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An Unforgettable Night is a unique short story by OneBlueAugust - and when I say short story... I don't quite mean it's a quick one. :o
Beta or Ban? sees vradovic claiming to have inside information about the beta release date, and says he'll get banned until it comes out if he's wrong. He actually does live up to his claims, posting the day beta comes out (I think so... forgot where).
Bittersweet Symphony - Rekrul's regrets as a poker player.
Cocky sc2 classmates shows what happens when you think you're hot shit in SC2: you get beat up by TLers on the internetz.
First Post is one man's painstaking wait for someone to post a goddamn reply already.
Foreigners Suck, a multi-part series by Rekrul, tells us all what's up and believes that foreigners are trash compared to Koreans.
Foreigners Suck #2
Foreigners Suck #3
Foreigners Still Suck
funny story by Day[9] is an amusing story about Day[9] attempting to jack off on an airplane.
iNcontroL's How do you sleep?, in Artosis' thread ask me about Terran and WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KOREAN MAPS KID? in Artosis' thread Korean Map Stats = Worthless are two amazing replies of an angry zerg player bitching at terran. Read the following few replies for the second thread, as it's a series of replies =p
Happy Birthday NeverGG! and Hot_Bid's parody of it here are... interesting stories, let's just call them progamer fanfic. Read at your own risk.
Hot_Bid I DREAM OF YOU is what happens when TL admins meet your dreams. Kinda... creepy :|
how to become a f33red k0r34n z3rg on wcg/wsl tells you how to look like one of them badass kor zergs.
Hwaseung House is a list of (mostly) Atrioc's popular comics based on the Hwaseung Oz progaming team.
Hwaseung Oz new recruits! shows Atrioc's report of how the Oz coach decided to solve the problem of Jaedong Oz.
I am holding TL.net hostage. is a pretty hilarious post. Better if you know a bit about TL staff.
Magazine I Would Read - I think anyone on TL would read this. Ever wonder what a TL magazine cover might look like? Here are quite a few.
my new lyrics - CROTCHMASTER is FakeSteve's own original rap, a hilarious NSFW creation produced by yubee and rapped by SayaSP. Find the audio recording here.
Proberto brings you through Chef's story of a young probe being sent out on a valiant quest to bring Protoss to the world.
R1CH Quotes takes you into the mind of the ultimate TL wizard.
Rank Icons? is why you don't ask. Beware of flying monkeys.
Requiem for a Mani is a tribute to the TeamLiquid admin Manifesto7 when he originally decided to retire from SC/TL due to... RL issues? not sure, but it certainly is worth looking at. The quotes and Hot_Bid's tribute video are truly things that should not be missed.
S(c)andals, a video blog by Rekrul, summarizes the April 2010 rumors of progamers throwing games for money.
She cheats on me!OMG!! is a quick, hilarious story by the Bulgarian M2 explaining how his girlfriend cheated on him by giving his dog a blowjob. We don't know if it's true, but from what we know, it's plausible... Whether it is or not, it certainly has a huge "... wtf LOL" factor.
So Pissed Off begins the popular but short-lived "u gotta skate" meme to TL.
South side is the best. What happens when progamers turn into gangsta rappers?
teamliquid sucks - why dose teamliquid suck u might ask i will tell you why - with the followup RE: teamliquid sucks, featuring audio renditions of DROPZONE's legendary TL flames.
The Consume Lurkers, Don't They? brings you through Chef's awkward story about a strange drone in a zerg colony.
THE MODTRIX, another thread by CleaR, is an amusing story about Manifesto7's endeavors as a TeamLiquid admin. Overdramatized and with a very strange storyline, it's sure to provide a laugh.
The Rekrul Korea Story is just that. Worth a read if you're curious about one of TLs oldest members.
The Worst (Best) Pick-up Line Story Ever is a story where Rayzorblade details how he met his future wife (congrats :3). He follows it up with the sequel, The Update You've All Been Waiting For.
TL MONOPOLY!!!!!!, yet another great thread from CleaR, is an image of a potential Monopoly board themed around TeamLiquid. Complete with a few chance and community chest cards, make sure you check this one out - make sure you click on the board image to see it in a reasonable size.
TL QUIZ!!!!! is an amusing quiz created by CleaR about notable personalities of teamliquid.net. Although it's a bit outdated and newer members won't appreciate it as much, the veterans will surely remember a lot of these familiar faces and laugh once again.
Top Quotes by TL.net is a fairly outdated thread to see some old funny quotes.
Translator Strike: Conclusion? - Why won't Roffles dance, and what do the Koreans think?
[WL SPOILERS] ......................GuemChi tells you why GuemChi is a winnersleague bonjwa.
[WL spoilers] This is not a fluke - Realpenguin is back to explain how GuemChi is god.
