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+ Show Spoiler [Champion Summary for Novices] +
If you’ve ever gone to the official League of Legends website, you know that their champion database is rather flawed. They have Kassadin listed as a melee DPS champion, Galio as a tank, etc. This list is intended to give newbies a friendly idea of what each champion is typically capable of.
General Terms and Definitions:
DPS: Abbreviation for “Damage per Second”; typically champions that deal the majority of their damage with auto attacks. They utilize offensive items that provide +Attack Damage (+AD) and Armor Pen.
Caster: Champions that use their four spells to inflict damage. They utilize offensive items that provide +Ability Power (+AP) and Magic Pen.
Carry: Champion on your team that dishes out the majority of your team’s damage. DPS carries are considered “hard carries” and can come in ranged or melee forms. Caster carries are considered “soft carries”.
Anti-Carry: Champion on your team that is responsible for quickly dispatching the enemy carry or any enemy champion when possible. They set your side up for team fights with favorable odds. Think of an assassin.
Tank: Champion with a lot of durability, in the form of HP/Armor/MR) and preferably has some form of CC
CC: Abbreviation for “Crowd Control”. Usually spells that Stun and Root enemy champions but not limited to Silences and Snares.
Utility: Champions that do not fit the archetypes previously mentioned but have a certain niche role
AoE: Abbreviation for “Area of Effect”. Spells that can affect multiple targets simultaneously
Solo: Champions that excel for your team if given solo Top or Middle lanes
Lane: Champions that work well with an ally in Bottom lane
Akali: Class/Traits: Caster, Anti-Carry, Solo / Stealth
Akali is a ninja that has a strong burst with her ultimate and Q. While not innately able to cast stealth on herself, she has a spell that allows her to drop a cloud over an area and becomes stealth when she walks into the cloud
Alistar: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (Knock-Up + Knock-Back)
Alistar is a durable bull Champion with two forms of CC. His Q is an AoE Knock-Up which stuns. His W can physically push enemy champions towards your team or away from your team, depending on Alistar’s position.
Amumu: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (Ranged Stun + AoE Root)
Amumu is an emo mummy that can tank and jungle for your team. His Q throws a bandage at an enemy. If the bandage connects, it stuns and pull Amumu towards the enemy. Q + R is a great team fight initiator.
Anivia: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (Ranged Prompted Stun + Snares)
Anivia the ice phoenix is a caster with immense burst potential. She is also equipped with an array of snares and a stun.
Annie: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (Stocked up Stun, possibly AoE)
Annie is a caster with 3 offensive spells. Every 4th spell she casts, her spell gain the potential to stun her target(s).
Ashe: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun, AoE Snare)
Ranged DPS champion who’s ultimate does a single target stun and snares any enemy champion in the vicinity.
Blitzcrank: Utility, Lane, CC (AoE Silence) / Single Target Hook (like DotA’s Pudge Meat Hook)
While very durable, Blitz lacks the traits of a true tank. Possess an AoE Silence, best used to cancel enemy channeling spells. To maximize Blitz’s team potential, user must be proficient at landing his hooks
Cho'Gath: Class/Traits: Caster, Tank, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Knock-Up, AoE Silence)
Cho’Gath is a multifaceted champion. With innately high base HP and bonus HP from his ultimate, he functions well as a Caster or Tank. Best used to disrupt the entire enemy team with his two AoE spells.
Corki: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo / Blind, Jump
A very AoE based DPS Carry. Valkyrie is primarily used as a mobility spell and has the ability to jump across walls/cliffs. Besides AoE damage, Q also has a Blind component.
Dr. Mundo: Class/Traits: DPS, Tank, Lane
Mundo skills take a cost of an amount of HP, instead of mana. Mundo’s Cleaver (Q) does a % of enemy’s health as damage, making Mundo rather good against tanky teams.
Evelynn: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Lane, CC (Single Target Stun) / Stealth, Counter-Jungle
While having stealth means Eve is an excellent ganker, she has a niche role for being an anti-jungle. Ward the enemy jungle and beeline to enemy Red/Blue buff and gank the enemy jungler before they can get their buff.
Ezreal: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo / Jump
Ez is a highly mobile DPS Carry with one of the best poking skills in the game. Arcane Shift (E) acts as a Jump, allowing Ez to get across barriers.
Fiddlesticks: Class/Traits: Caster, Jungle, CC (Single Target Fear, AoE Silence)
A unique jungler, Fiddlesticks is not a tanky champion. However, Crowstorm makes for an amazing team fight changer. Dark Wind (E) Silences multiple targets. Be sure to Fear (Q) the enemy carry.
Galio: Class/Traits: Caster, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, AoE Taunt) / AoE Move Speed Buff
Galio has great farming potential with (E) + (Q). His passive allows him to gain AP off of stacking MR, making him a great pick against teams heavily invested in AP damage.
Gangplank: Class/Traits: Utility, Solo, Lane, DPS / Deny
Gangplank is unique as he is the only champion in LoL that can Deny (kill allied minions). By starting out with (E), Gangplank and make sure his lane will outlevel his enemies. Itemize “Crit Damage” items such as Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer.
Garen: Class/Traits: Utility, Lane, CC (Single Target Silence) / Anti-Tank
Garen’s skills cost nothing and are limited only by cooldown. Garen needs a mix of AD and survivability. His ulti does more damage the more hp the enemy target is missing. This makes Garen a great anti-tank executioner.
Gragas: Class/Traits: Tank, Caster, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, AoE Knock-Back) / Jump
Gragas fulfills a niche role as a Tanky DPS. His damage comes from his spells which have excellent AP ratio. Gragas’ Body Slam, which is usually used as a snare but has the ability to jump walls.
Heimerdinger: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Stun and Blind)
With mini turrets, Heimer is king of tower sieging. His (E) has the dual utility of Stun and Blind but is one of the hardest skill shots to land.
