So I just started playing corki and I love him. Arguably the funnest champion I've played
I was wondering if anyone had any tips for laning. I usually take solo mid but there are certain champions giving me massive trouble so far.
Mord: morde es #1 and he absolutely rapes me in lane. He's practically immune to harassment after like level 4, and he pushes my tower so hard I lose it most of the time.
Vlad: pre 9 I can zone him out of lane, but after that he'll usually just buy a revolver and do the same to me.
Ashe: it's usually pretty close, but a good Ashe just abuses her range and volley ESP pre6
Heimer: towers gone in 10 minutes (
Morde is actually a pretty funny lane, because Corki doesn't have the damage to beat him solo mid; you just have to learn to farm really really well. When you hit 6, things get easier because you can Q>R the ranged minions to wipe them.
If Vlad is zoning you, use rockets to farm. Capitalize on your early game advantage and just destroy him, because he has a really strong midgame and the only thing you can hope to do is delay that.
For Ashe, don't be afraid to sit close to the creeps, even right in the middle of your ranged creeps. Remember that your phosphorus bomb has slightly longer range than the spell targeting shows, so learn to abuse that, and you can hit her if she's not firing perfectly max range volleys. After that, you win in an autoattack fight (assuming equal creeps, etc. blah blah) because your passive is dumb.
Have you tried taking him solo top? Some people prefer that because the lane is already a farmfest (relatively) and with valk+flash, corki is really hard to catch. It also makes some matchups easier due to the layout of the lane and brush advantage.
On May 02 2011 23:47 dnastyx wrote: Morde is actually a pretty funny lane, because Corki doesn't have the damage to beat him solo mid; you just have to learn to farm really really well. When you hit 6, things get easier because you can Q>R the ranged minions to wipe them.
If Vlad is zoning you, use rockets to farm. Capitalize on your early game advantage and just destroy him, because he has a really strong midgame and the only thing you can hope to do is delay that.
For Ashe, don't be afraid to sit close to the creeps, even right in the middle of your ranged creeps. Remember that your phosphorus bomb has slightly longer range than the spell targeting shows, so learn to abuse that, and you can hit her if she's not firing perfectly max range volleys. After that, you win in an autoattack fight (assuming equal creeps, etc. blah blah) because your passive is dumb.
Have you tried taking him solo top? Some people prefer that because the lane is already a farmfest (relatively) and with valk+flash, corki is really hard to catch. It also makes some matchups easier due to the layout of the lane and brush advantage.
vs. Morde mid it's really the farm battle, top you can rapezonewtfpwn him easily.
vs. Vlad you wtfrape him before level 6, then it's slowly shifting into his favor and you switch to afkfarm mode.
vs. Ashe your Q is all you need. Dodge volleys with creephelp and make sure to call a gank when she keeps throwing those volleys.
Imo Corki solo top is usually a bad idea vs the likes of Jarman/Irelia/Renek, those have a tendency to shit on him. Bot with taric > soraka > janna is great too.
A huge thing mid is the proper gank timing. e.g. vs Malz/Anivia you want the gank before they hit lvl 6. vs Vlad you want it somewhere between 1-7. vs. Ashe you want it whenever she starts pushing with volleys.
Personally the only lanes I have big trouble with as Corki are strong Malzahars (make sure to force his flash pre-6 with enough harass or a jungle gank so he cant flash/ignite wtfcombo you at lvl 6) and Mordekaiser mid when he W's melee creeps. Completely retarded. =P
when in doubt go back buy tear and one shot creep waves beat mid by 50 cs gg
Alright cool, thanks for the tips. Numbers made a great post that i read before he deleted it , oh well.
Corki is one of the most versatile AD carries in the game (3rd in the fun list for me, after Twitch and Teemo). Been playing him for 5-6 months now and I usually do the following build:
Mana crystal+2 pots Tear+boots (depending on how am I doing in the lane I may delay my first recall till I can get manamune+boots1 ~2100g) Most of the times I get mercs, but if I do extremely well in laning phase I go for mobility/zerks (by harrassing them, they are forced to back a lot of times so I can afford to gank mid/take a red buff more rapidly). Triforce (if I take a lot of dmg, then first Phage, after Sheen - if not, then vice-versa)
This is the core build I usually run - if the game is going fairly well in my team's favor and I'm not getting focused, I'll just go for Bloodthirster, else BV is a really strong option. Most of the times the game should be over by the time you finish your third item (~9-10k gold for boots+3 items+pots+wards), but if it isn't, then I build whatever I feel comfortable with. Some options: Frozen mallet Madreds bloodrazor Starks LW Black Cleaver GA
I run: damage reds armor yellows mres blues Apen quints
This isn't optimal, I know, but I've been doing great with this setup (around 1300-1400 ELO). I can hit very heavy at lvl 1 and can take most of the harassment from the opponent/minion aggro. I want to be laning with a support or tank, so I get my farming going. Basically the most important thing imo is to know the damage you can deal/take and to position yourself perfectly (this is rather easy with valk). Feel free to push the lanes whenever you forced them back, as Corki is ungankable with double flash/blind (and possibly exhaust).
