Creepiest starcraft player on facebook?
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5311 Posts
Creepiest starcraft player on facebook? | ||
Germany487 Posts
![]() "Draw your way across the cliff" €: yay 50 comments >.< | ||
Croatia5281 Posts
Edit: this one: | ||
Korea (South)3262 Posts
On April 13 2010 05:50 Jonvvv wrote: This thread needs more Realpenguin xD "Guemchi" "This is not a fluke" concurred, these are freakin awesome | ||
United States8058 Posts | ||
Korea (South)3262 Posts
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United States9218 Posts
Does he still post? Havent seen him in a while. | ||
Vatican City State2594 Posts
On April 13 2010 23:57 Amnesia wrote: Fanatacist's troll guide and Requiem for a Dream, anyone? I saved them. + Show Spoiler + How to Troll a Forum The complete guide to trolling by Dr. Fanat Acist III, esq., "Master Troll" Ph.D. Message from the Master: This is a very long and extensive guide, made for your pleasure and my candidacy in the SC 2 Beta Key contest. Set aside 40-50 minutes to read it, or read it in parts. Enjoy! -- INTRODUCTION -- ![]() This is who you are now, sitting in front of your computer like the typical "gm" (good manner) forum-goer. Notice the insipid typicality of this situation: the ideal multi-racial workplace, the buttoned collar and clean shirt male with the side-parted hair, the smug pedosmile gracing your face as you read the posts of some of the enlightened posters on a forum as you think of a boring response. Basically, you are the same person online as you are in real life. Consistent, good-natured... BORING. Wouldn't you rather be like this handsome beast? ![]() Look at the grin on your face - you have just made someone roar at their screen, prepared to wear your anus as an anklebracelet, and the impossibility of such a feat due to distance makes their rage exponentially greater. You break the bonds of reality and emerge as a monster in the fantasy world that is the internet, a land of sheep, civilians, and knights that try in vain to slay you. So you want to train yourself in the ways of the troll? You have come to the right place. -- DEFINITION -- ![]() Aspiring trolls reading this definition. According to the omnipotent and infallible Wikipedia, a troll is "someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion." This is a very broad definition which leaves the doors wide open for any upcoming troll. There are many variations and venues for each troll to explore, and each troll can deconstruct a thread with class and finesse differently from the next. It is important to note here that a troll's goal should always be to have the quality of a mosquito bite - itchy, persistent, glaring, and only worsened when irritated or provoked (in this case responded to). Whether your mosquito bite is ignored and swept aside or unleashes a frenzy is up to you and your mastery of the trolling way. What I'm saying is, go big or go home. Do you want to be one of those pussy-ass mosquitoes that gets swatted before it even mildly irks someone with its incessant buzzing, or do you want to be one of those radioactive mutant murderous malaria-infested mosquitoes that get swatted one hundred times, produce a million offspring with a thousand mates, infect a billion people and all their family trees, live for fifty years and die only to come back bigger and stronger than ever before? That's what I thought. This guide is for that latter class of hopeful trolls, the Phoenix Radioactive Infectious Mutant Immortal Troll. Yes, a PRIMITroll. -- HOW TO CHOOSE AN ARCHETYPE -- ![]() Every kind of troll has different demands of character. The beauty of trolling is that almost anyone can do it, you just have to know your strengths and weaknesses. The archetypes of trolls that I will describe to you will be rated by each of these requirements, so you can handpick which class is best for you.
Each characteristic will be rated on a scale of 0-10 out of 10, with a + meaning that you need this level or more, - being this level or less. For example, for a requirement of 8+/10 creativity, you need to have an objective rating of 8 or above out of 10 to qualify. Some characteristics may vary based on the troll, even within an archetype, based on personal preference/interpretation of the class. Some classes that can be employed by polar opposites of one of the spectrum will have an "or" between two ratings. Now that we have that out of the way, let us proceed to the classifications of trolls and examples of them from my expansive experience. -- ARCHETYPES -- ![]() Here it is, the list of trolls made by yours truly, the only Master Troll professional, me. There are of course minor variations to each type of troll that you can explore and create, and you can mix archetypes to suit your style, or you can become a legend and develop your own trolling technique. However, look over these first to see if one of these can be your starting block to internet celebrity and infinite e-riches. The One-Post Wonder ![]() You are greased lightning. You come in and strike hard and quick before anyone knows what happened. You kill the thread faster than an army of noobs. You seem to attack from a distance, since you are never found in the thread again, unless you are lurking to benefit from your destructive strike. People buy into the chaos in the wake of your one post, and the thread goes to shit, eventually to be closed by mods. This type of troll requires a good eye for how to initiate an insurrection, strife in the ranks of casual forum users, and you need to have the technology to make a normal thread into a spinning vortex of anger that sucks in innocent bystanders, moderators, and everyone in between. This type of troll is pretty rare, as the technique required to perfect such an attack is either accidentally employed or honed over hours upon hours of forum experience. This type of troll usually has a low post-count and is eradicated from the target forum rather quickly due to the glaring trend in posting habit and the ratio of "good" posts to "bad" posts, which is probably close to 0:1. Requirements Creativity: 5+/10 Persistence: 2/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 8+/10 Education/Nerdiness: 6-/10 Animosity: 6+/10 How can I become one? At first you must observe threads from a distance, lurking, thinking of when is the opportune time to strike and precisely how to word your one post. When the time is ripe, you attack like a thunderbolt from Zeus's mighty fist, smiting the previous topic into a smoldering heap of e-ashes. No one notices this, however, until a few pages of flaming later. That is your evil design. After some practice, you will find that you can walk into almost any thread and destroy the foundation on which it is built with little to no previous knowledge on the subject or its posters. Something to note is that The One-Post Wonder is weak in 1 on 1 combat and thus should not engage a poster, but rather the entire thread/forum. Examples ME 1 Thread Title: "Playing with APM <200" First post: "My apm is too low blah blah can I still get to C level blah blah" Second post: "APM is not as important as what you do with it blah blah no spam blah blah have at least 100 eapm blah blah" The One-Hit Wonder post: "I MADE IT TO OLYMPIC WITH 90 APM, APM IS NOTHING LOL LOL. I mean it doesn't matter that I only bulldogged PvT on Longinus against C- white players from 3rd-world countries only right? So yea APM is for noobs!!!1!1" E 1 The Tank ![]() The Tank is a hero among trolls, granted that he is tanking the thread intentionally. A Tank can take an infinite amount of abuse and still keep going, pushing the limits of everyone's patience until he is either banned or abandoned in the hollowed-out remains of what was once a prosperous thread, aptly completing the metaphor by giving the troll a cave to reign superior in. The Tank can keep going for hours, even days in the same thread, stubborn to the last post. It is generally impossible to slay these trolls, which makes them the immortal heroes that they are. This type of troll is relatively common in one form or another, but to find an expert Tank is to witness a never-ending battle between good and evil, and the rewards are great. This type of troll can either be incredibly stupid or incredibly arrogant, or both. The dangerous aspect of this kind of troll is that within many forum veterans, a Tank is sleeping, waiting to be awoken, often by another veteran. When this occurs, a Tank battle can occur, which is as epic as a Tank vs. Thread war. Requirements Creativity: 8+/10 or 3-/10 Persistence: 9+/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 5+/10 or 2-/10 Education/Nerdiness: 8+/10 or 1-/10 Animosity: 6+/10 How can I become one? Cancel any plans you have for a day, and prepare to engage in an epic battle. The key to this is your perseverance - you can never quit, and you will never quit, otherwise you are a pathetic noob and poser troll. Defeat is not an option - get banned or slay all your opponents are your 2 options. You must be prepared to surrender sleep, eating, and bathroom breaks unless you are on a laptop. After you have accepted these conditions, the rest is easy. You come into a thread, get a reading on the general atmosphere and direction, and then make it your destiny to reverse every possible foundation that the thread was founded upon. You do this either by disagreeing with the general consensus with an ardent defense prepared (mini-example 1), by taking up a controversial stance that is probably wrong (ME 2), or by disagreeing with literally everyone (ME 3). Once again, you can never back down, even if people bring up facts, experience, and inconsistencies in your argument against you; these are but trivial blows to you, The Tank. There are two types of tanks in terms of personality - some pretend to be innocent, and continue to troll under the guise of trying to defend their correct opinion. This usually leads to long battles that are relatively low on heat. Others are aggressive instigators, which force their wrong perceptions of the topic at hand down people's throats. The result of this is usually an instant flame-war, however it generally does not last long until a moderator comes in and bans you. Choose your path wisely. Examples ME 1 Thread Title: "Bisu for Bonjwa" First post: "Bisu should be considered a bonjwa due to his dominant performance" Second-Nth post: "I completely agree, Bisu did blah blah blah #1 PR blah blah ELO PvP blah rape Savior blah" Tank post: "Bisu is beyond terrible, how can anyone consider making him a bonjwa?" Response: "Are you retarded? Bisu is the best!" Tank post: "He lost to _____ (noob player here)" Response: "Who cares? He still has the highest ELO and 3 MSL badges." Tank post: "MSLs aren't worth shit, I'm pretty sure Stork is the better player." Response: "Stork has a losing record against Bisu in the past year and has been getting raped over and over in the past few months." Tank post: "Record doesn't matter you idiot, what matters is their play man, their PLAY. You are all noobs and wouldn't understand." etc. etc. Note how it really doesn't matter who is posting the responses or any of the posts. ME 2 Thread Title: "Women push for equality in all aspects of life in Cambodia" Tank post: "Women are inferior creatures due to God's design. They even can't pee while running without having it drip down their leg. That is evolutionary evidence that women should be treated worse than dogs." Response: "Are you serious? Women don't need to pee running blah blah blah bigger brain blah blah." Tank post: "Why do you think women have been inferior in every non-pussy society since the dawn of time? Everyone knows that they are stupider, weaker, and that they bleed from their vaginae which clouds their judgment. I thought that everyone knew this and people were just being PC and shit." etc. etc. ME 3 Thread Title: "Should gun laws be tightened in the US?" First post: "Gun possession is too high and is causing deaths yearly blah blah blah constrict gun licenses blah blah." Tank post: "Don't be a pussy, men have a right to defend themselves." Response: "Yea, people need guns to have power over the government as granted in the constitution." Tank post: "Are you retarded? How can a bunch of fat rednecks take down the fucking US army? Moron." Response: "Exactly, it doesn't matter if we have guns or not in terms of protection against the government, and if no one had guns then there would be no need for guns for protection, so let's ban all civilian firearms." Tank post: "Fuck that what if some idiot comes into your house with a knife, I want a fucking gun to shoot him with." etc. etc. The Sniper ![]() The Sniper is a meticulous troll who selects his target carefully, plans his attack to the minutest of details. He is similar to the other ranged-combat troll, The One-Post Wonder, but this troll specializes in one-on-one combat. Instead of causing strife by attacking the thread topic, he chooses a victim and proceeds to humiliate them in a one-on-one flame war that is meant to ruin the reputation of the victim and their ability to post with any sort of credibility in the future if they do not aptly defend themselves. Snipers pick on bigheads (Example 2), or easy targets, when they are bored and doing off-hand trolling, or when they are just starting out as an aspiring Sniper. Targetting forum veterans, moderators, or anyone of status in a thread/forum is generally reserved to the experienced Sniper who has survived his fair share of one-on-one encounters (E 1). The Sniper can often be weak against a topic-related war, or against a mass of supporters of the victim, if they have any sort of flaming or trolling experience and if they are too great in number for the Sniper to aptly defend the counter-attack. The Sniper's weakness in crowd control is generally made up by his ability to prevent such measures by choosing the right target and eliminating them swiftly. This type of troll is pretty rare in the purest form, but acts of Sniping performed by other kinds of trolls happen from time to time, most commonly by The Pyro. However, an obvious favoritism shown towards Sniping is what makes this troll a Sniper. Requirements Creativity: 8+/10 Persistence: 6+/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 9+/10 Education/Nerdiness: 7+/10 Animosity: 8+/10 How can I become one? You have to begin by flaming noobs when they are clearly in the wrong on a subject. By gaining experience you can begin to learn the ins and outs of one-on-one flamewar, especially if you are obviously correct and will have backing if necessary. As you progress down the path of the Sniper, your ability to take on posters other than bigheads increases, and you can begin to target people who have committed nothing wrong in that particular thread or forum, basing your attacks on personal information you have from the victim's past posts. This helps you identify tendencies and trigger-topics that would set off the victim into a violent rage, which you can either leave to fester by not responding or assault in head-to-head combat and subdue with superior preparation and a clear mindset. Examples E 1 Chill creates an account "iatent" which resemebles "latent" in order to troll FakeSteve[TPR] via PM, predicting FS's reaction fully: + Show Spoiler + On April 25 2009 00:43 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: latent just PM'd me. oh no, latent, this is a fucking public outing, this will not be handled privately. it will not be my hand that bans you, for i have chosen to tell you how fucking stupid you are instead. Show nested quote + latent pm'd fakesteve: Since you've raised this to a level beyond casual discussion, and are now attacking me personally, I figure it's best to continue this conversation privately. That, and I know you are waiting for me to say something offensive to you publically so you can feel justified in banning me. I've seen you run this joke of a play several times before in the Power Ranks. Obviously, we are both terrible at this game. I have not put in the effort to develop the micro control needed to play at a high level. Every game I've seen you play also showed a very low level of play. That's fine, I just want to show that we are similar in terms of Starcraft skill. We are also similar in Starcraft knowledge. Despite coming from two different backgrounds - you learned from old washed up talent like Artosis, and I've learned from the new thinking of Nimue's analytical play and Yosh's empyrical play. Why do you think the smartest people go to the best schools? Because the peers and staff you surround yourself with improve your abilities, almost automatically. Surround myself with UNIVERSITY level Starcraft players has increased my ability to study the game. Have you ever stepped into a post-secondary institution, let alone had indepth discussions with one's students about Starcraft? Clearly this shows why you continue to attack me rather than address the facts at hand. When the game is still going through innovation, the best players rise to the top. As innovation stagnates, it becomes hard to separate yourself. That's why there's no bonjwa right now, simple as that. And that's why there will never be a further generation of players beyond what we've acheived now. It's really quite simple. is this a joke? it's funny, it must be a joke. i'd like to draw attention to this line: "We are also similar in Starcraft knowledge. Despite coming from two different backgrounds - you learned from old washed up talent like Artosis, and I've learned from the new thinking of Nimue's analytical play and Yosh's empyrical play" The first part is insulting. We are not similar in StarCraft knowledge. I am your superior in every fucking conceivable way. I didn't learn this game from Artosis, I learned this game by watching EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PROFESSIONAL GAME FOR THE LAST SIX YEARS. I have in me a vast knowledgebase of progaming theory, history, metagame, timing, strategy, tactics, every fucking aspect of this game. You have an elective class at berkeley taught by a C- protoss player. It makes me sick to see you drag an incredible name like yosh through the mud by associating yourself with him. yosh and artosis have been top competitive USA players for a long fucking time, they are more comparable to each other than to any other nonkorean player. but according to you, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY PLAY AT VIRTUALLY THE SAME SKILL LEVEL USING THE SAME KNOWLEDGE, Artosis is an old, washed-up talent. un-fucking-real. Let me fucking tell you something: "UNIVERSITY" level starcraft player doesn't mean a goddamned thing. When I get around to playing StarCraft, I play with top nonkorean players, friends from msn and irc.. OH, AND SAINT[Z-ZONE] AND SEA[SHIELD]. You have no fucking idea who you're trying to compare yourself to here. I'M failing to address the facts at hand? I post a GIANT FUCKING EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU ARE WRONG giving SPECIFIC EVIDENCE and showing LOGICAL FUCKING INCONSISTENCIES ON YOUR PART, and you respond with "i play with UNIVERSITY level players so clearly we're both bad players but I know more about sc than you". Then, at the end, you CONTINUE THE LINE OF THINKING I JUST FUCKING DESTROYED, completely ignoring everything I said that paints a clear, concise picture of why you are fucking wrong. Then you tell me it's "quite simple".