Gragas: You can cast your barrel roll in the middle of your body slam, and since both abilities travel at about the same speed, both can hit your target at the same time.
Lulu: If you have a heavy initiation champion on your team like malphite, hecarim, amumu or fiddle, you can use your ultimate on them as they get to the opponent team to add extra CC to their combo and help them survive the counterburst.
Sona: If you open Q, only charge up 2 stacks of your passive in the pool. This allows you to help the jungler without using your power chord and still allows you the threat of an early Q+Power Chord poke.
Swain: If you autoattack a minion, but know your attack isn't strong enough to get the lasthit, quickly cast your Q on that minion to add a bit of damage and secure the CS.
As nocturne you can Q while in the air jumping from the ult just before you hit them. That way you get the bonus AD for extra damage for the initial hit, the only skill he has a somewhat decend AD scaling. You also start chasing them with the increased MS right away.
Jayce's Q can reveal enemies hit. I often use it to hit jungle creeps and then jump over with hammer form to get there faster.
Xerath: You can E -> R -> Q in quick succession without fear as the R will land right when E travels to the enemy champion and the stun duration allows you to hit Q. Don't forget to use W if possible for extra damage.
Draven: (Only for norms) You can catch opposing Draven's axes.
Lulu: If you are laning against a safe ADC that is too far to poke with Q, you can cast E on the support (or any other enemy) for the extra range from Pix.
Hecarim: When initiating a gank with your ultimate, activate Devastating Charge (E) right before Onslaught of Shadows (R). E benefits from the extra distance covered with R, and it will allow you to run back into your target combining the knockback with fear from ult for extra displacement.
Cass: -You can bush check with your q for very little mana. IF you hit an enemy champ you will gain the MS bonus. -Her twin fangs work with singed and teemo poison.
Hecarim: when clearing jungle, try and finish the camps with Rampage so you retain the procs for the next camp and lower your cooldown.
In teamfights you can use his large model and unit collision passive to sit on top your ap/adcarry making it really hard for the opponent to focus them.
Ahri: Muramana's toggle (Dealing damage with single target, non-periodic spells or your basic attacks will consume 3% of your current mana to deal 6% of your current mana as magic damage.) procs on each of Ahri's fox fires and spirit rush charges. Even though the abilities hit multiple targets, each proc is considered single target.
Brand: You can cast your Q and then E an enemy to combo your stun quicker. This way, you don't have to E them first, setting them ablaze and making them way more cautious until it wears off.
Cassiopeia: When running away from enemy champions, hit them with Q as much as you can for increased speed. Or even bait them into your ult while they clump up chasing you.
Cho'Gath: In lane, you can harass your enemy by attacking minions with your E turned on if they are close enough to be hit by the spikes.
Diana: You can use Diana's W shield as very effective defense against DoT spells, even if your shield is not a high level. Activate the shield when the DoT is placed on you, then time the 3rd sphere to detonate against minions to refresh it and grant you the shield again for the DoT.
Dr Mundo: Make sure to turn off your W whenever possible to conserve the maximum amount of health you can. It's easy to leave it on between jungle camps or as you're running away from an unsuccessful gank. Also, if you know you only need one more auto attack or Q to finish off a minion or monster, turn the W off early to save that little bit extra too.
Draven: Draven's Spinning Axes will fall in the direction you move after you throw them. After some practice, you can use this to position them to land almost exactly where you want them to.
Evelynn: After her ult nerf, it now deals damage based on the enemies CURRENT health instead of MAX health. So using it first now gives a greater benefit than just the slow CC, it also maximises the damage is will do to enemies.
Ezreal: Remember that your ultimate CANNOT be interrupted under any circumstances even though it has a windup time.
Gangplank: Using your E will increase your AD giving you increased damage on your Q.
Garen: Your Q has 2 effects, a movement speed increase (4 sec) and the next auto attack being a silence (within 6 sec). You can use this to bait your enemy back in once your movement speed increase wears off.
Graves: When running away from an enemy champion, auto attacking (kiting) it will lower the cooldown of your E so you can dash more frequently.
Hecarim: You can Q an enemy for extra damage just before your E runs out when you're ganking an enemy champion. This is because your passive gives a percentage of your bonus movement speed as AD, which makes your AD rise as you speed up with E, giving your Q more damage.
