United States2822 Posts
Annie, the Dark Child
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One of the champions that was first released with the game, she still remains one of the most consistent burst nukers in the game, stalwartly refusing to budge from her position at the mid-upper end of high tier. An AoE stun on command that does a ton of damage ensures that, even if you get nothing else off in a team fight, you'll have done something to swing the battle heavily in your team's favor.
Summoner Spells: I take Ghost/Flash, although depending on playstyle and how aggressive you are, you may opt for Ignite over Ghost. Flash is extremely useful for extending your zone of control in lane, and is excellent for preparing for the dreaded level 6 burst that is the bane of many a solo mid. Pretty much non-negotiable. Masteries: 9/0/21 normal 9/0/21 build. Improved Ghost -> Perseverance if you're taking Ignite over Ghost, naturally. Runes: Flat HP Quints, Magic Penetration Red, Mana Per 5 Per Level Yellow, AP Per Level Blue. You want to try and take a solo mid or solo top lane, so the HP Quints help a lot for that. Some people swear by Mana Per 5 Per Level Blue as well (see HeavOnEarth's post after mine), so there's flexibility.
Skill Order: QWQWWR - R > W > Q > E Yes, it's true Incinerate does more damage throughout all points in the game than Disintegrate does. However, leveling up Disintegrate early makes last hitting and lane control much easier. Also, at level 6, Flash shenanigans aside, if you don't manage to kill them with the initial burst, you can get another Disintegrate off before they run out of range assuming you Flashed right on top of them. Take a level of E at a level where you think you'll need it for team fights, as it helps build a second stun more quickly after your first one. Level 8 or 10 is a good point.
Item Build: Doran's Shield/Doran's Ring, Haunting Guise, Boots of Speed, Catalyst, Sorc Shoes/Merc Treads (opposing team comp depending), Rod of Ages, Zhonya's Ring, Banshee's Veil, Void Staff if opposing team stacking MRes. Post Patch: Doran's Shield/Mana Crystal + 2hp pots, Haunting Guise, Boots of Speed, Catalyst, Sorc Shoes/Merc Treads (opposing team comp depending), Rod of Ages, Rabadon's Deathcap, Banshee's Veil/Zhonya's Hourglass (opposing team comp depending), Void Staff if stacking MRes, Zhonya's Hourglass/Banshee's Veil if not. If you're daring (read: brave) stick a Mejai's in there somewhere. After level 2 boots, stick on blue/red elixirs as you feel appropriate. Also, you're a farming beast who's not terribly reliant on items beyond Rod of Ages to do your thing. Ward it up.
Playstyle: As Annie, you want to be in a solo lane without a doubt. HP Quints and the HP from a Doran's Shield/Doran's Ring help a lot.
Annie has a terrible attack animation with a long windup time, but she is blessed with the longest natural attack range out of any champion in the game. Learning how to last hit with your auto attack when either Q is on cooldown or you're pushed out of range of Q for some reason is a skill that separates good Annies from great Annies. It effectively gives you a way to last hit two low HP creeps simultaneously instead of letting one go to waste.
So naturally, you want to be last hitting with Q and your autoattack while keeping wary of any gank attempts. Because your Q does so much damage, you may find yourself pushing the lane farther than you would like, so don't go overboard if you feel it's unsafe. Once you're Energized, feel free to walk around your opponent's minions - only the longest ranged champions will feel safe, and the threat of being stunned by Q for no gain is an excellent zoning tool. This is where learning to last-hit with Annie's attack animation comes in handy.
Should an enemy champion come too close, Q them for a stun, W and then auto attack once. Even at level two, this can possibly be enough damage to force a pot chug immediately. Champions to be aware of early game are Miss Fortune, Pantheon, LeBlanc, Kassadin and Morgana, as they can either outzone you, outburst you, silence you, or shrug off your spells.
So, all things considered, you should be doing pretty well and have hit level 6 with a decent health pool. Put your point into Summon: Tibbers and check out its long range. Mentally calculate how much extra range you can put onto that with Flash, and threaten to keep a stun up. You can juke Flash and Spell Shield if you walk into melee range. Tibbers is instant so it's really hard to Flash out of a Flash/Tibbers unless you broadcast your intention extremely obviously.
