![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KbVTS.png)
From Play XP
Winner between
Leenock vs. Creator
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hTfSA.jpg)
- You won in your debut match, how are you feeling?
I am really happy. It is enough to make me cry.
- Why did you cry? (tears of joy)
I didn’t know I would win this match. After the victory in the first game, I thought I could perhaps pull out a 2:0 win, but in the 2nd set I was thinking, oh “I lost.” Then I was able to win in the 3rd set, so I think that’s why I had tears of joy.
- Your opponent was Leenock, your thoughts?
I was a bit frustrated after looking at the brackets. But fortunately, our team’s zerg and protoss players are so good that I was able to receive a lot of help. I don’t think I could have pulled this out alone.
- Did you go to the teamhouse after qualifying for code A? (I suppose he didn’t live there before)
Yes. I think practicing at the teamhouse is definitely better.
- Did you have aspirations to be a progamer early in your life? (this guy is really young, born in 1996!)
For a long time, I always played games more than studying. It didn’t seem like I could see the answers in academics, so I focused on gaming. I think it is really nice to earn money doing something fun.
- Your thoughts after winning the first match?
Before I came to the stage today, I thought I would be really nervous. But when I sat in the booth, I wasn’t really nervous. I think that’s why it went well today.
- Your goal in code A?
My goal was to make the round of 16. Now, it is to make the round of 8.
- In the future, what kind of progamer do you want to be?
I want to be a player that has many fans. I also want people to want to watch my games.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank BBoongBBoong, AnNyeong, Check, and my coach, Gerrard for helping me practice. I also want to thank Jae Pi for coming to cheer me on, and Sabasaba chicken for sponsoring our team.
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▼ 데뷔전에서 이겼는데 소감이 어떤가?
- 정말 기쁘다. 눈물이 날 정도다.
▼ 왜 눈물을 흘렸나?
- 이길 줄 몰랐다. 첫 판 이기고 나서 2:0으로 이길 수 있을 것이라 생각했는데, 2세트에서 방심해 ‘졌구나’라고 생각했다. 그런데 3세트에서 승리를 거둬 눈물이 났던 것 같다.
▼ 상대가 이동녕이었는데?
- 대진보고 좌절을 했다. 우리팀 저그, 프로토스 선수들이 워낙 잘해서 도움을 많이 받았다. 혼자선 힘들었을 것이다.
▼ 예선 끝나고 바로 숙소로 들어갔나?
- 그렇다. 숙소에서 연습하니 확실히 좋은 것 같다.
▼ 일찍 프로게이머의 꿈을 가지게 됐는데?
- 예전부터 공부보다 게임을 많이 했다. 공부 쪽으론 답이 안 보이는 것 같아서 게임에 집중하기로 했다. 재밌는 일을 하며 돈을 버는 것도 좋다고 생각했다.
▼ 첫 경기에서 승리를 거뒀는데?
- 오기 전에는 긴장을 많이 할 줄 알았는데, 막상 자리에 앉으니 긴장이 안됐다. 그래서 잘 된 것 같다.
▼ 코드A에서의 목표는?
- 원래 목표는 16강이었다. 이제 8강에 오르고 싶다.
▼ 앞으로 어떤 프로게이머가 되고 싶은가?
- 팬이 많은 선수가 되고 싶다. 사람들이 내 경기를 좋아했으면 좋겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 최종혁, 문학선, 이형주 선수와 박외식 감독님께 감사드린다. 오늘 응원와주신 제피형과 후원해주신 사바사바치킨에도 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
RevivaL vs. Ryung
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Aq5S9.jpg)
- Your thoughts on winning today?
Yesterday, I thought I would lose. But when I woke up today, I felt really good. Being in code A, is not my end goal so I am not overly excited.
- Your situation in the first game was not so good, your thoughts?
I don’t think roaches are that good against terran. So usually, when my opponent gets roaches, I automatically think I won the game. So I didn’t give up and made marauders.
- You lost in the 2nd set, your thoughts?
The hellion build was to test what my opponent was made of. And when the drops came my siege mode wasn’t complete and there were a lot of overlords so it was hard to stop.
- So why did you get the blue flame upgrade?
After scouting, if he kept making zerglings, I was going to counter.
