Personally I prefer dorans over cata.
I dont find myself having mana problems on Annie honestly. I might get low early game if I combo someone at 6 - 11 but after that the mana per 5 per level runes and the dorans are plenty to keep you at reasonable levels at all times ime.
right now deathcap is too much stronger than other AP items and on most casters I play Im going for dc and void staff as my core items.
And even with the impending cap nerf it will still be REALLY good. A passive that makes every item I buy afterwards better? Yes please.
United States47024 Posts
IMO if you get RoA, it's because you're so fed that you can afford to delay your damage before DCap. charged RoA + DCap is pretty much just the most disgustingly efficient combo of AP items ever, but planning around having 7k worth of offensive items for important midgame fights isn't generally realistic, and for ~3.5k, having just DCap beats having just RoA for sure.
I think Cata vs Doran's stack is lane dependent. If you don't expect to get RoA, obviously Doran's Stack gives you a better mix of stats, but there are some lanes where you do want the health-based sustain from Cata because Annie doesn't really have any form of natural in-lane health sustain (though it may not be necessary--I'm sometimes stingy about pots, and it's possible that Doran's + mass pots is still better in those lanes if you mass pots hard enough).
On July 04 2011 00:00 red_b wrote: I dont find myself having mana problems on Annie honestly. I might get low early game if I combo someone at 6 - 11 but after that the mana per 5 per level runes and the dorans are plenty to keep you at reasonable levels at all times ime. I don't think anyone reasonably considers mp5/lvl runes useful over armor, HP/lvl, or AP/lvl anymore after the nerf.
EDIT: Running out the numbers, the gold value of just the health restore (measured based on potions) doesn't ever come out to match the 45 AP from 3 DRings, meaning if you don't consider the mana to be useful and only need the health restore from Cata, Dorans wins, even in lanes where you have to mass pot to sustain yourself. If you DO consider the mana proc useful, it's a tossup.
Does anybody know what some known Annie players (Jiji/Regi etc.) run for runes and skillbuild on her?
United States47024 Posts
Jiji uses his mass AP page (MPen marks, AP/lvl seals, AP/lvl glyphs, flat AP quints) on her, and goes QWQWQR, R>Q>W>E. He might have switched to W max first, but he was using max Q first last I checked.
I've been playing a lot of Annie and though I'm certainly not good she absolutely wrecks people who are also not good. As others have said, boots plus 3pot is probably the best opening on her. I usually get 2-3 Doran's Rings after - I never get Cata. Then I try to wait and get my NLR to build into Deathcap. Once I have Deathcap I try to get Zhonya's Hourglass. If game still goes on after I have Zhonya's I build Banshee's Veil or Void Staff depending on the other team.
The reason I think you should go Zhonya's right after Deathcap is because you can get the NLR first for extra damage and honestly Flash + Tibbers stun combo means you can get the jump on all of the enemy team's squishies, blow your load, and then Zhonya's so your team can finish the rest of them off without you having to die. Your team might KS you some, but who cares? You just won the game for your team.
I saw some older posts and one more recent one talking about getting mana on her and it really isn't needed. You don't need mana in laning phase, if you run out you're doing it wrong. You don't need mana in teamfights because you do nothing more than pop three spells and then hope your team is competent enough to finish the enemy team off. I don't like RoA on her, delays Deathcap too much and you have less AP for lane phase as you won't get the 2-3 Drings.
On July 05 2011 07:39 TheYango wrote: Jiji uses his mass AP page (MPen marks, AP/lvl seals, AP/lvl glyphs, flat AP quints) on her, and goes QWQWQR, R>Q>W>E. He might have switched to W max first, but he was using max Q first last I checked.
Seems like it's still the endless question of maxing Q or W. Ive always maxed W, seems like W gives you better level 6 burst but Q better harass (you go oom pretty fast tho if you harass a lot with Q in my experience)
I played with a wicked Annie the other day. Pretty sure she had a lot of CDR runes because she was stunning/ulting very often (without blue most of the time).
