Public Profile for alffla
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alffla's Public Profile:
On April 08 2012 19:48 gngfn wrote:
^Valentine^> alffla
<^Valentine^> im a big fan
<^Valentine^> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
<alffla> of wat
<^Valentine^> you
<F0> you know marn?
<alffla> me?
<alffla> :O
<alffla> <3
<^Valentine^> yes
<alffla> what have i done
<SayaSP> i know of marn
<^Valentine^> nothing
<SayaSP> why
<alffla> awesome
<alffla> :D
<^Valentine^> <3
<F0> is it the same marn from wc3?
<^Valentine^> but
<F0> i was wondering ;p
<^Valentine^> a long time ago didnt you make a thread abhout
<F0> lol
<F0> :D
<^Valentine^> some sort of currency forming a dick when you fold it
<alffla> LOL
<alffla> YEAH
<^Valentine^> it was the smallest dick ever
<^Valentine^> yeah
<alffla> what teh fuck that was like
<alffla> 2-3 years ago
<^Valentine^> basically
<alffla> rofl
<alffla> randommm
<^Valentine^> and
<^Valentine^> you always have massive typoes in every one of your posts
<^Valentine^> and it makes me giggle
<alffla> lololol
<^Valentine^> so im a fan
<^Valentine^> :D
<alffla> cool :D
<alffla> i have a fan WOOOO`
<alffla> yea im lazy as hell when i type ;d
<^Valentine^> quote that shit
<^Valentine^> fans: valentine
<alffla> loool
These are my favorite kind of blogs.
"Hey guys, does you penis feel really heavy too?"
"My car drives TOO fast, and I get tickets."
"Everyone confuses me for brad pitt, what do I do?"
"Everytime I grab my wallet, I sprain my wrist."
"Is tying your shoes worth it, when you make as much as I do?"
"How do I break up with penelope cruize?"
"Guys. Someone broke into my 6k sqft apt in downtown manhattan, HELP!"
"How many guys have you beat up at one time?"
"I got B+ rank with a 90% winrate" (longinus replays included)
On August 24 2010 04:59 Garrl wrote:
I dislike SC2 because:
1) Far too many particle effects - covers up all your units, makes it impossible to spectate easily
2) Little awesome control (muta micro, goon vs zeals, MM vs lurker/ling/filer, etc), all the control in SC2 is just flanking (which is made less important by autosurround) and kiting.
3) Spells are far less "imba" in SC2: see storms, plaguu, swarm, irradiate, and so on, compared to fungal growth, seeker missile, SC2 storm. They're all far less game changing than the SC1 spells - meaning it's far harder to come back from a disadvantage.
4) Continuing that, easier macro means it's incredibly hard to outmacro your opponents - I can do near-perfect macro as Z, whereas I'd be hard-pushed to keep under 500 minerals in SC1. This means that, again, it's much harder to come back from a disadvantage.
5) In addition, the removal of "defenders advantage" (ie, miss-chance up hill) also pushes this - firstly, it makes it much harder to come back if your opponent attempts to make a large attack on your base, and in addition, reduces the potential for strategic placement of units - tanks on high ground were incredibly effective, likewise with other units. This gives another incentive to move out of your base - controlling the highground allows you to defend your other bases whilst harrassing because you'll need less units to defend from backstabs.
6) Blizzard are trying to force the game into ESPORTS ESPORTS ESPORTS, instead of focusing on gameplay.
7) Zerg design is just boring - where's the fun? Mass roaches, mass lings, neither are particularly fun to play with, whereas T get reapers, mauraders (lol, slow), hellions, vikings and so on and P get blink stalkers, chargelots, sentries, collosi - units which take an ounce of thought to use, whereas z units are basically designed to a-move and get back to macro. Banelings are the only particularly "skillful" zerg unit to use, although really, they're the poor zerg's reaver.
8) They didn't implement SC1 models into the editor, despite promising.
9) SC2 is popular because of it's brand fame, and people have blind faith in it because they've seen "ESPORTS!" in action, and want in on a piece of the cash and fame themselves.
10) Ball vs ball combat. How interesting to watch.
