[Champion] Sivir - Page 10
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Canada3353 Posts
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447 Posts
Arp red and ad quints vs graves. That lvl 2 Q with +15 ad mmmmkay | ||
United States17233 Posts
With standard 21/X/X masteries and a dblade, Four setups, each testing first hit of Q, return hit of Q, and one auto attack. No minions getting hit by Q to dilute the Q. I walk into lane as Sivir with 33 armor; other ADs are going to be at a similar amount except Graves. 13 Armor vs AD reds + AD quints: 95/75 Q, 75 Auto 13 Armor vs ARP reds + AD quints: 91/73 Q, 71 Auto 33 Armor vs AD reds + AD quints: 81/65 Q, 64 Auto 33 Armor vs ARP reds + AD quints: 82/66 Q, 64 Auto Basically the only time AD do more damage than ARP is when the person walks into lane with no +armor whatsoever, which doesn't happen. Even then you're talking doing an extra 5 damage in a best case scenario. | ||
China482 Posts
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United Kingdom488 Posts
On January 26 2012 20:35 Craton wrote: You do less damage with AD reds than ARP reds. With standard 21/X/X masteries and a dblade, Four setups, each testing first hit of Q, return hit of Q, and one auto attack. No minions getting hit by Q to dilute the Q. I walk into lane as Sivir with 33 armor; other ADs are going to be at a similar amount except Graves. 13 Armor vs AD reds + AD quints: 95/75 Q, 75 Auto 13 Armor vs ARP reds + AD quints: 91/73 Q, 71 Auto 33 Armor vs AD reds + AD quints: 81/65 Q, 64 Auto 33 Armor vs ARP reds + AD quints: 82/66 Q, 64 Auto Basically the only time AD do more damage than ARP is when the person walks into lane with no +armor whatsoever, which doesn't happen. Even then you're talking doing an extra 5 damage in a best case scenario. So you lose 2 damage at lvl 1 and CSing is considerably harder... AD all the way. Also remember some supports will have gold/10 instead of armour seals = free frags for flat ad. | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On January 26 2012 20:57 arthur wrote: So you lose 2 damage at lvl 1 and CSing is considerably harder... AD all the way. Also remember some supports will have gold/10 instead of armour seals = free frags for flat ad. Does not compute. Does not low armor mean that APen is more effective than AD? Like with APen reds you have 21 APen so you can shit on people without armor boosts at levels 1-2 and maybe 3, then you stop negating 100% their armor. With AD reds your damage is greater on people with extremely low armor (like 5-10, this just doesn't exist) and on people with 30+ armor. | ||
Denmark408 Posts
On December 25 2011 18:05 unichan wrote: nope why, do you have a problem with my build? Neo Stacking BTs is a legitimate strat on Sivir. It sounds stupid but she's the only AD that can go 3 BTs and roll face. Her farming is unparalleled. Standard ranged carry masteries + runes assumed: Berserkers greaves, phantom dancer, bloodthirster (fully stacked) on level 18 Sivir with ultimate on (+60% attack speed): 502 damage per second Add another bloodthirster and a pickaxe (3975 gold): 801 dps (299 extra) Add infinity edge instead (3800 gold): 980 dps (478 extra) I actually think multiple bloodthirsters on anyone is terrible, even if they can be kept fully stacked. Every auto attacker seems to benefit the most from balancing all of the multiplicatively scaling offensive stats (attack damage, critical strike, attack speed and armor penetration). Besides, you will have a huge power lull after dying with three bloodthirsters as suggested in the build by unichan. Edit: Actually the math suggests that bloodthirster in itself is a terrible item. Only with full stacks can it be considered cost effective, and even then it should only be bought when you need more attack damage but already have infinity edge. This would occur after multiple phantom dancers, so realistically bloodthirster would be worthwhile as the next item when you are sitting on: Berserkers greaves + infinity edge + phantom dancer + phantom dancer. If you have in-built attack speed steroid, you could skip the second phantom dancer. PS. I draw these conclusions from mingling with a spread sheet with ~every item combination for each AD carry. Another fun observation is that on-hit builds are very effective for guys like kog and vayne until you hit IE + double PD, at which point the AD builds take over. However, the lack of movespeed is devastating even though on hit items give defensive stats. | ||