¤tpage=11 E 2 The target in a "Post Your Pictures" thread. This is what we in the academy classify as a bighead: + Show Spoiler + ![]() This is how you target and snipe the victim to the point of them leaving due to embarrassment. Note that use of sarcasm in the direct and indirect (poor spelling to emulate the poster, for example) form is abundant. + Show Spoiler + ![]() The Artist ![]() The Artist is a very unique type of troll. Whereas other trolls try to invest little of something, be it thought, time, or effort, The Artist generally invests a lot of all three and then some. Being the Artist isn't easy because of this, and should be left to high-end experienced trolls. The Artist's main means of attack comes, as you should have guessed by now, through pictures as opposed to words. This type of attack generally requires more than the base level of information that other trolls use. The Artist has to look into people's profiles or past posts for material, as direct defacement of people's pictures to provoke a reaction and support from other forumers is the most common conduct. There are other alternatives, like graphs, and pictures that are not based on photos, but these tend to be less offensive as it doesn't feel like you are directly defacing that person's persona on the internet. To be a successful ArtisTroll you must have a keen eye for things that you can turn into a caricature to mock the victim, and you must also do so in a way that is comedic enough that you get the support of others. This way the ArtisTroll is in fact a public terrorist, much like politicians, who gets away with trolling right under the nose of others, while still successfully humiliating the target. The other benefit of being The Artist is that responses are seldom appropriate, because the popularity you gain becomes your defense - people will lash out against weak attempts at verbal or animated retorts. This is why veteran posters have an added bonus when they become The Artist. When an Artist meets another Artist, epic battles may be ahead, showcasing the capabilities of either troll. These encounters are rare, as Artists are also rare. The Artist is also largely a personal attacker, rarely branching out to attack a topic or group, with Maddox being a notable exception. Requirements Creativity: 8+/10 Persistence: 7+/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 8+/10 Education/Nerdiness: 4+/10 Animosity: 6+/10 How can I become one? Practice. Choose your weapon, which is generally one of two things: MSPaint or Photoshop. You should be made aware however of the implications and the cost/benefit of either choice: MSPaint - Shows that you don't care enough, although ironically MSPaint pieces tend to be just as hard to do well and are rarely successful. The con is that it is a very rigid tool, and thus is not as flexible or easy to work with to suit your Artist needs. Photoshop - Shows that you care too much, especially if you make a really solid piece. This ironically works against you. The pro is that it is easy to use once mastered and is very flexible in a master Artist's hands. To practice your skills, you make an account at , go to the Chatterbox thread, and find "Post Your Picture" threads, and start hammering out pieces. Target people who have an obvious deficiency of some sort, like if they are anything but white, too fat, too skinny, too emo, too goth, too camwhore, too normal, etc. etc. Get a measure of how well your work is being received, try doing creative things, get better with your weapon of choice, then use it with lethal power when you encounter an adversary. Examples E 1 Smixiggit: On April 08 2009 12:16 pachi wrote: ![]() E 2 Hot_Bid's charts: ![]() E 3 Various GaiaOnline victims (NSFW?): + Show Spoiler + ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() E 4 ![]() E 5 Maddox: The Pyro ![]() The Pyro is the most vicious of all individual trolls. Specializing in blind hateful attacks directed anyone and anything, The Pyro is often seen as just a flaming version of some sort of Sniper/Tank combination. Pyros set shit off and they set it off big, any thread with a Pyro is guaranteed to go to shit without proper moderation. This is also why the forum life-span of Pyros is rather short, as they tend to get banned as fast as adbots and the like. However, the amount of repressed nerd and emo range is like an everflowing volcano that continuously spawns new Pyros, replacing the previous ones shortly after they are banned. They specialize in attacking one or two people at once, then spreading the flames to every person in the topic. They have been known, however, to attack the whole topic/populace immediately, but these are often the same Pyros who have their flames put out even faster by the moderators. Some may argue that there is a little Pyro in every troll, but the true Pyros stand out from the rest as those vicious fuckers that have a 100% trolling via insult record. Some are creative with the shit they spew, some are a broken record of the same old insults used as adjectives, verbs, nouns and metaphors. By the way, I don't think examples are necessary. Requirements Creativity: 2-/10 or 7+/10 Persistence: 5+/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 4-/10 Education/Nerdiness: 2-/10 or 5+/10 Animosity: 9+/10 How can I become one? This one is easy, all you have to do is target anyone or anything and insult them in any way possible. If you do this enough before you are banned, you will by then have probably destroyed the topic. Keep an eye out for forums where there is little to no post limit, as you have to strike fast and everywhere before you are caught and banned. See the Troll Tools for some materials especially useful to this archetype. The Bash Brothers ![]() The Bash Brothers are two or more trolls working together. Generally these two trolls have similarly low intelligence and belong to the same type of troll, which is usually some sort of Pyro/Tank mixture. The game is, one Brother starts the war, and when he is attacked by someone, the other Brother(s) steps in and defends his accomplice, creating a sense of majority rule. However this tactic can only be used once per forum, or per thread if the forum is very big. Bash Brothers are pretty pathetic creatures and are incompetent without the support of the other, since their major strategy is once again strength in numbers, like the weak Zerg. They can be organized or not. Requirements Creativity: 4-/10 Persistence: 4+/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 4-/10 Education/Nerdiness: 3-/10 Animosity: 7+/10 How can I become one? Just find a buddy and piss some people off, it doesn't take much finesse or premeditation. Use examples from The Tank as your fundamentals. Examples E 1 The Insurrectionist ![]() The Insurrectionist has a unique approach to trolling; instead of being reactionary like most trolls, The Insurrectionist starts his own war. This involves the person starting a thread that initiates a war amongst the posters shortly after. One thing to note is that the most diabolical of Insurrectionists cover up the fact that they are trolling the visitors to their thread that the topic carries on for pages and pages until the heat starts to rise and tempers are being lost left and right, all because of the Insurrectionist's dastardly plan. Of course there are also members of this archetype that are far less subtle. Insurrectionists tend to somewhat overlap with the Troll? category because it seems so counter-intuitive that someone would approach trolling in such a way. My personal belief is that we will see many more Insurrectionists in the future, which will perfect the disguise technique I mentioned previously and will further blur the arrow separating them from the Troll?s, which would make their forum life-expectancy that much longer. Imagine a future where it is uncertain whether even one of the threads you frequent on a website is NOT a troll thread? I, the Troll Master, and going to have nightmares about this. Why? Because Insurrectionists are actually cutthroat bitches on the inside, partaking in cannibalism of trolls and the consumption of moderators and innocents alike. The scwizard thread is a perfect example of this. Requirements Creativity: 2-/10 or 7+/10 Persistence: 5+/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 4-/10 Education/Nerdiness: 2-/10 or 5+/10 Animosity: 9+/10 How can I become one? I wish I could tell you, but this is the one field of trolling where I have minimal experience. I will try to assess the basics of this subject, but anyone wishing to know further should PM either scwizard or HamerD for in-depth analysis. Here are two convenient links for you to do so: scwizard HamerD Anyways, the fundamentals of Insurrection should be as follows: 1. Make an interesting thread title, or one that would attract many viewers. The more people respond to your thread, the greater your success at trolling, and the more likely they are to eventually argue, which also increases your trolling level. Example 1: "Fiancee` is having an affair please help" Example 2: "Discuss MBS & Automine here" 2. Make a bold or provocative statement in the OP. To set the mood you need to either entice your audience with a far-fetched or fucked up story (a la HamerD), or make a definitive statement about something that is really not true (scwizard). However you have to make sure it is not too blatant, otherwise there will be too many people on one side of the argument, and then they will only flame you and not each other, which diminishes the troll value of the thread. 3. Keep fanning the flames with new posts of the same nature. Use tactics that The Tank would use to continue the flamewar that has become your topic. 4. Plead innocence when confronted by a mod. You'll get away with it if you did this right. You asshole. Examples E 1 HamerD: E 2 scwizard: E 3 HeavOnEarth: E 4 Chef: ^ Great one BTW The Ninja ![]() The Ninja is usually a forum veteran that has a darker side that he keeps hidden in order to preserve his rank and status, but sometimes it is also the new poster who has experience in other forums. To put it plainly, it's hard to spot Ninjas unless you know what trends to look for, one of which I will detail for you below. Ninjas are the more docile kind of trolls, as they rarely start wars or battles with other posters; they mostly post for their own amusement in a manner similar to the "Meow" scene in Super Troopers. New trolls should try this out when they are feeling more peaceful just to see how many people catch on. Requirements Creativity: 6+/10 Persistence: 4-/10 Observation/Scrutiny: 6-/10 Education/Nerdiness: 5-/10 Animosity: 2-/10 How can I become one? Analyze situations while listening to popular music like Linkin Park or something of the sort and try to integrate the lyrics you hear/remember into your posts. Simple! Examples E 1 On October 21 2008 03:47 Kennigit wrote: 4 things i do regularly 1) Slip Linkin Park lyrics into regular conversations to troll ppl. 2) Make L_0o0_L faces 3) say a variation of Manner - manner yo, bm, etc 4) refer to things as zerg rushed kekekekeke. I can understand why someone might get tweaked by it but In the end it doesn't even matter E 2 Hot_Bid wrote: I see the reds and blues as one big staff family that sometimes has flaws and arguments, but in the end it doesn't even matter because we come together. E 3 On March 23 2009 10:56 NSANE.hydra wrote: Show nested quote + On March 23 2009 10:50 fanatacist wrote: Push harder better faster stronger, because in the end it doesn't even matter. You can tell yourself that you tried so hard, and got so far just by pushing yourself. You have to let the game become a part of you, so it's no longer your deepest (subconscious) fear. I do this to some extent I guess, maybe not the game becoming me part. Troll? ![]() The Troll? is a mystery to all, even experienced trolls themselves. The enigma lies in the name itself, in the fact that there is a question there. Is this person really a troll or are they actually so stupid/ignorant/arrogant/pathetic? It is impossible to tell, and anything they say on the matter just furthers the paradox. I can't begin to describe these forum creatures, but they had to be brought to light for further investigation and scrutiny, because I have a feeling that if an Insurrectionist-led future of forums does not occur, the Troll?s will be the most powerful non-moderator users simply because of their mysterious qualities and super-troll powers. Here are some examples: Examples E 1 CharlieMurphy, most lethal troll or biggest idiot?: + Show Spoiler + On May 27 2009 12:42 decafchicken wrote: Show nested quote + On May 27 2009 09:55 CharlieMurphy wrote: On May 24 2009 12:57 mikeymoo wrote: On May 24 2009 11:15 CharlieMurphy wrote: On May 24 2009 10:38 H wrote: haven't a fair few people broken their legs and boards going off that lol I'd also like to clarify that when I said I'd jumped 26 feet, I specified it was onto grass yea ofc, like any stunt. All I'm saying is it is very unlikely its gonna kill you unless you dive head first or something. You travel at 9.8 meters a second when free falling right, So roughly how fast are you going when you fall/jump 8 meters? ads = vdv 9.8*8 = 1/2v^2 16*9.8 = v^2 v = sqrt(157-ish) roughly 12(.4-ish?) m/s? can't be bothered to pull out a calculator or even look up the proper formula. So i could be completely wrong. On May 24 2009 21:35 Frits wrote: no you're right it's 12.5 m/s wait so you guys are saying you fall 12.5 meters a second? I think you are doing the problem wrong. If it's 9.8 meters in one second and its only 8 meters. A is always 9.8 m/s. I'm just wondering how fast that would be in mph/kph. Since 9.8 is an acceleration, not a constant speed and Terminal velocity is like 120mph. 9.8 m/s = 21.9219757 mph Wouldn't it be more like 15 or so mph? edit- google ftw 8 (meters / second) = 17.8954903 mph or 29kph 1 (meter / second) = 2.23693629 mph So back on topic. 18mph is not really a deadly speed. my god you astound me. the fact that a physic teacher already confirmed the aforementioned answer is just extra decoration on the massive dunce cap that should be your icon. On May 28 2009 11:13 SonuvBob wrote: Charlie is not to be outdone. Show nested quote + On May 28 2009 05:50 CharlieMurphy wrote: On May 27 2009 13:40 404.Nitrogen wrote: charlie lol @ your search in upper right I was trying to figure out what the speed of an 8 meter fall would be, since it's 9.8 meters a second. (its about 17mph) Never give up! Never surrender! E 2 Has anyone else ever considered if this guy is even real? HamerD: E 3 E 4 tiffany: you probably drive a civic, i drive an m3 surfer4life: you have never seen a car in your life E 5 WingSandRockX surfer4life stimey mitsy baal Wizard latent scwizard Raithed Physician iscout4u MoltkeWarding Chibi OakHill ^ Search those on Team Liquid -- TROLL TOOLS -- These are the tools of the trade, made readily available to you in an organized list. BASIC TROLLING SITES Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Hard Difficulty: Very Hard IP PROXIES INSPIRATION TeamLiquid: Hot_Bid Chill Frits Physician HamerD CharlieMurphy InControl{88} FakeSteve[TPR] SonuvBob latent scwizard WingSandRockX surfer4life stimey mitsy baal Wizard Raithed Rekrul SpiritoftheTunA Zulu_nation8 iscout4u MoltkeWarding Chef OakHill Chibi -- POP QUIZ! -- Now that you have come to the near-end of this long-ass guide, it's time for a quiz to see what your new-found troll capabilities are! Choose one of the following posts or topics, quote it and troll it as hard as you can in this thread. The winner will get an honorable mention at the end of the SC 2 Beta Key challenge! I will try to get the winner into the PX (Pony Express) as well somehow. THREAD 1 + Show Spoiler + Title: "Animal Rights" Respond against a pro-animal stance citing personal experience. THREAD 2 + Show Spoiler + Title: "SC 2 Maps!" Respond in a way that makes the argument that Python is a worse map than LT and anyone who thinks otherwise is of inferior intelligence. POST 1 + Show Spoiler + On April 21 2009 00:39 Raithed wrote: Show nested quote + On April 20 2009 19:08 PH wrote: Plain and simple...if you want you and her to remain friends, you're going to have to have a LOT of patience. It's as simple as that. Stick around whatever happens. Raithed, I don't think you understand what bipolar disorder is as a disorder...that means a lot of it is simply beyond her control. you CANNNNN control it, cant you? i mean you KNOW what you did wrong but you already *did* it already. honest to say, arent we all a little bipolar? POST 2 + Show Spoiler + On January 02 2007 08:19 Physician wrote: Entropy smells trouble, he realizes a foreign game (i.e. not StarCraft) stole StrarCraft players and shouts, Strategy game or not this is almost sacrilegious!, while he muses about our demise. "Oh quiet down man, remember how you end all your posts with "Enjoy ~" , replies Physician as he wonders about the fickle interest of gamers, while at the same time he wishes he were younger and had even more time for more games, than just the one. Tip: Use mockery and assume the role of a Sniper. -- POLL -- Poll: Which troll type would you want to be? (Vote): The One-Post Wonder (Vote): The Tank (Vote): The Sniper (Vote): The Artist (Vote): The Pyro (Vote): A Bash Brother (Vote): The Insurrectionist (Vote): The Ninja (Vote): Troll? Hope you enjoyed my guide n_n; EDIT: 12:06 AM June 15th EST, Spelling errors. | ||
Vatican City State2594 Posts
*snip by request | ||
Vatican City State2594 Posts
Months: 28 Warnings: 6 Bans: 14 ): Highest PPW: 470 1000 posts Nov 14 2007, 4:10 KST 12.52 Posts/Day 87.64 Posts/Week 2000 posts Feb 04 2008, 13:08 KST 12.28 Posts/Day 85.96 Posts/Week 3000 posts Aug 25 2008, 03:51 KST 8.22 Posts/Day 57.54 Posts/Week 4000 posts Jan 30 2009, 01:10 KST 7.65 Posts/Day 53.55 Posts/Week 5000 posts Mar 20 2009, 20:00 KST 8.73 Posts/Day 61.11 Posts/Week 6000 posts May 12 2009, 08:50 KST 9.63 Posts/Day 67.41 Posts/Week 7000 posts Jul 15 2009, 03:40 KST 10.15 Posts/Day 71.05 Posts/Week 8000 posts Sep 04 2009, 08:09 KST 10.81 Posts/Day 75.67 Posts/Week 9000 posts Oct 27 2009, 23:47 KST 11.34 Posts/Day 79.38 Posts/Week --- --- --- --- On September 19 2007 08:27 Kennigit wrote: Good practice is to go to a bar and ask out fat desperate chicks who are guaranteed to say yes. Its like smurfing on bnet for a few months before a big tourny. (22:48:09) (rushz0rz) if i lost an arm, i'd cry forever. (22:48:18) (+IntoTheWow) :D (22:48:25) (+IntoTheWow) if i lost an arm (22:48:28) (+IntoTheWow) i would play w3 On November 18 2007 16:08 Rekrul wrote: I don't dance I sit in rooms on my ass and have my waiter drag beautiful women into the room and sit them down next to me then I say Hi and feed them alcohol and tell them how rich I am and then when they say they have to go piss or want to dance with their friends I get their number then they leave the room and probably get intercepted by a waiter and get dragged into another room so I just get a new girl dragged in repeat process 3-10 times depending on how on my game I am (the more the game the less the girls actually as much as that doesn't make sense cuz that means they don't leave cause they find you interesting) until I find myself sitting there wasted alone and horny at 5:30 AM with no recollection of any of all the new girls I have saved in my phone then I send a mass spam text message to all of them saying WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU then usually I get a couple replies and usually one of them is still there and available and comes back then I tell them lets go eat food in my huge house then I take them there then I drag them into my room and in my drunken fevor repeatedly tell myself USE A RUBBER USE A RUBBER USE A RUBBER no matter how badly I want to stick it in bareback then I wake up and find myself naked on my bed with a sick hangover wondering where the fuck the girl went and wondering what the hell she looked like so I ask my roommates if she was hot or not, not that it matters at all because the number gets deleted then I check my wallet to see if she stole any of the 10k in it then I sit down on my ass and start posting / banning on teamliquid until I'm hungry as hell and summon the will power to order food then I eat and play some poker then it's already 8 or 9 PM again and I start getting antsy and start making calls to friends saying where the fuck are we going tonight and before I know it I'm sitting on my ass in a night club room again. On November 18 2007 23:32 NotSorry wrote: So fucking jealous, I want to kill myself, just in the off chance that I can be reincarnated as you... On January 25 2008 10:27 BaDayOri wrote: Show nested quote + On January 25 2008 10:07 jkillashark wrote: Most Koreans don't eat dogs. Those that do pick dogs that are stupid to eat. They don't eat intelligent dogs. They only eat dogs that are deemed ddong gaes which means crap dog. Means it's good for nothing you might as well eat it. lol. I don't eat dogs btw. back when i lived in korea 14 years ago my family had a ddong gae and then we moved to america but we coudlnt take the dog with us and so we left it with my grandpas cousin and then later we get news that my grandpa's cousin hanged my dog and ate it.. made 보신탕.. T T On February 09 2008 13:20 Rekrul wrote: Show nested quote + On February 09 2008 13:00 pubbanana wrote: On February 09 2008 12:48 Rekrul wrote: recently i msg'd him 'hi hater' cause his msn name said 'fuck all the haters' then he just started spamming my msn box with reasons why korea was hard for him and easy for me Like what, exactly U KNOW HOW EASY U HAD IT IN YOUR TIME EVERYONE WAS BAD PLAYER AND U HAD ELKY GRRR LEG ASSEM AND EVERYONE AND ENGLISH SPEAKING MANAGER TO HELP U AND TALK WITH U DIDNT GET LONELY AND UR TEAMMATES DIDNT TELL U TO CLOSE WINDOWS IN THE SUMMER AND U HAD MONEY AND OTHER OPTIONS FROM POKER AND PPL DIDNT YELL AT U TO CALL THEM HYUNG AND UR ORGANIZATION WASNT FULL OF FUCKING IDIOTS WHO DIDNT WANT TO PAY YOU AND U STUDIED THE LANGUAGE AND UR PARENTS SUPPORTED U AND ALL FOREIGN COMMUNITY LIKED U AND U ACTUALLY HAD TIME TO GO OUT AND PARTY NOT ALWAYS IN THE HOUSE AND U DIDNT HAVE TO SLEEP IN A SMELLY HOUSE WITH TEN GUYS IN THE SAME ROOM ALL MASTURBATING IN THEIR TOP BUNK IMAGINING HOT GIRLS IN THE INPERFECTIONS OF THE CEILING ok i made most of that up but you get the point On May 01 2008 06:10 {88}iNcontroL wrote: KOREAN MAPS ARE LESS IMPORTANT HAHA WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KOREAN MAPS KID? JESUS TRY THE HARD LIFE OF A ZERG. WE DONT HAVE FUCKING MAP CROSSING ARCLITE CANNONS, EVERYTHING CANNOT BE REPAIRS, WE DONT HAVE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION LIKE SPIDER MINES AND WE CERTAINLY AS FUCK DONT HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS CAUSE ANY GAME THAT HAS THAT SUCKS LIKE COMMAND AND CONQUER 3. ALSO, WE DONT HAVE FLYING BUILDINGS OR MOTHERFUCKING DEFENSIVE STRUCTURES THAT SHOOT AIR AND GROUND AND CAN BE REPAIRED AND COST 100$ FUCKING MINERALS. OUR WORKERS DIE WHEN THE WIND BLOWS TOO HARD AND SURE AS FUCK DONT HAVE FUSION CUTTERS. WAIT? YOU HAVE GOLIATHS THAT SHOOT ACROSS THE MAP AT AIR UNITS AND CAN BE REPAIRED AND ARE CHEAP? JESUS WHO MADE THIS GAME. JESUS I WISH I HAD 5-6 of THE ALL TIME BEST PLAYERS TO MODEL MY GAME AFTER. WAIT? WERENT THEY ALL FUCKING TERRAN? WE HAVE