On April 24 2016 03:26 LetaBot wrote: What should you do when you open with 2 Factory (vultures) and you find out that your opponent went mass vultures on 3 factories?
Maybe make an armory and get some goliaths? They're pretty effective at tearing vultures to pieces
On April 24 2016 08:11 ProMeTheus112 wrote: why you have 2 fact vult and he 3 fact vult, you should have something he doesn't have too no?
2 factory into expand. Then you notice your opponent went 3 fact.
If I understand correctly, you mean 2fact into low-ground CC vs 'suddenly' 3 facts? Ideally this should not happen with scouting and proper reactions.
I think that in TvT especially you have to make sure that the opponent doesn't have more units than you have that you know exactly what you're facing and that you can deal with it before you take your natural or even build the CC at all. Otherwise you're going for a big risk, a careless move tbh. Maybe you even saw 2 factories go up and thought your production would be on par, but games like you described really show that to be safe one always has to be patient and double-check. I lost (lose) many games because I obstinately build my CC on the low-ground in situations where I haven't seen my opponents hand yet. And on Iccup it feels like 90% of Terrans go 2fact or worse if they play TvT at all, by all means they don't want to be the defender. Either you find him and know what's coming - or you have to consider the possiblity of any super-aggressive stuff, because you cannot defend as flexibly as in TvP e.g. On the low-ground, what can you do with 2rines and a vulture agains 4 rines and a vulture? What with 2 vultures against 3 vultures, 4 against 6? And even getting your natural up but then being contained for long is REALLY bad in TvT.
So, building the CC is a big commitment. In your scenario, if you didn't confirm how many marines he build and how many factories or starports he has, if his CC went up or not, then even if you openend 2fact you have to build the CC on the highground and prepare for a possible defense on your ramp, or you go for a bunker before (mb right after) placing the CC, or defend your ramp and add a 3rd factory or a port as well.
edit: And if it happens as a surprise still, I'd also say like the others: Defend with bunker, buildings to block and a good arch with your vultures if you can, it's do or die. If you cannot get the bunker up in time mb cancel the CC and build it on the highground, his CC is late as well. Walling too late can turn out really bad cus he'll just snipe the SCVS, going up the ramp right away to defend might be better. Don't forget to add more factories and get scan in time to break out of his mine-field and try to find out what he's doing with 1-2 scans.
How many of you also play SC2? And if yes any success in becoming good at the two games at the same time. I feel sometimes it's quite hard to switch..,
I finally bought SC2 after seeing stork using disrupters, they remind me a lot of the reavers... Been playing a week and currently in Platinum...
I feel like I'm betraying BW (like cheating on your girlfriend or something)... Also I seem get a lot worse after a week of SC2... Maybe I should refrain myself from using automine etc...
On April 30 2016 09:38 HaFnium wrote: How many of you also play SC2? And if yes any success in becoming good at the two games at the same time. I feel sometimes it's quite hard to switch..,
I finally bought SC2 after seeing stork using disrupters, they remind me a lot of the reavers... Been playing a week and currently in Platinum...
I feel like I'm betraying BW (like cheating on your girlfriend or something)... Also I seem get a lot worse after a week of SC2... Maybe I should refrain myself from using automine etc...
You already make all the relevant points... jk
You asked questions (how many people that visit the SimpleQuestionSimpleAnswer-Thread play SC2, and how good they are in BW and SC2) that cannot really be answered in a simple way, mb you should make a thread in the General BW section and also add a poll.
You can only betray BW or the BW-community or yourself if you made a promise or took an oath. If you were tempted to try out SC2 I guess you had reason enough to do so. Some people consider alternatives more, for them it's natural to not make once-and-for-all-decision e.g. concerning the games they play.
Yes, you get worse at BW if you play SC2. That was also my impression when I switched from SC2 (or: went back there for a week or two now and then, I don't do that anymore...), and it's quite natural in a game where muscle memory and instinct is so important.
I wouldn't refrain yourself from using automine to not get rusty in BW, it doesn't really make sense as the two games are too different overall and you'd give yourself a big disadvantage in SC2. Just see if you can live with the toll it takes on your skill to play both games at the same time, if not then go for the game you feel more like playing.
i cant say anything about sc2 and bw, but i play(ed) dota and currently play lol, and its possible to play both games without getting shit at one game whilst playing the other. im not pro at lol because my skill is limited to my understanding of the game, but i played dota professionally and although the mechanical differences are definitely there, you get used to switching depending on the game you play. at least i do
you have to play both games pretty regularly though. if i play one game for too long without playing the other, then the first game or two i play when i switch back my mechanics are definitely rusty
If you like sc2, play sc2. If not, don't play it. Seems like a really simple decision. I don't play Sc2 because I find bw to be a lot more rewarding, a lot more engaging, a lot more fun and a lot more varied.