Beta or Ban? sees vradovic claiming to have inside information about the beta release date, and says he'll get banned until it comes out if he's wrong. He actually does live up to his claims, posting the day beta comes out (I think so... forgot where).
Bittersweet Symphony - Rekrul's regrets as a poker player.
Cocky sc2 classmates shows what happens when you think you're hot shit in SC2: you get beat up by TLers on the internetz.
First Post is one man's painstaking wait for someone to post a goddamn reply already.
Foreigners Suck, a multi-part series by Rekrul, tells us all what's up and believes that foreigners are trash compared to Koreans.
Foreigners Suck #2
Foreigners Suck #3
Foreigners Still Suck
funny story by Day[9] is an amusing story about Day[9] attempting to jack off on an airplane.
iNcontroL's How do you sleep?, in Artosis' thread ask me about Terran and WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KOREAN MAPS KID? in Artosis' thread Korean Map Stats = Worthless are two amazing replies of an angry zerg player bitching at terran. Read the following few replies for the second thread, as it's a series of replies =p
Happy Birthday NeverGG! and Hot_Bid's parody of it here are... interesting stories, let's just call them progamer fanfic. Read at your own risk.
Hot_Bid I DREAM OF YOU is what happens when TL admins meet your dreams. Kinda... creepy :|
how to become a f33red k0r34n z3rg on wcg/wsl tells you how to look like one of them badass kor zergs.
Hwaseung House is a list of (mostly) Atrioc's popular comics based on the Hwaseung Oz progaming team.
Hwaseung Oz new recruits! shows Atrioc's report of how the Oz coach decided to solve the problem of Jaedong Oz.
I am holding TL.net hostage. is a pretty hilarious post. Better if you know a bit about TL staff.
Magazine I Would Read - I think anyone on TL would read this. Ever wonder what a TL magazine cover might look like? Here are quite a few.
my new lyrics - CROTCHMASTER is FakeSteve's own original rap, a hilarious NSFW creation produced by yubee and rapped by SayaSP. Find the audio recording here.
Proberto brings you through Chef's story of a young probe being sent out on a valiant quest to bring Protoss to the world.
R1CH Quotes takes you into the mind of the ultimate TL wizard.
Rank Icons? is why you don't ask. Beware of flying monkeys.
Requiem for a Mani is a tribute to the TeamLiquid admin Manifesto7 when he originally decided to retire from SC/TL due to... RL issues? not sure, but it certainly is worth looking at. The quotes and Hot_Bid's tribute video are truly things that should not be missed.
S(c)andals, a video blog by Rekrul, summarizes the April 2010 rumors of progamers throwing games for money.
She cheats on me!OMG!! is a quick, hilarious story by the Bulgarian M2 explaining how his girlfriend cheated on him by giving his dog a blowjob. We don't know if it's true, but from what we know, it's plausible... Whether it is or not, it certainly has a huge "... wtf LOL" factor.
So Pissed Off begins the popular but short-lived "u gotta skate" meme to TL.
South side is the best. What happens when progamers turn into gangsta rappers?
teamliquid sucks - why dose teamliquid suck u might ask i will tell you why - with the followup RE: teamliquid sucks, featuring audio renditions of DROPZONE's legendary TL flames.
The Consume Lurkers, Don't They? brings you through Chef's awkward story about a strange drone in a zerg colony.
THE MODTRIX, another thread by CleaR, is an amusing story about Manifesto7's endeavors as a TeamLiquid admin. Overdramatized and with a very strange storyline, it's sure to provide a laugh.
The Rekrul Korea Story is just that. Worth a read if you're curious about one of TLs oldest members.
The Worst (Best) Pick-up Line Story Ever is a story where Rayzorblade details how he met his future wife (congrats :3). He follows it up with the sequel, The Update You've All Been Waiting For.
TL MONOPOLY!!!!!!, yet another great thread from CleaR, is an image of a potential Monopoly board themed around TeamLiquid. Complete with a few chance and community chest cards, make sure you check this one out - make sure you click on the board image to see it in a reasonable size.
TL QUIZ!!!!! is an amusing quiz created by CleaR about notable personalities of teamliquid.net. Although it's a bit outdated and newer members won't appreciate it as much, the veterans will surely remember a lot of these familiar faces and laugh once again.
Top Quotes by TL.net is a fairly outdated thread to see some old funny quotes.
Translator Strike: Conclusion? - Why won't Roffles dance, and what do the Koreans think?
[WL SPOILERS] ......................GuemChi tells you why GuemChi is a winnersleague bonjwa.
[WL spoilers] This is not a fluke - Realpenguin is back to explain how GuemChi is god.
+ Show Spoiler [Full Threads (read replies, or some)] +
....... Allow me to analyze your handwriting is one of the most brilliantly played trolls in teamliquid history. Poor Falcynn.
