[Champion] Janna - Page 5
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Canada4525 Posts
On January 17 2012 15:11 Norada wrote: Normally I would go 0/21/9 on her for masteries. for runes I personally run, gp5 quints, red armor, yellow armor, mr blues. makes you super tanky in lane and for team fights. janna is very nice in soloq(at lower lvls) because most of the time the other team cant pressure you out and late game youre normally better than most supports if played correctly. Basically this is the exact method that I run (I have MR per level blues, not flats though which maybe different). I'm pretty sure this is pretty standard, especially soloque build. Xpecial runs it a little bit different, I can't remember what it is, he doesn't run what his guide says though. Nyph runs the squishy Janna going 0/9/21 and run Gold quints/Gold Yellows/Armor Reds/AP blues...which I'm not too sure about, especially the gold yellows, but I never did the math, however..I'd assume 21 in utility + gold quints is already more than enough gold ticks. | ||
United States314 Posts
On January 17 2012 15:00 schmutttt wrote: I open up faerie charm wards x3 pots x2, usually don't b until I have enough for a philo/HoG and at least one ward if I can, then will get T1 boots and build an aegis/shurelyas depending on opposition team comp. I run 0/3/27 (With three points in armor) on her, and in terms of runes I go gp5 quints, and a mixture of mana/mana regen/armor. Constructive criticism would be much appreciated ![]() I wouldn't wait so long to start your gp10 train. With 0cs, you're waiting for 620+825+75 = a lot of gold. On my first buy I will usually be able to grab philo + boots + 2 wards. Maybe if there were successful ganks I can get an early oracles if i'm ahead, but that's usually for next buy if i'm ahead. My general item progression is (I'm 1555 highest btw) faerie 3ward 2 pot -> philo+ boots1 -> kage's/kindlegem/oracles (some or all) -> mobility boots -> shurelyia's/aegis. If the game is still going on by now, I might be asked to get stark's for my AD, but will usually have one slot open and always buying 5 wards and having oracles in best case scenario I run 9/0/21 for cooldowns ( I see little benefit for 9 in defense, I don't put myself out of position to take needless damage early game), and heal + cv. Janna is way too fragile to initiate with, and you want to be sure you're actually alive and in position to shield your carry, slow their bruisers and tornado guys off your carry edit* skill build i do 1point in Q, then E, then W, then max E and W respectively, Q last edit** I didn't mean 9 in offense, just 8 for the cdr lol, 10% magic pen doesn't really do much, the last point can be put into anything else in support usually | ||
United States6980 Posts
With the gold masteries I open fairy charm, 1 health pot, 2 green wards and 1 pink ward. Control ALL THE BUSHES! Get early philo, and maybe another gp5 item if you're feeling lazy and/or your lane got an early double kill or something. Otherwise I usually grab a random dorans ring, or rush to kindle. I also like to get oracles nice and early on Janna because unless you do something dumb you're really hard to actually catch/kill. Aegis is fun, starks is fun, or I also like Morellos. Max out your CDR, get plenty of mana, and Janna's shield scales really well with AP so I never feel like it's wasted. Once you have like shurelia and some other cdr, just be a ward machine. Ward everywhere! | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On January 19 2012 00:07 Haemonculus wrote: I'm also torn on masteries for Janna. I've tried 21 defense, which is nice but you're actually pretty hard to catch and the cooldown mastery in the defense tree doesn't really go big until later. Also tried 0/9/21, but I think if you're going utility you'd might as well go 9/0/21 for more cooldowns. Janna loves them cooldowns. With the gold masteries I open fairy charm, 1 health pot, 2 green wards and 1 pink ward. Control ALL THE BUSHES! Get early philo, and maybe another gp5 item if you're feeling lazy and/or your lane got an early double kill or something. Otherwise I usually grab a random dorans ring, or rush to kindle. I also like to get oracles nice and early on Janna because unless you do something dumb you're really hard to actually catch/kill. Aegis is fun, starks is fun, or I also like Morellos. Max out your CDR, get plenty of mana, and Janna's shield scales really well with AP so I never feel like it's wasted. Once you have like shurelia and some other cdr, just be a ward machine. Ward everywhere! 21 in util for flash ults erry day. the extra cash from greed can pay for enough additional studiness to eclipse 21 in def. | ||
Denmark4564 Posts
On January 19 2012 00:07 Haemonculus wrote: I'm also torn on masteries for Janna. I've tried 21 defense, which is nice but you're actually pretty hard to catch and the cooldown mastery in the defense tree doesn't really go big until later. Also tried 0/9/21, but I think if you're going utility you'd might as well go 9/0/21 for more cooldowns. Janna loves them cooldowns. With the gold masteries I open fairy charm, 1 health pot, 2 green wards and 1 pink ward. Control ALL THE BUSHES! Get early philo, and maybe another gp5 item if you're feeling lazy and/or your lane got an early double kill or something. Otherwise I usually grab a random dorans ring, or rush to kindle. I also like to get oracles nice and early on Janna because unless you do something dumb you're really hard to actually catch/kill. Aegis is fun, starks is fun, or I also like Morellos. Max out your CDR, get plenty of mana, and Janna's shield scales really well with AP so I never feel like it's wasted. Once you have like shurelia and some other cdr, just be a ward machine. Ward everywhere! I just feel that 21 uti forces you to get both cv and flash since you basicly masteried for it. You just need your carry to run heal then, and most people prefer cleanse/exhaust :/ | ||
United States6980 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
