From PlayXP
Winner between
TOP vs. Nada
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- Your thoughts on making the round of 4?
I feel like I have climbed over a large wall. I have lost in the round of 8 for a while now so I was a bit nervous. I am extremely happy that I won today.
- You have lost in the round of 8 for a while, what do you think about that?
In the beginning of each season, I always think, if I make it to the round of 8, ‘I will be given a chance (**to break the streak of losing in the round of 8).’ But every time I have been given the opportunity, I have let it slip from my grasp only to be disappointed. I thought this time around, I would have a good chance to break the curse. And since I have, I am so happy that I cannot think straight.
- If you were to judge today’s games?
Practicing for the match was difficult, but I believed in my strategy and my skill so I was able to show good games today. I was in a good position in the 3rd set, but I became overconfident and lost the game. After that match, I came back to my senses and regained my composure.
- Your preparation this season feels much different than previously.
I think this is the first time since the open season that I have felt the fire inside me to play. For a while, when I made the round of 8, that was a bit of luck, but this time, I put in real effort and practice, so I feel like I achieved this through my skill. I think after the open season of GSL, I wanted to take more of a relaxed attitude and I let my skill degrade a bit. Not that I played easy or nonchalantly in the past, but this season, I have regained my will to practice hard and prepare for matches.
- You said that you would request a certain artist to perform for the next season if you win the Tournament this season.
I have gotten much encouragement from my friends (to do this). (Laugh) I have gone to many dates in the past, but I have not found someone that I would want to have as my girlfriend. I hope after I win, they invite this person to perform so I can meet her.
- It seems that your play style has changed a bit.
I have watched many VODs and played games with foreign players to learn many more strategies. I have taken the effort to learn from many varieties of players, and through practice, my attack timing and strategies have evolved. Through practice, I hope to fix the weak points in my play.
- You ended up teamkilling.
I always checked whether or not TOP was playing online. I don’t know if he was practicing under a different ID, but I bet both of us were checking each other’s recent matches and ladder ranks. We told each other that we should try to put forth our best match, and I was satisfied with the games I played today. But I think TOP was a bit nervous for today’s matches. He is a really great player and I believe he is capable of much more, so next time, I hope he shows even better games.
- Do you have the greed/desire to win the championship?
I am craving to win this one. I like to pile onto my existing achievements, and let the records show my skill in SC2.
- Who do you want to face in the round of 4?
If an oGs player (Inca) comes up, it will secure an oGs member in the finals, but I think that will be difficult to practice for. I haven’t played against Killer that much and I am cheering for Inca, but I feel like I would have an easier time facing Killer. If Inca does advance, it will be a tough match for me.
- What do you think about protoss matchups?
I think Inca has figured out a good solution to that matchup. But rather than balance, I think the person who plays/tries their hardest will come out the victor.
- Recently, your wins record in SCBW was broken, what do you think?
That is very impressive. Jaedong is a junior to me but he is someone I can respect. I want to congratulate him, but I hope he doesn’t shatter my record by too much.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Maka, Polt, Puma, Bomber, Lyn, and Supernova for helping me practice. I really appreciate their help. Call me if you guys ever need practice for your matches. In the past, when I made it to the round of 4, I have won many times. I will practice extra hard and get to the finals stage. Finally, I want to thank both the Korean and foreigner fans who cheer for me.
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▼ 4강에 진출한 소감은?
- 큰 벽을 넘어선 것 같다. 계속 8강에서 미끄러져서 긴장이 됐는데, 이겨내서 기쁘다.
▼ 그동안 계속해서 8강에서 탈락을 했는데, 어떤 생각을 했나?
- 항상 시즌이 시작할 때 마다 8강쯤 가면 ‘나에게 기회가 주어졌구나’라고 생각했다. 항상 중요한 때에 기회를 놓쳐서 아쉬웠다. 이번에도 충분히 기회가 왔다고 생각한다. 정신이 없을 정도로 기쁘다.
▼ 오늘 경기를 자평한다면?
- 준비 과정이 힘들었지만, 내 전략, 내 자신을 믿었기 때문에 좋은 경기를 펼칠 수 있었다고 본다. 3세트에 유리했는데 방심해서 그르친 뒤 정신을 바짝 차렸다.
▼ 이번 시즌 각오가 남다른 것 같은데?
- 오픈 시즌 이후로 이렇게 불살랐던 적이 처음인 것 같다. 그동안 8강에 오른 건 운이라고 생각했지만, 이번만큼은 정말 열심히 노력했고, 내 실력으로 이뤄냈다고 생각하고 있다. 오픈 시즌 이후엔 좀 쉬고 싶었던 것 같다. 그렇다고 소홀히 했던 것은 아니지만 이번엔 정말 더 열심히 준비했다.
