On February 24 2013 16:04 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Chogath: Cast rupture on self and immediately flash to juke people really hard.
J4: Use QE to clear caster minions off of a wave and not EQ. J4 flag can be used to allow a teammate to teleport in on.
Vayne: IIRC can't she ult tumble out of J4 wall?
There's a video I saw a little while ago where someone TPed on a Jarvan flag mid lane as it despawned so the TP animation didn't show up. The guy showed up out of nowhere and they killed the enemy mid laner.
Trundle's ult's duration (6s) is as long or longer than every armor/mr buff in the game except for Jax's ult (8s), Xin's ult (8s), Shyvana's ult, or Singed's ult (25s). When the armor/mr buff wears off, the stolen amount remains the same and you can drop champs far below their normal values. So, if you ult a Master Yi with 120 armor/mr immediately when he uses meditate, when the spells ends after 5s he'll be reduced to -72.5armor/mr.
Also, if Trundle casts pillar after the start of a dash/leap animation (Jax leap, Ali headbutt, etc.) the spell will be completely blocked.
Lulu: You can use E to increase your Q range substantially. E can also be cast on usually untargettable things like j4 flag and the like.
Ziggs: W knocks people away from its center. When being chased by a melee, throw W slightly in your line of running and only detonate it when you are on the side you want to flee to, and the enemy is on the other side. This will allow you to cover ~50% more effective distance than you could with flash. (thanks to the latest buff it got, you can also jump over almost all walls but the thickest with it.)
Riven: You can flash while your 3rd q is in the air so that the enemy has no possible way to react to the knockback (there's like 0.05 sec window for them to flash if you time it right and that's obviously physically impossible to react to) and personally I'd say this is 100% the best way to engage people who still have flash ready. It can also be used to flash to the opposite side of the opponent so that they get knocked further back from their own turret.
Akali: If you time shadow dash correctly you can often trade places with people who try to gap close on you (against Alistar you won't even take the damage or get any form of knockback from his headbutt).
I was gonna write something for Poppy as well but most of it really just comes down to playing her and learning how to abuse her e and her passive. Edit: There is actually one small tip for Poppy: You can use your e as a gapcloser if you use it on creeps.
Alistar - W-Q combo. Use W on a max range target, then press Q as you fly to reach the target and knock them up without knocking them back. (This one is pretty common knowledge though)
Amumu - If the situation arises, using your ult before you Q can allow you to land an easy Q (flash -> ult -> easy Q). Allows you to maximise CC in otherwise tricky situations
Blitzcrank - You can cast your hook and then move as it is in the air to pull people to unexpected places. Examples of movement are flash and thresh lantern. The hook travels to the original end point of the shot you made.
Darius - Similar to a kennen tip above - you can Q to apply a passive stack, and wait until it is close to faded before going all-in allowing for a faster 5 stack ult.
Draven - maximising axes: Attacking a tower with your axe buff doesnt consume the axe buff and make you catch, it instead refreshes the buff duration. When pushing a tower you can use this to get to the 2 stacks of the axe buff and have an available cooldown after for 3 axes. Reactiving Q when you have the axe buff active refreshes the duration and adds an axe to the count (Assuming you don't already have the max of 2) Wait until the buff is almost faded before reactivating in situations where you can't throw the axes at a target
Fiddlesticks: Dark Wind can do some awesome damage in situations where it can bounce between only champions. Level 1 team fights, or in the ARAM mode
Fiora: Be careful when fighting Jax, his Counter-strike is not only a perfect counter to your burst of speed, but his counter-strike also blocks the attacks from your ult.
LeBlanc - In a tight spot you can use your ultimate to duplicate distortion. You can separately return to each point of cast with W and R. This can lead to some excellent juking by returning and retreating in a new direction.
Pantheon - You can ult on top of a fight, after using your first round of cooldowns - this will give you a brief "flight time" where you cannot be targeted, as well as adding extra damage to the fight your in. This can be particularly useful for killing people trying to tower dive you.
Rammus - You can flash during your powerball to avoid colliding with unintended targets (e.g. a minion wave blocking you from a champion)
Brand: Use QE instead of EQ to minimize telegraphing when stunning a single target. Apply passive with WE or QE on minions to hit opponents standing further
Fiddlesticks: When running away from enemies and there's a brush nearby, flashing into brush and ulting back towards them is a great way to completely turn a situation. (I learned this from playing with Honver a lot)
Orianna: Use E to shield a teammate that's going to gapclose into their team for an easy ult -> W -> Q.
Twisted Fate: Activate Zhonya's right before Gate finishes to bait hella ults (Credit Shakedrizzle's sick TF play)
When ulting as Nocturne, save your W until your ult connects because you are immune to CC whilst jumping, and if they have a blink do not Q or E until they use it, then Q after them. With the speed boost unless they have another jump you are guaranteed the fear.
Diana: If you get in just the right position you can Q then R onto dragon from the blue side, allowing you to solo it at lvl 6 if there is no vision, since her W shield and Q-R every time Q is up drop it pretty fast. Vi: Your E resets your auto attacks allowing you to push towers fast and stack your W fast if you time it right. Quite basic but its useful to know.