And this is coming from someone who started with sc2 before bw back in 2010. Then I played HoN for about 5 years to now end up with brood war because I missed RTS games but didn't want to go back to Sc2. I considered going back to wc3 but I heard the original servers are all but dead and there's too many hackers. I also don't like wc3 as much as I do bw because I used to play orc and I think half of orc's match-ups are atrocious. (Ne druids of the talon lmao, human towerrushes and eternal slow).
if you are good at BW, it's easy to get good at SC2 because BW takes a lot more skill, not just mechanical but also tactical & strategic skills, decision making there is no reason you would get a lot worse at a game for playing another, some memory fades out a little bit over time but skills remain, you just need to un-rust it for some hours I have played 1000s of hours of BW over years, made B- max on ICCup (I think my skill is like a B, if I ground ladder big time might be able to get B+??A-????? maybe not lol, but I can beat players up to A-/A sometimes), in SC2 I just played like 1 month (maybe 200-300games) when it came out was @top of diamond immediately (highest league) stopped playing (disliked game) and then 1 month a year later (maybe 200 games again) when master league "came out" "representing top 2%" made master league easily (playing custom builds first weeks and then "meta" builds to get into master) and stopped playing forever for way too many things I disliked about the game and a lot more fun and interest in playing BW instead (basically every single game of BW I played I thought was better than any single game of SC2 I played)
mostly in SC2 you can just check the meta-game, what you are supposed to do, and just execute it and there is a lot less decision making involved (including in the micro). So if your APM is "okayish" and you have ~C-level tactical/strategic skills in BW it's not hard to approach the top of the SC2 ladder, it's just not quite as complex/deep/hard/skilled. and then there's all the stupid volatility and other things.
that said I understand that some prefer playing SC2, some things in BW can be exhausting, it's not necessarily perfect, etc
We've had this discussion a million time, the games are vastly different, but i doubt you're going to become noob at one by playing at the other. Except you wont be very good if you do it half-assed. I'm not talking about being masters, that's easy
sure being "master" is "easy" (well now it's just top 20%?) lol i remember they suggested renaming that league "semi-pro" recently xD seriously SC2 takes less skill, not just for having less clicks to do but less decision making
I figured I might as well post this here as well, because it sort of applies to both threads (also posted in the FPVOD thread); hope that's okay.
On May 03 2016 10:56 Jealous wrote: I'm making a presentation on the effect of video games on cognition. I want to show a brief FPVOD (like 10-15 seconds) to demonstrate multitasking. I'm sure that any of the FPVODs in this thread would probably do, but does anyone have a particular VOD/moment suggestion? I'm looking for the best evidence of multi-tasking, so preferably something like a player who moves his armies, goes back to macro, then scouts the enemy with scan/zergling/whatever, then goes back to make scv, all in 10 seconds, something like that.
i dont have a particular game in mind, but any bisu vs z where he pressures multiple bases simultaneously with zealots is going to be a pretty damn good showing of multitasking.
On May 03 2016 11:07 Jealous wrote: I figured I might as well post this here as well, because it sort of applies to both threads (also posted in the FPVOD thread); hope that's okay.
On May 03 2016 10:56 Jealous wrote: I'm making a presentation on the effect of video games on cognition. I want to show a brief FPVOD (like 10-15 seconds) to demonstrate multitasking. I'm sure that any of the FPVODs in this thread would probably do, but does anyone have a particular VOD/moment suggestion? I'm looking for the best evidence of multi-tasking, so preferably something like a player who moves his armies, goes back to macro, then scouts the enemy with scan/zergling/whatever, then goes back to make scv, all in 10 seconds, something like that.
No specific moments, but this game was the first thing to come to mind.
The first things to come to mind are lategame multitasking situations. There are some EffOrt vods on Circuit Breaker against Mong/PianO I think that would be really good show of switching locations and doing stuff then switch again in the lategame.
Oh wait, try Bisu PvTs with forward gates (his games from at least a month ago.) He micros his zealots while building his base. Hope that helped.
Try one of the earliest Sharp vs FlaSh games in FS. I remember a game where those two went at it practically from the start.
Although I have never encountered against this build build before as a Terran player, I would like to know how can Terran counter this build if it happened, because Nony during his post RO8 interview said that the build is a sure win vs 1 rax.FE. If thats really the case how come Protosses never use this build anymore, especially when 1 rax FE has become the cookie cutter opening on modern TvP?