Flash in, RQW, Ignite if you have it, auto attack once, walk towards melee range and try to get another Q off and another auto attack. All things working out, this should kill them. If it doesn't, it likely forced them to bluepill. The timings on jungle creeps at this point usually works out to where the Golem buff has respawned. Take Tibbers and take your Golem buff, and then bluepill back and work on your Haunting Guise. I usually take Ruby Crystal and Boots at this point.
During the midgame, your job is to shut down the opposing carry with your burst while it's still powerful. Ideally, every Tibbers you bring down should either kill your opponent or force him to bluepill. Once your lane is clear, you can assist with ganks. Contrary to popular belief, Tibbers is not necessary for side lane ganks as the stun from Pyromania is more than sufficient to set up your allies for kills. You're not greedy for kills.
Late game, you are a walking nuclear bomb, waiting to drop a nice explosion of fiery, stunny goodness on the opposing team after your tank has initiated or after the enemy has overcommitted. Hit as many enemy champions as you can with Tibbers. Afterwards, peel enemy champions off of your carry with stuns and sustained damage, or focus the enemy carry if your carry isn't in danger.
-- EDIT: Thanks to everyone for pointing out mistakes and giving suggestions for the guide. I'm continually updating the guide with suggestions.
-- EDIT: Check out TheOddOne's Annie guide here too :o http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/954437-league-of-legends/faqs/60876
O hellll no. W> Q What does flat cdr blues accomplish, at all? You are limited by mana not CDR. Mp5>> CDR by a mile You are saving your own carry and trying to hit as many people as you can with your ult. Dumping on your shit on one person, really?
Don't ever land a Q then don't W . (it's b/c ur not running mp/5 and doran ring). That dmg is huge and ur opting not to harass efficiently. Doran ring>>> doran shield by far so u can w and have mana for ur ult, and not to mention mana for lategame when you dont have blue. double mp5 and doran ring + utility spec = enough mana. Ur HP isnt gonna drop unless you go charging in super aggro.(aka u dont need dorans shield) Time that shit where they are going to lasthit, where they are out of positon, their abilitiers are on CD , etc etc.
and what yiruru said, wtf e before level 6? hardly get that thing till level 13, maybe if i need a little help doing blue levels 8-12.
Flash ignite mid, ghost flash top. i think is the best. Annie should really always be mid shutting down their carry with ignite flash, though.
Also, You are saving your own carry and trying to hit as many people as you can with your ult. Dumping on your shit on one person, really? Don't do that.
Why do you take E? Skipping Ignite and getting Q>W with a extra point in E makes your early gank spikes really ineffective. You also need Haunting Guise, it's been mathematically proven that MPen>AP, and considering Annie's horrendous AP ratios...
United States37500 Posts
Flash/Ignite. Get E when there's nothing else to take. You can bide your time with Q to build up stun charges, you don't need E for stun Tibbers.
Lategame you're a walking death machine maybe if the other team is building their champs horribly or you're crazy fed, but I really think annie's strongest midgame when her spells do shittons of damage compared to how much life/mres people have and people are just starting to group up to fight.
Once you get lategame and they can shrug off your q/w/r combos, I'd just go for survivability+cdr to become a walking stunbot. Much more useful to a team than some squishy caster just doing ~800 damage to their 3k hp carry every minute and a half before sona waltzes in and fixes that with two ws.
United States2822 Posts
On November 04 2010 18:32 Eiii wrote: Lategame you're a walking death machine maybe if the other team is building their champs horribly or you're crazy fed, but I really think annie's strongest midgame when her spells do shittons of damage compared to how much life/mres people have and people are just starting to group up to fight.
Once you get lategame and they can shrug off your q/w/r combos, I'd just go for survivability+cdr to become a walking stunbot. Much more useful to a team than some squishy caster just doing ~800 damage to their 3k hp carry every minute and a half before sona waltzes in and fixes that with two ws. I was referring more to the hard to avoid AoE stun rather than your actual damage output.
Thanks for the input everyone.
Hell yes, Q>W !
