One of the premiere junglers on Summoner’s Rift, Warwick can provide his team with a strong jungle presence and gank efficiently. He is also capable of one of the earliest solo dragons in the game.
In light of Patch, there has been drastic changes made to jungling. Lizard and Golem have remained the same but milestone objectives (Dragon and Baron) have been buffed drastically. As a result, builds need to be updated.
Summoner Skills: Smite/Ghost
Masteries: 9 0 21
Quints: Attack Speed
Red: Attack Speed
Yellow: Flat Armor
Blue: Magic Resistance per Level
Skill Order: WQQEQR, R > Q > E >= W
Item Build: Long Sword + 1 HP pot => Madred’s Razor + Ward => Boots => Merc Treads => Heart of Gold => Recurve Bow => Spirit Visage => Bloodrazor => Banshee -OR- Randuin's => survivability
Previously, it was arguable that rushing for straight Bloodrazor with Merc Treads was a viable option for Warwick. However, with the ward nerfs and Dragon/Baron buffs, rushing Bloodrazor has fallen out of flavor. Razor is still your first key item since it speeds up your jungling. However, it becomes much harder to sneak in a level 4-5 Dragon now with Dragon's single target attack debuff.
Going HoG and SV before finish Bloodrazor provides WW an increase in HP, Armor and MR. SV also buffs your Q and passive, allowing your HP to stay up throughout midgame. Getting Recurve Bow after HoG means you don't fall behind on the offensive spectrum. Dragon requires more of a team effort, if you successfully gank a lane, have your team (solo mid and two from bot) collapse immediately on Dragon and complete it before the dead enemy champion revives. Vision wards are highly recommended now but even without sight, the enemy has ample time to get to Dragon since WW cannot solo Dragon as easily as before.
+ Show Spoiler [Old Warwick build from previous patches] +
Summoner Skills: Smite/Ghost (preferred), Smite/Flash
Masteries: 1 8 21
Quints: Flat HP
Red: Attack Speed
Yellow: Mana per 5 per Level
Blue: Cooldown Reduction per Level
Skill Order: WQQEQR, R > Q > E >= W
Item Build: Long Sword + 1 HP pot => Madred’s + Ward => Boots => Merc Treads or Berserker’s Greaves => Bloodrazor => survivability
With Long Sword and a hp pot, start out at Blue Golem. At 1:55, start attacking the Golem, activate your W and chug your hp pot. Smite Golem at 500 hp or less to ensure a kill. Once you have Golem buff, continue to small Wolves camp.
Get Lizard next with your 2nd Smite. From here, your jungle path can split. If mid or bottom is pushing hard, gank. Otherwise, continue to Wraith camp and small Golem camp, then attempt to gank.
Try not to return to base until you have at least 575 gold, which is what you need to complete your Madred’s Razor. Once you have Razor, rush over to Dragon and start. Tell Bottom Lane to push hard while you walk over to Dragon and have one or both of them swing to Dragon and help if needed. Typically, Warwick and solo Dragon at level 4 once he has his Razor and 1 HP Pot.
Skills, Q will be your primary skill, both in and out of the jungle. It does a considerable amount of damage at level 5 and heals a good amount. W and E are equally important, however I would lean more towards E over W. It's more important that WW is capable of chasing down low hp champions than it is to attack faster.
One thing to remember is that you can toggle your passive E on and off. If you are preparing to gank Bottom Lane, for example, turn off E until you're in range to strike. Keeping E on can sometimes cause the enemy get a freebie notification over their head that a gank is impending if their hp is less than half. Don't give yourself away due to your own skills.
Mid game, control the buffs on your side, concede Lizard buff to your carry in mid whenever possible. Ward the enemy jungle to counter the enemy jungler. And gank as often as your ultimate is up. At this point, you are farming and ganking so you have enough gold for your Bloodrazor.
Late game, once you have your Bloodrazor, you are more or less set. Boots are highly dependent on what the enemy team composition is. The more CC they have, the more you will be reliant on Merc Treads. There will be occasional snowball games where Greavers are acceptable but Treads are your mainstay. From there, build survivability in the form of Sunfire Cape(s), Banshee’s Veil, and Guardian Angel. Some Warwick will continue to build damage in the form of Bloodthristers or even Infinity Edge but I don’t recommend it. Whenever you ulti in, you will draw insta aggro. Without a good boost survivability, you will tend to die as soon as your ulti finishes due to your lack of escape (you typically Ghost in to chase).
In team fights, wait for your tank to initiate if possible then Infinite Duress the enemy physical Carry. Warwick relies heavily on patience to allow his team to get in position. Ulti’ing too early could lead to you dying before your team can flank properly. While it is recommended that you ulti the enemy Carry, it is acceptable to ulti any enemy champion that is out of position. But you want to ensure that your team has favorable odds. Ideally, every Ulti you land should be a kill. Anything less is going to be a waste.
