England2654 Posts
This is the process of creation so it may seem out of order at the moment. That's because it is. Feel free to discuss, contribute and so on. I'm a Wiki guy, that's what I want.
Corki is just amazing. Seriously. That's all the introduction you need. So amazing in-fact that you can play him as AD, AP or Hybrid and they're different enough so that neither is absolutely superior and, more importantly, they're strong enough so that your team aren't facepalming when you don't pick AD. I'm going to start off with AD though, because that's my favourite. I'll add the other bits later. Perhaps. If I get a chance to play them enough.
I know someone said don't talk about the spells, but screw it, I will anyway.
Attack Damage Corki There will be two choices, Manly and Cookie Cutter. Manly builds are alternatives and crazy fun to play. Cookie Cutter is that general ranged carry you see everywhere. The Manly build I inherited from Kjongmagnifico in beta and was who I learnt to play Corki from.The two builds aren't mutually exclusive. Feel free to mix them up.
Masteries: 21/0/9 for both really. Spells: Cleanse/Flash or Cleanse/Ghost. I prefer Cleanse/Flash due to being very powerful in team fights with Valkyrie.
Manly Build Manly Runes Marks: Crit Chance/ASpd Seals:Crit Chance/ASpd Glyphs Mp5 per level Quints Armour Pen
Items Meki Pendant+2 Pots. Beserkers Grieves Black Cleaver Meki Pendant -> Manamune or Chalice if you really want.
Alt: Wriggle's Lanturn, Berserkers Grieves, Black Cleaver, Starks Fervour
Extra: Bloodthirter(s), Infinity Edge, Banshees Veil, Stark's Fervour, Brutaliser, Triforce
Abilities Farming: QWQE -> Max R, Q, E, W Ganking: EWEQ -> Max R, E, Q, W
For a team fight opening, consider getting W first. To escape with.
Reasoning: AD Corki is manly and gets loads of damage. I like crit chance due to the obvious effect it has. One crit on your opponent in a lane can change your whole phase. Mp5 Glyphs you can't even argue against. Corki will normally shred a lot of armour anyway so a crit when your opponent is at -10 armour is devestating. This is my personal preference. Attack Speed is an alternative but I don't really like it. Elixir of Agility will give you extra and you don't really need it that much. This one is more Corki specific than the other one. The second build is less manly and I don't really like the lack of mana regen but it still works.
Cookie Build Cookie Runes Marks: Armour Pen Seals:Mp5 per lvl/Armour/Dodge Glyphs Mp5 per level/Magic Res per lvl Quints Armour Pen/Health
Items Doran's Blade/Doran's Ring Doran's Blade x2 Berserker's Grieves Infinity Edge/Black Cleaver Last Whisper/Stark's Fervour
Doran's Blade/Doran's Shield-Red Pot Doran's Blade x2 Manamune Infinity Edge/Triforce Infinity Edge/Triforce
Extra: Manamune/Chalice of Harmony, Blood Thirster, Black Cleaver, Banshees Veil, Brutaliser, Warmogs, Guardian Angel, Triforce
The general choice. Don't get both mp5 runes. This build will basically just be whatever the current favoured ranged carry build is. Last Whisper isn't the most efficient item really but from what I see, most top players only play one build for ranged carries, perhaps adding a brutaliser. I have trouble playing effectively Corki without a Mana Regen item so I don't really use this. I've added the Corki based alternatives to this. I've basically added this here for people who will complain about the other build with words like "Viable" and "Tier List" etc. I've worked around the less health aspect of a Meki Pendant so I'm used to it.
AD Play Style Your role as AD Corki is to act as the carry in the same way Ashe or Tristana would and your goal is to get your Boots and a Black Cleaver as fast as possible.. By opening with a Meki Pendant you are kinda squishy so you have to play carefully and focus on farming. You generally won't be able to zone your opponent out until level six. Just farm creeps and avoid harassment as best as you can. When you're level three you can opt to Phosphorus Bomb your opponent, especially if they're hanging with the back three creeps. Make sure you're using your creeps as a shield as you move in to position to avoid spells and to make your opponent take high creep damage. If you're worried about ganks and what not, make sure you have enough mana to valk away. When you're level six you can start to use Missile Barrage harass your opponents more and maybe even zone them out. At level six, a Phosphorus bomb and Missile Barrage on the last three creeps will kill them all. If you position these creeps between you and your opponent, you can kill them safely and punish your opponent if they come too close. If your opponent starts attacking, just Valkyrie away. If someone comes to help you with a gank, you can surpise them by Valking up to them quickly. If possible, try to Valk over them to block them and deal extra fire damage. You should use a Phosphorus bomb first, then use Missiles if possible. If you're sure that your opponent won't escape, you can Gatling gun instead, just make sure you have Missiles to finish any runners. If you think someone might be in the grass, just head to the ridge above the brush and phosphorus bomb in there or Missile Barrage across the brush. I generally consider my laning phase to be done when I get a Black Cleaver. A Black Cleaver and boots in 20 minutes is good enough. Every minute faster is huge. My current record is a Cleaver and Boots in 16 minutes through only minion farming.