On October 16 2008 18:44 MYM.Testie wrote:
Dear Evan, I am DOTA:
I bring to you prettier graphics.
I bring you large /f lists that are bigger than bnet channels and more active.
Intricate and fun teamplay.
Many LOL moments.
90+ heros. Almost each and every one of them badass.
A social gaming environment.
A place to bitch when a game is not quite ready or we need +1.
Dear Evan, I am Starcraft:
I bring to you old graphics.
I bring gameplay made stale.
I bring you silence and empty channels.
4/25 /f lists.
If you are a newbie, which you are, I bring you frustration!
I bring you "1:1 XvY. u X? Srry no game.
There is no joy in victory achieved, but a small beep when someone leaves & the end sound. YOUR THIRST FOR BLOOD GOES UNQUENCHED AS THERE IS NO ONE TO ANNOUNCE HOW FUCKING GODLIKE YOU ARE!!!
Dear Evan, I am DOTA:
I bring to you prettier graphics.
I bring you large /f lists that are bigger than bnet channels and more active.
Intricate and fun teamplay.
Many LOL moments.
90+ heros. Almost each and every one of them badass.
A social gaming environment.
A place to bitch when a game is not quite ready or we need +1.
Dear Evan, I am Starcraft:
I bring to you old graphics.
I bring gameplay made stale.
I bring you silence and empty channels.
4/25 /f lists.
If you are a newbie, which you are, I bring you frustration!
I bring you "1:1 XvY. u X? Srry no game.
There is no joy in victory achieved, but a small beep when someone leaves & the end sound. YOUR THIRST FOR BLOOD GOES UNQUENCHED AS THERE IS NO ONE TO ANNOUNCE HOW FUCKING GODLIKE YOU ARE!!!
^Valentine^> alffla
<^Valentine^> im a big fan
<^Valentine^> kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
<alffla> of wat
<^Valentine^> you
<F0> you know marn?
<alffla> me?
<alffla> :O
<alffla> <3
<^Valentine^> yes
<alffla> what have i done
<SayaSP> i know of marn
<^Valentine^> nothing
<SayaSP> why
<alffla> awesome
<alffla> :D
<^Valentine^> <3
<F0> is it the same marn from wc3?
<^Valentine^> but
<F0> i was wondering ;p
<^Valentine^> a long time ago didnt you make a thread abhout
<F0> lol
<F0> :D
<^Valentine^> some sort of currency forming a dick when you fold it
<alffla> LOL
<alffla> YEAH
<^Valentine^> it was the smallest dick ever
<^Valentine^> yeah
<alffla> what teh fuck that was like
<alffla> 2-3 years ago
<^Valentine^> basically
<alffla> rofl
<alffla> randommm
<^Valentine^> and
<^Valentine^> you always have massive typoes in every one of your posts
<^Valentine^> and it makes me giggle
<alffla> lololol
<^Valentine^> so im a fan
<^Valentine^> :D
<alffla> cool :D
<alffla> i have a fan WOOOO`
<alffla> yea im lazy as hell when i type ;d
<^Valentine^> quote that shit
<^Valentine^> fans: valentine
<alffla> loool
On August 04 2009 12:20 Kwark wrote:
I think we'll all agree that North Korea is bad, negotiation is good, prison time for innocent journalists is bad, freeing said journalists is good. Hopefully we can all express our desire that Bill Clinton isn't arrested on spurious charges.
Onto the real subjects. Nuclear weapons, American troops in SK, UN sanctions, Kim Jong Il dying, jokes about how NK sucks, bombing of Hiroshima, rape statistics on SK.
I think we'll all agree that North Korea is bad, negotiation is good, prison time for innocent journalists is bad, freeing said journalists is good. Hopefully we can all express our desire that Bill Clinton isn't arrested on spurious charges.
Onto the real subjects. Nuclear weapons, American troops in SK, UN sanctions, Kim Jong Il dying, jokes about how NK sucks, bombing of Hiroshima, rape statistics on SK.
