0/16/14 ( Meditation gives you more flexibility to spam BB early game ) -SoS, Nimbleness, HP, Improved Cleanse, Improved Flash 0/21/9 ( Lets you get Tanky late game, but mana starved before Lvl 9 ) -Same as above, but Tenacity for Meditation and Improved Buffs 21/0/9 ( Pure DPS, if you have a team that can get stuff off you ) -Standard DPS Masteries
APen Marks Flat HP / APen Quints Mp5 Seals MR Glyphs
Summoner Spells:
Take Cleanse. Just do it. No exceptions. Unless you're trolling.
The second spell is more flexible. I personally run Flash nowdays, but I've had success with anything and everything else.
Teleport / Ghost are good for pushing. Heal gives free EHP in team fights. Exhaust makes it harder for Melee DPS to shit on you.
QEQW R>Q>W>E, unless you need E at Level 1 against certain champions.
Some Notes: -Q Range is actually slightly longer than what the circle represents -On hit effects don't apply on Ricochet, but APen (Flat and %) works
Open Doran's Shield on hard lanes that can harass you well, Doran's Sword otherwise. Mercs or Zerks for Boots.
In General, you want as many BloodThirsters as you can stack, coupled with a LW to maximize Ricochet and BB damage. Get a Tank Item mid-game (Mog>Banshee>GA at the moment). IE/BR are also good DPS options. PD can replace Boots if you have the money in late game.
Farm the first 20 minutes, no exceptions. Dragon is ok, but that's about it really. (Unless your team get a red somehow, then ganks with R is okish) Also feel free to farm neutrals if your jungle is ganking or sucking.
Click R in teamfights and attack move, honestly that's all you need to do. Q/E as needed.
Also BB the Wraiths when your jungle's trying to kill them.
what are benchmark CS numbers at 10, 15, 20 minutes?
Or more realistically 90, 160, 250
United States37500 Posts
No, Mogwai's right.
What are the thoughts on maxing Ricochet before Boomerang Blade now that it scales with attack damage?
I thought 100 by 15 was considered pretty good T_T
On November 06 2010 01:05 azndsh wrote: I thought 100 by 15 was considered pretty good T_T With Sivir it's pretty bad though, especially if you get Teleport(lot of fun with Sivir)
On November 06 2010 01:07 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2010 01:05 azndsh wrote: I thought 100 by 15 was considered pretty good T_T With Sivir it's pretty bad though, especially if you get Teleport(lot of fun with Sivir)
That's true, Sivir usually has 100 cs by the time minions spawn ^^
Sivir ends up with 500+. Team ends up with 100+ at best. Thanks TP sivir.
On November 06 2010 00:21 Southlight wrote: Also BB the Wraiths when your jungle's trying to kill them.
QQQQQ i did it on ShitCombo and took his exp, and he blamed himself for dying at wolves 2funny
Shikyo's numbers are about right. I hit 160~ last game in 20 mins jungling Sivir.
@STS BB got a buff at every level, so I'm not sure what you're asking~
I might be mistaken but the tooltip says that BB does magic damage even though it's affected by AD. Armor pen or LW won't help much for BB i think.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On November 07 2010 01:44 Haemonculus wrote: I might be mistaken but the tooltip says that BB does magic damage even though it's affected by AD. Armor pen or LW won't help much for BB i think.
correct, but it helps for ricochet
Ricochet - getting you kills somewhere somehow
I have to argue with the skill order. I'd go WQQE or EQQW because I never, ever spam rank 1 BB because, with its totally low base damage, it does shit damage/mana at level 1. Since I'm not gonna be casting it at all until level 3, no point in getting it at level 1. Unless I am against a good SS champ, I get ricochet at level 1.
On November 08 2010 04:23 Pigsquirrel wrote: I have to argue with the skill order. I'd go WQQE or EQQW because I never, ever spam rank 1 BB because, with its totally low base damage, it does shit damage/mana at level 1. Since I'm not gonna be casting it at all until level 3, no point in getting it at level 1. Unless I am against a good SS champ, I get ricochet at level 1.
in terms of a lvl 1 teamfight, bb is the most obvious option. ricochet isnt going to do shit, spellshield isnt going to do shit, meanwhile bb will enhance your lvl 1 dps the most. Ofc, dont level it at spawn, cus if a lvl 1 teamfight doesnt happen and you go to lane and realize you need shield, you're kinda in trouble, buuut, i'd say any situation where you're fighting against other champs @ lvl 1, you want bb
I found attack -> move a bit -> attack -> move a bit to be really effective way to use her passive.
I already listed EQQW. W first does nothing, either in lane or Lvl 1 fights. Lvl 1 BB is your only use in a Lvl 1 fight, and also lets you get some creeps you might have missed. You aren't supposed to spam BB anyways, unless you go something stupid like Manamune.
@R04R, that's true but don't overdo it since you will more than likely lost DPS from doing that. I usually only animation cancel that way when I know I'll come out ahead in a fight early on, so I can get a couple more hits in.
What are cooldowns like on sivir? Is it worth having faster BB's or is her attack + ricochet more than enough? Quicker spell shield is nice too : [ ]
Also when should I be pushing with Sivir? Say it's solo or 1v2 top lane, do I want to keep the lane even or constantly be pushing and getting in hits on the tower?