I'll challenge you as far to say that movespeed is a situational stat, and you can have too much of it. If you have touched every area you need to, warded it/cleared wards from it and are with your team in the exact place you need to be, any extra ms you have is "wasted" in that stat. Not all games play out the same, and you don't always need to go from bot lane to top lane at 50 ms faster to gain anything from it. It gets REALLY hard to quantify any of this discussion because everything is so dependent on the situation at hand, but there is a limit of usefulness from movespeed. If your team is doing a prolonged siege mid with only a split pusher in another lane that's time that you don't need full use of the mobis until the siege breaks down.
Really all I'm saying is movespeed does have a limit of usefulness, and it's not always useful all of the time, and even in certain matches having less movespeed than you would otherwise (I'm not saying don't get boots, I'm saying don't prioritize ms so highly) isn't detrimental at all. Moving slower to a fight can most certainly be a losing factor in the fight, but once you get to the fight perhaps having an aura or active that you don't have because of rushing mobis could also be a losing factor.
I don't hate movespeed rush, and nobody should deny that mobility is power because you get to influence more fighting/warding, but I don't think it's the quintessential stat in every single game.
I mostly agree with what you say, except that you say mobis could be a losing factor. Your strength is your kit, and the only two items early on that can win/lose fights are aegis and mikael. If they are needed that badly, then assess your resources and get them asap. If you have to sacrifice mobis, or even t1 boots int he case of Janna, then do it. You see, Janna's innate ms boosts are definetly make her capable of sacrifices. Getting ap or a nice ms boost for your shield is definetly not a do-or-die.
It really is unmeasureable how much ms you need to influence games as much you can. Even if we would only look at 1 match, it's still pretty hard to say how much ms you needed exactly. The reason mobis are great is that on average, they are turn out to be great. Soloq is disorganized and while early teamfights happen, it's nothing like in later stages, where you almost exclusively look for tfs.
Usually, bot lane ends the fastest, because it has 2 people to take down turrets, and junglers + midlaners tend to roam there because of drake and the easier kills, after which they can help take towers too. Basically, supports will have the most freedom after the game ends. Adc farms or pushes mid, mid is laning or trying to roam, top is laning or splitpushing, jungler is jungling/counter-jungling. Meanwhile you do whatever the fuck you want, you are the babysitter of 4 people.
The only reason why you should not opt for mobility (not mobis, but mobility in general) if you don't feel you can use it. Like, you went fast tier 2 boots in your last 10 Janna games, 5 of them were mobis and you felt zero difference, then don't do it, but chances are that you did something wrong.
Tier 2 boots skip is debatable, but skipping tier 1 feels really stupid.
What did you think of Archie's Frostfang into triple dorans Janna build?
does janna's passive give an assist now that its not global?
On August 14 2014 14:47 Complete wrote: does janna's passive give an assist now that its not global? No.
On August 14 2014 09:01 miicah wrote: What did you think of Archie's Frostfang into triple dorans Janna build? Is it worth watching? I checked the scoreboards and seemed like a crushing defeat. Then again, pick more Vayne...
No point they played awful and the triple doran's ring is awful as well.
Fuck ogn, I had such a good time with people looking down on Janna, and now every sheep will be like "well, you know, if you really think it through, she's pretty damn strong, yeah!". Being a hispter is hard, you know? Anyway, I made a post on another forum just before the ogn game, and I wanted to post it here later, in case someone comes up with an arguement against it, but since Gorilla just had to ruin it - now no one will be like "well ardent is shit you know because reasons!" -, I might as well.
Btw, I like how he shat on us all by going knife, mobis and ardent. Now I want him to play a game with coin and without any boots for extra hilarity.
+ Show Spoiler +Right now I just want to talk about Ardent Censer, might chip in later, but overall you can build whatever the hell you want on Janna, it's much more how you play than what you buy on her. My biggest 5cents is to just support your playstyle with the items, and hear out everyone, but don't copy anyone. Nagul says coin is superior, I say the same, but there are still d1/challanger Jannas who go knife 0-24, and arguements can be made that it can be better. Put 10 Janna mains in one room and ask them what boots should you buy and when should you buy them, and I guarantee you shit will get lose. Anyway, not what I want to talk about now...