Irelia: Class/Traits: DPS, Anti-Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun/Snare)
Much like Akali, Irelia can close the distance between her and her enemy in a matter of seconds. What makes her a better choice is her passive. Ionian Fervor lets Irelia to heavily negate CC in 5v5 team fights.
Janna: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (AoE Knock-Up, AoE Knock-Back
Janna’s (E) provides an ally +HP and +AD for the duration of the spell. Definitely the premiere support choice for teams with more than 1 DPS champion. Ultimate acts as a subtle reset button for team fights.
Jarvan IV: Class/Trait: DPS, Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Knock-Up, AoE Wall)
Jax: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Stun)
Subpar DPS melee champion. Jax requires a lot of farm but cannot do so effectively. If game lasts long enough, he can become a potential threat.
Karthus: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare)
Champion with the best ability to rack up kills and assists with. Karthus is a solid Caster with a very high skill cap. Aiming Lay Waste (Q) will take some practice.
Karma: Class/Trait: Support, Lane
Kassadin: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Silence, AoE Snare) / Jump
Can play out as an effective Anti-Carry but his role is far more versatile. Force Pulse (E) allows Kass to snare the entire team multiple times in one team fight.
Katarina: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo / Jump
Despite able to build Kat both AD or AP, her main source of damage, Death Lotus (R) is magic damage. Hybrid builds such as Hextech Gunblade is not uncommon. Kat’s Jump (E) is unique in that she requires an actual target (ally or enemy) to jump to. She cannot Jump to empty space.
Kayle: Class/Traits: DPS, Solo, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare)
Kayle wrecks down towers with her (E). Her passive allows for AD/AP double dipping, making Guinsoo’s Rageblade a must on her.
Kennen: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Stun)
One of the three ninjas in LoL, Kennen’s skills use Energy, instead of Mana. Kennen has the potential to stun the entire enemy team simultaneous but risks putting himself in the front line. Zhonya’s Hourglass is highly recommended to keep himself alive.
Kog'Maw: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare) / Reveal
A particularly long rage DPS like Tristana, Kog scales very well with Bloodrazor and Attack Speed. His ultimate has an unique ability to Reveal stealthed units.
LeBlanc: Class/Trait: Caster, Solo, CC (Single Target Slow/Bind, Single Target Silence)
Lux: Class/Traits: Caster, Lane, CC (Single/Dual Target Root, AoE Snare)
Lux is a rare long-range Caster that keep the enemy at bay. Her ulti allows her to deal significant damage from screens away.
Malphite: Class/Traits: Tank, Solo, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare, AoE Knock-Up)
A tanky DPS like Gragas. Itemizes tanky builds but his (E) scales in damage the more armor Malphite has. His (R) is a great team fight initator.
Malzahar: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Silence, Single Target Stun) / Suppression
In terms of team fights, Malzahar is the Caster analog of Warwick. His ultimate is a Suppression, meaning it is unCleanseable. All four of his spells are offensively based.
Maokai: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (Single Target Root)
Master Yi: Class/Traits: DPS, Jungle
Master Yi’s ultimate greatly increases his Move Speed and Attack Speed, making him an optimal DPS choice. His greatest strength is that his ultimate refreshes immediately for every kill or assist Master Yi scores. Alpha Strike (Q) is a great de-aggro nuke, making Master Yi unclickable during the cast animation.
Miss Fortune: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare)
One of the quickest moving DPS Carries in the game, MF excels at positioning herself optimally in team fights. She kites very well with her high Move Speed and AoE Snare spell (E).
Mordekaiser: Class/Traits: Utility, Solo
Morde is a niche champion, one of the best farmers in the game. While he is very durable, he has zero CC to speak of. His greatest strength is his ability to turn a 5v5 fight into 6v4 with his ultimate. His skill use up some HP.
Morgana: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare, AoE Snare/Stun)
Although not technically a Support class champion, Morg’s Black Shield (E) has a wide array of uses. It effectively negates any spell effect and absorbs an amount of spell damage. Ideal for protecting your low hp allies.
Nasus: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare)
A tank that is effective against enemy tanks. Spirit Fire (E) reduces the armor of multiple enemy champions. Nasus is at his strongest in a full 5v5 team fight.
Nidalee: Class/Traits: Caster, Anti-Carry, Solo / Jump
Nidalee actually has 6 skills to speak of. During her Cougur form, none of her spells cost any mana. Her Couger also has a Jump ability that allows her to hop over walls and ledges.
Nocturne: Class/Trait: DPS, Jungle, Solo, CC (Single Target Fear) / Global
Nunu: Class/Traits: Tank, Caster, Support, Jungle (Single Target Snare, AoE Snare)
The yeti is a jack of all trades. With naturally high HP, he’s geared to be a secondary tank for your team. His incredible AP ratios make him a viable Caster. Consume (Q) allows Nunu to regenerate off jungle monsters.
Olaf: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Jungle, CC (AoE Snare)
Olaf is one of two Junglers who can do their tasks without investing in a Razor. Late game, Olaf needs to snipe down enemy carries. His ultimate allows him to negate all CC for a short period of time.
Pantheon: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun) / Global
Melee DPS who does the majority of his damage not through auto attacking but by combo’ing his skills. Two of his spells scale with AD, making Panth a DPS champion still. His ultimate allows him to reposition himself anywhere on the map, bring a quick stun to any team fight.
Poppy: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Anti-Carry, Lane, CC (Single Target Stun)
Poppy can be played as a AP burst champion or a DPS burst champion. Her ultimate creates a 1v1 scenario where only 1 enemy champion can damage or impact her for the duration of her ultimate.
Rammus: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Taunt)
Another Jungler that is not Razor dependent. Rammus with his (Q) + (E) combo has the longest single champion CC duration in the game. His ultimate is also unique as it can damage towers.
