[Champion] Ultimate Corki Guide - Page 3
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United States2131 Posts
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United States5651 Posts
at least that was the logic i found, but i'll go doran manamune triforce most likely | ||
United States2131 Posts
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5286 Posts
as for philo getting extra ad on your dorans blade and using that ad to harass the enemy + using its lifesteal will help you more in lane even game early than a regen would imo and as for using it to stay at full health until 6 or w/e if you're against something gay like pantheon it doesn't matter if you're against a skilled opponent who is willing to sacrifice a few cs to have u burn ur mana pool it won't matter and if you're against a opponent who can farm with spells it doesn't matter too many of these overlap and or they cover too many champions to support that kinda play the only reason it works for mordekaiser is because of its synergy with his passive, corki has no such thing | ||
United States7087 Posts
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United States2131 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
On December 19 2010 13:42 TieN.nS) wrote: Bonus 10% true damage to autoattacks. lolwtf, why didnt i know that.... i feel like i know so few champ passives for some reason ~.~ | ||
United States2131 Posts
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United States1320 Posts
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5286 Posts
LW flat AD and passive is nice as it is on any other hero who has a fairly good portion of his damage from autoattacks, but I wouldn't rush it after manamune on corki because honestly until the lategame the majority of his damage in teamfights comes from his spells (qer), and while e is physical damage rather than LW corki would benefit more from a sheen + two triforce components than he would from LW. my favored path of items is dblade -> tear -> boots1 -> manamune -> sheen / mercs -> one that was finished -> negatron / cata if needed more than damage at that point, if not finish phage and zeal as desired -> triforce -> LW -> BT or whatever. | ||
Denmark457 Posts
I run apen reds, armor yellow, mp5 blues and health quints (thinking of exchanging these for movespeed or apen) Q-W-Q-E-Q-R then R>Q>E>W Dorans Blade + pot is best. If you think you'll have a really hard time in lane, you can open shield, but I don't recommend it. Manamune is a must. Corki is so mana intensive that you really, really need the regen, and since you spam rockets so much, your mana pool goes up fast. If the lane is easy, I'll stay in lane until i can get manamune + boots, then b. Usually this isn't the case and I end up back in base buying a tear + boots + pot and ward. Some people tell me to skip the ward and save it for more damage, but i like wards. Finish manamune, then: Second tier boots. Usually you'll be getting mercury threads, but if you aren't against a cc heavy team, boots of swiftness are great because Corki has so low base movespeed now. You can also get zerkers, but i don't recommend it. I find the two others to be more useful. At this point, I find you have two choices: Getting sheen and building that into Triforce, or my personal favorite: a bloodthirster. Both are viable choices imo, each with their pros and cons. Corki is extremely spammy by nature, so its easy to get at least 5-6 triforce procs in a single fight, resulting in amazing damage, and the other bonuses from Triforce are just icing on the cake. However apart from the 30 damage(?) Triforce has, it doesn't have much synergy with E or Corkis passive, which is where bloodthirster comes in. With bloodthirster, your E does INSANE damage in AoE, and you have lots of true damage from your passive. Your missiles do pretty nice damage now that they have an AD ratio, too. (Something tells me I'm very wrong that bloodthirster is a viable option compared to triforce, but I really like thirster a lot more.) Either way, after these items you probably want some survivability. My usual picks are veil or quicksilver sash, maybe together with a chain vest. After this, just keep adapting to the game. You should probably add more damage, or you can add more survivability items if you don't need more damage (BUT YOU ALWAYS NEED MORE DAMAGE AMIRITE). Last whisper is a generally solid item, but remember that you shred a LOT of armor with E (60 max at level 5?), and since i run armor pen reds, they need a LOT of armor for it to be worth it. Since they changed it to give more attack damage, its gotten a lot better for Corki. If you're feeling like fooling around, try stuff like a Black Cleaver and Starks (arpen reds + E + cleaver debuff + starks = LULZ) About 3 doran blades: I think this is pretty good on most other carries, but i REALLY don't like it on Corki. I feel it slows down that core manamune too much, and I'd actually much rather have parts of manamune than a pair of dorans extra, just because Corki is SO mana intensive, and dorans aren't gonna help you stay in lane if you don't have mana, anyways. Most of your damage in this period comes from pokes with Q and R, and both of those are really mana intensive. Phew, this got long fast, wasn't supposed to be a guide :p | ||
