Kennen barely had the "mass ap" thing other casters have because hes an energy hero, furthermore, kennen's ap ratio's are poor by default.
[Champion] Kennen - Page 6
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Netherlands1021 Posts
Kennen barely had the "mass ap" thing other casters have because hes an energy hero, furthermore, kennen's ap ratio's are poor by default. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
Focus on dodging shurikens when laning vs him and he's reduced to a top notch laner. | ||
5286 Posts
On January 10 2011 04:44 Slayer91 wrote: Dodge em! Focus on dodging shurikens when laning vs him and he's reduced to a top notch laner. that's like saying focus on dodging old ezreal + red buff 's mystics, he still had his autos (just as kennen still has his w passive + active to set up stuns) to put u into a kiting chain lol like the only real answers to kennen in lane are heroes who can outlast kennen given the right farm / skill level (morgana, vlad who isn't retarded aggressive for the first 7 levels, kassadin) and eventually punish him for any overextending (or in morgana's case catching him in a binding with less than 60% health). | ||
Australia66 Posts
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5286 Posts
On January 10 2011 06:53 ZeeMan wrote: how does kass outlast him? I thought kass was pretty bad until lvl 6 kass passive reduces kennen's damage, gives him more damage based on how much he took trading a q for a shuriken is a good trade for kass silencing kennen before he gets his ult off can fuck him up if he tries to level 6 gib you SoS imba as long as you don't eat autoattacks nonstop, kass is a decent lane matchup vs kennen | ||
United States2928 Posts
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Spain1146 Posts
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Germany8679 Posts
On January 10 2011 08:37 myopia wrote: if Kassadin builds properly (0-9-21, opening dshield), and plays properly (Kennen's Q is a skillshot, Kassadin's is not - this is a big deal), Kennen doesn't have much of a chance. Kennen's Q has way lower cooldown and more range, Kassadin's Q costs mana (this is a big deal). Kennen is ranged and also can just use his basically free to cast Q to lasthit from 1k range if he needs to. Kass is melee and if he uses Q to lasthit he spends a lot of mana and sets off a long cooldown during which Kennen will push him off the minions. Kennen can charge his autoattack, lightning rush towards Kass, auto, W, Q from close range. Not much Kass can do against that if he went up close to the minions trying to lasthit. I definitely don't think Kass is in the advantage here. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
On January 10 2011 08:37 myopia wrote: if Kassadin builds properly (0-9-21, opening dshield), and plays properly (Kennen's Q is a skillshot, Kassadin's is not - this is a big deal), Kennen doesn't have much of a chance. congrats, you've never played against a kennen that knows he should skill W over Q at lvl 3/4 for cooldown and damage purposes. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Spain1146 Posts
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United States1320 Posts
On January 11 2011 05:34 Mogwai wrote: Kassadin puts it in Kennen's butt with tank spec, 0/9/21, and dshield. I dun think I've ever lost to one with Kass in lane. You hit more harass with imba 700 range Q and regen harder off of SoS and then you just reach a point where you can run up on him and fight him with your imba passive. When I'm playing this matchup from the Kennen side, I go QWE and get hyper-aggro at level 3. Your Q still doesn't hit hard enough to justify spamming it, and I can E up to you, stun you, then beat on you with auto-attacks. It's not necessarily an easy matchup, but I've always found Kennen to have the edge. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
The Mots change has made Kennen a weaker laner, but only by a little bit. The consistent damage is more important. Go try out new builds where W is the main on a dual lane or something, it should work. double tag W damage etc. (Q>W>E>W>W or W>E>Q>W>W) depending on what you prefer. Also, Kennen's attack range is high enough for kassadin to have to close in really obviously & won't be behind the creeps or at a point where you can hit a shuriken next to a creep or something. So unless Kennen comes close to W combo kassadin, he can't get the free Q without a dmg exchange. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On January 20 2011 21:57 mercurial wrote: Yeah, there is no sense in skilling W twice now, unless you can't hit your shurikens in any possible way, which I highly doubt, but guess it could happen with malzahar's anoying little summon or something. The Mots change has made Kennen a weaker laner, but only by a little bit. The consistent damage is more important. Go try out new builds where W is the main on a dual lane or something, it should work. double tag W damage etc. (Q>W>E>W>W or W>E>Q>W>W) depending on what you prefer. Also, Kennen's attack range is high enough for kassadin to have to close in really obviously & won't be behind the creeps or at a point where you can hit a shuriken next to a creep or something. So unless Kennen comes close to W combo kassadin, he can't get the free Q without a dmg exchange. Crossing the creepbarrier is relatively easy to fake for kassadin, and if you miss your Q, you're getting Q'd in the face or losing out on ks/cs. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
I skill W,E,W,Q,Q,R now, and I come to lane with my W passive 3/4 charged off wolves (not fully charged because that's too obvious). [E] at level 2 so that Kassadin can't avoid my auto-attack harass (and to have extra-MR to soak up his Q). It's not ideal because shuriken is a max-ASAP move, but you really need to do something to kassadin otherwise by level 5 he's just going to Q you relentlessly and push you out. | ||
United States2928 Posts
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Netherlands1021 Posts
On January 21 2011 00:02 Juicyfruit wrote: I don't get shuriken for the sole reason that it's not reliable enough for pushing kassadin off the creeps, and because of kassadin's passive and innate Mres, it doens't even do more damage than the autoattack. I skill W,E,W,Q,Q,R now, and I come to lane with my W passive 3/4 charged off wolves (not fully charged because that's too obvious). [E] at level 2 so that Kassadin can't avoid my auto-attack harass (and to have extra-MR to soak up his Q). It's not ideal because shuriken is a max-ASAP move, but you really need to do something to kassadin otherwise by level 5 he's just going to Q you relentlessly and push you out. lvl 2 W isn't good enough anymore though, if you put 2 points in might aswell get that third cause that'll deal more dmg then a second point in shuriken, and then just use shuriken for ''easy'' mots's. I'm not saying your way of going at it is wrong, its just one of the ways (I actually use both depending on who/what im facing.) Also we forget to mention that a lvl 5 W + lvl 2 E with rylai = dead caster creeps. For cleaning a wave up quickly having this ready at lvl 10 would be quite usefull. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
question for kennen players, how is he built now with the zhonyas split? | ||
7579 Posts
The active on Hourglass still has great synergy and give a good amount of AP (100). Rylai's is useful, combining slow, AP, and HP into one. Deathcap increases damage output and void is there for mpen. I can see situations where Rylai's can be skipped (early teamfights, NEED the active or you won't get anything off) and going banshee (not as a first item; they got galio, amumu, etc). As for deathcap... you do good damage but you'll get focused and die immediately unless you position yourself perfectly with team support. Even then it's a problem (Janna ult, Trist ult, etc). I still prefer hourglass 'rush' because your ideal job is to get that perfect ult off with flash/e/r/hourglass. I don't like his passive nerf because I can't play 'zone them out and skimp a few cs here and there while holding onto w' although it was probably needed. EDIT: What about cdr boots? Can be useful no? | ||
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