![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/c87WI.jpg)
Interviews From
From PlayXP
Group A
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Keen – ‘I will give it my best no matter who I face’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZDSL2.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making it to code S?
It’s a stage I’ve been dreaming about; I am so happy. I got to play against Trickster who I used to live with so it was really fun.
- Your concept for today’s matches?
I didn’t get to show everything I prepared. In the 1st set, my opponent decided to be a bit relaxed so I decided to change my build, but that didn’t work out too well for me. In order to play some mind games, I decided to use a different build for the 2nd and 3rd sets.
- Did you have confidence that you would advance?
It was the holidays so I took some time off and didn’t have as much practice, but I had builds that I have been saving up for a while, and so I planned to use those for today’s matches.
- How did you feel after the group nominations?
I wanted to show my TvT, but I was put into a group with two protosses. It was good for practice, but it wasn’t the matchup that I wanted.
- Do you have anyone in code S you would like to face?
I practice often with sC so I don’t want to face him. Also I don’t want to come back into the up and down matches, so I want an easy group in the round of 32. After that (in the round of 16), I want to face a strong opponent.
- You didn’t have a ceremony today.
Back in the day, Trickster was really good to me in the teamhouse, and I didn’t have much time to think up a good ceremony.
- Did Genius help you any?
I have been facing many protosses so I have been practicing with Genius a lot.
- Your ambition going into code S?
Whoever I face, I will try my best to win against them. Trying my best is the first priority, and second is to think up good ceremonies.
- Any last comments?
For parents day (**same day as mother’s day but for both parents), our teamhouse had a break so I was able to see my parents for a short while. I want to tell them that I love them.
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▼ 코드S에 승격한 소감은?
- 꿈에 그리던 무대라 상당히 기쁘다. 예전에 같이 생활했던 기수형과 경기를 치러 재미도 있었다.
▼ 오늘 경기의 컨셉은?
- 오늘 준비한 것은 이게 다가 아니었다. 1세트 때 상대가 여유롭게 가서 빌드를 변경했는데, 그게 잘 안 먹혔다. 심리전 때문에 2, 3세트 빌드를 바꿨다.
▼ 승리할 자신은 있었나?
- 연휴라 잠시 휴가를 떠나 생각보다 준비는 많이 못했지만, 평소 아껴뒀던 빌드가 있어서 그것을 사용했다.
▼ 조 추첨 후 기분은 어땠나?
- 테란전을 보여드리고 싶었는데, 프로토스가 두 명이나 뽑혔다. 연습하는 덴 좋았지만 원하던 대진은 아니었다.
▼ 코드S에서 대결하고 싶은 선수가 있나?
- (김)승철이와는 연습을 자주 하기 때문에 만나기 싫다. 승강전에 다시 오기 싫으니 32강은 무난하게 가고 싶다. 이후에 강한 선수와 만나고 싶다.
▼ 오늘은 세리머니가 없었는데?
- 기수형이 예전에 숙소에서 잘해주셨기 때문이기도 하고, 기간이 짧아 세리머니를 준비할 시간이 없었다.
▼ 정민수가 도움을 줬나?
- 프로토스전을 많이 해서 민수형과 연습을 많이 했다.
▼ 코드S에 임하는 각오는?
- 누구를 만나든 최선을 다해 우승까지 노려보겠다. 최선을 다하는 것이 첫 번째고, 두 번째는 세리머니에 대한 고민이다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 어버이날에 숙소에 복귀해서 부모님 얼굴을 잠깐 보고 왔다. 사랑한다는 말을 전해드리고 싶다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Trickster – ‘I have been too overconfident in the past’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/s1rdJ.jpg)
- You kept your spot in code S, how do you feel?
I am a bit embarrassed. My play has not been so good…
- How did you prepare for today?
In the 1st set against terran, it was so and so. But in the 2nd set, I didn’t scout properly and so I assumed an expansion and got burned. In the last set, again he used a build that I didn’t expect, so I was put into a bad situation. (**Trickster not really answering that question…)
- How were your games against San?