▼ 이번 시즌에 우승하면 다음 시즌에 특정 가수를 불러달라고 요청했는데?
- 동기부여에 많은 도움이 됐다. (웃음) 그동안 연예인은 많이 봤는데, 내가 정말 좋아하는 연예인은 한 번도 본 적이 없다. 우승해서 그 분이 꼭 초청됐으면 좋겠다.
▼ 플레이 스타일이 바뀐 것 같다?
- VOD를 많이 보고 해외 선수들과 경기하면서 많이 배웠다. 여러 사람들에게 배우려고 노력했다. 연습을 많이 하다 보니 공격에 대한 확신이 들게 됐다. 많은 연습을 통해 단점을 극복하게 됐다고 생각한다.
▼ 팀킬을 하게 됐는데?
- 온라인에서 정훈이가 연습을 하고 있는지 항상 체크했다. 몰래 다른 아이디로 접속해 연습하는지, 메신저에 접속했는지 등을 체크하며 나름의 견제를 했다. 서로 좋은 경기 하자고 했고, 오늘 만족스런 경기를 했다. 정훈이가 오늘 긴장한 것 같다. 정훈이는 정말 잘하는 선수기 때문에 다음번에 더 좋은 경기 했으면 좋겠다.
▼ 우승에 대한 욕심은?
- 엄청나게 욕심난다. 나름 기록의 사나이니까 기록을 세우고 싶다.
▼ 4강에서 누구와 맞붙고 싶은가?
- oGs가 올라오면 팀에선 결승 확정이지만, 연습 때 송준혁에게 많이 졌다. 신상호 선수완 많이 안 해봤는데, 준혁이 보단 날 것 같다. 준혁이를 응원하겠지만, 만약 올라온다면 쉽지 않은 상대가 될 것 같다.
▼ 최근 프로토스전에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 준혁이가 해법을 제시했다고 생각한다. 밸런스를 따지기 보단 최선을 다하는 사람이 이긴다고 생각한다.
▼ 얼마 전 스타크래프트1에서의 다승 기록이 깨졌는데?
- 굉장히 훌륭하다. 이제동은 후배지만 존경할만한 선수다. 축하하고, 앞으로도 계속해서 내 기록에 도전하되, 너무 많이 깨진 말아줬으면 좋겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 곽한얼, 최성훈, 이호준, 최지성, 박준, 김영진 선수에게 고맙다. 정말 감사드린다. 다음에 연습 필요하면 귓말 달라. 그동안 4강에 올라가면 우승을 많이 했다. 정말 열심히 해서 꼭 결승 무대에 오르겠다. 많은 응원주시는 한국과 해외의 팬들에게 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(
Winner between
sC vs. LosirA
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- Your thoughts on making the round of 4?
This is my first time ever in a round of 4, so I am extremely happy. I am looking forward to these matches one at a time and since the finals are basically one step away, I want to practice even harder so I can take that step.
- What were your thoughts when LosirA was decided as your round of 8 opponent?
When I first knew that LosirA would be my opponent, after he won his round of 16 match, I was a bit nervous. But after practicing, my carefully prepared strategies and builds helped calm me down for this match.
- You are a bit notorious amongst the players.
I think it is because people just don’t like facing my play style. I hope the other players in the teamhouse learn to use these strategies so they can also gain that reputation.
- How was this time different than last season’s round of 8?
Last time, I underestimated San and I lost due to my overconfidence. This time, with Losira, who has a great reputation as a player, as my opponent, I was able to practice with greater intensity. I believe I was able to win because of my teammates who practiced with me.
- Did you think you would win 3 to 0?
I thought I would win, but I thought it would be more like 3 to 1.
- In the 1st set, you used a zerg like strategy with waves and waves of units.
This was something I didn’t really use in practice. But this is a build that Bomber uses often and I used it because my zerg teammates told me that this was incredibly difficult to deal with.
- In the 2nd set, you showed a bunker push.
When I ladder at the teamhouse, I often use a lot of cheese in my play. And I don’t really like to use them in broadcasted matches, but after winning the first game, I used this strategy to take a quick win off on a mentally tired opponent. Also, on tal’darim altar, because of the long rush distance, many zergs open with an extremely greedy build order which is why I opened with a bunker push.
- Who do you want to face in the round of 4?
It was pretty hard work practicing for a zerg opponent. That matchup has lost its charm for me, so I want to face a protoss.
- Isn’t that because you just don’t want to face Nestea?
A little bit. (Laugh)
- Do you have the greed/desire to win the championship?
It is my dream to make it to the finals for the first time. This is a golden opportunity for me so I will take that to heart and play extremely hard. I think if I can make it to the finals, I can definitely win.