Any underwater basket-weaving enthusiasts? is a truly wtf thread about the imaginary sport/game of underwater basket weaving. A marvelous troll that nobody believed, it was still truly fascinating watching people discuss something that doesn't exist.
Creepiest starcraft player on facebook? is Catyoul's AMAZING troll, truly a teamliquid legend. Basically, the image script was set to show your own facebook profile picture if you were logged in to facebook on your computer at the time. Reading just a couple pages of replies will give you a great idea of how well the troll worked, and I think Catyoul's star is from that alone. The Q.2) at the bottom is from the TL scavenger hunt.
[FOUND] MANIFESTO7 details Rekrul's frantic search for Manifesto7, after he gets worried after no word from Mani for more than three weeks. A true community effort, the ending is certainly relieving and shocking.
The Hand of God blog series, by DreaM)XeRO, takes you through the adventure of every nerd's dream world - finding a cute korean girl through Starcraft. But wait!
Have you ever been caught jacking off? lol self-explanatory
Korean Team Scouting methods shows what can happen when TeamLiquid doesn't know the answer. Kennigit's first thread, must've been awfully intimidated.
Nada's Body tells you, "you thought TL was bizarre before? look at this shit rofl."
Need Help plz teaches a young noob how to unlock the secrets beyond the USEast server.
netherlands need help is the heartwarming story of an 18 (19? not sure) year old kid stuck in Amsterdam after getting robbed while backpacking through Europe. He asks for donations, jobs, and even friendly meetups so that he can get his return date changed from the original date 2 months away. Read the thread for the details, this is DEFINITELY worth reading.
No man, I'm a bear - how'd he get up there? Glitched through, obviously.
Progaming Gossip is Rekrul's first of two threads sharing inside secrets from the progaming world. Believe him if you wish - there's no proof for his stories, but on TeamLiquid, Rekrul's word is law. Pretty funny and entertaining for anyone.
Progaming Gossip 2 is the sequel to Progaming Gossip, which is the same thing all over again.
Protoss imbalance has gone TOO FAR. or has it?
Quirky Title is a... just figure it out yourself, it's funnier that way. If you really don't get it, then PM me and I'll explain it
Tasteless this is your mother is Tasteless's mother with some epic TLness. Need I say more?
Weird/Embarassing/Perverted Moments at School? lets everyone remember their most awkward childhood memories. Honorable mention goes to Warrior Madness's story, truly epic.
Any underwater basket-weaving enthusiasts? is a truly wtf thread about the imaginary sport/game of underwater basket weaving. A marvelous troll that nobody believed, it was still truly fascinating watching people discuss something that doesn't exist.
Creepiest starcraft player on facebook? is Catyoul's AMAZING troll, truly a teamliquid legend. Basically, the image script was set to show your own facebook profile picture if you were logged in to facebook on your computer at the time. Reading just a couple pages of replies will give you a great idea of how well the troll worked, and I think Catyoul's star is from that alone. The Q.2) at the bottom is from the TL scavenger hunt.
[FOUND] MANIFESTO7 details Rekrul's frantic search for Manifesto7, after he gets worried after no word from Mani for more than three weeks. A true community effort, the ending is certainly relieving and shocking.
The Hand of God blog series, by DreaM)XeRO, takes you through the adventure of every nerd's dream world - finding a cute korean girl through Starcraft. But wait!
Have you ever been caught jacking off? lol self-explanatory
Korean Team Scouting methods shows what can happen when TeamLiquid doesn't know the answer. Kennigit's first thread, must've been awfully intimidated.
Nada's Body tells you, "you thought TL was bizarre before? look at this shit rofl."
Need Help plz teaches a young noob how to unlock the secrets beyond the USEast server.
netherlands need help is the heartwarming story of an 18 (19? not sure) year old kid stuck in Amsterdam after getting robbed while backpacking through Europe. He asks for donations, jobs, and even friendly meetups so that he can get his return date changed from the original date 2 months away. Read the thread for the details, this is DEFINITELY worth reading.
No man, I'm a bear - how'd he get up there? Glitched through, obviously.
Progaming Gossip is Rekrul's first of two threads sharing inside secrets from the progaming world. Believe him if you wish - there's no proof for his stories, but on TeamLiquid, Rekrul's word is law. Pretty funny and entertaining for anyone.
Progaming Gossip 2 is the sequel to Progaming Gossip, which is the same thing all over again.
Protoss imbalance has gone TOO FAR. or has it?
Quirky Title is a... just figure it out yourself, it's funnier that way. If you really don't get it, then PM me and I'll explain it
Tasteless this is your mother is Tasteless's mother with some epic TLness. Need I say more?
Weird/Embarassing/Perverted Moments at School? lets everyone remember their most awkward childhood memories. Honorable mention goes to Warrior Madness's story, truly epic.
Well, go on TL, find me the best of the best.