On January 08 2010 16:02 DoctorHelvetica wrote:
UpMaGiC looks like Flash if Flash was 5 years older and an alcoholic wash up who retired from progaming after being caught sniffing coke with hookers
he is awesome though
UpMaGiC looks like Flash if Flash was 5 years older and an alcoholic wash up who retired from progaming after being caught sniffing coke with hookers
he is awesome though
On November 07 2009 06:50 TheAntZ wrote:
Never have I seen a single person on these forums who thought sc was truly balanced
gonna go out on a limb here and say everyone reading has felt sc is imbalanced at some point
give it some thought though, you never hear that much bitching about it at pro level do you?
you think its imbalanced because its harder to learn to play VS protoss then to learn to play protoss.
up till now in the pro scene zvp balance has fluctuated pretty hard because of shifts in metagame
never at any point was it clearly Z=P, because both races found new ways to dick each other
gonna be P>Z again at some point, after Protoss figures out a good way to counter 5 hatch hydra
let it lie for now though, as it is its not TOO imbalanced...just kinda tipped to one side
you have to consider, as a protoss, that some of your templar are gonna die by getting shot
down to mutas no matter WHAT, so you need extra ones, which is the core of the imbalance.
Never have I seen a single person on these forums who thought sc was truly balanced
gonna go out on a limb here and say everyone reading has felt sc is imbalanced at some point
give it some thought though, you never hear that much bitching about it at pro level do you?
you think its imbalanced because its harder to learn to play VS protoss then to learn to play protoss.
up till now in the pro scene zvp balance has fluctuated pretty hard because of shifts in metagame
never at any point was it clearly Z=P, because both races found new ways to dick each other
gonna be P>Z again at some point, after Protoss figures out a good way to counter 5 hatch hydra
let it lie for now though, as it is its not TOO imbalanced...just kinda tipped to one side
you have to consider, as a protoss, that some of your templar are gonna die by getting shot
down to mutas no matter WHAT, so you need extra ones, which is the core of the imbalance.
On January 30 2010 08:50 naventus wrote:
yea terrans are so gay
defilers and ultras are so straight i bet they dont like dick at all
yea terrans are so gay
defilers and ultras are so straight i bet they dont like dick at all
These are my favorite kind of blogs.
"Hey guys, does you penis feel really heavy too?"
"My car drives TOO fast, and I get tickets."
"Everyone confuses me for brad pitt, what do I do?"
"Everytime I grab my wallet, I sprain my wrist."
"Is tying your shoes worth it, when you make as much as I do?"
"How do I break up with penelope cruize?"
"Guys. Someone broke into my 6k sqft apt in downtown manhattan, HELP!"
"How many guys have you beat up at one time?"
"I got B+ rank with a 90% winrate" (longinus replays included)
I was angry at my parents. They never told me I was a gay! why did the woman having a dildo shoved into her vagina have to reveal the truth to me? And the day when I came out to my parents, they had already known since the age of two.
I was a gay two year old.
I was a gay two year old.
On February 10 2010 19:55 KwarK wrote:
He just doesn't understand it's an ongoing joke. But we can't really blame him from that, after all, he is a Romanian.
He just doesn't understand it's an ongoing joke. But we can't really blame him from that, after all, he is a Romanian.
On February 11 2010 19:11 Seraphz wrote:
This. SSBM is dying the worst death a competitive video game can die, it had reached an incredible metagame when brawl burst forth from its stomach, leaving it lying in a pool of its own blood and entrails. Meanwhile brawl is feeble and weak, clinging on to e-sport life like a sick parasite, while memories of the once-brilliant SSBM fade with every last ragged breath it takes.
i might have exaggerated a little
This. SSBM is dying the worst death a competitive video game can die, it had reached an incredible metagame when brawl burst forth from its stomach, leaving it lying in a pool of its own blood and entrails. Meanwhile brawl is feeble and weak, clinging on to e-sport life like a sick parasite, while memories of the once-brilliant SSBM fade with every last ragged breath it takes.
i might have exaggerated a little
On February 23 2010 05:34 KingKRule wrote:
No, Korea is the Mondragon of the NaDa scene
No, Korea is the Mondragon of the NaDa scene
On March 05 2010 01:47 jalstar wrote:
On March 10 2010 17:42 Hinanawi wrote:
Flash's Starcraft aura is so powerful that it expands to encompass his opponent's booth and lets him read their mind.
