pointed out that one of the older games was missing so he lost his perfect 5/5 normal game winrate. Questionable strategy there! LucasWoJ sits on top now with 7/8. GreYMist has the highest theme game win rate thanks to the 6 game threshold. Sorry Acro! There have been 13 town wins and 13 mafia wins since the last update. Give a gold star to the balance team. Game count and player counts are on pace for roughly the same amount as last year. sciberbia now holds the highest town killed percentage due to a missing game being added for chaos13. Pyr overtakes Fecal for survival rate. The day one lynch rate continues to climb. The newbie return rate has broken 50% for the first time.
I also put together a MIA list for players who have not played in the last 6 months for everyone to harass: bumatlarge (46 games) Last played: 2014-01-26 kushm4sta (43 games) Last played: 2014-12-16 Jackal58 (43 games) Last played: 2013-01-03 Ace (39 games) Last played: 2014-04-25 BloodyC0bbler (39 games) Last played: 2014-09-14 chaoser (38 games) Last played: 2013-05-12 Coagulation (35 games) Last played: 2014-12-16 Kenpachi (35 games) Last played: 2013-03-16 Mr. Wiggles (34 games) Last played: 2013-07-16 austinmcc (33 games) Last played: 2014-04-25 Hopeless1der (33 games) Last played: 2014-11-19 Foolishness (31 games) Last played: 2014-04-25 slOosh (31 games) Last played: 2014-07-29 thrawn2112 (30 games) Last played: 2014-05-12 Amber[LighT] (30 games) Last played: 2011-08-04 deconduo (30 games) Last played: 2013-09-21 Meapak_Ziphh (29 games) Last played: 2014-06-10 sinani206 (29 games) Last played: 2014-07-29 LSB (29 games) Last played: 2014-04-02 Pandain (28 games) Last played: 2013-11-15 iamperfection (28 games) Last played: 2014-11-26 Mattchew (28 games) Last played: 2013-11-15 ~OpZ~ (26 games) Last played: 2012-02-21 JeeJee (25 games) Last played: 2012-08-15 GGQ (24 games) Last played: 2012-07-16 Fishball (24 games) Last played: 2011-07-01 risk.nuke (23 games) Last played: 2014-10-30 syllogism (23 games) Last played: 2014-04-02 Layabout (23 games) Last played: 2014-07-07 Radfield (22 games) Last played: 2012-06-10 BrownBear (22 games) Last played: 2012-06-10 Tehpoofter (21 games) Last played: 2014-09-14 Caller (21 games) Last played: 2014-04-25 Grackaroni (21 games) Last played: 2014-11-02 iNfuNdiBuLuM (20 games) Last played: 2010-12-10 Supersoft (20 games) Last played: 2013-11-30 Node (20 games) Last played: 2013-08-31 Scamp (20 games) Last played: 2012-01-26 grush57 (19 games) Last played: 2013-05-12 Bluelightz (19 games) Last played: 2012-12-10 ObviousOne (19 games) Last played: 2014-10-05 L (19 games) Last played: 2012-01-13 gumshoe (19 games) Last played: 2014-06-10 HiroPro (19 games) Last played: 2014-07-07 DoctorHelvetica (19 games) Last played: 2013-07-16 ShiaoPi (18 games) Last played: 2014-09-14 Mr. Cheesecake (18 games) Last played: 2014-01-07 MrZentor (18 games) Last played: 2013-08-31 GMarshal (18 games) Last played: 2012-04-13 Promethelax (18 games) Last played: 2014-09-23 Gonzaw (17 games) Last played: 2014-01-21 Zephirdd (17 games) Last played: 2013-06-13 zeks (17 games) Last played: 2011-12-12 Dandel Ion (17 games) Last played: 2014-04-02 jaybrundage (17 games) Last played: 2014-10-30 [UoN]Sentinel (17 games) Last played: 2014-11-26 EchelonTee (17 games) Last played: 2014-06-28 OriginalName (16 games) Last played: 2013-07-07 mkfuba07 (16 games) Last played: 2014-01-07 Risen (16 games) Last played: 2014-02-08 youngminii (16 games) Last played: 2011-11-11 FirmTofu (15 games) Last played: 2014-04-15 Misder (15 games) Last played: 2014-10-30 malongo (15 games) Last played: 2013-09-21 barundar (15 games) Last played: 2012-05-17 chaos13 (15 games) Last played: 2012-02-21 Forumite (15 games) Last played: 2014-07-07 Sn0_Man (15 games) Last played: 2014-11-26 Drazerk (15 games) Last played: 2012-09-30 Mementoss (15 games) Last played: 2013-08-31
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Holyflare 10/14 = 71.4286%
woah woah when did i lose 4 mafia games?
United States9244 Posts
3 plus a modkill me thinks. I'll exclude that one next time things are updated.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
thanks as always kita, love the stats
On July 07 2015 23:12 Holyflare wrote:woah woah when did i lose 4 mafia games? Not so high and mighty now, are we? :D
United Kingdom30774 Posts
God fuck that bh game modkilled 20 minutes before the end of the game after destroying it.
United Kingdom10443 Posts
so does the interface still work for inputting games? How often does the Op get updated?
United States9244 Posts
On August 14 2015 08:46 KelsierSC wrote: so does the interface still work for inputting games? How often does the Op get updated?
Yeah it should. I try to update the filters every month or two (the stats less frequently). I have a bit of a backlog at the moment since there wasn't much motivation to enter games when the filter links were broken
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On August 14 2015 09:19 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 14 2015 08:46 KelsierSC wrote: so does the interface still work for inputting games? How often does the Op get updated? Yeah it should. I try to update the filters every month or two (the stats less frequently). I have a bit of a backlog at the moment since there wasn't much motivation to enter games when the filter links were broken 
You should collaborate with xata and make a database auto updating bot for game filters/winners etc
United States9244 Posts
On August 15 2015 02:14 Holyflare wrote:Show nested quote +On August 14 2015 09:19 kitaman27 wrote:On August 14 2015 08:46 KelsierSC wrote: so does the interface still work for inputting games? How often does the Op get updated? Yeah it should. I try to update the filters every month or two (the stats less frequently). I have a bit of a backlog at the moment since there wasn't much motivation to enter games when the filter links were broken  You should collaborate with xata and make a database auto updating bot for game filters/winners etc
The tricky part would be figuring out the roles/alignments for each player at the end of the game. The hosts would need to format things in a certain way which seems rather unlikely considering how frequently people forget to update the OP when the game ends XD
Filter links have been updates as of 9/7/15.
Pretty sure that raynpelikonnet and raynpelioneet are both supposed to be raynpelikoneet.
I enjoy this database thing so much. Not that it matters but I just noticed. Student Mafia VIII I was endgamed, not lynched. XD
After looking at things I must policy lynch shining next game no way 90% town rolls holds up
You just jelly about how green I am.
I wonder when I'll have time to play another game. Or host. Yeah, hosting. Hosting's fun.
United States9244 Posts
Filter list updated 11/9/15
On November 10 2015 02:38 kitaman27 wrote: Filter list updated 11/9/15
Cheers on all the time you are putting into this <3
On November 10 2015 02:41 Half the Sky wrote:<3 Cheers on all the time you are putting into this <3 ++
- Hide Spoiler [Raynmaster] -
[M][N] A Quiet Game of Mini Mafia Town Vanilla Survived Day 1 [M][N] World Heavyweight Championship Mafia II Town Vanilla Survived Day 2
The games above are actually games i have played on my own account by myself and not hydraed with Oats.
My filters for the games are here: A Quiet Game of Mini Mafia World Heavyweight Championship Mafia II
rayn's post made me check, and I have one game missing:
Season of the Witch 2 - Necromancer - Survived D4
The player list:
I checked a few of them and the game doesn't seem to be added for anyone.
I also played in two aborted games (Crossfire, Desert center), apparently you don't record those right ?
United States9244 Posts
On November 10 2015 20:15 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +- Hide Spoiler [Raynmaster] -
[M][N] A Quiet Game of Mini Mafia Town Vanilla Survived Day 1 [M][N] World Heavyweight Championship Mafia II Town Vanilla Survived Day 2 The games above are actually games i have played on my own account by myself and not hydraed with Oats. My filters for the games are here: A Quiet Game of Mini MafiaWorld Heavyweight Championship Mafia II
kk will fix next update.
On November 10 2015 22:47 Rels wrote:rayn's post made me check, and I have one game missing: Season of the Witch 2 - Necromancer - Survived D4The player list: I checked a few of them and the game doesn't seem to be added for anyone. I also played in two aborted games (Crossfire, Desert center), apparently you don't record those right ?
I PM'd Palmar for the role list since I didn't see it posted in the thread, but I never heard back. If anyone still remembers it then I can add it.
And yeah, usually I skip the aborted games.
On November 10 2015 23:15 kitaman27 wrote: And yeah, usually I skip the aborted games.
I don't know what you are referring to but none of those three games were aborted.
In SotW II scum legit won. In WHC II town legit won. In Quiet game scum conceded on N1 when they got their member lynched on D1 and rest two figured out on N1.
On November 10 2015 23:15 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2015 20:15 raynpelikoneet wrote:- Hide Spoiler [Raynmaster] -
[M][N] A Quiet Game of Mini Mafia Town Vanilla Survived Day 1 [M][N] World Heavyweight Championship Mafia II Town Vanilla Survived Day 2 The games above are actually games i have played on my own account by myself and not hydraed with Oats. My filters for the games are here: A Quiet Game of Mini MafiaWorld Heavyweight Championship Mafia II kk will fix next update. Show nested quote +On November 10 2015 22:47 Rels wrote:rayn's post made me check, and I have one game missing: Season of the Witch 2 - Necromancer - Survived D4The player list: I checked a few of them and the game doesn't seem to be added for anyone. I also played in two aborted games (Crossfire, Desert center), apparently you don't record those right ? I PM'd Palmar for the role list since I didn't see it posted in the thread, but I never heard back. If anyone still remembers it then I can add it. And yeah, usually I skip the aborted games. Sure. Man you do a lot of work on this, thank you.
- raynpelikoneet - Oracle
- Damdred - Clairvoyant
- Fecalfeast - Acolyte
- Bill Murray - Judge
- The Shining - Inquisitor
- Tictock - Grandier
- Vivax - Martyr
- Rels - Necromancer
- Half the Sky - Exorcist
- LightningStrike - The Pope
- Fidei86 - Demon
- geript - Wandering Wraith
- Dandel Ion - Crusader
On November 10 2015 23:17 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On November 10 2015 23:15 kitaman27 wrote: And yeah, usually I skip the aborted games.
I don't know what you are referring to but none of those three games were aborted. In SotW II scum legit won. In WHC II town legit won. In Quiet game scum conceded on N1 when they got their member lynched on D1 and rest two figured out on N1. He's talking about Crossfire and Desert Center p:
I wonder, is something like a list of how often X played with Y possible? Perhaps have a list of players that most commonly played with one another?
United States9244 Posts
Game Records
+ Show Spoiler [Normal Games] +
+ Show Spoiler [Themed Games] +[GG] Mafia XII - The Summer Season+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Chezinu as the Mafia Godfather Survived Filter chaoser as the Mafia Pledge Lynched Day 6 Filter ecomania as the Mafia Pledge Lynched Day 4 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Mafia Pledge Survived Filter Scamp as the Mafia Pledge Killed Night 2 Filter motbob as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Pyrrhuloxia as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Filter Truthbringer as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter redtooth as the Town Angel Killed Night 3 Filter StorrZerg as the Town Angel Killed Night 5 Filter inertinept as the Town Assassin Killed Night 3 Filter scaramanga as the Town Assassin Killed Night 6 Filter BWdero as the Town Bodyguard Lynched Day 7 Filter LucasWoJ as the Town Bodyguard Killed Night 5 Filter Shikyo as the Town Bodyguard Killed Night 1 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Mayor Lynched Day 3 Filter Falcynn as the Town Mystic Killed Night 7 Filter So no fek as the Town Mystic Killed Night 2 Filter vx70GTOJudgexv as the Town Priest Killed Night 2 Filter Bockit as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter Caller as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Clasic as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter Elemenope as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Faronel as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter Fishball as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Foolishness as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter goodwill as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter HeavOnEarth as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter IloveKt as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter iNfuNdiBuLuM as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 6 Filter JeeJee as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter kuja900 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter L as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Lenwe as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 8 Filter malongo as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 7 Filter MrBabyHands as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter vivi57 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter ydg as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
World at War Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +JeeJee as the Mafia Brazil Killed Night 4 Filter Caller as the Mafia Israel Survived Filter Elemenope as the Mafia Japan Survived Filter d3_crescentia as the Mafia Sweden Survived Filter Nikon as the Third Party Australia Survivor Lynched Day 3 Filter haster27 as the Third Party Colombia Serial Killer Killed Day 5 Filter Iaaan as the Town Antarctica Endgamed Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Canada Killed Night 4 Filter citi.zen as the Town China Endgamed Filter L as the Town Egypt Killed Day 1 Filter Fishball as the Town France Killed Night 3 Filter tree.hugger as the Town Germany Killed Day 1 Filter Bill Murray as the Town India Killed Day 1 Filter Zona as the Town Iraq Killed Day 2 Filter nemY as the Town Italy Killed Day 3 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Mexico Lynched Day 1 Filter XeliN as the Town North Korea Lynched Day 2 Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Pakistan Killed Night 1 Filter Versatile as the Town Russia Killed Night 2 Filter Abenson as the Town The UK Killed Day 5 Filter meeple as the Town UNS Council Killed Night 1 Filter Johnnyspazz as the Town USA Killed Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Your Power Mafia!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Foolishness as the Mafia Compuslive Vigilante Killed Night 4 Filter sidesprang as the Mafia Copycat Lynched Day 2 Filter DarthThienAn as the Mafia Day Vigilante Lynched Day 3 Filter Zona as the Mafia Pardoner Modkilled Night 3 Filter Radfield as the Third Party Floridian Serial Killer Killed Day 3 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Inventor Killed Night 2 Filter Scamp as the Town Medic Killed Night 3 Filter [NyC]HoBbes as the Town Meth Man Modkilled Night 3 Filter Amnesia as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Night 2 Filter Caller as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter citi.zen as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Falcynn as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter JeeJee as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Johnnyspazz as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Korynne as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter L as the Town Vanilla modkilled Filter Qatol as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter d3_crescentia as the Town Weak Medic Killed Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Three Kingdoms Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Last Romantic as the Mafia Cao Cao Lynched Day 1 Filter Fishball as the Mafia Dian Wei Endgamed Day 0 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Mafia Liu Bei Endgamed Day 0 Filter Tricode as the Mafia Lu Meng Killed Day 3 Filter Hesmyrr as the Mafia Lu Xun Killed Day 2 Filter L as the Mafia Sun Quan Lynched Day 2 Filter Trezeguet23 as the Mafia Zhang Jiao Lynched Day 3 Filter laaan as the Town Cao Pi Survived Day 0 Filter barth as the Town Diao Chan Killed Night 1 Filter Scamp as the Town Guan Yu Survived Day 0 Filter XeliN as the Town Jian Wei Survived Day 0 Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Lu Bu Survived Day 0 Filter TwoToneTerran as the Town Ma Chao Survived Day 0 Filter MyHeroNoob as the Town Meng Huo Survived Day 0 Filter ohN as the Town Pang Tong Survived Day 0 Filter Falcynn as the Town Sima Yi Survived Day 0 Filter Abenson as the Town Taishi Ci Survived Day 0 Filter LunarDestiny as the Town Xu Zhu Survived Day 0 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Yuan Shao Survived Day 0 Filter Jugan as the Town Zhang Fei Killed Night 2 Filter Johnnyspazz as the Town Zhang Liao Survived Day 0 Filter BrownBear as the Town Zhao Yun Survived Day 0 Filter DarthThienAn as the Town Zhou Yu Survived Day 0 Filter Radfield as the Town Zhuge Liang Survived Day 0 Filter
- Analysis:
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +DarthThienAn as the Mafia Day Vigilante Survived Filter lakrismamma as the Mafia Flavor Cop Killed Night 2 Filter Radfield as the Mafia Jack of All Trades Pardoner Survived Filter AcrossFiveJulys as the Mafia Roleblocker Killed Day 3 Filter Abenson as the Third Party Flavor Cop Vigilante Modkilled Day 3 Filter whatchamacallit as the Third Party Roleblocker Killed Day 3 Filter Chezinu as the Third Party Survivor Flavor Cop Lynched Day 3 Filter Thegilaboy as the Town Day Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter JeeJee as the Town Half Jack of all trades mason Endgamed Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Half Jack of all trades mason Endgamed Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Jack of all trades Mayor Killed Night 4 Filter zeks as the Town Limited Weak Bodyguard Lynched Day 2 Filter Jayme as the Town Mason Killed Night 3 Filter Jugan as the Town Mason Lynched Day 3 Filter LaXerCannon as the Town Medic Killed Night 1 Filter Subversion as the Town Naive Detective Killed Night 4 Filter Hesmyrr as the Town Paranoid Gun Owner Killed Night 2 Filter YellowInk as the Town Treestump nurse Killed Night 4 Filter DCLXVI as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter ElyAs as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter Johnnyspazz as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Your Power Mafia 2!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Fishball as the Mafia Bullet Bill Endgamed Filter Rastaban as the Mafia Compulsive Vigilante Lynched Day 5 Filter DarthThienAn as the Mafia Copy Cat Killed Night 4 Filter LSB as the Mafia Traitor Lynched Day 4 Filter Subversion as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter zeks as the Third Party Role Cop Serial Killer Lynched Day 2 Filter chaoser as the Town Bad Santa Killed Night 3 Filter Divinek as the Town Day Vigilante Survived Filter Pandain as the Town Martyr Survived Filter Bill Murray as the Town Mason Killed Day 1 Filter JeeJee as the Town Medic Killed Night 4 Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Meth Man Survived Filter citi.zen as the Town Tracker Survived Filter BrownBear as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Hesmyrr as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Radfield as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter SiNiquity as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter SouthRawrea as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Watcher Survived Filter
