Nidalee, The Bestial Huntress.
Nidalee is a really complex champion with the most skills in the game. Unlike other champions, Nidalee has 7 different skills. She has 4 skills in Human form and 4 in Cougar (ultimates are the same)
Passive: Moving through brush increases Nidalee's movement speed by 15% for 2 seconds. This passive, along with pounce and her ultimate, makes Nidalee one of the best chasers in the game. Make good use of brushes to chase down or run away from enemies. Just be careful of wild Garen's when facechecking.
Nidalee's secret passive.
3Xp/5 to champions that are lower level near her.
Human form abilities.
Javelin Toss
Q: Nidalee tosses her javelin, dealing magic damage on impact (deals up to 250% damage the further away the target is). Nidalee's first spell is a long range poke that deals more damage the further it flies. The range is very long and the damage is great. Really strong ability.
W: Nidalee lays a trap that deals damage over 2 seconds, reveals the target, and reduces their armor and magic resistance for 12 seconds. Traps last for 4 minutes. Bushwack is a unique skill that acts as a semi ward. It gives vision of enemy champions if they step on it but it does not give vision if they walk past it. This ability also reveals stealth such as champions and wards. Try to place these as much as you can as they give map control and can kill wards.
Primal Surge
Nidalee heals an ally champion (can heal herself) and grants them bonus attack speed for 7 seconds. This is what makes Nidalee one of the strongest laners in the game. This heal has a 1-1.25 ratio and, with the right build, is the strongest single target heal in the game. It also gives a great bonus attack speed boost so using this when pushing towers or using it on your ranged dps is a great idea.
Aspect of the Cougar
Nidalee transforms herself into a cougar; gaining a new set of abilities, 10% dodge, and 20 movement speed in the process. This is what makes Nidalee such an interesting, apm intensive (not for us Starcraft players, though :D) champion. Since this skill has only a 3 second cooldown and costs no mana you want to be switching forms a lot to heal, bushwack, and poke with javelins.
Cougar Form
In cougar form Nidalee gains 3 abilities that cost 0 mana. When in cougar Nidalee is extremely hard to chase down, has A LOT of burst, and farms creep waves quick.
Nidalee's next attack deals additional damage based on how low her opponent's life is (up to 200%). This skill is the strongest part of your cougar form combo. You click Q and your next attack will deal extra. Use this anytime an enemy champion comes close enough for you to Q them (Use your pounce to get closer).
Nidalee lunges forward, dealing magic damage to surrounding enemies. Pounce is a very useful skill that gives Nidalee a lot of map control. You can pounce around the map every 3 second for no cost to get anywhere you want very quickly. Also, you can pounce through walls, sort of like flash. There's also a trick that many Nidalee players don't know, pounce makes a different noise when you land on something. If you pounce on a ward or a stealth champion it will make the same noise it makes when you land on a creep/champion. Use this to pounce into an area that people generally ward and listen, if you hear the noise throw down a bushwack and kill it.
Nidelee claws at enemies in front of her, dealing magic damage. Swipe is another part of your combo. You walk up to a champion, pounce on them, takedown and then swipe. You swipe last because it has a decent range. It also does AoE so it is great for clearing creepwaves to push towers.
Aspect of the Cougar
Nidalee transforms herself back into a human, regaining her set of abilities, losing 20 movement speed, and losing 10% dodge in the process. Same as your ulti when in human form, you can switch back to human for free on a 4 second cooldown. Learning when to change forms is essential for being a good Nidalee.
Post guides, pictures, discussions, w.e you want in this thread.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShakeDrizzle's Ap Nid guide here. Example of how you can pounce here.
ShakeDrizzle's Not-Brave Ap Nidalee Guide.
![[image loading]](http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4793/nidalee.png) Masteries: 0/9/21
You can also go 9/0/21 but I go 9 in defense since nidalee trades a lot of hits early on in laning and the extra armor helps. Ghost/Flash
Runes: Up to you but I run Apen reds, armor yellows, flat mr glyphs, Apen quints.
