![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/c87WI.jpg)
Interviews From
From PlayXP
Group E
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Marineking – ‘This time I really want to win’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/9tg1u.jpg)
- Your thoughts on retaining your code S spot?
I am happier about beating MMA who has been doing so well recently more so than just keeping my spot.
- How did you prepare for today’s matches?
I know MMA’s style pretty well so I wasn’t under great stress. Recently, I have been practicing for TvTs a lot anyways, so it really worked out well for me.
- Between the two possible matches you could have had, which did you put more emphasis on?
I am confident in my TvP right now so I thought that if it came down to it, I would win my second match for sure.
- Were you nervous about being down in the up and down matches?
When good players fall (to the up and down) and get anxious, it becomes more of a hindrance to their play, so I practiced without thinking about that too much.
- Your reason for your poor performance this season?
I think my TvT was in a weak state. I had the upper hand against Nada but he rallied to beat me. Also my TvP style became too well known and I was too slow to react against a strategy designed against that.
- Have you gotten rid of those weaknesses?
After losing, I have had a lot of free time for practice so I think I have gotten rid of maybe 80 to 90 percent of those problems.
- Your goal in code S?
This time I really want to win. I have gotten 2nd place many times but I don’t want to settle for those, I just want to win.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
The 4 gate became weaker so I think terrans will have a better time in the early game. Amongst the gamers right now, the belief is that protoss is a bit stronger than the other races. But with this patch, I am worried that terrans will get too much better. (**Marineking worried about balance )
- There will be a new map in the GSTL.
I think I will have to play on it a lot to get used to it. Instead of cliffs you have oceans so it may be a bit difficult to get used to the terran for the first time. But I think it will be fun since it is a change of scenery. There is nothing wrong with having more maps.
- Your goal going into the super tournament?
If I can win in the super tournament, I will consider that to be two victories in the regular reason.
- Any players you want to avoid in the super tournament?
I don’t want to face Mvp or MC in the early part of the tournament. I want to test myself against Kyrix or LosirA, as I haven’t played too many zergs in recent tournaments. I think personally it’s about time that I face a zerg so I want to face one in the tournament.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Mvp, Maka, and sC for helping me practice. I also want to congratulate my coach Gerrard for getting through the preliminaries and hope that he does well. Finally, I want to say some words of praise for Sun Young.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 잔류한 것보다 최근 기세가 좋은 문성원 선수를 이긴 게 더 기쁘다.
▼ 경기는 어떻게 준비했나?
- 문성원 선수의 스타일을 잘 알고 있어서 크게 부담은 없었다. 최근 테란전 연습을 많이 하고 있어서 더 잘됐다고 생각했다.
▼ 두 경기 중 어느 쪽에 더 비중을 뒀나?
- 프로토스전에 자신이 있어서 두 번째 경기는 확실히 이기자고 생각했다.
▼ 강등에 대한 불안감은 없었나?
- 잘하는 선수들이 떨어졌을 때 동요하면 더 손해인 것 같아 신경 쓰지 않고 준비했다.
▼ 이번 시즌 부진 이유는?
- 대 테란전이 약해진 상태였다. 이윤열 선수와 경기에서도 유리한데 역전을 당했다. 프로토스전 스타일도 많이 알려져서 맞춤 전략에 무기력하게 졌다.
▼ 약점은 극복했나?
- 탈락하니까 시간적인 여유가 많아서 8~90% 극복한 것 같다.
▼ 코드S에서의 목표는?
- 이제는 정말 우승을 해보고 싶다. 준우승을 많이 해서 그렇다기 보단 그냥 우승을 하고 싶다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해서 어떻게 생각하나?
- 4차관이 약해져 테란에 희소식인 것 같다. 요즘 게이머들 사이에서 프로토스가 강세다. 이번 패치로 테란이 너무 좋아지는 게 아닐까 걱정이 되기도 한다.
▼ GSTL에 새로운 맵이 추가되는데?