Renekton: Class/Trait: Tank, DPS, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun)
Ryze: Class/Traits: Caster, Lane, CC (Single Target Root)
Ryze is a Caster that is great at dealing burst damage in an AoE fashion. However his lack in both mobility and survivability holds him back from being a successful soft carry.
Shaco: Class/Traits: DPS, Anti-Carry, Jungle, CC (AoE Fear) / Stealth, Jump
Shaco is your textbook assassin. He can pop into stealth and reappear behind an enemy champion to backstab him. His stealth (Q) also allows him to jump across barriers.
Shen: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (AoE Taunt) / Global
As one of the three ninjas, Shen’s skill uses Energy, instead of mana. Shen is a great secondary tank. His ultimate protects an ally and teleports Shen to his side. A Dash (E) followed by an ultimate will de-aggro your ally and effectively saving him.
Singed: Class/Traits: Tank, Caster, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Knock-Back)
A premiere farmer, Singed can clear creep waves just by running around. In fact, it is always a bad idea to directly chase a Singed due to his Poison Gas.
Sion: Class/Traits: Caster, Solo, Carry, CC (Single Target Stun)
Sion has a lot of innate HP but his skills gear him towards the AP spectrum. Death’s Caress (W) is Sion’s main farming and team fight skill. He also has a ranged stun, ensuring at least one enemy champion will take damage from his W.
Sivir: Class/Traits: DPS, Solo, Carry
A very straight forward DPS Carry, Sivir is not equipped with any CC but in exchange, she has a lot of AoE damage between her Boomerang Blade (Q) and Ricochet (W). Her ulti increases her team’s Move Speed and Attack Speed, allowing her allies to position themselves optimally in team fights.
Sona: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (AoE Stun)
Equipped with a nuke, heal, and team move speed buff, Sona is versatile in her role as support. Her strongest suit is her ability to disable the entire enemy team if she is positioned correctly.
Soraka: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (Single Target Silence)
Soraka is a support heavily invested in regeneration. She has two heals (W) + (R) and the only mana regen spell (E) in the game. Her (E) can also be used offensively as a nuke with a silencing ability.
Swain: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Root, Single Target Snare)
Unlike most Casters, Swain does not have great burst damage. Instead, he has sustained damage and he does best in prolonged fights. Swain prefers to fight in team fights and not in 1v1 situations.
Taric: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (Single Target Stun)
Taric is a support with a lot of utility. He can heal, stun, and provide extra armor to his entire team. Taric’s (R) gives his team a huge boost in offense and heals.
Teemo: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Solo, Anti-Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Blind)
Equipped with a Blind skill with a relatively short cooldown, Teemo is the bane of any DPS champion. Move Quick (W) greatly increases his speed, allowing him to kite with his poisonous auto attack.
Tristana: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Knock-Back)
At level 18, Tristana has the longest auto attack range in the game. She can kite effectively with Lizard buff and quickly close the gap to her enemies with Rocket Jump (W). Her ulti is a nuke with a Knock-Back effect. You can use this defensively to kick enemies away or offensively to push an enemy towards your allies to pounce on.
Trundle: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (AoE Snare) / Anti-Tank
The troll of LoL reduces the effectiveness of enemy champions. His (Q) reduces a single enemy’s AD and add it to his own, ideal to target the enemy DPS champion. Trundle’s (R) puts himself in a better position than the enemy tank by sapping the enemy tank’s armor and MR.
Tryndamere: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Snare) / Jump
Tryndamere’s spells require hp to use but he can also regain hp quickly through his (Q). His (W) is an AoE Snare only when the enemy has their back turned to Trynd.
Twisted Fate: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun/Snare, AoE Snare) / Global
Capable of playing both side of the attack spectrum, TF works well in AD and AP forms. His greatest strength is his Global Teleport. By locking a gold card (W), TF can bring a ranged stun to any team fight.
Twitch: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare) / Stealth
The only ranged DPS carry with stealth. Capitalize your position in team fights by unstealthing only when you are ready. Twitch can essentially dictate team fights on his own.
Udyr: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (Single Target Stun) / No Ultimate
Udyr is the only champion without an ultimate. Instead, he has 4 stances. Two for DPS purposes, one for tanking, one for Move Speed.
Urgot: Class/Traits: DPS, Anti-Carry, Solo / Suppression
Comboing (Q) + (E), Urgot and nuke a single champion from a large distance away. His Ulti switches his position with enemy champion’s. During the casting animation, Urgot’s Ulti is also a Suppression ability.
Veigar: Class/Traits: Caster, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Stun) / Anti-Caster
Veigar is most effective against heavy AP teams. His Ulti does even more damage when his target has a lot of AP. His AoE Stun also has the largest diameter in the game.
Vladimir: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare)
Vlad’s spells do not cost HP, but a certain percentage of his health. His primary skill, Transfusion (Q) functions as a nuke and self-heal. Hemoplague (R) works well with other AoE spells your team has.
Warwick: Class/Traits: DPS, Jungle, CC (Single Target Stun) / Suppression
The quintessential jungler, Warwick excels at buff control and ganking. Building a Bloodrazor gives his team a strong Dragon and Baron presence. WW’s ulti is a Suppression spell, meaning it cannot be Cleansed.
Xin Zhao: Class/Traits: DPS, Lane, CC (Single Target Knock-Up, AoE Snare)
An excellent lane with an array of CC during early game. Xin is a great ally for junglers trying to gank. Late game, as long as you get your ulti off on the entire enemy team, you have essentially done your part in the team fight.
Zilean: Class/Traits: Caster, Support, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare)
While Zilean does not have any healing abilities, his support role enables his team greater mobility in team fights. Zilean’s ultimate grants his target a second life after he dies. Be sure to spam Rewind (W) as often as possible when the ulti is on cooldown.
Credit to oberon for the original idea for this list
General Terms and Definitions:
DPS: Abbreviation for “Damage per Second”; typically champions that deal the majority of their damage with auto attacks. They utilize offensive items that provide +Attack Damage (+AD) and Armor Pen.
