![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KbVTS.png)
From Play XP
Link to Code A Day 1 Interviews If you missed it.
Group A Winners
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fiL2u.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 16 in code S?
I didn’t know I would advance. I think I was a bit lucky
- In the 1st game against Polt, what was your game concept?
Usually, Polt uses a fast expand type build so I tried to use a build to counter the fast expand.
- In the 2nd game you faced your team coach, your thoughts?
I am usually not that nervous, but I played that game with a bit of nerves. I feel a bit sorry for my coach but unfortunately it was inevitable.
- That game was close. When were you sure of your victory?
When I caught my all of my coach’s mutalisks I knew I had the game.
- In this season, team kill was inevitable…
I was a bit wary while practicing (**he didn’t want to show everything he had to his teammates who he may have had to team kill). I was mainly focused on practicing my TvT, and the other matches I practiced through ladder. Fortunately, our spawns were very far apart.
- Your thoughts on infestors after the patch?
When the infestors come out, they are so strong that you cannot just rush into them as terran. I think when a zerg player that uses infestors really well comes out, terrans will have a hard time.
- Who do you want as your round of 16 opponent?
As long as it’s not TOP I don’t really care. I hope he gets out of his group as 1st, so I don’t have to face him.
- In this season, the player introductions were done with T-ARA (k-pop group)…?
I was so nervous. I felt like my heart was about to burst. The pose was thought up by Jiyeon.
- Which member did you want to do that with?
I wanted to do that with Jiyeon. It was my honor, and it was a good experience for me.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my teammates, LittleBoy (Goma), TOP, Jinro, and TSL’s Puma, aLive, and IM’s Mvp for helping me practice. Also, to my coach, you are plenty good so I belive that you will rise again in the Up and Down matches. Coach Fighting!
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▼ 코드S 16강 진출 소감?
- 진출할 지 몰랐다. 운이 좋았던 것 같다.
▼ 1경기 최성훈과의 경기 컨셉이 있다면?
- 최성훈 선수가 평소에 더블 빌드를 사용하더라. 더블에 맞춘 빌드로 맞섰다.
▼ 2번째 경기가 팀 감독님이었다?
- 원래 긴장하지 않는데, 긴장하면서 경기했다. 미안한 마음도 들지만 어쩔 수 없다고 생각한다.
▼ 치열했다. 언제 승리를 확신했나?
- 감독님이 뮤탈 리스크를 다 잃었을 때 장담했다.
▼ 이번 시즌 팀 킬이 많이 나올 수 밖에 없을텐데...
- 눈치를 많이 보면서 연습했다. 테란 전만 주로 연습했고, 나머지는 래더로 연습했다. 다행히 자리는 많이 떨어져있었다.
▼ 패치 후 감염충에 대한 생각이 있다면?
- 감염충이 나오기 시작하면 테란이 러쉬를 함부로 못 갈정도로 강력하다. 감염충을 잘 사용하는 저그가 나오면 테란도 위험해질 것 같다고 생각한다.
▼ 16강 상대가 누가 되었으면 하는지?
- 정훈이만 아니면 상관없다. 꼭 1위로 진출했으면 좋겠다.
▼ 이번 시즌 선수 소개 영상을 티아라와 함께 촬영했는데...?
- 너무 떨렸다. 심장이 터지는 줄 알았다. 포즈는 지연씨가 알려줬다.
▼ 어떤 멤버랑 같이 하고 싶었는지?
- 지연씨랑 찍고 싶었다. 영광이었고 좋은 경험이었다.
▼ 마지막으로?
- 연습을 도와준 우리 팀 김정균, 김정훈, 조나단. TSL의 이호준, 한이석. IM 종현이에게 감사의 말 전한다. 감독님 충분히 잘하시니깐 승강전에서 꼭 올라오시리라 믿는다. 감독님 파이팅.
글: 안영훈(ethan@playxp.com)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LGwpy.jpg)
- Congratulations. What are your thoughts right now?
This is my first advance from the group stages so I am really happy.
- In the 1st game, what were your thoughts when you lost?
This is the third season in a row where I lost my 1st game. Today, I wanted to begin with a win but I did not prepare for my opponent’s build very well.
- It seemed like that you put a lot of thought into your matches with MC.
I was more focused on preparing for Supernova. It’s not that I wanted necessarily avoid MC, but for sure, facing coach theWind (by beating Supernova) would have been much better than facing MC.
- What were you focused on (during those matches)?
I have many builds. And my build that I use often has become so well known on ladder. But I decided to go with what I was good at, and do it anyways. Although it could have been unfavorable, I felt that if I used it well, I could still win.
- Your secret in beating MC several times?
