Your mantra/Q (Soulflare) behaves differently than the standard one; it explodes whether or not it hits something, and can thus be used to score hits in lane. Often your ordinary Q can be targeted on a minion to hit a champion near it.
Your shield works on minions too. This can be used to mess up enemy lasthitting or shield a minion being targeted by a turret to give you more time to score turret damage. (Your mantra/E does not spread to minions.)
If you rightclick on an enemy champion (make sure you pick a champion; they're the big ones) and roll your forehead on your keyboard you can carry any team!
On January 30 2014 09:53 Dandel Ion wrote:Show nested quote +On January 25 2014 10:11 ShaLLoW[baY] wrote:On January 25 2014 02:25 NrG.Bamboo wrote: Lissandra: In dominion, you can cast e at 1:18 towards a capture point, and at 1:20 click e again and you will begin significantly farther ahead than anyone else when the gate opens. Is that necessarily better? I remember reading that the respawn timer is longer if your team is winning, even by one point (something to do with comeback mechanics). yes if you die that early you're more likely than not going to use revive anyway
i'm talking like, if you die during the fight for top and your team is losing by even just one point your respawn time is lower than theirs which means that you could beat them back top (barring revives)
On February 21 2014 18:50 ESportsMoodle wrote: Hi WaveofShadow
For Akali you can use the combo like
Throw Q and Wait for Q cooldown . R and AA Throw Q again AA/Crescent Slash Wait for Q cooldown to come off before repeating combo again.
As volibear try not to engage with rolling thunder as this diminishes your sticking ability substantially. instead try to walk up and start auto attacking and as they try to run use your q to flip then then your roar to slow them a short time after (never at the same time but rather as they start to walk past you again).
As volibear when trading always save your W untill the end of the trade as this is an execute and does damage based on their missing health for an unexpected nuke.
As volibear remember your damage scales off of attack speed while using his ulti. (his ulti is far more powerful then people expect) always work in attack speed into your tanky builds for teamfight effectiveness and apply above suggestions.
Yasuo : if you pick him you win the game
On February 24 2014 15:56 arb wrote: Yasuo : if you pick him you win the game You can use your E to dodge enemy spells. You can use your W to block enemy spells. And if that doesn't work and they actually hit you, you get a free hefty shield that activates on taking damage. + Show Spoiler +
If you didn't throw your spear at full length, quickly turn cat form, and jump opposite way. - wei2coolman
Should probably be removed, because it doesn't work anymore.
Some other nidalee tips to replace it.
The damage of abilities in cougar form is determined only by how many points you have in you're R, not by the points in your other skills. (A lvl 1 ult cougar e when you have 3 points in heal does the same damage as when you have 1 point in heal.) But you still need at least one point in each skill (q,w,e) to use them.
Nidalee has a huge power spike at levels 6, 11 and 16. At these levels the base damages on her cougar form abilities go up by a lot, so if you're close to level 11/16, wait for the level up before going in to do much more damage. Her level 6 burst also often catches people off guard, just her cougar form rotation can often oneshot squishy mids if they're <~50% hp, so if you land a spear you can often flash->w->e->q->ignite for an easy kill.
If you're jungler is coming in to gank don't be afraid to dive in with ult to help burst him down. Throwing a spear, then cougar form w-> e-> q is a lot of burst and can often help secure a kill.
Getting a red trinket mid-lategame can help land spears while sieging. If you clear out the wards in the area you'll be throwing spears from, it's a lot harder for them to dodge them.
Setting a button to selfcast your e can save you in lots of situations, (i use T.) Being able to instantly heal yourself easily in chaotic situations can often save your life, (and it makes things like jumping away with w, turning human then healing yourself much faster, just w->r->t)
Once you have a few points in your e, it gives a lot of attack speed to whoever you use it on. If you're trying to damage a tower/dragon, don't be afraid to heal yourself just for the attack speed, even at full health. Also, casting it on your adc can give a huge damage boost to you're team in teamfights.
no Jax tips at all? or has this just not been updated
jax tips
1. ward jump: (ward hotkey) + Q 2. post 6 trade ult proc prep: auto-attack minions twice then Q enemy champ so ult proc and then you can w for aa reset
so aa + aa + q + aa + w (+ aa)
(yeah idk how to name this trade thing)
3. hope bot lane carries you if you get shit on by renekton, and etc.