Which means M18M must have psychic dampeners implanted in his brain to ward it off with his DT rush.
Flash's Starcraft aura is so powerful that it expands to encompass his opponent's booth and lets him read their mind.
Which means M18M must have psychic dampeners implanted in his brain to ward it off with his DT rush.
On March 05 2010 11:24 tirentu wrote:
Ironic that the game is called Prius, since they just couldn't stop playing it.
Ironic that the game is called Prius, since they just couldn't stop playing it.
On April 12 2010 09:37 defenestrate wrote:
I slacked. It seemed a decent plan,
A mystical, strategic purge
Of horrid beasts that threaten man.
The victor's hymn becomes a dirge,
The ceiling and the floor converge;
A gelid, pallid fear enthralls
Within Procrastination's walls.
My frantic labors I began.
When finished, my employer calls:
More obligations - and again
I slack. It seems a decent plan.
I slacked. It seemed a decent plan,
A mystical, strategic purge
Of horrid beasts that threaten man.
The victor's hymn becomes a dirge,
The ceiling and the floor converge;
A gelid, pallid fear enthralls
Within Procrastination's walls.
My frantic labors I began.
When finished, my employer calls:
More obligations - and again
I slack. It seems a decent plan.
On April 25 2010 22:15 snowdrift86 wrote:
I too can determine someone's personality from their few short seconds of screen time.
I too can determine someone's personality from their few short seconds of screen time.
On June 09 2010 13:24 seppolevne wrote:
Zealots are weak as shit man, they wear turbo suits. They are just templar who weren't smart enough to get high or cool enough to bend light.
Zealots are weak as shit man, they wear turbo suits. They are just templar who weren't smart enough to get high or cool enough to bend light.
On June 25 2010 00:36 SnOw. wrote:
Starcraft sponsored food? I'll have the:
"You wanna piece of "Meat" Boy" special:
McZealot Burger with some Zergling Nuggets, Popcorn Banelings, Hot Muta Wings, Stalker Fries and a Strawberry Mothership Shake...
would you like to go 3/3 upgrades for 30p extra?
Starcraft sponsored food? I'll have the:
"You wanna piece of "Meat" Boy" special:
McZealot Burger with some Zergling Nuggets, Popcorn Banelings, Hot Muta Wings, Stalker Fries and a Strawberry Mothership Shake...
would you like to go 3/3 upgrades for 30p extra?
On August 05 2010 20:48 Emon_ wrote:
Seconded. Terrans are the new fags. I expect a SC pride rally lead by Artosis and Idra
Seconded. Terrans are the new fags. I expect a SC pride rally lead by Artosis and Idra
On August 19 2010 20:36 snotboogie wrote:
It was cool while it lasted but American entertainment is getting painfully stale. I would like to see what kind of shit other countries can come up with if they are given the same budget. I wanna see like a $500,000,000 budget Uzbeki action film. Shit blowing up Asia Minor style with hardcore Persian lute music compositions or something... fuck violins in the soundtrack. I wanna see expensive rugs and exotic architecture as the norm in every scene, and different social norms and morals and shit playing themselves out, and bellydancing clubs as opposed to shopping malls. Or maybe a Mongolian sci fi movie featuring the wild beauty of the Great Steppe juxtaposed with massive Space Yurts as a backdrop, and the characters all own mechanical transforming eagles and shit.
Who's with me?!
Also American popular music sucks.
It was cool while it lasted but American entertainment is getting painfully stale. I would like to see what kind of shit other countries can come up with if they are given the same budget. I wanna see like a $500,000,000 budget Uzbeki action film. Shit blowing up Asia Minor style with hardcore Persian lute music compositions or something... fuck violins in the soundtrack. I wanna see expensive rugs and exotic architecture as the norm in every scene, and different social norms and morals and shit playing themselves out, and bellydancing clubs as opposed to shopping malls. Or maybe a Mongolian sci fi movie featuring the wild beauty of the Great Steppe juxtaposed with massive Space Yurts as a backdrop, and the characters all own mechanical transforming eagles and shit.
