Medic Mafia
Host: Calix (filter); Co-host: Half the Sky (filter)
Please PM any queries to one or both hosts. Remember to submit night actions to both of us.
Status: Game over + Show Spoiler [Important posts] +
Information from the OP you should know
Deadline - The current deadline is 10.59 PM GMT, or 22:59 GMT (+00:00) in your timezone.
- The deadline is subject to change prior to the game beginning if enough players find the current deadline inconvenient.
- Game has 48-hour days and 24-hour nights.
- All night actions should be sent in 30 minutes before deadline. Any actions sent after this will not be accepted.
- Any votes with 23:00 GMT (+00:00) time-stamps will not be accepted.
Activity and Replacements - The minimum activity requirement is 3 posts per cycle.
- Replacements are accepted until Night 2 after which your slot will be mod-killed.
- If you require a replacement, please refrain from posting about this in the thread.
- Please refrain from talking about replacements in any context.
Voting rules: - Voting is mandatory.
- Use the following format (##vote: Calix or ##unvote) when posting your vote in the game thread, because there is no separate voting thread.
- You cannot vote for yourself.
- Votes that are not in the correct format will not be counted.
- Votes that are hidden in spoilers are not allowed and will not be counted.
- Plurality lynch is in effect. In the case of a tie, the person who reached the highest number of votes first will be lynched.
1. chaoser Alakaslam - Survived Night 3, Vanilla Townie 2. prplhz - Killed Night 1, Roleblocker 3. darthfoley - Survived Night 3, Medic 4. Fecalfeast - Survived Night 3, Medic 5. Holyflare - Killed Night 3, Vanilla Townie 6. rsoultin - Survived Night 3, Vanilla Townie 7. Damdred Koshi - Killed Night 2, Vanilla Townie 8. KelsierSC - Lynched Day 2, Vanilla Townie 9. AMG - Killed Night 1, Vanilla Townie 10. MoosyDoosy - Lynched Day 3, Mafioso 11. n00bking - Killed Night 3, Medic 12. Tubesock - Lynched Day 1, Vanilla Townie 13. Vivax - Survived Night 3, Medic
+ Show Spoiler [Observers, Replacements, Sitouts] +Observers 1. ExO_ 2. raynpelikoneet 3. Rels 4. Conversion Replacements 1. Pandain 2. Alakaslam Sitouts 1. ExO_
- Mafioso, Roleblocker, Medic vs 3 Medics, 7 Vanilla Townies. - If multiple Medics target the same player on the same night then that player will die. - Healed players are not notified. - Medics cannot target themselves, nor can they target the same player on consecutive nights. - Mafia cannot hold their shot. - Town cannot no-lynch.
Town Role PMs
Choose one player to heal from one attack every night.
If you heal the same person as another medic that night, that player will die.
You cannot self-heal.
You cannot target the same player on consecutive nights.
Vanilla Townie:
You have next-to-nothing going for you in life.
You can vote.
+ Show Spoiler [Rest of the OP] +Introduction: Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking. If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win. The town's goal is to lynch all the members of the mafia. The game is typically very active, so the thread may grow large quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game. If you do not have the time or patience to read the whole thread, do not play.Please note that all voting will be done within this game thread. There is no separate voting thread.
Rules: Cheating:Cheating includes (but is not limited to): - Posting after death. You may have one polite goodbye post; but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information.
- Ruining the game by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town.
- Logging on to someone else's account to get their role or looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
- Comparing role PM times to determine roles.
- Posting screenshots of your inbox.
- Posting any PM you receive from a host.
- Getting yourself modkilled to help your team. Your non-majority-decided death may not be used as a bargaining chip.
- Signing up more than once using smurf accounts.
- Betting items outside of the game in exchange for in-game benefits.
- Sharing accounts with other players. Only you may post on your account.
- Posting the link to any QTs you have.
If you feel that any action you are considering may be against the spirit of the game, it is best to contact a host and ensure it is allowed before proceeding.