Skilling: lvl 1 W or E (depends if you have a jungler that needs bushwack's to watch our for enemies). Max R>E>Q>W, get a point in w at lvl 1 or 2 and keep it there. Don't waste mana on Javelin toss early because it is very weak before you max it.
Laning Phase: Take a solo lane (preferably solo top). Grab dorans ring and hp potion. You want to harras your opponent non-stop with your auto-attacks. Since you have apen reds your auto-attacks do a lot of dmg, especially when you heal your self for an attack speed boost. Just keep harrasing with auto attacks and don't be afraid of tanking minion hits because you have a heal and they don't. (most of the time.) When you hit lvl 6 you want your opponent to be at around half health because you can get an extremely easy kill. Stand behind his creeps and pounce, takedown, swipe any time he tries to go in exp range.
When you kill your opponent/force him to back multiple times/kill turret you want to go back and shop. Buy Merc Threads and 1-2 wards. Nidalee is extremely strong early game so you want to abuse this by roaming. You tell your jungler to take your lane and you go ward the other teams jungler's red and blue. If any of the buffs are up, take them. If not wait for them to go up and gank him when he tries to get them.
After you get some kills/buffs and your team is ready to teamfight, go buy your Rageblade and start building your Deathcap or Lichbane, depends on what you want. I usually go Lichbane if the other team has many turrets that I need to kill fast with Lich procs. Go push a lane extremely far. If you have red or blue buff you can beat any champion 1v1 just by out harrasing them with your heal/spear. When you force him to b, kill the turret and move down to the inhib turret. You push very fast because of cougar/attack speed boost so abuse this.
Tips and Tricks. ~You can pounce through many walls. Practice all the different spots you can pounce through. Dragon cave/Baron cave/Blue buff wall/ etc... This is really important, it gives you great map control and allows you to push mindlessly because no one will catch a ghost flash nid that can jump through walls. ~Keep your Rageblade at 8 stacks at all times using pounce. If you are at 0 stacks and are about to gank someone or fight, charge it up by dropping bushwack, switching forms, swipe, takedown, pounce. ~Don't be brave, you're a flee! ~Solo queue relies on feeding off of bads. Nidalee is great at this so be on look out for who's bad and hawk him down!
Will work on a picture guide with different spots you can pounce through tommorow.
Max E first, take solo lane, take a lot of armor pen, open d-ring, autoattack the enemy carry. After the first trade you should be down some health, do not immediately heal yourself, wait for next trade, heal at the beggining of it to get effect of heal and attack speed. minions will hit you a lot, so get dodge or armor. zone zone zone zone. guinsoo's is great, infinity stack with pounce spam. that's about the gist of being the best laner in the game imo.
mid/late game just lay traps and get lich bane and then push towers like crazy. you benefit from having a well coordinated team that will be able to feint often and busy the other team with false team fights etc while you do your nidalee thang. flash/ghost/cougar/pounce/passive = escape from everything. get quicksilver sash if you really wanna just afk at their fountain and still be able to get away when all 5 try to come and kill you.
i'll add more later.
Nidalee actually has an unlisted passive for her second form that not many people know about - when she's in her beast form, everyone who lanes with her gets more experience.
Edit: not accurate, check below
On November 05 2010 13:11 gtrsrs wrote: Nidalee actually has an unlisted passive for her second form that not many people know about - when she's in her beast form, everyone who lanes with her gets more experience.
I thought it only applied to male champions?
still not accurate and totally made up, scroll lower for the true secret passive
I think the passive only applies to champs that are below her in level?
What should Nidalee be doing during teamfights? Stand back and heal/jav? Cougar and dive at the carry? Stay back until the scatter-chase part happens and then cougar? Let them 4v5 while you take a tower? I've been enjoying Nid but when teamfights start I just feel silly.
On November 05 2010 14:45 seppolevne wrote: What should Nidalee be doing during teamfights? Stand back and heal/jav? Cougar and dive at the carry? Stay back until the scatter-chase part happens and then cougar? Let them 4v5 while you take a tower? I've been enjoying Nid but when teamfights start I just feel silly.