- It seems you should have gotten plenty of time for practice.
I think I practiced too much and it backfired. I was figured out a lot by my opponent, and I lost both my confidence and win ratio. I also worried too much.
- Comparing this to the GSTL, what do you think?
I don’t have all my teammates on the bench, so this is a bit more nerve-racking. If BoxeR wasn’t there before my 3rd game, I would have been more nervous. But I think I will be fine in the future.
- Your next opponent is Creator, what do you think about him?
Recently, TvP has been hard. But I think it will be easier than today’s match.
- Your goal for this season?
My end goal is to win code S, but for now, since I am code A, my goal is to make it to code S. I also want to beat MMA in a match.
- If you make it to the round of 8, you may end up facing BoxeR, your thoughts?
Since my goal is to meet MMA in a match, I must win that match too.
- Anything else you want to say?
I want to thank Drughead, Sleep, Golden, and Sirius for helping me practice. I was a bit cranky during practice so I am sorry about that. I also want to say my teammate Lots is a good player. He hasn’t been televised yet, but I want to ask all the fans to watch for him. When he finds his confidence, I think he will be really good.
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▼ 경기에서 승리한 소감은?
- 어젠 질 것 같았는데, 오늘 일어나니 기분이 좋았다. A가 목표는 아니기 때문에 크게 기쁘진 않다.
▼ 첫 경기 상황이 좋지 않았는데?
- 바퀴가 테란 상대로 안 좋다고 생각한다. 평소 상대가 바퀴를 뽑으면 무조건 이길 것 같다고 생각한다. 그래서 포기하지 않고 불곰을 생산했다.
▼ 2세트에선 패배했는데?
- 화염차가 상대의 간을 보는 빌드였다. 드롭이 올 때 공성전차가 시즈모드도 안됐었고, 대군주가 너무 많아 막기가 힘들었다.
▼ 그럼 지옥불 업그레이드는 왜 했나?
- 정찰 후 저글링 체제면 견제를 시도할 계획이었다.
▼ 연습 시간이 충분 했을 것 같은데?
- 연습을 너무 많이 한 것이 오히려 독이 된 것 같다. 상대에게 많이 파악 당했고, 자신감과 승률도 많이 떨어졌다. 걱정을 많이 했다.
▼ GSTL과 비교해보면 어떤 느낌인가?
- 벤치에 동료들이 없으니 뭔가 불안했다. 3경기를 치르는 요환이 형이 현장에 없었다면 더 불안했을 것이다. 앞으로는 괜찮을 것 같다.
▼ 다음 상대인 장현우에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 요즘 프로토스전이 힘들다. 하지만 오늘 경기보단 쉬울 것 같다.
▼ 이번 시즌 목표는?
- 최종 목표는 코드S 우승이지만 지금은 A니까 S에 올라가는 것이 목표다. 성원이 형도 꺾어보고 싶다.
▼ 8강에 오르면 임요환을 만나는데?
- 성원이 형을 만나는 것이 목표기 때문에 이겨야 한다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 김회용, 김성환, 조명환, 최진솔 선수에게 고맙단 말을 전하고 싶다. 연습할 때 짜증내서 미안하다. 같은 팀의 윤성훈이 정말 잘한다. 아직 방송에서 선뵈지 못했지만 많은 관심 부탁드린다. 자신감만 되찾으면 정말 잘 할 것 같다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
BoxeR vs. Avenge
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KFSmN.jpg)
- First, your thoughts on making the round of 16?
I wasn’t really nervous, since it was code A, but the games did not go as I planned. I feel undeserving to even give this interview. Personally, going into this match, I thought my TvP was good, but the games did not play out well. Of course, some aspects of my difficulties were that my opponent planned out his strategies well. I was pretty tired today, and in the middle of the 3rd set, I shook my head a bit to keep awake. I think that’s because of the medicine I’ve been taking for my cold.
- In the 2nd set, did you not get to check his army?
I went in thinking that I was in an advantageous situation. But, I did not check for the colossus. I didn’t think he would have it since his robotics got destroyed. When I saw the unit situation I went in with incomplete information and I lost the game.