Caster: Champions that use their four spells to inflict damage. They utilize offensive items that provide +Ability Power (+AP) and Magic Pen.
Carry: Champion on your team that dishes out the majority of your team’s damage. DPS carries are considered “hard carries” and can come in ranged or melee forms. Caster carries are considered “soft carries”.
Anti-Carry: Champion on your team that is responsible for quickly dispatching the enemy carry or any enemy champion when possible. They set your side up for team fights with favorable odds. Think of an assassin.
Tank: Champion with a lot of durability, in the form of HP/Armor/MR) and preferably has some form of CC
CC: Abbreviation for “Crowd Control”. Usually spells that Stun and Root enemy champions but not limited to Silences and Snares.
Utility: Champions that do not fit the archetypes previously mentioned but have a certain niche role
AoE: Abbreviation for “Area of Effect”. Spells that can affect multiple targets simultaneously
Solo: Champions that excel for your team if given solo Top or Middle lanes
Lane: Champions that work well with an ally in Bottom lane
Akali: Class/Traits: Caster, Anti-Carry, Solo / Stealth
Akali is a ninja that has a strong burst with her ultimate and Q. While not innately able to cast stealth on herself, she has a spell that allows her to drop a cloud over an area and becomes stealth when she walks into the cloud
Alistar: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (Knock-Up + Knock-Back)
Alistar is a durable bull Champion with two forms of CC. His Q is an AoE Knock-Up which stuns. His W can physically push enemy champions towards your team or away from your team, depending on Alistar’s position.
Amumu: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (Ranged Stun + AoE Root)
Amumu is an emo mummy that can tank and jungle for your team. His Q throws a bandage at an enemy. If the bandage connects, it stuns and pull Amumu towards the enemy. Q + R is a great team fight initiator.
Anivia: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (Ranged Prompted Stun + Snares)
Anivia the ice phoenix is a caster with immense burst potential. She is also equipped with an array of snares and a stun.
Annie: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (Stocked up Stun, possibly AoE)
Annie is a caster with 3 offensive spells. Every 4th spell she casts, her spell gain the potential to stun her target(s).
Ashe: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun, AoE Snare)
Ranged DPS champion who’s ultimate does a single target stun and snares any enemy champion in the vicinity.
Blitzcrank: Utility, Lane, CC (AoE Silence) / Single Target Hook (like DotA’s Pudge Meat Hook)
While very durable, Blitz lacks the traits of a true tank. Possess an AoE Silence, best used to cancel enemy channeling spells. To maximize Blitz’s team potential, user must be proficient at landing his hooks
Cho'Gath: Class/Traits: Caster, Tank, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Knock-Up, AoE Silence)
Cho’Gath is a multifaceted champion. With innately high base HP and bonus HP from his ultimate, he functions well as a Caster or Tank. Best used to disrupt the entire enemy team with his two AoE spells.
Corki: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo / Blind, Jump
A very AoE based DPS Carry. Valkyrie is primarily used as a mobility spell and has the ability to jump across walls/cliffs. Besides AoE damage, Q also has a Blind component.
Dr. Mundo: Class/Traits: DPS, Tank, Lane
Mundo skills take a cost of an amount of HP, instead of mana. Mundo’s Cleaver (Q) does a % of enemy’s health as damage, making Mundo rather good against tanky teams.
Evelynn: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Lane, CC (Single Target Stun) / Stealth, Counter-Jungle
While having stealth means Eve is an excellent ganker, she has a niche role for being an anti-jungle. Ward the enemy jungle and beeline to enemy Red/Blue buff and gank the enemy jungler before they can get their buff.
Ezreal: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo / Jump
Ez is a highly mobile DPS Carry with one of the best poking skills in the game. Arcane Shift (E) acts as a Jump, allowing Ez to get across barriers.
Fiddlesticks: Class/Traits: Caster, Jungle, CC (Single Target Fear, AoE Silence)
A unique jungler, Fiddlesticks is not a tanky champion. However, Crowstorm makes for an amazing team fight changer. Dark Wind (E) Silences multiple targets. Be sure to Fear (Q) the enemy carry.
Galio: Class/Traits: Caster, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, AoE Taunt) / AoE Move Speed Buff
Galio has great farming potential with (E) + (Q). His passive allows him to gain AP off of stacking MR, making him a great pick against teams heavily invested in AP damage.
Gangplank: Class/Traits: Utility, Solo, Lane, DPS / Deny
Gangplank is unique as he is the only champion in LoL that can Deny (kill allied minions). By starting out with (E), Gangplank and make sure his lane will outlevel his enemies. Itemize “Crit Damage” items such as Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer.
Garen: Class/Traits: Utility, Lane, CC (Single Target Silence) / Anti-Tank
Garen’s skills cost nothing and are limited only by cooldown. Garen needs a mix of AD and survivability. His ulti does more damage the more hp the enemy target is missing. This makes Garen a great anti-tank executioner.
Gragas: Class/Traits: Tank, Caster, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, AoE Knock-Back) / Jump
Gragas fulfills a niche role as a Tanky DPS. His damage comes from his spells which have excellent AP ratio. Gragas’ Body Slam, which is usually used as a snare but has the ability to jump walls.
Heimerdinger: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Stun and Blind)
With mini turrets, Heimer is king of tower sieging. His (E) has the dual utility of Stun and Blind but is one of the hardest skill shots to land.
Irelia: Class/Traits: DPS, Anti-Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun/Snare)
Much like Akali, Irelia can close the distance between her and her enemy in a matter of seconds. What makes her a better choice is her passive. Ionian Fervor lets Irelia to heavily negate CC in 5v5 team fights.
Janna: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (AoE Knock-Up, AoE Knock-Back
Janna’s (E) provides an ally +HP and +AD for the duration of the spell. Definitely the premiere support choice for teams with more than 1 DPS champion. Ultimate acts as a subtle reset button for team fights.