Ganking as Corki is very similar to Tristana. I find I don't get much time to gank until I have my Black Cleaver. If you can get a Red Rune and catch someone trying to leave a lane, you can easily get a kill with Gatling Gun and Valk. Remember that with Phosphorus Bomb you cause miss chance. Opponents often forget this and mistakenly think they can take you out. Make sure you know how much of a beating you can take though. Don't want to embarass yourself. If you're on your way to gank and you have good amounts of Mana, Bomb spots where there are likely to be wards, like outside dragon, at runes and whatnot. Wards will scare your targets off so you may as well try and take them out.
You are also an effective pusher as Corki. You will hit towers for a lot when you get your Black Cleaver and can push towers quite easily with team-mates by killing creeps very quickly then sniping the tower.
From here the game is a case of positioning, effective spell usage and targetting. With your items, almost anyone is a viable target. If a strong Melee or CC comes close, you should always Valk away. You have to aim to take no damage, even if you feel your escaping is excessive. You can go over walls or cross the team fight at a tangent to draw them to your tank. When playing in a team fight, escaping properly is a good skill. You don't want to Valk away from a Xin and have him chase you 1v1, you want to be hitting as many opponents as possible. At the start of fights fire a missile and try to Phosphorus Bomb their physical carries then keep firing missiles at every oppurtunity. If you're planning well, try to have The Big One ready for a fight. If they have a high damage melee hero, I suggest Bombing them and focusing there. NEVER cross a team fight to blind an Ashe or something. You want to try and hit the Tank and as many others as possible with Gatling Gun to get full effect. The more people you can hit the better, but due to the range, this can be hard. Because of this, I like to Gatling Gun when I know it'll do a good job. While opening with it can do well, it can be hard and dangerous to get a good one off the bat. If you aren't being focused you can use this on their Tank and deal massive damage to them. This is where targetting comes in handy. Because of your massive Armour Shredding, you can easily make a tank your main target then once it's dead, you can take out the rest of the team.
This is all the Corki specific stuff I can think of for team-fights, the rest of it is general Ranged Fighting stuff.
AP Corki This build needs work and is old, it's just so that people can try it. I haven't played AP Corki in a while. These are the builds I remember. Masteries:9/0/21 Spells: Ghost/Ignite, Flash/Ignite. These are more personal preference.
Build Runes Marks: Magic Pen Seals: Mp5 per Level Glyphs CDR per Level/Magic Res Quints Health
For each of these builds, you can also go for a Doran's Ring first.
Items Sapphire Crystal Sorc's Boots Sheen (Mejai's) Zhonya's Ring
Extra: Lich's Bane, Rylai's Scepter, Banshee's Veil
Items 2 Sapphire Crystal Catalyst The Protector Sorc's Boots (Mejai's) Rod Of Ages Zhonya's Ring
Extra: Rylai's Scepter~ General AP items.
Items 3 Sapphire Crystal Tear of the Goddess Sorc's Boots (Mejai's) Archangel's Staff Zhonya's
Extra: Rylai's Scepter~ General AP items.
Abilities Farming: QWQWQ -> Max R, Q, W, E Aggressive: WQWQW -> Max R, W, Q, E
AP Play Style This playstyle is similar to the Hybrid style Your main damage is spells now and the biggest damage is Valkyrie. The issue here is that if you Valk, your escape is gone so you can to make sure you're not being focused when you do it. Note that as AP you aren't the carry anymore and that other people on your team must fill that role. You will do a good amount of AoE damage and can take more of a beating than AD but your damage won't be as high. Fortunately you will also have more room to do what you want. When playing AP you must always be thinking of your spells and what they do. Remember about the blind and the gatling gun and think of the benefits they will give your team. If you can Valk across a Team and be ignored, then you will see how good AP Corki can be.
