Q: What should I be posting about? A: Basically, anything you want to talk about but aren't sure if it warrants a topic of its own. Heard a rumour you want to share? A new video? A question you are sure is super common but can't find the answer to via searching? A brilliant new idea that you want to vet, to make sure it's really as brilliant as you think it is?
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Note: Posting standards will not be as high as if you were to make a new thread, but pointless spam will still not be tolerated. I have seen threads like these work out alright on other sites (for other games) so I figured, why not give it a shot? It's possible there's not really enough content for something like this to exist at this point in time, but no harm then, it will just die on its own.
Now my opinion to share: based on the changes currently being tested on the PTR and plans for patch 1.2.0 i do see a nice performance improvement for Protoss and im not against it (faster Void Rays make me have nightmares every night but ok), what worries me is infestors not being able to fungal growth air units. Share your thoughts.
On December 05 2010 21:16 FunkQue wrote: Bronze level Protoss ;D
Which Korean Protoss players replays are worth watching?
Not saying you shouldn't watch pro replays, but if you're bronze then maybe you should just get the basics sorted out first. You cant copy their strategies anyways. At bronze - gold, only macro matters, so get good at that first
But if you're just watching for the fun of it then go ahead It's just that so many bronze/silver players focus way too much on cute stuff and strategies instead of just the basics.
I love the new Protoss two-stargate play we've been seeing in the GSL!
Without spoiling the games by telling the ending, I will say that oGsMC, HongUnPrime, and ChoyafOu have been dropping some pretty awesome builds. I still hit Colossus/Stalker mostly on the NA servers, but I'm hoping things will change. Incorporating the stargate really helps get some good scouting pre-observer, forces a bit of anti-air (or keeps T in his base a bit longer and delays the MM timing), and, best of all, it's not a dead-end build because voids can cleverly be incorporated into a stalker timing push.
Still have yet to see how it plays out in the lategame, but it's great to finally have a build that allows a bit of early game aggression and harass.
I dont like the new Stargate play in ZvP it just seems so hard to deal with as Zerg since hydralisks gets so badly owned by Storm and Colossi. and muta / corruptor is so gas intensive
friends of nexgenius probably say that. minchul is the best
Yourself and Tester are my favorite Toss players to watch, I will add minchul to my "to watch" list as I've never heard that name. No offense to him, I'm just not overly knowledgeable about all the players.
Who else for Protoss?
Actually what I'd love to know is who to watch that I could try and emulate to get myself past Platinum. I feel so predictable. Nobody is surprised to see Colossi.
friends of nexgenius probably say that. minchul is the best
Yourself and Tester are my favorite Toss players to watch, I will add minchul to my "to watch" list as I've never heard that name. No offense to him, I'm just not overly knowledgeable about all the players.
Who else for Protoss?
Actually what I'd love to know is who to watch that I could try and emulate to get myself past Platinum. I feel so predictable. Nobody is surprised to see Colossi.
I don't know if you've been watching the GSL, but there are some sweet stargate builds floating around that work really well, and don't rely on colossi. GuineaPig got beaten because he was greedy and didn't build anything other than probes until 34 supply, but the Protoss that made the Ro8 all have been using builds that did not rely on colossus. They may transition into them, but you don't see any 2-base double robo colossus timing pushes anymore. Thank god.
I'm pretty late to the boat on this but someone told me a while back that TLO was going Hydra / Queen vs protoss at a recent enough event (not sure which).
I'm not sure if they were telling the truth or not but if these games exist I'm interested in watching them. Anyone know what the score is ?
Hey Jinro, wtf was with PoltPrime suiciding his tanks into you in g2 of your match? It looked...uncharacteristic of a top player, to say the least, and I must confess when I first saw it my gut reaction was, "OMG he just took a dive."
I won't ask you to speculate on that last part, but were you as shocked as I was by that particular tank push?