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From PlayXP
Winner between
Ryung vs. Bomber
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Bomber - “I have come with my sharpened blade of revenge”
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/AeIoc.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the (code A) finals?
My reason for playing this tournament out till the end is to gauge the skill level of the players that will participate in the upcoming super tournament. And so far, I feel secure in my skill level compared to the other players. But since I have made it to the finals, I feel like I have to win.
- How did you prepare for facing Ryung?
Ryung came out to snipe me both times in the ZOTAC team league and the GSTL. And although I knew that would happen, he managed to take me out both times. Ever since then, I have been sharpening my blade of revenge.
- It wasn’t a clean cut victory/revenge.
In the 1st set, the game went a bit awry after I didn’t finish him off when I was ahead. For the rest of the games, it is because I am still far from perfect.
- Who do you want to face in the finals?
Mvp, of course. I have been advancing by beating top class terrans. And by finishing off Mvp in the finals, I will be able to legitimize my status as the top TvT player in the world.
- Does that mean you are confident?
Of course. I feel like Mvp is still at the top, but I don’t think I am that far behind.
- Recently, your play has been lauded, but personally, how far do you need to go to be satisfied?
I want to win the Code S tournament. Isn’t it just matter of fact for progamers to strive to be the best?
- Who do you want to face in the up and down matches?
I must not lose in the up and down matches, so I will probably pick an easy group. Also, because knocking down a fan favorite player will be bad for my popularity, I will not be reckless with my picks.
- The super tournament is soon upon us.
I think my spot in the tournament is pretty secure, but just to be sure, I am going to try my hardest to take the win in this finals. But even if my spot was secure, as a professional, I always take on every match with everything that I have.
- They say that your father’s support/cheering is unmatched.
I think if I win code A, I will feel a bit more self-assured. Recently, my father has been analyzing my matches and giving me good encouragement through his texts. I think his observations are spot on.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank TSL’s aLive, Puma, and Heart for helping me practice. Recently, the mood at the StarTale house hasn’t been so good since every player has lost in the GSL, but I will try my hardest to win for them in the finals. The next GSTL isn’t so far away, and I hope we can come together and practice hard so that we can take the next championship.
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▼ 결승전에 진출한 소감은?
- 우승하려는 이유가 슈퍼토너먼트 때문이었는데 최근에 올라온 참가 기준을 보니 안정권인 것 같다. 하지만 결승전에 올라갔으니 우승도 한 번 해봐야겠다.
▼ 김동원과의 대결, 어떻게 준비했나?
- 김동원 선수가 ZOTAC 팀리그와 GSTL 때 나를 저격하러 나왔다. 알고 있어서 일부러 피하려 했는데, 두 번 모두 졌다. 그 때부터 복수의 칼을 갈고 있었다.
▼ 이겼지만 깔끔하진 못했는데?
- 1세트 땐 유리해서 안 끝내다보니 경기가 이상하게 흘러갔다. 나머지는 아직 내가 부족해서 그런 것 같다.
▼ 결승전에서 누구를 만나고 싶은가?
- 정종현 선수와 붙고 싶다. 여태껏 테란만 이기고 올라왔다. 정종현 선수를 이겨야 테테전 최강이라는 소리를 들을 수 있을 것 같다.
▼ 자신감이 있단 얘기인가?
- 당연하다. 정종현 선수가 최고라고 생각은 하지만 내가 그렇게 뒤쳐진다고 생각하진 않는다.
▼ 최근 좋은 평가를 듣고 있는데, 본인은 어디까지 올라가야 만족하겠는가?
- 코드S 우승이다. 프로게이머라면 당연한 것 아니겠는가.
▼ 승강전에서 어떤 선수와 붙고 싶은가?
- 승강전에서 떨어지면 안 되기 때문에 실리를 택하겠다. 팬분들도 잘하는 선수들이 떨어지면 좋아하지 않기 때문에, 무모한 짓은 안할 것이다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트가 곧 열리는데?
- 안정권인 것 같긴 한데, 아직 확실하지 않으니 결승전도 전력을 다해서 할 것이다. 확정이 됐다 하더라도 프로라면 매 경기에 최선을 다해야 한다고 생각한다.
▼ 아버지의 응원이 대단한 걸로 아는데?
- 코드A에서 우승해야 조금 당당해질 것 같다. 최근에 아버지가 분석도 해주시고 응원 문자도 보내주신다. 보는 눈이 정확하시다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 TSL의 한이석, 이호준, 김민혁 선수에게 고맙단 말을 전하고 싶다. 최근 StarTale 선수들이 GSL에서 모두 떨어져서 분위기가 안 좋은데, 결승전에서 꼭 승리하겠다. GSTL이 얼마 남지 않았는데, 다 같이 열심히 해서 꼭 우승했으면 좋겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
Mvp vs. Keen
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Mvp – “I am excited about my match against Bomber.”