I had a build I prepared for the 1st set, but it seemed that San decided to switch up his strategy so I also changed my build. In the last set, I didn’t know whether or not he would hold but I saw that his Robotics were late so I decided to 4 gate all in.
- Your reason for being a bit off this season?
I have not been practicing as much. Also, when I faced Anypro, I was too aggressive and lost in the process. I was too overconfident.
- Are you jealous of Fruitdealer’s resurrected play?
Rather than being jealous, I wish that he had gotten a bit further and won the tournament, it is a bit disappointing.
- Did you have confidence going into today’s matches?
My thought was to beat the terran no matter what and advance, so when I was facing San, I was really worried.
- Your goal in code S?
My best record is losing in the round of 8, which is really disappointing. This time it is definitely the round of 4.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Puma for helping me practice even though it was his day off. Although I lost to the terran, when I go back to the teamhouse I will make sure to buy him something tasty.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 좀 창피하다. 경기력이 좋지 않아서….
▼ 어떻게 준비했나?
- 테란전 1세트는 그럭저럭 괜찮았는데, 2세트 때 정찰을 안 하고 더블이라 생각하고 했다가 당했다. 마지막에도 원래 생각했던 빌드를 사용하지 않아 더 말렸다.
▼ 강초원과의 경기는 어땠나?
- 첫 세트는 준비한 것이 있었는데, 강초원 선수가 다른 전략을 쓸 것 같아 바꿨다. 마지막 세트는 못 막을 줄 몰랐다. 인공제어소가 많이 느려보여서 4차관으로 올인했다.
▼ 이번 시즌 부진한 이유는?
- 연습을 많이 안했다. 이정환 선수와 할 때 너무 공격적으로 나가다 졌다. 자만했던 것 같다.
▼ 김원기의 활약이 부럽지는 않았나?
- 부럽다기 보단, 원기가 더 올라갔으면 우승할 수 있을 것 같은데, 아쉽다.
▼ 오늘 승강전은 자신 있었나?
- 무조건 테란만 이기고 가자고 생각. 강초원과 할 때 걱정 많이 했다.
▼ 코드S에서의 목표는?
- 8강에서 떨어진 게 너무 아쉽다. 무조건 4강이다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 쉬는 날이었는데도 연습을 도와준 호준이에게 고맙다. 테란에 지긴 했지만, 숙소에 가면 맛있는 것 사주겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Group B
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Coca – ‘I want to face MC’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/arq2J.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making it to code S?
It feels so good that I can’t quite put it into words.
- Did you have any difficulties preparing for today’s matches?
The maps were pretty hard but I put in a lot of effort and got good results from that.
- What aspect of your opponent’s play did you focus on?
In a situation like in the 2nd set, I used the build I previously used against Noblesse. I knew that he would have defenses set up, so I just built up my forces and went in with a delayed timing.
- What was your predicted chance of making it into code S?
I thought it would be around 50 percent.
- Between the two match ups (vs T and vs Z) which one were you more confident in?
Personally, I have more confidence in facing terrans.
- Who do you want to face in code S?
I don’t want to face a teammate. And I want to face MC in a match. I want to assess my skill.
- Any players you want to avoid?
Marineking. Because his macro is pretty good and his control is ridiculous.
- You seem to have a different style to other zergs.
I play pretty standard in practice, but whenever I play a match, it seems that my games play out in weird directions.
- Your ambition going into code S?
I will make it to the round of 16.
- Any last comments?
There are so many people I practiced with. I want to thank everyone for their help.
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▼ 코드S로 승격한 소감은?
- 좋아서 말로 표현할 수가 없다.
▼ 준비하는데 어려움은 없었나?
- 맵이 힘들었지만 열심히 해서 좋은 결과를 얻은 것 같다.
▼ 상대의 어떤 점을 파고들었나?