- 많이 해봐야 익숙해질 것 같다. 바다 같은 것 때문에 혼란이 많이 올 것 같다. 색다르고 재미있을 것 같다. 맵이 많아지면 나쁠 것 없다고 생각한다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트 임하는 각오는?
- 슈퍼토너먼트에서 우승하면 정규 시즌에서 두 번 우승한 것과 마찬가지라 생각한다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트에서 상대하기 꺼려지는 선수는?
- 처음부터 종현이형이나 민철이형을 만나는 것은 싫다. 한준 선수나 황강호 선수와 해보고 싶다. 요즘에 대회에서 저그전을 많이 못했다. 개인적으로 저그전에 물이 올랐다고 생각하기 때문에 저그와 겨뤄보고 싶다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 정종현, 곽한얼, 김승철 선수에게 고맙다. 이형섭 감독님 이번에 승격 축하드리고 잘했으면 좋겠다. 선영 누나 찬양한다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
(**Notes: This is a translation from English to Korean back to English…)
Huk – ‘That ceremony was a celebration for my birthday’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cGba9.jpg)
- Your thoughts on retaining your code S spot?
I feel good. I hope to get better results than last time.
- You had some “words” to say after the up and down groups were chosen.
Both of those players that were in my group were players whom I considered to be some of the strongest in the up and down so I was a bit nervous, and I chose to say those things in jest.
- How did you prepare for today’s match?
I got a lot of help from oGs’s TOP and Supernova. They taught me a lot about terran builds and counter strategies.
- Did you get any help from MC?
No, he didn’t help me.
- Your reason for your recent poor performance?
I faced Inca then July, and both of those players play excellently against protoss opponents so it was really difficult for me.
- Your goal in code S?
I always want to win. I hope to get to the semifinals this time.
- The meaning behind today’s ceremony?
Yesterday was my birthday, so I prepared it for fun.
- Were you able to enjoy your birthday, since you had this upcoming match for today?
Yesterday, we ate some cake and had a small simple party with the team. I am not going to reveal what we are planning for today.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my friends, family, and fans for their support. I also want to thank our manager, my teammates who helped me out with my strategies, Team Liquid, our sponsor the little app factory, and the new sponsor Razer. Finally, I want to say a word of thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 기분이 좋다. 전보다 좋은 결과가 나오길 바란다.
▼ 조 추첨 직후 격한 반응을 보였는데?
- 두 선수 모두 승강전에서 가장 강하다고 생각했기 때문에 긴장도 됐고, 장난식으로 한 말이었다.
▼ 경기 준비는 어떻게 했나?
- oGs의 김정훈, 김영진이 많은 도움을 줬다. 테란의 빌드와 카운터 전략을 많이 알려줬다.
▼ 장민철의 도움도 받았나?
- 장민철은 안 도와줬다.
▼ 최근 부진의 원인은?
- 송준혁과 박성준을 상대했는데, 두 선수 모두 프로토스를 상대로 최고의 플레이를 펼치는 선수였기 때문에 어려웠다.
▼ 코드S에서의 각오는?
- 항상 이기고 싶은 마음이 있다. 4강까지 오르고 싶다.
▼ 오늘 세리머니의 의미는?
- 어제가 생일이었고, 재미를 위해 준비했다.
▼ 오늘이 경기라 어제 생일을 즐기지 못했을 것 같은데?
- 어제는 간단하게 팀원들과 케이크를 먹으며 조촐한 파티를 했다. 오늘 일정은 말하지 않겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 친구들, 가족들, 팬들에게 고맙다. 매니저와 전략 구성을 도와준 팀원들, 팀리퀴드와 아웃팩토리, 새로운 스폰서 레이저사에 감사드린다. 생일축하를 해준 모든 분들께 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Group F
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viOlet – ‘I only practiced for Xel’Naga Fortress…”
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/eNRtg.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making code S?
I am happy that I was able to complete my first goal. I always felt that Genius, who is a code S player in my team, was always shining a bit more, but since I am code S now as well, I feel really awesome.
