mog's been under a rock or something XD yeah armor pen doesnt affect towers anymore
Doran's ring -> boots 1 + another ring if laning phase is slow -> Swiftness boots
Mejais + Leviathans -> GG WIN GAME
My other build:
mana manip -> catalyst -> Soul shroud -> RoA -> Doesn't matter, gg win game. Requires health quints if they have garen. Be a friggin' psychic when picking rune page.
United States47024 Posts
On November 06 2010 23:04 ghen wrote: My other build:
mana manip -> catalyst -> Soul shroud -> RoA -> Doesn't matter, gg win game. Requires health quints if they have garen. Be a friggin' psychic when picking rune page. No boots, and planning around 5k worth of items?
On November 07 2010 02:40 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2010 23:04 ghen wrote: My other build:
mana manip -> catalyst -> Soul shroud -> RoA -> Doesn't matter, gg win game. Requires health quints if they have garen. Be a friggin' psychic when picking rune page. No boots, and planning around 5k worth of items?
Boots are assumed and the first two items build into the second two items.
United States47024 Posts
On November 07 2010 03:29 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 02:40 TheYango wrote:On November 06 2010 23:04 ghen wrote: My other build:
mana manip -> catalyst -> Soul shroud -> RoA -> Doesn't matter, gg win game. Requires health quints if they have garen. Be a friggin' psychic when picking rune page. No boots, and planning around 5k worth of items? Boots are assumed and the first two items build into the second two items. Soul Shroud + Rod of Ages is still 5k+ gold.
On November 07 2010 03:30 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 03:29 ghen wrote:On November 07 2010 02:40 TheYango wrote:On November 06 2010 23:04 ghen wrote: My other build:
mana manip -> catalyst -> Soul shroud -> RoA -> Doesn't matter, gg win game. Requires health quints if they have garen. Be a friggin' psychic when picking rune page. No boots, and planning around 5k worth of items? Boots are assumed and the first two items build into the second two items. Soul Shroud + Rod of Ages is still 5k+ gold.
Meh, if the game ends before I build RoA I'm not hurting. I like soul shroud better on her.
Currently 6-0 with Janna, and she's so dam fun to play.
I just get to lvl 4, buy boots and wards, get exhaust, and roam! Screw the xp and gold, give it to the dude bot.
On November 06 2010 20:04 HeavOnEarth wrote:mog's been under a rock or something XD yeah armor pen doesnt affect towers anymore lol, fuck I'm so out of touch with changes like this, wtf
How to screw over opposing jungler:
Have 5HIT wraith-jack them, when wraiths respawn, kill them with Q when their jungler attempts them
Ok, so after going over 75% with Janna in ranked games, all except 1 game being solo ranked, I have to say that Janna is OP. Janna is OP and Janna wins ranked games. How to rape face with Janna:
Masteries, 9/0/21
Runes: same as the ones on the first page
Spells: Flash Exhaust
Skill build:E,Q,E,W,E,R and then R>E>Q>W
Playstyle:Lane with someone that can solo well, or someone that can deal crazy ad damage early on in the game and is kinda tanky. In lane, try to only get 3-5 creep kills max. Give the rest to your partner. Get to lvl 4 or get enough money for boots and at least 2 wards, and then go back to base. After that use one ward on dragon, and then start roaming around leaving our bot solo to give them solo exp + gold. If your bot has a really hard lane, then stay with them and babysit them, while looking for opportunities to roam. Use your other ward on an enemy buff camp depending on their jungle route. If the enemy jungler went standard jungle route dictated by their cs, then by the time you go back and buy your boot/wards, their blue will be back up or up soon so ward blue. While roaming, follow around your jungler to help them gank or roam enemy jungle because you have A knockup, Exhaust, a slow, and a shield that gives bonus damage and blocks damage. Every time you go back after your first buy, buy wards. Prioritize 3 wards over anything. After having 3 wards, then buy anything you need to buy. Proceed to ward important ward spots/locations and enemy buffs. If you are warding enemy buff spots, be really aware of the map and jungle timings so that you don't get ganked. There's a few key things that happen when you ward enemy jungle. #1, you have information on enemy buffs at all times. Use this to rally your team and your jungle to go towards their buff when it's up or when the enemy jungler is doing it. Make sure that at all times, that you have at least an equal number of champions raiding their jungle, as they have that can back up the fight. If you ward key locations on the river, you have knowledge of enemy champion locations at all times and their movements. This combined with map awareness leads to engagements favoring your team at all times, so use this to your advantage.