Hybrid Corki This build needs work and is old, it's just so that people can try it. I haven't played Hybrid Corki in a while. These are the builds I remember. Masteries:9/0/21 Spells: Ghost/Ignite, Flash/Ignite. These are more personal preference.
Build Runes Marks: Magic Pen Seals: AP per Level/Dodge/Armour Glyphs Mp5 per Level Quints Health
Items Doran's Shield+Pot Sheen Boots Trinity Force
Items 2 Regrowth Pendant - Philostone Boots of Swiftness Phage -> Sheen -> Triforce Black Cleaver Warmog's
Extra (more AD): Black Cleaver, Infinity Edge, Stark's Extra Defensive: Warmog's, Rylai's Scepter, Frozen Mallet, Banshee's Veil, Guardian Shield, Atma's Impaler Extra (More AP/Hybrid): Hextech Gunblade, Nashor's Tooth.
Abilities General: WQQEQ -> Max R, Q, W, E
Hybrid Play Style This is sort of half way between AP and AD and you could even think of it as a tankier AD build. You will still be doing big damage with normal attacks but your spells will be a larger part of that. With Tri-Force never stop spamming Missiles for maximum damage. Sometimes I like to go this build just because I can do an AD style build but get focused less.
####################################################### Spells This is at the bottom as I imagine people want to see the builds more than this spells. All of Corki's spells require a little sentence or two to explain how they should be used.
Phosphorus Bomb When playing Corki, this spell is king. I feel it is one of the most useful and versatile spells in the game. It gives miss chance, reveals stealthed heroes and items, reveals inside brush and deals great damage to creep waves. The most simple use is as a damage spell or to harass lightly. If you think there is a ward about, just Phosphorus Bomb and kill it. This is super powerful to be able to kill wards. Also shooting into brush has obvious benefits. In Team Fights, landing this on multiple melee champions can have significant effects in limiting their damage.
Valkyrie A standard escape that should be used about the same way as Ezreal's Arcane Shift. You can a choice of Valking after someone or Valking to escape. An interesting dynamic is that if you're going AP or Hybrid, this spell can devestate a team fight. Valking across a team fight is risky, this is why AP Corki generally gets more defence items. Don't forget the damage component if you're in a fight and committing. The flame is also a good deterrant to chasers.
Gatling Gun Not a whole lot to this one actually. Can help you kill creep waves but I usually save it for big creeps and team fights. Getting good position on this for a team fight can take a lot of practice.
Missile Barrage This is a game changer when you get it at level six. Great for last hitting groups of creeps due to the short cooldown and splash. When you get The Big One (4th shot) you can deal big damage to an opponent if you land it. The range is huge and you can starting zoning when you get it. This spell is also very good for popping spell shields. This can be very powerful in team fights if you time it with your auto attack, especially with the 20% of your AD as extra damage. You can also steal Runes and Dragons with this if you're good enough.
Why You Should Play Corki: How Corki Helps You Improve Undoubtedly, Corki helped me because a better player when I started. His builds are so freaking different and change his playstyle in a way most other champions in his slot can't. His general squishy nature helped me learn about avoiding damage. Valkyrie helped me learn a lot about escaping, positioning and about the dilemma of being aggressive or not, when to initiate and so on. His mana reliance helped me learn about reserving mana and the build's requirement for a quick Black Cleaver helped me farm. Q ->R on creeps also helped me learn to farm a lot faster. All of his spells helped me learn about team-fight positioning. Needing to fire Phosphorus Bomb, Gatling Gun and Missiles into team fights but still be on the edges to avoid damage. On top of that, figuring how best to use Valkyrie to escape or chase helped a lot too. Then there's Runes, managing missiles, ganking and so on. Simply put, playing Corki taught be so much about the game, that I believe he's a great character to learn on. I also put Nasus in this category for teaching the other half of the game, but that's a post for another day.
Corki Hall of Fame Any Corki stories or successful games? Post it and I'll add them to the hall of fame! + Show Spoiler +Proof of the build's heritage as one of the oldest Corki builds around. Note the old icons for champions. ![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/AgzmL.jpg) Still viable see! ![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/H20cb.jpg)
 Even though, why not finish manamune before cleaver, and whatcya think of mallet for your "manly build?"
manly enough?
England2654 Posts
On November 05 2010 00:24 Iplaythings wrote: Even though, why not finish manamune before cleaver, and whatcya think of mallet for your "manly build?" manly enough?
