- Yiruru #1 Fan hihihihi
[Champion] Sivir - Page 3
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122 Posts
- Yiruru #1 Fan hihihihi | ||
United States1817 Posts
On November 22 2010 11:02 Jougen wrote: Ricochet benefits from ArPen, and scales better to late game. Early game should be passive farming, so just learn to farm with the AD you have already. The extra AD comes out to like 9 AD from marks, which translattes to ~2 extra dmg from Q. Not exactly something you wanna sacrifice for; the 25% was a nice little buff but not something you should focus on. - Yiruru #1 Fan hihihihi I thought it scaled with 75% of her AD meaning 9 would translate to ~7. Still not something to itemize for (ArPen still better on her) | ||
Canada1188 Posts
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Canada690 Posts
I haven't seen any convincing math for AD/APen runes yet, so I didn't put them in. I would never recommend flat AD though, they're like only good on Pantheon basically. You rarely want to hit people early game anyways, you lose in the trade against most solos. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
reach lvl 5 ----> boomerang every wave --> get 6-7 cs every single time and keep their lane pushed so they cant gank you can have tower down in 10-12 mins if their jungler doesnt cover mid for them | ||
664 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On November 23 2010 22:43 Yiruru wrote: APen affects Ricochet (This is in the OP) I haven't seen any convincing math for AD/APen runes yet, so I didn't put them in. I would never recommend flat AD though, they're like only good on Pantheon basically. You rarely want to hit people early game anyways, you lose in the trade against most solos. Doesn't Jiji run flat AD quints on her? I know he still runs APen marks though. IIRC his Sivir page was APen Marks/Mp5 Glyphs+Seals/Flat AD Quints. | ||
United States615 Posts
Pros: She can hold lanes/prevent pushes extremely well Jungle > no jungle. Double Buff Sivir with ult is deadly, especially if the gank target has pushed all the way. Boomerang Blade from jungle at a B'ing enemy - I usually get 1-2 kills per game this way. They never expect it! It's Sivir ffs! Cons: Easily counterejungled. Can't gank near as well as WW, Rammus, Mumu, Fid, etc. Needs smite (and smite/ignite for golem first) Slow dragon Masteries: 1-21-8 - Make sure you get Veteran's Scars. Runes: Dodge yellows and HP quints are the only major concerns. Anything else you roll with Sivir for blues/reds. (I go scaling CD/Armpen) Summoners: Smite/ghost or Smite/flash (smite/ignite for golem first) You can use cleanse, I am not a fan of that spell period though. Skill orders: QWQEQR R>Q>W>E Greedy but easier jungle/pushing: QWQWQREQ R>Q>W>E This leaves you vulnerable to ganks but speeds up your wolves/wraiths, as well as can earn you an early tower kill if you use the extra rank in W to push a lane. I only take W over E at level 4 if I am just about to try to knock over a tower. Item build: Madreds -> Boots of Choice -> Starks -> LOTS OF BLOODTHIRSTERS/ BT and Phantom Dancer. Survivability sometime if you are smart. Either sell Madreds or upgrade to lantern. DO NOT turn it into a BR, as it doesn't proc on bounces. Golem First: [spoiler] Very cheesy. Requires Smite and Ignite, and isn't reliable. Open Cloth + 5 hpot. Smite and ignite golem spamming boomerang blades like no other. Try to make them hit only him-not the lizards. Standard opening: Cloth + 3 hpot (or more, but 3 allows you to get Long Sword immediately after your fist lap, however the small golems will be much more difficult.) Open BB Start at wraiths. Smite big wraith then throw BB. Do not let it hit the big wraith. Use a healing pot, then kill off small wraiths. Go dogs then small golems. Small golems are the trickiest part of your jungle. BB and smite the farthest one (that was hit 2nd and 3rd time by BB). Kill it with autoattacks if it still lives. Autoattack the other one if it still lives. Use ricochet if you will not have enough mana for a second BB, but if you are close, avoid using ricochet, ie. 30 mana, use ricochet, 60 mana, save for BB and kill smited golem with regular attacks. You may have to dance to get your passive between autoattacks if it's things get dicey. Go B and buy a long sword if you can afford it, else get health pot(s) + ward. Ward something for lulz. Kill wolves, smite wraiths, then small golems again. Save smite + BBs for golems. Go B and get Razor + health pots. You should have no trouble getting blue. Then you are free to start rampaging with boomerang blades. Take red and gank a lane. Once you are level 6 with Vamp, ult, and blue, you can dragon. (with the changes to dragon this has become REALLY REALLY HARD, so I would recommend either double buff (make sure to hit him before blue wears out) or a buddy. After that, jungling becomes EZmode. Enjoy. Sometime when you feel like it, stop Jungling and start Siviring. The enemy will likely forget about you and QQ when, during the first teamfight, they lose two other towers to the bluebuff Sivir ulting every 30 seconds. | ||
