On May 06 2011 09:53 Cloud wrote: It's bad etiquette to keep complaining or going behind your immediate superior's back in a matter that's already settled. And maybe you're right about deserving a better grade, but I swear no teacher will ever grade you well in a group assignment that was delivered incompletely. Despite all the claims about individual gradings. It would make group work irrelevant.
At my university if you complain about a grade to a higher authority, they will have an independent committee review your work. And they may give you a lower grade, which discourages frivolous complaints. It's bad etiquette for sure, but sometimes the professor is wrong, in which case you have every right to complain. They're not infallible.
On May 06 2011 10:21 shinosai wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2011 09:53 Cloud wrote: It's bad etiquette to keep complaining or going behind your immediate superior's back in a matter that's already settled. And maybe you're right about deserving a better grade, but I swear no teacher will ever grade you well in a group assignment that was delivered incompletely. Despite all the claims about individual gradings. It would make group work irrelevant. At my university if you complain about a grade to a higher authority, they will have an independent committee review your work. And they may give you a lower grade, which discourages frivolous complaints. It's bad etiquette for sure, but sometimes the professor is wrong, in which case you have every right to complain. They're not infallible.
After looking around i can say that here aswell it can swing both ways atleast if i deliver a formal complaint so to say, my grade might go up or it might go down. Once i've delivered the complaint i can't do much else, im stuck with whatever grade i get out of it.
Post your code. I can guarantee that at least five people with serious php knowledge will see your code and we can see if you are in the wrong or your professor is. Nobody here can change your grade, but we can actually help by helping you improve.
On May 06 2011 11:40 Gogleion wrote: Post your code. I can guarantee that at least five people with serious php knowledge will see your code and we can see if you are in the wrong or your professor is. Nobody here can change your grade, but we can actually help by helping you improve.
It's flash, not PHP, but here is the main class.
+ Show Spoiler +This isn't "superadvanced" by any means, but for a sorta beginners course of flash i'd say its pretty good, at least a C, but please tell me waht u think. THis is the main class btw, other classes are enemyFire/Ice/Earth etc and weapontypes, thePlayer, MySound and one more which i cant remember(lol tired).
package // Main code/class {
import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.events.TimerEvent;
public class main extends MovieClip { private var player:thePlayer; private var enemyTime:int = 0; private var enemyLimit:int = 100; private var myHitsNo:int; private var mybullets:Array; private var enemys:Array; private var weaponType:int; private var myLives:int; private var fireTimer:Timer; //delay between shots private var canFire:Boolean = true; private var mySound:MySound; private var bulletSpeed:Number = -450;
//public var soundFX = new Sound(); public var spawnPoint1:int = 295; public var spawnPoint2:int = 385; public var spawnPoint3:int = 475; public var spawnPoint4:int = 567;; public var enemySpeed:int = 4;
public function main() { //load sounds mySound = new MySound(); }
private function playGame(event:MouseEvent) { gotoAndStop(2); // initialize myLives = 5; myHitsNo = 0; weaponType = 1; mybullets = new Array(); enemys = new Array(); myScoreTxt.text = "Score: " + myHitsNo; myLivesTxt.text = "Lives: " + myLives;
fireTimer = new Timer(400, 1); fireTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, shootTimerHandler, false, 0, true);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, listenKeyDown); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addEnemy); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkCollision); player = new thePlayer(stage.stageWidth-40, spawnPoint2);// stage.stageHeight/2); stage.focus = player; addChild(player);
mySound.playBgSound(); }
private function cleanUp() { stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, listenKeyDown); stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addEnemy); stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkCollision);
// remove all children manually // copy the array so we dont delete items in the array // we`re working in var tmpArray = new Array(); for(var i in mybullets) { tmpArray.push(mybullets[i]); } for (var j in tmpArray) { tmpArray[j].deleteBullet(); }
tmpArray = new Array(); for(var k in enemys) { tmpArray.push(enemys[k]); } for(var l in tmpArray) { tmpArray[l].deleteEnemy(); }