I chuck javelins from behind walls in the forest and constantly heal our carry/dps. Then I use Cougar form when they scatter to chase down the squishiest/most damaged target.
Or I just go push a lane while the teamfight is happening. Elixr of Agility + E + maxed guinsoos = a lot of fast dead towers. I've found this ends up doing more then just chucking random spears into teamfights.
But landing a full range spear on their squishy is pretty great if you can do it. If you aren't landing spears/contributing anything I'd just go push a lane
Is it wise to push a tower rather than contribute to a team fight though? I can only see it being good if you're team is just getting stomped in team fights regardless of your presence
Grab an early tear with nidalee, cougar form abilities proc the +mana and you spam those a lot to get GRB stacks goin anyways. It's always nice to have a large mana pool to spam those spears.
Nidalee's Javelin can be painful to squishy targets hiding around a tower and can even lead to kills against runaways if they manage to get away from you. I highly suggest that first-time Nidalee players get in the habit of leading any moving targets with that skill. It takes practice and sometimes a little luck, but it is extremely satisfying when done right. Much more so with an AP build.
Items: Tear is a good suggestion for her, due to mana regen, an expanding mana pool for more Javelins and Primal Surges, and perhaps building it into a Manamune (haven't tried that item extensively, though).
Rylai's Crystal Scepter should also be considered. With used with Bushwack traps, runaways that trip it will be slowed down and cornered for the kill, and along with pursuers having even more trouble reaching you, they can help your team in a retreat. In rare cases, enemies with very low health will die from it. Also, getting to slow down targets at range with a Javelin is helpful if you can't shift into Cougar form at the moment. Of course, it shouldn't have to be said that the slow is great with Cougar form when hunting down fleeing enemies.
Regarding teamfights, I'll usually stick with the team to help them push towers. Using Javelin to harass lighter enemies, they'll be given a choice to retreat or stick around to die. When actually pushing a tower, I can Primal Surge the nearest teammate with ample attack power and make it go down faster. Or if a teammate's taken damage, I can heal them with the same ability. While they're pushing a tower, I might break off to lay some Bushwack traps around our general area of engagement for early warnings on ambushes.
Again, an AP build really shines on Nidalee here, particularly with select human form abilities and all Cougar form abilities.
No, tears is awful on Nidalee. She does not have mana problems and tears is an awful AP item unless you NEED the mana, which you don't.
As for teamfights, I try not to teamfight as AP nidalee which is why I only play Nid in AT 5v5. If I go Tank Nidalee then I teamfight. I'll post a tank nid guide later today. But when you get in a fight as ap nid just go heal your carry and then try to jump in on theirs after your tank initiates. Just be careful about getting cc'd.
I also don't get Ryalis. After I finish lichbane/zhonyas then I'll stay double potted with 3 wards in my inventory at all time. Nidalee is very good at warding risky areas so use that.
lmfao someone (BEARbsq?) was joking to me on vent about nidalee's secret passive giving male lane partners more experience and i thought it was just a hilariously clever joke. i had no idea it was actually implemented in the game xmfd
i'll edit out my inaccurate posts just making shit up a couple posts up now
Rylai's seems pretty terrible on Nidalee. Early to mid game you can just take your team's red if you're gonna go ganking, and it's not like anyone's going to get away from you pouncing at them/flash Takedown. What spell would even provide a useful slow? Javelin? zz
Pretty sure I'd rather just get a Lich Bane for 300g more!
i've discovered my new nidalee playstyle
sheen spirit visage hog -> trinity -> banshee/ga/randuins
so fucking good lmao you hit like a truck and you're unkillable. you don't have as much atk speed to kill towers but sheen does fine. only downside is how much ur auto attack sucks.
On November 06 2010 06:31 gtrsrs wrote:lmfao someone (BEARbsq?) was joking to me on vent about nidalee's secret passive giving male lane partners more experience and i thought it was just a hilariously clever joke. i had no idea it was actually implemented in the game xmfd i'll edit out my inaccurate posts just making shit up a couple posts up now lolololo
lol wasnt me, im not that clever