Irelia: If your enemy laner if playing safe and you want to be aggressive, wait til an enemy caster minion at the back is low, then Q it, get the reset, and Q your enemy for an engage. Just make sure you can comfortably win the trade becuase you give up your Q escape to engage.
Janna: If you're being chased by multiple champions, be careful about using your W to slow one of them as it reduces the bonus movement speed you have for yourself. This may allow to other enemy chasing you to catch up. Sometimes it might be more beneficial to just Q when you can, and save your W passive movement speed. It could save your life.
Jarvan IV: If you want to wave clear fromm a distance without pulling yourself to your Standard, Q first and then drop your E. That way you can clear safely from a distance without putting yourself in possible danger.
Jarvan IV: You can ultize your ultimate to escape from enemies just as well as engaging them. Make sure you have enough mana, then Ult the enemies chasing you, and E Q combo yourself out. Providing you leave your ultimate up by not collapsing it, your enemies will be stuck in there for its 3.5 second duration while you run away to safety.
Jax: Use your W immediately after an auto as a reset to build your passive stacks up faster.
Jax: For some quick harass in lane, once you have your ult, attack minions twice (so your 3rd attack does bonus damage from your ult passive), then use a Q, auto, W combo against the enemy champion and simply walk away. Use E afterwards if they're attempting to either chase or counter harass you in return.
Karthus: Your ult has a long channel time giving plenty of time for the enemy to CC you, and put it on cooldown before it goes off. You can wait until you die for your passive to kick in, enabling you to cast ult without being interrupted.
Kassadin: Make use of your passive when fighting against someone with heavy magic damage. You gain increased attack speed equal to the amount of magic damage you block (15%) from enemy abilities. This will stack, giving you a HUGE attack speed steroid against champions with high/spammable magic damage. Combined with your W which makes your autos do bonus magic damage, you can win trades almost purely by auto attacking in some cases. It's hard to judge, but with experience you should be able to get more and more out of your engagements.
Kassadin: Your E requires 6 charges of spells cast either by yourself or nearby champions. You can however use your E from 3 charges with this combo: R Q W (now 6 stacks) E.
Katarina: If you're about to recieve damage from a channeled, unavoidable ability such as a Karthus ult, time your Shunpo within 1.5 seconds of the enemy ability dealing damage to you. After using Shunpo, you recieve 15% less damage from all sources for the next 1.5 seconds, possibly saving your life if you're low health.
Kayle: Depending on the situation, you can use your ultimate for different purposes. You can use it at the beginning of a fight to block a lot of burst damage from the enemy team. Or it could be better to save someone on low health so they can flash/escape from a fight.
Kennen: You can use the mark from your auto attack once W is levelled at least once to zone your opponent out on lane while you last hit with Q. your auto attack mark is the only ranged, non skillshot mark you can put on an enemy aside from your ultimate. If you do manage to land the mark on the enemy, a quick Q W will stun your enemy fromm range allowing you to burst them for free for attempting to last hit.
Kha'Zix: If you have evolved your E, remember that the jump resets on kill or assist. This will allow you to towerdive someone with your E, kill them, and then also E to safety due to the reset.
Leona: You can E Q someone and THEN use your ult for a guarenteed hit on the center resulting in a massive CC chain. Also, if it's not risky, you can time it with your team mates for them to proc your passive damage buff from allies on every single one of your abilities. This is much more efficient than using all of your abilities straight away only allowing one proc of your passive at the end.
Leona: You can use your passive to help your AD Carry last hit in lane. Especially useful when you're pushed to your tower.
Malphite: Using W will increase your Armor, which in turn will increase the damage you do with your E as it scales off of Armor.
Malzahar: It is possible to have 2 Voidlings at once if you have enough cooldown reduction.
Xerath: You can E, and then Q an enemy before the E has landed. If you time it right, because of the Q wind up time, the E will have reached the enemy and they will be stunned.
Rammus: Even though Rammus's passive gives you more AD for building more Armor. Don't neglect your magic resist in favour of your passive. After all, Rammus is a tank so AD is not the most important stat to have on him. Plus the bonus AD is only 25% which is not game breaking by any means.