- 2세트 같은 경우엔 채도준 선수를 상대할 때 썼던 빌드였다. 대처가 돼있을 것 같아 병력을 모은 뒤 한 타임 늦게 갔다.
▼ 본인이 예상했던 코드S 진출율은?
- 50%라고 생각했다.
▼ 두 경기 중 어떤 것이 자신 있었나?
- 개인적으론 테란전이 더욱 자신 있었다.
▼ 코드S에서 누구와 붙고 싶은가?
- 팀원과는 만나기 싫다. 장민철 선수와 붙어보고 싶다. 내 실력을 확인해보고 싶다.
▼ 피하고 싶은 선수는?
- 이정훈 선수. 운영도 잘하고 컨트롤이 워낙 뛰어나기 때문이다.
▼ 다른 저그와 스타일이 다른 것 같은데?
- 연습 땐 평범한데, 경기만 하면 이상하게 흘러가더라.
▼ 코드S에 임하는 각오는?
- 16강까지 오르겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 분들이 엄청 많다. 모든 분들께 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Zenio – I will fill up the 2% that I am missing
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zi8fe.jpg)
- Your thoughts on keeping your code S spot?
My opponent was on my team so I don’t feel that amazing.
- Who did you think you would face?
I couldn’t really predict the first set. So I also split my practice up 50/50 for both matchups. I prepared thinking that I will not have any problems in facing either opponent.
- Your reason for your poor performance recently?
I think my skill is lacking 2%. I think my performance can be linked to my lack of restoring that missing 2%. I will make sure to get a good result in the upcoming super tournament.
- There were a lot of teamkills this season for oGs, how is the team atmosphere?
It is because we have so many players on our team in code S (**a bit inevitable). When we teamkill each other, we don’t have anything like big apologies to each other when that happens.
- What do you think about the 1.3.3 patch?
I think the strong timing rush from protoss (4 gate) has been a bit weakened so I can breathe a sigh of relief.
- Any players in code S you want to face or avoid?
(**Avoid) Marineking and sC. Both of those players make it really hard for you to take your natural.
- Your ambition going into the next code S season?
It has been almost 1 year since I started SC2, and it is about time I get some results. I will make sure to get some good results.
- Any last comments?
Jinro puts a lot of effort in practice, so I hope he doesn’t feel too frustrated after falling down today. I hope he puts in more effort and becomes the perfect terran player.
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▼ 코드S에 잔류한 소감은?
- 상대가 같은 팀이라 기분이 좋지만은 않다.
▼ 누구와 붙을 것으로 예상했나?
- 섣불리 예상할 수가 없었다. 연습도 5:5 비중으로 했다. 어느 선수를 상대하더라도 상관없다는 마음가짐으로 준비했다.
▼ 최근 부진의 원인은?
- 실력이 2% 부족한 것 같다. 그 2%를 극복하지 못해 부진한 것 같다. 이번 슈퍼토너먼트에선 반드시 좋은 성과 거두도록 하겠다.
▼ 이번 시즌에 oGs의 팀킬이 유독 많은데, 팀 분위기는 어떤가?
- 코드S에 우리 팀 진출자가 많아서 그런 것 같다. 서로 팀킬했다고 크게 동요하거나 그런 것은 없다,
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 대해선 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 프로토스의 강력한 타이밍 러쉬가 조금이나마 약화가 된 것 같아서 숨통이 트일 것 같다.
▼ 코드S에서 겨뤄보고 싶거나 피하고 싶은 상대는?
- 이정훈 선수와 김승철 선수. 먼저 앞마당을 가져가는 것 자체가 힘들 것 같다.
▼ 코드S에 임하는 각오는?
- 스타크래프트2를 한지 거의 1년이 넘어가는데, 성과를 볼 때가 온 것 같다. 반드시 좋은 성적을 내겠다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 조나단 선수가 노력을 많이 하는데, 이번에 강등됐다고 너무 좌절하지 않았으면 좋겠다. 더욱 노력해서 완벽한 테란이 됐으면 좋겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
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