Any suggestions?
I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already.
Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad.
Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them.
This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win.
On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later
Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid.
Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage.
On June 14 2011 23:17 r.Evo wrote:I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already. Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad. Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them. This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win. Show nested quote +On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid. Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage. why do LW on corki? only his E is physical and that reduces armor which would scale better with a black cleaver anyways. Manamune isnt for the 1 fight boom, its so you never have to go back from farming. Corki is also very mana intensive in lane if he wanna zone with Q, you can choose not to have it but manamune - sheen - cleaver - triforce produced best results for me.
On June 14 2011 23:17 r.Evo wrote:I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already. Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad. Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them. This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win. Show nested quote +On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid. Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage. With manamune I can stay in lane for like forever and also, I can be sure that I won't run out of mana in the middle of a fight. Frozen mallet is for the 100% slow. Bloodrazor is for tanky team compositions (like taric, jarvan, cho, malza, w/e ad carry) Starks synergizes well with his E and the aura will benefit the whole team (lifesteal also nice - this plus maxed BT gives 45% if I recall it correctly).
About the rune setup: its 10 ArPen+8.55 AD vs 15 ArPen+6.75 AD. I guess this depends on the enemy you are laning against (the higher the armor, the more effective the ArPen is). What about penetration marks+quints? Hitting for true damage+passive can be quite devastating.
You need the Apen. The Apen helps even more later considering Corki stacks Apen. I don't think you should waste rune slots on AD.
-Manamune is not a bad option. You don't always need it imo but it's definitely not bad. Corki is one of the few champs it's actually really good on.
-Frozen Mallet is always a horrible option for corki. Firstly, you're the ranged carry. You're most likely going to get your teams red buff and even if you don't you get a Triforce. The reason for triforce is because Corki has good base damages and spammable skills, so Triforce is simply good on him. He's essentially the ranged version of a bruiser (high base damage bad scaling on abilities), although some bruisers nowadays also have retarded good scaling. FM is the defensive choice, and you just don't need that on Corki. Need to reposition? You have w.
-Bloodrazor is useless on corki because a lot of your damage is upfront from q, e, r, and autos. The e shreds armor, so your attacks do even more as you hit the enemy. Your passive does true damage. Nowhere in there is there magic pen, meaning bloodrazors damage is low and besides that, you don't want that kind of damage when you're doing near true damage with your autos anyway. Why minimize your damage with that item slot buying an expensive item when you can just get an IE instead and do even more damage to everyone?
-Starks isn't a horrible choice. I prefer it on someone else though. You don't really need the extra AS because you have triforce + BC to help in that area already.
General builds are manamune -> sheen -> Black Cleaver -> finish triforce/BV -> IE or BT, usually IE because of its synergy with triforce, but BT if you need the lifesteal.
Sometimes you can get away with sheen -> BC -> triforce/BV -> IE + BT. It does more damage but makes you spam your abilities less (usually) because your mana pool is so much lower. Blue buff can usually fix that problem.
don't be a pussy with corki
Get red buff if you want a slow. I just saved you 3.2k gold.
BP's post about Bloodrazor is spot on about that item. lol I wish I had read about it earlier.
I think a lot of players get the misconception that Bloodrazor is a reverse Atma's Weapon, but it's not. That 2% max enemy HP attack is magic based, and tanks usually stack a decent amount of mres so it's never going to be 2%. Plus, a true AD's damage comes from auto attacks so apen would be a lot more useful.
Against those heavy tanks you mentioned, LW/BC/Ghost Blade would be the better solution. But then again, if they stack a shitton of armor you should just let the AP's handle them while you focus on others.
On June 15 2011 03:10 broz0rs wrote: BP's post about Bloodrazor is spot on about that item. lol I wish I had read about it earlier.
I think a lot of players get the misconception that Bloodrazor is a reverse Atma's Weapon, but it's not. That 2% max enemy HP attack is magic based, and tanks usually stack a decent amount of mres so it's never going to be 2%. Plus, a true AD's damage comes from auto attacks so apen would be a lot more useful.
Against those heavy tanks you mentioned, LW/BC/Ghost Blade would be the better solution. But then again, if they stack a shitton of armor you should just let the AP's handle them while you focus on others. It's 4%.