- Do you feel like fans and spectators will change their attitude about you?
I have gotten this far, but I feel like compared to other players, people have less interest or care less about me. I want to take this opportunity to change that perception by showing great games.
- What will you show?
Maybe some dances or scv celebrations…, in the 1st set I danced with my marines because my opponent was LosirA who is famous for losing the game after dancing with his zerglings.
- What is your resolve going into the round of 4?
I will prepare for this match even harder than for the round of 8, I think my opponent in the round of 4 will have to take that into account and practice equally as hard.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Lee Hyung Sup, the playing coach, for coming and cheering for me. Choi Won Seuk coach quit due to personal issues, but I hope he has success in his future endeavors. I sincerely want to thank Lucky, Sirius, Terious, ShinefOu, and Leenock, for helping me practice. In the upcoming super tournament and in the GSTL, team fOu will show that we are not dead yet. I hope the fans will take notice of both myself and team fOu in the future.
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▼ 4강에 진출한 소감은?
- 생에 첫 4강이라 기분이 좋다. 한 계단씩 올라갈 때마다 기분 좋고, 결승까지 한 단계밖에 남지 않아서 더 열심히 준비해야겠다.
▼ 황강호가 8강 상대로 결정됐을 때 어떤 생각을 했나?
- 황강호 선수가 16강에서 이겼다고 했을 때 긴장했는데, 연습 때 빌드도 잘 짜이고 해서 마음이 놓인 것 같다.
▼ 선수들 사이에서 악명이 높다던데?
- 상대하기 꺼려하는 스타일이라 그런 것 같다. 숙소 형들도 나만큼 잘 하셔서 그렇게 큰 체감은 못하겠다.
▼ 지난 시즌 8강에 올랐을 때와 차이점은?
- 전에는 강초원 선수를 무시해서 방심하다 결과가 좋지 못했다. 이번엔 황강호 선수 기세가 좋아서 긴장하며 연습했다. 형들이 많이 도와줘서 이길 수 있었던 것 같다.
▼ 3:0으로 이길 것이라 예상했나?
- 이길 것이라 생각은 했지만, 3:1 정도로 예상하고 있었다.
▼ 1세트에서 저그 같은 웨이브를 선보였는데?
- 연습 때 한 번도 사용하지 않은 전략이었다. 최지성 선수의 빌드인데 같은 팀 저그 선수들이 까다롭다고 해서 썼다.
▼ 2세트에서는 벙커링을 선보였는데?
- 숙소에서 래더할 때 거의 치즈 러쉬를 시도한다. 방송에선 잘 안 썼는데, 심리전에서 우위를 점하기 위해 사용했다. 탈다림 제단은 러쉬 거리가 멀어 저그가 과감하게 시작하기 때문에 벙커링을 준비했다.
▼ 4강에서 누구와 맞붙고 싶은가?
- 저그전 연습하다보니 힘들더라. 부적업도 없어졌으니 프로토스와 한 번 해보고 싶다.
▼ 임재덕을 피하고 싶은 것은 아닌가?
- 살짝. (웃음)
▼ 우승 욕심은 없나?
- 결승 무대가 첫 번째 꿈이었다. 이번이 절호의 기회라 생각하고 열심히 임하겠다. 결승에 가면 무조건 우승할 수 있을 것 같다.
▼ 주변인이나 팬들의 평가가 달라지지 않았나?
- 높은 곳까지 올라오긴 했는데, 다른 선수에 비해 관심이 적은 것 같다. 이번 기회를 통해 많은 것을 보여드리겠다.
▼ 어떤 것을 보여줄 수 있나?
- 춤이나 지게로봇 떨구기…. 1세트에서 해병이 춤을 춘 이유는 상대가 ‘죽음의 무도’를 선보였던 황강호 선수였기에 그것을 의식해 춤을 췄다.
▼ 4강에 임하는 각오는?
- 8강보다 더 열심히 준비할 테니, 4강 상대가 될 분은 긴장하시고 충분히 연습 하셔야 할 것이다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 응원 와주신 이형섭 플레잉코치님께 감사드린다. 최원석 코치님이 개인적인 사정으로 그만두셨는데, 앞으로 하는 일 잘되셨으면 좋겠다. 연습 도와준 이인수, 최진솔, 송병학, 최경민, 이동녕 선수에게 진심으로 고맙다. 다가오는 슈퍼토너먼트와 GSTL에서 fOu는 아직 죽지 않았다는 것을 보여드리겠다. fOu팀과 저에게 많은 관심 부탁드린다.
글: 이시우(
In case you missed it,
Older interviews
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Added Final interview.
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