United States17233 Posts
Supports that rune gp10 seals still run armor reds and some defensive masteries. | ||
United States1291 Posts
Dblade > Zerkers > BT > PD > IE > PD > LW Should I be getting the second PD or instead use another BT since her ult gives you basically the same stuff? Personally I like the mobility and ASPD from sporting 2 PD which helps when bursting enemy towers. | ||
Denmark408 Posts
Dblade > Zerkers > IE > (vamp scepter) > PD > LW > Sell Dblade for PD > Upgrade vamp scepter to BT And to answer your question: Yes, PD is better. | ||
886 Posts
On January 26 2012 23:13 Blyf wrote: Standard ranged carry masteries + runes assumed: Berserkers greaves, phantom dancer, bloodthirster (fully stacked) on level 18 Sivir with ultimate on (+60% attack speed): 502 damage per second Add another bloodthirster and a pickaxe (3975 gold): 801 dps (299 extra) Add infinity edge instead (3800 gold): 980 dps (478 extra) I actually think multiple bloodthirsters on anyone is terrible, even if they can be kept fully stacked. Every auto attacker seems to benefit the most from balancing all of the multiplicatively scaling offensive stats (attack damage, critical strike, attack speed and armor penetration). Besides, you will have a huge power lull after dying with three bloodthirsters as suggested in the build by unichan. Edit: Actually the math suggests that bloodthirster in itself is a terrible item. Only with full stacks can it be considered cost effective, and even then it should only be bought when you need more attack damage but already have infinity edge. This would occur after multiple phantom dancers, so realistically bloodthirster would be worthwhile as the next item when you are sitting on: Berserkers greaves + infinity edge + phantom dancer + phantom dancer. If you have in-built attack speed steroid, you could skip the second phantom dancer. PS. I draw these conclusions from mingling with a spread sheet with ~every item combination for each AD carry. Another fun observation is that on-hit builds are very effective for guys like kog and vayne until you hit IE + double PD, at which point the AD builds take over. However, the lack of movespeed is devastating even though on hit items give defensive stats. As a noob who is trying to play Sivir well, I salute you for actually doing the math, and doing it in detail. Now, a question about the general play style: For some reason I rarely seem to do particularly well as Sivir, I just don't have the good items fast enough. I suspect I leave my lane too soon, especially if we lost one tower early (e.g. in one game they pushed bot 4v2). What is the most solid way to play Sivir (or similar AD carries) early/mid game? When do you stop afkfarming bot? Is it based on your items, your team's towers, or something else? If we lose bot tower, do I just stay in lane and farm up anyway, even if I can't push safely? Or do I start roaming/jungling/pushing another lane? I realize this isn't really a Sivir-specific question. I don't have this "what do I do for the next ten minutes" problem as a jungler or solo top/mid, for some reason. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On January 26 2012 23:13 Blyf wrote: Neo Standard ranged carry masteries + runes assumed: Berserkers greaves, phantom dancer, bloodthirster (fully stacked) on level 18 Sivir with ultimate on (+60% attack speed): 502 damage per second Add another bloodthirster and a pickaxe (3975 gold): 801 dps (299 extra) Add infinity edge instead (3800 gold): 980 dps (478 extra) I actually think multiple bloodthirsters on anyone is terrible, even if they can be kept fully stacked. Every auto attacker seems to benefit the most from balancing all of the multiplicatively scaling offensive stats (attack damage, critical strike, attack speed and armor penetration). Besides, you will have a huge power lull after dying with three bloodthirsters as suggested in the build by unichan. Edit: Actually the math suggests that bloodthirster in itself is a terrible item. Only with full stacks can it be considered cost effective, and even then it should only be bought when you need more attack damage but already have infinity edge. This would occur after multiple phantom dancers, so realistically bloodthirster would be worthwhile as the next item when you are sitting on: Berserkers greaves + infinity edge + phantom dancer + phantom dancer. If you have in-built attack speed steroid, you could skip the second phantom dancer. PS. I draw these conclusions from mingling with a spread sheet with ~every item combination for each AD carry. Another fun observation is that on-hit builds are very effective for guys like kog and vayne until you hit IE + double PD, at which point the AD builds take over. However, the lack of movespeed is devastating even though on hit items give defensive stats. You're forgetting that sivir does more than auto, has an AA reset and has shorter range than many other AD carries, meaning that she's going to need some form of damage mitigation or sustain. BT lifesteal is non negligible. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