Who's with me?!
Also American popular music sucks.
On August 24 2010 04:59 Garrl wrote:
I dislike SC2 because:
1) Far too many particle effects - covers up all your units, makes it impossible to spectate easily
2) Little awesome control (muta micro, goon vs zeals, MM vs lurker/ling/filer, etc), all the control in SC2 is just flanking (which is made less important by autosurround) and kiting.
3) Spells are far less "imba" in SC2: see storms, plaguu, swarm, irradiate, and so on, compared to fungal growth, seeker missile, SC2 storm. They're all far less game changing than the SC1 spells - meaning it's far harder to come back from a disadvantage.
4) Continuing that, easier macro means it's incredibly hard to outmacro your opponents - I can do near-perfect macro as Z, whereas I'd be hard-pushed to keep under 500 minerals in SC1. This means that, again, it's much harder to come back from a disadvantage.
5) In addition, the removal of "defenders advantage" (ie, miss-chance up hill) also pushes this - firstly, it makes it much harder to come back if your opponent attempts to make a large attack on your base, and in addition, reduces the potential for strategic placement of units - tanks on high ground were incredibly effective, likewise with other units. This gives another incentive to move out of your base - controlling the highground allows you to defend your other bases whilst harrassing because you'll need less units to defend from backstabs.
6) Blizzard are trying to force the game into ESPORTS ESPORTS ESPORTS, instead of focusing on gameplay.
7) Zerg design is just boring - where's the fun? Mass roaches, mass lings, neither are particularly fun to play with, whereas T get reapers, mauraders (lol, slow), hellions, vikings and so on and P get blink stalkers, chargelots, sentries, collosi - units which take an ounce of thought to use, whereas z units are basically designed to a-move and get back to macro. Banelings are the only particularly "skillful" zerg unit to use, although really, they're the poor zerg's reaver.
8) They didn't implement SC1 models into the editor, despite promising.
9) SC2 is popular because of it's brand fame, and people have blind faith in it because they've seen "ESPORTS!" in action, and want in on a piece of the cash and fame themselves.
10) Ball vs ball combat. How interesting to watch.
On September 09 2010 02:01 Bwenjarin Raffrack wrote:
Sounds about right. It seems like everyone's first glance over any map is what you can hit with tanks from where or how many gases Terran can turtle. I'd like to say that our initial map evaluations get better over time, but I think it's more prudent to wait for the games and Bisu's interviews before we really pass judgment.
Sounds about right. It seems like everyone's first glance over any map is what you can hit with tanks from where or how many gases Terran can turtle. I'd like to say that our initial map evaluations get better over time, but I think it's more prudent to wait for the games and Bisu's interviews before we really pass judgment.
On October 16 2010 22:55 Altair wrote:
Our Starcraft, who art in Korea
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Tournaments come,
Thy Metagame be done,
On all maps,as it is in Korea.
Give us this day our Day9Daily
And forgive us our cheese
As we forgive those who cheese us,
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from Kespa/Gretech.
In the name of Terran, of Zerg and Protoss,
Our Starcraft, who art in Korea
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Tournaments come,
Thy Metagame be done,
On all maps,as it is in Korea.
Give us this day our Day9Daily
And forgive us our cheese
As we forgive those who cheese us,
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from Kespa/Gretech.
In the name of Terran, of Zerg and Protoss,
On October 20 2010 23:54 seRapH wrote:
i'm against this. letting you subscribe to threads makes it too easy to follow. any noob will be able to notice a post as soon as it happens. what, do you want an auto-post function too now?
its not impressive to find out a thread was just posted in within a second if we have this function. the skill ceiling for posting will be way too low and then teamliquid will be for casuals.
i'm against this. letting you subscribe to threads makes it too easy to follow. any noob will be able to notice a post as soon as it happens. what, do you want an auto-post function too now?
its not impressive to find out a thread was just posted in within a second if we have this function. the skill ceiling for posting will be way too low and then teamliquid will be for casuals.