removeChild(player); fireTimer = null;
mySound.stopBgSound(); }
private function gotoStartScreen(event:MouseEvent) { cleanUp(); gotoAndStop(1); }
public function listenKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent) // Controls and weapontype selector { if (event.keyCode == 37) //left { player.movethePlayerDown(); } if (event.keyCode == 39) //right { player.movethePlayerUp(); } if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE) //space { shootBullet(); //soundFX.attachSound("Pistol Fire.wav"); //soundFX.start(); } if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_1) { weaponType = 1; } if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_2) { weaponType = 2; } if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_3) { weaponType = 3; } if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.NUMBER_4) { weaponType = 4; } }
public function shootBullet() // Self explanatory, shoots the bullet and which type of bullet { if (canFire) { if(weaponType == 1) // fire { mySound.playFireSound(); var b:shotFire = new shotFire(player.x,player.y, bulletSpeed); addChild(b); mybullets.push(b); } if(weaponType == 2) // water { mySound.playWaterSound(); var c:shotWater = new shotWater(player.x,player.y, bulletSpeed); addChild(c); mybullets.push(c); } if(weaponType == 3) // light { mySound.playLightSound(); var d:shotLight = new shotLight(player.x,player.y, bulletSpeed); addChild(d); mybullets.push(d); } if(weaponType == 4) // earth { mySound.playEarthSound(); var e:shotEarth = new shotEarth(player.x,player.y, bulletSpeed); addChild(e); mybullets.push(e); } canFire = false; fireTimer.start(); } }
private function shootTimerHandler(e:TimerEvent) : void { //timer ran, we can shoot again. canFire = true; }
public function removeBullet(mybullet) // Removes bullet { for(var i in mybullets) { if (mybullets[i] == mybullet) { mybullets.splice(i,1); break; } } }
public function removeEnemy(myEnemy) // Removes enemies { for(var i in enemys) { if (enemys[i] == myEnemy) { enemys.splice(i,1); break; } } }
// returns true if im out of lives; dead public function decreaseLivesAndCheckIfDead() : Boolean // decreases lives with 1 and updates the status text { myLives--; myLivesTxt.text = "Lives: " + myLives; if (myLives < 0) { var score = myHitsNo; // save the score before cleanUp() cleanUp(); gotoAndStop(3); // go to the game over screen finalScoreTxt.text = "Your score: " + score; return true; } return false; }
public function checkCollision(event:Event) // Collision detection, but also block speed increase, { // copy the arrays so we dont delete items in our working arrays var tmpArrayEnemys = new Array(); for (var k in enemys) { tmpArrayEnemys.push(enemys[k]); } var tmpArrayBullets = new Array(); for (var l in mybullets) { tmpArrayBullets.push(mybullets[l]); }
for(var j in tmpArrayEnemys) { // check if any of the blocks hit my ship! if (tmpArrayEnemys[j].hitTestObject(player)) { if (decreaseLivesAndCheckIfDead()) return; // stop the collision detection if i`m dead!!
tmpArrayEnemys[j].deleteEnemy(); }
for(var i in tmpArrayBullets) { // check if any of the bullets on the screen hits any enemies on the screen //if (tmpArrayBullets[i].hitTestObject(tmpArrayEnemys[j])) if(PixelPerfectCollisionDetection.isColliding(tmpArrayBullets[i],tmpArrayEnemys[j],this,true)==true) { if (tmpArrayEnemys[j].hitEnemy(tmpArrayBullets[i])) { //count only if we actually hits the block myHitsNo++; myScoreTxt.text = "Score: " + myHitsNo;
if (myHitsNo % 7 == 0) { // increase the speed every 7th hit enemySpeed = enemySpeed + 1; if (enemyLimit > 30) { enemyLimit = enemyLimit - 10; } } }
tmpArrayBullets[i].deleteBullet(); } } } }
public function addEnemy(event:Event):void // How enemies are added and randomized { if(enemyTime < enemyLimit) { enemyTime ++; } else { var newEnemy; // randomize which enemy that should spawn var number = Math.ceil(Math.random()*4); if (number == 1) { newEnemy = new enemyEarth(); } else if (number == 2) { newEnemy = new enemyFire(); } else if (number == 3) { newEnemy = new enemyWater(); } else if (number == 4) { newEnemy = new enemyIce(); } newEnemy.x = -1 * newEnemy.width;
// randomize the spawn point for the enemy var spawnPoint = Math.ceil(Math.random()*4); if (spawnPoint == 1) { newEnemy.y = spawnPoint1; } else if (spawnPoint == 2) { newEnemy.y = spawnPoint2; } else if (spawnPoint == 3) { newEnemy.y = spawnPoint3; } else if (spawnPoint == 4) { newEnemy.y = spawnPoint4; }
addChild(newEnemy); enemyTime = 0;
} } } }
I really, really hate how some classes let the teacher grade papers by subjective standards. Right now I'm taking a "complementary class" (there's a bunch of options, I picked that one expecting it to be good. It's about humor, how it works and its history since ancient Greece. I get good grades at everything except that (I'm barely passing).
