I like a bit of everything, some rap is great so long as it isn't 50 cent or some crap about crimes, money, hoes, and drive byes. I don't really like any metal because I'm not a fan of super loud obnoxious voices or guitars, it just doesn't agree with my ears. Hip hop/pop is fine by me, I like some but not all. I really like almost all classic rock, bon jovi and the like. 80s style music is great for me. And synthesizers take a lot of creativity to use. Example? La Roux
Kids now a days don't have the attention span to actually learn to play an instrument so they can fully understand and appreciate the most complex genres in music.
Kids usually prefer to hear songs about feelings and emotions so they can connect with the music and have a sense of identity in themselves for some lack of identity in a stable home/academic career/etc etc.
With such a huge divorce rate in America it makes sense that the youth turn to computer generated music which centralizes around how people feel.
Personally Metal 4 lief. Genres is so great it allowed me to finally appreciate classical music and the musician themselves.
I cant understand why people cry about not being able to hear growling, let it be a musical instrument, view it as a guitar, its about the skill and creativity not trying to artificially connect with the song.
On January 19 2011 07:18 EdSlyB wrote: Well. The big problem isn't why are people so much into rap and hip-pop. The main issue is why don't people listen to more than rap and hip-pop. I'm proud of myself for listening and enjoying almost every style of music out there as long it has quality (i.e. it is GOOD music). People have to broad out their horizons. Don't listen only to what MTV spams.
I'll give you a tiny example: Listen to this and if you by chance don't like or think it isn't quality music then I can say with all my heart that there is no hope for you.
the main problem with orchestra music is that it is best enjoyed live and not suited for digital distribution (fail herz range)
I have no problem with hiphop in principle, I can listen to some songs by eminem for example and french rap is leagues ahead of american, however I cannot understand people listening to things like akon or 50cent
I love hip hop and i love metal (love a lot of genres really - there's no such thing as bad genres - only terrible artists) but maybe:
Generally speaking (which is always bad) People identify with the attitude behind the lyrics more easily nowadays. Attitude and message is a big part of the appeal of both genres (rap and metal) - also check out great rap & metal outfits . There will always be valueable artists in all genres.
Also to the op - metal is very stagnant at the moment and kind of repeats the same themes. The fresh thing with hip hop (even bad pop stuff) is that themes seem current because its so lyrical and supports a narative : even when its shallow - also because it relies so heavy on sampling - it affords taking stuff from other genres to keep itself healthy -
there's a lot more to this but ... delving into it is dangerous subjective stuff -that only leads to flames.
@Jameser - french hip hop is more geeky the people in it are more geeky and therefore more aware of music, history, message - i love it btw;
Why do people have to choose either rap or metal? There is good music in every genre, you just have to take the time to find it. I used to be one of those guys who said that rap was bad, basing my opinion on nothing other than the fact that rap was mainstream. There is good rap and bad rap. There is also good metal and bad metal.
I play guitar, mostly play heavy shit, like doom, death, sludge, and black metal, but I can still appreciate good, talented hip hop. Don't close your mind so much and limit yourself to only one genre of music. Listening to good hip hop has changed my perspective on all music. If you only listen to metal, you are really missing out on some great music. Go out and listen to some other genres for a change. Download some jazz, get some hip hop, listen to some dub step or drum and bass.
Different styles of music serve different purposes. Hip hop is great for chilling out too. Electronic music is perfect for gaming, or really anything that requires focus. Metal is nice when you are driving or doing something where you can focus more on the music. Don't think metal is the only genre of music that has talent. While there is quite a bit of talent in metal music, many other styles of music have artists that are just as talented. Go download Deltron 3030 and you will see what I mean.
Start in the late 80s with N.W.A and their F*** the Police movement. Popularized by the west - east fued (2pac & Biggie). Nowadays it's just lil gay and dwake.
a lot of people posting here sound like they are 60 year olds.. say all you want about artists like 50 cent, but at least them manage to make some lighter hearted music than some metal artists that are growling about how everyone dies in a sea of blood. Id rather start my day with 50 talking about his hot bitches then metal artist X about what i mentioned above.
I actually thought metal has always been more underground. It always seemed to me like it was a lot more niche and had way too much flavor and bang for some people.
Pop and rap and such is very bland usually so its an easier sell to the mainstream.
Obviously, I prefer metal. But seriously, metal is friggin' intense a lot of the time, and has a lot more complexity to it. People would prefer to listen to the same loop over and over again with people talking over it. It's much easier to digest.
Rap and Hip Hop is the only music these days that is REAL.
At the height of rock, riffs and lyrics had some meaning to them. In today's world, the music industry is aimed at profitability, rather than profitability being a by-product of soulful music written by real people.
I'd rather listen to a guitar solo than awefully plugged in sounds of gunshots in between the words "cash" "bitch" and drugs". Sure metal has some dark and "gross" or violent lyrics, but so does rap, just because the song you just listened to isn't that way doesn't mean it's not like that in general.
Double pedal > repetitive background boomboom that makes for 80% of the music.
The range of different metal vocals > talking in a mic, even if they talk fast in that mic.
And one last just cuz you're doing that "not so convinced" face: Headbang > bouncing your right hand while the left is groping your crotch.
Never liked hippy-hop, never will. too one-sided and boring. My most fav band is Pink Floyd. Currently going through the whole beethoven collection and enjoying it very much. The harmonics and artistical side at that time by far exceed nowadays music, including metal etc.
Never liked hippy-hop, never will. too one-sided and boring. My most fav band is Pink Floyd. Currently going through the whole beethoven collection and enjoying it very much. The harmonics and artistical side at that time by far exceed nowadays music, including metal etc.
Great song! Some Swedish chick told me to listen to it and ever since i love in flames! i listen to it at work while coding it relaxes me :D
On January 19 2011 07:18 EdSlyB wrote: Well. The big problem isn't why are people so much into rap and hip-pop. The main issue is why don't people listen to more than rap and hip-pop. I'm proud of myself for listening and enjoying almost every style of music out there as long it has quality (i.e. it is GOOD music). People have to broad out their horizons. Don't listen only to what MTV spams.
I'll give you a tiny example: Listen to this and if you by chance don't like or think it isn't quality music then I can say with all my heart that there is no hope for you.
On January 25 2011 02:48 Zorkmid wrote: Rap and Hip Hop is the only music these days that is REAL.
At the height of rock, riffs and lyrics had some meaning to them. In today's world, the music industry is aimed at profitability, rather than profitability being a by-product of soulful music written by real people.
No. That statement is incredibly ignorant. There is real music in every single genre. Sure, most genres have artists that are only in it for money, but every genre also has a ton of artists who write music because they love music. I could name a ton of non rap/hip-hop artists who make real music.
Both genres are great and there are bands doing cool things in both of them. I like pop and classic rock and stuff but when it comes to Metal and Rap in particular I think you kind of have to dig to find artists who are doing interesting cool stuff and so people who aren't already invested in the scene probably wont hear about it. When either of them are done well by really talented people they can both be really cool, case in point:
I think this topic is like ten years to late, Rap and Hip/Hip is actually slowly dying out now imo, compared to what it was like in the late 90's/early 00's Rap was huge, now theres only 2 or 3 popular rap artists left.
It is kinda a stereotype that all the teens in this generation like rap/hip hop. Its total bullshit. I know maybe like 5% of the kids at my school (grades 9-12) like rap/hiphop. Others like pop, dubstep, rock or metal. There may be the few that like the other genres, but i don't know em.