5286 Posts
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China26351 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
locodoco said to get damage only on sivir because R gives attack speed. Is that right? That and Zerker greaves. Should I ever get madreds for non tanky teams too? Depends, if you really need single target focus. Most of the time, it's better to just get armor pen and all that jazz. Is there ever a time when sivir needs two defense items instead of just warmogs or banshees Yes, if it's really really late game and your team can't initiate and is useless without you. Might want to think about GA. Is it ever wrong to get 5 bloodthirsters? No. Never. | ||
China26351 Posts
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9871 Posts
On February 01 2011 14:36 zulu_nation8 wrote: So basically besides the occasional madreds for someone like cho, sivir doesn't ever need an attack speed item besides greaves? loco is a lot better than I am but tbh I don't agree... for example after thirster I think sword of the divine is a very strong pickup | ||
United States2707 Posts
On February 01 2011 14:36 zulu_nation8 wrote: So basically besides the occasional madreds for someone like cho, sivir doesn't ever need an attack speed item besides greaves? The thing is, ArPen affects Ricochet so with things like Last Whisper, you'll be able to tear through most of the armor anyway. Also consider that autoattacking tanks is just a way to make your ricochet hit their carries. | ||
United States9316 Posts
On February 01 2011 15:12 dnastyx wrote: The thing is, ArPen affects Ricochet so with things like Last Whisper, you'll be able to tear through most of the armor anyway. Also consider that autoattacking tanks is just a way to make your ricochet hit their carries. This. 4 BT's + LW will do more damage than 5 BT's. Generally speaking, I wouldn't get items like SotD or madreds on sivir simply b/c her ult provides AS and in many cases sivir can just attack the tank and kill the rest of the opposing team from ricochet and her BB combined. Your madreds and SotD procs only will affect the single target you attack, and b/c her autoattack range is a lot smaller than other AD carries, it's better to attack the tank and ricochet off him so you don't need to get so close/in the middle of the entire opposing team. The tank himself won't really be affected as much b/c they will have more MR. Thus, it's not as efficient. | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
0/21/9 vs hard lanes R>Q>W>E 1 in E by level 4 toggle W early to mid game when u need to save mana don't ever turn it off once u hit 14 2~3 doran swords->serker(always never mercs)->thirster up to this point is core,u should almost never waiver after u have these items u should consider Banshee: probably the most common follow up item another Thirster:it's usually better than getting an lw,due to people not having that much armor or ur its still a stalemate LW: once 2+ people have 120+ armor u need this or ur gonna be doing minuscule dmg IE: never ever make more than 2 thirsters,i learned this the hard way,after 2 thirsters u need an IE not another thirster armor pen quints and reds mana regen yellows and blues flash/ghost here's my build on sivir,slightly different from yiruru,mine is more glass cannon-y but i like it better :3 | ||
United States2707 Posts
IE: never ever make more than 2 thirsters,i learned this the hard way,after 2 thirsters u need an IE not another thirster But it's hilarious to lose 120 damage on death! | ||
9871 Posts
On February 01 2011 19:15 BlackPaladin wrote: This. 4 BT's + LW will do more damage than 5 BT's. Generally speaking, I wouldn't get items like SotD or madreds on sivir simply b/c her ult provides AS and in many cases sivir can just attack the tank and kill the rest of the opposing team from ricochet and her BB combined. Your madreds and SotD procs only will affect the single target you attack, and b/c her autoattack range is a lot smaller than other AD carries, it's better to attack the tank and ricochet off him so you don't need to get so close/in the middle of the entire opposing team. The tank himself won't really be affected as much b/c they will have more MR. Thus, it's not as efficient. i don't even consider the magic damage, 60 attack speed and 30 armor pen for less than 2000 gold just juices you so stupidly | ||
United States17077 Posts
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United States2928 Posts
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