New York City13113 Posts
Jax: W doesn't proc on towers but does reset your AA (and possibly proc Triforce). You want to reset as soon as possible when your ASPD is still low. Also, your ult passive wears off at the same speed as your passive, so you can use your passive stacks to know how long you have on your ult passive.
Q procs the 3rd ULT passive? I though the ult passive is only basic attack modifier; and that Q works with W only
On March 22 2014 02:53 GrandInquisitor wrote: Jax: W doesn't proc on towers but does reset your AA (and possibly proc Triforce). You want to reset as soon as possible when your ASPD is still low. Also, your ult passive wears off at the same speed as your passive, so you can use your passive stacks to know how long you have on your ult passive.
I actually feel like they should lengthen the passive on jax, by just a short amount ofcourse, it's just too easy to lose your attack speed stack in the laning phase... especially considering how weak his early game atm (my opinion, but I just suck with the jax)
Also, I've been mastering Sivir for a while now.. Her w is an auto attack reset, you can use it to quickly trade 2 aa's for one. Her boomerang blade is a difficult skillshot imo, it moves very slow so use it carefully. Best used either so the very edges of the skillshot hit the enemy (for fastest trade power) or in the direction the cc is going (in the form of a champion or skill) Don't be afraid to use her ult even when it seems like you won't be able to catch them. You will catch them and they will have to burn either summoners or disengaging skills.
PS: If you have to escape or are being chased, don't hesitate to use (if you still have some mana ofcourse) a q or w behind you, your passive will give you some movement speed and might just be the difference between making it out alive or not.
Sivir: Against Leona, save your spell shield for her q stun (the point blank one), not her e (the lance). If you spell shield Leona's lance, she stills travels to you even though your spell shield is consumed, so she can stun you. If you wait, Leona will be on top of you, but it takes some time for her to auto and land the stun, which is enough time to activate the spell shield, and not be stunned.
Assuming your support does his job and you're both attacking the enemy ADC, you'll probably win the trade because a lot of Leona's power relies upon the stun. Or you can just walk away taking minimal damage (since the enemy ADC won't really have much time to get damage down on you). If done consistently, this makes Sivir extremely slippery against Leona, and it gives you a massive edge in lane early.
The Leona has several counter responses: they can save their q and wait for your spell shield to be down, wait for one one of their ADCs abilities to take your shield down, or the wait for her w to take the shield down (this requires precise timing on their part if they don't want any delay on their stun), but even if they do any of these, usually the extra time/damage you soak up is enough to make the trade favorable.
It gets more difficult post 6 when Leona's ult comes into play, but pre-6 if you get the timing down, its really hard for Leona to lockdown Sivir.
Sona: Use your q twice on summoner's circle so your first q and auto in lane has a power chord, for extra damage.
Kennen: Use your w after your first ult tick to apply marks of the storm more quickly and do extra damage to everyone in your ult. The stun will come sooner if you do this.
Irelia: Activate your w before you use q when attacking a champion- hiten style is an on-hit effect, so when you blade surge it will apply true damage (since blade surge applies on-hit effects). Also, the hiten-style on-hit effect can be quite helpful when using the bladesurge refresh on a minion to close the gap against an opponent- you can use this tactic when the minion has more health than usual if you activate hiten style first, often taking your opponent by surprise.
Mundo: It often helps to not cleaver someone on cooldown if you're worried about accuracy. Your target will try to dodge, but they tend to do it in short bursts when they "expect" you to throw a cleaver. If you wait half a second, they'll often stop trying to dodge.
Sejuani: A prime time to land a game changing ult is when the enemy team is pursuing you thinking they have a superior position. They'll forget about their positioning and clump up, turn around and throw a bola in their face. Be careful that no individual target steps too far ahead- they can block the ult from hitting the rest of their team.
Sejuani tip #2: Save your e if you know you're going to ult soon. Half of the strength of Sejuani's ult is you coat everyone you hit with frost, so you can use your e on them all, adding a significant amount of damage, and making them extremely slow after they're no longer stunned. Be sure to be in range of them first- Glacial Prison slightly outranges Permafrost (dashing in with q is more than enough, if you haven't already).