- Your game was a mirror matchup; did you have any problems in preparation?
I put a lot of thought into it. In ZvZ wins and losses depend a lot on your build order so I focused in honing my builds.
- Did you prepare knowing that Kyrix is a very aggressive player?
I saw him games against July and LosirA. It feels like he always tries to be the first one to be aggressive. As for myself, since my WC3 days, I also had a very aggressive style, so I wanted to see just how aggressive he was.
- Did you predict that Kyrix would be so aggressively attacking in the 2nd set?
I didn’t think about that all. I was really surprised when I saw the baneling. Then when I was deciding how I would defend against it, I thought I would defend using some sim city and counter attack. I think I was a bit lucky to have held that off.
- What do you think personally is the best ZvZ strategy?
I think playing it safe is the best, but my personally is a bit rash so I end up playing aggressively. In the end, I think improving what I am good at is the best thing.
- What did you think after your up and down group was chosen?
I was a bit sad at first, but after looking at the other groups, I thought to myself that this wasn’t too bad. Also, I thought that advancing after a series of ZvZs would be good for improving my play. I was 70 to 80% sure that I would advance today.
- How did you prepare for today’s matches?
I practiced around 30 to 40 games on Xel’Naga fortress. But when the game started, I noticed that it was Xel’Naga caverns. I was a bit shocked, so I thought about asking for a pause but then just played it out. I just thought I would play in general like I practiced.
- Any players who you want to face in code S?
Code S zergs are really strong. And personally terrans are difficult to face, so I want to face some protoss players.
- What do you think about the new map for the upcoming GSTL?
I think it looks good and well made. I think it will be fun. However, from first look, it looks like a terran favored map. There are a lot of entrances so hellion play will be hard to block.
- What do you think will be your team’s result in the GSTL?
Of course I want to win. As a main player, I will practice as much as I can, to the point where it is like I am practicing for other players’ shares.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my friends who came to cheer me on and the coach’s mother for preparing our food. I also want to thank my teammates who helped me practice.
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▼ 코드S에 승격한 소감은?
- 첫 목표를 이뤄서 기쁘다. 코드S 선수인 민수가 빛이 나보였는데, 나도 코드S에 올라서 기분이 좋다.
▼ 동족전인데, 준비하는데 어려움은 없었나?
- 신경을 많이 썼다. 저저전은 빌드에서 승패가 많이 갈리기 때문에 빌드 위주로 준비했다.
▼ 한준이 굉장히 공격적인 선수라는 것을 의식했나?
- 박성준, 황강호 선수와 경기한 것을 봤다. 먼저 기선제압을 하려했다. 나도 워크래프트3 때부터 공격적인 스타일이었고, 얼마나 공격적인지 느껴보고 싶었다.
▼ 한준이 2세트에서 공격적으로 나올 것이라 예상했나?
- 전혀 생각지 못했다. 맹독충이 나와서 놀랐다. 어떻게 할까 고민하다 심시티로 방어하고 역습하자 생각했다. 운 좋게 막았던 것 같다.
▼ 본인 생각에 저저전은 어떤 전략이 좋은가?
- 안전한 게 좋지만, 내 성격이 급해서 공격적으로 하게 된다. 내 장점을 살리는 것이 좋은 것 같다.
▼ 조 편성 직후의 생각은?
- 암울했는데, 다른 조를 보니 잘 걸린 것 같다고 생각했다. 저저전을 많이 치르고 올라와 대진이 좋다고 생각했다. 7~80% 정도로 올라갈 거라 예상했다.
▼ 연습은 어떻게 했나?
- 젤나가 요새만 3~40게임 연습했다. 경기를 시작하고 보니 젤나가 동굴이었다. 당황해서 포즈를 요청할까 하다가 그냥 했다. 동족전이니 준비한대로 하자고 생각했다.
▼ 코드S에서 겨뤄보고 싶은 선수는?
- 코드S의 저그는 정말 강하다. 개인적으로 테란전은 힘들기 때문에 프로토스와 해보고 싶다.