... but Ardent Censer!
Definetly my favourite item on Janna. I'm playing her utility heavy, sacrificing ap and tankiness. But first, let's get the boring stuff out the way. Is it too costly for what it brings? Let's check it with lolwiki's stats:
40 ap = 870 gold // 25% attack speed on one person = 750 gold // 10 % cdr = 317 gold // 8% movement speed = 476 gold // 10 manaregen = 600 gold // all of this = 3013 gold for an item that costs 2200 gold. You can pretty much remove a whole stat or the passive from it and it would be still cost-efficent. Sure, if it was to give 30 ad instead of 40 ap it would probably worth the same or even more but would be much less useful, so let's take a look at stats individually.
Take into account that I will rate the stats as I rate the item as a whole, according to MY playstyle, which you can decide how close or far it is to you.
10 manaregen: The thing is, after chalice, you will rarely have mana problems with Janna, and when you finish with Mikael's and get some levels, you won't even realise you have a mana bar, unless you rush to 40% cdr. BUT! I don't always rush (or get) chalice, and the forbidden idol recipe for Ardent makes it a viable substitute for early manaregen. Hell, you can even finish Ardent before Talisman, forbidden idol being a common recipe. I love Talisman, but if we have a huge lead bot, sometimes I go for Ardent to cement it. Bigger shield, more damage, aspd boost for my carry and an excuse to spend money on boots a little bit later? O.K.
10% cooldown reduction: Cooldown reduction is probably the only thing I would argue with every Janna across the board being the most vital stat on her. As I said, a Janna player is defined by how well she can handle and utilize Janna. She is difficult, but extremely rewarding, and the more skills you can pull off, well, obviously the better. The nerf to Talisman's cdr means no more cdr cap after just 2 items, so the stat became more valuable. Also, this stat is the worst gold-wise but the best in actual use, which goes to show that you need to go deeper to see how good an item is.
8% movement speed: First of all you play a support, so the more movement speed you have, the better. I always emphasize if you have such a movement speed advantage playing with Janna, you should heavily utilize on that. Others say you should use it to skip boots and get ahead in items. Whoever's theory you like better, this item is actually good for both, as it can substitute boots longer or give you an even bigger edge. Also, with an early Ardent you might switch up your mobis with boots of swiftness. Thanks to the movement speed soft cap you will get more net ms by that and boots of swiftness can be a godlike teamfighting item not to mention how well it synergizes with captain's enchantment. Hah, I always forget to test the bad boy! Anyway, movement is good, mhkay?
40 ability power: +14 damage on instant Q (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!); +~1% movement speed bonus, + 20 damage + 2,4% slow amount on W; + 4 AD, + 28 shield amount on E; +12 health per every half second of channeling per injured teammembers, up to a possible total of +360 health restored. Don't forget that AD worths more if your shielded ally has more attack speed and/or crit chance or if he's an ad assassin. If you plan to get a deathcap, than that 40 ap worths even more. Sure, these numbers are nothing huge, only the extra slow and shield could be noticeable (remember, the harder to break the shield, the longer your base ad buff remains intact!), but don't forget it's just a semi-stat for an item that gives much more, and this 40 ap can be really valuable if you don't plan on buying ap heavy items, and you only have ap from runes, this, and maybe twin shadows, another utility item.