- Analysis:
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Haunted Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +BrownBear as the Mafia Framer Killed Night 2 Filter annul as the Mafia Godfather Survived Filter NB as the Mafia Godfather Killed Night 1 Filter kingjames01 as the Mafia Poisoner Killed Night 3 Filter zerroth as the Mafia Roleblocker Killed Night 6 Filter bumatlarge as the Mafia Vampire Brute Killed Night 1 Filter Aeres as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Day 4 Filter Artanis[Xp] as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter chesshaha as the Mafia Vanilla Modkilled Day 4 Filter Divinek as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Filter HeavOnEarth as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Filter lankill as the Mafia Vanilla Modkilled Day 5 Filter Lexpar as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Masq as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Metalface as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter Neos as the Mafia Vanilla Modkilled Day 4 Filter Quickstriker as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Filter SouthRawrea as the Mafia Vanilla modkilled Filter spydR as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 6 Filter Thegilaboy as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter youngminii as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Glasse as the Town Boogeyman Endgamed Filter Node as the Town Boogeyman Endgamed Filter Therick as the Town Boogeyman Modkilled Day 3 Filter aztrorisk as the Town Detective Modkilled Day 5 Filter KtheZ as the Town Detective Endgamed Filter glurio as the Town Mad Hatter Lynched Day 3 Filter LSB as the Town Mad Hatter Killed Night 1 Filter YummyBlaBla as the Town Mad Hatter Killed Night 3 Filter deconduo as the Town Mad Scientist Endgamed Filter XeliN as the Town Mad Scientist Modkilled Day 4 Filter AirbladeOrange as the Town Medic Killed Night 6 Filter Nemesis as the Town Medic Killed Night 5 Filter ShmotZ as the Town Medic Killed Night 2 Filter ghrur as the Town Miller Endgamed Filter Kpyolysis32 as the Town Miller Lynched Day 2 Filter Lucktar as the Town Miller Killed Night 3 Filter SiNiquity as the Town Miller Endgamed Filter Coagulation as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter CubEdIn as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 4 Filter Flicky as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter grandmoose as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 5 Filter jaminz as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 4 Filter jcarlsoniv as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter Kenpachi as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter KhrisKruel as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter l0st_romantic as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter mptj as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter oddo123 as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter Orgolove as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Pandain as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter seRaPh as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter TheMunkey as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter Veldril as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Yogy as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 5 Filter hittegods as the Town Veteran Modkilled Day 4 Filter Hyperbola as the Town Veteran Endgamed Filter jodogohoo as the Town Vigilante modkilled Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Vigilante Lynched Day 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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Insane Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Glasse as the Mafia Broadcaster Traitor Killed Night 5 Filter LunarDestiny as the Mafia Bulletproof traitor Killed Night 5 Filter deconduo as the Mafia Bus Driver Killed Night 3 Filter NB as the Mafia Crazed Gunman Killed Night 5 Filter ShmotZ as the Mafia Do-Gooder Modkilled Day 1 Filter L as the Mafia Drugs Dealer Killed Night 5 Filter Pandain as the Mafia Godfather Survived Filter Ace as the Mafia Lab Rat Killed Night 4 Filter Divinek as the Mafia Plague Doctor Modkilled Day 2 Filter Coagulation as the Mafia Retard Lynched Day 3 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Mafia Roleblocker Killed Night 4 Filter infinitestory as the Town ADD Detective Killed Night 4 Filter Orgolove as the Town ADD Doctor modkilled Filter Quickstriker as the Town Angsty Pardoner Modkilled Day 1 Filter annul as the Town Bullet Bill Bodyguard Killed Night 1 Filter Lexpar as the Town Careful Doctor Modkilled Day 3 Filter DCLXVI as the Town Crazy Mad Hatter Killed Night 3 Filter Aeres as the Town CruiseShip Captain Lynched Day 2 Filter youngminii as the Town Flash Killed Night 5 Filter jcarlsoniv as the Town Floridian Killed Night 2 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Granny Veteran Killed Night 5 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Hero Lynched Day 5 Filter KtheZ as the Town Insane Detective Lynched Day 4 Filter Fishball as the Town Mailman Modkilled Day 2 Filter Hyperbola as the Town Martyr Lynched Day 4 Filter CubEdIn as the Town Neo Killed Night 3 Filter Node as the Town Oracle Killed Night 5 Filter Misder as the Town Plague Doctor Modkilled Day 2 Filter Nemesis as the Town Plague Doctor Lynched Day 5 Filter Veldril as the Town Plague Doctor Killed Night 4 Filter kingjames01 as the Town Self-Conscious Lazy Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter SiNiquity as the Town Self-Conscious Vigilante Lynched Day 1 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Stalker Townie Killed Night 2 Filter DoctorHelvetica as the Town Sticky Mayor Killed Night 3 Filter Beneather as the Town Voodoo Man Killed Night 3 Filter BrownBear as the Town Vote Rigger Killed Night 1 Filter iNfuNdiBuLuM as the Town Vote Rigger Killed Night 5 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Watcher Killed Night 4 Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Zombie Killed Night 4 Filter
- Analysis:
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Harry Potter Mafia!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Coagulation as the Mafia Bellatrix Lestrange Endgamed Filter CubEdIn as the Mafia Fenrir Greyback Endgamed Filter Airbag as the Mafia Lord Voldemort Lynched Day 4 Filter tube as the Mafia Lucius Malfoy Endgamed Filter ~OpZ~ as the Mafia Mulciber Endgamed Filter barundar as the Mafia Narcissa Malfoy Endgamed Filter LSB as the Mafia Severus Snape Lynched Day 2 Filter Orgolove as the Mafia Walden Macnair Endgamed Filter Thegilaboy as the Town Albus Dumbledore Killed Night 2 Filter why as the Town Angelina Johnson Survived Filter deconduo as the Town Cedric Diggory Survived Filter ghote as the Town Cho Chang modkilled Filter jcarlsoniv as the Town Colin Creevey Survived Filter Aidnai as the Town Draco Malfoy Lynched Day 1 Filter GGQ as the Town Ernie Prang Killed Night 3 Filter Pandain as the Town Firenze Lynched Day 3 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Gilderoy Lockhart Killed Night 1 Filter oddo123 as the Town Harry Potter Modkilled Day 4 Filter ghrur as the Town Hermione Granger Survived Filter Beneather as the Town Luna Lovegood Killed Night 1 Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Moaning Myrtle Killed Night 2 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington Killed Night 2 Filter Node as the Town Nicolas Flamel Survived Filter zeks as the Town Nymphadora Tonks Killed Night 3 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Ollivander Survived Filter LunarDestiny as the Town Padma Patil Survived Filter chaoser as the Town Parvati Patil Survived Filter kitaman27 as the Town Poppy Pomfrey Survived Filter Mr.Zergling as the Town Roger Davies Survived Filter Kenpachi as the Town Sibyl Trelawney Modkilled Day 3 Filter ilovejonn as the Town Violet Modkilled Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Your Power Mafia 3!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +deconduo as the Mafia Copycat Lynched Day 6 Filter bumatlarge as the Mafia CPR Doctor Killed Night 4 Filter Divinek as the Mafia Hider Killed Night 1 Filter zeks as the Mafia Mason Killed Night 2 Filter HaploPaithan as the Mafia Parity Cop Lynched Day 5 Filter Pigsquirrel as the Mafia Prince of Darkness Killed Night 4 Filter Fishball as the Mafia Traitor Lynched Day 3 Filter jimbosilvers as the Third Party Serial Killer Survived Day 0 Filter LSB as the Third Party Serial Killer Killed Day 2 Filter barundar as the Town Bullet Bill Killed Night 1 Filter Beneather as the Town Bulletproof Killed Night 5 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Compuslive Vigilante Killed Night 4 Filter GGQ as the Town Day Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Godfather Killed Night 7 Filter CubEdIn as the Town Paranoid Doctor Killed Night 3 Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Roleblocker Killed Night 3 Filter Aidnai as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 0 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 6 Filter Eiii as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 7 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Misder as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 0 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Orgah Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +deconduo as the Mafia Godfather Killed Night 4 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter thefluffyone93 as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter gryffindor as the Third Party Arsonist Lynched Day 6 Filter Project Psycho as the Town Detective modkilled Filter Ace as the Town Kidnapper Killed Night 1 Filter LunarDestiny as the Town Lover Killed Day 1 Filter zerroth as the Town Lover Lynched Day 1 Filter ilovejonn as the Town Medic modkilled Filter darmousseh as the Town Rival modkilled Filter GMarshal as the Town Rival Survived Filter Aidnai as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Beefy187 as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Believer as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter BrownBear as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter chaoser as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter Coagulation as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter ELITECubWarman8 as the Town Vanilla modkilled Filter GGQ as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Insanious as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter JBright as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Johnhughthom as the Town Vanilla modkilled Filter me_viet as the Town Vanilla modkilled Filter Misder as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Node as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter SouthRawrea as the Town Vanilla modkilled Filter why as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Vengeful Lover Killed Day 2 Filter SiNiquity as the Town Vengeful Lover Survived Filter
- Analysis:
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Insane Mafia 2+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Kavdragon as the Mafia Assassin Survived Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia Black Market Arms Dealer Survived Filter OriginalName as the Mafia Black Market Banker Lynched Day 4 Filter darmousseh as the Mafia Black Market CEO Lynched Day 1 Filter Amber[LighT] as the Mafia Black Market Treasurer Killed Night 5 Filter Orgolove as the Mafia Drug Runner Lynched Day 4 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Mafia Godfather Killed Night 3 Filter Lemonwalrus as the Mafia Item Game Participant Lynched Day 3 Filter Pandain as the Mafia Puppeteer Killed Day 4 Filter kevconsim as the Mafia Underboss Killed Night 4 Filter chaoser as the Town Bodyguard Killed Night 2 Filter GMarshal as the Town Bodyguard Killed Night 1 Filter tnkted as the Town Bus Driver Miller Killed Night 4 Filter ilovejonn as the Town Day Hatter Miller Killed Day 6 Filter Eiii as the Town Hero Killed Night 5 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Item Game Participant Killed Night 4 Filter Tackster as the Town Item Game Participant Lynched Day 2 Filter annul as the Town Item Game Participant Miller Killed Night 1 Filter Coagulation as the Town Item Game Participant Trash Collector Killed Night 4 Filter Lanaia as the Town King Killed Night 5 Filter GGQ as the Town Ninja Apparant Killed Night 3 Filter CubEdIn as the Town Police Cheif Lynched Day 6 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Police Commissioner Killed Night 3 Filter Rean as the Town Police Tough Guy Killed Night 2 Filter iGrok as the Town Police Undercover Agent Killed Night 2 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Really Mad Hatter Killed Day 4 Filter Insanious as the Town Rival A Killed Day 4 Filter BrownBear as the Town Rival B Killed Day 3 Filter Beneather as the Town Starcraft Fanboy Killed Day 4 Filter deconduo as the Town Veteran Killed Day 6 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Your Power Insane!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Kurumi as the Mafia Admiral Ackbar Killed Day 3 Filter tnkted as the Mafia Bus driver Lynched Day 3 Filter Ace as the Mafia Capitalist Killed Night 3 Filter Chezinu as the Mafia CPR Doctor Lynched Day 3 Filter GMarshal as the Mafia Mafia 2 DT Mole Lynched Day 5 Filter Caller as the Mafia NRA Member Lynched Day 4 Filter OriginalName as the Third Party Village Idiot Lynched Day 2 Filter Incognito as the Town America Killed Night 2 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Bad Santa Survived Day 0 Filter Radfield as the Town Bulletproof Survived Day 0 Filter barundar as the Town Caller Godfather Killed Night 2 Filter Flamewheel as the Town Chuiu Jack Killed Day 2 Filter Node as the Town Copycat Inventor Killed Night 2 Filter chaoser as the Town Detective Killed Night 4 Filter Scamp as the Town Inventor Killed Night 1 Filter Fishball as the Town Kingmaker Killed Day 3 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Medic Survived Day 0 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Meth Man Survived Day 0 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town NKVD Agent Killed Night 3 Filter infinitestory as the Town Parity Cop Killed Day 3 Filter KillerSOS as the Town PYP Tracker Lynched Day 2 Filter Eiii as the Town Role Cop Survived Day 0 Filter deconduo as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Foolishness as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter Kavdragon as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Their Power Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +GMarshal as the Mafia Cult Leader Mole Lynched Day 7 Filter bumatlarge as the Mafia Joker Lynched Day 4 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia Jules Winnfield Lynched Day 2 Filter barundar as the Mafia Leprechaun Killed Night 5 Filter Torte de Lini as the Mafia Lurker Lynched Day 3 Filter DropBear as the Mafia Paranoid Paratrooper Lynched Day 6 Filter Varpulis as the Mafia Police Cheif Mole Killed Night 1 Filter Jackal58 as the Third Party Post Restriction Imposing Amnesiac Mason Serial Killer Lynched Day 5 Filter Kurumi as the Third Party Tarp Mage Serial Killer Killed Night 4 Filter Mig as the Town Bandwagon Hero Killed Night 4 Filter Palmar as the Town Bro Of Destiny Survived Filter prplhz as the Town Coward Killed Night 1 Filter Cthsazsa as the Town Crazy Cat Lady Survived Filter Karshe as the Town Explosives Expert Survived Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Faithful Dog Killed Night 6 Filter hiro protagonist as the Town Forgetful Barista Killed Night 4 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Goddamn Batman Killed Day 1 Filter tnkted as the Town Ignorant Electorate Killed Day 2 Filter Node as the Town Indie Rocker! Killed Night 1 Filter RedFF as the Town Interrogator Killed Night 6 Filter stefftastiq as the Town Medium Survived Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Notary Killed Night 2 Filter sandroba as the Town Painter Killed Night 1 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Pick Up Artist Killed Night 2 Filter deskscaress as the Town Possessed Killed Night 1 Filter Rean as the Town Psychic Survived Filter Kenpachi as the Town Radio Operator Killed Day 2 Filter sinani206 as the Town Sacrificial Priest Killed Day 2 Filter Mataza as the Town Stalker Killed Day 2 Filter Eternalmisfit as the Town Unstable Surgeon with Unsteady Hands Killed Night 4 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Veteran Zombie Lynched Day 1 Filter chaos13 as the Town Whistleblower Killed Night 2 Filter Tackster as the Town Woman Killed Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Closed Casket Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +RebirthOfLeGenD as the Mafia Janitor Lynched Day 2 Filter sandroba as the Mafia Lawyer Lynched Day 4 Filter citi.zen as the Mafia Medic Survived Filter GMarshal as the Mafia Roleblocker Killed Night 0 Filter GGQ as the Town Busy Paramedic Killed Night 0 Filter Fishball as the Town Cop Killed Night 2 Filter JeeJee as the Town Forensic Scientist Endgamed Filter LSB as the Town Jack Killed Night 4 Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Mason Recruiter Killed Night 5 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Chezinu as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Kurumi as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Scamp as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Night 2 Filter Caller as the Town Vigilante Lynched Day 3 Filter deconduo as the Town Vigilante Modkilled Day 1 Filter Palmar as the Town Virgin Endgamed Filter
- Analysis:
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World at War 2 Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia Benedict Mussolini Killed Day 2 Filter Kurumi as the Mafia Cardcaptor Yamamoto Killed Night 2 Filter deconduo as the Mafia Rommel Survived Day 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia Sailor Hirohito Survived Day 2 Filter TheAwesomeAll as the Mafia Sunshine Hitler Survived Day 2 Filter JeeJee as the Mafia Tuxedo Tojo Killed Day 2 Filter Curu as the Mafia Unknown Survived Day 2 Filter prplhz as the Mafia Unknown Survived Day 2 Filter Palmar as the Third Party Conspirator Lynched Day 1 Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town Paur Leynaud Killed Day 2 Filter youngminii as the Town Borenard Montgomery Killed Day 2 Filter chaos13 as the Town Borenard Monty Montsnoozery Killed Night 1 Filter heist as the Town Brahglus Macarthur Killed Day 2 Filter Eiii as the Town Bromar Bradley Killed Day 2 Filter Mataza as the Town Chales du Guarre Killed Day 1 Filter syllogism as the Town Chesthair Nimitz Killed Day 2 Filter GMarshal as the Town Chinese restaurant Endgamed Day 2 Filter Ciryandor as the Town Hairy Broman Endgamed Day 2 Filter Coagulation as the Town King Boreage the 6th Endgamed Day 2 Filter sinani206 as the Town Leon Trot-ze Killed Day 1 Filter Navillus as the Town Louis Mountborton Endgamed Day 2 Filter Misder as the Town Neville Chamborelin Killed Day 2 Filter Mig as the Town No Means Yesenhower Endgamed Day 2 Filter PaqMan as the Town Polish Guy Killed Day 2 Filter Zona as the Town Trollsef Stalin Killed Day 2 Filter sandroba as the Town UMadimir Lenin Killed Day 2 Filter gtrsrs as the Town Unknown Endgamed Day 2 Filter GGQ as the Town VYEEAHHHHshaclev Molotov Killed Day 2 Filter Drazerk as the Town Winceton Churchill Killed Day 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Their Power Mafia 2+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Jackal58 as the Mafia Harry Potter Killed Night 1 Filter Foolishness as the Mafia Rand al Thor Killed Day 2 Filter Drazerk as the Mafia Steven Seagal Killed Night 5 Filter chaos13 as the Mafia Time Travelling Cthulhu Cultist Lynched Day 3 Filter Palmar as the Mafia Traitor Red Hood Lynched Day 4 Filter Tackster as the Mafia Wannabe Killed Day 1 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Alanis Morissette Lynched Day 5 Filter DropBear as the Town Banshee Survived Filter Lanaia as the Town Crackpot Survived Filter Amber[LighT] as the Town Gambler Killed Night 2 Filter Varpulis as the Town Ghost Whisperer Survived Filter Mig as the Town Gunslinger Killed Night 1 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Miller Fangirl Lynched Day 1 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Miller Kanye West Killed Night 1 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Miller Silencer Killed Day 5 Filter youngminii as the Town Miller Wolverine Killed Day 1 Filter Nisani201 as the Town Once-Too-Many-Passed-Over-Detective Lynched Day 2 Filter Kurumi as the Town Oracle Survived Filter syllogism as the Town Postitute Killed Day 2 Filter heist as the Town Puppetmaster Killed Night 4 Filter RedFF as the Town Rock Killed Night 1 Filter Curu as the Town Role Theif Killed Night 5 Filter sandroba as the Town Saurons Ring Killed Night 3 Filter Supersoft as the Town Tim Roth Killed Day 2 Filter OriginalName as the Town Voldemort Killed Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Personality Mafia!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +syllogism as the Mafia AttackZerg Killed Night 3 Filter Flamewheel as the Mafia Caller Survived Night 4 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Mafia Fishball Unknown Night 4 Filter Palmar as the Mafia flamewheel Lynched Day 3 Filter bumatlarge as the Mafia Incognito Lynched Day 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia LSB Survived Night 4 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia meeple Survived Night 4 Filter Pandain as the Mafia Qatol Survived Night 4 Filter barundar as the Mafia ~OpZ~ Survived Night 4 Filter Kenpachi as the Third Party Pandain Survived Night 4 Filter Foolishness as the Town 0cz3c Killed Night 1 Filter LSB as the Town Ace Killed Night 2 Filter ~OpZ~ as the Town annul Endgamed Night 4 Filter Kurumi as the Town Bill Murray Killed Night 1 Filter ghrur as the Town BloodyC0bbler Killed Night 4 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town bumatlarge Killed Night 3 Filter Node as the Town chaoser Killed Night 4 Filter Kavdragon as the Town Chezinu Lynched Day 2 Filter Aidnai as the Town Chezinu the Evil Twin Lynched Day 1 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Coagulation Killed Night 3 Filter Mig as the Town dreamflower Killed Night 2 Filter RedFF as the Town FakeSteve Killed Night 4 Filter Curu as the Town Foolishness Killed Night 4 Filter deconduo as the Town JimboSilvers Killed Night 2 Filter Misder as the Town Kavdragon Endgamed Night 4 Filter youngminii as the Town Kenpachi Killed Night 4 Filter Jackal58 as the Town L Killed Night 1 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town MrBabyHands Killed Night 1 Filter Chezinu as the Town Protactinium Killed Night 1 Filter Scamp as the Town RebirthOfLeGenD Endgamed Night 4 Filter tnkted as the Town Showtime! Killed Night 3 Filter sandroba as the Town Ver Lynched Day 4 Filter
- Analysis:
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Lord of the Rings Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
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- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Cyber_Cheese as the Mafia Mouth of Sauron Lynched Day 6 Filter GGQ as the Mafia Saruman of Many Colours Lynched Day 8 Filter DoctorHelvetica as the Mafia Sauron Modkilled Day 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia The Witch-King Killed Day 7 Filter iGrok as the Mafia Ugluk Lynched Day 3 Filter Radfield as the Mafia Wormtongue Killed Night 2 Filter Palmar as the Third Party Gollum Survived Day 0 Filter syllogism as the Town Aragorn Killed Night 2 Filter Drazerk as the Town Arwen Killed Night 6 Filter heist as the Town Elrond Killed Night 7 Filter prplhz as the Town Frodo Baggins Killed Night 3 Filter GreYMisT as the Town Galadriel Killed Night 5 Filter chaos13 as the Town Gandalf Modkilled Day 2 Filter Erandorr as the Town Gwaihir Lynched Day 1 Filter sandroba as the Town Legolas Killed Night 2 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Pippin Killed Night 1 Filter Ciryandor as the Town Sam Killed Night 1 Filter Supersoft as the Town Tom Bombadil Killed Night 3 Filter Archon_Toilet as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter chaoser as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter jcarlsoniv as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter JeeJee as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Navillus as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 2 Filter OriginalName as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter Pyo as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 5 Filter TranceStorm as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter Vain as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter wherebugsgo as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter xtfftc as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Your Power Interesting!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Node as the Mafia America Lynched Day 1 Filter sandroba as the Mafia Bodyguard Killed Night 3 Filter sinani206 as the Mafia Bodyguard Lynched Day 3 Filter deconduo as the Mafia Bulletproof Killed Day 2 Filter Cyber_Cheese as the Mafia Godfather Killed Night 1 Filter Supersoft as the Mafia Hider Killed Day 3 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia Medic Killed Night 2 Filter Kenpachi as the Mafia NKVD Agent Endgamed Filter chaoser as the Mafia Puppeteer Killed Night 1 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Mafia Rock Star Lynched Day 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia Role Swapper Killed Night 1 Filter prplhz as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Arctocod as the Town Ace Killed Night 2 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Admiral Ackbar Killed Night 2 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Bodyguard Killed Night 1 Filter GreYMisT as the Town Bodyguard Survived Filter JACCUZISPLAT as the Town Bodyguard Survived Filter DropBear as the Town Bomber Man Killed Night 1 Filter Radfield as the Town Bullet Bill Mayor Survived Filter Scamp as the Town Copycat Killed Night 3 Filter wherebugsgo as the Town CPR Doctor Killed Night 3 Filter Mig as the Town Detective Pardoner Survived Filter hiro protagonist as the Town Dreamflower Survived Filter jimbosilvers as the Town Inventor Killed Night 2 Filter heist as the Town Parity Cop Survived Filter Erandorr as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Foolishness as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter syllogism as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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Steamship Liquidia (TL Mafia 46)+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Zephirdd as the Mafia BlackJack Survived Filter Coagulation as the Mafia Magician Modkilled Day 3 Filter GreYMisT as the Mafia Role Multi-Sniper Survived Filter Cyber_Cheese as the Mafia Tracker Lynched Day 4 Filter Sabin010 as the Mafia Vanilla Modkilled Day 4 Filter prplhz as the Town Corpse Jack Lynched Day 2 Filter Lanaia as the Town Elder Killed Night 4 Filter Drazerk as the Town Frail Mason Killed Night 2 Filter Hyshes as the Town Frail Mason Killed Night 3 Filter xsksc as the Town Frantic Doc Killed Night 3 Filter DCLXVI as the Town Miller Bodyguard Lynched Day 4 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Newbie Watchful Doc Lynched Day 1 Filter Palmar as the Town Records Cop Killed Night 4 Filter sinani206 as the Town Roleblocker Lynched Day 1 Filter Lemonwalrus as the Town Rolecop Killed Night 4 Filter Kibibit as the Town Tracker Modkilled Day 3 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter Forumite as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter HarbingerOfDoom as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter LSB as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter MrZentor as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Nisani201 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Tyrran as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter wherebugsgo as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Election Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +jaj22 as the Mafia Black Mailer Endgamed Filter bumatlarge as the Mafia Godfather Killed Day 2 Filter Liquid`Sheth as the Mafia Intern Killed Night 3 Filter ProfessorBadass as the Mafia Minister of Propoganda Lynched Day 2 Filter cascades as the Mafia Underboss Lynched Day 5 Filter GreYMisT as the Town 2-shot Medic Survived Filter xsksc as the Town 2-shot Tracker Killed Night 1 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Anarchist Killed Day 2 Filter Eiii as the Town District Attorney Killed Night 1 Filter MrZentor as the Town Floridian Modkilled Day 4 Filter TotallyNotTwoPeople as the Town Lobbyist Survived Filter Spaackle as the Town Politician Lynched Day 1 Filter evantrees as the Town Public Service Announcer Killed Night 3 Filter GiygaS as the Town Radical Protestor Killed Night 3 Filter prplhz as the Town Secret Service Agent Killed Night 1 Filter Arctocod as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Comprissent as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Cwave as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter DEUS-ex-MAFIA as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Jitsu as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter nyczbrandon as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter Radfield as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter zeks as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Refallen as the Town Veteran Survived Filter
- Analysis:
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Responsibility Mafia!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +wherebugsgo as the Mafia Day Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter syllogism as the Mafia Role Cop Killed Night 3 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 7 Filter Palmar as the Mafia Traitor Killed Night 1 Filter L as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Acronym Vigilante Killed Night 5 Filter Foolishness as the Town Apathetic Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter bumatlarge as the Town BM Vigilante Survived Filter SamuelLJackson as the Town Elitist Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter GGQ as the Town Justice Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter GMarshal as the Town Justice Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Justice Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter Liquid`Sheth as the Town Justice Vigilante Lynched Day 4 Filter LSB as the Town Justice Vigilante Lynched Day 1 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Justice Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter chaoser as the Town Liar Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Lurker Vigilante Survived Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town PBPA Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Roleclaim Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter prplhz as the Town Spam Vigilante Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Purgatory Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +RebirthOfLeGenD as the Mafia Acolyte Lynched Day 3 Filter Grackaroni as the Mafia Angel Of Death Lynched Day 6 Filter Layabout as the Mafia Concealer Killed Night 4 Filter Palmar as the Mafia Courier Killed Night 1 Filter Jackal58 as the Mafia Observer Lynched Day 4 Filter Tyrran as the Mafia Twister Lynched Day 5 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Channeler Killed Night 2 Filter Refallen as the Town Demon Hunter Survived Day 0 Filter HarbingerOfDoom as the Town Sage Survived Day 0 Filter syllogism as the Town Seer Killed Night 3 Filter Blazinghand as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter Bluelightz as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter Cwave as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Dirkzor as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter Errandor as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Spaackle as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Zephirdd as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter
- Analysis:
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Werewolves Invade Teamliquid II+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +ghost_403 as the Mafia Attuned Corrupted Lynched Day 4 Filter Lanaia as the Mafia Attuned Scum Killed Night 3 Filter Mattchew as the Mafia Corrupted Killed Night 1 Filter Probulous as the Mafia Second in Command Godfather Killed Night 2 Filter Froggynoddy as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Palmar as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter [UoN]Sentinel as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Hufy the Cursed as the Town 3rd in Command Townie Modkilled Day 2 Filter Bluelightz as the Town Apprentice Endgamed Night 6 Filter mderg as the Town Brutal Leader Lynched Day 3 Filter Paperscraps as the Town Detective Killed Night 4 Filter Blazinghand as the Town Doctor Killed Night 0 Filter phagga as the Town Journalist Lynched Day 5 Filter Layabout as the Town Spying Townie Killed Night 0 Filter prplhz as the Town Spying Townie with a Rival Killed Night 2 Filter Grackaroni as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Nisani201 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter rgTheSchworz as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Spiritclown as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Kaller Game+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +OriginalName as the Mafia Boxer Modkilled Day 2 Filter evantrees as the Mafia Carl Johnson Lynched Day 5 Filter Kenpachi as the Mafia Kenpachi Killed Day 4 Filter ~OpZ~ as the Third Party Chezinu Soul Bank Modkilled Day 1 Filter Bill Murray as the Third Party Cult Leader Survived Day 0 Filter vaderseven as the Third Party Ditto Survived Day 0 Filter devourke as the Third Party Gollum Modkilled Day 1 Filter GGQ as the Third Party Kim II Sung Killed Night 3 Filter Liquid`Sheth as the Third Party Pacific Ocean Survived Day 0 Filter Forumite as the Third Party Stalin Unknown Day 0 Filter Jayjay54 as the Third Party The Pope Survived Day 0 Filter sandroba as the Town Ace Killed Day 1 Filter EchelonTee as the Town AMERICA Killed Night 4 Filter Ciryandor as the Town Arsonist Killed Night 6 Filter syllogism as the Town Bill Murray Killed Day 1 Filter GreYMisT as the Town Black Coach Killed Night 5 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Blu Heavy Modkilled Day 2 Filter blubbdavid as the Town Charlie Sheen Killed Night 5 Filter A Killer Cuppa Tea as the Town Country of Iraq Modkilled Day 2 Filter wherebugsgo as the Town George W Bush Lynched Day 1 Filter Erandorr as the Town Ice Cream Bus Driver Killed Night 1 Filter Curu as the Town Listcheck Detective Killed Day 1 Filter VanillaTownie as the Town Oracle Modkilled Day 3 Filter chaos13 as the Town Red Cross Ackbar Modkilled Day 2 Filter Cyber_Cheese as the Town Red Spy Killed Night 1 Filter Bluelightz as the Town Retarded Batman Lynched Day 6 Filter Mattchew as the Town Shuffler Killed Night 3 Filter Nisani201 as the Town The Man Killed Night 6 Filter Zephirdd as the Town The Man in Black Who Isnt Black Lynched Day 2 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Tim Tebow Killed Night 2 Filter jaybrundage as the Town Voldermort Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Aperture Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Cyber_Cheese as the Mafia 3rd Party Planar Dragon Killed Night 1 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Mafia Cell Leader Lynched Day 4 Filter Nisani201 as the Mafia Inventor Killed Day 8 Filter blubbdavid as the Mafia Janitor Lynched Day 5 Filter rayzorflash as the Mafia KALTHAZAR, LORD OF THE DIMENSIONAL RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFT Killed Night 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Mafia Melichor the Endesleid, the Shadowsinger Killed Day 1 Filter Bluelightz as the Mafia Military Android Lynched Day 2 Filter Mementoss as the Mafia Personality Construct Lynched Day 7 Filter Paperscraps as the Mafia Thermal Discouragement Beam Killed Night 3 Filter Dirk Hardpec as the Mafia Time-Traveling Cthulhu Cultist Killed Night 5 Filter Drazerk as the Third Party Balrog, Demon of Morgoth, Assassinating Survivor Lynched Day 1 Filter Zephirdd as the Town Flux Guardian Killed Night 2 Filter Foolishness as the Town GodSend Killed Day 6 Filter willz22912 as the Town Grey Fox Killed Night 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Kanti, Lord of the Black Flames Killed Night 4 Filter zelblade as the Town Link, Hero of Time Killed Night 3 Filter Blazinghand as the Town Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney Killed Night 1 Filter Adam4167 as the Town The God-damned Batman Killed Night 5 Filter ghost_403 as the Town Time-Traveling Bus Driver Killed Night 5 Filter Jayjay54 as the Town Time-Traveling Vigilante Killed Day 8 Filter Cwave as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Gonzaw as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Grackaroni as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Vanilla Other Day 6 Filter Maverick32x as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter MidnightGladius as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter phagga as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 0 Filter Sbrubbles as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 4 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Velinath as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Hassybaby as the Town Yugi Moto, The King of Games Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Death Factory Mafia 2+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Acrofales as the Mafia Body Bind Toy Survived Day 0 Filter cascades as the Mafia Darkness Toy Survived Day 0 Filter Nemesis as the Mafia Hulk Toy Survived Day 0 Filter MrZentor as the Mafia Merciless Toy Survived Day 0 Filter syllogism as the Mafia Null Field Toy Survived Day 0 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Captain Commando Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter Mattchew as the Town Catapult Toy Killed Day 3 Filter Tobon as the Town De Ja Vu Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Horsee Toy Killed Day 1 Filter Snarfs as the Town Magneto Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter Palmar as the Town Mirror Toy Killed Night 1 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Ninja Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Police Car Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter Layabout as the Town Pow Pow Toy Killed Day 2 Filter prplhz as the Town Professor X Killed Day 3 Filter Sbrubbles as the Town Search or Rescue Toy Killed Night 1 Filter Dirkzor as the Town Short Circuit Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter Bluelightz as the Town Trap Door Toy Killed Day 3 Filter wherebugsgo as the Town Vengeance Toy Killed Night 2 Filter Cephiro as the Town Warp Prism Toy Endgamed Day 0 Filter
- Analysis:
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Space Station Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +wherebugsgo as the Mafia Breeder Killed Day 3 Filter EchelonTee as the Mafia Creep Endgamed Day 3 Filter Coagulation as the Mafia Goon Killed Night 2 Filter strongandbig as the Mafia Item Thief Endgamed Day 3 Filter Jackal58 as the Mafia Overlord Lynched Day 2 Filter l10f as the Mafia Psychic Killed Night 1 Filter Erandorr as the Town Backup Technichian Survived Day 3 Filter MrZentor as the Town Item Thief Survived Day 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Item Thief Survived Day 3 Filter GMarshal as the Town Technician Mayor Survived Day 3 Filter Ace as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 2 Filter Acrofales as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter chaoser as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Froggynoddy as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter grush57 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Kurumi as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Layabout as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter marvellosity as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Maverick32x as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter michaelthe as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Node as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter prplhz as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter rayzorflash as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter sandroba as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Sinensis as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Night 2 Filter Snarfs as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter talismania as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter VayeshMoru as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Liar Game Mini Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +BloodyC0bbler as the Mafia Goon Lynched Day 2 Filter chaoser as the Mafia Goon Lynched Day 4 Filter EchelonTee as the Mafia Goon Survived Filter Gonzaw as the Mafia Goon Killed Night 8 Filter Palmar as the Mafia Goon Lynched Day 6 Filter sandroba as the Mafia Goon Lynched Day 7 Filter Ace as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Cephiro as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter Foolishness as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Katina as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 8 Filter Liquid`Sheth as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 8 Filter prplhz as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 6 Filter slOosh as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Filter syllogism as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter wherebugsgo as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Pick Your Power: Redux+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +deconduo as the Mafia CPR Doctor Killed Day 1 Filter [UoN]Sentinel as the Mafia JOAT Lynched Day 1 Filter Zephirdd as the Mafia Traitor Killed Night 4 Filter PaqMan as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter zelblade as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Filter barundar as the Third Party Politician Serial Killer Lynched Day 4 Filter Mattchew as the Town Day Vigilante Killed Night 7 Filter Qatol as the Town Jailkeeper Killed Night 4 Filter marvellosity as the Town Mason Endgamed Filter hiro protagonist as the Town Medic Lynched Day 3 Filter Palmar as the Town Pardoner Modkilled Night 5 Filter slOosh as the Town Parity Cop Killed Night 3 Filter Bluelightz as the Town Role Cop Killed Night 2 Filter Misder as the Town Roleblocker Endgamed Filter Probulous as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter sandroba as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 6 Filter Snarfs as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter Toadesstern as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Vigilante Killed Night 6 Filter talismania as the Town Witch Killed Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Big Bang Mafia 2+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Meapak_Ziphh as the Mafia Godfather Killed Day 4 Filter Dirkzor as the Mafia Roleblocker Killed Night 6 Filter Cephiro as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter MrZentor as the Third Party Serial Killer Endgamed Filter chaoser as the Town Ascetic Gunsmith Killed Night 1 Filter talismania as the Town Gun Enforcement Killed Day 2 Filter Gonzaw as the Town Macho Cop Killed Day 1 Filter Rastaban as the Town Medic Killed Night 3 Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Miller Survived Filter FreelanceSatan as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 0 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Layabout as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 6 Filter marvellosity as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter payl as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 5 Filter Supersoft as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 3 Filter Toadesstern as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 5 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Zealos as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 6 Filter
- Analysis:
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Bureaucracy Mafia!+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Foolishness as the Mafia CEO Killed Night 2 Filter slOosh as the Mafia Chairman of the Board Killed Night 4 Filter risk.nuke as the Mafia Chief Marketing Officer Lynched Day 6 Filter Q-bert-Z as the Mafia Company Accountant Lynched Day 7 Filter Layabout as the Mafia Company American Killed Day 5 Filter Palmar as the Mafia Company Lawyer Lynched Day 3 Filter Blazinghand as the Mafia Hired Hitman Killed Day 3 Filter Gonzaw as the Mafia Vice President of Marketing Killed Night 2 Filter Kurumi as the Town America Lynched Day 2 Filter Chezinu as the Town Bossy Employee Survived Filter sandroba as the Town Bossy Employee Killed Night 2 Filter Supersoft as the Town Dreamflower Survived Filter Zealos as the Town Entrepreneurial Employee Modkilled Night 6 Filter syllogism as the Town Hider Survived Filter wherebugsgo as the Town Judge Killed Night 1 Filter Probulous as the Town Kingmaker Survived Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Kingmaker Survived Filter RebirthOfLeGenD as the Town Macedonia Lynched Day 1 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town Mafia Traitor Killed Night 4 Filter austinmcc as the Town Nosy employee Modkilled Night 5 Filter Rastaban as the Town Nosy Employee Modkilled Night 2 Filter HiroPro as the Town Parity Cop Survived Filter Bill Murray as the Town Politician Killed Night 5 Filter GGQ as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter Katina as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter marvellosity as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Mattchew as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Werewolves Invade TeamLiquid+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Curu as the Mafia 2nd in Command Currupted Killed Night 4 Filter Da-Muffinman as the Mafia 3rd in Command Corrupted Survived Filter Kurumi as the Mafia Brutal Scum Lynched Day 6 Filter Varpulis as the Mafia Spy Killed Night 5 Filter snotboogie as the Mafia Spying Scum Killed Day 6 Filter GreYMisT as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter TheAwesomeAll as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Forumite as the Mafia Vigilante Lynched Day 4 Filter Navillus as the Town Apprentice Killed Night 1 Filter hiro protagonist as the Town Blessed Townie Killed Night 5 Filter DroneAllDay as the Town Brutal Townie Killed Night 4 Filter sinani206 as the Town Cursed Townie with a Rival Killed Day 6 Filter JeeJee as the Town Detective Killed Night 1 Filter Nisani201 as the Town Journalist Lynched Day 3 Filter Jackal58 as the Town Leader Townie Lynched Day 2 Filter DropBear as the Town Protector Killed Night 1 Filter OriginalName as the Town Spying Townie Killed Night 2 Filter Sevryn as the Town Spying Townie Killed Day 6 Filter Trotske as the Town Townie with a Rival Lynched Day 5 Filter slam500 as the Town Vanilla Townie Modkilled Day 4 Filter Sknowman as the Town Witness Townie Killed Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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PTP3 - Pikachu's Revenge+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Drazerk as the Mafia Bulbasaur Killed Night 5 Filter Zephirdd as the Mafia Chansey Survived Filter Misder as the Mafia Ditto Killed Night 3 Filter Chezinu as the Mafia Gastly Killed Night 1 Filter Toadesstern as the Mafia Meowth Killed Night 1 Filter wherebugsgo as the Third Party Mewtwo Killed Night 2 Filter Mr. Wiggles as the Town Abra Lynched Day 3 Filter Kurumi as the Town Caterpie Lynched Day 7 Filter strongandbig as the Town Charmander Killed Night 1 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Clefairy Killed Night 1 Filter imallinson as the Town Diglett Lynched Day 1 Filter austinmcc as the Town Dratini Killed Night 5 Filter grush57 as the Town Geodude Lynched Day 6 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town Growlithe Killed Day 2 Filter Mementoss as the Town Gyrados Killed Night 3 Filter Hopeless1der as the Town Hitmonlee Lynched Day 2 Filter heist as the Town Koffing Killed Night 2 Filter JingleHell as the Town Magnemite Endgamed Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Moltres Lynched Day 3 Filter Mattchew as the Town Pikachu Endgamed Filter BioSC as the Town Psyduck Killed Night 4 Filter HiroPro as the Town Slowpoke Lynched Day 5 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Snorlax Killed Night 5 Filter Dirkzor as the Town Squirtle Killed Night 3 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Voltorb Killed Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Chrono Trigger Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +TheChronicler as the Mafia Dalton Endgamed Day 0 Filter austinmcc as the Mafia Gurus of Zeal Lynched Day 10 Filter risk.nuke as the Mafia Mother Brain Lynched Day 8 Filter VisceraEyes as the Mafia Norstein Bekkler Modkilled Day 7 Filter strongandbig as the Mafia Nu Lynched Day 7 Filter Toadesstern as the Mafia Queen Zeal Lynched Day 5 Filter sandroba as the Mafia Spekkio Lynched Day 2 Filter Acrofales as the Third Party Magus Survived Day 0 Filter syllogism as the Town Ayla Survived Day 0 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Chrono Survived Day 0 Filter kushm4sta as the Town Cyrus Modkilled Day 1 Filter Adam4167 as the Town Doan Survived Day 0 Filter Clarity_nl as the Town Entity Killed Day 8 Filter goodkarma as the Town Fiona Survived Day 0 Filter Dienosore as the Town Frog Killed Day 5 Filter Djodref as the Town Janus Cat Killed Day 6 Filter marvellosity as the Town King Gaurdia XXI Killed Day 3 Filter phagga as the Town Kino Lynched Day 9 Filter Hapahauli as the Town Lucca Survived Day 0 Filter iamperfection as the Town Marle Survived Day 0 Filter CaveJohnson as the Town Master of Kitchens Killed Day 8 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Robo Survived Day 0 Filter keirathi as the Town Tata Survived Day 0 Filter Hopeless1der as the Town Toma Survived Day 0 Filter Promethelax as the Town Zeal Planet Woman Survived Day 0 Filter
- Analysis:
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Parallel World Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +Third Party 2 Third Party 1 Town win
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +slOosh as the Mafia Balrog Killed Night 6 Filter Blazinghand as the Mafia Goku Killed Night 3 Filter Foolishness as the Mafia Planeswalker - GreYMisT Lynched Day 3 Filter Mementoss as the Mafia Swapstopper Lynched Day 4 Filter Darkfirex5 as the Third Party 3rd Party Planar Dragon Survived Day 3 Filter marvellosity as the Third Party Kenpachi, The Paragon, Lord of Order, God of Ver, Servant of Pow Survived Day 5 Filter keirathi as the Town Edward Elric Survived Night 6 Filter yamato77 as the Town Flux Guardian 2.0 Modkilled Day 6 Filter Dienosore as the Town Medic that Lynched Day 2 Filter Crossfire99 as the Town Monk of the Black Flame Survived Night 6 Filter Risen as the Town Monk of the Black Flame Killed Night 6 Filter Hassybaby as the Town Mr Wiggles, Interdimensional Claimer Survived Night 6 Filter syllogism as the Town P-Body Killed Night 3 Filter sandroba as the Town Planeswalker - iGrok Killed Night 1 Filter austinmcc as the Town Rubick, The Grand Magus Killed Night 2 Filter Kenpachi as the Town Seto Kaiba Lynched Day 1 Filter Palmar as the Town Teemo Killed Night 2 Filter randombum as the Town The IRS Killed Night 5 Filter
- Analysis:
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Themed Game Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Gonzaw as the Mafia The Alchemist Survived Day 3 Filter Crossfire99 as the Mafia The Dementor of Azkaban Survived Day 3 Filter kitaman27 as the Mafia The Tommy the Fireman Survived Day 3 Filter Marvellosity as the Mafia The Yuri Prime Killed Night 2 Filter Mr. Cheesecake as the Town The 911 Operator Killed Night 2 Filter Blazinghand as the Town The Anakin Skywalker Killed Day 1 Filter Dandel Ion as the Town The Attention Seeker Modkilled Day 3 Filter austinmcc as the Town The Calculator Killed Night 1 Filter randombum as the Town The Clingy Girlfriend Killed Night 1 Filter iamperfection as the Town The Dota player who picks support and actually supports Killed Day 2 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town The Hipster Lynched Day 1 Filter jcarlsoniv as the Town The Infestor Endgamed Day 3 Filter Kurumi as the Town The Information Gambler Killed Night 1 Filter Vivax as the Town The Jean-Luc Picard Killed Day 3 Filter Keirathi as the Town The Johnny Magic Killed Night 1 Filter Stutters695 as the Town The Plaguemaster Killed Night 2 Filter Sylencia as the Town The Rubik The Grand Magus Lynched Day 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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Personality Mafia 2+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Mocsta as the Mafia GreYMisT Survived Night 3 Filter Acrofales as the Mafia iGrok Survived Night 3 Filter austinmcc as the Mafia kitaman27 Survived Night 3 Filter DarthPunk as the Mafia Liquid`Sheth Survived Night 3 Filter HiroPro as the Mafia marvellosity Survived Night 3 Filter wherebugsgo as the Third Party chezinu Lynched Day 1 Filter Foolishness as the Town bumatlarge Killed Night 2 Filter slOosh as the Town Caller Endgamed Night 3 Filter Promethelax as the Town Foolishness Killed Night 2 Filter risk.nuke as the Town GMarshal Killed Night 3 Filter prplhz as the Town Jackal58 Endgamed Night 3 Filter Crossfire99 as the Town jcarlsoniv Endgamed Night 3 Filter Stutters695 as the Town Kenpachi Killed Night 3 Filter yamato77 as the Town Meapak_Ziphh Killed Night 3 Filter strongandbig as the Town Mr. Wiggles Killed Night 2 Filter cDgCorazon as the Town Palmar Lynched Day 2 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Plexa Endgamed Night 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town prplhz Killed Night 1 Filter iamperfection as the Town Radfield Killed Night 2 Filter BloodyC0bbler as the Town RebirthOfLegend Killed Night 1 Filter Dandel Ion as the Town sandroba Killed Night 2 Filter supersoft as the Town syllogism Killed Night 1 Filter Vivax as the Town Toadesstern Lynched Day 3 Filter marvellosity as the Town VisceraEyes Endgamed Night 3 Filter Kurumi as the Town wherebugsgo Killed Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Boardwalk Empire Mafia: Pick Your Power+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +ObviousOne as the Mafia CPR Doctor Lynched Day 2 Filter artanis[xp] as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 1 Filter bill murray as the Mafia Injustice Vig Killed Day 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Mafia NRA Member Killed Day 1 Filter shelvocke as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town America Killed Night 2 Filter Mocsta as the Town Capitalist Survived Day 5 Filter austinmcc as the Town Copy Cat Killed Day 2 Filter strongandbig as the Town Detective Lynched Day 3 Filter Palmar as the Town Emperor Killed Night 1 Filter Restraining Order as the Town Framer Survived Day 5 Filter sn0_man as the Town Inventor Killed Night 2 Filter gonzaw as the Town Jack Killed Day 1 Filter deconduo as the Town Janitor Killed Night 1 Filter keirathi as the Town NKVD Agent Killed Night 3 Filter Vivax as the Town Parity Cop Lynched Day 5 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Recruiting Mason Survived Day 5 Filter caller as the Town Showtime Killed Night 1 Filter geript as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 5 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter sharrant as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter yamato77 as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 5 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vote Rigger Survived Day 5 Filter
- Analysis:
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Carnival Cruise Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +VisceraEyes as the Mafia Absorber Survived Night 5 Filter prplhz as the Mafia Captain Survived Night 5 Filter Blazinghand as the Mafia Framer Killed Night 2 Filter slOosh as the Mafia Hammerer Lynched Day 4 Filter strongandbig as the Mafia Tough Guy Survived Night 5 Filter Promethelax as the Third Party Serial Killer Lynched Day 3 Filter chaoser as the Town Copycat Modkilled Day 2 Filter WaveofShadow as the Town Gladiator Scum killed Night 3 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Jailkeeper Killed Night 0 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Macho Cop Scum killed Night 4 Filter DarthPunk as the Town Self Aware Miller Scum killed Night 0 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 2 Filter HiroPro as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter kushm4sta as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 5 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Scum killed Night 1 Filter shirokami as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 2 Filter VayneAuthority as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Vivax as the Town Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter grush57 as the Town Vote Thief Endgamed Night 5 Filter ObviousOne as the Town Watcher Endgamed Night 5 Filter
- Analysis:
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Nuclear Winter Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Koshi as the Mafia Investigator Survived Day 5 Filter Oatsmaster as the Mafia Missile Defense System Survived Day 5 Filter XigXag as the Mafia North-Korean Technician Killed Day 2 Filter Ace as the Mafia Nuclear Physicist Killed Day 4 Filter MajuGarzett as the Mafia Vladimir Putin Lynched Day 4 Filter Chezinu as the Mafia Zombie Kim Jong II Survived Day 5 Filter CaucasianAsian as the Third Party Serial Nuker Lynched Day 5 Filter [UoN]Sentinel as the Town Barrack Obama Killed Night 4 Filter Z-BosoN as the Town Bunker Owner Killed Night 3 Filter WaveofShadow as the Town Hacker Killed Day 4 Filter jampidampi as the Town Immune One Lynched Day 2 Filter Onegu as the Town Immune One Endgamed Day 5 Filter Strongandbig as the Town Immune One Endgamed Day 5 Filter Xatalos as the Town Immune One Killed Night 2 Filter johnnywup as the Town Kim Jong Un Killed Night 4 Filter Nirvana.Gabo as the Town Medic Killed Day 1 Filter geript as the Town Missile Defense System Killed Night 4 Filter OriginalName as the Town North-Korean Technician Lynched Day 1 Filter Alakaslam as the Town Russian Technician Endgamed Day 5 Filter FirmTofu as the Town Russian Technician Killed Night 2 Filter Stutters695 as the Town Toy Store Endgamed Day 5 Filter Gumshoe as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter VayneAuthority as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter austinmcc as the Town War Protestor Killed Day 4 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Town War Protestor Killed Night 1 Filter TanGeng as the Town Xi JingPeng Killed Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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GoT Mafia: Lords and Liars+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Koshi as the Mafia Roleblocker Survived Night 4 Filter Vivax as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 3 Filter Acrofales as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 4 Filter Chromatically as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 4 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 4 Filter yamato77 as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Sharrant as the Town Detective Killed Night 4 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Medic Killed Night 2 Filter Ace as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 2 Filter Clarity_nl as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 4 Filter Dandel Ion as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter Firmtofu as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Grackaroni as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 4 Filter gumshoe as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter iamperfection as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter johnnywup as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter kushm4sta as the Town Vanilla Lynched Night 3 Filter Mocsta as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 4 Filter Oberyn as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter Risen as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 4 Filter s0Lstice as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 4 Filter strongandbig as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 4 Filter Xatalos as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 4 Filter
- Analysis:
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Aperture Mafia 2: Episode 2+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +randombum as the Mafia Blue Survived Day 5 Filter Mr. Cheesecake as the Mafia Dimensional Lemming Survived Day 5 Filter ObviousOne as the Mafia Fate Ninja Lynched Day 3 Filter Felkyr as the Mafia Gabe Newell Survived Day 5 Filter Coagulation as the Mafia Gordon Freeman Killed Night 3 Filter Clarity_nl as the Mafia GreYMisT Survived Day 5 Filter austinmcc as the Mafia iGrok Survived Day 5 Filter Alakaslam as the Mafia P-Body Modkilled Day 3 Filter Risen as the Third Party Soulreaver, Keeper of the Shattered Bell Endgamed Day 5 Filter VayneAuthority as the Third Party Survivor Killed Night 2 Filter VisceraEyes as the Third Party Survivor Survived Day 5 Filter WaveofShadow as the Third Party Survivor Survived Day 5 Filter Hassybaby as the Town A.T.L.A.S Lynched Day 2 Filter Geript as the Town Atrophic Mage Lynched Day 2 Filter yamato77 as the Town Ayla Killed Night 1 Filter Koshi as the Town Cave Johnson Killed Night 2 Filter Dandel Ion as the Town Clazureme Mage Killed Night 1 Filter Blazinghand as the Town Companion Cube Lynched Day 1 Filter HiroPro as the Town Crossfire99 Killed Night 4 Filter Debears as the Town Cyrus Killed Day 4 Filter strongandbig as the Town Delver of the Infinite Killed Night 2 Filter Onegu as the Town Dog Killed Night 3 Filter Stutters695 as the Town Dr. Kliner Killed Night 4 Filter Cephiro as the Town Isaac Endgamed Day 5 Filter ShiaoPi as the Town Kanti, Lord of the Black Flames Killed Night 3 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Kenpachi Killed Night 2 Filter MrZentor as the Town Link, the Hero of Time Endgamed Day 5 Filter AxleGreaser as the Town Medic thats awesome and doesnt suck Lynched Day 4 Filter cakepie as the Town Professor Oak Killed Night 4 Filter Raynpelikoneet as the Town Red Endgamed Day 5 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Speaker for the Dead Killed Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
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Hogwarts Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Onegu as the Mafia Framer Killed Night 6 Filter Pandain as the Mafia Harry Potter Killed Night 1 Filter EchelonTee as the Mafia Lover Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter Blazinghand as the Mafia Puppetmaster Killed Day 6 Filter LoneMeow as the Mafia Rolecop Killed Night 1 Filter Holyflare as the Mafia Secret Voter Lynched Day 5 Filter Cephiro as the Town Broadcaster Lynched Day 3 Filter storrzerg as the Town Cedric Diggory Modkilled Day 3 Filter Mocsta as the Town Draco Malfoy Survived Day 7 Filter Mattchew as the Town House Listchecker Modkilled Day 3 Filter I-Be-Pro as the Town Lover Killed Night 1 Filter Syllogism as the Town Luna Lovegood Survived Day 7 Filter LastArgument as the Town Mason Killed Night 1 Filter Stutters695 as the Town Mason Lynched Day 2 Filter Justanothertownie as the Town Multi-shot Copycat Killed Night 6 Filter Hopeless1der as the Town Potionmaster Killed Night 5 Filter Sn0_Man as the Town Reflective Medic Killed Night 4 Filter Raynpelikonoshi as the Town Ron Weasley miller Survived Day 7 Filter Chairman Ray as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter Grackaroni as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 7 Filter Skanjab1s as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 6 Filter supersoft as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter VayneAuthority as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Palmar as the Town Vigilante Lynched Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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PYP: League of Legends Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +JonnyLaw as the Mafia Evelynn Killed Day 4 Filter Onegu as the Mafia Malzahar Modkilled Night 4 Filter supersoft as the Mafia Twisted Fate Lynched Day 7 Filter Mocsta as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 6 Filter Oatsmaster as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Day 8 Filter Meapak_Ziphh as the Mafia Wukong Lynched Day 4 Filter Coagulation as the Mafia Ziggs Lynched Day 3 Filter Mig as the Town ChoGath Killed Night 4 Filter mkfuba07 as the Town Fiddlesticks Killed Night 3 Filter sandroba as the Town Fiora Survived Day 8 Filter Risen as the Town Karma Lynched Day 5 Filter Promethelax as the Town Kha’Zix Killed Night 1 Filter justanothertownie as the Town KogMaw Survived Day 8 Filter Chezinu as the Town LeBlanc Killed Night 2 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Lux Killed Night 3 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Shen Killed Night 6 Filter ticklishmusic as the Town Taric Killed Night 3 Filter roffles as the Town Teemo Modkilled Day 5 Filter jcarlsoniv as the Town Thresh Killed Night 7 Filter LSB as the Town Tryndamere Lynched Day 4 Filter geript as the Town Twitch Modkilled Night 2 Filter austinmcc as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter bumatlarge as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter gtrsrs as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Night 4 Filter jaybrundage as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 8 Filter kushm4sta as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 8 Filter OdinOfPergo as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 2 Filter Rean as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Koshi as the Town Viktor Survived Day 8 Filter Kurumi as the Town Warwick Modkilled Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
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Catastrophe Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +Hoarder Psychiatrist Town win
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Oatsmaster as the Mafia Narumas the Etihw Killed Day 5 Filter VisceraEyes as the Mafia Death Traitor Lynched Day 6 Filter LSB as the Mafia Doppelganger Killed Night 2 Filter sandroba as the Mafia Dragon-Slaying Powerdemon Killed Night 7 Filter iamperfection as the Mafia Knight Artorias Lynched Day 2 Filter syllogism as the Mafia Werner von Braun Lynched Day 2 Filter Amiko as the Third Party Hoarder Survived Night 7 Filter JustanotherTownie as the Third Party Ironically Sociopathic Psychiatrist Survived Night 7 Filter Dandel Ion as the Third Party Planar Egg Killed Night 5 Filter Paperscraps as the Town Anastacia of Astora Killed Night 6 Filter marvellosity as the Town Blood Mage Killed Night 1 Filter gumshoe as the Town Conquest Lynched Day 1 Filter Holyflare as the Town Dimensional Lemming Killed Night 2 Filter Foolishness as the Town Dr. Sy. N. Tist Killed Night 1 Filter geript as the Town Famine Survived Night 7 Filter WaveofShadow as the Town Fladnag the Yerg Killed Day 4 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Ghost Killed Night 1 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town GM 19-13 Chaos Bot Prototype MK1 Modkilled Day 1 Filter Koshi as the Town Hand of the Cult of the Atom Killed Night 2 Filter yamato77 as the Town Johnathan Osterman Killed Day 2 Filter tehpoofter as the Town Loose Cannon Cop Killed Day 2 Filter Hopeless1der as the Town Merchant Killed Night 4 Filter Palmar as the Town Merchant Killed Night 5 Filter IAmRobik as the Town MIRROR-MAN! CHAMPION OF REFLECTOSITY, MASTER OF THE INVERSE, AND Killed Night 4 Filter Killing as the Town Paranormal Investigator Survived Night 7 Filter austinmcc as the Town Speaker for the Cult of the Atom Killed Night 5 Filter keirathi as the Town Speaker of the Brown Killed Night 1 Filter VayneAuthority as the Town War Survived Night 7 Filter strongandbig as the Town Yu Narukami Survived Night 7 Filter
- Analysis:
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Team Melee Mini Mafia V: Newbies and Vets+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Artanis[Xp] as the Mafia Role Cop Endgamed Night 2 Filter Koshi as the Mafia Role Cop Endgamed Night 2 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter TheSlenderMan as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Eden1892 as the Town Jailkeeper Survived Night 2 Filter goodkarma as the Town Jailkeeper Survived Night 2 Filter GlowingBear as the Town Parity Cop Survived Day 2 Filter HaruRH as the Town Parity Cop Survived Day 2 Filter 27ninjabunnies as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 2 Filter Alakaslam as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Holyflare as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 2 Filter IAmRobik as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 2 Filter marvellosity as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 1 Filter mderg as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 1 Filter OnceKing as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 2 Filter Palmar as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 2 Filter sqrtofneg1 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Stratiform as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Tehpoofter as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Showdown Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +marvellosity as the Mafia Janitor Lynched Day 1 Filter Damdred as the Mafia Substitute Survived Day 5 Filter goodkarma as the Mafia Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter yamato77 as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter MysteryMeat1 as the Town Bodyguard Killed Night 1 Filter Palmar as the Town Salesman Killed Night 4 Filter ritoky as the Town Suicide Bomber Killed Night 1 Filter batsnacks as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 5 Filter fuba as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 5 Filter Holyflare as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter justanothertownie as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter kushm4sta as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter ObiWanShinobi as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 0 Filter sinani206 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter slOosh as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 5 Filter Vivax as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 5 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Hearthstone Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +jaybrundage as the Mafia LORD JARAXXUS Survived Day 4 Filter liancourt as the Mafia Nozdormu Survived Day 4 Filter Holyflare as the Mafia Tirion Fordring Survived Day 4 Filter Lord Tolkien as the Mafia Valeera Sanguinar Lynched Day 1 Filter Damdred as the Town Aldor Peacekeeper Endgamed Day 4 Filter Chairman Ray as the Town Anduin Wrynn Lynched Day 4 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Gelbin Mekkatorque Endgamed Day 4 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town GulDan Killed Night 3 Filter risk.nuke as the Town Jaina Proudmoore Lynched Day 2 Filter GlowingBear as the Town KelThuzad Killed Night 1 Filter Misder as the Town Leeroy Jenkings Lynched Day 3 Filter ObiWanShinobi as the Town Malfurion Stormrage Lynched Day 2 Filter Alakaslam as the Town Rexxar Endgamed Day 4 Filter Seuss as the Town Sylvanas Windrunner Killed Night 2 Filter Blazinghand as the Town Thrall Killed Night 1 Filter ritoky as the Town Uther Lightbringer Endgamed Day 4 Filter jrkirby as the Town Ysera Killed Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Jack of All Trades Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Alakaslam as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 3 Filter geript as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Day 3 Filter Keirathi as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 3 Filter Kurumi as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 3 Filter LightningStrike as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Night 3 Filter Sandroba as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Day 3 Filter Half the Sky as the Third Party Ninja Survived Day 3 Filter IAmRobik as the Third Party Ninja Modkilled Day 3 Filter AT.Epiphany as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter batsnacks as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 3 Filter Breshke as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 3 Filter Damdred as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Fecalfeast as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 3 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter Koshi as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter Mocsta as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter ObiWanShinobi as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Night 3 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter rsoultin as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Sepulchre as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 3 Filter sicklucker as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Toadesstern as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Tubesock as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Night 3 Filter your mom as the Town Vanilla Killed Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Aperture Mafia 4: This Time it's Personal+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Damdred as the Mafia Abather Lynched Day 3 Filter batsnacks as the Mafia Federal Rules of Evidence Killed Night 4 Filter Blazinghand as the Mafia Inspector G. Lestrade Survived Night 4 Filter ObiwanShinobi as the Mafia Knight Artorias Survived Night 4 Filter Sepulchre as the Mafia Liliana Vess Survived Night 4 Filter VayneAuthority as the Mafia Nicol Bolas Survived Night 4 Filter Trfel as the Third Party Dungeon Master Endgamed Night 3 Filter Alakaslam as the Third Party Incredibly Ambitious Prophet Killed Day 3 Filter Holyflare as the Third Party Professor Moriarty Lynched Day 4 Filter WaveofShadow as the Town BK-201, the Black Reaper Killed Night 2 Filter kitaman27 as the Town Bruce Wayne Endgamed Night 4 Filter ritoky as the Town Captain Malcolm Reynolds Killed Night 1 Filter LightningStrike as the Town Commissioner Gordon Killed Night 2 Filter Crossfire99 as the Town Dangeresque Endgamed Night 4 Filter Justanothertownie as the Town Dr. House Killed Night 3 Filter Snarfs as the Town Dr. John Watson Endgamed Night 4 Filter Rsoultin as the Town Frank Underwood Killed Night 2 Filter Onegu as the Town Happy Mask Salesman Endgamed Night 4 Filter Hapahauli as the Town Jace the Mind Sculptor Killed Day 2 Filter Sicklucker as the Town Legitimate Businessman Lynched Day 1 Filter Half the Sky as the Town PSY Endgamed Night 4 Filter Keirathi as the Town Settlers of Catan Killed Night 3 Filter Cezitwo as the Town Sherlock Holmes Killed Night 1 Filter yamato77 as the Town Time-Travelling Perfectionist Killed Night 3 Filter Koshi as the Town TL Mafia Ban List Killed Night 2 Filter strongandbig as the Town TL Mafia Power Ranking Killed Night 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town ViscerEyes, as GreYMist as Link, the Hero of Time Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
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Hajime no Ippo Maifa+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Holyflare as the Mafia Itagaki Manabu Survived Night 7 Filter sandroba as the Mafia Malcom Gedo Lynched Day 1 Filter FecalFeast as the Mafia Miguel Zale Lynched Day 2 Filter Vivax as the Mafia Sawamura Ryuuhei Lynched Day 3 Filter Yamato77 as the Mafia Takamura Mamoru Lynched Day 4 Filter ObiWanShinobi as the Mafia Yagi Haruhiko Lynched Day 5 Filter Xatalos as the Third Party Bryan Hawk Survived Night 7 Filter Damdred as the Town Alexander Volg Zangief Killed Night 6 Filter marvellosity as the Town Alfedo Gonzales Killed Day 2 Filter indignant as the Town Aoki Masaru Killed Night 5 Filter Inspector Javert as the Town Date Eiji Lynched Day 6 Filter LightningStrike as the Town David Eagle Killed Night 5 Filter Jean Valjean as the Town Fujii Minoru Modkilled Day 2 Filter Breshke as the Town Hama Dankichi Lynched Day 7 Filter Sepulchre as the Town Iami Kyoske Killed Day 3 Filter The Shining as the Town Iimura Mari Killed Night 3 Filter rygart as the Town Ippo Makunochi Modkilled Day 1 Filter rsoultin as the Town KamogawaGenji Killed Night 3 Filter sicklucker as the Town Kimura Tatsuya Modkilled Night 5 Filter koshi as the Town Mashiba Kumi Modkilled Night 1 Filter Stutters695 as the Town Sendou Takeshi Modkilled Day 5 Filter chezniu as the Town Shinoda Killed Night 7 Filter
- Analysis:
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The New Personality Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Lord Tolkien as the Mafia FecalFeast Lynched Day 3 Filter Tubesock as the Mafia Holyflare Killed Night 2 Filter Chezinu as the Mafia Koshi Lynched Day 4 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Mafia marvellosity Lynched Day 2 Filter JudgeJudy as the Mafia ritoky Survived Day 6 Filter yamato77 as the Third Party Alakaslam Killed Night 2 Filter Damdred as the Third Party Chezinu Survived Day 6 Filter ritoky as the Town Blazinghand Lynched Day 5 Filter Fidei86 as the Town Damdred Killed Night 5 Filter Tictock as the Town geript Lynched Day 6 Filter Fecalfeast as the Town Glowingbear Killed Night 4 Filter WaveofShadow as the Town Half The Sky Killed Night 1 Filter KelsierSC as the Town justanothertownie Killed Night 3 Filter ruXxar as the Town LightningStrike Lynched Day 1 Filter Half The Sky as the Town Oatsmaster Killed Night 1 Filter ObiWanShinobi as the Town Onegu Endgamed Day 6 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Palmar Killed Night 2 Filter Breshke as the Town Raynpelikoneet Killed Night 4 Filter geript as the Town rsoultin Endgamed Day 6 Filter The Shining as the Town sicklucker Killed Night 2 Filter Rels as the Town yamato77 Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
+ Show Spoiler [Mini Games] +
