Q: What should I be posting about? A: Basically, anything you want to talk about but aren't sure if it warrants a topic of its own. Heard a rumour you want to share? A new video? A question you are sure is super common but can't find the answer to via searching? A brilliant new idea that you want to vet, to make sure it's really as brilliant as you think it is?
This is the place.
Note: Posting standards will not be as high as if you were to make a new thread, but pointless spam will still not be tolerated. I have seen threads like these work out alright on other sites (for other games) so I figured, why not give it a shot? It's possible there's not really enough content for something like this to exist at this point in time, but no harm then, it will just die on its own.
I think its interesting to see tvz evolve with the latest GSTL matches (talking specifically about Alive's games).
Even tho I feel the latest zerg buffs unbalanced the matchup, it is nice to see some pros making the best of it.
The KR scene in general seems lively, with KESPA joining the sc2 scene, many teams getting new sponsors, and ST getting whole new teams. I seemed to have missed the "crossover" games that people keep talking about, anyone got a link?
On July 14 2012 20:06 Toastie.NL wrote: Something just jumped my mind,
Ghost Snipe was nerfed way to hard because it countered both T3 options Zerg has.
High Templar Feedback/Storm counters both T3 options as well as T1 options from Terran.
How would TvP lategame look with Feedback not working vs Massive?
I don't know that Feedback would change much versus Battlecruisers, given that I rarely see anyone make them - and when I do, they're usually pretty crap anyway. Sometimes they can accomplish things in TvT but even then the last time I saw anyone make them it was in a GOMTV game and they got jacked by mass vikings.
Thors, on the other hand, might be a lot more useful if they couldn't get instagibbed by Feedback, but you're still dealing with the whole, "Mech isn't great vs P" problem where you have to split upgrades. So... I guess the answer is that I don't see this nerf doing much.
I have a question myself. I keep hearing about the KESPA players doing SC2 games, but when I see their games half the time they're in super poor quality YouTube videos, such as this one (Jaedong holding a 10 pool from Soulkey - which actually hurt my eyes to try and watch. Is there a subscription like GSL that I can get to find good quality Kespa vids - or for that matter, is there even a Kespa equivalent to Gomtv's website? A large part of the value I get from my GSL subs is the fact that it's very very easy to pull up vods in order on their site, in [decent, not great] video quality.
Feedback not instagibbing Thors could create a dynamic of Thor meatshields (take no splash, Immortals suck vs barracks units lategame, etcetc) in which MMMGhostThor would be the lategame mix this the MMM dps'ing behind massive Thor HP.
500HP thors could do this, 300HP Thors, not so much... And dont forget you cna get up to +3 vehicle Plating this way!
Anyone know who is the current EU rank1 gm? His account does look like its smurf and he has insane improvement rate troughout seasons. He never plays custom games only ladder. Its so strange account :X. Any ideas?
lategame terran with MMMVG+tanks does not equal the other races maxed T3 armies but we still get forced into playing it. mostly because mech is not viable during the early game, due to its imense gas cost, thus forcing bio play which doesn´t transition smoothly into mech play since you need separate upgrades and production facilities.
-to efficiently play mech on 2 bases you need atleast 3 factories with 3 addons and an armory. that is 500 gas just for infrastructure and you havent even gotten any units out at this point.
-you dont have an appropriate mineral dump. hellions are nice to have but they dont win battles. getting marines to support your mech play does only work for the very early stages of the game when marines can be effective without any upgrades. after that, they become a liability because upgrading them does cut into our gas.
if there is a patch coming, I would like to see it, either slightly reducing the gas cost and build time of factories, or greatly reducing the gas cost of armories.
Is anyone else not able to log in or find match right now?
I got out of a ladder game and then I got that swirling thing in the middle of the screen, and it wouldnt go away. So I logged out and now I cant get past the screen where it says enter.
Hope I`m not the only one or you guys know how to fix it.
Edit*** So apparently its only on my main account. Does this mean I am banned or something? I cant think of a reason I should be banned.
On July 14 2012 20:06 Toastie.NL wrote: I have a question myself. I keep hearing about the KESPA players doing SC2 games, but when I see their games half the time they're in super poor quality YouTube videos.....
I have this doubt too. I don't know if Kespa really cares about us, but i would like to see one quality english casting of their sc2 tournaments. Any1 knows something about it?
On July 14 2012 20:06 Toastie.NL wrote: I have a question myself. I keep hearing about the KESPA players doing SC2 games, but when I see their games half the time they're in super poor quality YouTube videos.....
I have this doubt too. I don't know if Kespa really cares about us, but i would like to see one quality english casting of their sc2 tournaments. Any1 knows something about it?
I think the only tournament with KeSPA players so far was the 8-man MLG KeSPA Invitational back at MLG Anaheim. Besides that, they've so far only played Proleague, and will play the upcoming (not sure if there'll be a stream) OSL Qualifiers.
Is anyone else not able to log in or find match right now?
I got out of a ladder game and then I got that swirling thing in the middle of the screen, and it wouldnt go away. So I logged out and now I cant get past the screen where it says enter.
Hope I`m not the only one or you guys know how to fix it.
Edit*** So apparently its only on my main account. Does this mean I am banned or something? I cant think of a reason I should be banned.
Have you tried logging into battle.net (the actual site)? It should tell you there if your account is banned.
This seems relevant for you vvv
On July 15 2012 23:24 Scorevath wrote: I think Blizz is having issues right now. A lot of people are complaining about this or a similar issue where your SC2 account seemingly doesn't exist. Right now when I log in it shows a blank portrait and won't let me get past the log in. I also can't view my account on b.net. It just errors.
I called Tech Support and they said they hadn't hear about it but based on how the forums were blowing up they expected a fix soon.
Is anyone else not able to log in or find match right now?
I got out of a ladder game and then I got that swirling thing in the middle of the screen, and it wouldnt go away. So I logged out and now I cant get past the screen where it says enter.
Hope I`m not the only one or you guys know how to fix it.
Edit*** So apparently its only on my main account. Does this mean I am banned or something? I cant think of a reason I should be banned.
Have you tried logging into battle.net (the actual site)? It should tell you there if your account is banned.
On July 15 2012 23:24 Scorevath wrote: I think Blizz is having issues right now. A lot of people are complaining about this or a similar issue where your SC2 account seemingly doesn't exist. Right now when I log in it shows a blank portrait and won't let me get past the log in. I also can't view my account on b.net. It just errors.
I called Tech Support and they said they hadn't hear about it but based on how the forums were blowing up they expected a fix soon.
Thanks for the info. No I`m not banned I`m in the same boat as everyone else is apparently.
On July 16 2012 08:56 M7Jagger wrote: How come there are no black progamers?
Dunno for black ones, but I've seen mixed race ones. I think MaximusBlack is kinda a recent example. Well, I don't know how he exactly thinks of his ethnicity, but his skin is much darker than mine, so I just assumed that.