Jarvan IV: Class/Trait: DPS, Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Knock-Up, AoE Wall)
Jax: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Stun)
Subpar DPS melee champion. Jax requires a lot of farm but cannot do so effectively. If game lasts long enough, he can become a potential threat.
Karthus: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare)
Champion with the best ability to rack up kills and assists with. Karthus is a solid Caster with a very high skill cap. Aiming Lay Waste (Q) will take some practice.
Karma: Class/Trait: Support, Lane
Kassadin: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Silence, AoE Snare) / Jump
Can play out as an effective Anti-Carry but his role is far more versatile. Force Pulse (E) allows Kass to snare the entire team multiple times in one team fight.
Katarina: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo / Jump
Despite able to build Kat both AD or AP, her main source of damage, Death Lotus (R) is magic damage. Hybrid builds such as Hextech Gunblade is not uncommon. Kat’s Jump (E) is unique in that she requires an actual target (ally or enemy) to jump to. She cannot Jump to empty space.
Kayle: Class/Traits: DPS, Solo, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare)
Kayle wrecks down towers with her (E). Her passive allows for AD/AP double dipping, making Guinsoo’s Rageblade a must on her.
Kennen: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Stun)
One of the three ninjas in LoL, Kennen’s skills use Energy, instead of Mana. Kennen has the potential to stun the entire enemy team simultaneous but risks putting himself in the front line. Zhonya’s Hourglass is highly recommended to keep himself alive.
Kog'Maw: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare) / Reveal
A particularly long rage DPS like Tristana, Kog scales very well with Bloodrazor and Attack Speed. His ultimate has an unique ability to Reveal stealthed units.
LeBlanc: Class/Trait: Caster, Solo, CC (Single Target Slow/Bind, Single Target Silence)
Lux: Class/Traits: Caster, Lane, CC (Single/Dual Target Root, AoE Snare)
Lux is a rare long-range Caster that keep the enemy at bay. Her ulti allows her to deal significant damage from screens away.
Malphite: Class/Traits: Tank, Solo, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare, AoE Knock-Up)
A tanky DPS like Gragas. Itemizes tanky builds but his (E) scales in damage the more armor Malphite has. His (R) is a great team fight initator.
Malzahar: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Silence, Single Target Stun) / Suppression
In terms of team fights, Malzahar is the Caster analog of Warwick. His ultimate is a Suppression, meaning it is unCleanseable. All four of his spells are offensively based.
Maokai: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (Single Target Root)
Master Yi: Class/Traits: DPS, Jungle
Master Yi’s ultimate greatly increases his Move Speed and Attack Speed, making him an optimal DPS choice. His greatest strength is that his ultimate refreshes immediately for every kill or assist Master Yi scores. Alpha Strike (Q) is a great de-aggro nuke, making Master Yi unclickable during the cast animation.
Miss Fortune: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare)
One of the quickest moving DPS Carries in the game, MF excels at positioning herself optimally in team fights. She kites very well with her high Move Speed and AoE Snare spell (E).
Mordekaiser: Class/Traits: Utility, Solo
Morde is a niche champion, one of the best farmers in the game. While he is very durable, he has zero CC to speak of. His greatest strength is his ability to turn a 5v5 fight into 6v4 with his ultimate. His skill use up some HP.
Morgana: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare, AoE Snare/Stun)
Although not technically a Support class champion, Morg’s Black Shield (E) has a wide array of uses. It effectively negates any spell effect and absorbs an amount of spell damage. Ideal for protecting your low hp allies.
Nasus: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare)
A tank that is effective against enemy tanks. Spirit Fire (E) reduces the armor of multiple enemy champions. Nasus is at his strongest in a full 5v5 team fight.
Nidalee: Class/Traits: Caster, Anti-Carry, Solo / Jump
Nidalee actually has 6 skills to speak of. During her Cougur form, none of her spells cost any mana. Her Couger also has a Jump ability that allows her to hop over walls and ledges.
Nocturne: Class/Trait: DPS, Jungle, Solo, CC (Single Target Fear) / Global
Nunu: Class/Traits: Tank, Caster, Support, Jungle (Single Target Snare, AoE Snare)
The yeti is a jack of all trades. With naturally high HP, he’s geared to be a secondary tank for your team. His incredible AP ratios make him a viable Caster. Consume (Q) allows Nunu to regenerate off jungle monsters.
Olaf: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Jungle, CC (AoE Snare)
Olaf is one of two Junglers who can do their tasks without investing in a Razor. Late game, Olaf needs to snipe down enemy carries. His ultimate allows him to negate all CC for a short period of time.
Pantheon: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun) / Global
Melee DPS who does the majority of his damage not through auto attacking but by combo’ing his skills. Two of his spells scale with AD, making Panth a DPS champion still. His ultimate allows him to reposition himself anywhere on the map, bring a quick stun to any team fight.
Poppy: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Anti-Carry, Lane, CC (Single Target Stun)
Poppy can be played as a AP burst champion or a DPS burst champion. Her ultimate creates a 1v1 scenario where only 1 enemy champion can damage or impact her for the duration of her ultimate.
Rammus: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Taunt)
Another Jungler that is not Razor dependent. Rammus with his (Q) + (E) combo has the longest single champion CC duration in the game. His ultimate is also unique as it can damage towers.
Renekton: Class/Trait: Tank, DPS, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun)
Ryze: Class/Traits: Caster, Lane, CC (Single Target Root)
Ryze is a Caster that is great at dealing burst damage in an AoE fashion. However his lack in both mobility and survivability holds him back from being a successful soft carry.
Shaco: Class/Traits: DPS, Anti-Carry, Jungle, CC (AoE Fear) / Stealth, Jump
Shaco is your textbook assassin. He can pop into stealth and reappear behind an enemy champion to backstab him. His stealth (Q) also allows him to jump across barriers.
