crit damage< armpen runes. If you take triforce as extra source of damage, you need to know one thing: Base damage is way lower than your actual damage. At level 18 Gangplank has 108 base damage, sheen[triforce] proc gives you additional 108[162] damage, which is diminished by enemy armor (40% damage reduction is reachable naturally by leveling up).
Lets calculate your damage against champions who has 100 armor (you didnt notice you have any source of armor penetration) which is 50% damage reduction.
Parley damage= 150 (skill level 5) + 108 (base damage at level 18) +48 (active raise morale) + 80 (IE) + 20 (triforce) = which is 406 base damage, which can be multiplied by critital damage (250% with IE, 287% if you use reds/quints crit damage) which gives 1015/1165 critical damage. Impressive! Triforce proc gives you additional 162 damage [1177/1327]. These calculations are made without considering 50% damage reduction.
Effective parley damage with 50% damage reduction (critical attack only, red/quints crit damage with triforce proc)= 1327*50% + 162*50%= 663.5 + 81= 745 damage.
Lets calculate damage from IE, yomumu ghostblade, brutalizer, and armor penetration reds/quints. Summed up flat armor penetrations give 60 armor penetration, which is equal to 40 effective armor, which gives 28% damage protection. 72% damage goes through.
Parley damage=150+108+48+80+30 (yomumu ghostblade) +25 (brutalizer) = 441 base damage * 250% = 1102,5 damage. It looks way lower than parley + triforce proc, but what if you calculate it with armor? 1102,5 * 72%= 793.8, which is about 794 damage.
oh wtf, triforce is only 150% of base damage? man i'm a noob =/
according to my math, similar but with TF = 30dmg, 10% crit dmg mastries, green pot only target with 100 armor: boots + 3x avarice + IE + TF = 690 dmg (98% crit) boots + 2x avarice + IE + ghostblade + bruta = 818 dmg (86% crit)
it's closer if you factor in crit chance. I guess my biggest problem with arpen is that it's harder to itemize after that without giving up more crit%
Oh, i didn't calculate extra damage from 21 offence mastery, and stuff.
I only tried to calculate maximum parley damage, without checking other stats (attack speed, cooldown etc etc)
Triforce- i used leaguecraft outdated informations, my bad. Although im pretty sure it adds 150% base damage.
If you are on US server, and got time right now, we can check and compare damage using completly different setups. My summoners name is same as here.
really minor differences, otherwise I agree with your numbers. I'm guessing ghostblade+atmas or even bloodthirster is better than trinity force after infinity edge
United States37500 Posts
For Crit or even Damage purposes, Trinity is pretty bad. GB does so much more.
SamuraiPanda... who is a pretty highly rated solo Q Pirate... does a weird fucking build that involves an early Wriggle's Lantern O_O. Dude's builds look so scrubby most of the time, but hey, they tend to work out, so I dunno, there's probably some merit to them.
United States37500 Posts
"ARGHH MATEY. I LUB TO RICE AND EAT APPLES, ARGGGHHHHH" is probably the mentality. Wiggles somehow helps with last hitting creeps and going into the jungle for a bit and ricing even more there after he's overpushed his lane.
So in that way, I can see the merit of Wiggles. I still wouldn't recommend it. Seems a tad gimmicky.
Wriggles can also be used to give Raise Morale to your entire team in the bush or where ever by dropping the ward and then killing it instantly.
On November 09 2010 03:22 NeoIllusions wrote: For Crit or even Damage purposes, Trinity is pretty bad. GB does so much more. then i have to remember to activate it and know when to activate it... it requires all kinds of extra skill, I guess it can't be helped =/
United States37500 Posts
Uh, you're probably overanalyzing the active.
The three times to activate Ghostblade are: 1. When you're chasing/auto attacking an enemy during a team fight. Preferably after all the enemy CC has been blown, so there's nothing to slow/stun/snare you while you chase. 2. When you're beating down a tower 3. To retreat
I think part of the reason he goes wriggles is for super pro RNG shit where he gets the proc on parley and heals like 100+ HP off of the lifesteal so that he can save eating oranges for actually breaking CC.
United States37500 Posts
rofl, that is so true. I didn't even consider the leech on crits for plank.
But I still stand by my gimmickiness of that item on GP. I'll try it out this weekend perhaps. I just feel that delaying your core items after Avarices just forces you to rice even longer to make up for the investment in Wiggle's.
United States37500 Posts
lol, to simple state it, he exudes confidence about his GP.
yea, that's the way he is about everything O_O and he's often wrong, but Grag and GP, I've seen him play them and he is good with them so I just ignore the pompousness, hahaha.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
samuraipanda is horrible at gragas and gangplank and every other character, how he broke 1200 elo is beyond me
United States37500 Posts
Brees thinks everybody is horrible. That's why he trolls all.
On November 09 2010 05:22 Brees wrote: samuraipanda is horrible at gragas and gangplank and every other character, how he broke 1200 elo is beyond me I remember the players at the 1200 level so that doesn't surprise me, but when he broke up into the 1700+ range it did sorta blow my fucking mind, hahaha.
The wriggles idea is probably similar to the Ez strat used by Voyboy (?), where you use the madreds proc to lifesteal like a mofo. Raise morale on the ward is just icing on the cake.
Can anyone help this poor pre-level 30 scrub with his gangplank? He's really fun to play and gives me an excuse to talk like a pirate in allchat, but I find that the best I do is only average compared with my mains (Nas, Kas, Janna). I follow this guide's build because it seems pretty damn solid but I'm not sure if theres something I'm missing, or if I'm just bad with him. http://leaguecraft.com/strategies/guide/7935-how-to-not-suck-with-gangplank.xhtml