+ Show Spoiler [Student Games] +Student Mafia+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +xtfftc as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 4 Filter Bluelightz as the Mafia Vanilla Endgamed Filter jaybrundage as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Velinath as the Town Detective Survived Filter Blazinghand as the Town Medic Survived Filter Adam4167 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter BByte as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter BroodKingEXE as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter ElectricBlack as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter ey215 as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Grackaroni as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter Layabout as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter Tunkeg as the Town Vanilla Survived Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Student Mafia IV+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Meatpudding as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 6 Filter alakaslam as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter LightningStrike as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Trfel as the Town Detective Killed Night 1 Filter Dicksmash McIroncock as the Town Medic Lynched Day 1 Filter batsnacks as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter Breshke as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 6 Filter Damdred as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Half the Sky as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 6 Filter kushm4sta as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter rsoultin as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 4 Filter sicklucker as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Student Mafia V+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +DarthPunk as the Mafia Roleblocker Survived Day 4 Filter The Shining as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter Trfel as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter LightningStrike as the Town Cop Killed Night 2 Filter jarjarbinks as the Town Tracker Killed Night 3 Filter Breshke as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 4 Filter coolTLname as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter Damdred as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 4 Filter geript as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 4 Filter GlowingBear as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter LoneMeow as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter rsoultin as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter TheWarWaffle as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia VI+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +sicklucker as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 6 Filter Probulous as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 3 Filter Artanis[Xp] as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter _Tormented_ as the Town Detective Killed Night 4 Filter damdred as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Eden1892 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter FecalFeast as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 6 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter snarfs as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter The Shining as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter Tronak as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 6 Filter WaveofShadow as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Yamato77 as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 6 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia VIII+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Scott31337 as the Mafia Godfather Survived Day 3 Filter Holyflare as the Mafia Roleblocker Survived Day 3 Filter LeiNadk as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Bourneq as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter cakepie as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Damdred as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter ObiWanShinobi as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter TheBloodyDwarf as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter Trfel as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter The Shining as the Town Veteran Endgamed Day 3 Filter LightningStrike as the Town Vigilante Killed Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia IX+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +y0su as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 3 Filter prplhz as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 2 Filter Stutters695 as the Mafia Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter disformation as the Town Doctor Killed Night 2 Filter -Celestial- as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter FecalFeast as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Half the Sky as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter ritoky as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter sicklucker as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter The Shining as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Tictock as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Superbia as the Town Vigilante Survived Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia VII+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Tubesock as the Mafia Godfather Survived Day 3 Filter rsoultin as the Mafia Roleblocker Survived Day 3 Filter jarjarbinks as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Bourneq as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Half the Sky as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter Holyflare as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter plotspot as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter prplhz as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter Stutters695 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter TheBloodyDwarf as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter Trfel as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter Breshke as the Town Veteran Endgamed Day 3 Filter The Shining as the Town Vigilante Endgamed Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia X+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +27ninjabunnies as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 4 Filter boxerfred as the Mafia Goon Endgamed Night 5 Filter scott31337 as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 1 Filter batsnacks as the Town Cop Killed Night 3 Filter Breshke as the Town Mason Killed Night 2 Filter Tictock as the Town Mason Survived Night 5 Filter plotspot as the Town Roleblocker Killed Night 4 Filter Barakos as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 5 Filter Bill Murray as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter disformation as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 5 Filter Rels as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter sicklucker as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 5 Filter Sulfurus as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia XI+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Sulfurus as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 2 Filter WaveofShadow as the Mafia Rolecop Survived Day 4 Filter Trfel as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter MoosyDoosy as the Town Doctor Killed Night 2 Filter batsnacks as the Town Mad Hatter Killed Night 3 Filter Damdred as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter geript as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter Kickstart as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 4 Filter n00bKing as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Oatsmaster as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 4 Filter Rels as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 4 Filter ruXxar as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 4 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia XII+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Sulfurus as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 1 Filter WonnaPlay as the Mafia Roleblocker Modkilled Day 3 Filter TJHuggins as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Grokken as the Town Cop Survived Day 3 Filter Half the Sky as the Town Doctor Survived Day 3 Filter Fidei86 as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter GhandiEAGLE as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter KelsierSC as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter MoosyDoosy as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter n00bKing as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter silentwarrior as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Tictock as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia XIII+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +NocturneMage as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 3 Filter n00bKing as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 4 Filter Barakos as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter scott31337 as the Town Cop Survived Day 4 Filter Breshke as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter Damdred as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter disformation as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter MoosyDoosy as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 3 Filter Rels as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter ruXxar as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter Sulfurus as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 4 Filter Tictock as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Veteran Killed Night 2 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia XIV: Firefly+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +MoosyDoosy as the Mafia Godfather Survived Day 6 Filter CopCake as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 4 Filter GlowingBear as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter NocturneMage as the Town Cop Killed Night 4 Filter Breshke as the Town Doctor Killed Night 3 Filter Alakaslam as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 5 Filter boxerfred as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Fidei86 as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 6 Filter n00bKing as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter raynpelikoneet as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 2 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 6 Filter Superbia as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 5 Filter yamato77 as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Student Mafia XV+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Stoicism_ as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 1 Filter KelsierSC as the Mafia Vanilla Endgamed Night 1 Filter marvellosity as the Mafia Vanilla Endgamed Night 1 Filter sicklucker as the Town Detective Survived Night 1 Filter -Celestial- as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter Eversince as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter Gumdrop as the Town Vanilla Modkilled Day 1 Filter MoosyDoosy as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter ObviousOne as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter The Shining as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter Vivax as the Town Vanilla Survived Night 1 Filter Fecalfeast as the Town Veteran Survived Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Student Mafia XVI+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Eversince as the Mafia Godfather Lynched Day 4 Filter Vonthin as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 5 Filter boxerfred as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter FarahBlackwing as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 3 Filter GlowingBear as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 5 Filter KelsierSC as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter LoneMeow as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter MoosyDoosy as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter sicklucker as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter The Shining as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 5 Filter Fecalfeast as the Town Veteran Survived Day 5 Filter Rels as the Town Vigilante Killed Night 4 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia XVII: Fullmetal Edition+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Trfel as the Mafia Godfather Endgamed Day 3 Filter Breshke as the Mafia Roleblocker Lynched Day 2 Filter ritoky as the Mafia Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter disformation as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Fecalfeast as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter geript as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter NocturneMage as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter The Shining as the Town Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter VisceraEyes as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter Damdred as the Town Veteran Survived Day 3 Filter MoosyDoosy as the Town Vigilante Killed Night 1 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
Newbie Student Mafia XVIII+ Show Spoiler +- Links to the OP/Day/Night:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Results:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
- Role List:
+ Show Spoiler +Kmatt as the Mafia Roleblocker Survived Day 3 Filter Fidei86 as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter NocturneMage as the Mafia Vanilla Survived Day 3 Filter The Shining as the Town Detective Killed Night 2 Filter Fecalfeast as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter GiygaS as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter GlowingBear as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 3 Filter Irishbound as the Town Vanilla Killed Night 1 Filter mderg as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter nooniansoong as the Town Vanilla Endgamed Day 3 Filter Onegu as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 2 Filter scott31337 as the Town Vanilla Lynched Day 1 Filter
- Analysis:
+ Show Spoiler +Link to Analysis or Copy of Analysis
+ Show Spoiler [Newbie Games] +
United States9244 Posts
The database (playerlist and stats) have been updated as of today. As always, let me know if I missed a game or if you notice a mistake.
I decided to move the game records list from the OP to the post above. I figured that people use it a lot less often than the player filter list and due to it's size (nearly 1.4 million characters/550 pages) it was making updates a bit difficult since it was freezing my browser XD
Here are the notable stat changes since last update (July 2015):
![[image loading]](http://i65.tinypic.com/mvok5w.png) There were 170 distinct players in 2015, 58 less than the previous year. Down for the third straight year from 420 in 2012. 59 games were played in 2015, 8 less than the previous year. Down for the third straight year from 96 in 2012. Of those 170, 113 have played at least 3 games on TL Mafia.
It might be time to bump the TL Mafia sidebar thread to see if there is any hope about getting us added to the other sites. I'll show off this fancy graph and the results of our newbie game surveys so maybe we can convince them XD
Palmar has passed VE for the most games played (91 to 89) Damdred (33) tops the list for games played in 2015 followed by Onegu (28), rsoult (24), LS (23), FF (21), Palmar (20) and SL (20). He also breaks the all time record for most games in a single year, previously set by Oats with 32 in 2013. There wasn't a ton of changes to most of the win percentage stats this update. GB strengthened his grasp on the mafia win percentage going 8/9. DarthPunk has tied Adam with a 75% win percentage in mini games. There were only 3 large normal games and 4 large themed games hosted. In comparison, there were 51 mini setups. Ace, BloodyC0bbler, bumatlarge, and Caller all failed to play a game in 2015, leaving only Chezinu and RebirthOfLeGenD on the list of players who have played game every year since 2008.
New Stats
I also came up with a bunch of new stats. Feel free to make a request if you can think of something else that might be interesting.
FF and Shining managed to shoot themselves in the foot by replacing into the latest student game :D
Student Game Win Percentage (Minimum 5 Games) sicklucker 5/6 = 83.3333% FecalFeast 5/6 = 83.3333% MoosyDoosy 5/7 = 71.4286% The Shining 6/9 = 66.6667% Scott31337 6/10 = 60.0000%
I finally got around to adding the win percentage by alignment stat. Not sure why it took me a couple years.
Win Percentage By Alignment Mafia 211/405 = 52.0988% Town 173/391 = 44.2455% Third Party 39/125 = 31.2000%
2015 Win Percentage By Alignment Mafia 30/57 = 52.6316% Town 27/57 = 47.3684% Third Party 3/10 = 30.0000%
All hail Chuiu
Hosting Godfathers (Hosted a Game With a First Time Player) Chuiu 206 GMarshal 77 kitaman27 70 DoctorHelvetica 61 flamewheel 58 Artanis[xp] 49 BloodyC0bbler 46 Blazinghand 45 Incognito 36 Caller 34 GreYMisT 33 Meapak_Ziphh 32
Here is Artanis's request. Since you asked, here are your personal top three: Art + Rayn (12) Art + Palmar (11) Art + VE (9)
Looks like the usual suspects.
Players With Common Games VisceraEyes Palmar 38 raynpelikoneet Oatsmaster 34 Palmar marvellosity 32 prplhz Palmar 28 VisceraEyes marvellosity 28 raynpelikoneet Koshi 25 Oatsmaster Koshi 24 yamato77 raynpelikoneet 24 raynpelikoneet Alakaslam 23 raynpelikoneet marvellosity 23 sandroba Palmar 23 VisceraEyes prplhz 23 yamato77 Oatsmaster 23 Oatsmaster marvellosity 22 raynpelikoneet Palmar 22 Vivax Oatsmaster 22
Players With Common Games As Same Alignment raynpelikoneet Oatsmaster 23 Palmar marvellosity 19 raynpelikoneet Koshi 17 kitaman27 Kenpachi 16 Oatsmaster Koshi 16 prplhz Palmar 16 VisceraEyes Palmar 16
Players With Common Games As Opposite Alignment VisceraEyes Palmar 22 Palmar Jackal58 14 VisceraEyes marvellosity 14 Holyflare Damdred 13 Palmar marvellosity 13 Raynpelikoneet Alakaslam 13
Soul Mates - Players With Common Alignment As Percentage JeeJee-Caller 11/11 = 100.0000% nemY-Ace 10/10 = 100.0000% Vivax-ObiWanShinobi 10/10 = 100.0000% Vivax-raynpelikoneet 15/16 = 93.7500% Kenpachi-chaoser 10/11 = 90.9091% JeeJee-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% kitaman27-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000% zeks-Amber[LighT] 9/10 = 90.0000%
Mortal Enemies - Players With Opposite Alignment As Percentage wherebugsgo-chaoser 1/10 = 10.0000% Foolishness-Bill Murray 1/9 = 11.1111% Hopeless1der-Alakaslam 1/8 = 12.5000% rsoultin-Holyflare 2/11 = 18.1818% Palmar-Blazinghand 3/15 = 20.0000% L-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% L-Ace 2/10 = 20.0000% sandroba-Foolishness 2/10 = 20.0000% Scamp-L 2/10 = 20.0000% VisceraEyes-VayneAuthority 2/10 = 20.0000%
Dynamic Duos - Win Percentage By Pair With Common Alignment Mr. Wiggles-kitaman27 8/9 = 88.8889% kitaman27-bumatlarge 8/10 = 80.0000% marvellosity-Hopeless1der 7/9 = 77.7778% VisceraEyes -Raynpelikoneet 10/13 = 76.9231% strongandbig-marvellosity 10/13 = 76.9231% chaoser-bumatlarge 9/12 = 75.0000% prplhz-marvellosity 9/12 = 75.0000% Jackal58-GMarshal 6/8 = 75.0000% LightningStrike-FecalFeast 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Koshi 6/8 = 75.0000% kushm4sta-Damdred 6/8 = 75.0000% sandroba-Kurumi 6/8 = 75.0000% WaveofShadow-Oatsmaster 6/8 = 75.0000% Palmar-LightningStrike 6/8 = 75.0000% keirathi-austinmcc 6/8 = 75.0000% marvellosity-Damdred 6/8 = 75.0000%
Here I calculated the games experience a player had at the time the game was played and then averaged the total games of experience to find the most experienced team.
