![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/edLxwH9.png)
Update 01/09: Mass Recall version 6, aka Legacy edition, is available. The culmination of five years of work on the project, it includes lots of visual updates and options to improve the experience. Among other things, Easy difficulty has been made easier, and the player can now choose between Brood War and Starcraft 2 sounds for each individual unit. We are now gathering bug reports for an update that should come within a week. Enjoy!
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Watch the Starcraft 1 campaigns on SC2 trailer :
- Description and current status
- Credits
- Features
- How to Play
- Working as Intended and Known Issues
1. Description and current status
These campaigns are remakes of the original Starcraft campaigns by Blizzard. They use the Starcraft 1 tech tree and units with all dialogs from the original game. The objectives are the same as in the original, with a difficulty adapted to the better UI in order to provide a more enjoyable experience.
![[image loading]](http://imageshack.com/scaled/640x480/30/rd6u.jpg)
Links :
Starcraft: Mass Recall on sc2mapster.
There are many playthoughs available on YouTube. Those with comments include:
* Professionnal SC2 player AxiomCrank, Hard and Retro mod (complete)
* JayborinoPlays, Hard difficulty (complete, all maps)
* Blazieth, retro mod (episodes 1-4)
* Stratos Tygos, retro mod (episode 1-3).
* MavByte, commentary in German, Hard and retro mod (episode 1-3)
Here are older playthroughs:
- VaipoGaming has done the Protoss, Terran and Zerg Brood War campaigns
- Husky has cast one of the early versions of the first Terran and Zerg campaigns.
Mass Recall has no multiplayer mode, but if you are looking for a Brood War-like multiplayer, I suggest you have a look at the mod Starbow.
The 1998 cinematics are now available. The final mission of each campaigns still have their in-game cutscene if the cinematics option is turned off. A recording of the last one is available,as it can be seen in game after the completion of Omega. Massive spoilers, obviously, don't watch if you haven't played the campaigns yet:
2. Credits
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Original campaigns and sounds by Blizzard Entertainment.
The Starcraft 1 unit stats are based on the Starcraft 2 - Brood War mod by Maverck. Additionnal mod tweaking by Jones313, Christdaugherty and Superfield, contribution from Telenil and Jimm3110.
Custom models by GnaReffotsirk, DeveRR0, buhhy, Forsworne and GhostNova
Custom decals by TooMuchTouch and Frankiealaplaaja
Translations: Choum28 (French), Jimm3110, Virussoft, Fargus and 7 Wolf (Russian), FirefoxGhost (German), Zarxiel93, TheTorrasque and JustSkorpyon (Italian)
Some briefing screen functions were made by mr. J.Logan and Tolkfan
Rebel Yell
Campaign by Jones313, original work by Ultraling, terrain polishing by johnnythewolf.
Level 4 TPS engine by Martinolsson
Easy difficulty and minor AI tweaking by Telenil
Beyond the original Starcraft soundtrack, the following musics have been used: "Metallic Monks" by Mark Morgan (Fallout), and "Last Legs" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack)
Campaign by Jones313.
Level 5 engine TPS by Martinolsson
Easy difficulty and minor AI tweaking by Telenil
Additionnal musics: "Trainstation PT.2", "Guard Down" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack); "The Maw", "Under Cover of Night" by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori (Halo Original Soundtrack); "Chapel of Evil" by Russell Shaw (Fable: The Lost Chapters Original Soundtrack).
The Fall
Original campaign by Chrisdaugherty.