- Unlike your usual self, you took a long break. How were you recently? (He was sick, hence he missed Dreamhack)
I practiced like I was going to die. My body feels like it’s about to break.
- After last season’s loss, there were some mentions of you thinking about switching race, what is the situation?
That came about from me thinking; “my race” is the weakest (everyone has this thought at one point). My teammate Golden had the same thought. But until I win (Code S) I will keep playing terran.
- You are also playing in overseas tournaments.
I am a bit worried that my opponent will watch these games today and get more confident. I wish he would lose confidence….
- Is it hard for you to get your schedule set up to play in the TSL and NASL matches?
The TSL is more considerate of my time. Since the NASL games are played in the morning, I am kind of playing in a numb state (like when you just wake up). Recently, I’ve been increasing my practice so even my teammates are saying that my skill has gone up. I can also feel it. But after all that, to show games like I did today, I want to apologize to my teammates.
- Your goals for code A?
I have many tournaments simultaneously right now, so my goal is to make the up and down matches. To be honest, I am a bit more focused on practicing for the other tournaments.
- Any last comments?
First of all, I want to apologize to my teammates for my poor showing today. I want to thank Frozen, Kuma, Tiffany, and all my protoss teammates for helping me. I am sorry that I didn’t get to show the form that my teammates were looking for. Also, it was really helpful that the terran captain MMA was here to help me gather myself. When any of our teammates play a match, the team is always watching and supporting them, it’s a really good atmosphere and it is really helpful in preparation. And, I want to especially thank Ga-yeon for helping me so I can just focus on gaming. I also want to thank coach Cella for helping me.
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▼ 먼저 16강 진출 소감?
- 코드A라 떨리진 않았는데 게임이 너무 안풀렸다. 인터뷰하기도 미안하다. 개인적으론 프로토스전이 잘해졌다고 생각하고 왔지만, 게임이 잘 안되더라. 물론, 상대가 견제를 잘한 것도 있다. 계속 졸려 3세트 중반에 잠시 머리를 흔들어 잠을 쫓기도 했다. 아무래도 감기로 먹은 약 때문에 그런 것 같다.
▼ 2세트, 병력 체크를 못했는지?
- 유리한 줄 알고 들어갔다. 하지만, 거신 체크를 못했다. 로보틱스를 파괴해서 미쳐 생각하진 못했다. 유닛 상황으로 봤을 때 분리한 조합이었음에도 공격해 들어가 졌던 것 같다.
▼ 본의아니게 오래 쉬었는데, 그 동안 어떻게 지냈는지?
- 죽어라 연습만 했다. 몸이 망가지는 느낌이다.
▼ 지난 시즌 강등 후 종족 변경에 대한 고민을 하고 있었다고 들었다?
- 자기 종족이 제일 약하다는 생각이다. 같은 팀의 조명환 선수도 그렇게 생각하고 있더라. (코드S) 우승할 때까지는 테란을 할 생각이다.
▼ 해외 대회들도 병행하고 있는데?
- 상대가 오늘 경기를 보고 자신감을 얻지 않을지 걱정이다. 자만심에 빠지면 좋겠지만..
▼ TSL이나 NASL등 경기를 하기위해 시간을 맞추는 것도 힘들 것 같다?
- TSL은 시간을 고려를 해주는 편이다. NASL은 아침 시간에 하다보니 멍한 상태에서 하곤 한다. 최근에 연습량이 많이 늘어서인지 같은 팀원도 날 보며 실력이 늘었다고 하더라. 나도 느낀다. 그런 상황에 이런 경기력을 펼치게 되어 팀원들에게 매우 미안하다.
▼ 코드A의 의미를 밝혀본다면?
- 출전하는 대회가 많아서 코드A는 승강전에 진출하는 것이 목표다. 사실, 다른 해외 대회에 더욱 집중하고 있는 실정이다.
▼ 마지막으로?
- 우선 열심히 도와준 팀원들에게 미안하다. 장강욱 선수, 배장훈 선수, 전천후 선수 등 팀 프로토스 선수들에게 고맙다고 전하고 싶다. 팀들이 원하던 경기력이 못나와서 미안하다. 팀의 테란 주장인 문성원 선수가 옆에서 많이 가다듬어줬다. 팀의 선수가 나가면 옆에서 지켜봐주고 도와주고 하는 분위기가 좋아 준비하기 편했다. 그리고 가연씨가 게임에만 집중할 수 있게 잘해줘서 고맙다. 홍승표 코치도 도와줘서 고맙다.