Syndra: Muramana's toggle (Dealing damage with single target, non-periodic spells or your basic attacks will consume 3% of your current mana to deal 6% of your current mana as magic damage.) procs on each of Syndra's ult spheres.
Ziggs: Even though your ultimate has massive range, the enemy team/players can see where it's going to land, and it has a longer travel time the further you are away. Enemies can almost always out run your entire ultimate when thrown at max range, so try to be as close as you can.
Cho'gath: Most top champions AA harass gets out done by minion aggro, especially with Cho'gath's passive. Just Q and W, go back to last hitting, , get one or two AA's when he runs away, and you'll win almost every trade.
Orianna: Smart cast the Q to attack, but just click Q to check if the person is in range of you (the leash range is a lot greater than the Q range on the ball). Right clicking will get rid of the target circle. Helps a lot when trying to aim the ball and to keep moving.
I'm not sure which ones have been listed already:
Ashe, Nidalee, Ezreal: Some characters can get hit with skillshots behind a minion because their collision is too large.
Elise/Nid/Jayce: Only swap forms if you've exhausted what the current form can do for the situation.
Elise: Her Q will bring her spiderlings with her.
Fiora: W counters Udyr's abilities and prevents them from landing their "first hit" stuff.
Hecarim: You can super-peel with R, then E. Charge E, R in, then land the E.
Anti-Karthus: Nidalee/Caitlyn/Graves can hop over the wall.
Lux: If you time your shield right, you can block 2 tower shots. One out, one on the return.
Master Yi: I see this a ton and it's totally noob. If you use R, don't use Q to also gap close. R pretty much guarantees you'll stick on them. Save Q to dodge things or disengage focus. Also Q right before a kill in a teamfight to get the reset.
Rammus; Lvl 1-5 jungle, time your defensive ball curl against golem/lizard until right before they strike to get another hit worth of protection.
Sejuani/Vi/Jarvan: All 3 of these characters can dash to the brush from top/bottom tower peninsula near blue for stealth ganks.
Sona: Start Q level 1 and charge up power chord @ fountain for surprise level 1 burst. Depending on masteries you can charge this up as you go to lane so you're not behind. Mana will regen by the time minions spawn. Her R doesn't need to collide with the character model, just the character collision. Some characters have large collision spheres.
Soraka/Fiddle/Elise: Auto attack takes so long to hit the target you can attack a champion and retreat without alerting minions.
Vayne: Her Q will automatically target the last thing you auto attacked before you hit Q, if it is in range. Use this knowledge to relax with her a bit and not fuck up dps.
Viegar: Before your enemy has merc treads you can stun->meteor fairly reliably. After, you cannot, so try to meteor->stun to ensure the hit. Try to treat the prison like a stun rather than a trap. If you get good at casting it so the edge spawns on a champion you'll be able to use it as a skillshot stun.
Yorick/Renekton: Yorick Q and Renekton W do not proc on towers, but they do reset your autoattack. It's generally not a good idea to waste these on towers unless you are trying to abuse Sheen-proc. The ability isn't wasted. You gain a buff that is consumed on your next autoattack vs a non-tower thing. However, the ability does not go on cooldown until the buff ends.
General game collision: The game mostly collides with spheres. The reason Alistar freaks out if vayne E's him during a headbutt is because collision may be temporally interpenetrating, causing the hit vector to be reversed. Hits appear to be calculated from the center of the collision sphere rather than perimeter the of the sphere. This may need a diagram. Let me know if you want one unless someone can explain it better.
On February 25 2013 01:37 Alaric wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2013 21:20 Wetty wrote: Kayle: your ult doesn't just prevent its target from dying, it prevents all damage. Don't wait for an ally to be almost dead to cast it on him, but rather try to time it so the enemy team will waste its burst on it, this will be more likely to save your ally.
Also: Remember Kayle's ult doesn't block CC in anyway - again adding to the argument of using it to avoid burst. If used on a low health target who is trying to escape, you can be hit with a stun or slow that keeps you close for the duration of the ult. (Or a stun to stop you from lifestealing/spell vamping)
On February 25 2013 01:43 Sponkz wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2013 22:40 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On February 24 2013 22:28 Sponkz wrote: Irelia - Press W before you Q in, as the true-damage will apply on hit.