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United States314 Posts
On January 19 2012 07:11 Sponkz wrote: It's more like you already get lower CD on summoners so CV becomes somewhat useful and it's kinda good in that situation that i don't feel the need for heal. And flash 2gud on janna I wouldn't take flash on her. Janna is way too fragile to initiate with it. You NEED to be alive during the fights, making sure you can use Q,W,E to ensure your carry stays alive. You use your ult to pin teams into chokes, keep guys off your carry and what not. I you are the only initiation your team has, you've got a problem | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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China482 Posts
Also im a 1900janna player and have 70% wr on her. | ||
United States6980 Posts
edit: as for CDR in the defense tree, you get 6% cdr at lvl1 in the util tree, which is going to help more laning than the like .5% per level you get in def. I think defense tree has its uses on some supports, but I don't think janna needs it | ||
China482 Posts
Also enlightenment equals out with intelligence by lvl 12 or so, and going defense tree you can easily go offense like I said too so you'll have more cdr compared to going deep line utility(12vs6). going offense and utility seems a bit ballsy also because the defense armor and mr are really nice. looking at it more carefully looks like going something like 8/22/0 could be very strong. giving up greed is pretty sad though but i agree with flash ulting, only if the game is already over and youre just fucking around or have a 100% chance of knocking someone back for a quick kill it hsould only be done lol | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Janna is an aggressive yet very dafe support. I have no idea why you would want 21 defense or util. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
On January 20 2012 02:23 Norada wrote: with janna you can just pickup the extra 4% cdr from offense instead of going any into utility.it's about a difference of about .1s off the cd. only thing is would you rather have the extra ap+heal+dmg reduction+cc reduction compared to what you get in utility. Greed is pretty nice though. Also enlightenment equals out with intelligence by lvl 12 or so, and going defense tree you can easily go offense like I said too so you'll have more cdr compared to going deep line utility(12vs6). going offense and utility seems a bit ballsy also because the defense armor and mr are really nice. looking at it more carefully looks like going something like 8/22/0 could be very strong. giving up greed is pretty sad though but i agree with flash ulting, only if the game is already over and youre just fucking around or have a 100% chance of knocking someone back for a quick kill it hsould only be done lol Offense and utility gives you maximum possible CDR in the lane. Its really not that risky if you're pulling ahead on trades, and if you aren't, then going 9 into defense probably wouldn't have changed that. Alternatively, if your lane comp is bad, its likely that your janna pick was to leverage her ult in team fights vs something like kennen, not for her ability to crush the lane. In both cases, I'd prefer 9/0/21. On January 20 2012 02:35 spinesheath wrote: 21/1/7 and one point for whatever you want. Janna is an aggressive yet very dafe support. I have no idea why you would want 21 defense or util. Alternatively this. | ||
China482 Posts
On January 20 2012 03:23 L wrote: Offense and utility gives you maximum possible CDR in the lane. Its really not that risky if you're pulling ahead on trades, and if you aren't, then going 9 into defense probably wouldn't have changed that. Alternatively, if your lane comp is bad, its likely that your janna pick was to leverage her ult in team fights vs something like kennen, not for her ability to crush the lane. In both cases, I'd prefer 9/0/21. Alternatively this. I guess it's all just personal preference because you actually get more cdr from going defense and offense. After lvl 12 of course. So before lvl 12 there isnt much of a difference in cdr, but youre just in general more tanky to take the dmg from any kind of exchange or gank. Since most smart players try to exchange with janna. As support you build tanky because in team fights you try and sit in front of your carry to tank the skillshots if you can also, going 21offensive doesnt seem good at all. Being more tanky means you can survive the aoe/burst that may happen to you also, being able to stay in a fight longer is pretty nice. | ||
United States6980 Posts
I'll take cooldown reduction any day | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On January 20 2012 10:20 Haemonculus wrote: Why would you go in offense though? So your autos in lane hurt a tiny bit more? o.O I'll take cooldown reduction any day Janna does 3 things in lane: 1) Sit back and shield damage. Only when you are losing the lane. Indicates a bad pick usually. CDR would help here, but you should avoid getting into this situation rather than provoke it by using a setup that is weak in combat. 2) Harrass in small bursts. These are mainly dictated by lasthit timings of both ADs and positioning. Cooldowns are not relevant for this. Offense helps quite a bit. 3) Engage and commit hard. Offense simply is superior for this. That "tiny bit more" actually is pretty significant. | ||
Canada4525 Posts
Also, I don't get the obsession with CDR for skills. Of course she'll reach max CDR by the time she hits mid-late game since everyone builds Reverie, but early game shouldn't it be dead weight? If you use autoattacks, positioning and conserve your spells, you will almost never be in a situation where that additional half a second would have been useful (especially if you run flash/heal or exhaust/heal). Janna's mana pool also isn't very good to start, having CDR but not enough mana to back it up seems useless. | ||
Canada3508 Posts
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