You can finish manamune first if you want and it's good to get the unlimited mana and full effects of the item, but a faster Cleaver is so huge for Corki, I can't really think of an equivalent. Think of it like an Infinity Edge for Tryndamere or something. With a meki pendant while laning you can conserve your mana well enough to keep farming but not run out. I find when I'm in team fights and trying to burst down enemies hard it's later in the game where I really need the mana. It's perfectly reasonable to get Manamune first. I used to do that but as my farming has improved, I don't find it so necessary anymore. Think of your manamune as a Chalice with the advantage of giving damage.
For Frozen Mallet, you can easily add one if you want. My issue with it is that the damage is basically negligible and the health pales in comparison to other tanky items such as Warmogs and so on. The slow is alright, but as the AD carry you should having red rune as much as possible and hopefully another slow on your team. You would be team-fighting by the time you get a Frozen Mallet so individual slows aren't too much of a big deal.
Mmm Corki kinda intrigues as of late, I might buy him.. although i've been told he's quite weak and difficult compare to other carries in the game and I really never face him in any games.. soo its hard to get a real opinion on him
The fact that he's 6300 IP kinda turns me off aswell..
I heard they changed Corki way too much now. 
I miss raping with Triforce Corki when everybody underestimated you.
On November 05 2010 00:52 Flicky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 05 2010 00:24 Iplaythings wrote: Even though, why not finish manamune before cleaver, and whatcya think of mallet for your "manly build?" manly enough? You can finish manamune first if you want and it's good to get the unlimited mana and full effects of the item, but a faster Cleaver is so huge for Corki, I can't really think of an equivalent. Think of it like an Infinity Edge for Tryndamere or something. With a meki pendant while laning you can conserve your mana well enough to keep farming but not run out. I find when I'm in team fights and trying to burst down enemies hard it's later in the game where I really need the mana. It's perfectly reasonable to get Manamune first. I used to do that but as my farming has improved, I don't find it so necessary anymore. Think of your manamune as a Chalice with the advantage of giving damage. For Frozen Mallet, you can easily add one if you want. My issue with it is that the damage is basically negligible and the health pales in comparison to other tanky items such as Warmogs and so on. The slow is alright, but as the AD carry you should having red rune as much as possible and hopefully another slow on your team. You would be team-fighting by the time you get a Frozen Mallet so individual slows aren't too much of a big deal. I don't know that much about Corki, but Tryndamere actually can't really rush Infinity edge, it makes you too weak for a long period of time and you won't be too useful with only it, you still need a second item or even a third one to truly be able to do something.
Not sure what to say about the OP, but recently all corkis have been going 3 dblades into iedge into triforce, or 3 dblades into tears into iedge into manamune, but reginald's 2 dshields build seems to fare so much better...
Corki is totally reborn and is a top tier character now, I don't see why people don't have as much interest in him as they should.
what do you think of the manamune/trinity force build that a ton of people use?
seems like that build is really strong atm, his mid game is quite scary. red buff + trinity force spam with manamune does a surprisingly good amount of damage
On November 07 2010 08:28 shawster wrote: what do you think of the manamune/trinity force build that a ton of people use?
seems like that build is really strong atm, his mid game is quite scary. red buff + trinity force spam with manamune does a surprisingly good amount of damage With how many dblades? And also, doesn't it kick in way later than tears+IE or sheen+IE? You definitely do a lot of cutesy stuff but idk.
Triforce item order on corki is still sheen>phage>zeal but really idk how you can spam as much to charge your tears fast enough to be able to spam missiles and use every sheen proc to harass. Fast IE builds just autoattack to harass and W away when it starts looking scary.
Not saying that it's a bad build at all, IE Triforce and manamune are the three corki items, but that particular build hasn't impressed me as much as others.
I go the dblade -> tear -> boots -> manamune -> sheen --> boots 2 --> triforce --> ga build. I don't know how viable it is, but I've been doing well with it. Triforce is still good on corki, correct? Even if the proc is only base dmg? I actually find that mid game (around lvl9) you output a lot of dmg, and it's really easy to get kills.
Is it worth getting crit chance runes? I've been running apen marks, dodge seals, mr/lvl blue, hp quints.
Watch reggie stream, it's really worth it.
He's doing boots2 manamune triforce right now, and as you can see it's only him that makes it look good. His autoattacks blow unless he has triforce procs, his gatling gun and ulti do little to no damage, even the big ones are laughable. Watch how he uses valkyrie to chase whenever he gets phage/redbuff, that is something most corkis don't do and that really helps them with chasing after winning a poking battle without wasting too much mana.