On January 28 2012 08:02 bmn wrote: As a noob who is trying to play Sivir well, I salute you for actually doing the math, and doing it in detail. Now, a question about the general play style: For some reason I rarely seem to do particularly well as Sivir, I just don't have the good items fast enough. I suspect I leave my lane too soon, especially if we lost one tower early (e.g. in one game they pushed bot 4v2). What is the most solid way to play Sivir (or similar AD carries) early/mid game? When do you stop afkfarming bot? Is it based on your items, your team's towers, or something else? If we lose bot tower, do I just stay in lane and farm up anyway, even if I can't push safely? Or do I start roaming/jungling/pushing another lane? I realize this isn't really a Sivir-specific question. I don't have this "what do I do for the next ten minutes" problem as a jungler or solo top/mid, for some reason. It's really hard to tell you what you are doing wrong or what you need to do if you don't post any replays or a vod of you playing. Because every situation is different, and what you may think is the problem may not be the problem. And giving a really general or specific rule may not fit your play and situation. | ||
United States35091 Posts
On January 28 2012 16:43 R04R wrote: This is all theorycrafting and you forget that you can kite while doing damage at the same time. The extra BTs let you sustain more than w/e combo of IE/PD/BT/LW thus lengthening the fight and outputting more damage overall. In some cases you're better off with something else other than stacking BTs like if you need to burst other squishies before they burst you, but saying BT stacking isn't viable is wrong. Well it seems the new trend for first back is to end up with Boots, 2xDorans, Vamp Scepter and then making IE. | ||
Canada3353 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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England6749 Posts
so after q nerf on sivir my choice to open w lvl 1 on her looking even stronker. i always took w first because it only dealt 1 less dmg than q (assuming you only got 1 hit on the q) at level 1 and couldnt miss. this allowed me to get more reliable harras at level 1 setting up for some big pain at level 3. On January 30 2012 05:05 Dark_Chill wrote: I've had some success with a triforce later on in the game. The slow early on can be really helpful. i love triforce too but, i hate not having a frozen mallet ;/ even though sivir runs at 10000 mph, the lack of 100% slow gives me ocd or something. its also more reliable in team situations, just because your running faster with passive doesnt mean team can keep up if you get unlucky on the phage. | ||
United States2687 Posts
On February 01 2012 22:32 turdburgler wrote: it appears to be instant, or if there is a delay you have enough time. any projectile attack you can wait till its in the air before hitting the shield and stop it if you pay attention. so after q nerf on sivir my choice to open w lvl 1 on her looking even stronker. i always took w first because it only dealt 1 less dmg than q (assuming you only got 1 hit on the q) at level 1 and couldnt miss. this allowed me to get more reliable harras at level 1 setting up for some big pain at level 3. The greater range on Q is too good. And it's actually not that hard to get a double hit, just have to capitalise on errors in ther position, like if you notice their support go to ward, or if they are trapped in between tower, or when you see them going for a last hit. And then there's the case wher eyou have taric as a support. stun -> q all day erry day. The nerfs seem pretty big... but to be fair, she was pretty damn good, so these prrobably bring her back down to earth. I'll probably still make her my AD of choice, just cause I really liked playing her before. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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