Taric - Use your Shatter before you ult someone. Your ult will reset your auto-attack timer giving you an extra boost of damage.
Actually I'm pretty sure RW is the correct order because R gives you 30/50/70 AP which translates to an extra 18/30/42 damage I always valued the armor shred. Getting a lvl 6 AD down 20 armor is a big deal, especially since you also get +30 AD on top of your retarded base AD. It's the exact same amount of time to cast both and you still get both the shred and the auto reset. RW is just more damage always. If you want to do it wrong that's fine but I'm pretty sure the point of this tip is to optimize damage and RW is just strictly better.
Shaco Shaco has a very small (.5 sec-1 sec) invulnerability window as you Ultimate and your clone appears. You can use this to dodge targeted killing blows if you time it right (Garen Ult, Karthus Ult,). Not easy but can save your life and make you look so boss if pulled off.
The slow from majestic roar has a 425 range, and can be used while running with your Q procced. 425 range is the AA range of Morg and Urgot (and Karma but nobody plays her), so definitely use it before flinging to guarantee a burned flash or fling. The fear also procs on Shaco clones, Morde ghost, and Annie's Tibbers, so using it before flinging is a good idea to chunk people down without their minions destroying you.
Vayne: Her Q will automatically target the last thing you auto attacked before you hit Q, if it is in range. Use this knowledge to relax with her a bit and not fuck up dps. Iirc Vayne's Tumble simply dashes toward your cursor, so maybe what you want to say instead is that she'll automatically try to resume attacking her previous target after a Q, rather than attack whatever is close to her?
2 things about Thresh:
1) It's easy to forget this, but his hook (q) works not only to drag an enemy and to reposition Thresh but also as a 1.5 second stun, so its frequently worth it to use your hook even if the enemy is right next to you.
2) Thresh has awesome peeling power. If your team doesn't need you to initiate with your hook/ult, wait for the enemy to dive your carry then hook/reposition/E the assassin. This works wonders because your adc will start kiting backwards with the enemy heroes in tow, making it almost impossible to miss your hook (considering you're standing in the front with the tanks)
You put some Draven advice under Diana, btw.
Jayce: Your shock blast and your acceleration gate reveals bushes. At level 1, you can have a lot of safety just by checking bushes with your shock blast or acceleration gate
Jayce: Your w in cannon form still works when you switch over to hammer form. If you are about to switch to hammer form to attack the enemy, it can be worth it to activate w first, putting you in melee range with max attack speed.
On February 25 2013 10:17 Wetty wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2013 01:37 Alaric wrote:On February 24 2013 21:20 Wetty wrote: Kayle: your ult doesn't just prevent its target from dying, it prevents all damage. Don't wait for an ally to be almost dead to cast it on him, but rather try to time it so the enemy team will waste its burst on it, this will be more likely to save your ally.
Also: Remember Kayle's ult doesn't block CC in anyway - again adding to the argument of using it to avoid burst. If used on a low health target who is trying to escape, you can be hit with a stun or slow that keeps you close for the duration of the ult. (Or a stun to stop you from lifestealing/spell vamping) Furthermore, ult someone who is going to be manly if you need to turn a teamfight around. Ulting a fleeing target doesn't turn a teamfight around.
The same goes for lulu ult. You get a lot more out of lulu ult when you use it early, and on someone manly.
Gragas: you can also EW immediately to take a drink while sliding along the ground. It only eats up the first few tenths of a second of the drinking channel, but sometimes that's all you need.
also pretty much everyone knows this one but Poppy: Ult the enemy that can do the least do you, particularly with regards to CC.
Zilean classic bomb tricks: If a minion is within kill range of a single bomb, QWQ it. Placing the second bomb sets off the first, which kills the minion and immediately sets off the second. (I used to run Smite on Zilean just to do this lololol) Bomb and speedboost your team's initiator before he goes in. Bomb invisible allies and the enemy won't know what hit them (not really practical, but funny). On a related note, I think you can bomb allied Shaco boxes and Teemo shrooms.
Fiora: Riposte also parries skills that count as autoattacks, such as Parrrley and Mystic Shot. Blade Waltz makes you untargetable, but not invincible - DoT effects will continue to hurt you, stat reductions will continue to affect you, and so on, during your ult.