Your heals and shields on another unit grant them 25% attack speed for 6 seconds: Oh boy, here we go now!!! I'm pretty sure the only reason Nagul seem to detest this item is because the aspd passive is overhyped. Man, even if this item did not have this passive, it would still worth it (would be much lower on the priority list), so I find the hate uncalled for. Anyway, talk about it! Before analyzing the attack speed boost, let's talk about the regular mentality of someone who reads this passive. The guy starts thinking how could he give it to the most people, and then makes his conclusion: this item is op on Sona, Janna and Alistar. Rip Thresh. Now, this mentality is flawed for so many reasons. First of all, why the fuck would you want to give it to everyone? "Hey, hey Karthus, here, take this!". Nope. Also, Janna can not reliably keep it up on all of her teammates, Alistar could, but he usually peels for one or initiates, and pretty much Sona is the only one who can always reach her teammates and give it to them with her aoe aura. To me, these people are totally off-tracked. I view it as an item, that let's you focus on someone, and give even more power to him, while trying to keep him alive. It wasn't even a question I will regularly get this item, because I chose the utility playstyle for a reason. I really like the 2v2 at botlane, and I like to keep the bond intact throughout the rest of the game, so unless my adc sucks, we should be able to conquer the world with all the stupid ass extra cc, steroid, shields, get out of jail card attached to my kit. I don't care if we have a full ap comp and no one else benefits the aspd boost. First of all, I'm sticking to my carry (the ad boost on your shield will be just as useless in a full ap comp, so why do you pick Janna if you bitch about Ardent being useless on someone like Karthus in the first place?), and secondly, I have nothing to compensate for. The item worths its' cost, I don't have to sweat blood to keep the aspd boost on 2-3 of my teammates all the time so I can sleep well knowing I put my money to good use. No, as long as you don't play with Ezreal (why the fuck would you pick Janna to an Ezreal anyway...) or Corki, the aspd boost will be great. But what is that 25% aspd anyway? Goldwise it worths 750, but that doesn't tell us much. Your shield without ap is - almost - a BF Sword (1550 gold), now throw this to it and it's 2300 gold put on your adc discounting the shield. Sure, free 2300 gold worth of combat stats just might be useful, but look beyond that! Attack speed scales with critical strike chance and attack damage. Now, only if we had a champion who can give extra ad to her... oh, wait! So Janna has a skill that gives bonus ad and is better if the target has more aspd, and here's an item that gives bonus aspd and is better if the target has more ad. Well, this is clearly a useless piece of junk! But it's not over, champions like Twitch, Varus, Ashe, (useless) Vayne or to name a few bruisers, Jax, Irelia, Gnar (I'm up to date as fuck!), Aatrox has additional benefits from attack speed. Just Imagine the look on the enemy team when that Jax with Trinity, Bork (yeah, btw, any additional aspd to bork users is hella useful as well) and Randuin, Grandmaster's Might active effect, Eye of The Storm's active effect and Ardent Censer's passive effect. Shit is zipzapping around the guy like crazy and I definetly would not want to be the first one to greet him. I trust my abilities to keep someone semi-decent alive, and as long as he can right click, I'm perfectly fine with Ardent Censer. In a serious teamfight I will shield my adc anyway, if I trust him - don't have much choice, haha -, so in my case, there is no such arguement as "but what if you use your shield on xy instead?". Also, with max cdr your shield is on a 6 seconds cooldown. Ardent Censer's aspd boost remains active for 6 seconds. Yeah, infinite ad and aspd boost on someone only killable by retarded champions like Fizz or Vi. Good luck with that! Your ult triggering it for your whole team is cute, but unless you do some clutch mlg play with flash-ult barely reaching your adc who survives a 1v1 with 1 hp, it will remain just cute. If you happen to do it though make a shoutout to me pls!
When I pick Janna I only look at the opponent's teamcomp and my adc. I don't care about the three other picks in our team, unlike when I'm playing Leona for example. Still, in my last Janna games I almost always had at least one other guy that could benefit from my aspd boost as well: 1: Nidalee 2: none 3: Irelia 4: Jax 5: Gnar, Jarvan (unless he built tanky) 6: Warwick, Jax 7: Gangplank 8. none 9: Rengar 10: Nidalee 11: Tryndamere 12: Rengar 13: Shaco, Nidalee
Blah blah, so as you can see, it is quite rare that you can't use it on anyone but your adc, even if you want to neglect Nidalees. But as I said, it should be the absolute last thing you should consider whether you should buy the item or not.