Posting: Host Color:The color blue is reserved for the hosts of the game to make our posts easy to notice. Please do not use it.Question Color:The color green is reserved for questions by players for the hosts. Use it to ask the game hosts questions about the rules. Please do us a favor and read the rules before you ask anything.Smurfs:Smurfs must PM the host because TL doesn't allow multiple accounts otherwise. If the host is unaware of smurfs, you (and/or your smurf) can be banned for having multiple accounts Spam:Spam is not tolerated, nor is any off-topic material. Do not discuss Proleague(RIP) here. Do not talk about Starcraft II here. Play Mafia here. Editing:Editing is not allowed for any reason. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be modkilled. This is the one part of the site where it is okay to be double posting, even triple-posting. "Editing" includes indirect editing like linking an image, then editing the image. Editing your profile or signature are allowed, but if you edit them for any game-related reasons (ie, breadcrumbing, sending messages, etc) this will be considered out-of-thread posting and will be punished. Inappropriate posts and use of the report post link:If you want to post something insulting or inappropriate and know the TL mods would have a problem with it elsewhere, don't post it here. If you do, a host will warn you or modkill you and request that you be banned from future games. The hosts have the final say on what is inappropriate. If you do not like how someone is talking to you, please PM a host, Flamewheel, or Mig before involving the TL moderation staff or using the report post link. If you are unsatisfied with how the situation is resolved, then you can appeal to the TL staff normally. Ban discussions:Please wait until this game is over to talk about modkills and bans resulting from this game. Play to win.This means you play your best to help your team win while you are alive and in the game. However, this does not mean that you should try to win by being a jerk to the other players so they all want to quit playing. This also means that you cannot leave the game without a good reason without a ban. These situations will be dealt with on a case by case basis. PM your host if you need to leave the game.
Out of thread communication: It is common for players whose roles permit out of thread communication (e.g. mafia, masons) to use a medium outside of TL such as QuickTopics or IRC to communicate during the game. Other players may not attempt to infiltrate such communication channels. Players who have not explicitly been given permission to communicate outside the thread are not allowed to do so.
Signups: Signup for the game by posting /in in the thread. You are responsible for being aware when the game starts. No confirmation PMs will be sent. If you cannot check the game thread every so often to see when the game starts then do not play.
Game-specific rules: Modkills:This game follows the TL Mafia Ban List. If you are modkilled, your punishment will go beyond being eliminated from this game. Please refer to it for questions about your punishment. If you want to use this game to sit out your ban, post in the Ban List. If you break any rules, you will receive one warning PM on your first offense. There will be no second warning. Clues:The role PMs and day/night posts are purely flavor text. There are no clues. PMs:PMs and out of thread communication are not allowed in this game, unless your role explicitly allows them.
If I have missed something in the OP then please let me know, otherwise I hope you enjoy the game.
On February 17 2018 05:37 Holyflare wrote: This isn't a mini normal :p
My bad. I figured that having normal roles = normal game.
I also don't know how to edit the title
On February 19 2018 06:48 Holyflare wrote: Basically this is a cc game that requires high skill mafia to be able to talk their way out of a claim game.
Out of curiosity, do you think rsoultin's suggestion would assist in making it less town-sided? If not, how could it be changed in your view?
I would disagree with the strategy of all the doctors claiming given that the mafia can neutralise two of them with the Roleblocker/ night kill and, depending on the situation, might not need to counter-claim. If it is mid-to-late game or if the Roleblocker dies early then claiming becomes a good strategy but the odds of mafia not getting a single Doctor lynched/ killed by that point are low.
The setup has worked on mafiascum to the best of my knowledge. From what I read, they discussed removing the Roleblocker from the setup but I figured that was not a wise decision. It is just one of those games that resolves itself very quickly. However there is a different site meta on TL Mafia which this setup has not necessarily accounted for.
I agree that it would demand a certain level of competence from the mafia. This reminds me a bit of the discussion about the "I'm the Cop you idiot" games, actually, since both require the mafia to be proactive or for town to turn on each other.