NADA, BOXER, OOV, FLASH, MIDAS and XELLOS ALL KICKING ASS FOR YEARS AT A TIME WHILE WE GET FUCKING FAT ASS JULY WHO SUCKS NOW, YELLOW WHO ALWAYS FUCKING SUCKED BUT NOBODY KNEW FOR A BIT AND WE FINALLY GOT SAVIOR BUT THEN THEY DRESSED HIM LIKE HITLER SO HE SUCKED AND NOW WE HAVE JAEDONG BUT THAT KID CANT FIGURE OUT THE NEW KOREAN MAPS THAT DONT MATTER. JESUS FUCK IT MUST BE NICE TO HAVE PLAYERS THAT SPAN DECADES AND DOMINATE THE ENTIRE TIME. GIMME SOME OF THAT PLEASE. HEY WHAT ABOUT BUILDINGS DO YOU LOSE A SCV EACH TIME YOU MAKE ONE? NO. WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN ACTUALLY TELL THEM TO RETURN TO MINING AFTER THEY ARE DONE BUILDING? I THOUGHT THAT AUTO MINING GARBAGE WAS FOR HACKERS OR BAD GAMES. TERRAN'S CAN DO IT? FUCK THAT SOUNDS LIKE A SWEET DEAL. EACH TIME WE (zerg) HAVE TO BUILD WE TELL ONE OF OUR SACRED MINERS "HEY FUCK YOU TIME TO DIE" AND THEY DO. THEN WE GET A FUCKING BUILDING. WHICH, HALF THE TIME ISNT ENOUGH: WE HAVE TO PAY MOREE FUCKING MONEY TO GET IT TO DO SOME SHIT LIKE DICK THE GROUND OR SPRAY PISS IN THE AIR. On July 05 2008 04:33 thedeadhaji wrote: Show nested quote + On July 05 2008 02:27 IntoTheWow wrote: On July 05 2008 00:19 thedeadhaji wrote: On July 04 2008 20:50 clazziquai wrote: she is so much better back in the come on agreed. oh haji you fell for the pedo-trap w/e, I'm a fucking Jap, I can live with that. It's in my genes. lol On July 20 2008 08:37 travis wrote: i'd get a lurker on my back shooting spines at my asshole or 2 ghosts on my stomach launching nukes, with my nipples being the red dots On August 24 2008 22:42 AttackZerg wrote: I'll tell you how I maintain my lean figure..... When playing Iccup I lean slightly forward and maintain a lightly flexed abdomin, I hang my shoulders so that my posture isn't terrible and I control my breathing (see any la`monz youtube video for details). Also if you wish to have froglike legs I keep my chair on its highest setting so that only the balls of my feet are touching the ground, I bounce them continuously for the entirety of my starcraft session (In chat too!). My prespective. I am trying to preform over 700 actions per minute. All of the things I include are: Breathing Clicking Hotkeying Typing Leg bouncing Facial twitches, lip sync with winamp, motivational phrases, and of course curses. And blinking I do not include: Heartbeats ( as far as I'm concerned its just spam) Head nodding/smiling ( different then dramatic in-game twitches) Coffee/Soda/Apple juice drinking ( I figure my apm is high enough without the boost) Phonecalls ( I rarely do more then forward call to voicemail in game, but still!) Penial reactions ( sometimes during chat I'm looking at porn, this is counterproductive to longevity in gamming .... Beware of this) With a good eight to ten hours a day ( 3 days a week) I am able to stay in great shape and maintain a good Iccup standing, so that the other days of the week I can keep up with my sprinting,basketball,bike riding and chain smoking. I hope this helps On August 29 2008 13:44 pooper-scooper wrote: Voted white, because that is the color I buy them in, but well.... They are technically gray because I have hasu laundry skills. On September 04 2008 14:50 Hot_Bid wrote: Rekrul, Stork, and Gregory House ![]() On September 04 2008 09:18 dickless123 wrote: Show nested quote + On September 04 2008 08:54 Misrah wrote: What got me thinking along these lines was my starcraft sparring partner and good friend. whoever tells you otherwise is wrong, starcraft IS a martial art. On September 06 2008 00:09 Hot_Bid wrote: Chill and Godwin's Law ![]() fusionsdf's sig: whats that, you have basic macro skills? well fuck then welcome to team protoss. On October 31 2008 08:34 LonelyMargarita wrote: I honestly can't see many Koreans wanting the lamed-down version, so it wouldn't be a problem to ship their version without mbs, automine, and all this other newb shit. The culture understands what starcraft is and doesn't need it dumbed down for them - even their moms spam to 300 apm. On November 11 2008 00:19 Chill wrote: Show nested quote + On November 11 2008 00:12 ]343[ wrote: TL 7-0 ez? but THIS ONE IS NOT WORTH OVER NINE THOUSAND ON LIQUIBET. I GUESS IT'S NOT AS IMPORTANT lol Yea, pretty much. As said in the news post is the annoying, younger brother and SC2GG is just some random hobo no one knows that we decided to start beating on in some alleyway as we were stumbling home from the bar. On January 13 2009 18:02 MyLostTemple wrote: greg made out with 10/10 rating girl. sugo idra. yeah we showed up at this club after leaving the other one and when we got there everyone sat down and i started talking to this girl. after a bit of talking she got up and walked away. i said 'shibal' and she flipped out and thought i was saying it to her. she was all like 'you can't say that to me' and i was like 'oh i didn't say that to you, sorry, have a good night' and she kept flipping out so i jokingly said 'you wana go!? be careful because i use numbchucks.' then she threw a giant bucket of ice at me but missed and it got all over greg. i felt bad lol but it was pretty funny. good thing she throws like a girl. drunk bitch On January 13 2009 18:03 Rekrul wrote: HAHAHahahahkfafkalhfa;lkfajakhahaha throughout the night tasteless kept non stop saying really mockingy pointing at artosis and greg infront of girls LOOK AT THE TERRN NERDS LOOK AT THEM THEY ARE RIGHT THERE RAHHHHH HAHAHA On January 29 2009 11:33 boesthius wrote: You know what really pisses me off? Trees. Trees fucking piss me off just standing there all tall and proud, as if they're expecting something from me. I mean what the fuck do you want tree I'm sorry I'm not 200 fucking feet tall and can't photosynthesize to keep myself alive. Oh what's that? You've been known to live for thousands of years, through fires and storms and climate changes and you still stand? Fuck you tree I'm a human being goddammit - you can't cut me open and see how long I've lived for. Ooooohhhhhh and don't get me fucking started on the fucking gangs of trees that are out there; or as they're commonly known as - forests. I fucking know they're trying to take over the earth - you can see it in their bark; not to mention that there's over 400 hundred fucking billion of them. I burn every goddamn forest I come across to show the other plethora of trees who's the boss goddammit. Shit I hate trees so much. On October 21 2008 03:47 Kennigit wrote: 4 things i do regularly 1) Slip Linkin Park lyrics into regular conversations to troll ppl. 2) Make L_0o0_L faces 3) say a variation of Manner - manner yo, bm, etc 4) refer to things as zerg rushed kekekekeke. I can understand why someone might get tweaked by it but In the end it doesn't even matter On February 17 2009 15:08 Hot_Bid wrote: Show nested quote + On February 17 2009 12:20 SonuvBob wrote: HB and Chill I think. Plexa and GTR are Merry and Pippin. The To-Do List found it's way to the unlikeliest of creatures...a writer, named Mensrea Baggins. I think in this analogy Plexa would be Frodo, as he adds the most to the To-Do List hence hiding it from your power. His best friend is Daigomi, loyal and headstrong, who i salso from some weird country. Other than Plexodo and Samgomi are joined by GTR and pachi, both of whom are underrated in their impact on Middle-Earth (getting the Ents to fight = updating calendar and TLPD, because the work was slow, tedious, but ultimately critical in the war). I think this goes without saying but GTR is Pippin and pachi is Merry, lol. R1CH is Gandalf, who we thought was dead (DotA) but will return when we need him the most. He was all like YOU SHALL NOT PASS to that shitty Bnet lag for 1.16. intrigue is Legolas, obsessed with being girly, cute, and having ridiculous ban / obs micro when its needed. Gimli (sp?) is Chill, who is ill-tempered and of course, literally a dwarf. Manifesto7 is Aragorn, who is older than he looks, has a beard, and is married to a woman of a different race. Manigorn went into exile for a while and finally returned to lead his people to freedom. He has wisdom and his speeches inspire a lot of people so everyone kind of listens, even though his voice is way too nasally during that RotK speech, so he tries to speak as low as possible from now on like Christian Bale in Batman, what a faker. Pop is that elf guy who makes the sword (TLPD) with which Aragorn will call on the dead (progamers). Saro would be Agent Smith Elf, who knew all in the beginning but retired to the immortal place after seeing the war coming. Emlary is that older elf chick who has a ring too (old school VOD updater) and that other elf dude with a ring is TopTalent or ilovecats (not the Agent Smith Elf, the other one). They gave Plexa, Samgomi, and the other FrozenArbiter is that big burly guy whos the Rohan King's son, he rapes all the trolls in the SC2 forum and is from Sweden. Last Romantic is that dead skeletal dwarf they found writing that book "they are coming... they are coming..." about the dwarfs last stand. The dwarfs = YellOw, Reach, and the rest of the old guard, and LR is just sitting with them, clutching to his heart forever the hope that they will return. Instead they are raped by all those orcs and that huge flaming dude who of course is Incontrol. Baezzi is Boromir, who started down the right path but the To-Do List's power corrupted him and he turned bad. He tried to take the List from Plexa and ended up dying. Corinthos is his brother Faramir (sp?), who told to SonuvBob as already stated is Sauron, that big beastly neck snapping orc who rapes Boromir in Fellowship is Kennigit, that troll who rides that wofl thing who takes Aragorn over the cliff is Hot_Bid, and the Nazgul are led by Nazgul (lol). I guess any other Liquid` guys make up the rest of the Ringwraiths, who used to ride horses (see the banner above), an analogy for StarCraft, but now have much cooler rides (those flying thingys) which they bought with poker money. Rekrul isn't a Nazgul but is rather Shelob, bent on entrapping poor progamers in his web when they walk the That guy who whispered all the shit into Rohan's ear is of course Puertorican, who when discovered is kicked out of Men in Rohan. Puertorican digs that Rohan warrior girl really badly but she finds him disgusting and creepy, this is probably a pretty good microcosm of his entire life. Lastly, Smeagol is Stimey, Gollum is mitsy, I don't think I have to explain this one. On February 19 2009 14:22 SonuvBob wrote: You can be the old hobbit woman who scowls at Gandalf in the beginning of the first movie. On February 25 2009 12:10 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: also if i ever meet michael j fox im gonna give him a gift-wrapped etch-a-sketch 'dont open it til you get home!' and then when he does he'll be like 'oh my god, what a dick' On February 26 2009 11:47 H wrote: bread what the fuck, holland sounds like a miserable hole 'here is your ration of bread and water. please enjoy a healthy breakfast' On March 08 2009 14:54 {88}iNcontroL wrote: How do you sleep at night? I mean.. you play a race where you have super weapons at tier two. Spider mines (nevermind the obvious reference to SPIDERMAN) bury themselves under the ground (DT?) to become invisible then they literally get up and run at anything that gets near them and deal more damage than any 1 unit in the entire zerg army save for an infested marine.. oh and they do that damage to multiple units. Your tanks do as much damage as an ultralisk.. but wait? They then decide to sit the fuck down and deal more than double the damage and oh yeah I almost forgot: they hit everything on the map. I believe they call it the arclite cannon. I know this, because I wake up each night screaming and clawing at the wall to the sound of a tank sieging. That is just when I sleep.. normally I don't sleep because cloaked air units are on my mind smashing overlords and raping my mineral line cause a terran felt like being cheesy..something a zerg player doesn't even have the option of save for "making too much of 1 unit (lings)" and praying the T is a fucking moron. But hey, it isn't like you have nuclear weapons. Nah, they wouldn't give you that and and a giant air unit capable oflaunching a super weapon and hitting everything else with weapons stronger than anything the Zerg has save for again: the infested marine (which has to kill itself to do that much damage mind you). Nah they wouldn't do that. Hey dan, how do you sleep at night? How do you sleep knowing that vultures out run everything in the game? How do you sleep knowing that marines, medics and maybe a science vessel or two (really only needed to find the zerg units smart enough to hide in the dirt from a terran army) are needed to kill a sophisticated, mixed and advanced zerg army? How do you sleep? Better yet.. how angry must you be when you play with this race and lose. How angry? Would you logically assume the imbalance is otherwise? You must. You must do that or else you'd come to the scary realization that this entire game.. the whole game's concept is about stealing wins from terran players. That's all we are trying to do. I mean you have a fucking decade of terran players dominating kespa. How Do you Sleep. On March 09 2009 06:14 emperorchampion wrote: Show nested quote + On March 09 2009 06:11 fanatacist wrote: On March 09 2009 06:09 emperorchampion wrote: Fixed, lol why do people feel the need to write long, pretentious blog entries? However, it actually does raise a few good points: 1. You are the decider of what is truth. This is one of the pillars of being pretentious and invulnerable: if you say you are right, you are unequivocally, non-negotiably right. Open discussion is a myth, you are the only individual sufficiently intelligent to make valid points or to decide whether a point made by another is valid. Do not waste your time responding to that which is obviously wrong; you have philosophy to tackle, worlds of knowledge to uncover. Why would you spend any amount of your precious time demonstrating that somebody is incorrect, when you already know that he or she is incorrect? Anybody who fails to take your word as truth is a fool and obviously too unintelligent to benefit from your illuminations. Do not bother with these kinds of people. So basically by creating a piece of work that is well written and "educated" you will elicit less discussion. This piece of work also has to state an opinion (the only one that matters), and close any sort of open discussion- so why bother creating the piece in the first point? If I were to write a piece about why person "X" was inferior using the said format, and there could be no open argument why bother? If person "X" could raise no defense to my statement, then all I have done put my ideas into word format. If you must make a statement in order to clarify your original point or the method by which you made your original point, make it in the same fashion as your original post: addressing nobody in particular, disclosing your truths to the world.- While one may respond to my post in any way that one likes, I implore all of you not to quote such a long post in order to give a two line response. Thank you. LOL, so true that it worked. 4. End all of your disclosures with a section of illusory vulnerability. The lesser individual always has hope that he or she is not a lesser individual, and stemming from this, comes the inner wish that intellectual superiority is an illusion. If you create a illumination that does not support these individuals' flawed ideals, then they will ignore it as a whole, because they will be unable to accept that such a work could simultaneously improve their understanding of the world and destroy their fragile, beloved vision of an intellectually egalitarian reality. While the suggestion was made not to bother with the people too unintelligent to benefit from your illuminations, these such people do not fall into that category; they are in a middle ground, between the enlighteners, such as yourself, and the unenlightenable, such as the aforementioned. Therefore, you must construct statements revealing a false vulnerability, such as admitting that your prose makes you sound childish or admitting that you are unqualified to discuss all the material that you have just discussed. While you know that you are not actually childish and that you are perfectly qualified, these statements will serve to appease the masses' everlasting hunger for proof that they are not simply the unedudcated masses. Additional techniques to provide the image of vulnerability include showing attributes of you that could be perceived as weaker or less intellectually superior, such as by admitting that you watch anime. However, you must maintain the independence of your own thoughts and remind the audience that you discovered your own ideas with your intellect. Made me lol, it is scarily true though. Even worse, I believe that I somewhat see the light, however the time required to write such a piece for a forum board is... too much. Added to the fact that such a post makes you look like a dick, albeit an educated one. ---- Joke --> __________ |Your Head| Although if you didn't get the point of this blog, chances are you won't get the above diagram either. So basically my head went under the joke?!? That makes no sense... ![]() On March 13 2009 06:35 Proct wrote: (This is Rekrul) So today I'm walking to the bank (in San Diego) and outside the bank like 15 feet away this mexican bum asks me if I have any change. I shook my head no as I truly did not have any change. He then turned his back and started walking away. As I got near him / the bank he lifts his right leg pretty high and rips a really loud fart then yells: THE LIFE OF A NIGGER... wtf? On March 21 2009 18:54 Phoned wrote: McLovin + IdrA = McTerran "Seth, Seth, Seth. Listen up, ass-face: every day, hundreds of kids log onto ICCUP with fake IDs, and every single one says they're B+. Pssh, how many B+ players do you think there are in this town? It's called fucking strategy, all right?" On March 21 2009 04:50 JeeJee wrote: Show nested quote + On March 21 2009 02:31 TheFoReveRwaR wrote: You're a small minority ![]() Blind people have trouble seeing the dot too. you're dumb there's more colorblind people than there are mac users yeah, let's not make a mac version of the game On March 28 2009 05:50 SonuvBob wrote: Show nested quote + On March 28 2009 05:49 fanatacist wrote: I am the epitome of a TL poster of over 1000 posts. I just had the sudden urge to curl up into fetal position and rock back and forth for a few hours. On April 18 2009 03:35 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Frits.. I see your PM and raise you mine: From: HamerD Subject: Appreciate the advice Date: 4/18/09 03:34 Thanks and can you please lay off taking the piss just for a little bit? Just want to encourage other people to give advice and not to gang rape my frail emotional state for want of a couple of cheap laughs into their unwashed plates full of twinkies and hotpockets in between levelling their five WoW characters. On April 18 2009 06:12 SonuvBob wrote: Show nested quote + On April 18 2009 06:04 Hot_Bid wrote: does EVERYTHING have a guy who swordfights? can we get one without swords or samurai or ninjas fighting? u azn, u like sword fight o, u china. mebbe u prefer biuld railroad? vGI-CoW wrote: do you know the feeling when you have one of those hot pieces of candy with a lil picture of a guy's face on the wrapper who looks like he's getting nuked and violated at the same time by the promised awesome bone vaporizing might of the candy's hotness and then you put it in your mouth expecting the hulk to just barge into your room and start wailing on your face but instead it feels like someone's dying grandma is throwing cotton balls at you from the other end of the room that's what this thread is Threat: I will come into your house and cook you spaghetti for dinner, but I will not use any spices, leaving you with a bland pasta meal and a general sense of unfulfillment. Insult: Your knowledge of 17th century Indian architecture is flawed at best, and laughable at worst. Threat: I will send your mother a pamphlet warning her to flee the impending Soviet invasion, worrying her briefly before she remembers that the USSR was disbanded in 1991. Insult: Your car's tires are inflated less than optimally, lowering your gas mileage and making your car handle poorly. Threat: I will pick your children up from school and not make them wear a seatbelt, thereby increasing the risk of serious consequences should we get into an accident before we reach your house. Insult: I scoff at a trait or object you possess, while most people would find it unworthy of ridicule. On April 28 2009 03:58 Hot_Bid wrote: epic fail thread could be full of win if it 1a2a3a its way to destroy people in 2009 but in my forumz clutterin' ur blogs did u kno berkeley has an starcraft class? On April 24 2009 02:02 JWD wrote: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 16:17 latent wrote: JWD, please don't reply to my posts anymore. I would greatly appreciate it. On the other hand, if you can prove you know more than me, then by all means go ahead. I highly doubt your analytic skills supercede my own. Protip: when trying to advertise your "analytic skills", be sure you know the meaning of each of the words you are using. + Show Spoiler [hint] + Grab a dictionary and look up "supercede". + Show Spoiler + Though it would be pretty cool if my analytic skills did supercede yours, because then you (with the help of my analytic skills) might be able to write a post that didn't make you look like a moron. On April 24 2009 23:50 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: Show nested quote + On April 24 2009 04:19 latent wrote: On April 23 2009 21:28 Chill wrote: On April 23 2009 17:33 latent wrote: Starcraft isn't complex in terms of its "build orders". Chess, in terms of pure strategy, is far more complex (on a side note, go beats all). Starcraft's challenge lies in the timing of its builds, and the refinement of a player's understanding of those timing windows. Players will bring back old builds, refine the timings, and apply it to their matches. The reason Jaedong can be so dominant in ZvZ is because he's perfected those timings and micro control to the point that no one can overcome him. Fortunately for him, zvz has a smaller number of strategic possibilities and timing windows to practice. Most of the time it ends up being a match of pure micro. In the other mirror matchups, like PvP and TvT, there are a lot more strategic complexities to consider, which makes it harder to dominate. Actually timing has next to nothing to do with Jaedong's ZvZ success. It's a balance of strategy and moreso tactics. Take this as a warning, Dr. Feng's prodigy - I'm banning you the next time you say something ridiculously wrong while talking down to someone. Chill. I have never sworn at a person or insulted their intelligence. Despite being called a dumbf*** and other coarse words by the same few people over and over again, I have never blown up or so much as returned a flame at another person. I don't attach smiley faces or excessive "I thinks" to my posts, so I'm sorry if it comes across to you as "talking down". I have NEVER come onto a thread just to insult someone, as a few others have done repeatedly with me. I regularly express appreciation in other threads of people's works. Yet you single me out because a couple of foul-mouthed short-tempered users call me out for being "wrong", or call me a "moron" for a supposedly misused word? If you really think something I'm saying is wrong, I'd be happy to debate it with you in a more interactive setting, like IRC, or something more personal like PM. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I say (most of it anyways). Cite me on almost anything I've said about a match, and I can give you very good arguments as to why what I said has significant merit. Please, I'd really appreciate it if you would carry on such a debate with me, especially away from the few who strive to create a flame war over it. I'm totally serious. Just PM me something you thought I said was incorrect, and we'll engage in a civil discussion over its positive and negative merits. You have to understand I have never intended to throw a thread into disarray. Were it not for the ongoing flames of a few, my comments would either be ignored or accepted like anyone else's. Please do not unfairly blame me for their own mischief. people talk shit to you because you are fucking annoying. here's a short version of what's happened in this thread: you say this: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 15:24 latent wrote: There will be no next generation for a very long time. From a physiological standpoint, the body's reaction time only begins to decline at an average age of 37. The brain's decision making processes also begin to decline around 28. Mind you, the amount of "decline" is extremely limited for the first several years. This is why we see highly successful NFL quarterbacks playing well into their 30s. This is also why they say you need to conduct your best research by the age of 35 if you hope to win a Nobel Prize. which is not at all applicable to pro starcraft, as are 90% of the things you post in threads you decide to post in. You do not understand StarCraft, but you think you do, and you make weird nonsense analogies to things that exist in other mediums but don't apply to starcraft at all you are basically saying that there will be no next generation because the top players now will not become shittier players for a long time. this implies that starcraft has reached its peak, which you have no evidence for besides your own understanding of the game, which is already established as be fucking terrible. Idra replies: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 15:33 IdrA wrote: rofl so thats why boxer and garimto are still raping faces than you for enlightening me this points out the first thing that's wrong with what you said. you stated that since the new generation is still young, they will not become worse players and thus no new generation will be able to take over. idra points out that boxer and garimto are now bad compared to the top players despite both of them being within your stupid range of performance-restricting ages, which is magically 37+. boxer and garimto are both under the age of 37 and thus have not declined mentally. then you say this: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 16:17 latent wrote: Isn't it obvious weaker players were dominant at a time when Starcraft was less competitive? Even Boxer says he's a better play now than he was at his "prime". JWD, please don't reply to my posts anymore. I would greatly appreciate it. On the other hand, if you can prove you know more than me, then by all means go ahead. I highly doubt your analytic skills supercede my own. let's ignore you pretending JWD isn't infinitely more qualified to talk about pro starcraft than you are. let's even ignore your stupid fucking claim that you 'doubt his analytic skills supercede your own'. Hint: your analytic skills are non-fucking-existent. okay, so at this point you acknowledge that players have gotten better over time, including boxer and garimto. this is the first point of why you are wrong about the possibility of a next generation. it is true that players get better over time, and there are more players now than ever before, with access to better resources, more knowledgable coaches, and better facilities. then there's this little exchange: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 16:21 IdrA wrote: was starcraft less competitive when nada dominated? oov dominated? savior? every previous generation was simply dominant because of lack of competition, but this current one is the real deal? Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 16:22 latent wrote: Um...yes, yes, and yes? APMs have gone up, strategies and timings have been refined, etc. Do you know ANYTHING about ANY PROFESSIONAL SPORT in the history of the world??? now, again ignoring how fucking thickheaded you are (HINT: YOU ARE TALKING TO IDRA) because you seem to be sensitive about it, here's your answers to his questions: yes, yes, yes. here are the correct answers, now pay attention here: NO, NO, NO. the scene was not 'less competitive'. players were not as good as they are now, but the dominance displayed by nada, iloveoov, and savior was done through their own means of evolving the game beyond what their peers were playing. this is a natural evolution in starcraft and will continue as long as the game is played. YOU disagree because you think starcraft has reached some sort of magical skill cap, because you (and again, through your post history we have established that your analytic skills are nonexistent) see no possible way to improve upon the current standard of gameplay. here now is the catalyst, posted by a player that is UNDENIABLY MORE INFORMED ABOUT STARCRAFT THEORY AND GAMEPLAY THAN YOU ARE: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 16:25 IdrA wrote: On April 23 2009 16:22 latent wrote: On April 23 2009 16:21 IdrA wrote: On April 23 2009 16:17 latent wrote: Isn't it obvious weaker players were dominant at a time when Starcraft was less competitive? Even Boxer says he's a better play now than he was at his "prime". JWD, please don't reply to my posts anymore. I would greatly appreciate it. On the other hand, if you can prove you know more than me, then by all means go ahead. I highly doubt your analytic skills supercede my own. was starcraft less competitive when nada dominated? oov dominated? savior? every previous generation was simply dominant because of lack of competition, but this current one is the real deal? Um...yes, yes, and yes? APMs have gone up, strategies and timings have been refined, etc. Do you know ANYTHING about ANY PROFESSIONAL SPORT in the history of the world??? On April 23 2009 15:24 latent wrote: There will be no next generation for a very long time. whats stopping the next generation then? so we have come full circle on this particular topic. you have stated that a) there will be no new generation because players now are too good and will not decline before the age of 37 b) every oldschool bonjwa was only so dominant because they were better than everyone else as i said above, they were better than everyone else because they evolved the game to a higher standard by themselves, introducing new ideas, theories, and techniques to the game. however, you are adamant this isn't possible. again, this relies on your own ability to judge what is possible in any and every situation that could possibly occur within starcraft. you seem to think you have figured it out, and no one will get better than the current top players. if a player as brilliant as iloveoov can be surpassed through the evolution of gameplay, what makes you think YOU are qualified to say where the progression will end? onward: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 16:30 latent wrote: On April 23 2009 16:25 IdrA wrote: On April 23 2009 16:22 latent wrote: On April 23 2009 16:21 IdrA wrote: On April 23 2009 16:17 latent wrote: Isn't it obvious weaker players were dominant at a time when Starcraft was less competitive? Even Boxer says he's a better play now than he was at his "prime". JWD, please don't reply to my posts anymore. I would greatly appreciate it. On the other hand, if you can prove you know more than me, then by all means go ahead. I highly doubt your analytic skills supercede my own. was starcraft less competitive when nada dominated? oov dominated? savior? every previous generation was simply dominant because of lack of competition, but this current one is the real deal? Um...yes, yes, and yes? APMs have gone up, strategies and timings have been refined, etc. Do you know ANYTHING about ANY PROFESSIONAL SPORT in the history of the world??? On April 23 2009 15:24 latent wrote: There will be no next generation for a very long time. whats stopping the next generation then? Because there have been no new "bonjwa". Why do you think "bonjwa" even existed? Do you understand the concept of advantages between micro vs. macro? SC began with micro masters, continued on to macro monsters, and has convalesced to people who demonstrate superior timing and can dominate both sides of the coin. If it isn't obvious yet, pure macro is superior to more micro. It can actually be quantified through a mathetatical proof. Idra, I'm just curious, how do you talk to people in real life? here you are talking down to YOUR INTELLECTUAL SUPERIOR IN THIS MEDIA. you offer an incredibly simplistic overview of what starcraft is and attempt to pass it off as 'the obvious truth' to someone who KNOWS MORE ABOUT THIS GAME THAN YOU EVER WILL AND DISAGREES WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE WRONG. then you ask him how he talks to people in real life. but since you're so sensitive about what a braindead, arrogant piece of shit you are, let's move on before you start fucking crying or something. Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 17:08 latent wrote: All of Korea knows about and loves Starcraft. It's not going to become any bigger than it is in that country. Every scrub with even a tiny amount of talent and interest wants to be a pro SC player, and they all try to best their peers in competitions. There isn't some magical pool of unaccessed talent. Maybe if SC2 becomes truly global, we'll see even greater demonstrations of skills. But as for SC, I feel the peak has been reached. I can't "prove" it, and I'm not saying you should take my opinion for "fact". But this whole thread is about people's opinions, and supporting those opinions with "evidence". I can't help it if my opinion drives you bonkers. here we see you denying the existence of amateurs and B team players and the effect of the advanced opportunity they are afforded compared to their predecessors. there is a bigger pool of untapped talent now than there has ever been, and becoming a top starcraft player is a process, not an instantaneous event. players who have not even appeared on proleague rosters yet may or may not end up as stronger players than jaedong or bisu have ever been. there is absolutely no way to tell, because they are undeveloped. instead of talking only about untapped talent, i chose to present you with an evolution in starcraft that is happening RIGHT NOW: Show nested quote + On April 23 2009 17:33 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: On April 23 2009 17:27 latent wrote: Um...there aren't too many "new" strategies popping up in chess. Also I don't think anyone will dispute Kasparov was the greatest chess player known to play the sport professionally. With the emergence of international communication and travel, in the form of planes, phones, tv, etc., the greatest minds were all given relatively equal chances to flourish in a game of pure strategy. It's just like I said with Korea having expanded to the far reaches of the country. There are no new talent pools to access from (unless SC2 goes global). the countless B-teamers and amateurs (where every single progamer started) who are not mechanically up to par yet don't count? there's a MASSIVE amount of uncovered potential in pro SC right now, moreso than ever before so again we go back to you assuming that what's going on in the game right now is the peak of what's possible, when THERE'S A PLAYER NAMED FANTASY PROVING YOU WRONG EVERY TIME HE STEPS INTO THE BOOTH yeah, fantasy. fantasy who is morphing TvP into something fluid and dynamic rather than analyzation of your opponent to hit a certain timing window. fantasy who is introducing new aspects of TvZ that were unheard of six months ago. fantasy who revived iloveoov's old macro style in TvT with modern-day mechanics and decision making. fantasy, a player who is AT THIS CURRENT PERIOD OF STARCRAFT EVOLVING THE GAME BEYOND THE LEVEL OF BISU AND JAEDONG. LET'S FUCKING RECAP: You: - assert that there will be no further evolution in starcraft while ignoring posts containing clear evidence that it's happening RIGHT NOW and the LARGEST POOL OF UNDEVELOPED TALENT THAT HAS EVER EXISTED ON PRO TEAM ROSTERS. - give no reasoning other than retarded fucking analogies that have ZERO RELEVANCE in order to justify your wildly stupid claim. this attempt to dazzle us with similes and statistics blew up in your face the moment someone knowledgable decided you needed to shut the fuck up. - talk down to the aforementioned knowledgable people - refuse to acknowledge the fact that you're FUCKING WRONG, refuse to acknowledge that your only basis for stating that there will be no further evolution in starcraft is YOUR OWN ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT GAME THEORY, WHICH ARE PROVEN WRONG EVERY TIME SOMEONE QUOTES A POST YOU MAKE, BECAUSE YOU ARE ALWAYS WRONG, BECAUSE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND STARCRAFT AT ALL this is why people talk shit to you, you half-wit piece of trash. STOP FUCKING POSTING. On April 25 2009 01:27 JWD wrote: Show nested quote + On April 25 2009 01:00 Iatent wrote: Fakesteve don't feel bad, I still love you my child. hahahahahaha OH MY GOD why do all the most valuable identities for trolls put eyes and ells in their usernames (I assume it was "iatent" who sent that PM) Actually the funniest thing about this is that Latent is probably one of the easiest people to impersonate and troll under, because you can get away with any level of stupidity without revealing you are an impostor. On May 04 2009 16:15 Hot_Bid wrote: StarCraft the game of war, who said it had to only have war on your enemies On May 01 2009 18:34 Xiberia wrote: Show nested quote + On May 01 2009 18:27 Rekrul wrote: u come to korea and don't tell me? but you tell lilsusie? what is your hidden agenda. Staying sober. On May 02 2009 03:24 Hot_Bid wrote: Show nested quote + On May 02 2009 03:17 konadora wrote: Why are all the ultralisk icon users so ingenious? you are probably the first person in the history of to call CharlieMurphy "ingenious" On May 02 2009 06:09 H wrote: Show nested quote + On May 02 2009 03:17 konadora wrote: Why are all the ultralisk icon users so ingenious? congratulations you are now charliemurphy's only friend On May 07 2009 00:59 Chill wrote: I have also noticed that is vastly superior to Searching for "StarCraft nerds having a party with korean progamers" in returns zero results, while they are front and center on On May 09 2009 02:06 Hot_Bid wrote: is anyone surprised that on a starcraft forum we found a glitch to make it work lol LOL IF U GROUP HOUSES WITH OVERLORDS THEY ALL STACK ON TOP AND U ONLY NEED 3 LINES On May 10 2009 10:55 EsX_Raptor wrote: Dad Me: Hey what up dad? Dad: What do you want? Me: Well, I need $30k. Dad: Come, come here boy, sit, sit here, on my lap. Remember that day when I told you to do me a single favor, that I wanted you to pass that English final test? Me: err... Dad: Exactly. I cracked my ass out there getting the money to pay for your tuition fee, and how did you respond me? Failing the fucking class man. Me: ... Dad: You think money comes to me in a little envelope from under the door? Me: ... Dad: Exactly. Now GTFO of here and go get a job. You're old enough already to get yourself out of that shithole you got into. Me: *Walks away* Mom Me: Hey mom! Mom: Your dad already talked to you. Me: *Walks away* Sister Sister: *Loudly listening to Britney Spears with headphones on* Me: Sister. Sister? SISTER!? Sister: *Now dancing on her bed* Me: HEY! DO YOU HEAR ME? Sister: *Stops dancing* What the hell are you doing in my room jackass? Me: I need some money. Sister: Get out of my room you dumbass *throws a shoe, comes up and closes the door* Me: ... Grandpa Me: Hey grandpa. Grandpa: ^v-------^v-------^v-------^v-------^v-------^v Me: Hey, I need some money pops. Grandpa: ^v---^v---^v---^v---^v---^v---^v---^v Me: I need $30k to pay off something. Grandpa: --------------------------------------- Me: Shit... Court Me: PLEASE! I BEG YOU MR. JUDGE, GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE! Judge: You failed your semester kid, and you killed your grandfather. That leaves you with a 50 year sentence in prison with only bread and water, no successive restroom breaks, holding hands with other inmates, having sex in the showers, taking nonprescription drugs, and making blogs on TLnet. Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Prisoner Me: Dude, I need $30k. (-_@): wwhwhhhwwwhhaaddadadadayyayayayyaaasssssaayayayyyy kkkkk iiiddd? Me: =S (-_@): BINGGGGO *stabs me on the throat* On May 12 2009 22:09 Chill wrote: Was it the one where you lost everything to Zerglings, killing a Sunken Colony? Or the one where you spread your forces out behind the minerals and didn't micro after that? Or the one where you dropped 4 Marines and a Medic on a Lurker, losing everything, only to go drop 3 Marines on a different Lurker at another base, also losing everything (While doing the eraser with your Vessels and killing nothing)? Or the one where you loaded 4 Dropships and dropped an army that would most likely fit in 2, only to be faced with killing a single Lurker? Or the one where you were 192 supply and dropped in his main, losing units to stray Zerglings despite him being 52 supply, while losing two Science Vessels and a Dropship with zero reaction? Please clarify. On May 15 2009 21:42 vGl-CoW wrote: you were able to write a huge post about how Plan B works and yet you have no idea about how the pill works? [...] it's all good as long as you completed the first cycle, it's right there in the instructions googling this would have been the best choice right now you're basically walking into a car dealership asking about problems with your sailboat On May 21 2009 04:15 emucxg wrote: me too On October 29 2008 00:03 Kennigit wrote: What kind of fail is it when micronesia in his epic quest to rid TL of memes has become one himself. Micronesia you are the embodiment of a classic tragedy - a man out to rid the world of evil who ultimately becomes that which he fought to defeat. Micronesia you are Harvey Dent. Each time Micronesia tells a joke he flips a coin and with a snarky girn tells his girlfriend . "i make my own jokes" ; little does she know that both sides say "not funny". Ultimately Micronesia, everything you say will be quoted, taken out of context and made into a joke meme about the basis for your humor. A sad tale. On October 29 2008 04:18 Chill wrote: Show nested quote + On October 29 2008 02:25 Hot_Bid wrote: ![]() as you can see, there is a certain point where micronesia's shockingly unfunny attempts to prove that he is funny actually become funny (much like michael scott is funny) thus, in a way, he succeeded in becoming hilarious This was the basis for my further analysis. It began simply enough. I performed some basic analysis to obtain data points for this "Micronesia curve". Because there was no scale given in the original, an arbitrary scale was assigned at this time with the hopes of later applying a suitable scale which could be used to output some meaningful data. ![]() <font size=2>Fig 1. The initial analysis proves to provide an accurate graph</font> At this point the units of Funniness are completely arbitrary. For the purpose of this analysis that is acceptable since we will typically care about the Funniness relative to some other time, rather than the precise Funniness at a certain time. The scale of the X axis, the time, however, must be given absolute units to allow the eventual analysis to be relevant. Subjective analysis was performed in order to accomplish this, by comparing explicit data points to real world situations. For example, a key clue is the fact that the Funniness is undefined until a certain point (X=2 in the original scale). Why is this? Given that this analysis was clearly related to the internet, we can draw some insight into this anomaly. There is certainly a defined amount of lag between the time a joke is crafted in Micronesia's head and the time it begins giving Funniness data. The joke must be conceived, written and posted before any data can be gathered. Afterwards, there is a bit of "warmup" time before enough people have read the joke to begin drawing conclusions on it's Funniness level. I would declare this time to be around three hours. Note that this does not imply that it takes three hours for anyone to decide whether a Micronesia joke is funny, it is simply saying there is a three hour period of lag between a Micronesia joke's conception, and the general consensus that it is indeed funny. In cerifying this assumption, we can now back-check alternate data points and see if they will support the claim that 2X = 3 hours. We notice Micronesia jokes bottom out after a period of X=25, which is approximately a day and a half, and seemingly very accurate! This bodes well for our claim! Finally, we can see a Micronesia joke's Funniness level strangely rising after a time of X=38, or 57 hours (approximately 2 and a half days). Although this report does not look to give reasoning into why a situation would indeed be funny after Micronesia beating it to death for 57 hours, it can say this is very true and that the claim of 2X = 3 hour is accurate. Correcting the graph now yields this result: ![]() <font size=2>Fig 2. Further analysis provides a meaning time scale</font> Of course, the point of this analysis is to predict future results, not to categorize known results. The graph presented is completely ambiguous. The ending arrow indicates that indeed a joke will continue to generate Funniness data until infinite time, which makes sense. However, are we to assume a situation will get funnier and funnier as time continues, or will it become less funny? In choosing a curve to fit to this function, we must make a careful choice between the two options. ![]() <font size=2>Fig 3. An interesting paradox</font> It is my true belief that after an extensive amount of time attempting to save them, Micronesia jokes would degrade into becoming less and less funny. If this is the case, we must select the second scenario, along with its disturbing implications! On the original graph, we can see everything in located in the positive-Y quandrant. No matter how unfunny a joke got, it never crossed the Y=0 Funniness boundary, meaning although it was probably not worth your time, it also did you no harm. Once we cross the "Danger Point" of X=80 hours, the Funniness becomes negative. This means not only is this joke not worth your time, it would actually begin making everything around it less funny as well. The physical implications of something like this are beyond the scope of this article's analysis, but it is worth mentioning that the physical risks are real and should be taken very seriously. Micronesia's original meme post occured at October 27 2008 12:12 Teamliquid (KST) time. At the time of submission of this report the time is October 29 2008 03:32. This means Micronesia's joke has been around for X = 39.33. This confirms the time scale is accurate, since at this point Micronesia's attempts to keep his joke alive are beginning to become funny again. HOWEVER, the important thing that needs to be understood from this analysis is we are nearly 40 hours away from the impending Danger Zone crossover, at which point anything could happen. I have predicted that this crossover will occur at 20:12 on HALLOWEEN EVE. This cannot be a coincidence, and I strongly recommend that the administrators of take this matter very seriously. Thank you. On June 03 2009 17:07 omninmo wrote: Show nested quote + On June 03 2009 17:03 Rekrul wrote: On June 03 2009 17:01 omninmo wrote: On June 03 2009 16:33 Rekrul wrote: god damn all i can say is the avg chinese person walking around in the street is a fucking RETARD that can be said for the average person in any country. no, chinese have no sense of direction, no awareness of their surroundings at all they are retarded as fuck its just that chinese share one brain. so if some are using it for really heavy tasks, then the others suffer and just run around in circles bumping into stuff i sum this up with the phrase: [bannable-chinese-ethnic-slur]saresame. Topic: "Nerdrage at its best" On June 11 2009 22:13 IdrA wrote: i saw the title and thought fuck what did i do this time On June 11 2009 23:14 XeliN wrote: Show nested quote + On June 11 2009 21:53 Last.Midnight wrote: Now: ![]() Not currently in possession of any younger ones but will try and get some. A wild pedophile appeared! Currently he does not possess younger ones but his search continues On June 11 2009 19:38 HeadBangaa wrote: ![]() X = Y suggestion: physical activity edit: srsly On June 24 2009 15:02 Hittegods wrote: Show nested quote + On June 24 2009 14:36 Vedic wrote: I took my wife's name in our marriage - why not just do that? Maybe he still has his own balls? On June 25 2009 02:43 MrHoon wrote: To understand how an average day is on a Korean Progaming website is... Imagine if there were thousands and thousands of Hot_Bids, Incontrol's and Rekruls constantly trolling each other for 24/7 trying to see who falls first onto the ground so they can gangrape them. On June 26 2009 10:43 Manifesto7 wrote: ![]() On June 28 2009 13:33 lilsusie wrote: It's in my nature to bleed every month for a few days. Fuck off. I'll do what I want. On June 29 2009 01:14 SlayerS_`HackeR` wrote: "I hope that e-sports grows to all four corners of the world." Lim Yo Hwan LOL dude thinks the world is square! lol kid plays too much starcraft On June 29 2009 17:07 paper wrote: ![]() ***Racenilatr Special Feature*** On June 29 2009 06:06 Racenilatr wrote: ok think about it this way. The sooner I get a girlfriend the less you guys will have to worry about me posting on teamliquid for all you haters On June 29 2009 05:56 Racenilatr wrote: With my parents, its summer so I will do whatever the fuck I want. I can overpower my dad too and I WILL rebel against them if need be to be honest. They are really gay and I am really strong willed so I will get my way with them one way or another, but I prefer to avoid violence. Also I CAN leave the house, like they will drive me to the mall but they dont give me much money, if any at all, to spend on stuff unless it migiht be something such as a movie. Otherwise I just steal 1 dollar bills that have never been used from them.....ya On June 29 2009 06:00 Racenilatr wrote: Not looking for sex. I'm not a sex craving loser On June 29 2009 10:05 Racenilatr wrote: I hate them [parents], I know they want whats best for me, so I understand their situation, but If I lose some starcraft games and then my parents start bullshitting me I just get really really pissed off + Show Spoiler + ![]() Shes the one right next to me On July 02 2009 06:33 Racenilatr wrote: Show nested quote + On July 02 2009 06:29 theconartist wrote: Both progamers and foreigners use BOTH F-keys and 90 for their nexuses. They use 90 for making probes during early and midgame and lategame they use f-keys. Next time try not to be a lazy piece of shit and look at any random protoss replay from the replays section. Maybe I'm not the lazy piece of shit you inconsiderate son of a ritard. I never even looked at any fucking replays. I studied hours worth of fpvods from progamers. Maybe if you had eyes like an asian you would be able to see each individual action progamers do *** *** On July 02 2009 11:47 IdrA wrote: Show nested quote + On July 02 2009 11:17 -orb- wrote: Calling something cheese is one thing, but then saying "I am tired of people who don't know how to play right" is altogether ridiculous sounds fine to me On July 29 2009 01:35 motbob wrote: hahaha this thread just got FANATACIZED On July 29 2009 09:40 unk. wrote: okthx, actions were taken: -banned idra's city (seoul) for hosting a rigged map -banned dimaga's city -banned some other cities cuz why not On April 28 2005 00:43 MoltkeWarding wrote: 1) Yes, this is a generalization. A generalization is a thing, while never universally true, is true enough to be of practical use. I do not hold it against intelligent, creatively minded Chinese people that they are who they are. Experience unfortunately rules against this. 2) I was just going to suggest that China, at best, may turn out to be a second Japan. There is nothing very wrong with this, but while I have few sympathies for Japan, I cannot say that I am dissatisfied at their present self-restraint. Sometimes a people have to be beaten and suffer in order to be set free from their jingo illusions. The Chinese have yet to undergo their baptism by fire; true of the United States too. 3) I am talking about the likely directions in which the Chinese country might find itself moving, and positing that I am not convinced by far that it will ever adopt those habits which I consider real virtue, it may go half-way, and that if the best I can hope for. 4) There is much more to European tradition than mere intellectual history. It is the adoptive continent of Christianity, of feudal, humanistic, and bourgeois and romantic tradition. If people in the West today refuse to recognize the virtues of the past (I was talking to someone the other day who honestly believed that "feudalism" was synoynmous with totalitarianism), it is because of myopia. On August 02 2009 12:41 travis wrote: I think naruto should get with both of them and then he looks up and the clouds are shaped like jiraiya who is watching and giving him a thumbs up end manga | ||
Vatican City State2594 Posts
paper wrote: like scissors does anything to paper except MAKE IT MORE NUMEROUS On August 12 2009 02:14 Mass.crafT wrote: your prob numbers are fine, and with a full supply limit you are the only one who knows what you can and can't do with it. Its limited to your control. Have confidence in your skills and know your limits. If you feel like you have a hard time with large Terran army. Find your strength be micro or macro or a deadly mix of the two. And use it. From the looks of thing your micro is the better. So keep you units moving back and forth from his expos picking on them. Us the fact that your army is faster then his. A Terran army on the move is weaker then the one how set up shop. Just watch the stork vs idra match on Othello. Storks army mobility is a pain in idra neck and he never gets to get his army in place. Now I know Othello is no Destination. Its smaller but the principle is the same. You have the more mobile army don't go Toe to Toe with them. Duck and weave man duck and weave On August 04 2009 12:20 Kwark wrote: I think we'll all agree that North Korea is bad, negotiation is good, prison time for innocent journalists is bad, freeing said journalists is good. Hopefully we can all express our desire that Bill Clinton isn't arrested on spurious charges. Onto the real subjects. Nuclear weapons, American troops in SK, UN sanctions, Kim Jong Il dying, jokes about how NK sucks, bombing of Hiroshima, rape statistics on SK. On August 05 2009 07:22 thunk wrote: Show nested quote + On August 05 2009 07:20 D10 wrote: I agree, they should rename the anime Rock Lee and start again. It'll just be 500 chapters of punching a log. <HelloWorld> SKT_Fanatacist: Just so you know, I have now created a Fanatacist altar, with the statue of a troll in my room <HelloWorld> And if you go to, it gives you links to masturbation toys On August 12 2009 06:31 Racenilatr wrote: 60 for me. I am really really tired though and not enough air is getting to my brain. On August 12 2009 16:15 Grobyc wrote: lol who uses telus and lives in BC and replies in this thread? the chances are slim yo edit: oh wtf. nvm... i have telus >_< but im still high, so fuck you all yeah my internet has been sucking balls lately. On August 12 2009 21:13 Lachrymose wrote: just download a vod then. of the meeting. On July 22 2009 21:16 Manifesto7 wrote: Show nested quote + On July 22 2009 12:41 Rekrul wrote: On July 22 2009 11:35 Manifesto7 wrote: On July 22 2009 10:15 IdrA wrote: thats one chunk of korean culture i really do not like at the team building thing cj went to a week after i joined they pulled out a karaoke machine the first night thank god wed been doing drinking games before that Same in Japan. The trick is to find 2-3 songs you can do alright and stick with them. Level 2 is finding a slow, simple song to do in Korean, and the ladies will loooooooove it. Wrong. If you can't sing, don't sing. Even if you're like practiced and kinda ok, don't do it unless everyones wasted. Girls either LOVE singing or FUCKING HATE IT. Only when the atmosphere is very very very very good can a bad singer pull off singing a song and better his chances in the process. But yeah, I got a couple rap songs that I do when I'm feeling like a thug at night clubs. Problem is if I'm too sober I can't get into it and really thug it out, but if I get too drunk I start slurring the fuck out of my speech. Small window of opportunity. We sang together. You sang your Dr. Dre and the Russian models rolled their eyes. You can't sing. I sang Hotel California by the Eagles and they stood up to dance. You gotta learn some classics Dan. It is the path of least resistance. Trust your hyung on this one. On August 14 2009 10:27 Jibba wrote: Show nested quote + On August 14 2009 10:22 fanatacist wrote: Is it really a problem that I don't want a bag of shit delivered to my name? You ungrateful little cocksucker. I've worked on this masterpiece for 3 days straight and NOW you tell me you don't want it? Do you know how fucking hard it is to play basketball with a brick up your ass? Fuck you forever. On August 15 2009 06:49 TheAntZ wrote: thats not the worst thing that can happen to a man. Let me tell you the worst thing that can happen to a man. You go to a club with your friend as your wingman, and he immediately gets dragged away by this grotesquely fat chick and you're wondering whether or not you're gonna see him anymore because it looks like shes probably eaten every guy she'd ever slept with, when this girl walks up to you. shes hot, like smoking hot, the kind of hot where if you lick your finger and put in on her skin there'll be a small amount of steam and a sizzling noise. She says 'I like chubby guys, wanna dance?' and this already is kinda ruinin your night cuz you've been working out for a while to lose weight and she just reminded you its not working for shit. But anyway you dance and then after a short while you sit down to have some drinks. You wanna show this hot girl that you're a mad fucking baller right? The best way to do this ofc is to talk about how you're actually the son of a politician and go out to parties every night when in fact this is the first party you've been to in 3 months, and also you start drinking like crazy without considering the fact that inhaling alcohol TENDS to have adverse effects. so then you stumble and slur your way through a conversation but luckily shes almost half as drunk as you are even though she had as much to drink as you did and is like half your size, and finally you decide to go back to your house. So when you get there you dick around in front of the door for 5 minutes before realizing you need keys to open it, and when you do get in the place is a mess and you stumble while taking off your shoes on the way in and fall on your face. why this chick is still here is an issue of great confusion. Another conversation follows of which you remember nothing, and eventually you wind up in the bedroom somehow, naked, with her ass pointing towards you. so obviously you take it in your hands and you try to fuck her but it turns out ur poking it in the wrong hole and she doesnt seem to enjoy that much. so you take some time to retarget but hey guess what now you cant get hard. so you get up to go to the bathroom beacuse now you realize you need a condom, but yet again, you realize you dont have an erection and does you cant put it on. You fumble with it for a while and then get scared and dizzy and throw up. On the girls back. but thats alright shes passed out anyway. Next morning you wake up with a hangover the size of china, your head is throbbing and the girl is nowhere in sight. your immediate concern is 'did she get home safe?' so you try to find her number on the cell phone which you're sure you saved last night while you were at the club but its not there anymore, also it wasnt in your jeans pocket but on the desk next to your bed so its safe to assume she deleted her number from your phone. THAT is the worst thing that could happen to a man Sure hope it never happens to me though. x_x On August 15 2009 07:02 Rekrul wrote: god i'm so weak now i let a waiter rip me off tonight 3 bottles straight until finally realizing on the fourth i've been in korea living the elky life (which is a life not even i can handle) and only managed to get a girl 1 time out of 12 days i lose to artosis nobodies turning up out of the woodwork flaming me not being funny or truthful AND not getting banned...i mean u can flame my pathetic existence but atleast be funny about it WTF... i come home hungry and room service is unavailable and have to scrape crusty mushroom soup off of plates with even crustier old dried up bread to constitute my dinner i worked out with a trainer for 2 weeks straight in san diego annihilating my body feeling sexy only to drink 11 days straight in korea and then have people asking me non-stop 'dan did u gain weight?' i managed to own this sexy bar girl but she came over 3 times and won't even give me a kiss, but she still calls me every day...then when we finally meet she ignores me and constantly laughs and punches grrrr's arm when he makes jokes i had a safe full of money upon arrival here in korea now i'm scraping by forcing people to pay me the 20$ they owe me did i mention i lost to artosis not that its a real problem here actually i'm okay but to add frosting on the cake i came home today and the toilet in my rooms bathroom was clogged and i have no idea who did it life is beautiful On August 15 2009 07:30 Rekrul wrote: awesome you are the true crazy motherfucker i'm just a normal guy immersed in a crazy world...basking in it i envy you and pity you at the same time either way, mad respect On August 19 2009 08:35 selboN wrote: I beat KawaiiRice once with this. I don't think it would work vs good players though. Last Romantic wrote: Your crusade against internet ignorance in that thread is admirable, but I fear you've no chance. Against travis' stupidity God himself would strive in vain. On September 05 2009 05:02 NrG.ZaM wrote: I am surprised at the lack of a zealot icon on some of these posts. On September 05 2009 02:57 zulu_nation8 wrote: Show nested quote + On September 04 2009 19:06 WhuazGoodJaggah wrote: wow, ppl like zulu_nation8 are the reason i'm against democratic systems. he was throwing rocks at something he didn't even understand, typical democratic behaviour, dont know shit but cry out loud. fml On September 05 2009 03:25 IdrA wrote: hows it feel getting intellectually raped by someone named WhuazGoodJaggah On September 05 2009 02:57 MrHoon wrote: Show nested quote + On September 04 2009 13:10 Joneagle_X wrote: I don't like to play SCBW anymore. Played last week and the older AI pathing just disgusts me. WJKGRUKLFBDWB JKLHBDJKNWDJ KNLBKJLBDSJKB>SKLNDOHWO: L<X>P{<WPO JFOIJHFDKLH WTF IS THIS SHIT ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS LOLL On September 14 2009 18:46 caldo149 wrote: Show nested quote + On September 14 2009 18:44 p4NDemik wrote: We can't have those vowels running around all naked without being bundled up with consonants - that's just madness! Madness? ...THIS... IS... KOREAN! On September 10 2009 07:56 ghostWriter wrote: Show nested quote + On September 10 2009 07:32 Zoler wrote: On September 10 2009 07:31 Boblion wrote: Lol @ Americans saying she is Fat :D loooooool hahaha we fail. If you want to do a girl blog, you should check fanatacist's blog out. When he's not trolling hapless noobs in the blog forums, he's banging chicks with pics for proof! On September 25 2009 09:49 Durak wrote: It's perfectly fine. Normally you don't walk up behind a chick and just start grinding her. You make eye contact, start dancing around her and then move in behind. You let a horse know that you're moving behind it so you don't startle it. Same with bitches. On September 28 2009 13:53 travis wrote: im pretty high and this blog made me have a 5 minute struggle with paranoia On October 11 2009 02:36 Kwark wrote: Man imitates adventure game to avoid drowning. An American man found himself fully submerged in water after waddling across a bridge ill designed to sustain his girth. The bridge collapsed and the three hundred pound gamer fell into the pond below. Fortunately the man was a veteran of adventure game 'Tomb Raider' in which the protagonist often finds themselves in this, and other, scenarios. In the game the main character, Lara Croft, must reach the surface within a short period of time in order to breathe in oxygen; Should she fail to do this she will lose consciousness and lose the level. The man recognised the situation from the game and immediately realised that he had to get to the surface in order to reset his oxygen meter. He recalls the event vividly. "I thought to myself 'This is just like in the game, I have to get to air to reset the bar because if it reaches 0 I'll pass out'. I had shit to do that day and starting it over from the beginning would be majorly annoying." Apt observations on modern life and how gaming can teach us all survival skills. On October 11 2009 22:29 Rekrul wrote: RS8 sucks wtf. It's only 130kish anyways. I said reasonable you idiots not dirt cheap. On October 10 2009 07:52 killanator wrote: Mod edit - Cut back on the direct 4chan stuff please. User edit - this isnt direct from 4chan, i made it myself. Please think before deleting thanks. Mod edit part 2 - I don't give a fuck who made it, it's still a direct reference to 4chan and it isn't welcome here. Don't edit something back in if we edit it out, have some common sense. [blow by blow] BeSt <Tornado> Classic On October 14 2009 12:40 GTR wrote: isnt this like a half spoiler because the title on the left says best < tornado. On October 17 2009 07:30 GOB wrote: What do you do when a girl you like consistently beats you at basketball, one-on-one? She's very attractive but I think the constant emasculation is a turn off for her. I can't use any of my low post moves on her because she's six inches taller than me, and my sky-hook is fairly inaccurate. Most of my friends tell me I need to crash the boards harder, but how can I?? She's got a wingspan like a pterodactyl and she's definitely not afraid to use her elbows. I've been working on my perimeter game, but it's hard to shoot over a defender who can block out the sun. I think she's trying to make me earn my living at the free-throw line, but I'm too much of a gentleman to call a foul! HELP!! On October 17 2009 11:15 Hot_Bid wrote: + Show Spoiler + Game engine: Broodwar Duration: 11:35 Saved on: Wed Sep 30 23:24:44 EDT 2009 Version: 1.16.1 or higher Game name: 3v3 BgH XpErTz!!