![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KbVTS.png)
From PlayXP
Winner between
Killer vs. Inca
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Inca – ‘Unmatched in PvP control’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/m8Mqc.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the semifinals?
I want to take the rest of the day off and rest, but I have another match coming up in two days so I need to calm my mind and go back to practice.
- Your concept for today’s matches?
For a while, I have been using builds that stop the 4 gate, but today I chose to be the aggressor and go for the 4 gate.
- In the 1st set, did you consider the cooldown time of your opponent’s warp gates to your attack?
Yes. I think most players now do at least that in this matchup.
- Was it hard for you to prepare for this mirror matchup?
I was practicing my PvP with 20-30 games a day so I was mentally at my limit. But we have some of the best protoss players on our team including MC who helped my practice out greatly. I thought that the score may be 3 to 2 and we would have to go to a 5th set, but I guess I was lucky today.
- What aspect of Killer’s play did you focus on?
I didn’t try to strategize specifically for my opponent since I am pretty confidence in my PvP matchup. If I had lost the 1st set, I thought we would go to 5 games, but after winning the first set, I was able to take this match easily.
- You will be facing a teammate in the semifinals.
If possible I would like to get to the finals. I lost to him (Nada) previously, but this time I will win.
- Your PvP score is 16 wins to 2 losses. Do you think about this winning ratio a lot?
If you think too much about ratios and percentages, it becomes a liability to your play. Anyways, MC is the king of PvP and I don’t have that much desire to take that spot.
- Do you think you will be in the finals?
I always tell myself that I can win, but I don’t think I can truly guarantee that I will win.
- Is it because your opponent will be Nada?
He is my teammate so we practice together often, and he knows my weaknesses well.
- Since the open seasons of GSL, your record hasn’t been that good, what do you think about that?
After a while, my worries kind of disappeared. I felt pretty calm ever since losing last season. Since I kept losing, rather than becoming frustrated, I found solace in being able to take the losses. Of course, due to my poor performance I have had moments where I thought about quitting, but in the future, I plan to just work hard and not worry about those kinds of things.
- How did you prepare for today’s match?
I practiced against all the protoss players on my team through a rotation, and at the end I faced MC as a trial run for today’s match. I won 3 to 2 in that match. I think I was able to get a lot of confidence though that.
- MC came to cheer you on today, did he have anything to say?
He suggested cannon rushing. If the match went to the 4th game, I would have definitely done another cannon rush.
- Your thoughts on why you are so good at PvP?
I think it is because I have great control compared to most players. Of course, when I face MC (who also has great control); the first one to attack always loses. In broadcasted matches, I always have the confidence that I can win, so I always rush in.
- Your ambition going into the semifinals?
Every time I play, I hunger more and more for the finals. Right now, the word I am focusing on is ‘finals’ rather than ‘victory.’
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Hero, MC, Carmel, and Vines for helping me practice. I had something else to say but I am drawing a blank…
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▼ 4강 진출에 성공한 소감은?
- 하루 종일 놀며 푹 쉬고 싶지만 내일 모레 또 경기가 있기 때문에, 마음은 잡시 접고 바로 연습에 돌입해야 할 것 같다.
▼ 오늘 경기의 컨셉은?
- 그동안은 4차관을 막는 빌드를 선택했는데, 오늘은 내가 공격적인 4차관을 시도했다.
▼ 1세트에서 상대의 차관 쿨타임을 계산하면서 한 것인가?
- 그렇다. 선수들은 아마 그 정도는 다 할 것이다.
▼ 동족전 준비, 힘들지 않았나?
- 하루에 프프전을 2~30판씩 하다보니 정신적 장애가 올 것 같았다. 장민철을 포함해 우리팀 프로토스들이 최고이기 때문에 연습에 큰 도움이 됐다. 계속 3:2 스코어가 나와 5세트까지 가지 않을까 걱정했는데, 운이 좋았다.
▼ 신상호의 어떤 점을 노렸나?
- 상대에게 맞추기 보다는 프프전에 자신감이 있었다. 1세트에서 지면 5세트까지 갈 것 같았는데, 1세트를 잡아서 쉽게 이길 수 있었다.
▼ 4강에서 팀원과 맞붙게 됐는데?
- 이왕이면 결승까지 갔으면 좋겠다. 전엔 내가 졌는데, 이번엔 이길 것이다.
▼ 프프전 성적이 16승 2패다. 승률 관리도 생각하고 있나?
- 그런 것 생각하면 오히려 말릴 것 같다. 어차피 민철이가 1위라 욕심은 없다.
▼ 결승에 오를 것 같은가?
- 여태까지는 혼자서 이길 것이라고 장담해왔는데, 이번만큼은 장담을 못하겠다.
▼ 상대가 이윤열이기 때문인가?
- 팀원이라 연습도 같이 하고, 윤열이 형이 내 약점도 잘 알고 있다.
▼ 오픈 시즌 이후 성적이 그다지 좋지 못했었는데?
- 걱정이 많이 사라졌다. 전 시즌 탈락하고부터 편해졌다. 계속 지다보니 오히려 마음에 평화가 찾아오더라. 당시에는 그만 둘까 고민도 많이 했다. 앞으론 부진하더라도 그런 고민은 안할 것 같다.