Conclusion? One thing is for sure, this item is nothing close to bad, even with Ezreal or Corki, this item still remains good. Bad for your playstyle? Maybe. Assess how you play, and the answer should be obvious if you want this item or not, but aside from certain teamcomps where Sona could shine with it, this item is the best on Janna, hands down, simply because of how painfully obvious who she should shield almost everytime, whether she's ap or not. Support Lulu comes second because her shield is so useless lategame that she can just spam it on her adc for the aspd boost basically - funnily enough Lulu's passive (which is transferred with her shield) is decent, especially with more aspd, so she's another case where good abilities make each other even better. I hope after 46 Janna games with such nice win ratio you know how you like to and/or want to play her, so you already got an answer to the question whether you should buy it or not.
I think it's pretty obvious that Ardent Sensor is essentially made for Janna. Until such time the Soraka rework comes live, no other support has the tools to utilize the attack speed bonus as well as Janna can.
Ardent sensor fit in pretty well with the style they were playing. And janna is probably the best carrier for it, so why not. I just hope people wont go and pick janna into everything and with every adc unless they are some janna mains. It worked pretty well for them due to the lucian pick and the way they were going to play this out(BT lucian). Janna is strong, but so far she has only been picked under specific circumstances by a single team. Lets see if other teams get interested in the pick and how often she will be picked at worlds.
Take everything i say with a grain of salt, im not a main janna player
Who lanes well/synergizes well with janna?
I have a lot of trouble making it through the laning phase with janna...I like playing her though...
On August 30 2014 23:41 Sufficiency wrote: I think it's pretty obvious that Ardent Sensor is essentially made for Janna. Until such time the Soraka rework comes live, no other support has the tools to utilize the attack speed bonus as well as Janna can. Sadly, it's not.
On August 31 2014 00:47 Complete wrote: Who lanes well/synergizes well with janna?
I have a lot of trouble making it through the laning phase with janna...I like playing her though... Janna stomps lane with: Draven, Caityn
Janna is extremely good with: Varus, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Jinx
Janna is good with: Tristana, Graves, Sivir, Urgot, Ashe
Janna is meh with: Kog, Corki, Twitch
Janna is non-existent with: Ezreal, Vayne
Outside of lane, the best adcs are: Ashe, Tristana, Sivir, Lucian, Caitlyn. You can make prolonged fights with these adcs easily, as they have the kit to chase and kite easily.
You should not lose lane with anyone from the first two tiers.
janna is the 2nd best support to have with vayne after nami. also janna has one of the highest winrates across the board so you can laugh at people that think she is weak. the spammable shield that now scales with AP is ridiculous. tons of D1 and even challenger players that play mejai's janna.
On August 30 2014 23:41 Sufficiency wrote: I think it's pretty obvious that Ardent Sensor is essentially made for Janna. Until such time the Soraka rework comes live, no other support has the tools to utilize the attack speed bonus as well as Janna can.
I don't agree completely with that statement. She probably is the best support for the item, but I would say every support that specializes in keeping your carry alive synergizes well with ardent censer.
On August 31 2014 03:04 VayneAuthority wrote: janna is the 2nd best support to have with vayne after nami. also janna has one of the highest winrates across the board so you can laugh at people that think she is weak. the spammable shield that now scales with AP is ridiculous. tons of D1 and even challenger players that play mejai's janna.
At the moment I think Janna and Nami are the strongest supports actually, they have so much presence in lane
depends on the lane really. with tristana or vayne or other pure AA'ers (twitch too) then those champs are really good.
with something like lucian or corki you might prefer something like morg or thresh or zilean.
On August 31 2014 04:53 VayneAuthority wrote: depends on the lane really. with tristana or vayne or other pure AA'ers (twitch too) then those champs are really good.
with something like lucian or corki you might prefer something like morg or thresh or zilean.
I guess the aggressiveness of the carry needs to be matched, makes sense yeah. But in this age of hypercarries the defensive supports really are ones to keep an eye on for sure!
Also ardent censor wasn't bought until like 40mins+ (from memory)
EDIT: It was around 50mins and he bought it, then they pushed mid and won.
I highly disagree with the Janna-Vayne synergy. Sure, later on Janna+[insert hypercarry here] are very very strong, but in lane it's shit. Blitz, Thresh, Nami, Lulu, Sona are all better contenders for supporting Vayne. All of these have either a nice mix of harass and sustain, or have high danger potential with the hooks. Blitz hook+e to the wall is the easiest lane for Vayne.