On November 05 2010 01:37 Senx wrote:Mmm Corki kinda intrigues as of late, I might buy him.. although i've been told he's quite weak and difficult compare to other carries in the game and I really never face him in any games.. soo its hard to get a real opinion on him The fact that he's 6300 IP kinda turns me off aswell.. He only costs 3150...
And general skills translate excellent into corki.
The reason why people say he is difficult is that you can either do bad damage (as in auto attack only) or really sick damage with gatling gun and R
Q is more of a utillity than damage spell, even so it is a nice harassment / last hitting spell in the laning. (it makes people miss in it and reveals invis units in area, makes Corki a counter to akali despite being a squishy, as in if you meet akali 1v1 you should just kill and q him when he uses W).
Corki costs 6300. He has pretty much everything what carry should have, really solid champion. Bit more skill/positioning required to use his gatling well.
On November 07 2010 20:40 Lunek wrote: Corki costs 6300. He has pretty much everything what carry should have, really solid champion. Bit more skill/positioning required to use his gatling well.
3150 when I brought him 8 months ago
If its not that way now, sue me.
On November 07 2010 22:16 Iplaythings wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 20:40 Lunek wrote: Corki costs 6300. He has pretty much everything what carry should have, really solid champion. Bit more skill/positioning required to use his gatling well.
3150 when I brought him 8 months ago If its not that way now, sue me.
Yeah nothing must have happened in those 8 months...
Get informed.
England2654 Posts
On November 07 2010 09:48 Misder wrote: I go the dblade -> tear -> boots -> manamune -> sheen --> boots 2 --> triforce --> ga build. I don't know how viable it is, but I've been doing well with it. Triforce is still good on corki, correct? Even if the proc is only base dmg? I actually find that mid game (around lvl9) you output a lot of dmg, and it's really easy to get kills.
Is it worth getting crit chance runes? I've been running apen marks, dodge seals, mr/lvl blue, hp quints.
I haven't been able to play Corki that much recently so these new builds I don't know much about. I can't imagine why that build wouldn't work well. Triforce is still good and it wasn't on the item list by a mistake.
Crit chance runes are just what I like. I'm trying to get alternative builds out there for people to try. If you look below I have the more standard builds listed.
On November 07 2010 11:47 r33k wrote: Watch how he uses valkyrie to chase whenever he gets phage/redbuff, that is something most corkis don't do and that really helps them with chasing after winning a poking battle without wasting too much mana.
This is not at all true. Every Corki chases with Valkyrie when they have slows. The issue is that the bad ones don't know when to stop chasing. Unless you're referring to something else, I don't really understand this post so I'll assume I'm missing something.
On November 07 2010 22:16 Iplaythings wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 20:40 Lunek wrote: Corki costs 6300. He has pretty much everything what carry should have, really solid champion. Bit more skill/positioning required to use his gatling well.
3150 when I brought him 8 months ago If its not that way now, sue me. Corki has ALWAYS been 6300. I bought him shortly after release.
On November 07 2010 08:02 r33k wrote: Not sure what to say about the OP, but recently all corkis have been going 3 dblades into iedge into triforce, or 3 dblades into tears into iedge into manamune, but reginald's 2 dshields build seems to fare so much better...
Corki is totally reborn and is a top tier character now, I don't see why people don't have as much interest in him as they should.
Two DShields seems unnecessary to me. If you're not doing that well, go for it but I feel that this Doran's style is something that should die out and possibly encourages worse play. That's just my opinion though. If it works for you, go for it. I would prefer you to only have one Doran's Shield and just play better.
On November 07 2010 08:28 shawster wrote: what do you think of the manamune/trinity force build that a ton of people use?
seems like that build is really strong atm, his mid game is quite scary. red buff + trinity force spam with manamune does a surprisingly good amount of damage
Well it's a less manly build but it does well enough. The thing I dislike about it, is that it isn't very Corki-centric. You could do that build on a lot of characters.
needs a section on when to chase/commit with gatling and when not to, as that pretty much separates good and bad corkis. Everything else he does is standard range carry stuff.
too often people 'lock on' with gatling and get pulled too close into a fight. not staying far back enough and just poking with R/bomb until the other team blows thier ults. On the other hand, too many people also don't know when to commit after all the dangerous burst/ult/cc is used, underestimating the amount of damage corki can dish out. (if he avoids getting CC chained, he actually shreds all the annoying fat anti-carrys like morde/mundo/poppy)
honestly, he didn't need a buff to become really good. He just requires a pretty varied skillset to use to his full potential (vision bomb, positioning for valk, gatling usage, skillshot ult, kiting/chasing, farming both with last hits and nukes and jungle), and it's easy to just fail and feed.
another thing, black cleaver is shit on him. Gatling doesn't apply the debuff, and corki has no passive attack speed and doesn't like buying it either. Brutalizer gives you everything you need, and if you really want, get ghostblade and brut both. -cd is awesome for ult spamming, and very useful for more gatling/valk/bomb.