▼ GSTL에서 사용될 새로운 맵에 대해선 어떻게 생각하나?
- 맵이 예쁘고 잘 만든 것 같다. 재밌을 것 같다. 하지만 테란 맵 같다. 입구가 많아 화염차를 막기 힘들 것 같다.
▼ GSTL에서의 성적 예상은?
- 무조건 이기고 싶다. 주전인 만큼 다른 선수들 몫까지 열심히 하겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 응원해준 친구들과 식사를 챙겨주시는 감독님 어머님께 감사드린다. 연습을 도와준 팀원들에게도 고맙다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Kyrix – ‘I thought I was going to get demoted’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/nsC78.jpg)
- Your thoughts on retaining your code S spot?
I lost 3 in a row so I thought I was going to get demoted. Even during the game, I was playing so poorly that I thought to myself that if this is my skill level, I may as well fall to code A to start from scratch. Somehow, after all that, I was able to advance.
- Was facing ZvZs difficult for you?
I had confidence in my ZvZ, but ever since several days ago, it hasn’t been going well for me. I came upon this interesting counter build and I think I got caught up in thinking about that too much.
- What were your thoughts after the groups for the up and down matches were chosen?
Back then, my confidence in my ZvZ was high, so I thought it wasn’t bad.
- Your reason for your recent poor performance?
I think it is because I haven’t practiced enough.
- How about now?
When I lost to LosirA in the round of 32 that was the first time I’ve been that angry with myself. I increased the amount of practice thought to myself that I would take this more seriously. But after today’s matches, I think I need to try even harder and practice more.
- Your goal in code S?
Right now, I just want to get past the first round. I don’t want to fall to the up and down matches again.
- Do you have any plans to change your style?
I always thought my style was more macro than aggression, but I don’t really know.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
I don’t think it matters that much. I don’t feel like there were any big changes.
- Your ambition going into the super tournament?
I barely made it today, so it feels a bit weird to say this, but I have increased the amount of practice than previously. And I will definitely show a different side of myself in the upcoming super tournament.
- Any players you want to face in the super tournament?
I don’t care who I face.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my team’s Coca, NSHoSeo’s Seal, SlayerS’ YuGiOh, and StarTale’s handsome Tandongho for helping me practice.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 연달아 3연패를 해서 그대로 떨어질 줄 알았다. 게임 도중에 내가 너무 못해서 이정도 경기력이라면 A로 떨어지더라도 다시 시작하잔 마음을 가지고 있었다. 어쩌다보니 올라간 것 같다.
▼ 저그전, 힘들지 않았나?
- 그전에는 자신이 있었는데, 며칠 전부터 잘 안 풀리더라. 애매한 카운터 빌드를 발견했는데, 그것을 신경 쓰다가 꼬여버렸다.
▼ 조 추첨 직후엔 어떤 생각이었나?
- 그 땐 저그전에 자신이 있었기 때문에 나쁘지 않았다.
▼ 최근 부진의 원인은?
- 연습을 안 해서 그렇다.
▼ 그렇다면 최근엔 어떤가?
- 32강에서 황강호 선수에게 졌을 때, 그렇게 화가 난 적이 처음이었다. 연습량 늘리고 제대로 해보자고 생각했는데, 오늘 경기를 치르고 나니 더 열심히 해야 할 것 같다.
▼ 코드S에서의 목표는?
- 당장은 잔류가 목표다. 승강전에 다신 오기 싫다.
▼ 스타일의 변화를 꾀할 생각은 없나?
- 내가 공격적이라 생각하진 않고 운영 형이라 생각하는데, 나도 잘 모르겠다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해선 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 크게 상관 없는 것 같다. 별 차이가 없는 것 같다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트에 임하는 각오는?
- 겨우 올라와서 이런 말을 하기 좀 그렇지만, 전보다 연습량을 많이 늘렸다. 슈퍼토너먼트에선 확실히 다른 모습을 보여드리겠다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트에서 만나고 싶은 선수는?