Shen: Class/Traits: Tank, Lane, CC (AoE Taunt) / Global
As one of the three ninjas, Shen’s skill uses Energy, instead of mana. Shen is a great secondary tank. His ultimate protects an ally and teleports Shen to his side. A Dash (E) followed by an ultimate will de-aggro your ally and effectively saving him.
Singed: Class/Traits: Tank, Caster, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Knock-Back)
A premiere farmer, Singed can clear creep waves just by running around. In fact, it is always a bad idea to directly chase a Singed due to his Poison Gas.
Sion: Class/Traits: Caster, Solo, Carry, CC (Single Target Stun)
Sion has a lot of innate HP but his skills gear him towards the AP spectrum. Death’s Caress (W) is Sion’s main farming and team fight skill. He also has a ranged stun, ensuring at least one enemy champion will take damage from his W.
Sivir: Class/Traits: DPS, Solo, Carry
A very straight forward DPS Carry, Sivir is not equipped with any CC but in exchange, she has a lot of AoE damage between her Boomerang Blade (Q) and Ricochet (W). Her ulti increases her team’s Move Speed and Attack Speed, allowing her allies to position themselves optimally in team fights.
Sona: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (AoE Stun)
Equipped with a nuke, heal, and team move speed buff, Sona is versatile in her role as support. Her strongest suit is her ability to disable the entire enemy team if she is positioned correctly.
Soraka: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (Single Target Silence)
Soraka is a support heavily invested in regeneration. She has two heals (W) + (R) and the only mana regen spell (E) in the game. Her (E) can also be used offensively as a nuke with a silencing ability.
Swain: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Root, Single Target Snare)
Unlike most Casters, Swain does not have great burst damage. Instead, he has sustained damage and he does best in prolonged fights. Swain prefers to fight in team fights and not in 1v1 situations.
Taric: Class/Traits: Support, Lane, CC (Single Target Stun)
Taric is a support with a lot of utility. He can heal, stun, and provide extra armor to his entire team. Taric’s (R) gives his team a huge boost in offense and heals.
Teemo: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Solo, Anti-Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Blind)
Equipped with a Blind skill with a relatively short cooldown, Teemo is the bane of any DPS champion. Move Quick (W) greatly increases his speed, allowing him to kite with his poisonous auto attack.
Tristana: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare, Single Target Knock-Back)
At level 18, Tristana has the longest auto attack range in the game. She can kite effectively with Lizard buff and quickly close the gap to her enemies with Rocket Jump (W). Her ulti is a nuke with a Knock-Back effect. You can use this defensively to kick enemies away or offensively to push an enemy towards your allies to pounce on.
Trundle: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (AoE Snare) / Anti-Tank
The troll of LoL reduces the effectiveness of enemy champions. His (Q) reduces a single enemy’s AD and add it to his own, ideal to target the enemy DPS champion. Trundle’s (R) puts himself in a better position than the enemy tank by sapping the enemy tank’s armor and MR.
Tryndamere: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Lane, CC (AoE Snare) / Jump
Tryndamere’s spells require hp to use but he can also regain hp quickly through his (Q). His (W) is an AoE Snare only when the enemy has their back turned to Trynd.
Twisted Fate: Class/Traits: DPS, Caster, Solo, CC (Single Target Stun/Snare, AoE Snare) / Global
Capable of playing both side of the attack spectrum, TF works well in AD and AP forms. His greatest strength is his Global Teleport. By locking a gold card (W), TF can bring a ranged stun to any team fight.
Twitch: Class/Traits: DPS, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare) / Stealth
The only ranged DPS carry with stealth. Capitalize your position in team fights by unstealthing only when you are ready. Twitch can essentially dictate team fights on his own.
Udyr: Class/Traits: Tank, Jungle, CC (Single Target Stun) / No Ultimate
Udyr is the only champion without an ultimate. Instead, he has 4 stances. Two for DPS purposes, one for tanking, one for Move Speed.
Urgot: Class/Traits: DPS, Anti-Carry, Solo / Suppression
Comboing (Q) + (E), Urgot and nuke a single champion from a large distance away. His Ulti switches his position with enemy champion’s. During the casting animation, Urgot’s Ulti is also a Suppression ability.
Veigar: Class/Traits: Caster, Solo, Lane, CC (AoE Stun) / Anti-Caster
Veigar is most effective against heavy AP teams. His Ulti does even more damage when his target has a lot of AP. His AoE Stun also has the largest diameter in the game.
Vladimir: Class/Traits: Caster, Carry, Solo, CC (AoE Snare)
Vlad’s spells do not cost HP, but a certain percentage of his health. His primary skill, Transfusion (Q) functions as a nuke and self-heal. Hemoplague (R) works well with other AoE spells your team has.
Warwick: Class/Traits: DPS, Jungle, CC (Single Target Stun) / Suppression
The quintessential jungler, Warwick excels at buff control and ganking. Building a Bloodrazor gives his team a strong Dragon and Baron presence. WW’s ulti is a Suppression spell, meaning it cannot be Cleansed.
Xin Zhao: Class/Traits: DPS, Lane, CC (Single Target Knock-Up, AoE Snare)
An excellent lane with an array of CC during early game. Xin is a great ally for junglers trying to gank. Late game, as long as you get your ulti off on the entire enemy team, you have essentially done your part in the team fight.
Zilean: Class/Traits: Caster, Support, Lane, CC (Single Target Snare)
While Zilean does not have any healing abilities, his support role enables his team greater mobility in team fights. Zilean’s ultimate grants his target a second life after he dies. Be sure to spam Rewind (W) as often as possible when the ulti is on cooldown.