If I have missed something then do let me know since we seem to have differing views on how suitable this game is.
On February 19 2018 14:34 rsoultin wrote:Well, you know, it's kinda objectively town-favored if both sides play intelligently, to my thinking. As long as you have at least two town medics you can effectively have a night lynch with nothing mafia can do about it unless they succesfully blue hunt and rb. If people don't play intelligently yes it's swingy. And of course mafia can still win by looking townier than a lot of town players. I just feel like the baseline is in town's favor. Thus the odds and evens suggestion that I feel would be harder for town medics to play around. But I'm still fine with trying it out as is 
If players are concerned about a) Medic mass-claim and b) Medic coordination then why not introduce a 1-shot mafia strongman kill that only works on blue roles? That would discourage claims.
Alternatively, it might be worth changing the Vanilla Mafia role to a 1-shot Strongman that only works on blues. That way, mafia has three roles to counter the three blues.
I think that might address your concerns here.
On February 19 2018 23:17 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On February 19 2018 23:14 Calix wrote: If players are concerned about a) Medic mass-claim and b) Medic coordination then why not introduce a 1-shot mafia strongman kill that only works on blue roles? That would discourage claims.
Alternatively, it might be worth changing the Vanilla Mafia role to a 1-shot Strongman that only works on blues. That way, mafia has three roles to counter the three blues. I still think, if you wanna counter mass-claim, adding another roleblocker instead of a strongman is a better option. After all it's a mini-game. The whole point of the medics is coordination lol, if you "disallow" that this might jsut aswell be an all vanilla game. 
Fair points. My main concern with Roleblocker > Strongman is that mafia can effectively block 2-3 townies per night which builds up very quickly and doesn't require much blue-hunting (which can be a good or bad thing depending on whether you think mafia should be pushed). If we assume that only one townie died per day/ night, then mafia can block/ kill half the townies by Night 2 which seems like it would effectively prevent Medic kills from that point onward.
If that is your intention with medics coordinating very hard and fast on a N1 vig-kill and then trying to block mafia kills from that point onward then I can see your viewpoint there.
In any case, I'm leaning towards giving mafia another role since people seem to agree that makes the game easier for mafia. Otherwise things seem pretty good.
On February 19 2018 23:42 raynpelikoneet wrote:Show nested quote +On February 19 2018 23:28 Calix wrote: If we assume that only one townie died per day/ night, then mafia can block/ kill half the townies by Night 2 which seems like it would effectively prevent Medic kills from that point onward. If we assume that then there is 7 townies alive N2 so i am not sure where you get 50%? Also assuming mafia night kill is targeted on a medic that doesn't prevent them from using their power, so it is only 2/7.
Just realised I accounted for the N2 kill before looking at roleblocks. I am dumb xD
Two Roleblockers might be fine then. I'll see what other people think and if nobody has a serious problem with it then I'll change the Mafioso to a PR.
Looks like we have more than 13 sign-ups. However, since this game took a while to fill up, I will send confirmation PMs. If people don't /confirm by the time the game starts then I will use the replacements.
If you need to replace out so that one of the replacements can play instead, let me know 
Otherwise this game should start on Monday, Mar 05 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Current playerlist:
1. chaoser 2. prplhz 3. darthfoley 4. Fecalfeast 5. Conversion 6. rsoultin 7. Damdred 8. KelsierSC 9. AMG 10. MoosyDoosy 11. n00bking 12. Tubesock 13. Vivax
Current replacements:
1. Holyflare 2. Pandain 3. Alakaslam
Roles will be going out shortly. Please refrain from posting in the thread until the game starts.
Day 1
![[image loading]](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HH3aIJpnIrA/VHihUCCA-1I/AAAAAAAAQsQ/w_QFQy-f1S8/s1600/Bean23.jpg)
You have 48 hours to vote for your preferred lynch.
The deadline is Wednesday, Mar 07 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Voting is mandatory and must be done in the game thread.
Just to clarify, the setup in the OP is correct and has not been changed.
I have, however, added filters to the OP.
