The Basics
There are nine players. At the start of the game, three players are randomly selected by the hosts to be the Spies (ie Mafia). The rest of the players are members of the Resistance. The Spies will know who the other spies are, but the Resistance do not know the alignment of any other player. At the start of the game the hosts will randomly generate the order in which team leaders are appointed.
The game revolves around five missions. For each mission, the player who is the 'team leader' will suggest a team of players to go along on the mission. The first team leader is the player whose name at the top of the order list. The team leader can select any other players to join the team, including him or herself. The number of players who will go on the mission is as follows:
Mission 1 - 3 people Mission 2 - 4 people Mission 3 - 4 people Mission 4 - 5 people* Mission 5 - 5 people
(*Mission 4 requires two sabotage actions from spies in order to succeed)
Once the team leader has nominated a team for the mission, all players will then vote to approve or reject that team. If the team is rejected, the next player in the order will become team leader, and may propose their own team. If the team is approved, that team will then embard on the mission.
On a mission, each Resistance member will do their utmost to ensure the mission succeeds. However, if any Spies are on the mission, they can choose to either assist, or sabotage the mission. If there is one or more spies sabotaging the mission, it fails. If there are no attempts at sabotage, it succeeds. The only exception to this rule is the fourth mission, which will require at least two spies to attempt to sabotage it in order to fail.
The Resistance win if and when three missions are successfully completed. The Spies win if they successfully sabotage three missions.
The Setup
6 Resistance Members 3 Spies
The Gameplay
The game will start at 'Dawn'. Dawn will be the same time each day (22:00 GMT (+00:00)). After dawn, the current team leader will have 24 hours to post their nominated team. At the next dawn, voting will be opened on that team. Voting will last 24 hours, until the next dawn. Everyone must vote by PMing the hosts, even the team leader. If the team is not approved, the next team leader will have a further 24 hours to post their nominated team. If the team is approved, any Spies on the mission have until the next dawn to submit their actions. If a team leader fails to submit a nominated team, the next team leader will then take his or her turn to nominate a team.
If four nominated teams are rejected, the fifth is automatically approved. Any failures by a team leader to nominate a team are counted towards this number. If the fifth team leader fails to nominate the automatically approved team, the next team leader will take its turn as if he was the fifth team leader of the current mission.
All team nominations must be posted into the thread. In order to nominate a team, the team leader must post ##nominate: Player 1, Player 2 etc. All votes must be PMed to ALL hosts. Votes will be revealed simultaneously at the next dawn.
On their turn, team leaders MUST nominate a team. If they do not, they will receive a warning. During each voting phase, each player MUST vote. If they do not, they will receive a warning and the vote will count as rejection of the current team. A second warning will result in a replacement. No ifs, no buts.
Spies who have been sent on a mission need only submit an intention to sabotage (or otherwise) if they want. However, if no submission is made, it will be presumed that the mission was not sabotaged. The Resistance need not submit an action - they must aid the mission. Spies have 24 hours to submit their actions - from dawn to dawn.
At the next dawn, hosts will post whether the mission was succesful or sabotaged. If the mission is a failure, hosts will NOT specify how many spies chose to sabotage the mission. Then either the game is won by one side, or the game continues with the first nomination of the next mission.
If a spy feels that they can no longer win the game, they may PM the hosts indicating they want to concede. If all three spies make such a PM, the game will end. The spies may not communicate about this.
Role PMs
You are a member of the Resistance!
You are a Spy! Your teammates are XXX and YYY. You are not allowed to communicate with them outside of the game thread.
- The deadline is 22:00 GMT (+00:00).
- You're expected to be able to check the thread once every 24 hours. Missing a nomination or a vote will result in a warning. Missing a second time will result in a replacement.
- No host / player interaction after the start of the game. PM any question you have to the hosts, and we will make a post about it if we feel all players needs to be aware of the answer. Do not talk about any interaction you might have had with the hosts.
- Vote / action deadline is XX:59. Any vote / action made at XX:00 is invalid.
- Don't communicate with anyone else in the game about the game, even if you are a spy. Spies cannot communicate with each other in this game.
- If a mission fails, the hosts will only state that it was a failure, not how many sabotage votes we received
- If you are an hydra and you post with another account than the one supposed to be in the game; DO NOT edit it, sign up on TL with your hydra account, and quote the post in question so it appears in your filter
- And all the usual things; don't spam, play to win, don't reveal your teammates if you're a spy, don't post screenshots of your inbox, don't talk about your role PM or any conversation you had with a host ...
Yeah if this starts before January 15, /in
Otherwise, I don't have enough time
On January 10 2017 07:35 Alakaslam wrote: Yeah if this starts before January 15, /in
Otherwise, I don't have enough time We'll start as soon as we have 9 players!
On January 10 2017 18:19 disformation wrote: /cohost \o/
E: or, seeing as it's two EU hosts, willing to /cohost to cover timezones when you're asleep (post ponies)
On January 10 2017 18:35 cakepie wrote: /obs
E: or, seeing as it's two EU hosts, willing to /cohost to cover timezones when you're asleep (post ponies) Great (=
so. we basically only need some players now. =D
This is like the boardgame the resistance, right?
Basically =D
the boardgame is a bit fancier (so that they can take your money)
On January 10 2017 19:48 sharkie wrote: This is like the boardgame the resistance, right? yep. Without special roles, just the basic stuff
Is this through teamspeak or live or how do you guys make this one work?
We play it by posting and PMs right here in the forum: - team nominations by team leaders are posted into the thread. - Votes to approve/reject the proposed team are submitted by PM to all hosts, and then revealed simultaneously - When a mission is underway, spies on the mission submit their intent to sabotage the mission by PM to hosts as well. We use a 24-hour cycle so folks from different timezones can play, while keeping things moving along at a regular pace. See the OP, setup, and rules above for detailed instructions.
You can also refer to the previous game to see how this plays out. Day 1 starts >> here <<
fuck, i love resistance but i also have played so much mafia recently lol
i'll think about it
On January 10 2017 07:35 Alakaslam wrote: Yeah if this starts before January 15, /in
Otherwise, I don't have enough time Well, doesn't look like it will ^^