Credit to oberon for the original idea for this list
+ Show Spoiler [Champion List and Links] +
Westrice's Akali 27.03.11
Lane Alistar 10.02.11
Reep's Alistar Guide 26.01.11
Jungle Amumu 18.02.11
Anivia 02.12.10
Annie 04.11.10
CDR Ashe 13.11.2010
Doublelift's Blitz 03.12.10
DPS Caitlynn 09.01.11
Tank Chogath 08.11.10
Corki 06.11.10
Dr. Mundo:
Tank Evelynn 08.11.10
DPS Ezreal 29.01.11
Voyboy's Ezreal 26.03.11
Critplank and Tankplank 05.11.10
Fastest Garen 19.01.11
Tanky DPS Garen 29.01.11
Heimer 10.11.10
Dan Dinh's Heimer 15.08.10
Support Janna 10.11.10
Jarvan IV:
Lane/Jungle Jarvan 03.03.11
Lane Jax 05.11.10
Dyrus's Jax 27.03.11
AP Kassadin 06.11.10
Kennen 05.11.10
Salce's Kennen Encompassing guide to Kennen by a top elo player 30.09.10
Master Yi:
Jungle Yi 29.01.11
Miss Fortune:
Tank Nasus 10.11.10
AP/Flee Nidalee 06.11.10
TheOddOne's Nunu 27.03.2011
Jungle Olaf 05.11.10
LoCierco's Pantheon 07.11.10
bigfatjiji Pantheon VOD featuring SpudBoy on Kennen
AP and DPS (Trinity) Poppy 16.01.11
Jungle Rammus 22.11.10
bigfatjiji Jungle Rammus VOD
Voyboy's Renekton 27.03.11
Lane Shen 07.11.10
bigfatjiji lane Shen VOD
Dyrus's Singed 27.03.11
AP Sion 15.01.11
DPS Sivir 06.11.10
Support/AP Sona 04.11.10
Swain 19.11.2010
Support Taric 04.11.10
AP Teemo 04.02.11
Locodoco's Tristana 27.03.11
Jungle Trundle 10.12.10
DontMashMe's Trundle 27.03.11
Jungle Trynd 06.02.11
Twisted Fate:
AP Twisted Fate 07.11.10
DPS Twisted Fate 07.11.10
bigfatjiji DPS TF VOD very amusing if you understand mandarin
Phoenix Udyr 15.01.11
Lane Urgot 04.11.10
Locket Veigar 24.11.2010
AP Vlad 07.01.11
Jungle Warwick 04.11.10
Jungle Warwick 06.12.10
Xin Zhao:
DPS Xin 16.11.10
Westrice's Akali 27.03.11
Lane Alistar 10.02.11
Reep's Alistar Guide 26.01.11
Jungle Amumu 18.02.11
Anivia 02.12.10
Annie 04.11.10
CDR Ashe 13.11.2010
Doublelift's Blitz 03.12.10
DPS Caitlynn 09.01.11
Tank Chogath 08.11.10
Corki 06.11.10
Dr. Mundo:
Tank Evelynn 08.11.10
DPS Ezreal 29.01.11
Voyboy's Ezreal 26.03.11
Critplank and Tankplank 05.11.10
Fastest Garen 19.01.11
Tanky DPS Garen 29.01.11
Heimer 10.11.10
Dan Dinh's Heimer 15.08.10
Support Janna 10.11.10
Jarvan IV:
Lane/Jungle Jarvan 03.03.11
Lane Jax 05.11.10
Dyrus's Jax 27.03.11
AP Kassadin 06.11.10
Kennen 05.11.10
Salce's Kennen Encompassing guide to Kennen by a top elo player 30.09.10
Master Yi:
Jungle Yi 29.01.11
Miss Fortune:
Tank Nasus 10.11.10
AP/Flee Nidalee 06.11.10
TheOddOne's Nunu 27.03.2011
Jungle Olaf 05.11.10
LoCierco's Pantheon 07.11.10
bigfatjiji Pantheon VOD featuring SpudBoy on Kennen
AP and DPS (Trinity) Poppy 16.01.11
Jungle Rammus 22.11.10
bigfatjiji Jungle Rammus VOD
Voyboy's Renekton 27.03.11
Lane Shen 07.11.10
bigfatjiji lane Shen VOD
Dyrus's Singed 27.03.11
AP Sion 15.01.11
DPS Sivir 06.11.10
Support/AP Sona 04.11.10
Swain 19.11.2010
Support Taric 04.11.10
AP Teemo 04.02.11
Locodoco's Tristana 27.03.11
Jungle Trundle 10.12.10
DontMashMe's Trundle 27.03.11
Jungle Trynd 06.02.11
Twisted Fate:
AP Twisted Fate 07.11.10
DPS Twisted Fate 07.11.10
bigfatjiji DPS TF VOD very amusing if you understand mandarin
Phoenix Udyr 15.01.11
Lane Urgot 04.11.10
Locket Veigar 24.11.2010
AP Vlad 07.01.11
Jungle Warwick 04.11.10
Jungle Warwick 06.12.10
Xin Zhao:
DPS Xin 16.11.10
+ Show Spoiler [LoL Who’s Who (Bigpros List)] +
This section is dedicated to list players who are exceptional with certain champions. The disclaimer is the list is my (NeoIllusions’s) personal opinion.
How this will be beneficial for us is that anyone can look these players’ profiles up and look at their mastery, rune, and item setup. For those particular TeamLiquid names listed, it’s best to hit them up in LiquidParty if you think you need help with those champions.
Italicized names will represent players who were once exceptional but have fallen off, mostly due to inactivity. More of an FYI and homage if you will.
