Anyone have a link or something to a confirmed safe way of doing this? A few of my friends want to do it and I couldn't really provide much help. Oh, and also does anyone know/have a link of a graph? Like... 2.68 ghz = 3.06 ghz overcloaked ect. Would be nice. And anyone know if 3.06 would overcloak to 4.21? Ty.
Also, any idea what the fine is if your caught? I know there is jail time for uncapping modems, so any idea if there might be jail time for overcloaking aswell?
i know a guy who got sent to jail for overclocking. make sure you close all the blinds and shades before you break the law!
You mean overclocking? I dont think there are any legal problems with overclocking a processor (at least in the US) but you may void out your warranty for the computer. Meaning that if you mess it up it is your own problem, or if anything goes wrong in the future (even if you didnt do it) the company doesnt have to help you.
Seems pretty risky to mess around with that if your computer is running at 2.68 GHz, are you not able to run any programs with that kind of speed?
oh man, i dont know whether to laugh or cry
Thanks for information, and excuse my terrible English. T.T; Anyways, its my friends that want it done, I already had a friend of mine (he's moved now) overclock mine.. And I am not sure what their processor speed is, I think its pretty low (like 800 mhz =\) Anyways, mine is 3.06 now. ^^ A tutorial would be nice, or a covertion chart. I will just buy a crappy 500-ish dollar computer and screw around with that until I get it, then try it out with a few different speeds and make a chart.^^
...Put the computer in an icebox, that should take care of all problems :-)
United States32971 Posts
On June 25 2003 16:30 Casper... wrote: i know a guy who got sent to jail for overclocking. make sure you close all the blinds and shades before you break the law!
gay nazi moderators might ban you for disinformation T_T
there is no such thing as a 2 ghz must be able to overclock to 2,5 ghz or something. it depends a lot on the serie of your processor, even the location of your processor on the board when it was produced matters and the type of your motherboard, systemcooling, processor cooling, processor voltage. You should overclock in little steps and watch the temperature of your processor very carefully.
Don't laugh, overcloaking is a serious problem
if u dontr know what your doingt dont get into over clocking, you will fry your cpu and your motherboard
yup i agree with HovZ, oc'ing should be taken very serious and you should read alot about it first. There are many sites about it.
Thats why i'm asking questions here.. And for the last time its for my friends. Not myself, but yeah thanks alot for the info meat and hovz. Personally I really wouldn't care much if I friend my cpu and motherboard.. But i'm sure my friends would be mad if I fried theirs. ^^ Meat, any links you have? And sorry Michael that I don't have perfect English.
I heard about some german guys overclocking a 3.0 ghz to 4.7
Anyway, if what Casper says it's true, I think it's a retarded law. Afterall the processor is your property and you should be able to do whatever you want with it. It's like making taking out transistors out of your tv illegal. Or smashing your radio with a big hammer. I can do what I want with my stuff. I Worked for it!
Overclocking isn't illegal, just retarded.
On June 26 2003 02:48 iSuXOr wrote: Overclocking isn't illegal, just retarded.
you're retarded.
MPX, uncapping should be illegal however.. And also overclocking is weird, to put it to law.. Because technically you own it, and it has the potenial to be faster, but yet you are making it faster then it was meant to be when it was sold for you, thus saving money.. Its a complicated issue.
On June 26 2003 02:11 MPXMX wrote: I heard about some german guys overclocking a 3.0 ghz to 4.7
Anyway, if what Casper says it's true, I think it's a retarded law. Afterall the processor is your property and you should be able to do whatever you want with it. It's like making taking out transistors out of your tv illegal. Or smashing your radio with a big hammer. I can do what I want with my stuff. I Worked for it!
they cooled the cpu with hydrogen, if u have an onhand supply of hydrogen u too can overclock your cpu to 4+ ghz(depending on your type of cpu of course).
cool XD thats fast. ^^ better then my peice of crap 3