Pros of Q>W: more burst in early game fights (who cares if w deals like 10% more damage if it has 2x cd?) easier to pump stun cause you dont have problems last hitting with this (ignore this pro at high elo) easier last hitting (ignore this pro at high elo) more power while harassing (q range > w range)
I think 1 point E at level 8/10 is necessary. I understand ridiculing him for E pre-6, but if you go into a teamfight without E, your 2nd AoE stun is another Q CD delayed, which can be really costly. With E, you can do a full R (stun) -> W -> Q -> E -> Q -> W (stun) rotation in the span of a single W CD, which is quite strong.
I also really dislike Q > W. Maximizing your AoE burst with tibbers is way more important in the midgame than increasing your sustained single target damage. In addition, having the ability to 1-shot creep waves can really let you put a lot of pressure on the opposing team's lanes by simply killing an entire wave in lane in 2 seconds and then going MIA.
Also, if you're editing Haunting Guise into your build, you need to understand it's a higher priority than catalyst and RoA. What Yiruru's talking about is how Annie needs to maximize her dominance when solo lanes are sitting at 2.5-3K gold earned, at which point the most efficient way to maximize damage output is d-ring -> sorc shoes -> Haunting Guise, which with your MPen Marks will give ~50 MPen, which most characters have not specced against yet with that little gold.
For Runing and Masteries, 0/9/21 is also viable for bullying lanes around with SoS, but of course is weaker when endgame hits and that marginal regen/defense is preventing you from having like 11-12 AP, 3% CDR, and 15% MPen. I think if you're new to Annie, you should run 0/9/21 over 9/0/21, but ultimately you want to be running 9/0/21 like you're saying. For runes, I much prefer AP/level blues to CDR blues (and extra regen), and I like flat APs on my Quints. HP is more beginner friendly to make laning easier, but even with her average AP ratios, you will notice a big difference in how hard you hit with the flat AP Quints and AP/level blues. I also like playing Annie solo top, in which case Teleport/Flash is pretty much necessary so that you can hold your lane and still be available for early dragon fights.
United States47024 Posts
I generally level QWQWQR and then R>W>Q>E, with a level of E after I finish W. Q is better during early laning, but you're going to want W once you hit 6 and are going to be ganking. Sure you want Q in the laning phase, but what forces you to max Q first just because you got 3 ranks in it pre-6?
I also agree with Mogwai on getting Haunting Guise earlier if you want to get it at all (though I don't really like it that much). 20 MPen is really strong early, but becomes really irrelevant if you wait too long to get it.
HG + VS doesn't result in less MPen than VS itself, LOL.
They make each other pen less than they would on their own, but together they will always be greater than just 1 or the other.
100 MRes
Just HG = 80 MRes Just VS = 60 MRes Both = 48 MRes
So you can either see it at VS being 8 MPen less efficient than without HG or HG being 8 MPen less efificient than without VS, but either way, together they are greater than just 1 or the other.
United States47024 Posts
Wow, yeah total brainfart on my part. Editing that out.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
hi just this is so crazy LOLOL secret LoL forum! wtf.! bye!
I see you guys are getting E at lvl 8 or lvl 10...
From my personal experience E is actually really good =/... I do much better when I grab a point at lvl 5 or lvl 8.. I get it instead of Q. I always always max W first though... It's actually strong for 1v1 battles or lanes since I use the stun cycle to burst my opponent in lanes... It's also really good for team fights since the more you stun the better.
Also I think E is actually extremely useful late game, but usually when you get a rod of ages or rylais crystal scepte earlier.. since it gives you quite a bit of Armor/Mresist, and the damage it does to someone can actually kill someone in 1v1
United States2822 Posts
Thanks for the input guys. I guess it was premature for me to make a guide, but I've learned a lot. :D
On November 05 2010 02:37 BraveGhost wrote: I see you guys are getting E at lvl 8 or lvl 10...
From my personal experience E is actually really good =/... I do much better when I grab a point at lvl 5 or lvl 8.. I get it instead of Q. I always always max W first though... It's actually strong for 1v1 battles or lanes since I use the stun cycle to burst my opponent in lanes... It's also really good for team fights since the more you stun the better.