- 누구를 만나든 상관 없다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 우리팀의 최종환, NS호서의 이준, SlayerS의 정승일, StarTale의 잘생긴 탄동호 선수에게 고맙단 말을 전하고 싶다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Group G
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Mvp – ‘I have felt the importance of code S’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/xAaHM.jpg)
- Your thoughts on getting back into code S?
I have only been in code A for one season but it feels like it has been much longer. Getting back into code S is something that has been on my mind for a while.
- How did you prepare for today’s match?
Compared to other matchups, I don’t need as much practice to practice for TvT. I just need to think about my macro or builds in order to do them (as it comes naturally) so I can practice for the matchup without much worry.
- Did you put more focus on the 1st match or the possible 2nd match?
I put much more focus on the 1st match. Since I picked my group, if I had lost my first game, I feel like that would have been really embarrassing.
- Anything you gained from your code A experience?
I am not that disappointed about not winning in the finals. I have been winning a lot of TvTs in the past, but losing like that will just make me practice harder for my future matches. I think my loss to Bomber will prove to be useful for me in that aspect. Also, (by being in code A), I felt the importance of code S. I will not fall down again in the future.
- The super tournament is soon.
Ever since they announced it, I have been awaiting my chance to win the tournament. I am looking forward to it.
- Marineking said that he would like to face you again in the finals.
Of course, since I have beaten him twice in the finals, I have great confidence in that matchup.
- Anyone else you want to face?
I want to face either MC or Nestea.
- Your team will not be in the upcoming GSTL.
That’s the rule so there’s nothing we can do. I think it will be good for us as a team to take a break for one season to conserve our energy and rebuild for the future.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
I think the increased warp gate research time will be good for TvP matches. Ghosts also cost less gas so that is also good for terrans. Some users have complained about the infestor speed nerf, but after playing many games, I feel like that is a buff to the zerg, since many times, the faster infestors ran out to the front to get killed by accident.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Yoda and Maka for helping me practice. I hope that Nestea can take the victory in the finals. I trust in the higher powers (for that to happen).
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▼ 코드S에 승격한 소감은?
- 코드A에 한 시즌밖에 있지 않았는데도 오래된 느낌이었다. 코드S로 올라가고 싶은 마음이 간절했다.
▼ 경기는 어떻게 준비했나?
- 테테전은 다른 동족전에 비해 연습량이 그렇게 많이 필요하지 않다. 운영이나 빌드적인 측면만 생각하면 돼서 마음 편히 준비했다.
▼ 1, 2경기 중 어디에 중점을 뒀나?
- 1경기에 신경을 썼다. 내가 지목했는데, 뽑아놓고 지면 민망할 것 같아서 신경을 많이 썼다.
▼ 코드A를 거치며 얻은 것은?
- 우승 못한 것에 대한 아쉬움은 그리 크지 않다. 그동안 테테전 많이 이겼는데, 이렇게 다전제에서 져봐야 앞으로 더 열심히 할 것 같다. 지성형한테 진 게 큰 도움이 된 것 같다. 코드S에 대한 소중함을 크게 느꼈다. 앞으로는 절대 강등되지 말아야겠다.
▼ 곧 슈퍼토너먼트가 열리는데?
- 예전부터 슈퍼토너먼트에서 우승하고 싶은 욕심이 많았다. 기대가 많이 된다.
▼ 이정훈이 결승에서 다시 붙고 싶다고 했는데?
- 아무래도 결승에서만 두 번 이겨봤기 때문에 자신 있다.
▼ 만나고 싶은 선수는?
- 민철이나 재덕이형과 만나보고 싶다.
▼ 팀리그에 참가하지 못하게 됐는데?