Finland393 Posts
Also am I not spamming my missiles enough since I never build manamune anymore, it feels like an item that's useless if you can manage without the mana regen. An earlier sheen seems so much better than tear/manamune. I usually go dblade->sheen->black cleaver->triforce->banshees/whatever, sometimes ill get triforce after sheen or just the phage or just the health crystal before BC, depending on when I b and how the game is going. When I have enough for sheen+boots1 I usually go back, mana crystal from sheen means I don't have mana problems. I run mp5/lvl blues with 21-0-9 masteries. I guess if I was ganking alot I would need the mana regen but I'd rather farm and only gank if I kill mid or force him back and theres a good opportunity. | ||
United Kingdom5338 Posts
Once you are 6 you can just start gibbing waves anyway with q+r. | ||
United States3216 Posts
On January 28 2011 21:20 Stealthpenguin wrote: Can someone give me tips on how to lane against kassadin. If he pokes with q all I can get in is an auto. The silence is the big problem, I just get whittled down and then I have to b at lvl 5 or I get dove when he hits 6. To make it worse kassadins at my elo often take clarity or teleport so they can spam q at low levels all they want. Basically I'm asking what to do against silencers with corki. Also am I not spamming my missiles enough since I never build manamune anymore, it feels like an item that's useless if you can manage without the mana regen. An earlier sheen seems so much better than tear/manamune. I usually go dblade->sheen->black cleaver->triforce->banshees/whatever, sometimes ill get triforce after sheen or just the phage or just the health crystal before BC, depending on when I b and how the game is going. When I have enough for sheen+boots1 I usually go back, mana crystal from sheen means I don't have mana problems. I run mp5/lvl blues with 21-0-9 masteries. I guess if I was ganking alot I would need the mana regen but I'd rather farm and only gank if I kill mid or force him back and theres a good opportunity. Force lvl 1 fights. Go q and auto attack pokes. He can only use a crap silence on you early levels, you have an auto attack that hits like a truck and a q. Q first, then auto attack. Q is instantaneous, kassadin's q takes a while to hit you. You are ranged, he is not. Abuse that. Use your auto attacks every time he gets close to creeps. Q autoattack back off and zone him out and punish him early levels. | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie flash ghost u can thank me later | ||
United States982 Posts
On January 29 2011 02:47 locodoco wrote: 0/9/21 red:armor pen yellow:mana regen blue:mr or cdr quint:health doran shield->serker/merc->sheen->cleaver->banshee or trinity or ie flash ghost u can thank me later advantages of cleaver over IE? Am curious, since i don't see corki as needing too much AS to be effective, considering the pure amount of sheen dickery he carries on him. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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5286 Posts
i stand by manamune being a legit solo q corki build, because it gives you massive mana and regen and a fair source of AD for the midgame (no dependence on blue buff for maintaining mana in fights and lane, which also lets giving that blue to anivia a lot easier on you too) which, combined with SoS (when you're running a 21-8-1 or 0-9-21 or something of the sort) gives you insane lanestaying power. i know regi still uses manamune on corki. sheen cleaver gives you much better deeps faster tho, but manamune corki = #1 smurf corki build never leave lane, get 4 BF swords imo loco do u always complete boots before getting sheen? also whenever i watched your stream you always ran 21-0-9. faster summoners > more damage for u now? ![]() | ||
Sweden630 Posts
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
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