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From PlayXP
Winner between
![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
![Protoss (P)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.png)
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Inca – I want to repay my parents
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/u7QbV.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the finals?
It feels amazing. Many fans wanted Nada to get to the finals, but I will make sure to show games that those fans can also enjoy in the finals.
- Did you have any difficulties preparing for this match?
Nada practiced double for this match than regularly. So I was really nervous, but I came into this match knowing Nada’s play style and matched my strategies for that. I think my strategies played out well today.
- Were all the builds you showed today made for Nada?
In the closed beta, when the zerg balance was completely broken, I called it “Inca rule” where I used all-ins every game. I remembered myself of past and prepared 4 all-ins for this best of 5 set match.
- Did you predict that Nada would not be able to block them?
When I practiced with Nada in the past, I focused 100% on macro-oriented play. I thought that he would not know about my usual all-in builds so I tweaked a couple of strategies I used in the past for today’s match.
- How about the last set?
That was one of the builds that MC used against Marineking in the GSL world championships which failed. I tried to succeed where MC couldn’t by using the build. But it seems that the strategy was stopped before it even started.
- How were you able to turn around the game after that failure?
I don’t really know. I knew that I was behind, but I also felt that I could also catch up. I basically got a lot of high templars and tried to stall out the game. I was confident that I could win the emp vs. feedback battle. And in the last battle, I got good psi storms so I was able to win.
- MC has become the standard to which protoss players are judged, what are your thoughts?
In the past, I was more ahead… But now, he has already piled up a career to which I don’t know if I can catch up. I wanted to be the first protoss player to win (in the GSL) but MC was able to accomplish that first. After that, I tried to keep that out of my mind. Jealously makes a man bitter, so instead of focusing on his wins, I tried to focus on playing better.
- The difference between you and MC?
MC is a former SCBW pro, so he has a great understanding of this game. In the past, I tried not to watch too many other protoss players play since I wanted to develop my own play style. And although I was really tempted to see MC’s games, I kept my perseverance and didn’t watch them, and further developed my own style. In the future, I hope to incorporate the good aspects of other players into my play.
- This will be your first finals.
In my opinion, I think it has taken me too long to reach this stage. I thought I could do it during the open seasons of the GSL, but after those seasons, I haven’t had a lot of success. I have come all this way believing in myself, and I think that belief has finally paid off.
- Who do you want to face in the finals?
To be honest I haven’t faced a zerg in 3 weeks. And in the LG special league preliminaries I lost to a zerg. But I will have 1 full week to prepare for the finals match and get used to the matchup. Plus with MC’s help I believe I can win against anyone, so I think both players will be ok.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank prime’s Maka, Marineking, Polt, and my team’s Supernova, for helping me practice. The coach and our manager were able to arrange practice partners for me. I am thankful. A lot of my friends back from middle and high school keep calling me from their military service and I hope they stop calling so often. They keep calling and saying ‘play well.’ And they tell me they watch the games and call out my name. I just hope they have a good time in the military. I want to also thank my parents who were at first against me being a progamer. One day, I will repay my dues back to you.
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▼ 결승에 진출한 소감은?
- 정말 좋다. 많은 팬들이 윤열이형의 결승행을 바랐을 텐데, 윤열이형과 팬들 몫까지 재밌는 경기로 보답하겠다.
▼ 경기를 준비하는데 어려움은 없었나?
- 윤열이형이 평소보다 배로 준비하시더라. 그래서 많이 긴장했는데, 윤열이형 스타일을 잘 알고 있어서 맞춤 전략을 준비했다. 전략이 잘 맞아떨어졌던 것 같다.
▼ 오늘 선보인 것은 모두 맞춤형 빌드였나?
- 클로즈베타 때 ‘잉카류’라고 해서, 저그전 밸런스가 엉망일 때 올인만 하던 시절이 있었다. 그 때 생각도 나고 해서 5세트 중 4세트를 올인 전략으로 준비했다.
▼ 이윤열이 못 막을 것이라 예상했나?
- 윤열이형과 연습할 때 100% 운영 위주로 했다. 내가 주로 쓰는 올인 빌드를 잘 모를 것이라 생각해 예전부터 쓰던 전략을 수정해서 나왔다.
▼ 마지막 세트는?