- 규정이기 때문에 어쩔 수 없고, 한 시즌 정도 쉬어가는 것도 팀의 전력을 보강하는데 도움이 될 것 같다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해선 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 차관 업그레이드가 시간이 늘어나서 테란으로썬 좋은 것 같다. 유령이 가스가 좀 줄어서 테란에 좋은 것 같다. 감염충 속도가 느려져서 불만인 유저분들이 있는데, 게임을 많이 해보니 감염충이 느려진 게 오히려 저그입장에선 더 좋은 것 같다. 감염충이 혼자 빨리 와서 죽는 경우가 많더라.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 최병현, 곽한얼 선수에게 고맙다. 재덕이형 결승에서 꼭 우승하셨으면 좋겠다. 무한 신뢰한다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Rain – ‘I will try to revive that feeling of the open seasons.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8BugL.jpg)
- Your thoughts on retaining your code S spot?
I am happy that I am staying in code S.
- Your reason for your poor performance recently?
I think I was lacking in effort. Since my results were not so good, I also lacked motivation to continue practicing. This time, I will definitely try my best.
- How did you feel when Mvp chose you to be in his group?
I felt pretty stunned since I had to play him in a match.
- Which match did you focus on, 1st or 2nd?
I wanted to try to win against Mvp. But after practicing a lot, I realized that goal was probably too farfetched so I focused on the 2nd match.
- Were you confident that you would retain your spot?
I was confident.
- Any particular player you want to overcome?
I think in terms of terran, I want to overcome Mvp (one day).
- In the 1st set, did you not notice your starport and orbital command had gotten destroyed?
I didn’t notice. When I checked later on, I couldn’t find them. I didn’t even notice that my orbital was burning.
- The super tournament is approaching.
I am looking forward to it. I will try to revive that feeling from the open seasons to get some good results this time.
- Anyone you want to avoid?
Mvp, and though I am not too particular about it, I don’t want to face zergs if possible.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
I think the change on the archon is unreasonable. I know that they are not as good when compared to the SCBW version but they aren’t that bad. They became massive and their range was increased so they will be much better against terrans. It will be fun to face that in matches… The warp gate research nerf will help prevent the early game pressure from protoss so that will be good. Finally, I hope they stop nerfing the bunker.
- To what do you attribute your lack of success after the open seasons?
I think I had a problem with my mindset, and I was unable to adapt quickly to the up and coming builds.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank everyone who helped me practice. Also, parent’s day was a few days ago but I want to say thank you again to my parents.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 잔류해서 기쁘다.
▼ 최근 부진하는 이유는?
- 노력이 부족한 것 같다. 성적이 잘 안나오다보니 의욕도 떨어졌다. 이번엔 열심히 해볼 생각이다.
▼ 정종현에게 지명됐을 때 기분이 어땠나?
- 종현이형과 해야 해서 막막했다.
▼ 1, 2경기의 비중은?
- 종현이형을 이겨보고 싶었다. 연습을 많이 했는데 거의 다 졌다. 이기는데 무리라고 생각해 어제부터 2경기를 준비했다.
▼ 잔류할 자신 있었나?
- 자신은 있었다.
▼ 넘어서고 싶은 선수가 있나?
- 테란이라면 역시 종현이형을 뛰어넘고 싶다.
▼ 1경기 때 우주공항과 궤도사령부 파괴된 것 몰랐나?
- 전혀 몰랐다. 나중에 보니 없어졌더라. 궤도사령부는 불타는지도 몰랐다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트가 다가오는데?
- 기대된다. 오픈 시즌의 느낌을 살려서 좋은 성적 낼 수 있도록 하겠다.
▼ 피하고 싶은 선수가 있나?
- 종현이형. 딱히 없지만 저그전은 웬만하면 피하고 싶다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해선 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 집정관이 말이 안 되는 것 같다. 스타크래프트1에 비해선 약하지만 그렇게 약한 편도 아니다. 거대로 바뀌고 사정거리까지 늘어서 테란에 강해질 것 같다. 재미는 있을 것 같다. 차관 너프는 초반 압박이 사라져 좋을 것 같다. 벙커는 그만 너프 됐으면 좋겠다.
▼ 오픈 시즌 이후 하락세, 본인이 생각하는 문제점은?