▼ 연습은 어떻게 했나?
- 팀의 프로토스 선수들과 돌아가며 연습하고, 마지막에 민철이와 검사하는 식으로 대결했다. 3:2로 내가 이겼다. 자신감을 얻었다.
▼ 장민철이 응원을 왔는데, 특별한 말은 없었나?
- 민철이가 광자포 러쉬를 추천해줬다. 4세트까지 갔다면 광자포 러쉬를 또 했을 수도 있다.
▼ 본인이 생각하는 프프전에 강한 이유는?
- 컨트롤에서 앞서기 때문이다. 민철이와 하면 먼저 공격하는 쪽이 진다. 방송에선 이길 수 있다는 자신감이 있어서 먼저 들어간다.
▼ 4강에 임하는 각오는?
- 하면 할수록 결승 무대가 밟아보고 싶어졌다. 아직까진 ‘우승’이란 단어보다 ‘결승’이란 단어가 와 닿는다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 송현덕, 장민철, 김태영, 이상헌 선수에게 고맙다. 할 말이 있었는데 머릿속이 하얗다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
Nestea vs. Anypro
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Nestea – ‘In order for zergs to win, you gotta get lucky.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/aBTgm.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the semifinals?
I lost pretty quickly in the last season, so I am happy that I am this far in the tournament. I think everything I prepared worked out pretty well so I feel like my practice was definitely worth it.
- How did you prepare for your build in the 1st set?
This was a build I have been thinking about for a while. When I used it in practice, it seemed to work pretty well, as it worked on almost everyone. I wanted to start off with that and put my opponent in an uncomfortable situation for the rest of the matches.
- Your reason for losing in the 3rd set?
I scouted unnecessarily and was tricked. The match was already at 2 to 0 so even after losing the 3rd set, I was still ahead and I felt pretty confident on the 4th set map, so I wasn’t feeling that bad.
- You are the last zerg remaining this season.
I am really lonely. If LosirA would have made it I would feel a bit more comfortable… I think playing zerg right now is really difficult. There isn’t a solution that you can just find. I think it is something that I will have to find by spending time on and studying the matchups. I feel a bit of pressure and responsibilities to do so (for all zerg players).
- How will you prepare for your matches?
There’s not much a zerg player can prepare mechanically for the match. Rather, you have to design strategies so that you see the flow of your opponent’s race and playstyle and make it difficult for him to proceed. When zergs win, I would say you have to be a bit ‘lucky.’
- How did you prepare for today’s matches?
Seed and I took some time researching and developing builds. Yonghwa also helped a lot. I want to thank both of them.
- You will be facing a Terran in the semifinals (sC).
His early aggression is pretty strong, so it will not be an easy match. His play smells a bit like Marineking. I will prepare a lot for this match. I think this will be a match that will be difficult for both players.
- Your ambition going into the semifinals?
I think if I can get past the semis I can ride my victory into the finals. Zerg isn’t the best race, but I will win.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Seed and MinSeOk for helping me practice, and my coach for coming to cheer me on today. I hope that Mvp can win code A and come back into code S then show great games again.
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▼ 4강 진출에 성공한 소감은?
- 저번 시즌에 부진했었는데, 다시 올라오니 기쁘다. 준비한 대로 먹혀들어간 것 같아 보람이 느껴진다.
▼ 1세트 빌드는 어떻게 준비한 것인가?
- 예전부터 생각만 하던 빌드였다. 연습 때 써보니 좋더라. 거의 다 통했다. 1세트에서 써먹은 뒤 상대를 움츠리게 만들고 싶었다.
▼ 3세트의 패인은?
- 괜히 정찰을 해서 속은 것 같다. 3세트를 내주더라도 2:0으로 앞서던 상태였고, 4세트 맵에 자신이 있어서 부담은 없었다.
▼ 이번 시즌 최후의 저그인데?
- 많이 외롭다. 강호가 올라왔으면 조금 더 편했을 텐데…. 지금 저그가 굉장히 힘들다. 아무것도 볼 게 없다. 혼자 또 머리를 싸매고 연구해야 할 것 같다. 책임감과 부담감이 느껴진다.
▼ 어떻게 준비할 것인가?
- 저그가 준비할 건 거의 없다. 맞춰가야 하는 종족이니 상대의 흐름을 보고 꼬이게 만들 계획이다. 저그가 이기면 ‘운’이다.
▼ 연습은 어떻게 했나?
- 안상원 선수와 빌드를 연구했다. 용화도 많이 도와줬다. 고맙게 생각한다.
▼ 4강에서 테란과 붙게 됐는데?
- 초반 압박이 심해서 쉽지 않을 것 같다. 정훈이의 냄새가 난다. 준비를 많이 할 것이다. 서로 쉽지 않은 경기가 될 것 같다.
▼ 4강에 임하는 각오는?
- 4강만 무사히 넘긴다면 기세를 이어 우승까지 할 수 있을 것 같다. 암울한 종족이지만 우승하겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 상원이와 김민석 선수, 응원해주신 감독님께 감사드린다. 종현이가 코드A에서 우승을 차지하고 코드S로 올라와서 멋진 경기를 했으면 좋겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
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