Additionnal AI scripting by Telenil
Cutscenes Jones313
Additionnal terraining by Jimm3110
The Stand
Triggers and balance by Telenil
Terrain and sounds by Jimm3110, contribution from TheTorrasque
Additionnal musics: "Highmen" by Michiel van den Bos (Age of Wonders), "Metallic Monks" by Mark Morgan (Fallout), "Siege of Madrigal" by Martin O'Donnell (Myth: The Fallen Lords)
The Iron Fist
Campaign by Jones
Additionnal musics: "Metallic Monks", "Vats of Goo" by Mark Morgan (Fallout) ; untitled track (mission 5 outro) by Robin Beanland (Conker: Live & Reloaded) ; "Ride of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner (The Ring of the Nibelung) ; "Rumble" by Link Wray & His Ray Men (Wings of Liberty jukebox version by Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs) ; "March to Doom" by Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer) ; "Jem's Song" by Big Tuna (Starcraft & Starcraft 2)
Queen of Blades
AI and scripting by Telenil
Cutscenes by Jones
Terraining by Jimm3110 and Jones
Additionnal musics: "Metallic Monks" by Mark Morgan (Fallout) ; "Suspicious Minds" by Mark James / Elvis Presley (Wings of Liberty jukebox version by The Bourbon Cowboys) ; "Item Room Ambience" by Kenji Yamamoto & Minako Hamano (Super Metroid) ; "Infraradiant" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack) ; "Ashes to Ashes" Super Metroid OC Remix by zircon ; "The Forge" by Martin O'Donnell (Myth 2: Soulblighter)
The Starcraft 1 unit stats are based on the Starcraft 2 - Brood War mod by Maverck. Additionnal mod tweaking by Jones313, Christdaugherty and Superfield, contribution from Telenil and Jimm3110.
Custom models by GnaReffotsirk, DeveRR0, buhhy, Forsworne and GhostNova
Custom decals by TooMuchTouch and Frankiealaplaaja
Translations: Choum28 (French), Jimm3110, Virussoft, Fargus and 7 Wolf (Russian), FirefoxGhost (German), Zarxiel93, TheTorrasque and JustSkorpyon (Italian)
Some briefing screen functions were made by mr. J.Logan and Tolkfan
Rebel Yell
Campaign by Jones313, original work by Ultraling, terrain polishing by johnnythewolf.
Level 4 TPS engine by Martinolsson
Easy difficulty and minor AI tweaking by Telenil
Beyond the original Starcraft soundtrack, the following musics have been used: "Metallic Monks" by Mark Morgan (Fallout), and "Last Legs" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack)
Campaign by Jones313.
Level 5 engine TPS by Martinolsson
Easy difficulty and minor AI tweaking by Telenil
Additionnal musics: "Trainstation PT.2", "Guard Down" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack); "The Maw", "Under Cover of Night" by Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori (Halo Original Soundtrack); "Chapel of Evil" by Russell Shaw (Fable: The Lost Chapters Original Soundtrack).
The Fall
Original campaign by Chrisdaugherty.
Additionnal AI scripting by Telenil
Cutscenes Jones313
Additionnal terraining by Jimm3110
The Stand
Triggers and balance by Telenil
Terrain and sounds by Jimm3110, contribution from TheTorrasque
Additionnal musics: "Highmen" by Michiel van den Bos (Age of Wonders), "Metallic Monks" by Mark Morgan (Fallout), "Siege of Madrigal" by Martin O'Donnell (Myth: The Fallen Lords)
The Iron Fist
Campaign by Jones
Additionnal musics: "Metallic Monks", "Vats of Goo" by Mark Morgan (Fallout) ; untitled track (mission 5 outro) by Robin Beanland (Conker: Live & Reloaded) ; "Ride of the Valkyries" by Richard Wagner (The Ring of the Nibelung) ; "Rumble" by Link Wray & His Ray Men (Wings of Liberty jukebox version by Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs) ; "March to Doom" by Frank Klepacki (Command & Conquer) ; "Jem's Song" by Big Tuna (Starcraft & Starcraft 2)
Queen of Blades
AI and scripting by Telenil
Cutscenes by Jones
Terraining by Jimm3110 and Jones
Additionnal musics: "Metallic Monks" by Mark Morgan (Fallout) ; "Suspicious Minds" by Mark James / Elvis Presley (Wings of Liberty jukebox version by The Bourbon Cowboys) ; "Item Room Ambience" by Kenji Yamamoto & Minako Hamano (Super Metroid) ; "Infraradiant" by Kelly Bailey (The Orange Box Original Soundtrack) ; "Ashes to Ashes" Super Metroid OC Remix by zircon ; "The Forge" by Martin O'Donnell (Myth 2: Soulblighter)
3. Features
- Original tech tree, units and stats from Starcraft Brood War
- In-game units lore from the original manual.