She gives an exam with very little explanation of what she expects, everyone in the class get awful grades and she explains that we did it wrong - but she never told us what she wanted to we had no way to do it right. For me it's fine but theres 2 people in my class who want to go to med school and this fascist of a teacher if messing it up for them. (Or so they say, but given the selection method for med school around here, I believe them)
We can't even physically abuse her either because she's pregnant. (I kid, I kid!)
Last resort u can take it to judicial affairs.. if you school has it
OK update.
I went to see my proffessor, and the level of idiocy is astounding to me. FIrst of all, he didnt set the grade, someone else independant did so he cant do squat about it. Second is the way it was judged. It was judged as a whole, and my contribution significantly drove the entire projects grade up, it was the best thing about it all by far he said(he even knew who i was right at the start when i entered the room and said i wanted to complain about a grade, figures) so he was on my side here, sorta. The individual part he explained, was pretty much only to drag someone down in grades if they for example hadn´t done so much work on the entire thing. And while my contribution drove the entire project up, it couldn ´t bring me up personally(due to the "system" and the way it was judged he said).
I asked then what was all this fuzz about "individual grades" and he yet again said that it was just to drag people down. He gave som examples that had i for instance done absolutely nothing, nill, nada of the other parts of the project then maybe that would´ve helped my cause but again it wouldn´t since everyone was supposed to do a lil of everything(i did like 5% of the animations). So in other words, my hard effort could only drag the project up, not my own grade. While the work of the other people could drag me down personally...
And in order to write a formal complaint, i have to get the entire group to complain. I cannot do it alone since its a group assignment(again why then state youre gonna give individual grades based on performance?) and while he told me i should just try and do that, since he felt sorry for me, he said that it would probably just be judged the exact same way yet again.
I am just... dumbfound and angry. Had i known this i would´ve pushed my group members alot or done the thing myself. Im taking this thing one step higher on the power ladder so to say and see where that takes me, probably to the same bullshit answers. Shit im angry, wasted so much time and work and even let another course suffer a bit since i figured i had a shot at a really good grade in this one.
I'm assuming the tabbing looks better in not copy-pasted into forum form, but through a quick 20 second look, the main reason I would take any points off would be the lack of pre-/post-conditions and invariants commented before every method, but that is pretty minor. Dunno why the shit you got a D if this is the individual part you got graded for, makes no sense.
On May 06 2011 18:37 EtherealDeath wrote: I'm assuming the tabbing looks better in not copy-pasted into forum form, but through a quick 20 second look, the main reason I would take any points off would be the lack of pre-/post-conditions and invariants commented before every method, but that is pretty minor. Dunno why the shit you got a D if this is the individual part you got graded for, makes no sense.
The comments are there to just give whoever grades my code an idea of what everyting does before they read it, if they want to find an instance of code and look at it for example. Also for my groupmates to know wtf i coded. But yes, minor shit and not a D. But like i posted above individual wasnt very individual.
Welcome to the world of university.
It's funny (or not if you are OP) how university across the world are incompetent on the same level. That was a pretty bullshit reason given by the professor if you ask me but what can you do, he is the best help for your case when you take it further, hey who knows maybe he is bound by the same red tape that is smacking you around right now.
I hope you've learned your lesson there. It don't mean jack what you've done, in real world, the end is what people go by and hey some times specification and shit promised to you disappear and doesn't matter how hard you try, you still fall flat on your ass.
Unlike real world where you can point fingers and blame others or just let your superior or underling take the fall, you just get a shitty grade that will fuck you up when intern comes up.
Learn what I've learned, either pick your group mates and go with them for the rest of your years at school (hard to find some one who has the same drive, expectation and time scheduling as you).
Or step the fuck up and handle shit with your own hand (and destroy your health and soul in the process)
If I was OP I would take this as a hard lesson and never repeat the mistake. Everyone who's being in your shoe will tell you the same.
On May 06 2011 20:23 haduken wrote: Welcome to the world of university.
It's funny (or not if you are OP) how university across the world are incompetent on the same level. That was a pretty bullshit reason given by the professor if you ask me but what can you do, he is the best help for your case when you take it further, hey who knows maybe he is bound by the same red tape that is smacking you around right now.
I hope you've learned your lesson there. It don't mean jack what you've done, in real world, the end is what people go by and hey some times specification and shit promised to you disappear and doesn't matter how hard you try, you still fall flat on your ass.
Unlike real world where you can point fingers and blame others or just let your superior or underling take the fall, you just get a shitty grade that will fuck you up when intern comes up.