~ Map size: 128x128 Creator name: intrigue Map name: Big Game Hunters Players: intrigue (P), color: purple, actions: 1912, APM: 173 ilovezil (Z), color: brown, actions: 1878, APM: 178 X_XXX_X (Z), color: teal, actions: 1254, APM: 105 Hot_Bid (P), color: yellow, actions: 1054, APM: 91 Ace-G (T), color: white, actions: 793, APM: 77 dxp (T), color: blue, actions: 661, APM: 96 Game Chat: Show nested quote + intrigue set latency to extra high. Ace-G set latency to low. Hot_Bid set latency to extra high. 0:21 - Hot_Bid: extra high = more skill 0:36 - Ace-G: on what basis? 0:42 - Hot_Bid: on 4 bases, home run 0:53 - Ace-G: damn can't win that argument 1:02 - Hot_Bid: its spelled arguement 1:03 - Hot_Bid: learn englih On October 17 2009 17:20 Hot_Bid wrote: Warning: by clicking these, you are subjecting yourself to the full brunt of our Bnet trolling mental retardation. Enjoy. More coming as I search. Can I obs?+ Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game Chat: *****Hot_Bid gets rushed, very close to dying***** 3:19 - Hot_Bid: WUT?!??! 3:20 - Hot_Bid: IM STILL ALIVE 3:22 - Hot_Bid: WUT 3:28 - Hot_Bid: WHOS NOT DEAD 3:29 - Hot_Bid: BITCHES 3:37 - chingy: you were just anal raped 3:45 - Hot_Bid: im not dead 3:53 - chingy: lick my balls 4:01 - Hot_Bid: calm down fat 4:05 - chingy: lmao 4:11 - chingy: how old r u ... *****They kill Hot_Bid's main, but 1 drone gets out***** ... 5:37 - ImDrunkRightNow: fuckin noob 5:38 - ImDrunkRightNow: owned 5:44 - Hot_Bid: stfu 5:52 - Hot_Bid: hey blue can i obs 5:53 - Hot_Bid: plz leave that ... *****He's killing what he thinks is my last building, but I have another***** ... 6:05 - Hot_Bid: blue lemme obs 6:07 - Hot_Bid: last building 6:14 - Hot_Bid: ImDrunkRightNow 6:17 - Hot_Bid: last building 6:18 - Hot_Bid: stop 6:20 - Hot_Bid: OMG 6:22 - Hot_Bid: stop stop 6:26 - ImDrunkRightNow: ahahaha DIE ... *****Building dies, I'm not eliminated***** ... 6:28 - intrigue: ROFL 6:30 - intrigue: ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL 6:33 - Hot_Bid: im still alive 6:42 - Hot_Bid: who feel sstupid 6:55 - Hot_Bid: can u be more owned Don't cry + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 17:20 - hornyelowcow: he had all this shit 17:22 - hornyelowcow: the entire game 17:23 - Hot_Bid: ac on 17:24 - Hot_Bid: plz 17:25 - hornyelowcow: and did nothing with it 17:28 - Hot_Bid: ac on 17:32 - hornyelowcow: your fat 17:35 - Hot_Bid: get a blog 17:41 - hornyelowcow: thats a good one 17:42 - hornyelowcow: really 17:45 - BroOd: what u crying about 17:47 - Hot_Bid: calm down teal 17:48 - Hot_Bid: just a game 17:53 - hornyelowcow: im cryig about yellow sitting in his base 17:56 - Hot_Bid: so u admit to crying 18:08 - Hot_Bid: shouldnt cry man just a game 18:12 - hornyelowcow: thanks asshole 18:12 - BroOd: ya 18:13 - BroOd: relax it intrigue gets verbally owned + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 0:30 - r0f1: noobs 0:40 - intrigue: r0f1 stfu yea u r a noob 0:41 - intrigue: like LachenderLurch 0:44 - r0f1: its easy to win pub games with a team of 3 0:51 - BroOd: you're right 0:52 - BroOd: it is 0:53 - intrigue: prob 0:57 - intrigue: since its a 3v3 rite 1:06 - Hot_Bid: r0f1 good at maths 1:11 - Hot_Bid: win 3v3 with 3 1:13 - Hot_Bid: excellent 1:14 - Hot_Bid: u get star 2:31 - intrigue: alrdy rapin u LachenderLurch 10:26 - intrigue: uh oh LachenderLurch 10:28 - intrigue: RUH ROH!! 10:46 - intrigue: RUH ROH!!! 11:41 - LachenderLurch: gg 11:43 - Brood: gg 11:44 - intrigue: gg 11:44 - LachenderLurch: me off 11:51 - LachenderLurch: so u can play vs experts next time 11:55 - LachenderLurch: sorry 11:56 - intrigue: aw 12:00 - intrigue: have a nice day 12:03 - LachenderLurch: cu 12:10 - intrigue: well that made me feel like shit 12:12 - Hot_Bid: hahahahahaha nice hack+ Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: ... 8:45 - julthief: good drop hack 8:54 - HnR)Insane: yes we drop hacked him when dts are in his base killing him 8:55 - HnR)Insane: good logic .... 14:00 - julthief: nice drop hack 14:07 - HnR)Insane: nice suck hack 14:09 - Hot_Bid: rofl can you do something with your life? + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 5:35 - DESUDESUDESU: are all 3 of you korean or somethin? 8:44 - DESUDESUDESU: vessal comin for shock 8:56 - DESUDESUDESU: shocked too late 8:56 - DESUDESUDESU: lawl 12:16 - DESUDESUDESU: are you all korean? 12:17 - DESUDESUDESU: seriously 12:23 - ilovezil: no, shibal 12:27 - DESUDESUDESU: wtf is shibal? 12:31 - Hot_Bid: can u stfu 12:35 - DESUDESUDESU: no 12:39 - DESUDESUDESU: can you do something with your life? 12:42 - DESUDESUDESU: other than play SC? 12:48 - Hot_Bid: arent u playing sc 12:55 - DESUDESUDESU: lol i live a life 12:56 - DESUDESUDESU: unlike you 12:59 - DESUDESUDESU: outside of video games 12:59 - Hot_bid: i have million dollars 13:01 - DESUDESUDESU: rofl 13:05 - DESUDESUDESU: thats ulikely 13:05 - ilovezil: you don't say 13:08 - Hot_Bid: i marry supermodel 13:10 - LosingID8: brb spending 10k 13:13 - DESUDESUDESU: ya you got me there 13:14 - DESUDESUDESU: lol 13:18 - LosingID8: brb gf 13:21 - LosingID8: brb party 13:25 - DESUDESUDESU: hahaha 13:38 - DESUDESUDESU: you guys are funny characters Slayer_Boxer + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 0:08 - intrigue: slayer boxer = famous player? 0:24 - Slayer_Boxer_09: famous korean player 0:24 - intrigue: i think i saw 1 of ur vids on youtube lol 0:25 - Brood: thats the boxer from pro game?? 0:42 - intrigue: didnt know gosu bghed lol ... 7:37 - Slayer_Boxer_09: shoulda just done wat i usually doo 7:40 - Slayer_Boxer_09: i would have pwned u red 7:47 - Slayer_Boxer_09: and purp 7:47 - Hot_Bid: OK 7:50 - Slayer_Boxer_09: rm then 7:52 - Hot_Bid: noob 8:02 - Slayer_Boxer_09: rm this shit 8:04 - Slayer_Boxer_09: u think im noob? 8:08 - intrigue: how r u famous player 8:09 - Brood: Ur not boxer 8:10 - intrigue: u noob lol 8:19 - Slayer_Boxer_09: i never said I was boxer 8:24 - Slayer_Boxer_09: im a fan of boxer u idiots 8:25 - Brood: yes u did 8:25 - Hot_Bid: whos boxer 8:28 - Slayer_Boxer_09: lmmfao 8:29 - Slayer_Boxer_09: i said 8:30 - intrigue: u sed u were boxer 8:34 - Slayer_Boxer_09: famous korean player 8:39 - Slayer_Boxer_09: i never said I was boxer 8:41 - Slayer_Boxer_09: watch replay 8:43 - Slayer_Boxer_09: ignorant fucks 1v1 any1 in LT + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 13:21 - NO_EAR: gg 13:41 - NO_EAR: dont talk shit 13:48 - NO_EAR: if it was 1v1 i wouldda own u easy 14:03 - NO_EAR: i was scared of countet so i def base 2 14:03 - intrigue: i think by the Convention of Shit Talking Regulations 14:09 - intrigue: u can talk shit if u rape sum1 14:11 - NO_EAR: talk shit when u playing with ur friends zz 14:15 - NO_EAR: 1v1 n i how u 14:26 - intrigue: Brood not my friend 14:27 - NO_EAR: 1v1 any1 in LT 14:32 - NO_EAR: i show u how to play 14:35 - intrigue: u play LT LOL 14:37 - intrigue: lol low money = low skill azn = team? muta speed hack+ Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 0:08 - intrigue: azn = team? 0:14 - aznycxlenjaii: no lol 0:19 - intrigue: ? 0:20 - intrigue: clan? 0:23 - aznycxlenjaii: no lol 0:25 - GeoffElite: asian 0:26 - aznycxlenjaii: just my name 0:30 - aznycxlenjaii: yea lol 0:35 - intrigue: huh 0:39 - aznycxlenjaii: this game too old for clans 0:47 - tifa: wat is clans 1:03 - intrigue: so a team with only asians.... 1:09 - aznycxlenjaii: its not a team... 1:11 - intrigue: i dun get it haha 1:13 - aznycxlenjaii: it just means asian 1:21 - aznycxlenjaii: like how brazilians have br 1:25 - aznycxlenjaii: or french for FR 1:31 - Hot_Bid: asia isnt a country 1:35 - Hot_Bid: its a continent 1:45 - intrigue: oh like 1:48 - intrigue: ppl from da continent 1:51 - intrigue: use that abbrevaition? 1:54 - aznycxlenjaii: yea 2:00 - harranhal: so if i was russian 2:02 - harranhal: i can use azn 2:03 - harranhal: ? 2:05 - aznycxlenjaii: no 2:07 - aznycxlenjaii: you'd use RU 2:09 - intrigue: ? 2:12 - intrigue: same continent 2:16 - aznycxlenjaii: doesnt matter lol 2:21 - intrigue: lol r u guys jokin 2:26 - intrigue: i dun get it, rly ... 16:43 - aznycxlenjaii: good hacks intrigue 16:49 - intrigue: what kind of hacks 17:26 - intrigue: please tell me 17:27 - intrigue: what kind of hacks ... 19:31 - aznycxlenjaii: ur mutas are moving quite fast teal 19:39 - intrigue: kid have you ever heard 19:41 - intrigue: of a muta speed hack 19:45 - aznycxlenjaii: LOL 19:46 - aznycxlenjaii: yea 19:47 - aznycxlenjaii: i have 19:51 - aznycxlenjaii: look at u move all ur mutas 19:55 - aznycxlenjaii: so close to each other 20:03 - aznycxlenjaii: u cant tell from a replay 20:05 - aznycxlenjaii: retard 20:13 - aznycxlenjaii: thats the point of a hack 20:14 - aznycxlenjaii: durh 20:16 - intrigue: what 20:19 - aznycxlenjaii: u fucking suck 20:20 - aznycxlenjaii: gtfo 20:22 - intrigue: youtube starcraft 20:26 - intrigue: every single pro uses it 20:29 - intrigue: stupid newbie 20:36 - aznycxlenjaii: pro uses hacks? LOL 20:39 - intrigue: lmao hes never seen stacked mutas 20:47 - intrigue: Mutas with 1 overlord 20:48 - aznycxlenjaii: wow 20:49 - intrigue: group up 20:51 - aznycxlenjaii: ur a retard 20:59 - aznycxlenjaii: its called a hack faggot ... 26:56 - aznycxlenjaii: u got owned by me stfu 26:58 - aznycxlenjaii: u still lost 27:05 - Hot_Bid: muta stack is not hack 27:07 - aznycxlenjaii: i know what stacked mutas looked like 27:14 - aznycxlenjaii: its fucking not that stacked 27:16 - aznycxlenjaii: good fucking try 27:26 - aznycxlenjaii: lucky yellow couldnt do shit 27:35 - aznycxlenjaii: teammates suck ass 27:36 - Hot_Bid: aznycxlenjaii noob 27:38 - aznycxlenjaii: damn losers 27:39 - aznycxlenjaii: gg 27:42 - Hot_Bid: Lazy_0824, sry ur ally sucks 27:43 - aznycxlenjaii: reallyyyy? 27:44 - aznycxlenjaii: LOL 27:49 - Hot_Bid: Lazy_0824 sry aznycxlenjaii sux 27:50 - tifa: sorry Lazy_0824 27:58 - aznycxlenjaii: losers fall of saigon + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + Game chat: 0:12: AnhLoveSaigonVn: gonna rape u 0:24 - Hot_Bid: like USA raped saigon? 0:38 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: lol how old are you? 0:39 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: 10? 0:42 - Hot_Bid: how old are u ? 9 ? 0:44 - Brood: sucky sucky 10 dollar? 0:54 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: yea US raped Saigon 0:54 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: lol 0:57 - Hot_Bid: glad u agree 1:48 - Brood: they cant afford good history books in saigon? 1:54 - Hot_Bid: nah, no books, USA raped 2 hard 1:57 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: if u dont know ur history 1:59 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: lol 2:08 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: thinkin saigon is japanese 2:16 - Hot_Bid: LOL dont even know geography 2:21 - Brood: did usa burn ur village? 2:32 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: yea we are japaneses 2:40 - Brood: samurai?? 2:42 - Brood: saigon samurai 2:46 - AnhLoveSaigonVn: lol 3:19 - Brood: its like saigon in oj's base 5:47 - Hot_Bid: raped like saigon On October 18 2009 09:47 Hot_Bid wrote: last group + Show Spoiler [Show Chats] + why didn't he join + Show Spoiler [Game Chat] + 15:55 - rok: blue 15:56 - rok: u suck newbie *****rok dies at this moment***** 16:00 - Hot_Bid: LOL 21:40 - Hot_Bid: who sucks? 21:53 - Hot_Bid: WHO SUCKS???? 21:56 - rok: 1:1? 21:59 - Hot_Bid: sure 22:02 - rok: ok make 22:03 - Hot_Bid: game name 1v1 NOOOOB 22:05 - rok: chanel? 22:08 - Hot_Bid: channel rok is a fucking noob 22:11 - rok: u suck 22:14 - rok: u wont play me 1:1 22:16 - Hot_Bid: u dodge 22:20 - rok: make private game 22:22 - Hot_Bid: game name rok noob? 22:23 - Hot_Bid: pass yes i am 22:24 - rok: f u *****He dies to SCV rush***** 2:20 - WhenSCVsAttack: are u serious... ![]() 2:31 - FrozenArbiter: how does that not happen every game 3:13 - lingbloodlust: noob 3v1 3:14 - lingbloodlust: lol 3:26 - intrigue: u die to 3 noob 3:27 - lingbloodlust: ure dead chobo 3:39 - intrigue: the fuck is a chobo lol 3:40 - intrigue: learn english 3:51 - lingbloodlust: its homeless u retard 3:53 - lingbloodlust: just like u 3:55 - lingbloodlust: omfg 4:06 - Hot_Bid: he has a home what u think hes playing computer outside 4:19 - Hot_Bid: i bet you've never seen a home in your life 4:24 - lingbloodlust: just stfu 4:28 - lingbloodlust: u 3v1 4:29 - lingbloodlust: noob 4:37 - Hot_Bid: i bet u never seen a 3v1 in ur life 4:39 - lingbloodlust: u would've died 4:45 - lingbloodlust: too u retarded twat 4:37 - Hot_Bid: i bet u never seen a twat in ur life 5:00 - lingbloodlust: sunken city 5:02 - lingbloodlust: what a noob 5:07 - Hot_Bid: bet u never seen a sunken in ur life 5:21 - lingbloodlust: u have a big mouth eh?? 5:31 - lingbloodlust: u like cock in it probably 5:38 - Hot_Bid: bet u never seen a cock in ur life 6:02 - lingbloodlust: omfg 6:06 - lingbloodlust: im suronded by retards 6:12 - Hot_Bid: bet u never seen a retard in ur life 0:16 - Hot_Bid: yo 0:24 - Hot_Bid: whats a sh1n1gam1 0:31 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 0:37 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 0:47 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 0:52 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 0:54 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 0:59 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 1:03 - Hot_Bid: sh1n1gam1 1:12 - Sh1n1gam1: anime character 1:16 - Hot_Bid: whats an anime 1:21 - Sh1n1gam1: death note 1:28 - Hot_Bid: whats death note 1:33 - Sh1n1gam1: lol ur mom 3:56 - Kelllog: play me 1 vs one 4:00 - Kelllog: well see who wins 4:13 - Kelllog: scared 1 vs u and me 4:27 - Kelllog: u too scared 4:37 - Kelllog: ur boys see that when u u cant even play my ass 4:51 - Brood: i bet ur mom lost her job in the economic downturn forcing u to take out a 2nd home loan 5:13 - Kelllog: WOW 4:40 - Sco-Gosu: red 1v1 ? 4:44 - ilovezil: why me? 4:49 - Sco-Gosu: i dont knwo ? 4:51 - Sco-Gosu: just because ? 5:05 - Sco-Gosu: are u bitch ? 5:52 - ilovezil: i don't 1v1 noobs 6:00 - Sco-Gosu: o i see 6:06 - Sco-Gosu: well maybe ur the noob who is scared to 1v1 ? 6:09 - ilovezil: dont join expert games next time 6:15 - Sco-Gosu: hahah o k ? 6:22 - Sco-Gosu: 1v1 me ![]() 6:24 - Hot_Bid: Sco-Gosu dont dodge 6:33 - Sco-Gosu: i aint ![]() 6:34 - Sco-Gosu: come 6:36 - Hot_Bid: dont dodge 6:37 - Sco-Gosu: channel chris 6:39 - intrigue: why u dodge 6:41 - Sco-Gosu: Nooblet ![]() 6:49 - intrigue: u dodged 6:50 - Sco-Gosu: u guys are a joke ![]() 6:53 - intrigue: ![]() 6:54 - Hot_Bid: ![]() 7:04 - Sco-Gosu: ![]() 7:09 - Hot_Bid: ![]() 7:14 - Sco-Gosu: either 1v1 me or re host ok? 7:16 - Sco-Gosu: channel chris *****Next Game***** 0:21 - Sco-Gosu: it ok u noob 0:32 - Hot_Bid: Sco-Gosu noob 0:33 - Sco-Gosu: excuse me ? 0:47 - Sco-Gosu: u noob it o k 0:51 - Sco-Gosu: ok we rape u ok? 0:59 - intrigue: no 1:11 - intrigue: we're going to rape you and you're going to feel really stupid 1:24 - intrigue: while typing with stupid smiley faces 1:26 - Sco-Gosu: go 4 pool rush noob 1:49 - Sco-Gosu: jajja ![]() *****Sco-Gosu dies to 9 pool***** 3:05 - Sco-Gosu: LMAO 3:10 - Sco-Gosu: u gusy are zerg so u can rush lmao 3:12 - Sco-Gosu: come channel chris 3:13 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 3:18 - intrigue: u already dodge 3:20 - Hot_Bid: wow noob dies twice to same thing ![]() 3:22 - intrigue: ur just gonna dodge agin 3:27 - Sco-Gosu: HEY 3:28 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 3:29 - Sco-Gosu: COME 3:30 - Sco-Gosu: 1V1 ME OK? 3:31 - Sco-Gosu: HEY 3:32 - Sco-Gosu: MISTER 3:33 - Sco-Gosu: ALL TALK 3:34 - Sco-Gosu: COME OK? 3:36 - intrigue: excuse me 3:36 - Sco-Gosu: WOTHER WISE 3:36 - Sco-Gosu: STFU 3:37 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 3:38 - Sco-Gosu: HEY 3:39 - Sco-Gosu: ORANGE 3:40 - Sco-Gosu: 1V1 3:40 - Sco-Gosu: CHANNEL 3:41 - Sco-Gosu: DODGE MORE 3:45 - intrigue: Sco-Gosu why you dodge? u scare? 3:46 - Sco-Gosu: U WERNT 3:47 - Sco-Gosu: THERE 3:48 - Sco-Gosu: U NOOB 3:49 - Sco-Gosu: U NOOB 3:49 - Sco-Gosu: OK? 3:49 - Hot_Bid: u weren't there 3:50 - Sco-Gosu: I WAS 3:51 - Sco-Gosu: THERE 3:52 - intrigue: didn't see u 3:52 - Sco-Gosu: GET 3:55 - Sco-Gosu: BRAOIN OK 3:56 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 3:57 - Sco-Gosu: U KIDS 4:00 - Sco-Gosu: ZERG LIKE LIL BITCH S 4:01 - Hot_Bid: Sco-Gosu ? noob ? 4:01 - Sco-Gosu: COME 4:02 - Sco-Gosu: 1V1 4:02 - intrigue: calm down 4:03 - Sco-Gosu: COME ON 4:03 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 4:04 - Sco-Gosu: HEY 4:05 - Sco-Gosu: FUCK U OK 4:07 - Sco-Gosu: FUCK U 4:07 - intrigue: calm down 4:07 - Hot_Bid: calm down 4:07 - Sco-Gosu: OK? 4:08 - Sco-Gosu: COME 4:09 - intrigue: u type capitals y so mad 4:12 - Sco-Gosu: FUCKING FAGGET 4:12 - Sco-Gosu: COME 4:13 - Sco-Gosu: LETS 4:14 - Sco-Gosu: GO 4:15 - Sco-Gosu: FAGGET 4:16 - Sco-Gosu: U 4:17 - intrigue: u mad cuz u dodge 4:22 - Sco-Gosu: U DODGE 4:23 - Sco-Gosu: SO MUCH 4:25 - Sco-Gosu: FUCK HEAD 4:26 - Hot_Bid: ![]() 4:33 - Sco-Gosu: CHANNEL CHRIS 4:34 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 4:35 - Sco-Gosu: NOOB 4:36 - Sco-Gosu: BE THERE 4:37 - Sco-Gosu: MUTHA FUCKA *****Next Game (Sco-Gosu dies to cannon rush)***** 0:59 - Sco-Gosu: CANNON NOOOB 1:01 - Sco-Gosu: CANNON uP NOOB LET 1:15 - Sco-Gosu: NO ZERG NOOB 1:17 - Sco-Gosu: IM T 1:51 - Sco-Gosu: U WON BECAUSE I NEWBE ALLIE ... 4:48 - Sco-Gosu: SEE WHITE JERKING OF FMAKE 10 SUNKS look 4:49 - Sco-Gosu: SEE 4:56 - Hot_Bid: Sco-Gosu still noob 4:57 - intrigue: u dodge ? 