And in most cases, BC is the best anti-armor item on Corki. Under some extremely rare occasions it might be LW. Doesn't seem to happen in the current metagame.
On June 14 2011 23:51 Iplaythings wrote:Show nested quote +On June 14 2011 23:17 r.Evo wrote:I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already. Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad. Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them. This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win. On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid. Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage. why do LW on corki? only his E is physical and that reduces armor which would scale better with a black cleaver anyways. Manamune isnt for the 1 fight boom, its so you never have to go back from farming. Corki is also very mana intensive in lane if he wanna zone with Q, you can choose not to have it but manamune - sheen - cleaver - triforce produced best results for me.
I feel if you do Triforce/IE LW makes you shred everyone hard cause your damage is already pretty high, however I'd only get it when there are 2+ people who stack armor. Otherwise it's BC.
In the Manamune/Triforce route I prefer the BC for more AD asap.
There's rarely games where I want more than 3 big offensive items before my banshees. Haven't gone manamune in ages though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Spines, why would you say that in the current meta BC is 2gud most of the time? I see tank(y) jungle and tank(y) solo top too often which is my main reasoning for LW in a lot of games. Would you use BC in that spot too? (e.g. vs Nunu/Amu/Jarvan/Irelia etc.)
On June 15 2011 04:16 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 14 2011 23:51 Iplaythings wrote:On June 14 2011 23:17 r.Evo wrote:I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already. Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad. Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them. This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win. On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid. Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage. why do LW on corki? only his E is physical and that reduces armor which would scale better with a black cleaver anyways. Manamune isnt for the 1 fight boom, its so you never have to go back from farming. Corki is also very mana intensive in lane if he wanna zone with Q, you can choose not to have it but manamune - sheen - cleaver - triforce produced best results for me. I feel if you do Triforce/IE LW makes you shred everyone hard cause your damage is already pretty high, however I'd only get it when there are 2+ people who stack armor. Otherwise it's BC. In the Manamune/Triforce route I prefer the BC for more AD asap. There's rarely games where I want more than 3 big offensive items before my banshees. Haven't gone manamune in ages though, so take that with a grain of salt. Spines, why would you say that in the current meta BC is 2gud most of the time? I see tank(y) jungle and tank(y) solo top too often which is my main reasoning for LW in a lot of games. Would you use BC in that spot too? (e.g. vs Nunu/Amu/Jarvan/Irelia etc.) People are stacking so much gold/10 that it never really gets to the point where LW becomes the better choice (should be somewhere at 250-300 armor). Also I haven't seen true armor stacking tanks in a while. There always is some offensive component like Triforce. Of course if you're up against a Rammus and Singed with 2 big armor items each then LW looks really tasty.
On June 15 2011 04:51 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On June 15 2011 04:16 r.Evo wrote:On June 14 2011 23:51 Iplaythings wrote:On June 14 2011 23:17 r.Evo wrote:I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already. Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad. Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them. This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win. On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid. Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage. why do LW on corki? only his E is physical and that reduces armor which would scale better with a black cleaver anyways. Manamune isnt for the 1 fight boom, its so you never have to go back from farming. Corki is also very mana intensive in lane if he wanna zone with Q, you can choose not to have it but manamune - sheen - cleaver - triforce produced best results for me. I feel if you do Triforce/IE LW makes you shred everyone hard cause your damage is already pretty high, however I'd only get it when there are 2+ people who stack armor. Otherwise it's BC. In the Manamune/Triforce route I prefer the BC for more AD asap. There's rarely games where I want more than 3 big offensive items before my banshees. Haven't gone manamune in ages though, so take that with a grain of salt. Spines, why would you say that in the current meta BC is 2gud most of the time? I see tank(y) jungle and tank(y) solo top too often which is my main reasoning for LW in a lot of games. Would you use BC in that spot too? (e.g. vs Nunu/Amu/Jarvan/Irelia etc.) People are stacking so much gold/10 that it never really gets to the point where LW becomes the better choice (should be somewhere at 250-300 armor). Also I haven't seen true armor stacking tanks in a while. There always is some offensive component like Triforce. Of course if you're up against a Rammus and Singed with 2 big armor items each then LW looks really tasty.