Learn what I've learned, either pick your group mates and go with them for the rest of your years at school (hard to find some one who has the same drive, expectation and time scheduling as you).
Or step the fuck up and handle shit with your own hand (and destroy your health and soul in the process)
If I was OP I would take this as a hard lesson and never repeat the mistake. Everyone who's being in your shoe will tell you the same.
Yes, and right before this i was royaly fucked on another group assignment, this time by the members(assigned randomly) and they simply didnt give two shits about it all. So yes, this was the last group assignment i will ever do, i am not doing anything with another person again unless i am 100% confident that person wants what i want. Randomly assigned groups or not, i will insist on doing everything alone even if its a goddamn full feature hollywood movie.
I was so goddamn naive thinking i´d be ok since i actually did some work and would be graded accordingly. Fuck.
I have on sliver of hope however, i took it to the head of the department and he seemed slightly more understanding then my professor who´s hands are pretty much tied. He said he´d look into it and he´d be the one with any power to change stuff so, hes my last hope but im not exactly holding my breath.
write the letter dude, get them to sign it, send it off. an extra 30 mins to try to redeem a terms work, just think of it as a necessary full stop on the last sentence.
Just work hard (especially on your master's thesis when you come to that) and you will do fine. If you are as good as you are say you are then this won't affect you in any ways in the long run although I know how you feel. Keep it up. Succes is proportional to how much work you put into it. And, yeah, be careful when you pick your team mates or work alone.
That explanation doesn't even make any sense. If bad work can only drag your individual grade down, then your group mates should either have gotten F's or you should have gotten an A or a B. Logic isn't your professors strong suit, I suppose. If the individual grading only exists to drag people down, then at the very least your group mates should have gotten a lower grade than you. Since they obviously didn't get a lower grade, they did not do individual grading, and this means they are lying about doing so to begin with. This is a problem of integrity and should be addressed.
I'd take that to the judiciary committee whether my groupmates wanted to hop on board or not.
On May 07 2011 00:14 shinosai wrote: That explanation doesn't even make any sense. If bad work can only drag your individual grade down, then your group mates should either have gotten F's or you should have gotten an A or a B. Logic isn't your professors strong suit, I suppose. If the individual grading only exists to drag people down, then at the very least your group mates should have gotten a lower grade than you. Since they obviously didn't get a lower grade, they did not do individual grading, and this means they are lying about doing so to begin with. This is a problem of integrity and should be addressed.
I'd take that to the judiciary committee whether my groupmates wanted to hop on board or not.
Yeah i dont get it either, since i dragged their grades up from an E or an F, but i couldn't drag my own grade up since the overall project kept me down, or something. Even though he understood i was pissed and kinda agreed with me all he kept saying was "lol youre fucked i cant do anything" pretty much.
This is always a big problem with group assignment if you get a bad group. You do have to maintain good communication with the group member or something like this will happen. If you're doing all the code in a coding assignment then something has gone wrong there. You have to bring up these issues early with your lectuer/tutor/teacher
On May 08 2011 00:04 unkkz wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2011 00:14 shinosai wrote: That explanation doesn't even make any sense. If bad work can only drag your individual grade down, then your group mates should either have gotten F's or you should have gotten an A or a B. Logic isn't your professors strong suit, I suppose. If the individual grading only exists to drag people down, then at the very least your group mates should have gotten a lower grade than you. Since they obviously didn't get a lower grade, they did not do individual grading, and this means they are lying about doing so to begin with. This is a problem of integrity and should be addressed.
I'd take that to the judiciary committee whether my groupmates wanted to hop on board or not. Yeah i dont get it either, since i dragged their grades up from an E or an F, but i couldn't drag my own grade up since the overall project kept me down, or something. Even though he understood i was pissed and kinda agreed with me all he kept saying was "lol youre fucked i cant do anything" pretty much.
The professor of the class "can't do anything"? Bullshit. Keep at it until you get the grade you deserve.
Just another reason I fucking hate college and their group projects. Keep at it. Go to your dean if you have too. People that are here saying "take it as a lesson," please GTFO.
Sad story and perhaps unfair if your right, I'm not really into coding and stuff so can't say alot about that.
Do you have some sort of online thing where you can see the grading policy for this subject? If it says on (e)paper that you will be judged individually for your work you can easily take it one step up. Otherwise you may have to proof that the professor did actually say something like that.
Also depends if you ever see this professor again. If you never have to meet him again, just keep annoying/pushing him till you get atleast a B.
Can you post a link to the game itself? I'm curious.