Most Experienced 5+ Man Mafia Team Assassination Mafia Palmar 21 marvellosity 14 Bill Murray 8 Xatalos 6 justanothertownie 4 TalkingDead 0
Hajime no Ippo Maifa sandroba 13 Holyflare 13 Vivax 11 Yamato77 10 ObiWanShinobi 3 FecalFeast 2
Catastrophe Mafia VisceraEyes 15 sandroba 11 Oatsmaster 7 iamperfection 5 LSB 5 syllogism 3
Most Experienced 3 Man Mafia Team
Completely Normal Generic Mini Mafia Palmar 22 marvellosity 15 Wile E. Coyote 1
Russia Today Palmar 18 raynpelikoneet 14 geript 3
TL Mafia LXXII: Gaiden 2 VisceraEyes 17 Vivax 12 KelsierSC 4
Most Experienced Town Team
Tropical Storm Mini Mafia (35 Avg) Mini Mafia: The kinda Vanilla Experience (28 Avg) Office Mini Mafia (26 Avg) Carnaval do Brasil Mafia (25 Avg) Game of Thrones Mini Mafia (25 Avg)
Mafia needs to shoot these guys more often. Town needs to lynch them more often!
Endgame Win Percentage DarthPunk 13/14 = 92.8571% Chezinu 11/12 = 91.6667% LightningStrike 11/12 = 91.6667% RebirthOfLeGenD 12/14 = 85.7143% Stutters695 11/13 = 84.6154% Justanothertownie 10/12 = 83.3333% chaoser 9/11 = 81.8182% prplhz 16/20 = 80.0000% GMarshal 8/10 = 80.0000% thrawn2112 8/10 = 80.0000% Foolishness 8/10 = 80.0000%
Carried Players (Win Percentage of Players Not Alive At Endgame) OriginalName 8/14 = 57.1429% Caller 9/16 = 56.2500% JeeJee 10/18 = 55.5556% GlowingBear 11/20 = 55.0000% marvellosity 25/46 = 54.3478% Mig 7/13 = 53.8462% sandroba 18/34 = 52.9412% kushm4sta 15/29 = 51.7241%
Apparently this didn't turn out as interesting as I thought it would. It looks like the experience of a single player doesn't have a noticeable impact on the win percentage of that player's alignment. Watch out for that 33rd game. It's a killer 
![[image loading]](http://i65.tinypic.com/2vjcrr4.png)
Win Percentage By Experience (Games Played) 0 618/1297 = 47.6484% 1 351/670 = 52.3881% 2 254/503 = 50.4970% 3 176/405 = 43.4568% 4 159/350 = 45.4286% 5 149/307 = 48.5342% 6 123/268 = 45.8955% 7 108/230 = 46.9565% 8 89/207 = 42.9952% 9 85/189 = 44.9735% 10 88/169 = 52.0710% 11 65/157 = 41.4013% 12 67/147 = 45.5782% 13 69/135 = 51.1111% 14 52/121 = 42.9752% 15 48/114 = 42.1053% 16 53/105 = 50.4762% 17 38/99 = 38.3838% 18 37/95 = 38.9474% 19 40/86 = 46.5116% 20 38/78 = 48.7179% 21 31/72 = 43.0556% 22 33/70 = 47.1429% 23 30/70 = 42.8571% 24 24/62 = 38.7097% 25 32/61 = 52.4590% 26 30/54 = 55.5556% 27 23/53 = 43.3962% 28 21/46 = 45.6522% 29 22/45 = 48.8889% 30 16/40 = 40.0000% 31 17/37 = 45.9459% 32 18/36 = 50.0000% 33 9/32 = 28.1250% 34 12/32 = 37.5000% 35 12/26 = 46.1538% 36 15/26 = 57.6923% 37 12/25 = 48.0000% 38 8/24 = 33.3333% 39 7/20 = 35.0000% 40 10/19 = 52.6316%
Stat God. Ya replacing screwed me lol seeing all my games, though...so much green. I am amused.
On January 10 2016 06:40 The Shining wrote: Stat God. Ya replacing screwed me lol seeing all my games, though...so much green. I am amused.
<3s Kita for all your time and effort.
My god. Thanks. This feature is super useful.
I compared my game list to the one I have and I think this game is missing from the DB:
[T][M] Resistance V - Section 31
Checked a few other players and they don't have it too. Sry if that was a deliberate decision to not add it because it's a resistance game!
Yeah, it's not in the database because it's resistance Rels. Shame because it was one of my rare scum victories 
Also, Chuiu being the hosting godfather makes sense since he hosted the first two games which had like 100 players each :D
Also also, thanks for all the effort you put into the DB!
On December 25 2012 14:00 kitaman27 wrote: Town Lynched Percentage (Minimum 10 games) kitaman27 0/33 = 0.0000% Artanis[Xp] 0/22 = 0.0000% justanothertownie 0/20 = 0.0000% Fishball 0/19 = 0.0000% Supersoft 0/16 = 0.0000% Mig 0/15 = 0.0000% Trfel 0/15 = 0.0000% mkfuba07 0/14 = 0.0000% Half the Sky 0/14 = 0.0000% DoctorHelvetica 0/14 = 0.0000% GMarshal 0/12 = 0.0000% chaos13 0/12 = 0.0000% sciberbia 0/11 = 0.0000% s0Lstice 0/11 = 0.0000% Mementoss 0/11 = 0.0000% KelsierSC 0/11 = 0.0000% barundar 0/10 = 0.0000% Eiii 0/10 = 0.0000% marvellosity 1/57 = 1.7544%
welp looks like I know what my next "goal" will be when I'm in a game together with HTS 
serious note though, thanks for all the time with these stats, some interesting data, that. hopefully we can get a bunch of new bodies in here this year though.
ROFL at that "most carried players", I'm sure it was to prove a point on me
On January 12 2016 07:41 GlowingBear wrote:ROFL at that "most carried players", I'm sure it was to prove a point on me 
When I read "most carried players" I was kinda sure that I would be in that category. But apparently mafia has to shoot you for that.
On January 12 2016 07:49 disformation wrote:Show nested quote +On January 12 2016 07:41 GlowingBear wrote:ROFL at that "most carried players", I'm sure it was to prove a point on me  When I read "most carried players" I was kinda sure that I would be in that category. But apparently mafia has to shoot you for that. 
I don't know, I think I've been lynched in 8 of my 9 games as scum, and I won 8 games lol
Need a catagory about who loses games. I will bring you all down as both alignments. People need to listen to onegu more. And lynch onegu less.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On January 12 2016 11:18 Onegu wrote: Need a catagory about who loses games. I will bring you all down as both alignments. People need to listen to onegu more. And lynch onegu less. maybe people would do that if you played the game more
until then, enjoy the status quo
On January 12 2016 08:14 GlowingBear wrote:Show nested quote +On January 12 2016 07:49 disformation wrote:On January 12 2016 07:41 GlowingBear wrote:ROFL at that "most carried players", I'm sure it was to prove a point on me  When I read "most carried players" I was kinda sure that I would be in that category. But apparently mafia has to shoot you for that.  I don't know, I think I've been lynched in 8 of my 9 games as scum, and I won 8 games lol Every single game that I won as mafia I carried, each time that I died we lost miserably
On January 10 2016 03:13 kitaman27 wrote: Ace, BloodyC0bbler, bumatlarge, and Caller all failed to play a game in 2015, leaving only Chezinu and RebirthOfLeGenD on the list of players who have played game every year since 2015.
TL Mafia dead game.
Unrelated: How regularly are newbie games hosted? Considering trying out this mafia thing.
On January 13 2016 08:10 Alur wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2016 03:13 kitaman27 wrote: Ace, BloodyC0bbler, bumatlarge, and Caller all failed to play a game in 2015, leaving only Chezinu and RebirthOfLeGenD on the list of players who have played game every year since 2015. TL Mafia dead game. Unrelated: How regularly are newbie games hosted? Considering trying out this mafia thing.
I believe we always try to have a newbie game running or in the works
United States9244 Posts
On January 13 2016 08:10 Alur wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2016 03:13 kitaman27 wrote: Ace, BloodyC0bbler, bumatlarge, and Caller all failed to play a game in 2015, leaving only Chezinu and RebirthOfLeGenD on the list of players who have played game every year since 2015. TL Mafia dead game. Unrelated: How regularly are newbie games hosted? Considering trying out this mafia thing.
I'd expect signups for the next one to open in the next week or two. LoneMeow mentioned he was thinking about hosting the next one.
Also Damdred you are going down this year. Playing at least 40 games this year. Thats right all of you can look forward to that.
Maybe that is why mafia numbers are so far down, Onegu played 28 games...
So this is why rayn is always so furious with me and I am so paranoid of him
United States9639 Posts
Awesome Stat job!
Just one thing: how is there a win % for people with 0 gave played?
Better visualization for that last graph: scatterplot! Also, can you compute Pearson's R statistic (using all data, not the avgs)? Looks like there might be a faint negative correlation. If that's statistically significant, it would be weird. If it's not, it probably means there's just more luck involved than Marv would like you to believe.
Also would be interesting to compare experience vs win% to other games. There's probably a dataset about poker winnings somewhere. But it'd be a lot of work. Might get a scientific publication out of it if done well, though.
In any case, you're curating a pretty cool data set here. Great job!
On January 15 2016 19:09 Acrofales wrote: Awesome Stat job!
Just one thing: how is there a win % for people with 0 gave played?
Better visualization for that last graph: scatterplot! Also, can you compute Pearson's R statistic (using all data, not the avgs)? Looks like there might be a faint negative correlation. If that's statistically significant, it would be weird. If it's not, it probably means there's just more luck involved than Marv would like you to believe.
Also would be interesting to compare experience vs win% to other games. There's probably a dataset about poker winnings somewhere. But it'd be a lot of work. Might get a scientific publication out of it if done well, though.
In any case, you're curating a pretty cool data set here. Great job! The win percentage you have in mafia is at best loosely correlated to your skill or experience. First of all because it depends very much on your teammates and if you die n1 you cannot really win the game for your team as town for example. And second of all of course also because of luck in certain situations.
I know stats somewhat and im sure the variance in mafia games means your win percentage will mean very little in your lifetime unless you play like a game everymonth for your entire life. Stats dont mean much do you really think marv is an elite scum player that does not give up day one and wins 9/10 of his games?
United States9244 Posts
On January 16 2016 06:11 sicklucker wrote: I know stats somewhat and im sure the variance in mafia games means your win percentage will mean very little in your lifetime unless you play like a game everymonth for your entire life. Stats dont mean much do you really think marv is an elite scum player that does not give up day one and wins 9/10 of his games?
Hence the disclaimer in the OP: "Please note that these stats are just for entertainment purposes. Mafia is obviously a team game so its difficult to put much weight into individual statistics, especially with a small sample size" 
On January 15 2016 22:38 justanothertownie wrote: The win percentage you have in mafia is at best loosely correlated to your skill or experience. First of all because it depends very much on your teammates and if you die n1 you cannot really win the game for your team as town for example. And second of all of course also because of luck in certain situations.
I'd say that there is a much stronger correlation to skill, than experience, although measuring "skill" in any quantitative way would be difficult. I'd probably have to look at something like a relationship between win percentage from games 1-x vs the outcome of game x+1, which is a bit too complicated. There are definitely a lot of factors that go into determining the outcome though, so you're probably right that it would be difficult to come up with anything worthwhile.
On January 15 2016 19:09 Acrofales wrote: Better visualization for that last graph: scatterplot! Also, can you compute Pearson's R statistic (using all data, not the avgs)? Looks like there might be a faint negative correlation. If that's statistically significant, it would be weird. If it's not, it probably means there's just more luck involved than Marv would like you to believe.
Yeah scattersplot would be better, but I was being lazy with the 30 second graphing site XD
The graph shows "experience", which is why a player with 0 games experience (their first game) could have a win percentage.
The reason I'm using an avg instead of all data is that it gives a win percentage, rather than a binary result of "win" or "loss" for each sample point. Maybe I'll go a bit further the next time I'm really bored.
On January 15 2016 19:09 Acrofales wrote: Might get a scientific publication out of it if done well, though.
As long as I not tilted or having ego issues mafia shouldn't really leave me alive according to the thing as I only end gamed town once as mafia :o
hey im not saying dont do it! i love looking at stats =]
On January 16 2016 06:58 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2016 06:11 sicklucker wrote: I know stats somewhat and im sure the variance in mafia games means your win percentage will mean very little in your lifetime unless you play like a game everymonth for your entire life. Stats dont mean much do you really think marv is an elite scum player that does not give up day one and wins 9/10 of his games? Hence the disclaimer in the OP: "Please note that these stats are just for entertainment purposes. Mafia is obviously a team game so its difficult to put much weight into individual statistics, especially with a small sample size"  Show nested quote +On January 15 2016 22:38 justanothertownie wrote: The win percentage you have in mafia is at best loosely correlated to your skill or experience. First of all because it depends very much on your teammates and if you die n1 you cannot really win the game for your team as town for example. And second of all of course also because of luck in certain situations. I'd say that there is a much stronger correlation to skill, than experience, although measuring "skill" in any quantitative way would be difficult. I'd probably have to look at something like a relationship between win percentage from games 1-x vs the outcome of game x+1, which is a bit too complicated. There are definitely a lot of factors that go into determining the outcome though, so you're probably right that it would be difficult to come up with anything worthwhile. Show nested quote +On January 15 2016 19:09 Acrofales wrote: Better visualization for that last graph: scatterplot! Also, can you compute Pearson's R statistic (using all data, not the avgs)? Looks like there might be a faint negative correlation. If that's statistically significant, it would be weird. If it's not, it probably means there's just more luck involved than Marv would like you to believe. Yeah scattersplot would be better, but I was being lazy with the 30 second graphing site XD The graph shows "experience", which is why a player with 0 games experience (their first game) could have a win percentage. The reason I'm using an avg instead of all data is that it gives a win percentage, rather than a binary result of "win" or "loss" for each sample point. Maybe I'll go a bit further the next time I'm really bored. Show nested quote +On January 15 2016 19:09 Acrofales wrote: Might get a scientific publication out of it if done well, though. lolz
Yeah, scientific publication would be a long shot, but people really like cleverly done stats. And some kind of comparative work between the influence of experience on performance in different games might be sufficiently hard to figure out that people haven't actually done this yet. Who knows what the Journal of Applied Statistics accepts (definitely baseball, I saw some).
A comparison of Mafia and Dota could be cool: "the influence of experience on your win chances in multiplayer games". There, wrote a title for you. Rest is all yours 
As for the yes/no: I didn't mean that average. You can average per person to give a win percentage -- although now that I think about it, a time series for some long-standing players in which you group together X games (or X period of time) and calculate the win percentage and see if there are trend lines: answering important questions like does Marv win more now than he did when he was a nublet? -- but tangent aside, averaging per person is fine, but you also averaged over all people who played 1, ..., N games, which seems unnecessary (in a scatterplot and for computing correlation it would be a sin).
United States9244 Posts
On January 16 2016 10:34 Acrofales wrote: averaging per person is fine, but you also averaged over all people who played 1, ..., N games, which seems unnecessary (in a scatterplot and for computing correlation it would be a sin).
Averaging per person? I'm not sure I follow. For a single person, you either win or lose your first game, you either win or lose your second game, etc. Even if you were to generate a scatter with 1000 players, its either going to be (X,0) or (X,1) for each data point, unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying?
On January 16 2016 10:59 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2016 10:34 Acrofales wrote: averaging per person is fine, but you also averaged over all people who played 1, ..., N games, which seems unnecessary (in a scatterplot and for computing correlation it would be a sin). Averaging per person? I'm not sure I follow. For a single person, you either win or lose your first game, you either win or lose your second game, etc. Even if you were to generate a scatter with 1000 players, its either going to be (X,0) or (X,1) for each data point, unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying?
Ah, I think I figured it out. We're talking about different things. I see what you're computing now. You are computing the likelihood of winning your Xth game, given the outcome of the X'th game of everybody else. This answers a subtly different question than I was expecting: what are your chances of winning, given a certain amount of experience? As opposed to what I was thinking, which is: are more experienced players more likely to win?
A comparison of Mafia and Dota could be cool: "the influence of experience on your win chances in multiplayer games". There, wrote a title for you. Rest is all yours I don't think this can be compared at all, since the other game (Dota), unless i am mistaken, has a matchamking system and the other game (mafia) doesn't, at least on TL.
snuck on this new data by being VE's mortal enemy. So close to being the most uninteresting mafia player in the world, phew!
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On January 16 2016 06:11 sicklucker wrote: I know stats somewhat and im sure the variance in mafia games means your win percentage will mean very little in your lifetime unless you play like a game everymonth for your entire life. Stats dont mean much do you really think marv is an elite scum player that does not give up day one and wins 9/10 of his games? If you saw me owning my first 10 scumgames, you might think differently :>
I have probably the lowest winrate of all the people who have played 15+ games but i don't consider myself bad.