Everything Janna does to Vayne in lane can be done much better by other champions, only Janna's passive is what can be only mimicked by Nami and Sona. Movement speed is great on Vayne for her "get in, do some poke, get out" playstyle. Vayne is highly vulnerable to poke and guess what, so is Janna. Putting two champions in a duo lane with a common weakness is just simply a bad idea. The only lane partner who is worse for Janna is Kog, because he is REALLY vulnerable and his only saving grace is his free w, which is great with eye of the storm, bu that's all. Compare it to an mf with shielded auto-q-auto which is like an instawin for bot, or a simple Lucian auto-e-passive auto-q-passive auto with a shield. Vayne is terrible to utilize the shield early, and her ad ratios sucks, unless she keeps e-ing people to the wall.
My personal problem with Vayne as Janna outside of laning phase is that it really hard to support her. She's agile as fuck, and it's really hard to be in a position where you can utilize your Q and R properly. She just keeps chasing, kiting, tumbling away. It's much easier to support someone like Caitlyn who has a clear pattern of how she should teamfight, or even someone without mobility like Kog, because he just afk soots or do the basic sidestep kiting/orbwalking (inb4 orbwalking is just in dota), so it's much easier to be in a position where you can peel for him. Though it's true that nothing is more satisfying than hunting down people with Vayne, especially if she still has ult. So yeah, overall Vayne-Janna bot is just pure shit, and it's all about the Vayne to outplay her opponents, unlike you are vs some hard initiater supports, and outside of lane they can be brutal, but it's hard on Janna's part.
On August 31 2014 04:42 Uldridge wrote:Show nested quote +On August 31 2014 03:04 VayneAuthority wrote: janna is the 2nd best support to have with vayne after nami. also janna has one of the highest winrates across the board so you can laugh at people that think she is weak. the spammable shield that now scales with AP is ridiculous. tons of D1 and even challenger players that play mejai's janna. At the moment I think Janna and Nami are the strongest supports actually, they have so much presence in lane Disagree with this as well. It's true that the days of "omg Janna so shit in lane" are gone, and she is not a weak laner at all (really, there are not many weak laners left, with the nerfs to S tier supports and the buffs to the forgotten ones), you still can't compare her to - Nami: Numero uno for sure, and I hope you still remember the mild qq when Nami got some minor NERFS. "omg, so uncalled for, Rito, why do you do this???", while she was shitting on almost everyone and guess what, she still does. Best lane presence hands down. She has everything, she is the most well-rounded support for the laning phase, and probably outside of that as well. Only her ults interaction with Braum's E is what can fuck her up. Sona: What do you need in bot the most? Poke and sustain. What does she have? Poke and sustain. Can adapt to winning and losing lane as well. Morgana: She can keep her adc safe from the other support, she can always harvest the knife money and she has the safest pick potential. Shoot Qs, and eventually you will hit someone, who can go to a toilet break and hope he won't get chunked down too much when he returns. Leona: She and Nami are the best soloq supports. If you want to hard carry, pick one of them (or some ap supports like Zyra and Vel'koz, but I'm talking about the traditional ones now). It is extremely hard to shut her down, and the easiest support to snowball a lane.
Janna-Draven and Janna-Cait can beat these supports, but give her any other adc and the other supports will have a bigger lane presence, than you.
On August 31 2014 14:05 miicah wrote: Also ardent censor wasn't bought until like 40mins+ (from memory)
EDIT: It was around 50mins and he bought it, then they pushed mid and won. Doesn't change the fact that it was bought, and don't forget that she was with Lucian, not some heavy aa marksman. Trist, Kog, Jinx, Vayne, Cait, Twitch and Ashe are much better suited for Ardent.
Pretty much every janna lane relies on your ad to outplay.Only exception is canceling gapclosers with q.
Ardent censer is fine.Don't see a reason not to get it at some point of the game unless you have corki and nobody else on the team who actually autos or something like that lol.
Yeah nami is quite terror.Honestly vayne does fine with most supports the more imporant part of vayne is what you are up against.