글: 안영훈(ethan@playxp.com)
Winner between
aLive vs. finale
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![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/hKKJM.png)
- This is your third round of 16 in code A.
It feels like the round of 16 is the starting spot for me. If I fall again here, I will probably think about loss more than before.
- What do you think is the reason for your losses?
I think I lost not because I was unlucky in draws but because I was ill-prepared. I needed more practice.
- How was your match today?
My opponent played much better than I thought, and my luck wasn’t that good today, so it was hard.
- Was your ceremony improvised or planned?
I thought about it when my opponent was decided. I thought about wearing clothes that I could tear up but I didn’t want to do something that had to be too planned so I changed it. I prepared it because it’s more fun than doing nothing, especially for the fans and also for me. Also, if you do something too excessive you get anti-fans so I kept it to a minimum.
- Your round of 16 opponent will be BoxeR, your thoughts?
Previously, I also lost a TvT. I think if I lose a TvT again here, I will lose my confidence. It not that I am not confident but I put my chances of winning at around 55%.
- Is that because your opponent is BoxeR?
I think that’s because of my round of 16 jinx. I always seem to meet a terran and lose.
- Do you think you will need something special?
My thought is to practice much harder than before. I plan to get my ladder score up and regain my confidence. Usually, I restore my confidence by upping my ladder but this time, I will do so twice as hard.
- Do you feel pressured because your team has so many code S players?
I am a bit jealous. I also want to get to code S and get a picture taken with a pop star (he’s talking about the player intros in code S this season). Code S is full of great players so I want to gain recognition by beating those players.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank everyone who helped me practice. I also want to thank my friends and family who always come and cheer for me.
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▼ 코드A에서 16강만 세 번째다?
- 이젠 16강이 처음부터 시작하는 단계라고 느껴진다. 이번에 떨어지면 저번보다 생각이 많아질 것 같다.
▼ 그동안 패배의 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하는가?
- 대진운이 안 좋다기보다는 많이 부족해서 떨어진 것 같다. 연습이 부족했던 것 같다.
▼ 오늘 경기는 어땠나?
- 상대가 생각보다 잘했고, 운도 안 좋아서 힘들었다.
▼ 세리머니는 즉흥적이었나?
- 상대가 정해졌을 때부터 생각했다. 옷을 입고 찢을까 생각도 했는데 너무 앞서가는 것 같아서 종이로 바꿨다. 아무것도 안하는 것보단 하는 쪽이 팬이나 나나 즐겁기 때문에 준비했다. 너무 과하면 안티팬이 생겨서 적당히 했다.
▼ 16강 상대가 임요환인데?
- 전에도 테테전에서 패배했다. 이번에 떨어지면 테테전 자신이 없을 것 같다. 자신이 없진 않지만 내가 이길 확률은 55% 정도인 것 같다.
▼ 상대가 임요환이기 때문인가?
- 16강이 징크스인 것 같다. 테란만 만나서 지는 것 같다.
▼ 특훈이 필요한 것인가?
- 전보다 정신 차리고 연습할 생각이다. 래더 순위도 올려놓고 자신감 찾을 계획이다. 평소에도 래더 순위를 올려서 자신감을 회복하는 편인데, 이번엔 두 배 더 열심히 해야겠다.
▼ 팀에 코드S가 많아서 부담이 되는가?
- 형들이 부럽다. 나도 코드S 올라가서 연예인과 사진 찍어보고 싶다. 코드S는 모두 잘하는 선수들이기 때문에 그 선수들을 이기면서 인정받고 싶다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습 도와준 분들께 모두 감사드린다. 항상 응원해 주시는 부모님과 친구들에게 고맙다고 전하고 싶다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
In case you missed it,
Code S
Ro 32
day 1 interviews
Code A
day 1 interviews
Alright, thanks for everyone who read it. Comments and PMs are welcome, especially comments so that more people can read the post
If you guys find any errors, feel free to point them out. Thanks