Lux: (In response to OP) Can't you HEAR if Light Binding hits a target in fog of war, even if you can't see it? It still makes the sound, doesn't it? (I know other skillshots do this, but haven't played lux recently.)
On February 24 2013 21:20 Wetty wrote: Blitzcrank - You can cast your hook and then move as it is in the air to pull people to unexpected places. Examples of movement are flash and thresh lantern. The hook travels to the original end point of the shot you made.
iirc I saw a Thresh/Blitz vid where the hook would travel relative to Blitz's position, the guy abused it by shooting parallel to his target then grabbing the lantern so his hook would move "diagonally" and hit the target anyway.
Cassiopeia: your ult has a long wind-up animation, so cautious opponents can turn their back if you try to initiate with it. Instead, wait for them to be busy after a teamfight started, or to burn spells trying to initiate on your team. They'll either be too busy to notice and turn around in time, or they'll have committed too much to be able to just walk away.
Evelyn: pinks ward aren't only for the enemy: if he pinks the midlane to see you leave, you can counter-pink it to keep him guessing. He won't be able to destroy it either without giving you an opening if you place it well.
Fiora: each part of her Q applies a stack of her passive, so when trading a quick Q-auto-Q-auto allows a very fast burst that also grants a lot of hp5 instantly. This makes her level 1 trades/all-ins very potent.
Karma: her passive grants her AP based on her % of missing HP, so when fighting don't use your shield immediatly but rather after you've taken some damage if you can afford it, this will enhance the damage from your spells, your shield's strength, and the subsequent heal from a Mantra-Q.
Karthus: using Zhonya isn't only about surviving damage, the timing is also important so spells like Janna's Monsoon or Alistar's Headbutt can't be used against you. It is important to evaluate wether you'll deal more damage with Q or E at several points in the game (especially early) to decide wether you keep casting Q, or chase to keep fleeing enemies into your E AoE.
Kayle: your ult doesn't just prevent its target from dying, it prevents all damage. Don't wait for an ally to be almost dead to cast it on him, but rather try to time it so the enemy team will waste its burst on it, this will be more likely to save your ally.
Leona: your passive is applied to every enemy unit, including jungle monsters, the dragon, and the baron Nashor. You can help your jungler or give a damage increase on an early dragon by spacing your spells correctly. When you need to push a wave you can also E all minions so your lane partner can kill them faster (works very well with AoE pushers like Sivir or Graves).
Malzahar: when pushing, managing mana and spellcasts to maximise the numbers of Voidlings in play will add a lot of damage to the tower (especially if they've been spawned a bit before, as they'll receive buffs).
Mordekaiser: creeping death grants bonus resistances and deals damage to every enemy around its wearer, so when a teamfight splits into smaller engagements it can be better to use it on an ally amidst several opponents rather than on yourself if you're isolated in a 1v1, as it'll replenish your shield faster (especially if you're against a ranged champ: the damage AoE only has 500 range).
Nautilus: your shield is also your primary damage tool. Don't use it as a fight start to reduce the initiation/burst/incidental AoE damage, but right after (providing you can withstand such damage, but you should), so your shield won't break unless the enemy team focuses you, keeping your damage up.
Nunu: especially workable for top lane, you can bait trades during cannon minion waves once you have reduced the cannon minion's HP, so you can consume as soon as your opponent uses his abilities on you, instantly gaining a significant creep advantage on him while reducing his damage.
Talon: your ult has a short cd, don't hesitate to use it rather than Flash if you need to run from a gank—chances are you'll be able to damage the enemy laner if he's trying to get in range of you anyway. You can also use E on minions to move around. Even if the DoT part only affects champions, Talon's Q is a short cooldown autoattack reset that can be used on minions and especially towers to drop them down faster.
Zilean: since your opponents are most likely to stop attacking somebody while your ult is on him, hoping to keep him at low HP and finish him off as soon as the buff wears off, you can effectively ult your team's primary source of damage and have him play more aggressively as the enemy won't want to turn on him. It can also allow a champion with good lifesteal/spellvamp to heal up during that time. If he messes up is positioning he'll still be an easy pick-up once the buff wears off though.
On February 24 2013 10:28 xes wrote: Alistar: You can get one free auto-attack from outside normal AA range after using Headbutt on someone if you right click on them or issue a generic attack-move command fast enough.
Even more easy, you right click them and headbutt as soon as they're in range. Garanteed free auto attack after the headbutt, you don't need to issue any command.
Cho: When you can q around minions to hide the circle. Also if you right click someone right before they get knocked up you'll be able to auto attack them once in the air and then again as they are falling down and then again as their movement is sized up and they have to give a new move order from being knocked up.
On February 24 2013 18:15 Aldrovandi wrote: Trundle's ult's duration (6s) is as long or longer than every armor/mr buff in the game except for Jax's ult (8s), Xin's ult (8s), Shyvana's ult, or Singed's ult (25s). When the armor/mr buff wears off, the stolen amount remains the same and you can drop champs far below their normal values. So, if you ult a Master Yi with 120 armor/mr immediately when he uses meditate, when the spells ends after 5s he'll be reduced to -72.5armor/mr.
Also, if Trundle casts pillar after the start of a dash/leap animation (Jax leap, Ali headbutt, etc.) the spell will be completely blocked.