- 마인드에 문제가 있었고, 바뀌는 빌드에 적응을 잘 못한 것 같다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 분들께 감사드린다. 며칠 전 어버이날이었는데 부모님께 감사드린다고 전하고 싶다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Group H
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Bomber – ‘I have confidence that I will keep my code S spot’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KnIp9.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making it into code S?
I have finally made it into code S. I think this is the starting point. I think I will have to perform even better in the future to show that my win in code A wasn’t for nothing.
- Which match did you focus on, 1st or possible 2nd?
I mainly focused on the 1st match. I didn’t even practice for the 2nd.
- Was it hard for you to practice mirror matchups?
Since I have been facing terrans all the time in code A, there wasn’t even anything to practice. Lyn focused mainly on expansion builds so it was pretty easy to face.
- Did getting through the qualifiers help you find your confidence?
I had confidence even before then, but since I failed to qualify twice before, it helped a bit in finding my rhythm.
- Do you have the confidence that you will retain your code S spot?
I think it is harder to fall from code S than to retain it. I have great confidence that I will retain this spot.
- The super tournament is soon.
At first, I was looking at the points and thought it may be difficult to get into. But since I am now in it, I feel like I have finally caught some luck.
- How far do you think you will get in the tournament?
My goal is to make it to the round of 4. I think it will be relatively easy to at least get into the round of 16.
- Anyone you want to face?
I am bored of TvTs. So I want to face some zergs or protosses. I am a bit afraid of Nestea but I don’t really care which protoss I face. And although TvT is boring right now, I am confident in that no matter who I face.
- If you were to get to the finals, who do you want to face?
MC. In January I lost to MC in the ygosu cup so I want to face him again.
- Anyone who you think will be difficult to face?
Nestea, who has gotten to the finals twice as zerg even though zerg is tough to play.
- Your prediction on the GSTL?
I want to go out there first and get an all-kill. Our first opponent will be oGs but I am feeling a bit of momentum right now. If we win against oGs, I feel like we will have a good chance at winning the whole thing.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
I don’t think there are any big changes, but I think protoss will get a bit better. Also I recognize that the bunker salvage was a bit strong, so I understand the change. But if they make it salvage for 50 in the future then that’s a bit…
- Any last comments?
I want to thank StarTale’s virus and TSL’s heart for helping me practice.
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▼ 코드S에 승격한 소감은?
- 드디어 코드S에 올라왔다. 지금부터 시작이라고 생각한다. 앞으로 더 잘해야 코드A에서 우승한 것이 헛되지 않을 것일라 생각한다.
▼ 1, 2경기의 비중은?
- 1경기에 비중을 뒀다. 2경기는 연습하지 않았다.
▼ 동족전 준비가 어렵지는 않았나?
- 코드A에서 테테전만 하다 보니 준비할 것도 없었다. 박준 선수가 더블 위주라 상대하기 쉬웠다.
▼ 예선을 뚫은 것이 자신감을 찾는데 도움이 됐나?
- 자신감은 있었는데, 그 전에 예선을 두 번이나 떨어져서 조금 반감됐었다.
▼ 코드S를 유지할 자신이 있나?
- 코드S에서 떨어지는 게 붙어있는 것보다 힘들 것 같다. 계속해서 살아남을 자신 있다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트가 곧 열리는데?
- 포인트제로 하다 보니 참가가 힘들 것이라 생각했다. 참가하게 돼서 ‘봉’ 잡은 것 같다.
▼ 어디까지 올라갈 수 있을 것 같은가?
- 4강이 목표다. 16강까진 무난할 것 같다.
▼ 누구와 맞붙고 싶은가?
- 테테전은 이제 지겹다. 저그나 프로토스와 해보고 싶다. 재덕이형은 조금 무섭고, 프로토스는 아무나 상관 없다. 테테전도 재미가 없을 뿐, 자신은 있다.
▼ 만약 결승에 오른다면 누구와 붙고 싶은가?
- 장민철 선수. 1월에 와이고수 컵에서 민철이에게 졌기 때문에 다시 겨뤄보고 싶다.
