Hold on... 1- You are lazy 2- You play video games (and i am assuming you do this more than anything making it wrong) 3- You don't pay rent
Just this alone blows my mind, you are an adult act like one. Stop blaming your father for the way he is and stop making excuses for the way you are. Its blatantly clear you know your flaws yet you do nothing to fix it. You are 21!!! its time to be a big boy and put down the mouse...
I swear sometimes reading things like this I rage.
Does make me laugh how much anti-video game/video games are for children talk we get in the blog section of this dedicated Starcraft community.
On March 15 2011 00:04 kidleader wrote: Does make me laugh how much anti-video game/video games are for children talk we get in the blog section of this dedicated Starcraft community.
Who would know better than us?
And at 21 i am not sure i would class anyone as a child...
I am not going to lie. I lived at my parents house until I was 25, I also had a full time job, paid for rent and bought my own groceries for the most part.
It sucks your dad hit you, but you have to move on from that. The best thing you can do now is do the little things, like do the dishes and throw out the garbage. Maybe get a job PT or FT it doesn't matter just as long as you have a job and are getting some life experience.
Video games are a big part of life for most of us here, but most of us here also are either students or people who work to make money and use video games as a way to relax after a tough day. I take it to the extreme, I am sitting at my computer for a big chunk of the evening after work. I have to cut back on it, but that is my own story and the thing I can only fix myself.
So basically what I am saying is work on the little things and try to improve yourself. He will be happy if you are trying. Getting a job and some responsibility will be a good thing for you.
Why do you have so much cutlery if all you're eating is pizza? Do you cut your pizza up and eat it with a fork? You sound like you have a laundry list of problems but let's start with pizza etiquette: eat that shit with your hands.
+ Show Spoiler +long ass thread to read i would like to apologize to you for all the "men" who've told you to "just do it"... "man up".. "leave".. because i can.
blogs are often troll material (hence the mass "dude talk" replies).. i will go on the assumption that you are not...
most blogs like yours are a genuine cry for help...
1/ as too many posters pointed out already: it is time for you to start out in the world... by yourself! Again sorry if the previous posters' (most of them) typing is so harsh, this is an underestimated raw issue with everyone : they have or just have started to get their lives in order (suffered from it already), you have not... So they somehow childishly forget that they were in your seat not so long ago...
2/don't go and fight your dad... (ignore these moronic comments)... don't let him hurt you either ...but don't add to the awful cycle...
YES, hitting your kid is wrong... (anyone saying contrary is a douche) a strike is always easily recognizable from a slap, it happens and it shouldn't.. we are, after all is said and done, only mammals...
Whatever comes out of your future (you leaving and never seeing him/her again or something else less drastic..., your relationship never is quite good but it improves), embrace the constructive... YOU doing it... not waiting for it to happen.
3/don't talk about your dad/mom/... close relatives (YOU CARE ABOUT) like that.. i know you need to get it out and it comes out.. but one should not talk to total strangers about his/her relatives like that... indeed, try to picture yourself in your fathers shoes...
4/family is like genetics... you are suppose to "go from there"...
5/i'm going n the assumption that you're all hard and aggro outside and all alone/feeling fu.. for life... inside... STOP it, cheer up you've got a lot of shit coming and a lot of good things (providing YOU try to do something of yourself)! It won't always be like it is now, if YOU take control of your life...
good luck ... life is short, you have to take chances, get going... not wait for stuff to happen (it will most likely never come)
Finally, everyone knows that "getting your shite together" is one of the hardest thing to do... only old farts like me would tell you though...
My suggestion is move out. You are 21 years old and there is no reason for you to live at home in an abusive environment. Just move on, get a job and move out. Let your Dad sit there and take his aggressions out on other things.
The least you can do while living with your dad is clean up after yourself. You're 21, it's not too late to learn to be considerate of other people.
i really hope you're actually reading these responses and taking them to heart SolHeiM, because obviously something needs to change in your life. don't just blow this off man, maybe this is a sign to take the next step.
Upon first reading your blog i thought you were someone who needed a wake up call and a nice little dose of reality. But then it came to my attention that in the end of the world thread you said you might rape someone because it wouldn't matter. I am now thoroughly convinced you are a complete piece of shit. You are going on about how it is never okay for someone to hit their child regardless of where and regardless of what they've done, but yet you said you would rape an innocent girl/woman because there would be no repercussions for you. That is a double standard to the worst degree. You'll never be good enough at video games to support yourself, and you're a disobedient 21 year old who lives at home? Grow the fuck up. Still can't get over your its never okay to hit your (21yrold) child anywhere, but raping is fine so long as you don't get in trouble.
On March 15 2011 01:16 -Frog- wrote: Why do you have so much cutlery if all you're eating is pizza? Do you cut your pizza up and eat it with a fork? You sound like you have a laundry list of problems but let's start with pizza etiquette: eat that shit with your hands.
best advice in this thread, that'll clear up that problem ezpz
Your 21 and he is giving you a place to live. I think you are over reacting a tad. Sounds like to me you are not doing much but sponging off of him.
Wow you sound like a complete failure, no wonder your dad hit you. You are 21 grow the fuck up and move out if you don't like living with him. No one is forcing you to stay with him. You claim there's so much to do with the gaming community and you say that to make yourself feel like you're not a loser yet you are cause no one knows you in this community.
You also seem to blame your father for the way you act even though you consciously seems to understand what it is you do wrong or the bad habits you have....so why don;t you change the way you behave instead of blaming your father.
The fact is you are an adult now and it's time for you to take responsibilities for your own actions and life.
While I don't agree with your views, your story about your father is actually quite good. Your father has an anti-hero quality that I like about him. I hope when you don't hate your father as much, to write more about your father and his conflicts.
On March 15 2011 04:28 HornSnHaloS wrote: Still can't get over your its never okay to hit your (21yrold) child anywhere, but raping is fine so long as you don't get in trouble.
Yeah, nice find in the post history... Forget my advice, this guy is beyond help.
this blog is cute i feel bad for your dad, he's too nice to kick you out
who you are at the age of 21 has little to do with your parents. if there are aspects of you that you don't like, the reason they're not changed is because of you, not them.
I think that your father can't actually raise you, if you have some kind of connection like that, his contact with the other man, may be the same, except some guys, which are so cold your fathers friends. That is the reason of you may have a really good connection with your mother, which he can't understand, and can't understand his role ( as the story begun in his own childhood ), so he is just jelous. And what's more there is this reason that he should start raising you as a man, and tell you mens things when you were young, and threat you like a man, which is somehow violent, thats how you grow your character. Now you're 21 and you will have to do many things raising yourself on your own, as the life will require.
On March 14 2011 17:32 red4ce wrote: Dude, you're 21 and complaining about your parents? Just move out if it's so bad at home. QFT Man, you a legal adult in every(?) country int he world. You'll do ok in life...
I agree with everyone else. Judging from your post, it sounds like you don't do anything around the house to help out, yet you are complaining about him. I'm sure if most people here had a son your age and he wasnt doing anything they would give him an ultimatum to either get a job and start doing things around the house, or get out.
I've read through most of the comments and its really refreshing. That's why I love this community...seems so mature. Anyways, I agree with most of you. Dude, you should really stop to think about your life objectively. It can be hard but you can't blame your father for everything. It looks to me that you are 21 but are acting like a teenager. You need to grow up.
PS: Damn...now back to LR and other random threads.