Bloodthirster is very nice as a late game item, as corki doesn't mind going toe-to-toe with most other champs cause gatling means he wins. thirster just means he wins while maintaining most of his hp. he eventually wants some lifesteal to farm with and can max the stacks easily and quickly, meaning it's one of the cheapest +AD items.
I like running dual mp5pl yellow/blues because then you can farm with bomb/gatling very quickly and not worry about mana at all, but that's kind of a personal preference. you can get by with one set.
EDIT:: zerker greaves is also shit. wtf. atk speed for what? until ~40 mins in, most of your damage is from abilities anyways. his auto-attack range is a resounding meh and trying to get in close to use it before you farm to beastmode just gets you killed in teamfights.
On November 08 2010 00:54 Flicky wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 09:48 Misder wrote: I go the dblade -> tear -> boots -> manamune -> sheen --> boots 2 --> triforce --> ga build. I don't know how viable it is, but I've been doing well with it. Triforce is still good on corki, correct? Even if the proc is only base dmg? I actually find that mid game (around lvl9) you output a lot of dmg, and it's really easy to get kills.
Is it worth getting crit chance runes? I've been running apen marks, dodge seals, mr/lvl blue, hp quints. I haven't been able to play Corki that much recently so these new builds I don't know much about. I can't imagine why that build wouldn't work well. Triforce is still good and it wasn't on the item list by a mistake. Crit chance runes are just what I like. I'm trying to get alternative builds out there for people to try. If you look below I have the more standard builds listed. Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 11:47 r33k wrote: Watch how he uses valkyrie to chase whenever he gets phage/redbuff, that is something most corkis don't do and that really helps them with chasing after winning a poking battle without wasting too much mana. This is not at all true. Every Corki chases with Valkyrie when they have slows. The issue is that the bad ones don't know when to stop chasing. Unless you're referring to something else, I don't really understand this post so I'll assume I'm missing something. Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 22:16 Iplaythings wrote:On November 07 2010 20:40 Lunek wrote: Corki costs 6300. He has pretty much everything what carry should have, really solid champion. Bit more skill/positioning required to use his gatling well.
3150 when I brought him 8 months ago If its not that way now, sue me. Corki has ALWAYS been 6300. I bought him shortly after release. Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 08:02 r33k wrote: Not sure what to say about the OP, but recently all corkis have been going 3 dblades into iedge into triforce, or 3 dblades into tears into iedge into manamune, but reginald's 2 dshields build seems to fare so much better...
Corki is totally reborn and is a top tier character now, I don't see why people don't have as much interest in him as they should. Two DShields seems unnecessary to me. If you're not doing that well, go for it but I feel that this Doran's style is something that should die out and possibly encourages worse play. That's just my opinion though. If it works for you, go for it. I would prefer you to only have one Doran's Shield and just play better. Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 08:28 shawster wrote: what do you think of the manamune/trinity force build that a ton of people use?
seems like that build is really strong atm, his mid game is quite scary. red buff + trinity force spam with manamune does a surprisingly good amount of damage Well it's a less manly build but it does well enough. The thing I dislike about it, is that it isn't very Corki-centric. You could do that build on a lot of characters. Another thing, when I brought corki i automatically had Ufo skin too, never spent a penny on LoL but I got a ufo skin, anyone else got that?
And I swear to god he was 3150 when I brought him O_O - keep in mind that they change IP costs sometimes, vlad costs 6300 IP now but costed 3150 once (I think?) Other chars which (I think) has been changed sometime: Ashe, Annie, Sion, Kassa?
Maybe I just had a brainbleeding and end up embarrasing myself but I think it happend...
Corki was given free to people signed up before February (don't know exactly). And the UFO skin was with it too.
England2654 Posts
On November 08 2010 06:33 Misder wrote: Corki was given free to people signed up before February (don't know exactly). And the UFO skin was with it too.
There was an award for best game or something and if LoL won, they gave everyone the UFO skin.