United States9244 Posts
Dunning–Kruger effect
On February 19 2016 23:15 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2016 06:11 sicklucker wrote: I know stats somewhat and im sure the variance in mafia games means your win percentage will mean very little in your lifetime unless you play like a game everymonth for your entire life. Stats dont mean much do you really think marv is an elite scum player that does not give up day one and wins 9/10 of his games? If you saw me owning my first 10 scumgames, you might think differently :> Yeah, he only saw the 20 scumgames afterwards were you got carried like a bitch :p
He is right though. Winrate means very very little.
unless its my winrate, I assure you it reflects my play :^)
Although I actually have zero idea what they are, but I assume way under 50%
nvm did not see that it was a count
Look at all the bads with the shitty win-rates saying winrate doesn't mean anything. Of course it means something. It means I was a god.
United States9639 Posts
On February 19 2016 23:15 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 16 2016 06:11 sicklucker wrote: I know stats somewhat and im sure the variance in mafia games means your win percentage will mean very little in your lifetime unless you play like a game everymonth for your entire life. Stats dont mean much do you really think marv is an elite scum player that does not give up day one and wins 9/10 of his games? If you saw me owning my first 10 scumgames, you might think differently :> do ppl actually think this now?
Marv is like that guy you knew in highschool who was good at everything and when he graduated he became a homeless person.
RIP the Marv we knew.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On February 21 2016 02:11 Damdred wrote: Marv is like that guy you knew in highschool who was good at everything and when he graduated he became a homeless person.
RIP the Marv we knew. Damdy bringing out the big guns
On February 21 2016 09:08 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On February 21 2016 02:11 Damdred wrote: Marv is like that guy you knew in highschool who was good at everything and when he graduated he became a homeless person.
RIP the Marv we knew. Damdy bringing out the big guns rofl, I almost fell out of my chair.
Just turfed my town games since jan 2016 to see how often I vote for scum by EoD. 10 out of 20 times. Was hoping it'd be higher than that  Would be a cool stat to have but I imagine it's very difficult to enter, especially since you probably don't have the data.
United States9244 Posts
Heh yeah voting data isn't available. I could probably do a poor man's version of the stat to see how often a mafia player is lynched for each cycle a player is alive, but that doesn't necessarily mean you voted for that player.
How do you maintain this database kita?
United States9244 Posts
When the games end I usually just manually insert the data into game and player tables and then run a script once a month that spits out the filter links to update the OP.
can u host the database online and link to it in the op?
On February 26 2016 06:35 kitaman27 wrote: Heh yeah voting data isn't available. I could probably do a poor man's version of the stat to see how often a mafia player is lynched for each cycle a player is alive, but that doesn't necessarily mean you voted for that player. Could you also do an average of how many days a player is alive as alignment X, Y and overall? Possibly differentiating between misc kills and day lynches as well if possible.
United States9244 Posts
On February 26 2016 11:57 nnn_thekushmountains wrote: can u host the database online and link to it in the op?
There used to be a link up until six months ago, but unfortunately someone decided to vandalize some of the data. I had a backup so it wasn't too bad, but there isn't any security so I removed it.
If anyone would like a dump of the database to play around with themselves, they are welcome to send me a PM.
Win Percentage By Alignment - Hide Spoiler - Mafia 211/405 = 52.0988% Town 173/391 = 44.2455% Third Party 39/125 = 31.2000% I'm curious where those 14 games come from that include mafia but not town.
United States9244 Posts
On March 07 2016 01:38 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Show nested quote +Win Percentage By Alignment - Hide Spoiler - Mafia 211/405 = 52.0988% Town 173/391 = 44.2455% Third Party 39/125 = 31.2000% I'm curious where those 14 games come from that include mafia but not town.
Multiple mafia factions. Technically mafia can win and lose in the same game.
On March 07 2016 01:39 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 07 2016 01:38 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Win Percentage By Alignment - Hide Spoiler - Mafia 211/405 = 52.0988% Town 173/391 = 44.2455% Third Party 39/125 = 31.2000% I'm curious where those 14 games come from that include mafia but not town. Multiple mafia factions. Technically mafia can win and lose in the same game.  There've been 14 games with multiple mafia factions? Wowzers.
United States9244 Posts
Whelp. You may have noticed the database hasn't been updated in a while.
The reason for this is that sourgeforge decided to disable my account as spam because I didn't add a description on my profile page or something silly like that. They deleted the website and database so I'm trying to see if they are able to restore it, but I'm not optimistic.
I do have a backup sitting around somewhere, but there is going to be a bit of data loss and then I have to go through the pain of finding a different host and getting everything working and up to date again. Since that's going to be a bit of a time sink (especially since it's outside my range of expertise), things are unlikely to get updated in the near future, but I'll let you know if I make any progress at some point.
Have they really listed that as the reason? That's so bogus. Lynch sourgeforge!
My account (and project) on sourceforge got deleted for no reason too!
Sourceforge is such crap nowadays :\
+ Show Spoiler +On March 09 2014 08:54 Crossfire99 wrote: Is there a statistic for surviving until endgame (either winning or losing)? Apparently, 9/12 games I have survived until the end, which is pretty ridiculous.
There is now. Looks like you need 1 more to take the top spot
This really should include games where players are killed/lynched that triggers the endgame, but that would take a bit more work.
Pyrrhuloxia 8/10 = 80.0000% Crossfire99 9/12 = 75.0000% citi.zen 8/12 = 66.6667% Djodref 7/11 = 63.6364% Incognito 6/10 = 60.0000% CynanMachae 6/10 = 60.0000% Hopeless1der 15/25 = 60.0000% Sn0_Man 7/12 = 58.3333% iamperfection 14/24 = 58.3333% mkfuba07 9/16 = 56.2500% Mr. Cheesecake 10/18 = 55.5556% keirathi 11/20 = 55.0000%
Damn, I was good.
United States9244 Posts
I managed to get the database restored from like March 2016, so we're back up and running! There are still a ton of games that need to be entered that have been completed since then, but at least there is progress.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
Well done would have been such a shame to lose it
On September 02 2016 04:47 marvellosity wrote:Well done  would have been such a shame to lose it
On September 02 2016 17:48 justanothertownie wrote:Show nested quote +On September 02 2016 04:47 marvellosity wrote:Well done  would have been such a shame to lose it
On September 02 2016 18:05 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Show nested quote +On September 02 2016 17:48 justanothertownie wrote:On September 02 2016 04:47 marvellosity wrote:Well done  would have been such a shame to lose it
On February 26 2016 06:35 kitaman27 wrote: Heh yeah voting data isn't available. I could probably do a poor man's version of the stat to see how often a mafia player is lynched for each cycle a player is alive, but that doesn't necessarily mean you voted for that player. this reminds me: for a couple weeks I have worked on a spreadsheet tracking how often a player voted mafia at EoD versus how many days they were alive as town that had a lynch, and how many votes a player had as mafia at EoD versus the days they were alive that had a lynch. it is a very inaccurate measure of skill (for example, disfo and boxerfred endgamed in star wars mafia--the one from january--and went five for five because mafia absolutely shit the bed that game), but pretty cool. I have data entered as far back as my first game, newbie XIX in January, but I don't want to release it until I have a larger dataset, for more accuracy and a larger player pool, and have fixed some of the errors in the current one, like everyone who voted snickers in Onegu d1 getting that vote counted even though there was no lynch that day. once I get to outlaw or maybe gaiden I plan on releasing it.
On September 02 2016 00:35 kitaman27 wrote:I managed to get the database restored from like March 2016, so we're back up and running! There are still a ton of games that need to be entered that have been completed since then, but at least there is progress.  TY for doing this bro
United States9244 Posts
On September 04 2016 16:02 Tumblewood wrote:Show nested quote +On February 26 2016 06:35 kitaman27 wrote: Heh yeah voting data isn't available. I could probably do a poor man's version of the stat to see how often a mafia player is lynched for each cycle a player is alive, but that doesn't necessarily mean you voted for that player. this reminds me: for a couple weeks I have worked on a spreadsheet tracking how often a player voted mafia at EoD versus how many days they were alive as town that had a lynch, and how many votes a player had as mafia at EoD versus the days they were alive that had a lynch. it is a very inaccurate measure of skill (for example, disfo and boxerfred endgamed in star wars mafia--the one from january--and went five for five because mafia absolutely shit the bed that game), but pretty cool. I have data entered as far back as my first game, newbie XIX in January, but I don't want to release it until I have a larger dataset, for more accuracy and a larger player pool, and have fixed some of the errors in the current one, like everyone who voted snickers in Onegu d1 getting that vote counted even though there was no lynch that day. once I get to outlaw or maybe gaiden I plan on releasing it.
I notice I don't have a player folder yet, and that you guys somewhat recently lost lots of games/info. If you need help compiling stats and shit, i'll be free for a month after my finals end this week. I don't know how you guys were doing it before, and I can't code so there's that. But i'm a stat-o-holic so if you need help just PM me.
United States9244 Posts
Thanks for the offer! Things are actually pretty close to being caught up right now. I sent PMs to a few hosts where the role lists weren't totally clear when the game ended so I'm waiting to hear back about those, but other than that I think we're all set. Expect to see an update to the OP a bit after the 1st of the year.
United States9244 Posts
The database has been updated with all the games from 2016 and the stats/filter links have been updated as well. Let me know if you notice any issues. Just a reminder to hosts, please update your OPs with the role list once the game finishes. It saves me a ton of time when I enter these.
Noteworthy things: Palmar has become the first player to hit 100 games! For reference, if you played in every single game in 2015 and 2016, you still wouldn't reach this many. He has participated in nearly one out of four games that have taken place on teamliquid.
Koshi has played the most games this year with 18, followed by Tumblewood at 17, and Rels with 16.
There were 34 games played this year, down 42% from last year. In 2015, damdred played in 34 games himself.
There were 134 distinct players this year, down 22% from last year. Five years ago at our peak, the player base was four times as large.
Chezinu is now the only player who has played a game every year since 2008. RoL was previously on this list, but was mia in 2016.
We achieved near perfect balance with 17 mafia victories and 16 town victories.
There were seven players with a win percentage above 50% in 2016 (Minimum 5 games) darthfoley 4/6 = 67% justanothertownie 4/6 = 67% Tictock 9/14 = 64% Superbia 7/11 = 64% Rels 10/16 = 63% NeverUnlucky 3/5 = 60% Holyflare 5/9 = 56%
Activity may not have been the greatest last year, but there have still been a bunch of great games. Hopefully this continues for many years to come!
Great work Kita.
Can't believe mafia won so little. Felt like they dominated early 2016 and then I won a bunch as mafia end of 2016  Dnu where town sneaked in so many wins. Probably in newbies then o.O
The dynamic duo segment is pretty fun.
wtf, i just saw i was the unaware miller in the Gif game lmao. Thank god I didn't get wrongly cop checked
I have a 100% winrate for 2016!
On January 04 2017 12:31 kitaman27 wrote: The database has been updated with all the games from 2016 and the stats/filter links have been updated as well. Let me know if you notice any issues. Just a reminder to hosts, please update your OPs with the role list once the game finishes. It saves me a ton of time when I enter these.
Noteworthy things: Palmar has become the first player to hit 100 games! For reference, if you played in every single game in 2015 and 2016, you still wouldn't reach this many. He has participated in nearly one out of four games that have taken place on teamliquid.
Koshi has played the most games this year with 18, followed by Tumblewood at 17, and Rels with 16.
There were 34 games played this year, down 42% from last year. In 2015, damdred played in 34 games himself.
There were 134 distinct players this year, down 22% from last year. Five years ago at our peak, the player base was four times as large.
Chezinu is now the only player who has played a game every year since 2008. RoL was previously on this list, but was mia in 2016.
We achieved near perfect balance with 17 mafia victories and 16 town victories.
There were seven players with a win percentage above 50% in 2016 (Minimum 5 games) darthfoley 4/6 = 67% justanothertownie 4/6 = 67% Tictock 9/14 = 64% Superbia 7/11 = 64% Rels 10/16 = 63% NeverUnlucky 3/5 = 60% Holyflare 5/9 = 56%
Activity may not have been the greatest last year, but there have still been a bunch of great games. Hopefully this continues for many years to come!
According to my player profile, I think i'm 5/6
Nvm i'm an idiot, 4/6 is correct
Great work Kita. The mafia database is amazing. Though I have to admit I'm a little salty that this punk Gracaroni is taking credit for my only mafia victory in the last 2 years or so.
United States9244 Posts
On January 05 2017 02:18 Koshi wrote: The dynamic duo segment is pretty fun.
You and kush are such a power couple.
On January 05 2017 09:35 Grackaroni wrote:Great work Kita. The mafia database is amazing. Though I have to admit I'm a little salty that this punk Gracaroni is taking credit for my only mafia victory in the last 2 years or so. 
Maybe if you strive to work harder, one day you can be as good as that guy!
The last game in the database entered for me was in 2016. Would help in an effort to update the database if need be
United States9244 Posts
If you are able to gather a list of games that finished in 2017, along with a link and the result that would be helpful.
I'll try to get these inputted sometime this month.
I'll try to get on that this weekend
On December 13 2017 12:06 kitaman27 wrote: If you are able to gather a list of games that finished in 2017, along with a link and the result that would be helpful.
I'll try to get these inputted sometime this month. dunno if either of you manage to do it since then, but if you still need help for that I can do it tonight
United States9244 Posts
I'm up to June 2017 so far. If you're able to work backwards from today that would cool.
These are the things that I'd need.
Game name: Link to OP: Host: Start date: End date: Game type (normal, themed, newbie, or student): Result (town/mafia win):
How on earth has Acrofales gotten to 6/6 on themed game win game percentage? I need to fix that
On January 25 2018 13:07 GreYMisT wrote: How on earth has Acrofales gotten to 6/6 on themed game win game percentage? I need to fix that because i carried GoT super hard like 5 years ago and he hasn't played since. :D (still the most entertaining game ever btw)
United States9244 Posts
Hey, it's that GreYMisT guy! *squeals*
On January 25 2018 14:52 kitaman27 wrote: Hey, it's that GreYMisT guy! *squeals*
Noticed by Kita!
I’ve got that hosting itch again man...
United States9639 Posts
On January 29 2018 05:06 GreYMisT wrote: I’ve got that hosting itch again man... Chrono trigger 2 ?
On January 29 2018 08:42 iamperfection wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2018 05:06 GreYMisT wrote: I’ve got that hosting itch again man... Chrono trigger 2 ?
I don’t think anyone has the time for chrono trigger 2
On January 29 2018 11:08 GreYMisT wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2018 08:42 iamperfection wrote:On January 29 2018 05:06 GreYMisT wrote: I’ve got that hosting itch again man... Chrono trigger 2 ? I don’t think anyone has the time for chrono trigger 2
But maybe parallel worlds?
On January 29 2018 11:51 GreYMisT wrote:Show nested quote +On January 29 2018 11:08 GreYMisT wrote:On January 29 2018 08:42 iamperfection wrote:On January 29 2018 05:06 GreYMisT wrote: I’ve got that hosting itch again man... Chrono trigger 2 ? I don’t think anyone has the time for chrono trigger 2 But maybe parallel worlds? Hey buddy... wanna do a thing?
United States9244 Posts
The database has been updated with games played in 2017 and 2018!  Thanks to Rels for giving me a hand with some of the game lists.
Things of note: Over the last two years there have been 13 town wins and 13 mafia wins. Perfect balance!
rayn is now in second place all time in games played with 95.
Holyflare has played with most games over the past two years with 22 total meaning he only missed 4 games.
FecalFeast has passed GlowingBear for the highest mafia win percentage all time by winning all 7 of his mafia games.
There were 72 distinct players in 2017 and 57 players so far in 2018.
22 players played their first game in the last two years. Half of them were probably smurfs. New blood is non-existent XD
Artanis was lynched for the first time as town, breaking a 25 game streak . Chezinu has 3 more months to keep his streak of playing at least one game every year since 2008 alive.
rayn and koshi have played 41 games together.
rayn and prplz have won 8 out of their 9 games as the same alignment.
The following players had a win percentage of over .500 since the last update (min 5 games). Nice job.
ritoky 6/6 = 100.0000% Rels 9/13 = 69.2308% Tumblewood 6/10 = 60.0000% Calix 3/5 = 60.0000% Holyflare 13/22 = 59.0909% raynpelikoneet 8/15 = 53.3333% Koshi 9/17 = 52.9412%
Thank you for all of your work kita
Appreciate it as always kita!