▼ 상대하기 힘들 것 같은 선수는?
- 저그가 힘든데도 두 번이나 결승에 오른 재덕이형.
▼ GSTL에서의 예상 성적은?
- 이번엔 선봉으로 나가 올킬을 해보고 싶다. 첫 상대가 oGs인데 최근 기세가 좋다. oGs만 이기면 우승도 가능할 것 같다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해선 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 큰 변화는 없을 것 같지만 프로토스전이 좋아질 것 같다. 벙커는 사기인 것 같았다. 납득한다. 하지만 50이 된다면 좀….
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 StarTale의 박준용, TSL의 김민혁 선수에게 고맙다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Ensnare – ‘I won but it feels a bit bittersweet.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/u2xte.jpg)
- Your thoughts on retaining your code S spot?
Before the game, I heard that Lyn’s great greatmother passed away so I deeply sad for him. I know that he hasn’t practiced that much because of that so I was able to win today and that feels bittersweet.
- Your reason for your poor performance recently?
I think other players have gotten extremely good and so I have changed the way I practice. My mind control in the booth was bad, and I had a lot of stress that built up. Right now I am in the middle of training in order to increase my hand speed. I think some of those things have gotten better for me now.
- Your group was all composed of terrans.
I don’t think Bomber chose this group to get friendly with us. So I just thought I will have to try my hardest. Personally, I am pretty friendly with Lyn but I don’t have much of a relationship with Bomber.
- Any difficulties in preparing for today’s match?
There wasn’t anything especially hard. I just prepared like I usually do.
- The super tournament will be starting soon.
It will be a 64 person tournament like the open seasons; I think it will be fun.
- Anyone you want to face?
With the exception of my team, I want to face a protoss.
- Any reasons for that?
I have thought about that matchup for a while. I feel like I have figured out a solution to that matchup.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
Bunkers now cost a net 25 minerals after salvage but I don’t think that is a big change. And I don’t use thors that much so that doesn’t affect me much. But I think the strategy where protoss players put a pylon near the cliff to warp in DTs will occur much less, so I am happy about that.
- Your goals going forward?
I have retained my spot, so now I want to get further than before.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank coach TheWind for believing in me.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 경기 전에 준이형의 증조할머니께서 상을 당하셨다는 소식을 들어서 마음이 아팠다. 연습을 많이 못하셨다고 해서 이겼지만 씁쓸하다.
▼ 최근 하락세의 원인은?
- 다른 선수들이 워낙 잘해진 것도 있고, 연습 방법을 바꿨다. 마인드 컨트롤도 안됐고, 스트레스도 많이 받았다. 손이 많이 느려서 고치려고 노력 중이다. 지금은 많이 좋아진 것 같다.
▼ 같은 조가 모두 테란이었는데?
- 최지성 선수가 친해지려고 우리를 지명한 것은 아닌 것 같다. 열심히 해야겠다는 생각이 들었다. 개인적으로 준이형과 친한데, 최지성 선수와는 아직 친하지가 않다.
▼ 경기를 준비하는데 어려움은 없었나?
- 특별히 어려운 것은 없었다. 무난하게 준비했다.
▼ 곧 슈퍼토너먼트가 시작되는데?
- 오픈 시즌처럼 64강이기 때문에 재밌을 것 같다.
▼ 만나고 싶은 선수가 있나?
- 우리 팀원 빼고 프로토스전을 해보고 싶다.
▼ 특별한 이유가 있나?
- 많은 생각을 했다. 프로토스를 이기는 법을 깨달은 것 같다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해서는 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 벙커도 겨우 25원이고 크게 달라지는 것은 없는 것 같다. 토르도 그렇게 자주 쓰는 편은 아니다. 언덕 밑에 수정탑 짓고 암흑기사를 소환하는 것은 없어질 것 같아서 마음에 든다.
▼ 앞으로의 각오는?
- 다시 생존하게 됐는데, 더 높이 올라가도록 하겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 믿어주신 박감독님 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
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