I think he felt that I prepared something special for him, and he got too wrapped up in thinking that and since I played regular, it led to his own demise.
- Do you have the confidence to keep being MC’s rival? (**polt has a winning record against MC)
TvP has been hard in the past, but weirdly I seem to win as long as it’s been televised.
- Your goals?
I want to make it to the round of 8. I want to make my next season easier by having the power to choose my opponent in my group stages.
- Who do you want to face in the next round?
I don’t have a preference. But I don’t really want to face Byun. I practiced with him and the games always went for 30-40 mins and it was hard on me.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my coach for always believing in us and leading us. I also want to thank our sponsors Sabasaba chicken.
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▼ 진출 축하한다. 소감 먼저 밝혀본다면?
- 정규 시즌 첫 진출이나 너무 기쁘다.
▼ 1경기 패했을 때 어땠는지?
- 지금까지 3번째 시즌인데 매번 1경기 패했다. 오늘은 이기고 시작하려고 했는데 상대 빌드를 예상하지 못했던 것 같다.
▼ 장민철과의 경기에 많은 신경이 쓰였을 것 같은데?
- 김영진 선수와의 경기를 더 신경 썼다. 장민철 선수를 피하고 싶다기보단 아무래도 장민철 선수보단 박상익 감독님과 하는 것이 좋기 때문이었다.
▼ 어디에 초점을 맞췄는지?
- 여러가지 빌드가 있었다. 잘 쓰는 빌드가 있었는데 래더에서 노출이 많았다. 그래도 잘하는 빌드를 사용하자는 입장이었다. 불리해도 잘 끌어가면 이길 수 있다고 생각했다.
▼ 본인만의 장민철을 이기는 비법을 말해본다면?
- 내가 뭘 준비해온 줄 알고 기대한 것 같은데 무난하게 하다보니 거기에 장민철 선수가 말린 것 같다.
▼ 천적관계를 유지할 자신 있나?
- 프로토스 전이 매우 힘들었는데, 이상하게 방송만 하면 이기더라.
▼ 목표를 밝혀본다면?
- 조 지명 할 수 있는 8강에 맞췄다. 다음 시즌에 쉽게 가기 위해서다.
▼ 다음 상대는 누가 됐으면 좋겠는지?
- 딱히 없다. 변현우 선수만은 피하고 싶다. 연습을 같이 했는데 매번 30~40분이 나오다보니 너무 힘들더라.
▼ 마지막으로?
- 우리 팀 항상 믿고 이끌어주신 감독님께 감사 드리고, 후원해주시는 사바사바치킨에게도 감사 드린다.
글: 안영훈(ethan@playxp.com)
Group B Winners
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NiTdw.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 16?
This is the first time getting past this round in the regular season so I am really happy and proud.
- It seemed as if in the early game against Byun you were a bit behind, what do you think?
When Byun went marauders I felt that if I went air, I could come back. I didn’t get to use battlecruisers.
- Last season, after your code A win, you didn’t look too good, your thoughts?
I think I didn’t practice enough. It wasn’t that I didn’t have enough time, but I was a bit negligent on my practice.
- After coming back from the up and down matches what were your thoughts?
I wanted to get picked so I could pick someone else in the group but I am sad I couldn’t do that. So far, I’ve always been picked as the 4th person in the groups.
- Your goals for this season?
(for the group nominations) I want to make the round of 8. I also want to try my best to also go for the win.
- Supernova just won this group in 1st place. To avoid a team kill you have to advance in 1st (This interview was done before the final game to decide 1st and 2nd in the group)
I am confident but I hope sC doesn’t play too hard.
- Your next opponent will be a terran no matter what, your thoughts?
I think it’s pretty hard during practice. Because each game goes on for so long, it is pretty hard. I want to face a zerg so much.
- Who do you want to face personally?
I want to face Fruitdealer. I told him to pick me but he ignored me. (laugh).
- Anything particularly hard for you during practice?
Because I have slacked a bit lately, I am a bit unfamiliar with other race matchups. TvP has become harder, and as for zergs, the infestor is hard to overcome.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my teammates who helped me practice. I especially want to thank TheStC for helping me. I also will try to show good games in the round of 16.
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▼ 16강 진출 소감?
- 정규 시즌에 들어 처음으로 진출하는 거라 기분 좋고 뿌듯하다.
▼ 변현우와의 경기 초반에는 다소 밀리는 듯 보였다?
- 처음 변현우 선수가 불곰을 생산할 때 공중으로 가면 역전할 수 있겠다고 생각했다. 전투 순양함은 알지 못했다.
▼ 지난 시즌 코드A 우승 후 부진했었다. 자평해본다면?