4:58 - Sco-Gosu: HE NO I FEEL THE FEAR OF HAVING NOOB ALLIES ![]() 5:16 - Sco-Gosu: wow 5:17 - Sco-Gosu: wHITE lmao a 5:21 - Sco-Gosu: RED LOOK AT WHITES SUNKS lol 5:25 - Sco-Gosu: SEE I TELL TRUTH 5:29 - Sco-Gosu: jUST FUCKING LOOK 5:34 - Sco-Gosu: SEE 6:01 - P.A.R.T.Y: GoKu ur a fag 6:04 - P.A.R.T.Y: get a life 6:10 - GoKu-LiOnMasTeR: yes 6:15 - GoKu-LiOnMasTeR: raping you in starcraft clearly makes me a loser 6:21 - P.A.R.T.Y: hell ya 6:27 - P.A.R.T.Y: obviously 7:08 - speaksoftly: sigh 7:43 - speaksoftly: rule #1 7:50 - speaksoftly: don't talk shit when you your handle has "goku" in it 7:51 - speaksoftly: loser 7:54 - GoKu-LiOnMasTeR: u lost to someone 7:59 - GoKu-LiOnMasTeR: with a name 8:01 - GoKu-LiOnMasTeR: of goku-lionmaster 8:05 - GoKu-LiOnMasTeR: how does that make you feel 8:08 - speaksoftly: fag 19:30 - Jedisay: my allies suck stfu 19:34 - Jedisay: ill 1v1 any u 19:46 - Jedisay: ill 1v1 20:10 - intrigue: good job nerd you think you're good at sc 20:13 - Jedisay: lets 1v1 20:15 - Jedisay: pussy 20:18 - Jedisay: pussy 20:20 - Jedisay: pussy 20:22 - Jedisay: pussy 20:25 - intrigue: pussy 20:33 - Jedisay: ill 1v1 20:34 - Jedisay: pussy 20:40 - Jedisay: pussy 20:42 - Jedisay: pussy 20:43 - Hot_Bid: pussy 20:44 - Jedisay: pussy 20:46 - Jedisay: pussy 20:48 - Hot_Bid: pussy 20:49 - Jedisay: u guys noobs 20:50 - Jedisay: pussy 20:53 - Jedisay: 1v1 me pussy 20:54 - Hot_Bid: every time u say pussy or noob it means u pussy 20:55 - Jedisay: pussy 20:58 - intrigue: OWNED 21:03 - Hot_Bid: U SAY URSELF ARE PUSSY LOL 11:24 - AmpEnergy88: nice hack 11:28 - AmpEnergy88: i report u 3 to blizz 11:34 - Hot_Bid: what hack 12:13 - AmpEnergy88: ornage map hacks 12:20 - FrozenArbiter: I skill hack 12:28 - AmpEnergy88: so ill make sure my friend at blizz banns u 3 for alling him 12:38 - AmpEnergy88: it will happen trust me 12:38 - intrigue: when u do can u ask them when the beta is coming out 11:03 - Stand.Up: look at the teal doing micro 11:04 - Stand.Up: haha 11:14 - intrigue: are you seriously making fun of someone for microing 11:34 - Stand.Up: he's happy 11:38 - Stand.Up: haha 12:06 - Hot_Bid: lol noob 12:07 - Stand.Up: he's happy that he wins in the game 12:08 - Stand.Up: haha 12:13 - intrigue: ur so mad 12:15 - intrigue: calm down 12:15 - Stand.Up: what a noob 12:21 - intrigue: why are you so mad 12:22 - Hot_Bid: calm down 12:22 - Stand.Up: i'm just talking 12:23 - Stand.Up: noob 12:25 - Stand.Up: haha 12:27 - intrigue: no ur mad hahaha 12:33 - intrigue: ur so mad haha 12:35 - Stand.Up: do better in the society kid 12:47 - Hot_Bid: u poor nerd doesnt get laid 13:01 - Stand.Up: haha 13:05 - intrigue: spend life playing game 13:11 - Stand.Up: that's you 13:13 - Stand.Up: not me 13:15 - Stand.Up: =) 13:23 - Hot_Bid: dont be angry its just a game 13:31 - Stand.Up: i'm not angry 13:32 - Stand.Up: kid 13:34 - intrigue: ur so mad 13:35 - Hot_Bid: calm down 13:45 - Carnac: calm down fat 13:47 - Stand.Up: what a kid 13:58 - Hot_Bid: so angry 14:00 - Stand.Up: IM NOT ANGRY 14:01 - intrigue: dont get so angry 14:11 - Hot_Bid: its just a game calm down 14:13 - Stand.Up: give your number fucker teal 14:15 - Stand.Up: i'm going to kill you fuckers 17:09 - YIIllM: hney guys 17:12 - YAF: Sup 17:13 - YIIllM: i got a question for you 17:21 - YIIllM: u guys play together a lot right 17:26 - YIIllM: is it really that fun to do this? 17:32 - YIIllM: play against random strangers? 17:44 - YIIllM: because to me it would be like shooting fish in a barrel 17:55 - YAF: YOU 17:56 - ORA: ARE 17:56 - UET : FAT On October 19 2009 08:28 SonuvBob wrote: Show nested quote + On October 19 2009 07:48 fanatacist wrote: Trozz tell me how does resuscitation work, with proper terminology? Well if he won't, I will (just gonna assume you mean CPR) Resuscitation, Cardiopulmonary. (CPR for short) Cardiac arrest? Respiratory arrest? Then this is for you! Lack of oxygen Can cause cell death (necrosis), Which is pretty bad. Heart and brain damage Can occur in mere minutes, So fucking hurry. Start chest compressions (called cardiocerebral resuscitation) Is he ok yet? No? Repeat until he is. It can take a while. He's still not breathing? Maybe you just suck at this. Fuck it, go get drunk. Send zulu to Denny's! by littlechava + Show Spoiler + On October 19 2009 10:11 littlechava wrote: Poland showed great pride and patriotism when they raised money to send both Yayba and Draco to the WCG Grand Finals. Of all the family dining chains in America, Denny’s has the best macro withover 1,500 company and franchised restaurants in the United States, Canada, Costa Rica, Guam, Mexico, New Zealand and Puerto Rico. Founded by Harold Butler in 1953, Denny's rigidly adheres to healthy build orders, scoring the fewest health inspection violations of all midlevel fast food chains in a test conducted by Dateline NBC. ![]() ![]() USA's own zulu_nation8 is hungry. Not only for victory, but for food. He has received an invite to a local Denny's, but needs some help raising funds so he can go eat. The price difference (what is needed) is $9.22 USD. His team, The L15 Fighting Trolls, is already forking over enough dough to cover part of the expenses. Being that Denny's is one of the best dining enterprises ever, I'm here on behalf of a close friend of mine, and an opponent of Worldwide Starvation, and lover of Starcraft, to try and rally support for sending another skinny Asian kid to an American restaurant. Are you impressed by zulu's writing for TL or amazing performance at dodging lurker spines in that bet thing against Chill (100% dead marines in 5 attempts at dodging) and want to see him travel to, eat and drink at, and return from one of the best family dining establishments in the American Starcraft scene? Do you just want to support sending Asians to eat something other than rice? These are all excellent reasons to donate. How Much Is Needed: $9.22 USD Cost Breakdown:
Deadline: Zulu is hungry right now but can wait until lunch tomorrow because of reduced price specials at the aforementioned Denny's. What if the amount is not met?: Zulu will likely go and order a side item, perhaps a side salad or onion rings, but he WILL NOT be full. Thank you all, Littlechava - on behalf of all hungry Asian kids and USA Starcraft I hope that TL can rally some support to send Zulu to Denny's! If we raise enough money to send him, Zulu promises to eat the full sandwich and post pictures of the meal, waitress, and livestream his post-meal dump. Current Amount: $1.36 ![]() On October 18 2009 03:21 Liquid`NonY wrote: I don't think this means anything for SC2. What exactly is your argument that it does? Show nested quote + Now to me, this is saying something. I think that it is saying, which it is saying that they are getting ready to launch, and along with, they should be launching sc2 beta soon after that. ![]() ... The new has already been launched months ago as your Blizzard quote says. It started out just as central registration and login services but they are going to gradually add more features, some of which will be specific to a game and some of which will be universal. The way SC2's servers will handle multiplayer for connecting players for games, chat, matchmaking, ladder/league stats and calculations, and communication with web sites, etc, is being built from scratch. Those servers have got to be minimally functional and able to handle enough people for beta. We're waiting on that. <+SKTerran_HCO> TvT is like chess if you played chess with pieces that randomly fucking explode in your hand On October 20 2009 11:40 zulu_nation8 wrote: i wish you were open minded enough to at least entertain the idea that your idea is fucking retarded. On October 20 2009 12:12 zulu_nation8 wrote: lots of you may label this guy as a troll. But he is in fact, like many who are reputed to be trolls, a dumbass. He's not assuming a controversial position for the sole purpose of pissing people off. He genuinely believes in what he says but is just unaware that he is dumb. On October 20 2009 13:09 druj wrote: I was expecting a tribute to Julyzerg alongside some comical photoshops in a profoundly explicit manner that would parallel the movie. This is OK though. On October 22 2009 06:14 HeavOnEarth wrote: Some people, when i talk to them, just completely fills me with awful. Like, i'll go up to them, have a 30 second conversation, and when leaving i feel down. i like these people. they fill me with desolate depression. like a bomb. On October 24 2009 03:44 Hawk wrote: lolt? is that like whilst? I LOLT WHLIST REMINISCING OF MY TURBULENT YOUTH On October 25 2009 00:05 Scaramanga wrote: Show nested quote + On October 24 2009 23:56 4clovers wrote: On October 24 2009 22:04 Itachii wrote: Many people wanted to become like me, all failed. you are Itachii with an extra i. Nobody wants to become like you. nobody even knows you. go commit suicide on a lonely August evening. You've already fallen into his genjutsu, game over On October 24 2009 10:38 Romance_us wrote: Ash said it best with, "To catch them is our real test, but to train them is our cause." Ever since I adopted the "Gotta Catch 'Em All" philosophy, my success to failure ratio has drastically increased. On October 15 2009 14:24 Hot_Bid wrote: Show nested quote + On October 15 2009 14:18 InToTheWannaB wrote: On October 15 2009 14:15 FragKrag wrote: wait wat Thats what i am saying ![]() ![]() Show nested quote + From: InToTheWannaB [ Profile | Buddy ] Subject: Re: Ban poll? Date: 10/15/09 14:13 ? ----------------------------------------- Original Message: because you are too gullible and trusting ----------------------------------------- Original Message: ?????????????? uhhhh what I do that was ban worthy? ???? Was it just saying that the icon was elite? On October 16 2009 21:27 Kennigit wrote: Show nested quote + On October 15 2009 14:30 InToTheWannaB wrote: banned because im to lazy? That be hard to take. ![]() On October 26 2009 13:39 d_so wrote: Show nested quote + On October 26 2009 12:40 SanguineToss wrote: On October 26 2009 12:37 d_so wrote: phonetically it's more of a "she" than ssi. she bahr ? no. ssiball. despite it's spelling, 씨발 sounds more like "she bahr" than "ssiball". just saying so you don't just get an A for effort but can actually cuss like a korean On October 08 2009 20:04 Nyovne wrote: [12:57] <@pawchi> hey nyovne [12:57] <@pawchi> pholon hates me more than my baby momma [12:57] <@pawchi> and hes not even demanding child support [12:57] <@pawchi> whats wrong with dutch ppl [12:57] <@pawchi> is it because he doesn't have weed? [12:58] <@Nyovne> what did u do this time [12:58] <@pawchi> i dunno [12:58] <@pawchi> i banned him ages ago [12:58] <@pawchi> but i figured that was cool [12:58] <@pawchi> because i ban everyone [12:58] <@pawchi> i also made him a violet image [12:58] <@pawchi> but he seemed to like that [12:58] <@pawchi> despite it being more homosexual than clay aiken [12:58] <Pholon> lol [12:58] <@pawchi> whats up sandy vagina [12:59] <Vilda> nice pawchi, real nice [12:59] <@Nyovne> lool On June 16 2006 20:02 Manifesto7 wrote: What the fuck is going on. Today is Saturday. Today I recieved three calls. The first one was from Saro, saying that I need to check in with this website. The second was from the vice-principal of my school, who is worried that I am in trouble in Korea. Through the commnication barrier he seems to think that this is a school matter, because somebody (Dan) is calling me at school. This is a very important man, and I am at the bottom of the totem pole... not a good idea. The third is from my 78 year old terminally ill grandfather, because he was contacted by the Canadian Consulate. Apparently somebody has reported me missing and the consulate contacted my emergency contacts. Now my grandfather is worried that I am sick or dead, and waited up until 3 am to call me. THIS IS A DYING MAN PEOPLE. THINK BEFORE MEDDLING IN SOMEBODY'S REAL LIFE. Now I am sorry that I have caused worry. I apologize that I have not been to this StarCraft website for a few weeks. I am sorry that I am not on MSN. These are factors that are currently out of my control. My life is not one of a high school student, college students, or drop out. My life is pretty difficult at the moment, and I don't have time to sleep let alone work on StarCraft. The details are not really any of anybody's business, but suffice to say that I will not be coming back to StarCraft any time soon. On October 27 2009 21:53 CTStalker wrote: seriously. it's like 'hey guys just hopped into this replay comments thread to see what's going on- AND OH MY GOD YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT THE REPLAY? SERIOUSLY? HOLY FUCK SPOILED OMG' On November 01 2009 11:34 mikeymoo wrote: lol Daylight savings troll: am I a bad person for this? Michael Loo says (8:07 PM): *daylight savings btw *clocks forward my friend says (8:07 PM): *k cant miss my midterm at 8am monday Michael Loo says (8:06 PM): *dst today btw *daylight savings *clocks forward other friend says (8:06 PM): *o other friend says (8:07 PM): *so now it's 9:07? Michael Loo says (8:07 PM): *yep other friend says (8:07 PM): *so now I gotta get up an hour earlier *FUCK other friend says (8:41 PM): *ugh, not excited for oral presentation, have to wake up an hour early for it On November 01 2009 17:08 Hot_Bid wrote: one time, my roommate and i convinced our third roommate that it was an entire DAY ahead. basically on friday night he stayed up all night playing video games and went to sleep super tired at 2pm saturday, and he woke up to his alarm clock reading "9am (sunday)" despite it actually being 6pm saturday (we set his clock 16 hours ahead). he was too groggy to realize the absurdness of sleeping for 19 hours straight, so he just fell back asleep and when he woke up again, it was 3am, and we had set his clock back to normal and changed his computer and phone to show the next day. so on 9am that day, bright and early in the morning on a sunday, he went to class, and came back confused as shit. On November 04 2009 16:37 Hot_Bid wrote: I know its years later and the situation isn't exactly the same, but can't you just take a step back and laugh at the situation and the ridiculous, delicious irony of it. It's like LastShadow driving to the middle of nowhere because his GPS map got edited. On Shockeyy/-WGT-Stars winning a free cruise around the world: On November 05 2009 23:02 IdrA wrote: knew the buddhists were full of shit ![]() On November 06 2009 05:35 quiong wrote: Jaedong is having a staring contest with god. On November 06 2009 10:37 Rekrul wrote: So 2.5-3 years ago I was playing a pretty big poker game in Korea and this fat ballerish non korean but somewhat asian looking guy and I were involved in a hand where basically I turned my hand over at the end. Then he acted like he lost then suddenly turned his hand over(this is called slowrolling and generally very bad ettiquette in live poker) and slammed the table with his hand and started laughing his ass off. Normally I never really care especially now, but that was 3 yrs ago and I also happened to be really really really fking drunk. So I started slamming the table repeatedly with my hand like a gorilla yelling all sorts of shit until they kicked me out. Fastforward to yesterday. "Yo dan u remember that guy u were slamming the table to a while ago? He's the president of Mongolia now. He comes to Korea for a lot of diplomatic stuff now. He remembers you." On November 06 2009 18:06 Rekrul wrote: whats funny is he was certainly new to poker he kept getting mad at people for betting too big and stuff before all the slamming happened. people would bet big against him and he'd be like 'wtf u shouldn't be betting so much' and im sitting there confused like 'why does this guy think he makes the rules' EXCEPT HE DOES MAKE THE RULES LOL On November 06 2009 15:53 Ilikestarcraft wrote: Show nested quote + On November 06 2009 15:09 JohnColtrane wrote: On November 06 2009 14:17 Ilikestarcraft wrote: On November 06 2009 11:41 MYM.Testie wrote: He pre-ordered HoN. Before that, he used to play Left 4 Dead and D2. He tried to learn Ubuntu. He has a tongue-piercing. . ._. oh wow im scared of the internet now watch this you are ilikestarcraft, age 19 from USA, 11281 posts and you play starcraft. you do not have a tongue-piercing keylogger On November 06 2009 14:15 Kim Jong Tassadar wrote: versus gas mining. So I'm basically awesome at Terran. Not like I actually win, but like I have a teammate who plays Zerg and kinda wins and then I sometimes get some battle cruisers and some nukes and then we win because battle net can be filled with tools at 3 AM. So, usually these people stay around long enough that I get to have some fun. So if I'm tired of going medic-ultra, I start building stuff in people's bases. But let's say I've only got one SCV that I can spare cuz it's a elimination race and/or my teammate went Sauron-Zerg and I don't have an expansion. So now I've got a choice. I could buiild a commnad center in my opponent's main and go proxy worker rush, or I could build a refinery and start mining from it. I guess what I'm asking is which of these better sends the message "I suck at this game, but you're worse than my friend who is better than both of us and you ally." Any thoughts? On October 17 2009 03:11 Luddite wrote: Wow, a guy on an internet message board will criticize what I wrote? I better hurry up, opportunities like this don't come a long too often. On November 10 2009 05:31 SirKibbleX wrote: I'm trying to run Deep Comfort but I have a problem. I'm in a 4set and I need to AMOG this guy, how do I go about doing it without breaking CF? I was stacking openers, and throwing out excellent negs and getting the girls laughing. Btw, the girls are all HB8+, but this guy's pretty CF himself and is built like a tank. Should I use stasis field? Or tech to carriers? On November 05 2009 06:45 Rekrul wrote: OK Testie I'm here finally for some real advice. Does money even matter? Obviously you think yes now but come on. 10k? WTF? Take this as a karma tax on your past. Saying sorry isn't enough. Whether you realized it at the time or not, when you steal something, you will eventually pay for it. To tell you the truth, I'm the one that hacked your poker account and I've used 7k spending on foreign broodwar players that were in Korea in the past week. Some like to say thank you, some like to call me a nice guy, but in reality I'm just robin hood. Whether I take the money from you or some random rich idiot does it really matter? NO. It's all about spreading the wealth and feeding the world. But it actually was me. It's just the cycle of life. Karma guides us everywhere we go. Sometimes bad shit happens like this but it's shit like this that can make you realize how good your life is. I can remember the time where I'd go to a bar with many ppl and all buy drinks and I'd be sitting there like wow I'm pretty sure that guy acting like a baller has us all covered then all the sudden he's asking me for money to pay the bill and it's 50 dollars and obviously I couldn't say no...but then after I paid I'd feel like FUCK MY LIFE I only have 78 dollars left to my name in a foreign country FUCK....repeat process a thousand times to exponential amounts then suddenly one day I lose 300k in one day and it feels nothing more than buying a beer 6 years ago. WTF if someone has to steal money for a living his life must be pretty fucking pathetic. You can relate to pathetic lives because you were once map hacking to impress random nerd video game playing teenagers and a 13 year old girlfriend. You should feel bad for the dude that stole your money (that guy being me). He's like a guy that tries to scam homeless people out of half used cigarettes. What are you going to do if you find him? Kill him? Lol. If your family goes on a safari in Africa and gets eaten by a lion are you going to devote your life to finding that specific lion and killing him? Did you cry when you saw Lion King as Mufasa died? Well maybe you didn't but I sure did...and thats even knowing the fact that Mufasa was a Gazelle murdering mother fucker. You come in here bitching like a faggot about 10k to a forum full of nerds who don't even have 100$ in their bank accounts? Gimme a break. You have my MSN, you have smufts msn. As if a thread here is going to speed up the process. Despite your shortcomings I used to think you had intelligence but obviously not....the only thing you're doing here is bragging...the only real thing you can do in this case is use all the sites contact info to get your account frozen and hopefully get your money back...but even if you do...what is going to change? N O T H I N G. You'll still sit there living your pathetic ex-map hacking life growing your hair out knowing the fact that despite your fake apologies you'll always be what you are. As for the remaining 3k, each dollar in there equals a game you hacked in and won that still to this day you claim as a win when you brag about your 'records' against people. Not that 3k is going to cover that number but unfortunately for me you were broke and only had 10k in ur account. I was hoping you'd learn something from this but judging from this blog you haven't. I tried so hard to help here but the only thing I accomplished was making your face red. I apologize for that but as you know it went to a good cause. Anyways we're still cool. When you come to Korea again I'll take you out as I did in the past. And I know you're thinking now "Well fuck why not take him up on that! Even though I fucking hate him....Shit! despite the fact that he's a pathetic asshole I can get something out of him! I'll just have to be careful not to use his computer this time!" But even though you think that I assure you that you can input your passwords as you did last time. I removed all my keyloggers. I won't steal them again next time. I promise. I was young a few days ago when I stole your password. I've grown up now. On November 12 2009 16:37 MrHoon wrote: FurHeR: I am american FurHeR: I am entitled to my opinion FurHeR: u had no right to ban me u *** FurHeR: I bet they don't have swimming pools in korea FurHeR: what now mrhoon FurHeR: what now On November 16 2009 17:32 EvilTeletubby wrote: Oh god... Show nested quote + On November 16 2009 16:06 Kau wrote: You may have taught your crow to kick me, but micronesia. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU On November 23 2009 17:43 konadora wrote: Show nested quote + On November 23 2009 14:50 FastEddieV wrote: One mistake, maestro is playing in minor league and won't be facing Zero in the zvz this match. I don't even think he's on CJ - he's on SKT1. ![]() On November 29 2009 04:25 craaaaack wrote: 2 years ago, while i was making out with a girl for the 2. time in my life she was sitting on my lap... So i was getting a boner i could kill people with.. started thinking about a zvt with 3 hatch muta where everything goes fine, you delay him with lings, get your mutas intime, do some dmg, get lurx out in time, rape his first push...WHILE A FUCKING DROPSHIP HAS KILLED EVERYTHING IN YOUR MAIN GODDAMN GG instabonerkill ![]() On November 30 2009 12:27 3clipse wrote: Yes, I've devised a strategy for this. Mass arbiters should allow you to intermittently recall your high templar to the front of your army. Pumping from 3 stargates should do it. Now, in order to get your economy up to snuff for this tacit, I general triple-expand at the start of all my games. The key to getting away with this is building the entirety of your tech and production facilities in your 3rd. This way, the zerg, upon seeing nothing in your main, assumes "oh shit, proxy!". If he uses at least 80% of his drones to make sunkens (as he should fearing a 6+ gate proxy attack), he should be economically crippled enough to be unable to stop your expansions! Later on I like to mind control a drone, build hatcheries all over the map and then give him vision. This can cause him to believe he's expanded many more times than he actually has and damages his economy further. Works especially well vs an opponent of a similar color and/or the elderly. Once you have arbiters out, I advise hallucinating several to combat scourge attacks. In fact, this is probably a better use for your high templar than storm. The symbiotic relationship of templar hallucinating arbiters and arbiters recalling templar to their position is near unbeatable as most zergs will simply leave the game after seeing an army of 30 arbiters, real or otherwise. If they do not, your best strategies are probably name calling, hiding pylons, making disparaging references to your opponent's mother, or dischack. Good luck! On December 01 2009 23:39 ghostWriter wrote: Wear gloves. On December 02 2009 04:55 SonuvBob wrote: Show nested quote + On December 02 2009 00:30 fanatacist wrote: On December 01 2009 13:34 Ilikestarcraft wrote: On November 29 2009 03:51 fanatacist wrote: Jesus guys don't abuse my talents -_-; where else will you get to use them I know a lot of Korean chix. Not that I've ever tried turning their name into toilets as an icebreaker. Just their faces? On December 08 2009 09:22 EvoChamber wrote: Greatest Hates for Banzu KT fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 14:10 Carnivorous Sheep wrote: Bwahahahahaha owned SKT1, die scum! STX fan. CJ fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 14:12 Slow Motion wrote: SKT1 are like the Yankees of starcraft, everyone that's not a T1 fan is so happy right now Wemade fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 14:24 Holgerius wrote: All games should be recommended IMO. Watching SKT players lose is a treat. ![]() Khan fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 14:38 Gumbo wrote: Hahahahaahahahahahaha, I love when SKT1 get 3-0ed and even MORE when its from my favorite team! Oz fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 15:05 AttackZerg wrote: I love bisu fans crying. Boxer and fantasy fans I respect but most of bisu's fans show such little understanding of starcraft that it drives real fans (who actually understand the game they are watching) to hate the team AND the player. I think bisu is the best protoss in the history of the game but I love when he loses stupidly and his fans have a million stupid reasons for why it happend. (oystein I still love you) Oz fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 15:09 Kyuukyuu wrote: On December 06 2009 15:08 TheYango wrote: On December 06 2009 15:04 Hinanawi wrote: Personally, I just enjoy seeing Fantasy and Bisu lose. They just happen to be on SKT1, and it's pretty hard for SKT1 to win if both of them lose. See, then I have to ask why? What have either of those players done to deserve that contempt? They both have produced strong, entertaining games of Starcraft, so in what way to they deserve to lose? On an unrelated note: fuck my liquibets. Who said they deserve to lose? We just like to see them do it. Logic does not factor into this at all CJ fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 16:21 samachking wrote: So when I lose faith completely in Oz + Khan(my 2 favorite teams) in FPL they start raping shit up. Who cares about FPL anyway? FUCK YEAH OZ RAPING 3-0d die SKT Khan fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 16:59 TwoToneTerran wrote: Because SKT is the New York Yankees of progaming, proving that the longest standing and best funded team gets you further than anything else. People LOVE watching the Yankees lose. They just don't do it a lot. KT fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 16:59 Julmust wrote: You wanna know WHY people react that way Ecrilon? Cause SKT fans are the funniest when they get butthurt, seriously if you succuessfully manage to troll a SKT fan they'll cry harder and longer then anyone else. And yes, I do love the fact that SKT lost simply 'cause I don't like the team. I AM ENJOYING THIS! MBC fan. Show nested quote + On December 06 2009 23:40 Jackal03 wrote: i have nothing against bisu, the real player of skt that i really don't like is canata (he's so boring...). but i find it funny when skt loses because of the nerd rage that happens CJ fan. Show nested quote + On December 07 2009 00:00 Holgerius wrote: This thread is pretty lame now; in one corner we have a malicious group of smug haters (including myself) and in the other we have some butthurt fanboys who whine about how unfair the hate is. + Show Spoiler + I'm loving it! ![]() Khan fan. So basically we have a coalition of the illing. Okay. Starcraft is a game. In a game, there are winners and there are losers. Someone winning necessary implies someone had to lose. You are emotionally attached to the success of player X or team Y for...whatever reasons. You like it when X or Y wins and you dislike it when X or Y loses. Your appreciation of the game is necessarily biased, skewed, whatever, because that's what cheering is ABOUT. SKT T1 wins a lot of proleague matches. Several players on SKT T1 win a lot of individual league games. For every win they earn, another team or player has to lose. If people cheer for the team or player that loses, then it's not exactly a leap across the Grand Canyon for them to dislike SKT T1 and/or SKT T1 players, since SKT's wins are necessarily their favorite team/player's losses. The more a team wins, the more dislike they receive from fans of other teams. This may not be "reasonable" (what the hell does that mean when it comes to cheering), but it is natural. Questioning its presence is like questioning the presence of tides or constellations: it's pointless and it's inadvertently funny to everyone else but you. On March 09 2008 03:02 Shauni wrote: Show nested quote + On March 09 2008 02:59 rpf wrote: The way I see it, anyone that puts you down for being a girl is basically putting up a nice, big sign that reads "I'm a loser so don't waste your time talking to me." The idiots weed themselves out for you. ![]() The same for those who are trying to treat girls super nice on the intarweb, like you are doing right now to gain + points with her. On December 09 2009 15:15 BroOd wrote: I can't even have the chats open when I watch livestreams, the whole format is just inundated with complete fuckfaces. You can go in a stream with 6 viewers, and one of them will have the name "ih8nigs" and be saying THIS KID SUX LMAO, PROBABLY A ZIONIST ILLUMINATI. Necr0matis was just temp banned for 1 week by EvilTeletubby. That account was created on 2009-10-03 18:18:33 and had 74 posts. Reason: Look, I want to talk to you about where our relationship is going. You're a nice guy and all, but I don't see any drive or ambition to better your posting. You're all over the place, I NEED stability in my threads. Look, I think we need some time apart. Let's just take a break from posting for a little while... and... I think we should start to see other forums. I know, I know, it's a lot to swallow, but... I need to know if I'm the website for you or not. On December 15 2009 13:06 Xx5k4t3rG0H4NxX wrote: wow u sound like a fukin ungrateful douchebag. be a man n suck it up cuz life aint gonna get better if u think like dat u gotta skate | ||
Vatican City State2594 Posts
This is my stomping of the vastly uneducated opinions of others in the following threads: Blind CJ Fanboyism Blind STX Fanboyism Just kidding. I just thought this format was rather cool, and decided to make one before anyone else (hopefully?) about the King of Kings, the Emperor's Palace, SK Telecom T1. ![]() Rape Imminent That's right, S-K-mother-fucking-T-One. Ever seen a great game played by Rainbow? Canata? Midas? Best? Fantasy? Bisu? Oov? Boxer? Oh, you have? Well then SKT1 is in your head, subliminally telling you the truth everyone should know by now: SKT1 is the best team in the history of StarCraft. And this is why they will win this year's Proleague. [1] Gluttony ![]() Hello welcome to our trophy cabinet, we have gold-plated casts of anuses belonging to inferior teams. I meant medals. Everyone is talking about hungry this, want to win that, yadda yadda eye of the tiger bullshit. This is not a Disney movie, this is not Mighty Ducks 5 or Rocky 6. This is real fucking life. Where I come from there is a very appropriate expression about real life: "Fortune shines upon those best prepared." Tell me, how much preparation goes into a Proleague play-off match, a set, a season? How much preparation will the current #1 team go through for the final match? How much did they have to go through to post such dominant results that they had the exclusive luxury of throwing their fans a bone from the throne by fielding aging and amateur players against their long-time rivals, KT(F)? Answer: A fucking lot. Now realize that previous to this finals, they have the most proleague gold medals and the most individual league medals. These people clearly know how to prepare and clutch a finals win. These people are GOOD at what they do, which is WINNING. Like I said, this is real life competition, even if it is battled in a virtual world. The strong succeed, the weak fail and falter and get shat on. And SKT1 has been downing Big Macs and laxatives so that as soon as whichever pathetic excuse for a team steps up to the challenge of facing SKT1 in the finals, they can unleash a shitstorm of rape and horror. That is assuming the opposing team doesn't realize their obvious pipedream and forfeits. Note how it doesn't matter which team is in question here. NEWS FLASH! In a conventional hierarchy, they would be the jester (Sparkyz), dunce (Soul), fat and injured guard (Khan) and hopeless [2] Roster of Champions ![]() "I drop bombs like Hiroshima, bitch suck on my wiener." I touched upon this earlier, but it needs to be made more evident how retarded strong SKT1's line-up is. Here we go: *1.* ---BISU--- ![]() Multitask. Harass. Micro. Macro. Cockiness. Balls. Handsomeness. Sex. Sex. Sex. Yea. Everyone knows there are 3 Kings in the pro scene right now. Those 3 Kings are none other than Flash, Jaedong, and Bisu. I'm not going to go into why Bisu is better than both of them. Well okay, I will: + Show Spoiler + Because he is.+ Show Spoiler + Yea, I'm kidding. That last statement aside, Bisu's record tends to go unnoticed when it comes to comparison between the three of them. He only sports a measly 64.26%, compared to Jaedong's 68.64% and Flash's 67.02%. What people don't seem to remember is the fact that Bisu won 2 MSLs before Jaedong had his OSL win and before Flash had pubic hair. What people don't seem to remember is that he was just a guy doing his noobie attempt at a dark horse run, up until the moment when he came all over that Thai hooker's face and realized "Wait, I'm fucking Bisu." That's when the last bonjwa of BW fell. And he fell at Bisu's knees. Although he has been eliminated from the OSL by some spectacular Queen play, sealing his status as officially cursed by the OSL Gods, he is still an indisputably impenetrable force. #1 ELO Peak anyone? 1 win short of being in a three-way tie for most wins this season, he has a much better winning percentage, and was only denied that title because SKT1 decided to send the kids and the Emperor out to play against KT. Bisu has been the BEST player in this Proleague, hands down. What will he have to bring to the table in the finals? 1 Win, 2 if SKT1 decides to play a prank by making it seem like they can lose by dropping a few games for it to come down to ace match, so that Bisu can laugh in the face of whatever pathetic opponent stands before him as he attacks him on 5 fronts. Let's see what his chances are by MU: PvP: No contest. PvZ: Jaedong, otherwise no contest (Queens included). PvT: No contest, except Flash or Fantasy, both of which he will not be facing. 1-0 SKT1-ChoboTeam. *2.* ---FANTASY--- ![]() Che Guevara reincarnated and trained to own bitches in StarCraft. Fantasy is the next hot thing. His TvP is the best. His TvZ was revolutionary. His TvT is... not as good as Flash's but definitely top-tier. Fantasy, fresh off of 2 OSL silvers, this kid has been a consistently dominating force everywhere in the pro scene. This kid, like Bisu and Boxer in his prime, is not just results - it's about the flair. Have you seen his game vs. Stork? His games vs. Bisu? His games vs. Jaedong? This kid is a fucking monster when it comes to dropship harass and multitask. In the game vs. Stork, the epic match of dropships between a PvT specialist (even if he is slumping, tell me that game was not high-calibre) and a TvP annihilation machine, he displayed his stellar control, and had the macro to back it up. I don't see any Protoss except Bisu, maaaybe Jangbi (if he stops slumping), taking him down. And you know he will probably be playing TvP in the finals. Yea, chalk that one up for SKT1. 2-0. *3.* ---BEST--- ![]() I should just put a picture of a tank steamrolling over the galaxy or some shit. EDIT: OH.. OH GOD.. OOOH SHIIIIIIII- ![]() Best... Oooh Best... OSL silver medalist to JulyZerg, a ZvP guru, Best is a mixed bag of ridiculously strong skills and a few glaring deficiencies. His PvZ... Let's not go there. Oh wait, it doesn't matter anyway, since no one is stupid enough to send him out for PvZ. His PvP is what the fuck is there even need to talk about his PvP? Yea. His PvT is also stellar, which is why I made that steamrolling comment there. You think the game is going normally and Best might even be behind at points because he generally doesn't do flashy micro like Stork has at times and Bisu does almost daily, then the camera flashes up to the rally point outside his natural and all you hear is surprised Korean "OOOH"s going off from crowd and commentators alike because the screen is just a block of zealots and goons. It's like this kid was locked in the SKT1 basement for a few months, with his face chained to a TV playing Reach vs. Oov on Mercury over, and over, and over again. Best then proceeds to stream, no, tsunami the units into the Terran base, often directly and without arbiter assistance. Yea, it's like that. So once again, who can beat him? PvP: Stork and Jangbi. Oh wait, they are probably alcoholics and going through anti-depressants like kids through PEZ dispensers. Kal? Maybe. Maybe on that day your predictions will stop sucking, too. Not likely though. PvZ: Anyone including your D- friend who compstomps. Too bad he won't be playing that. PvT: Can you think of a Terran in the remaining teams that can reasonably take him down? You can make a case for SkyHigh, and it would be a good one if the PL finals happened a few months ago. 3-0. The other wins should be easy to gather after that, even with a relatively stale remainder of the team. Not saying that they are bad - just not as good as these 3. Except TheZerg. TheZerg sucks. [3] Revolutionism ![]() I know you didn't expect to see this here. SKT1 has Boxer (the first true progamer in existence), Oov, Fantasy, Bisu, Midas to a lesser degree... What do all of these have in common? Revolutionism. I know it's not a word. It is now. Because this article is about SKT1. And SKT1 has Revolutionism in full flare. The ability to change the face of the game to extent that these 5 players have is unrivaled, individually (IMcompletelyfactualO) and especially in unison. What does this represent? Intelligence. I don't think I need to go into why intelligence is a winning aspect of this game, do I? Just consider the fact that this factors into EVERYTHING - the tailoring of the games, the whole set, the pre-existing abilities and concepts, the depth of their game knowledge, the depth of their ability to prepare counter-strategies before and on the day of the match... [4] History ![]() -- Silence as all of you share a moment of reverence, fear and respect for the Emperor -- This kind of ties together all of my previous points - it's the essence of the team, the connotation of the mere name of SKT1 in the pro scene, the "culture" and the ki and the chakra and the whatever the fuck. It's just what they're made of. They are like the ominous presence in the deep darkness. They are the people who radiate confidence when they enter a room, putting everyone's ego and resolve in the drain. With the Emperor and the Bonjwa Oov undoubtedly at the helm of the SKT1 flagship as master and apprentice, coach and player, the power of the team is undeniable in both pride and support. What I mean by pride is not the hubris which would come naturally to being on this team, I mean the necessity to maintain an image and to perform. You are willing to surrender more for a legacy than you would be if you knew that a loss would be "just another loss." SKT1 does not have those. SKT1 wins. And SKT1 will win this PL finals. --- P.S.: I don't mean to offend anyone; it's late, I'm high, and I wanted to spice things up a bit. I'm just fanboyin', yo. --- EDIT: On July 15 2009 16:14 roronoe wrote: I'm surprised there wasn't a point made about how T1 is already in the finals. Pretty big deal I would think. Anyways, awesome article. gogogo SKT!!!!!!!! I was going to, but I felt it didn't need to be said because I kept referring to them being in the finals. Also, although my post was douchebaggery, I recognize the fact that fatigue (due to playing from say the beginning of play-offs) to the finals is significant when compared to the champions who sat on their throne for a while. However, you have to think of 3 things: 1) Individual leagues. Bisu and Fantasy are in leagues. Not saying that no one else is, but it's safe to say they won't be super-fresh and energetic either. They will be working hard, even besides the finals prep. 2) They don't know who they face until the winner is announced. There is too much to prepare for if you try to plan for 4 or even 2 teams - I imagine that most of their in-depth work starts as soon as the finals are set, much like how the team that just won starts at that moment as well. Sure there could be some pre-planning, but how specific can you get? 3) Fatigue can be overcome by guts. I laughed about "eye of the tiger" in my post, but I have to admit that there is that dark horse magic that creeps into your skull if you are a team like STX and you make it to the finals from the play-offs. Same can be said about Lecaf, but in terms of solidifying their status as near-equals to SKT1 should they come to the finals - and they will be out to prove that they are in fact superior. So, I decided not to include it. I guess I will put this in at the end, thanks! | ||
Canada3684 Posts
On April 14 2010 00:01 ondik wrote: speaking of HoF. What happened with Rekrul's Scandals blog? It disappeared from front page and it's not possible to find it using search function either. It got closed. It was also renamed to Sandals. Located here. | ||
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
Epic shit right here. I remember this from back when I just started lurking TL. | ||
United States41996 Posts
On April 13 2010 07:21 Pokebunny wrote: Show nested quote + On April 13 2010 06:05 scintilliaSD wrote: On April 13 2010 05:38 Boblion wrote: Why Gaetele got banned btw ? I got banned because I was a douchebag to some people who were seriously contributing to the site in ways other than making humorous threads. Right after Blizzcon, where I met the people who I would later betray, no less. You? what. mindblown Yeah. I guess mods decided to give you another chance, still surprised nobody mentioned you had a new aka. | ||
Canada507 Posts
| ||
Netherlands2038 Posts
(my hydra is hard) | ||
United States831 Posts
On April 11 2010 03:08 djsherman wrote: I've added chat functionality to my bot (Porotoss) in a terribly misguided attempt to improve performance, but I think it worked!: More on the topic here: So fucking funny. | ||
United States10654 Posts
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United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
27:05 - Hot_Bid: muta stack is not hack 27:07 - aznycxlenjaii: i know what stacked mutas looked like 27:14 - aznycxlenjaii: its fucking not that stacked gold right here. my god. | ||
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