- 장민철 선수가 월드챔피언십에서 이정훈 선수에게 썼다가 실패한 빌드다. 민철이가 성공 못시킨 것을 내가 할 수 있지 않을까 해서 썼다. 역시 하기도 전에 실패했다.
▼ 실패했는데 어떻게 역전했나?
- 그러게 말이다. 어느 정도 불리한 느낌이 들었는데, 메울 수 있다는 느낌이 들었다. 고위기사를 많이 뽑아 버텨보자는 식으로 했다. EMP 환류 싸움에 자신이 있었다. 마지막에 공격이 들어왔을 때 폭풍을 많이 써서 이길 수 있었던 것 같다.
▼ 장민철을 이을 프로토스로 평가받고 있는데?
- 원래는 내가 더 빨랐는데…. 민철이가 내가 못 따라갈 정도로 커리어를 쌓았다. 프로토스 첫 우승은 내가 하고 싶었는데, 민철이가 먼저 했다. 그 때 이후로는 최대한 신경을 안 쓰고 있다. 질투는 사람을 밉게 만드는 법이기 때문에 내가 더 잘하면 된다고 생각한다.
▼ 본인과 장민철의 다른 점은?
- 민철이가 스타크래프트1 출신이라 이해도가 높다. 내 스타일을 잃을까봐 다른 프로토스 경기를 잘 안 본다. 민철이 것은 보고 싶은 욕망이 많았다. 하지만 안보고 내 스타일을 고수하기로 했다. 나중에는 여러 선수들 장점을 흡수할 생각이다.
▼ 첫 결승 진출인데?
- 내 기준에서 너무 늦게 오른 것 같다. 오픈 시즌 때 갈 수 있을 것 같았는데, 그 이후로 한 번도 못 이겼다. 내 자신을 믿고 달려왔고, 그 믿음에 대한 보답을 받는 것 같다.
▼ 누가 결승 상대가 됐으면 좋겠나?
- 사실 저그전을 안한지 3주 정도 됐다. LG 스페셜리그 예선에서 저그한테 패했다. 그래도 1주일동안 연습해서 감 잡고 민철이의 도움을 받으면 이길 수 있다고 생각하기 때문에 두 선수 모두 할 만할 것 같다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 PRIME의 곽한얼, 이정훈, 최성훈, 우리팀의 김영진 선수에게 고맙다. 코치님과 감독님께서 연습 상대를 직접 구해주셨다. 감사드린다. 중고등학교 친구들이 군대에서 전화를 많이 하는데 안했으면 좋겠다. 자꾸 전화해서 ‘잘하라’고 한다. 선임이 방송 보면서 내 이름을 부른다고 하더라. 모두 군 생활 잘했으면 좋겠다. 게이머를 반대하셨던 부모님, 허락해주셔서 정말 감사드린다. 언젠간 꼭 보답해드리겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
![Zerg (Z)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png)
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Nestea – As the ‘zerg president’ I will repeat as champion.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/xWXa1.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the finals?
As the first zerg player to make 2 finals, I am really happy. When I first saw the brackets at the round of 16, I thought my path to the finals would be easy if I wouldn’t have to face sC. But I am happy that I was able to beat him and advance.
- Why do you find sC difficult to face?
I have faced him often on ladder and he was really good at cheese rushes. He isn’t someone who lets you alone to do what you want, so it becomes really hard to face him.
- How did you prepare for today’s match?
To be safe, I tried to use pool first builds rather than going hatch. I didn’t want to lose without a fight. However, that kind of safe play also had some downsides. I was safe but I lost in economy so when he stopped his aggression, I was basically in an unfavorable situation.
- When did you know you had the win in the last set?
In the last 1 minute of the game, I first thought that I had lost. But when I was able to get out infestors and his forces dwindled, then I saw that I could win.
- It seemed as if you were a bit less patient than usual.
Facing sC can do that to you. He is really good at playing mind games. He puts you in many situations where you feel that you are not able to do what you want, then you feel like the situation is getting worse and worse.
- How did you practice?
There was basically one day in between the games, so I didn’t get a lot of practice. But I was able to get some practice and studied builds together with Yoda, Happy, and MinseOk.
- How are you different from other zergs?
I don’t think I am that different. But I have been told by my practice partners that I usually notice things quicker and have more drones and most people so I am able to switch between techs more easily.
