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•Skills(for detailed description of skills read: here)
-Passive Grog Soaked Blade -Gangplank's attacks apply a poison that deals magic damage per second, increasing with level, and decreases healing received by the target by 50% for 10 seconds.
Really fine passive. In early game, increases your auto-attack damage, later is more a counter to healing (50% reduction). Damage dealt by this passive is magic, it means its reduced by magic resist.
-Q Parrrley- Gankplank takes aim and shoots an enemy unit with his pistol. If he kills it, he gains extra gold.
Gangplank's physical damage nuke. Very efficient skill to farm. At maximum level, it increases creep bounty drastically (about 60-100% extra gold from regular creeps, depends of kind of monster).
Sheen with parley: proc instantly adds damage to parley. Basic formula to see how effective is: parley damage= (parley basic damage -% reduced by enemy armor) + (100% of your BASE attack damage[150% if you have trinity force] - % reduced by enemy armor).
Base damage is way lower than your actual damage. At level 18 Gangplank has 108 base damage, sheen proc gives you additional 108[162] damage, which is diminished by enemy armor (40% damage reduction is reachable naturally by leveling up)
It procs on hit effects, such as black cleaver, lizard buff, but doesn't carry Grog Soaked Blade
-W Remove Scurvy -Consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit which clears any crowd control effects on him and heals him.
It will save your life many times. It clears any CC effects, such as slows, snares, stuns etc. It also works against supression (things have to be tested every patch, sometimes it interrupts supression sometimes not). Up to 380 health restored at max level, with 40% cooldown reduction 10.8 sec is reachable.
-E Raise Morale - Gangplank kills an allied minion, inspiring himself and nearby allied champions to receive increased attack damage and movement speed. Additionally, Gangplank's attack damage and movement speed is passively increased.
The movement speed difference is about 6-7 units per level, 30-35 at maximum. That means, with lvl 2 boots, level 5 raise morale, with just it’s passive, you have about 430 movement speed. When activated: ~460. Also, gives up to 24 damage to yourself as passive. While activates, your allies receive 24 damage boost, and doubles this value for yourself.
Its completly unique skill in game, which allows you to kill alied creep, known as denying.
It is worth pointing that you can deny almost everything with this skill; including wards, heimer turrets, tibbers, malzahar spiderling etc. This information might be important, if you need to fight outside lanes, or can’t buff yourself before fight. Twisted fate passive gives you +2 gold every denied creep.
Creeps which you kill by this skill, don’t give your enemy exp. This is only true if you deal killing blow. If you aim a creep, which is going to die from enemy, and your raise morale projectile is in mid-air but you don’t kill unit, enemy will get experience (and gold), and you will get raise morale buff.
Denying during lane phase:
Effectiveness of denying:
Some facts:
every creep wave include 3 melee minions (64 exp/67 if 4 points in expanded mind), 3 ranged minions (32 exp/34). Every 3 waves, a siege creep appears (100/105 exp). First wave spawns at : 1:30, it will reach tower in about 30 seconds. Each wave will spawn every 30 seconds.
Experience per wave: 3* 64 (67) + 3* 32 (34)= 288 (303)
Every third wave: 288+100= 388 (303+ 105= 408)
Experience gained after 90 seconds (time required to “loop” spawn rotation) of spawning creeps: 2*288 + 388= 964 (2* 303 + 408 )= 1014. In this time you should be able to use raise morale 4 times (22-23 sec cooldown is reachable by having 6% cooldown reduction from utility)
In best situation you can deny 3 melee creeps and 1 siege creeps= 3* 64 + 100= 294 (3*67 + 105)= 306, which is about 30% of received experience.
-R Cannon Barrage -Gangplank signals his ship to fire upon an area for 10 seconds. Each cannonball deals damage and slows enemy units.
Global AoE ult. Don’t use it to initiate fights. I would cast it a bit behind of enemies back, after start of team fight, to prevent them from escape, or at early game to prevent from getting dragon by enemy/ save your tower. It synergizes very well with other AOE ults (amumu, galio, morgana, etc.)
•Masteries I use standart 0/9/21
-Marks: Armor penetration
-Seals: mp5/lvl
-Glyphs: mp5/lvl
-Quints: Armor penetration/Flat health
•Summoner Spells
-Ghost is mandatory. Too good to not have.
-Second spell is up to you, Ignite/Flash or even Clarivoyance sounds great. You might also cast CV anywhere in map, and then ult, to kill recalling enemy (theorycrafting only)
•Skill order
Put first point in Raise Morale. You want to kill creep right at spawn point.
Future development depends on lane you are facing. If you aren't harassed/pushed that much, Q>W, if you have problems in saying in lane/tower might be in danger W>Q. E might be maxed in late levels.
As first item:
-Doran’s ring (higher mana regeneration, ap can be negated)
-Doran’s shield (health regeneration + armor might be more effective without leveling remove scurvy)
-Meki pedant, if you want to rush manamune.
Possible item builds:
Crit/damage build: yomumu ghostblade, infinity edge. After these items I’d buy some survivability stuff, sunfire cape/banshee veil (depending on main source of enemy team damage).
With these 2 items, with maxed raise morale active, you have about 270 base damage, and 35% critical strike chance. With fortitude pot + agility pot= 290 damage, and about 50-55% critical.
Other optional items:
-Brutalizer: it stack with yomumu ghostblade, with these 2 items you reach CDR cap, high flat armor penetration and higher base damage.
-Last whisper: 40% armor penetration might work really well if enemy stack armor. Actually enemy armor is reduced first by flat penetration, then by % penetration) Example: (150-50) -40%= 60.
-Bloodthrister: High damage and lifesteal (which is applied with parley)
-Manamune: Allows you to increase base damage, and your mana pool, which sometimes might extend your abilities in battle.
Tankplank I’d say get aegis of legion (1 is a must on every team), stack sunfire capes.
Other optional items:
-Banshee veil: best anti-caster item in game
-Force of nature: if you get banshee and it looks like not enough vs magic stacked team
-Glacial shroud: extra armor, cooldown reduction, extra mana. You might considering upgrading it to frozen heart.
-Raduin’s omen: good aoe slow, high armor
-Yomumu ghostblade: you might ask why dps item at tank? Active + high gangplank movement speed might be considered as ghost, which have offensive or defensive purpose.
-Atma impaler: increases basic damage, with our decent health level, it might be 60+ damage, adds 45 armor, 18% critical strike. Really cost efficient item in late game.
Boots Situational. Sure, your remove scurvy can counter CC, but its only usable each 18 sec (10,8 sec cooldown is reachable with 40% reduction) but still mercury threads are too good to not be viable for gangplank. Other choice is ninja tabi.
I'll try to keep this post updated.