- Original dialogs and briefing screens, including sounds
- Three difficulty levels for all episodes.
- In-game cutscenes
- Custom models
- Iconic sounds from the original game
- Starcraft 2 improved UI and selection
4. How to play
In order to play the campaigns, you need the mod file (SCMRmod) and the map files from the campaign pages. Be sure to download the latest version of each, in the links above.
The mod file should be place in the Mods folder of your main Starcraft II folder (default C:/Program Files/Starcraft II/Mods). The map and campaign launcher files should be extracted in a Maps folder.
If you use the optionnal 1998 cinematics, add the corresponding mod to the Mods folder and replace the Launcher with the cinematics version.
To start a game, open the launcher, clic on Test Document (ctrl-F9) and select a mission.
For more information, including how to play the missions while connected to Battle.net, check the step by step installation guide or watch Jayborino's custom campaign installation video.
5. Troubleshooting & FAQ
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I get an error "unable to open map".
This error means the map files are not at the proper place. Check that all numbered folders ("1. Rebel Yell") are put in the Starcraft II/Maps folder - and that you are in the main Starcraft II folder, as opposed to Documents. For more information, check the installation guide.
I get an error about dependencies that cannot be found.
This error means a mod file is not at the proper place. All mod files must be in the Starcraft II/Mods folder, which already exists. Also, version 5.0 and newer require Heart of the Swarm. Older Wings of Liberty compatible versions are linked on the sc2mapster page, at the bottom of the "Downloads" section.
For more information, check the installation guide.
Is this legal?
Yes. Unit stats are set through a mod file, created by the Starcraft II editor. That does not modify any actual game file.
Using sounds or models from a previous Blizzard game in Starcraft II is allowed as long as you don't earn money from your work, which we don't.
Some portaits are all grayed or their textures are missing.
This is a known bug that is specific to Ultra shaders. Decrease shaders to High or lower and it should be fine.
Some units have pink textures
This is a graphic bug at higher settings that happens from time to time. It seems to come and go for no obvious reasons.
I cannot load a saved game!
Try to start the same mission from the Launcher, and try again to load your save after the mission begins.
Something is not like in the original Starcraft!
See Known Issues and Working as Intended, below.
Working as Intended
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The things listed there were intended by the author of the campaign and are not a bug.
On January 19 2012 09:23 Jones313 wrote:
I like to think of it as a remake. We try to keep it faithful and all that, but I don't really want it to be "the closest you can get to playing the SC1 campaign without playing the actual SC1 campaign", either.
I like to think of it as a remake. We try to keep it faithful and all that, but I don't really want it to be "the closest you can get to playing the SC1 campaign without playing the actual SC1 campaign", either.
- Medics, lurkers and devourers are available in the first three campaigns. Valkyries are not. The campaigns were balanced with these units available for the players, however, you have the options to disable them in the Options section of the main Mass Recall screen.
- For lore reasons, non-UED medics heal slower and don't have access to the Academy upgrades. In the original, only the UED used medics at all.
- Some heroes have additionnal abilities. Again, that can be disabled in the Options section.
- Terran04 and Zerg05 have a "third person shooter mod"
- The point of this campaign is to play Brood War units in Starcraft 2, but we were forced to make a couple of minor changes for playability. Shield battery has autocast and replenishes shields at a slower rate, and the radius of psionic storm is smaller than it was in Brood War. The splash radius of corsairs might be a bit larger than it was, but this is difficult to evaluate.
Known issues
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These differences with the original game are known bugs.
- Bunkers are not revealed when firing from high ground; the AI was sometimes given the ability to see them all the time.
- Valkyries always fire 8 attacks, even when killed or moving.
- Each nydus is connected to all the others.
- The Dark Swarm animation sometimes moves around at random.
- Bunkers are not revealed when firing from high ground; the AI was sometimes given the ability to see them all the time.
- Valkyries always fire 8 attacks, even when killed or moving.
- Each nydus is connected to all the others.
- The Dark Swarm animation sometimes moves around at random.
Final Words
Comments and suggestions are welcome on this thread. If you find any bug, report it here or on the campaign pages, but be sure to read Troubleshooting, Working as Intended and Known Issues before you do.