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/IjYsZ.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the (code A) finals?
I am happy since making the finals means that I get to choose my up and down match group. It’s not so much that I get to choose my group, but I am happy that my chances to get back into code S have risen.
- How will you pick your group?
It will not be too late to pick an interesting group in the code S nominations. I am going to pick safely for the up and down match.
- You said you had confidence that you could win code A, do you feel any pressure going into the match?
Ever since I made the round of 8, I have felt calm and relaxed.
- You are really close to your goal (**Mvp said he wanted to win code A this season)
Since the super tournament is upcoming, I feel like I need to win here and ride my win streak into that tournament. I wasn’t sure I would make it all the way to the finals, but since I have, I am really happy.
- What did you think about your opponent today?
His builds were novel, and I felt like he prepared a lot for today’s match. He knew my style and tried to prepare builds to counter them.
- In the 2nd set, when you were attacked my ghosts, were you surprised?
When I saw the ghosts coming, all I could think was, ‘ah, it was ghosts.’ Because when I scanned him, his command center was a bit late so I was confused as to what he was doing, but after I found out it was ghosts, I actually felt a bit calmer.
- You will be facing Bomber in the finals.
Just by the fact that I will be facing Bomber, I feel pretty excited about the match. I have played many practice matches with him in the past and I have always wanted to face him in a tournament setting.
- Do you think you can win?
TvT can be a bit volatile so I can’t say for sure. But I want to win.
- Although it is only the Code A finals, people say that this matchup is arguably between the two top terran players in the world.
Among the fans, people say that code A is the ‘2nd league’, so at first I was embarrassed and wanted to get back into code S quickly. But after playing through code A, I feel like the skill level in this tournament is pretty high. In a way, I feel that this league is even more competitive and cutthroat than code S.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank oGs’s Supernova, TSL’s Clide, and Prime’s Maka for helping me practice. My father’s birthday is two days after parents day (**equivalent to Mother’s day but for both parents) so I want to say happy birthday in advance. I am usually not very good at expressing myself, but I want to say that I am thankful to my parents that I am able to be in this spot (being a progamer) and that I love them. I will be sure to win code A and send some spending money back.
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▼ 결승전에 진출한 소감은?
- 결승에 가면 승강전 지명권이 생기기 때문에 행복하다. 추첨보다는 올라갈 확률이 높아지기 때문에 기쁘다.
▼ 어떤 지명을 할 것인가?
- 파격적인 조지명은 코드S에서 해도 늦지 않다. 안전하게 할 것이다.
▼ 코드A 우승을 자신했었는데, 부담감은 덜었나?
- 8강에 진출했을 때 이미 마음이 편해졌다.
▼ 목표에 근접했는데?
- 슈퍼토너먼트를 앞두고 기세를 타기 위해선 우승이 필요하다고 생각했다. 결승에 오를 확신은 서지 않았지만 올라와서 기쁘다.
▼ 오늘 상대는 어땠나?
- 빌드가 참신하고, 준비를 많이 하신 것 같다. 내 스타일을 염두에 두고 빌드를 짜온 것 같다.
▼ 2세트 때 유령 공격에 당황하진 않았나?
- 유령을 보고 ‘어, 유령이네’라는 생각밖에 없었다. 스캔을 뿌렸을 때 사령부가 생각보다 늦어서 뭘까 했는데 유령이라 오히려 마음이 편했다.
▼ 최지성과 붙게 됐는데?
- 상대가 지성이 형이란 것만으로도 벌써 흥분된다. 연습 게임도 많이 해봐서 대회에서 한 번 붙고 싶었다.
▼ 이길 수 있을 것 같은가?
- 테테전이 변수가 굉장히 많다. 장담은 못하겠지만 꼭 이기고 싶다.
▼ 코드A지만 테란 투톱의 대결이라고 평가되고 있는데?
- 코드A가 팬들 사이에서 ‘2부 리그’라는 인식이 많아서 처음엔 빨리 올라가고만 싶었는데, 막상 해보니 코드A 선수들의 실력도 상당하다. 코드S 보다 압박감도 심하다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 oGs의 김영진, TSL의 한규종, PRIME의 곽한얼 선수에게 감사하다. 어버이 날 이틀 후가 아버님 생신이시다. 생신 미리 축하드린다. 평소에 무뚝뚝해서 표현을 잘 안하는데, 이 자리를 빌어서 감사하고 사랑한다고 말씀드리고 싶다. 코드A 우승해서 용돈 드리겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
In case you missed it,
Older interviews from this GSL season
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Oh yeah, make sure to post so we can keep the topic readable for more people