- Another viable opening is Cloth Armor + 5 HP Pots. It is safer but this OP feels it is slightly slower than the Long Sword + HP Pot opening. If you do open Cloth Armor first, you need to accumulate 700 gold at the very least before heading back to town to buy your Razor
- If your jungle is camped by the enemy, start at the Small Golem camp first instead. Then head over to Wolves and Wraiths next. Use your second Smite at Wraiths then back. Head to Blue Golem at level 3 when your 3rd Smite is ready.
- Whenever you do buffs, you must watch the enemy team. If you start Lizard buff and half way through, the enemy bottom lane all MIAs. You need to stop and run away. It's very possible that your Lizard has been warded and the enemies at Bottom are coming to stop/kill you at Lizard.
Masteries: 1 8 21
Quints: Flat HP
Red: Attack Speed
Yellow: Mana per 5 per Level
Blue: Cooldown Reduction per Level
Skill Order: WQQEQR, R > Q > E >= W
Item Build: Long Sword + 1 HP pot => Madred’s + Ward => Boots => Merc Treads or Berserker’s Greaves => Bloodrazor => survivability
With Long Sword and a hp pot, start out at Blue Golem. At 1:55, start attacking the Golem, activate your W and chug your hp pot. Smite Golem at 500 hp or less to ensure a kill. Once you have Golem buff, continue to small Wolves camp.
Get Lizard next with your 2nd Smite. From here, your jungle path can split. If mid or bottom is pushing hard, gank. Otherwise, continue to Wraith camp and small Golem camp, then attempt to gank.
Try not to return to base until you have at least 575 gold, which is what you need to complete your Madred’s Razor. Once you have Razor, rush over to Dragon and start. Tell Bottom Lane to push hard while you walk over to Dragon and have one or both of them swing to Dragon and help if needed. Typically, Warwick and solo Dragon at level 4 once he has his Razor and 1 HP Pot.
Skills, Q will be your primary skill, both in and out of the jungle. It does a considerable amount of damage at level 5 and heals a good amount. W and E are equally important, however I would lean more towards E over W. It's more important that WW is capable of chasing down low hp champions than it is to attack faster.
One thing to remember is that you can toggle your passive E on and off. If you are preparing to gank Bottom Lane, for example, turn off E until you're in range to strike. Keeping E on can sometimes cause the enemy get a freebie notification over their head that a gank is impending if their hp is less than half. Don't give yourself away due to your own skills.
Mid game, control the buffs on your side, concede Lizard buff to your carry in mid whenever possible. Ward the enemy jungle to counter the enemy jungler. And gank as often as your ultimate is up. At this point, you are farming and ganking so you have enough gold for your Bloodrazor.
Late game, once you have your Bloodrazor, you are more or less set. Boots are highly dependent on what the enemy team composition is. The more CC they have, the more you will be reliant on Merc Treads. There will be occasional snowball games where Greavers are acceptable but Treads are your mainstay. From there, build survivability in the form of Sunfire Cape(s), Banshee’s Veil, and Guardian Angel. Some Warwick will continue to build damage in the form of Bloodthristers or even Infinity Edge but I don’t recommend it. Whenever you ulti in, you will draw insta aggro. Without a good boost survivability, you will tend to die as soon as your ulti finishes due to your lack of escape (you typically Ghost in to chase).
In team fights, wait for your tank to initiate if possible then Infinite Duress the enemy physical Carry. Warwick relies heavily on patience to allow his team to get in position. Ulti’ing too early could lead to you dying before your team can flank properly. While it is recommended that you ulti the enemy Carry, it is acceptable to ulti any enemy champion that is out of position. But you want to ensure that your team has favorable odds. Ideally, every Ulti you land should be a kill. Anything less is going to be a waste.
- Another viable opening is Cloth Armor + 5 HP Pots. It is safer but this OP feels it is slightly slower than the Long Sword + HP Pot opening. If you do open Cloth Armor first, you need to accumulate 700 gold at the very least before heading back to town to buy your Razor
- If your jungle is camped by the enemy, start at the Small Golem camp first instead. Then head over to Wolves and Wraiths next. Use your second Smite at Wraiths then back. Head to Blue Golem at level 3 when your 3rd Smite is ready.
- Whenever you do buffs, you must watch the enemy team. If you start Lizard buff and half way through, the enemy bottom lane all MIAs. You need to stop and run away. It's very possible that your Lizard has been warded and the enemies at Bottom are coming to stop/kill you at Lizard.