Akali: Westrice, Burninator
Alistar: Reep, Chauster, Bulgog
Amumu: laoching, gnuphilly
Anivia: bigfatjiji, ManyReason, a Lilac, MegaZero
Annie: TheOddOne, Salce, Jigsaw, laoching
Ashe: EzPzLmnSqz, Classick, Gattsu, Korean
Blitzcrank: DoubleLift, Akatosh
Caitlynn: bigfatjiji
Cho'Gath: 5HITCOMBO, Ardoz
Corki: Valkrin, Voyboy, MrGrimm999
Dr. Mundo: Chauster, MegaZero
Ezreal: Xpecial, Chauster, bigfatjiji, ManyReason, Yiruru
Gangplank: Feel no Fear
Garen: Chauster
Gragas: nicosharp, mmkh
Heimerdinger: saintvicious, Dan Dinh
Irelia: Atlanta, Sologamer
Janna: agip33, Zirun, Lassiz
Jarvan IV:
Jax: Dyrus
Karthus: ScarletDoom, pdiz
Kassadin: Jougonaut, DogKaiser, Sabertiger, Utahime
Katarina: Furor
Kayle: Classick
Kennen: Xpecial, L0CUST, Salce
Kog'Maw: good
LeBlanc: MakNooN
Lux: NintendudeX, ManyReason, Roku
Malphite: Sologamer
Malzahar: saintvicious
Master Yi: Strelo, Asier, KingdeathRat,Frozt
Miss Fortune: EzPzLmnSqz, Yiruru
Mordekaiser: grandjudge
Morgana: LoCicero, Chauster, TreeEskimo, grandjudge
Nasus: LoCicero
Nidalee: HotShotgg
Nunu: Dan Dinh, Araragi, Frozt
Olaf: lilballz, NintendudeX, SpudBoy
Pantheon: MakNooN, LoCicero, SmashGizmo
Ryze: sxspp, DongPi
Shaco: ReginaId, Kobe24, nolja, xiaobing, jambie2
Shen: laoching, Sabertiger
Singed: Dyrus, Gun, grandjudge, Jihu, DT777
Sion: MrTheZebra
Sivir: Yiruru, Ana AnaRis
Soraka: puregoldenboy
Swain: Doublelift
Taric: Sabertiger
Teemo: The Rain Man, BigMcLargeHuge
Tristana: Locodoco, Atlanta, Korean
Trundle: DontMashMe
Tryndamere: h4ckerv2
Twisted Fate: bigfatjiji, ManyReason, cFangNasty
Twitch: Dan Dinh, nolja, SpudBoy, Qtips
Udyr: lilballz, Guardsman Bob, Jatt, Kobe24, nolja, Frozt
Urgot: BruiseLeet
Veigar: LoCicero
Vladimir: SYDTKO, Salce
Warwick: SpudBoy, lilballz, L0CUST, Kobe24, Guardsman Bob, Frozt
Xin Zhao: ChrispySC, Guardsman Bob
Zilean: bigfatjiji, calimist
How this will be beneficial for us is that anyone can look these players’ profiles up and look at their mastery, rune, and item setup. For those particular TeamLiquid names listed, it’s best to hit them up in LiquidParty if you think you need help with those champions.
Italicized names will represent players who were once exceptional but have fallen off, mostly due to inactivity. More of an FYI and homage if you will.
Akali: Westrice, Burninator
Alistar: Reep, Chauster, Bulgog
Amumu: laoching, gnuphilly
Anivia: bigfatjiji, ManyReason, a Lilac, MegaZero
Annie: TheOddOne, Salce, Jigsaw, laoching
Ashe: EzPzLmnSqz, Classick, Gattsu, Korean
Blitzcrank: DoubleLift, Akatosh
Caitlynn: bigfatjiji
Cho'Gath: 5HITCOMBO, Ardoz
Corki: Valkrin, Voyboy, MrGrimm999
Dr. Mundo: Chauster, MegaZero
Ezreal: Xpecial, Chauster, bigfatjiji, ManyReason, Yiruru
Gangplank: Feel no Fear
Garen: Chauster
Gragas: nicosharp, mmkh
Heimerdinger: saintvicious, Dan Dinh
Irelia: Atlanta, Sologamer
Janna: agip33, Zirun, Lassiz
Jarvan IV:
Jax: Dyrus
Karthus: ScarletDoom, pdiz
Kassadin: Jougonaut, DogKaiser, Sabertiger, Utahime
Katarina: Furor
Kayle: Classick
Kennen: Xpecial, L0CUST, Salce
Kog'Maw: good
LeBlanc: MakNooN
Lux: NintendudeX, ManyReason, Roku
Malphite: Sologamer
Malzahar: saintvicious
Master Yi: Strelo, Asier, KingdeathRat,Frozt
Miss Fortune: EzPzLmnSqz, Yiruru
Mordekaiser: grandjudge
Morgana: LoCicero, Chauster, TreeEskimo, grandjudge
Nasus: LoCicero
Nidalee: HotShotgg
Nunu: Dan Dinh, Araragi, Frozt
Olaf: lilballz, NintendudeX, SpudBoy
Pantheon: MakNooN, LoCicero, SmashGizmo
Ryze: sxspp, DongPi
Shaco: ReginaId, Kobe24, nolja, xiaobing, jambie2
Shen: laoching, Sabertiger
Singed: Dyrus, Gun, grandjudge, Jihu, DT777
Sion: MrTheZebra
Sivir: Yiruru, Ana AnaRis
Soraka: puregoldenboy
Swain: Doublelift
Taric: Sabertiger
Teemo: The Rain Man, BigMcLargeHuge
Tristana: Locodoco, Atlanta, Korean
Trundle: DontMashMe
Tryndamere: h4ckerv2
Twisted Fate: bigfatjiji, ManyReason, cFangNasty
Twitch: Dan Dinh, nolja, SpudBoy, Qtips
Udyr: lilballz, Guardsman Bob, Jatt, Kobe24, nolja, Frozt
Urgot: BruiseLeet
Veigar: LoCicero
Vladimir: SYDTKO, Salce
Warwick: SpudBoy, lilballz, L0CUST, Kobe24, Guardsman Bob, Frozt
Xin Zhao: ChrispySC, Guardsman Bob
Zilean: bigfatjiji, calimist
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