- 준비가 부족했던 것 같다. 시간이 없었다기 보단 자만했던 것 같다.
▼ 강등됐다가 다시 올라오게 되어 기분이 새로울 것 같은데?
- 시드 받고 지명해보고 싶었는데 그러지 못해서 슬펐다. 지금까지 계속 4지명만 당해서 못 뽑아봤다.
▼ 이번 시즌 목표를 밝혀본다면?
- (지명을 위해) 8강 이상을 목표로 하고 있다. 더 열심히 해서 우승까지도 노려보려 한다.
▼ 앞서 같은 팀 김영진이 조1위로 진출했다. 팀킬을 피하려면 1위를 해야한다.
- 자신감은 있는데 김승철 선수가 잔인하게 안 해줬으면 좋겠다.
▼ 다음 상대도 역시 테란이다?
- 연습할 때 너무 힘들다. 너무 장기전이라 매 경기 하나하나가 너무 힘들다. 저그 전이 매우 하고 싶다.
▼ 누구와 겨뤄보고 싶은지 밝혀본다면?
- 원기형과 해보고 싶었다. 뽑아달라고 했는데 무시하더라. (웃음)
▼ 연습하면서 어려운 점을 말해본다면?
- 최근에는 열심히 하지 않아서, 다른 종족 전은 잘 모르겠다. 프로토스 전이 매우 어려운 것 같고, 저그는 감염충이 힘들더라.
▼ 마지막으로?
- 연습도와준 팀원들에게 고맙다. 연식이 형이 정말 많이 도와줬다. 16강에서도 좋은 경기력으로 좋은 모습 보여드리겠다.
글: 안영훈(ethan@playxp.com)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/d4sfl.jpg)
- Congratulations on making the round of 16. How are you feeling?
I am happy. It was all terran matchups today so I was a bit worried because the strategies are so varied in TvT. But I felt that I was able to advance easily today so I am happy.
- Did you expect to win against Rainbow like that after you blocked his early attack?
I faced him around 3 times on ladder. He often used blue flame hellions so by playing pretty conservatively, the game went pretty well.
- You won 2-0, and it didn’t seem like your games were too hard, your thoughts?
In the 2nd game, I was pushed back in several battles. I don’t really know how I won.
- Who do you want to face in the next match?
I want to face Supernova. But I don’t really care who I face.
- It will be another TvT, what do you think?
There are many strategies but it’s a matter of mechanics so I think it’s an ok matchup for me.
- Your goals for this season?
Of course, I am aiming for the finals. My dream is to play for the finals at least once.
- What do you think was the reason for your loss in the round of 8 last season?
San played a lot better than I thought. To be honest, I didn’t think he was that good. I think was a bit cocky.
- Last comment?
I want to thank Team MVP’s Noblesse, Keen, and IM’s Happy, and my team’s Kasyu. I also want to thank Choya for coming to cheer for me today. I will try to show my best play in the future.
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▼ 16강 진출 축하한다. 소감을 밝혀본다면?
- 기쁘다. 우선 올 테란 전이라서 변수가 많아 걱정도 됐는데 쉽게 올라간 것 같아 좋다.
▼ 김성제 선수 찌르기를 잘 막고 승리했는데 예상했나?
- 래더에서 3번 정도 만났다. 지옥불을 사용하던데 배제하지 않고 경기를 하다 보니 잘 풀린 것 같다.
▼ 2연승이라 힘든 경기는 없어 보였는데?
- 2경기에선 한 방 싸움에 밀릴 뻔한 적도 있다. 어이없게 승리한 것 같다.
▼ 다음 경기에서 누구와 겨루고 싶은지?
- 김영진 선수와 해보고 싶다. 누가되던지 상관없다.
▼ 또 테란 전인데 어떨것이라고 생각하나?
- 변수가 많긴 해도 기본기 싸움이라 할만하다고 생각한다.
▼ 이번 시즌의 목표?
- 무조건 결승을 목표로 하고 있다. 꿈이 결승 무대에 한 번 서보는 것이었다.
▼ 지난 시즌 8강의 패인을 뭐라고 생각하나?
- 강초원 선수가 생각보다 잘하더라. 사실은 그 정도로 잘 하리라는 생각은 못했다. 약간 자만했던 것 같다.
▼ 끝으로?
- MVP팀의 채도준, 황규석 선수. IM팀의 안호진 선수. 우리 팀 옆자리에 있는 한병훈 형께 감사 드린다. 오늘 응원와주신 형섭이 형한테도 감사의 말 전한다. 좋은 모습 보여드리겠다.
글: 안영훈(ethan@playxp.com)
I did these translations while watching the games at the same time, so there may be typos or mistakes in the translations, if you guys find any. PM me.