- You will be facing a protoss in the finals.
I think Inca is a really good player. I know I complained a lot previously about ZvP matchups when I faced Anypro, but in practice I was win rate against them were around 90%, so I have some confidence in the matchup. However, Inca’s style is so different that I don’t know what to expect. Since I have made it to the finals, I will try to ride my momentum and take the championship.
- Were the burrowed banelings something you specifically prepared for the 5th set?
Originally, I prepared to be really precise on where I would put them, but after being down in the game, my baneling placements were not very good.
- Your ambition going into the finals?
There is a lot of talk in the community who want a zerg to win this championship. As the ‘zerg president’ (**This nickname is similar to MC’s nickname in Korean just the first syllable changed to represent zerg), I will try my best to repeat my victory. I want to show that zergs can be powerful.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my teammates Yoda, Happy, and MinseOK for helping me practice. Horror really wanted to see T-ara, so I am happy I could fulfill that promise. Additionally, I want to thank my coach. I hope that many fans will show up in Daegu to cheer us on. I saw that Cocoshoo was cheering on sC so I was really happy about that. I hope she cheers on Inca in the finals.
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▼ 결승에 진출한 소감은?
- 저그로 두 번째 결승 진출을 처음으로 하게 돼서 기쁘다. 16강 대진을 봤을 때 김승철 선수만 아니면 올라갈 것 같았다. 김승철 선수를 이겨서 정말 기쁘다.
▼ 김승철을 어려워하는 이유는?
- 래더에서 자주 만났는데, 치즈러쉬를 굉장히 잘한다. 상대를 가만히 내버려두질 않으니 굉장히 힘든 상대다.
▼ 경기는 어떻게 준비했나?
- 안정적인 경기를 위해 앞마당보다 산란못을 먼저 가져갔다. 허무하게 지기 싫었다. 그것 때문에 말린 것도 많았다. 가난하고 안정적이지만 상대가 부유해졌을 땐 불리한 빌드였다.
▼ 마지막 세트에서 승리를 예감한 때는?
- 마지막 1분. 계속 졌다고 생각했다. 상대 병력이 없어 감염충이 나온 뒤 이겼다고 생각했다.
▼ 평소보다 조급해보였는데?
- 김승철 선수가 상대를 그렇게 만든다. 다전제에서 심리전을 잘한다. 내가 하고 싶은 대로 못하니 점점 꼬이게 된다.
▼ 연습은 어떻게 했나?
- 하루밖에 시간이 없어 연습을 많이 못했다. 최병현, 안호진, 김민석 선수와 연습하고 빌드를 연구했다.
▼ 다른 저그와 본인의 차이점은?
- 별로 다를 건 없어 보인다. 연습해주는 친구들이 말하길 남들보다 눈치도 빠르고 일벌레가 많아서 체제 전환이 수월하다고 하더라.
▼ 결승에서 프로토스와 맞붙는데?
- 송준혁은 굉장히 잘하는 선수라고 생각한다. 지난 번 이정환 선수와의 대결을 준비할 때 징징댔지만 프로토스를 상대로 승률이 90%였다. 때문에 자신감은 있지만 송준혁 선수는 스타일이 다르니 어찌 될지 모르겠다. 결승까지 올라왔으니 기세를 이어 우승을 하겠다.
▼ 5세트 잠복 맹독충은 미리 준비한 것인가?
- 원래 굉장히 타이트하게 이곳저곳에 준비했는데, 말리다보니 맹독충의 위치도 잘 파악하지 못했다.
▼ 결승전에 임하는 각오는?
- 커뮤니티에서 저그가 결승에 가길 많이 원하더라. ‘저당당’으로 거듭날 수 있도록 열심히 하겠다. 저그도 강하다는 것을 보여주고 싶다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 최병현, 안호진, 김민석 선수에게 고맙다. 김효종 선수가 꼭 티아라를 보고 싶다고 했는데, 그 소원을 이뤄줘서 기쁘다. 감독님께도 감사드린다. 많은 분들이 대구에 와주셨으면 좋겠다. ‘코사신’님께서 ‘김승철 화이팅’을 외치더라. 기분이 좋았다. 이번엔 송준혁 선수를 꼭 응원해줬으면 좋겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
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