Also I think E is actually extremely useful late game, but usually when you get a rod of ages or rylais crystal scepte earlier.. since it gives you quite a bit of Armor/Mresist, and the damage it does to someone can actually kill someone in 1v1 To be completely honest, I have no idea why Annies have ever bought Rylai's 
but anyway, your insta-gib threat at level 6 with a pre-6 point in E actually suffers quite a bit. It's really nice to be able to ding 6, flash, bear drop, incinerate, disintegrate ftw. Again, you need E for teamfighting, but getting it pre-6 is overkill.
I don't think Doran's Ring is necessarily always much better of an item than Doran's Shield. I like to run Doran's Shield a lot, and with flat armor runes you have 20 more armor early game. Running Doran's Shield with armor allows you to really be safely auto attack harassing a lot in lane early vs most champions. There are many champions though you can absolutely poop on with the mana regen from having a ring allowing you to harass them with both Q and auto attacks though.
That also being said I think while it's not ideal, because Annie is such a strong hero when she has a level advantage over people, she is a very strong dual laner too when you take a Doran's Shield. Gives you a bit of survivability that you need, and your constant auto attack harass is really quite strong with Annie in a dual lane. You can also pretty much always you can guarantee on a kill at level 3 as her if you have a lane partner of any worth.
In terms of summoner spells Flash + Ignite is obviously ideal, it allows you to get a nice burst off on some one early/mid game offensively with the flash in; and later on the Flash is really needed to stay alive most of the time after you drop your burst. I used to run Clarity + Ignite a lot, and I think that works quite well in a dual lane. Allows you to keep your survivability while being able to additionally harass with spells a bit.
I think leveling Q is much better than leveling W. I don't think you can underestimate how needless it is to get last hits with a leveled Q. In an early fight you're also much more likely to be able to get two Q's off than be able to get two W's off.
In terms of item builds Haunting Guise is my favorite item. Always feel like Annie needs a bit of HP to ensure that you don't get pooped on early on, and Mpen is #1.
Oh, and 21 offensive helps you ensure burst kills quite a bit too.
D-Shield has some merit, but flash is non-negotiable on Annie and ignite is not needed and can be swapped out for exhaust, cleanse, ghost, or teleport.
21 offensive is horrible. After the 15% mpen mastery, Annie gets terrible gains from the offensive tree. Never more than 9 in the offensive tree on casters plz.
And for Q vs. W... you're forgetting that W hits multiple people pretty much all the time. like, say I can have Q hit for 200 and W hit for 100 or Q hit for 100 and W hit for 200... even if I can cast 2 Qs and only 1 W, having the stronger W is equally strong if I can hit 2 people with it and is stronger if I can hit 3 or more people with it, which tends to be easy with bear drops.
when you flash mid for your first kill, you should NEVER use R as your stun spell. R can not only miss, but has a hitbox that is smaller than it appears. Q will never miss (unless it's vlad!), Q will get the stun, then R directly on top of them, and W as they try to run away. ignite if necessary. another benefit of Q first is that it'll come off of cooldown faster so you can get it in quickly for a last hit on them if they survive the burst
ok, well let me refute this with 3 reasons why you're completely wrong:
1. if you're good, you know how to hit a tibbers. It's really not that hard. 2. the sooner you get tibbers down, the sooner he does his aura damage and attack damage. delaying it reduces your overall burst. 3. flash exists, and thus instant spells rather than delayed projectile spells are what you should be using to open up. even against 1 target, opening W over Q makes sense simply because of Flash dodging spells.
On November 05 2010 04:13 gtrsrs wrote: when you flash mid for your first kill, you should NEVER use R as your stun spell. R can not only miss, but has a hitbox that is smaller than it appears. Q will never miss (unless it's vlad!), Q will get the stun, then R directly on top of them, and W as they try to run away. ignite if necessary. another benefit of Q first is that it'll come off of cooldown faster so you can get it in quickly for a last hit on them if they survive the burst
or if they have flash and good reflexes. or are sivir with good reflexes but not good enough to flash/shield before you beardrop them