From my calcs LW becomes better than BC at 200+ armor. Or am I failing because I don't put in each items gold efficiency?
vs 200 armor: BC+E at level 5, full duration: 200 armor -50 from E -45 from BC -25 from runes = 70 armor
LW+E at level 5, full duration: 200 armor -50 from E = 150 armor -25 from runes = 115 armor -40% = 69 armor
vs 150 armor: BC+E at level 5, full duration: 150 armor -50 from E -45 from BC
-25 Runes =20 armor = 16% reduction
LW+E at level 5, full duration: 150 armor -50 from E = 100 -25 from runes = 75 -40% from LW = 45 armor = 31% reduction
Hmm... if the cost efficiency sheet is correct there it's about 750 gold wasted on LW compared to BC. On the other hand there are a lot of cases where you don't get the full E duration off on the guy you're shooting / it can be on cooldown. If you somehow fuck up getting the full duration or (even worse) it's on cooldown you lose about 20-40% of your total ArPen which is pretty huge. On the other hand BC helps your teammates too in a lot of cases.
This seems closer than I expected to be from a theorycraft point of view.
Now I kinda feel lost. =P
Someone dump on this post, tell me why I'm a being a fucknewb and what's better when exactly.
On June 15 2011 11:58 r.Evo wrote:Show nested quote +On June 15 2011 04:51 spinesheath wrote:On June 15 2011 04:16 r.Evo wrote:On June 14 2011 23:51 Iplaythings wrote:On June 14 2011 23:17 r.Evo wrote:I'd suggest sticking to builds presented already. Manamune is okay, though not great imo. Frozen Mallet is bad. (why would you get it? Fuck HP, learn to position yourself) Madreds is bad. Starks is bad. Damage reds/Apen Quints is bad. If you want extra AD early, switch them. This is solid (though should be more like 2 7 21 nowadays, cuz of exhaust and random points in crit are win. On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health
doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie
flash ghost
u can thank me later Triforce -> IE -> LW/Banshees is solid. Manamune builds are just outdone by the other two in damage. why do LW on corki? only his E is physical and that reduces armor which would scale better with a black cleaver anyways. Manamune isnt for the 1 fight boom, its so you never have to go back from farming. Corki is also very mana intensive in lane if he wanna zone with Q, you can choose not to have it but manamune - sheen - cleaver - triforce produced best results for me. I feel if you do Triforce/IE LW makes you shred everyone hard cause your damage is already pretty high, however I'd only get it when there are 2+ people who stack armor. Otherwise it's BC. In the Manamune/Triforce route I prefer the BC for more AD asap. There's rarely games where I want more than 3 big offensive items before my banshees. Haven't gone manamune in ages though, so take that with a grain of salt. Spines, why would you say that in the current meta BC is 2gud most of the time? I see tank(y) jungle and tank(y) solo top too often which is my main reasoning for LW in a lot of games. Would you use BC in that spot too? (e.g. vs Nunu/Amu/Jarvan/Irelia etc.) People are stacking so much gold/10 that it never really gets to the point where LW becomes the better choice (should be somewhere at 250-300 armor). Also I haven't seen true armor stacking tanks in a while. There always is some offensive component like Triforce. Of course if you're up against a Rammus and Singed with 2 big armor items each then LW looks really tasty. From my calcs LW becomes better than BC at 200+ armor. Or am I failing because I don't put in each items gold efficiency? vs 200 armor: BC+E at level 5, full duration:200 armor -50 from E -45 from BC -25 from runes = 70 armorLW+E at level 5, full duration:200 armor -50 from E = 150 armor -25 from runes = 115 armor -40% = 69 armorvs 150 armor: BC+E at level 5, full duration:150 armor -50 from E -45 from BC -25 Runes =20 armor = 16% reduction LW+E at level 5, full duration:150 armor -50 from E = 100 -25 from runes = 75 -40% from LW = 45 armor = 31% reductionHmm... if the cost efficiency sheet is correct there it's about 750 gold wasted on LW compared to BC. On the other hand there are a lot of cases where you don't get the full E duration off on the guy you're shooting / it can be on cooldown. If you somehow fuck up getting the full duration or (even worse) it's on cooldown you lose about 20-40% of your total ArPen which is pretty huge. On the other hand BC helps your teammates too in a lot of cases. This seems closer than I expected to be from a theorycraft point of view. Now I kinda feel lost. =P Someone dump on this post, tell me why I'm a being a fucknewb and what's better when exactly. plzplz thx I think LW is the better choice when the opposing team has a ton of tanky/armor stackign champs because you rarely are able to get all your E procs off on the entire team. When there's very few tanky/armor stacking champs BC is probably better as you dont need to shred as much armor overall.
I could be wrong tho.
United States47024 Posts
Your calculations apply ONLY to those targets with those armor values. If LW is only slightly better vs 2 of their team members, but significantly worse against the other 3, then BC is still worth it overall. LW has to be better than flat pen by enough on high-armor targets to make up for the fact that the %-pen is only significant against those targets.
So even though LW is "better" at 200-ish armor, it's not actually a better buy until 250-300 armor, unless there are a lot of high-armor enemies.