On March 22 2014 02:56 nosliw wrote: Q procs the 3rd ULT passive? I though the ult passive is only basic attack modifier; and that Q works with W only
q doesnt proc 3rd ult passive. i meant you q the champion and then get the ult-proc auto attack
I guess another tip:
Since Jax has mix of both physical and magic damage, you can easily level your abilities or even itemize around your enemy laner's resistances. For example, if he invests heavily in armor and neglects mr, you can simply max empower for more magic damage.
Lee sin: You can ult and then quickly flash behind the target kicking away from the direction you flashed to.
I didn't read all the answers, so there may be tips already mentioned.
Lee Sin Hit a target with Q, slow him down with your E and then walk behind him since he's slowed down, to kick him to your teammates in tf's. Works also in lane, they won't be able to escape then. Best situation is if there are also some minions / wards etc, then just W after your ulti if you don't wanna lose time and keep the pressure on your victim.
Ziggs If you go all-in or in similar situations, place your W behind the enemy and activate it again, to push the enemy next to you. Then strike him down. I prefer to do this when I've already hit the enemy with 1-2 Q's and passive AA, since it's a really secure kill then. So at its best wait with your W until he tries to escape. You can also jump over walls and stuff with your W.
Draven If you have a Soraka supp who can give you mana, you can poke your opponents pretty easily with W and Q's. Don't do this too often if you don't have a Soraka supp since you're going oom pretty fast.
Nami It usually is the best to place your Q a little bit behind your enemy. Why? They know that you're going to Q as soon as you go near them, so they'll try to retreat. At higher Levels you need to study the enemies dodging ways and react to it.
Miss Fortune:
During teamfights (or pre-teamfight dancing) position yourself at an angle to hit 3 or more targets with your ult. If the opportunity arises, don't wait for your team to engage; ult and your team will follow up. This catches the enemy by surprise, maximizes your damage from your ult in teamfights and takes advantage of what would be wasted opportunities.
I've got some tips for people interested in Thresh
1. As all of you guys probably know, Thresh's Q has two parts to it; the first part will immobilize and drag your target towards you, and activating the skill a second time within a small time frame will pull you towards the enemy. Use it to escape sticky situations by hooking neutral monsters over walls.
2. Your W will drag your ally to where you are once he or she clicks on it. Once your ally clicks on your lantern, he will follow you until he reaches your location. Use flash to jump over a wall while your ally is in mid-flight to move him across as well.
3. A common thing to do as Thresh is to hook someone, then throw a lantern behind you so that when you press Q again to go to him, your ally can click the lantern to close distance quickly. Good Thresh players know to wait until your ally clicks on his lantern to activate your Q again. That way, both of you will travel right next to your target.
4. Throw your lantern into bushes if you're scared of blind checking. Your lantern provides a bit of vision so you'll be able to see any 'surprises' before you walk in.
5. Throw your lantern in front of people instead of throwing it directly on them. That way, it's easier for them to actually click on it to get to safety.
Edit: Had some more time so I thought I'd write some tips on Lee Sin...
There are various combos you can execute as Lee Sin. These combos take a good amount of practice to execute and perfect, but once you do it feels fucking awesome.
1. The first combo was popularized by insec and it involves Lee Sin quickly closing distance using his Q, then immediately moving behind your intended target and kicking them towards your team. Q --> Q (to fly) --> Flash (behind target) --> R (Kick towards team) --OR-- Q --> Q --> Place a ward behind target --> W (jump to ward) --> R
2. The second combo is not as hard but it can dish out a good amount of damage, so keep it in your back pocket. Use Q to tag an enemy, then use your R and kick the target away so they cant do anything. Use Q again to immediately catch up to your target as soon as the knockback from your ultimate ends. You can then use E to dish out additional damage if necessary. Q --> R (kick back) --> Q --> E Another variant of this combo is to kick your enemy first, then throw your Q in the direction of the knockback. Your ultimate makes it very easy for you to tag your enemy, since your target will not be able to dodge your Sonic Wave. R --> Q --> Q --> E (if necessary)