Kennen, The Heart of the Tempest
Spoilered old OP is miserably out of date. Check the latest discussion in thread for something more relevant.
(Real men play CDR boots Kennen with a page full of energy runes.)
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Before you spend any time in this thread, I suggest reading Salce's guide. He's widely regarded as the best Kennen in the game.
Did you get all that? OK. Let's continue. There's a lot of good stuff in that guide, but I don't mirror it completely. My guide is for Summoner's Rift, I don't play the treeline.
Summoner Spells: Flash/Ghost
I'll be swapping in Teleport after Flash gets the shaft.
Masteries: 9/0/21
Quints: Movespeed
Red: Magic Penetration
Yellow: Energy Per 5 Per Level
Blue: Magic Resistance Per level
Ep5plvl yellows are a must. They noticeably boost your skill spam, even moreso with blue buff. (Kennen is a monster with blue, by the way. Hog it). There's some leeway with the Quints. Salce runs flat HP. Mogwai swears by flat AP. I was using flat EP5 up until I heard about them pulling flash out of the game, so I'm experimenting with movespeed to compensate my positioning. It'll depend on how good the flash replacement is.
Skill Order: QWWEQR / R>Q>W>E
The sign of a well designed champ: All 4 of Kennen's skills, and his passive, are brilliant. You'd love to have them all maxed, but you have to choose. Q makes laning a breeze, (as long as you can land it) which is why I prioritize it.
You want that early second point in W so it'll come off CD before your marks wear off. The harassing fun never stops!
note on items:
This progression is no longer valid. There's been some major item nerfs/buffs in the last few patches: Randuin's nerf, Zhonya's is out, CDR boots are in, etc.. I quit LoL before these changes happened so I have no real say anymore. From pure common sense theorycrafting, Rylais and Deathcap should be your go-to items.
Item Build:
Doran's Shield + Health Potion
Heart of Gold
Sorc Boots
Zhonyas / Abyssal Sceptrer / Randuin's Omen (in some order as dictated by the game.)
Need mres? Go Abyssal. Is there a snowballing enemy Twitch? Finish Omen. Want to call down the thunder? Zhonyas. The HoG is easy for me to rationalize: I'm not a fan of Haunting Guise, while Omen is pretty much my favorite item, and it has amazing synergy with Kennen's ult. Kennen loves survivability.
If you end up in late late game, get a void staff and sell your sorc boots for mercs or tabi.
I don't have much to add beyond what Salce said. Be really aggressive in lane as soon as you're level 3 - force them to zone themselves or eat a second W + stun, and a few more autoattacks. While being virtually ungankable with flash, ghost, and E up. It's kind of unfair tbh. Learn when to rice and when to hang with the team.
Kennen is one of the strongest 1v1 champs in the game. He thrives in mid. However, there are a few champs that you should avoid laning against, if you can help it.
Kassadin: His passive laughs in your face, his Q eats you alive. You will not win. I have no idea why Salce doesn't warn people about this guy.
Nidalee: Spammable heal, ranged harass. She will eventually wear you down.
Miss Fortune/Morgana: If you can't dodge skillshots, you will lose. Good luck trying to force Morg out of the lane (let alone kill her) but a farming stalemate is doable.
Kat: Last time I went mid against a tank setup, I got owned. Maybe I'm just bad. Her daggers are pretty annoying.