CDR quints/blues MP5 yellows MRPen reds
Doran's, boots, deathcap... win.
Is CDR worth grabbing on her?
No, CDR generally not worth it unless you aim for 40% without Blue. Rather get some more nuking power.
United States47024 Posts
On July 05 2011 22:02 Woony wrote:Show nested quote +On July 05 2011 07:39 TheYango wrote: Jiji uses his mass AP page (MPen marks, AP/lvl seals, AP/lvl glyphs, flat AP quints) on her, and goes QWQWQR, R>Q>W>E. He might have switched to W max first, but he was using max Q first last I checked. Seems like it's still the endless question of maxing Q or W. Ive always maxed W, seems like W gives you better level 6 burst but Q better harass (you go oom pretty fast tho if you harass a lot with Q in my experience) It goes hand in hand with the Cata vs. Doran's stack question IMO, since Cata gives up early game combo power, but the mana restore allows for extremely spammy Q harass play, particularly from levels 6-10.
It's also dependent on the lane. For example, Kassadin should never allow you to land a QW combo, as he can always either Q you back or R to safety from your lead-off stun. Since most engagements in lane will be Q trades, with W very unlikely to get used, maxing Q makes more sense there IMO.
I like having w for that first drag fight/any ganks on you. Cant tell you how many times I've gotten double kills off of a jungle who underestimates how much damage w dishes out.
But for someone who thrives on aoe damage, having a maxed w for any drag fight means tibber+w will drop the entire enemy team to lower than half.
United States47024 Posts
On July 06 2011 02:25 Two_DoWn wrote: I like having w for that first drag fight/any ganks on you. Cant tell you how many times I've gotten double kills off of a jungle who underestimates how much damage w dishes out.
But for someone who thrives on aoe damage, having a maxed w for any drag fight means tibber+w will drop the entire enemy team to lower than half. I think this reasoning was much stronger when Dragon was weaker, and junglers could threaten Dragon starting at level 4. As it stands now, the first Dragon often doesn't happen until past 15 minutes, and even then, often when the other team can't/won't fight for it. In many cases Dragon is just too much effort/not enough reward to be worth taking risks for.
Only you still fight for dragon. Or gank bot. I just like having the ability to hurt more than one person VERY badly.
United States47024 Posts
I think w max is ideal, but some lanes feel like they should play much easier with Q max, and I think that's worth the tradeoff. I definitely don't think its something you can cookie-cutter your way into every game--it depends on the lane opponent, team comp, and whether you're mid/top.
is awesome32269 Posts
This will probably draw their attention over to the incinerate bug too I guess. Then again this has probably been abused for too long now. It was entertaining at times pulling it off.
On July 14 2011 12:51 Irave wrote:This will probably draw their attention over to the incinerate bug too I guess. Then again this has probably been abused for too long now. It was entertaining at times pulling it off.
Is it similar to the thing with Lee Sins E? Aka just doubletap real fast and hope you play on US servers? =P
This explains a lot of things
is awesome32269 Posts
On July 14 2011 13:05 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On July 14 2011 12:51 Irave wrote:This will probably draw their attention over to the incinerate bug too I guess. Then again this has probably been abused for too long now. It was entertaining at times pulling it off. Is it similar to the thing with Lee Sins E? Aka just doubletap real fast and hope you play on US servers? =P
People say it has to be done with smartcast, but I haven't seen anything conclusive.
On July 14 2011 13:12 IntoTheWow wrote:Show nested quote +On July 14 2011 13:05 r.Evo wrote:On July 14 2011 12:51 Irave wrote:This will probably draw their attention over to the incinerate bug too I guess. Then again this has probably been abused for too long now. It was entertaining at times pulling it off. Is it similar to the thing with Lee Sins E? Aka just doubletap real fast and hope you play on US servers? =P People say it has to be done with smartcast, but I haven't seen anything conclusive. It is done partially with smartcast. It requires good ping and ideally a mouse with buttons. It happens so quickly the game thinks its legit.
I've been able to pull this off with Morde and Karma as well.