On October 25 2010 10:24 prototype. wrote:
It's Hentai except it includes more than just yourself.
It's Hentai except it includes more than just yourself.
On October 29 2010 09:47 Folca wrote:
Whats with these posters with extremely low post counts that registered in like 2002. Lurkin hard man. Its time everybody come out of their shells and start bringing some diff. perspectives, yes?
I mean... The old TL is pretty much.. I dunno in the past, and we really can't do nothin about it, as much as I miss it so.
I remember this quote that one of the TL members posted on my blog one time because I was sort of depressed by the deevaluation of the general forum:
"People have perpetually lamented the current state of their lives, forever reminiscing about the old halcyon days when everything was fun and cool and moaning about how shit their lives have become. This generally goes on for the duration of their existence and in every stage of its growth the general sentiment doesn't really change much - that their lives are awesome and great and, simultaneously, that it isn't as great as it used to be. I think this is endemic of human collectivism - the old-man syndrome of remembering the past as better than it was and the cynisism of time cementing the idea that the present is neither as good as it could be nor as good as it used to be. Go figure."
Story of our lives, folks.
Whats with these posters with extremely low post counts that registered in like 2002. Lurkin hard man. Its time everybody come out of their shells and start bringing some diff. perspectives, yes?
I mean... The old TL is pretty much.. I dunno in the past, and we really can't do nothin about it, as much as I miss it so.
I remember this quote that one of the TL members posted on my blog one time because I was sort of depressed by the deevaluation of the general forum:
"People have perpetually lamented the current state of their lives, forever reminiscing about the old halcyon days when everything was fun and cool and moaning about how shit their lives have become. This generally goes on for the duration of their existence and in every stage of its growth the general sentiment doesn't really change much - that their lives are awesome and great and, simultaneously, that it isn't as great as it used to be. I think this is endemic of human collectivism - the old-man syndrome of remembering the past as better than it was and the cynisism of time cementing the idea that the present is neither as good as it could be nor as good as it used to be. Go figure."
Story of our lives, folks.
On November 06 2010 15:05 konadora wrote:
brave + turn = 10-0
stork + jangbi + great = 4-14
brave + turn = 10-0
stork + jangbi + great = 4-14
On November 22 2010 14:03 XsebT wrote:
Awesome stuff! Thanks a lot for posting it!
That shirt in the last pic could be worn by most teenage girls in the western world.
Awesome stuff! Thanks a lot for posting it!

That shirt in the last pic could be worn by most teenage girls in the western world.
On March 15 2011 11:26 jester- wrote:
I disagree. If your GF enjoys pleasuring you, this day is welcomed with open arms and most normal younger women in a relationship enjoy giving/receiving pleasure (whether fellatio or otherwise). I don't imagine this would have an effect on any single guy or girls life unless you were out on a date tonight..
**At a restaurant**
Guy: So, what u getting for dinner?
Girl: I'm gonna get a salad, are you going to get a steak? *wink*
Guy: *hmm she totally wants to give me a blowjob* Yes, I will get a steak.
I disagree. If your GF enjoys pleasuring you, this day is welcomed with open arms and most normal younger women in a relationship enjoy giving/receiving pleasure (whether fellatio or otherwise). I don't imagine this would have an effect on any single guy or girls life unless you were out on a date tonight..
**At a restaurant**
Guy: So, what u getting for dinner?
Girl: I'm gonna get a salad, are you going to get a steak? *wink*
Guy: *hmm she totally wants to give me a blowjob* Yes, I will get a steak.
On September 11 2011 05:27 Gummy wrote:
Peace one day is just one day away from peace two day and peace two day is just one homophone away from peace today. Peace today.
Peace one day is just one day away from peace two day and peace two day is just one homophone away from peace today. Peace today.
On December 08 2011 17:03 JIJIyO wrote:
Holy shit Korean casters work with everything. I want to hear Korean casters cast somebody walking their dog or something.
Holy shit Korean casters work with everything. I want to hear Korean casters cast somebody walking their dog or something.