If anyone has any further queries then please PM me instead of asking questions in the thread.
Day One Vote Count
Tubesock [2]: Holyflare, n00bking
Not Voting [11]: chaoser, prplhz, darthfoley, Fecalfeast, rsoultin, Damdred, KelsierSC, AMG, MoosyDoosy, Tubesock, Vivax
Tubesock is currently the lynch.
The deadline is Wednesday, Mar 07 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Day 1 Vote Count Tubesock (2): Holyflare, n00bking, AMG (x) prplhz (2): AMG, Fecalfeast MoosyDoosy (1): Tubesock Damdred (0): rsoultin (x) Vivax (0): rsoultin (x), Fecalfeast (x)
Not Voting (8): chaoser, prplhz, darthfoley, Damdred, KelsierSC, MoosyDoosy, Vivax, rsoultin
Tubesock currently stands as the lynch.
The deadline is Wednesday, Mar 07 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Day 1 Vote Count darthfoley (3): Holyflare, Fecalfeast, Vivax Tubesock (2): Holyflare (x), n00bking, AMG (x), MoosyDoosy prplhz (1): AMG, Fecalfeast (x) MoosyDoosy (1): Tubesock Fecalfeast (1): darthfoley Damdred (0): rsoultin (x) Vivax (0): rsoultin (x), Fecalfeast (x)
Not Voting (5): chaoser, prplhz, Damdred, KelsierSC, rsoultin
darthfoley currently stands as the lynch.
The deadline is Wednesday, Mar 07 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Day 1 Vote Count
Tubesock (3): Holyflare (x), n00bking (x), AMG (x), MoosyDoosy, rsoultin, darthfoley darthfoley (2): Holyflare, Fecalfeast, Vivax prplhz (1): AMG, Fecalfeast (x), darthfoley MoosyDoosy (1): Tubesock Fecalfeast (0): darthfoley (x), rsoultin (x) KelsierSC (1): n00bking n00bking (1): Vivax Damdred (0): rsoultin (x) Vivax (0): rsoultin (x), Fecalfeast (x)
Not Voting (4): chaoser, prplhz, Damdred, KelsierSC
EDIT: Updated DF's vote
Tubesock is currently set to be lynched.
Night 1
Final Vote Count
Tubesock (4): Holyflare (x), n00bking (x), AMG (x), MoosyDoosy, rsoultin, darthfoley, Vivax darthfoley (2): Holyflare, Fecalfeast, Vivax (x) prplhz (1): AMG, Fecalfeast (x), darthfoley (x) MoosyDoosy (1): Tubesock Fecalfeast (0): darthfoley (x), rsoultin (x) KelsierSC (1): n00bking n00bking (0): Vivax (x) Damdred (0): rsoultin (x) Vivax (0): rsoultin (x), Fecalfeast (x)
Not Voting (4): chaoser, prplhz, Damdred, KelsierSC
Tubesock has been lynched. He was a Vanilla Townie.
chaoser, prplhz, Damdred and KelsierSC have been warned for not voting.
It is now Night 1, which lasts 24 hours.
Night 1 ends on Thursday, Mar 08 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Please submit night actions to both hosts at least 30 minutes before deadline.
Alakaslam has replaced chaoser.
As a reminder, please do not discuss replacements.
Koshi has replaced Damdred.
As a reminder, please do not discuss replacements.
Day 2
AMG has died. He was a Vanilla Townie.
prplhz has died. He was the Mafia Roleblocker.
It is now Day 2.
You have 48 hours to vote for your preferred lynch.
Day 2 ends on Saturday, Mar 10 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .
Voting is mandatory and must be done in the game thread.
Day 2 Vote Count Holyflare (1): rsoultin
Not Voting (9): Alakaslam, Holyflare, darthfoley, Koshi, KelsierSC, MoosyDoosy, Vivax, Fecalfeast, n00bking
Holyflare currently stands as the lynch.
The deadline is Saturday, Mar 10 10:59pm GMT (GMT+00:00) which is in .