The weather is finally starting to warm up (for some people I'm sure), which means it's time for spring. And with spring, comes CSLPRO Spring!
CSLPRO Spring Regionals are upon us! This will be just like CSLPRO Winter, with 2 regional events, open to everyone. The top 8 from the group stages will move on to a single elim bracket. In addition, the top 8 from each region will be invited to play in the main CSLPRO Spring event!
Not sure what CSLPRO is? Check out the thread here ( to get caught up. You can also check out our incredible automated Google Sheet, which tracks all the players in the league and their standings. You can also see the top 10 players in BWCL, between div-A and div-B. Check it out here ( Big praise to Hexe, who made an incredible sheet for our league! Her work with the admins of partner leagues, like BWCL and BSL have helped make sure that our sheet is always up to date with the most recent winnings!
Kofi (less fees):
Group stage starts: March 21st, 9am CST
Group stage ends: April 7th, 9am CST
Bracket stage starts: April 7th, 12pm CST
Bracket stage ends: April 21st, 9am CST
CSLPRO Spring Main Event: May 10th+11th, 11am-6pm CST
NA Bracket:
EU Bracket:
Regional Prizes: $500
CSLPRO Spring: $1000
How Can I Help:
CASTERS: I am looking for casters for CSLPRO Spring. For English casters, please message me. We can always use more casters on the main stream! Casters will be paid for their time. For non-English casters, Please feel free to cast in your language! Join the CSLPRO discord and we can get you the assets and information!
VIEWERS: Make sure to tune in! If it's anything like Winter, then we're gonna have some incredible StarCraft, and it's absolutely worth watching!
Closing notes:
I just want to say thank you to all the people who help make CSLPRO possible. From people like Anderson, who has made all the graphics for CSLPRO, and will continue to make them by hand for years to come, to Hexe for keeping up the sheet, and all the foreign BW admins that help keep the scene running so we are never without an event going. Additionally, I'd love to shout out the sponsor that helped raise the prize pool of the Monthly events so that the top 8 can get paid, and I hope to expand the paid players on even more events in the future! We have a lot of years ahead of us, so buckle up!
Thank you,