As Janna, you don't need gold after level 6, and Janna scales to her max potential at level 9, but you can take your time getting to level 9. So try not to take any gold or experience at all. If there is a huge creep wave pushing, don't bother to push it back. Ping it and let another person push it back. If some1 is jungling or creeping near you, just use shield on them and back off from exp range. Use your E on your ranged carry. If the ranged carry is not near you, then use it on the champion that can deal the highest amount of damage/needs protection. Use Q to knock up people that are coming towards your carry or to help some1 that's fighting. Use W to stop any melee champion coming towards your carry or you. Use R to knock back people trying to kill your carry. It's better if you can get a lot of them as they come to bunch up. In fights, always position yourself besides or slightly behind your carry. You really don't want to get focused because you have 0 survivability, but if you get targeted, use flash to get away and then your spells. Use your exhaust to either exhaust a person dealing a lot of physical damage, or any1 trying to auto attack your carry. As you play Janna, you realize that your carry can not die, and that they will have scores of 20-0. You don't need any buffs as Janna, so don't take any. Try not to ks anybody that has a buff, your teammates benefit more from buffs.
Item Build: Dorans Ring, Boots, Always have 3 wards, catalyst, merc treads, banshees, oracles, HOG, the item that gives 15% cd- to your team.
Alternate Item Build: Dorans Ring, Boots, Always have 3 wards, Dorans Ring x2, Merc Treads, Dorans Ring x1, oracles, banshees, item that gives you 15% cd- to your team.
100% certain this is the wrong way to play her: You don't have any wards in your inventory. 1 cs per minute though, the ideal amount.
Only 15 assists out 29 Kills too.
On February 16 2011 22:38 spinesheath wrote: 100% certain this is the wrong way to play her: You don't have any wards in your inventory. 1 cs per minute though, the ideal amount. wtf? no, that's way too much. It's pretty hard to accidentally last hit a creep/minute with your tornado, which to me shows that he actually last hit minions... for shame.
I like CV over Exhaust. It sets up for ganks so much better.
On February 17 2011 03:26 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: I like CV over Exhaust. It sets up for ganks so much better.
CV= map awarness: tracing enemy junglers (or buffs time), preventing enemy ganks, knowing enemy starting items, harassing enemy who is in bush during lane phase, less facechecks.
Too good.
CV is a lifesaver when the opposing team has oracles and has map control that they're exerting by baiting/doing baron. In the standard team comp at high elo play, EVERY support runs CV.
I usually end up with 0.5cs/minute, that allows me to keep up with ward buying combined with my assist gold, while still allowing enough to build a bit of extra survivability or cdr or whatnot.
And yes, CV is godlike.
imo, saying you should get 'x cs per min' on a support champ is dumb, those standards are meant for carries. its better to just make a blanket statement 'i will get the cs that my lane partner cant get', so that the gold isnt wasted, saying things like 'oh this janna has too much cs', or 'this janna doesnt have x cs per min' seems silly to me
edit: also, i run cv AND exhaust on my janna ;]]]]
United States47024 Posts
On February 17 2011 04:10 barbsq wrote: imo, saying you should get 'x cs per min' on a support champ is dumb, those standards are meant for carries. its better to just make a blanket statement 'i will get the cs that my lane partner cant get', so that the gold isnt wasted, saying things like 'oh this janna has too much cs', or 'this janna doesnt have x cs per min' seems silly to me Pretty sure they're joking.
On February 17 2011 04:10 barbsq wrote: edit: also, i run cv AND exhaust on my janna ;]]]] IMO you'd have to be really freaking good at not getting caught in initiations to afford not running Flash or Cleanse.