On January 21 2012 16:59 starfries wrote: So given the poor record in IEM, is Janna Vayne actually a bad lane?
Depends on your enemies, but often yes. Vayne Janna typically has to force fights and commit hard until their enemies are in kill range and thus zoned. Their chances are best if they run very aggressive setups like Heal Flash Vayne Exhaust Ignite Janna. But that exposes them to jungle threats.
On January 17 2012 15:11 Norada wrote: Normally I would go 0/21/9 on her for masteries. for runes I personally run, gp5 quints, red armor, yellow armor, mr blues. makes you super tanky in lane and for team fights. janna is very nice in soloq(at lower lvls) because most of the time the other team cant pressure you out and late game youre normally better than most supports if played correctly.
Basically this is the exact method that I run (I have MR per level blues, not flats though which maybe different). I'm pretty sure this is pretty standard, especially soloque build.
Xpecial runs it a little bit different, I can't remember what it is, he doesn't run what his guide says though. Nyph runs the squishy Janna going 0/9/21 and run Gold quints/Gold Yellows/Armor Reds/AP blues...which I'm not too sure about, especially the gold yellows, but I never did the math, however..I'd assume 21 in utility + gold quints is already more than enough gold ticks.
I personally go 0/15/15 Armour Reds/GP10 Yellows/MP5/Lvl Blues/GP10 Quints, REWQ, Starting either Faerie+3ward+2pot or Cloth+2ward+1pot depending on the lane matchups, 78% winrate with Janna.
On January 19 2012 00:07 Haemonculus wrote: I'm also torn on masteries for Janna. I've tried 21 defense, which is nice but you're actually pretty hard to catch and the cooldown mastery in the defense tree doesn't really go big until later. Also tried 0/9/21, but I think if you're going utility you'd might as well go 9/0/21 for more cooldowns. Janna loves them cooldowns.
With the gold masteries I open fairy charm, 1 health pot, 2 green wards and 1 pink ward. Control ALL THE BUSHES!
Get early philo, and maybe another gp5 item if you're feeling lazy and/or your lane got an early double kill or something. Otherwise I usually grab a random dorans ring, or rush to kindle. I also like to get oracles nice and early on Janna because unless you do something dumb you're really hard to actually catch/kill. Aegis is fun, starks is fun, or I also like Morellos. Max out your CDR, get plenty of mana, and Janna's shield scales really well with AP so I never feel like it's wasted. Once you have like shurelia and some other cdr, just be a ward machine. Ward everywhere!
I kinda open the same; pink ward is super nice to have. baiting a pink ward from them is aswell nice when you still have your own. I build her philo stone, heart of gold *unless its past 20mins* and then the kindlegem for cd reduction; level 2 boots aswell after the kindglegem or heart off gold; you do love cd reduction on janna - i sort off play her aggresively alot; with a good ad carry you can kill people so simple with exhaust on you. I agree on the early oracle but nowadays I feel like just having good pink coverage is good enough; i rather buy a pink ward then get an oracle and die stupidly; sets you far behind - while a pink vs green is just 50gold.
Aswell something I want to add; Janna / Miss Fortune lane is sooooo fun and strong;
Please don't be that support that says "I'll buy wards after I finish my gp5." Buy wards from the start of the game, and keep your lane and dragon warded (at a MINIMUM).
Shurelya's takes forever to finish, can't imagine delaying wards until after that. I buy 2 every time I go back at a minimum. Sometimes it's nice to have 3 (or an extra pink) just in case.
ult for a specific purpose, and let your team know that's what you're gonna do. the best uses of janna ult are disengaging, pushing fags like Kennen out of your team when they R, or trapping one person who is out of position with flash+R. as a positional tool it's really really strong, so grow a backbone and learn how to use it :D
Coming back to lane with less than 3 wards is pretty uncomfortable, less than 2 is pretty much inexcusable unless you let your AD know to buy a ward for you.
if you're top side, there are two ways to get ganked, through tribrush/river or through lane brush, if you're bot side, there are three, tribrush, river, or lane. Occasionally you may get dove from your blue brush if you're top but that's only when someones fucked up hard. Lane ganks can be predicted more easily if you pay attention to enemy jungler path. So there's pretty much no point at having 3 wards in your inventory at any time until after laning phase is over. You're welcome to buy as many wards as you feel like after your first gp10, but prior to that I would conserve as much as possible unless your AD is absolutely retarded and have to see a gank before he believes it.
On March 27 2012 05:47 zulu_nation8 wrote: if you're top side, there are two ways to get ganked, through tribrush/river or through lane brush, if you're bot side, there are three, tribrush, river, or lane. Occasionally you may get dove from your blue brush if you're top but that's only when someones fucked up hard. Lane ganks can be predicted more easily if you pay attention to enemy jungler path. So there's pretty much no point at having 3 wards in your inventory at any time until after laning phase is over. You're welcome to buy as many wards as you feel like after your first gp10, but prior to that I would conserve as much as possible unless your AD is absolutely retarded and have to see a gank before he believes it.
Yes, there are 2 decent paths to gank from, and then another ward to give vision of a bush in case you need it for a kill. Like I said, kind of uncomfortable to not have that 1 extra ward, pretty bad to not have 2 to cover gank paths.
On March 27 2012 04:39 Sandster wrote: Please don't be that support that says "I'll buy wards after I finish my gp5." Buy wards from the start of the game, and keep your lane and dragon warded (at a MINIMUM).
Rightrightright, maybe my post was misleading. I didn't mean that I didn't buy any wards until after GP5, I just meant that I only kept bot lane+dragon warded, until I had my GP5. After that, I go all out whole map warded all game.
On March 27 2012 05:10 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: ult for a specific purpose, and let your team know that's what you're gonna do. the best uses of janna ult are disengaging, pushing fags like Kennen out of your team when they R, or trapping one person who is out of position with flash+R. as a positional tool it's really really strong, so grow a backbone and learn how to use it :D
I still love to ult when Morgana jumps in ^^ whenever she isn't banned; i dont mind at all to play vs her as janna ^^
On March 27 2012 05:10 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: ult for a specific purpose, and let your team know that's what you're gonna do. the best uses of janna ult are disengaging, pushing fags like Kennen out of your team when they R, or trapping one person who is out of position with flash+R. as a positional tool it's really really strong, so grow a backbone and learn how to use it :D
I still love to ult when Morgana jumps in ^^ whenever she isn't banned; i dont mind at all to play vs her as janna ^^
I had the sickest flash ult into galio ult to clear everyone out, oh boy sheep was soo mad.
I have the +starting gold masteries so I like to start Regrowth + 1 ward early game. It allows me to be super aggressive since I have the regrowth pendant. I'll usually put the 1st ward down around the 3 minute mark or so. Sometimes later, depending on the jungler, how pushed the lane is, etc etc.
Starting regrowth is great because it means I only need another 365 gold to get my Philo stone, which 365 gold comes by pretty quick. Usually I'll be able to go back, get Philo stone and another 1 or 2 wards for lane.
The only downside is not having a pink ward early, so if the enemy team early pink wards your river ward you might have to go back earlier to grab more wards. If they don't have a pink ward, you just take the lead from being aggressive & getting your gp5 item faster.
On March 28 2012 16:24 SidianTheBard wrote: I have the +starting gold masteries so I like to start Regrowth + 1 ward early game. It allows me to be super aggressive since I have the regrowth pendant. I'll usually put the 1st ward down around the 3 minute mark or so. Sometimes later, depending on the jungler, how pushed the lane is, etc etc.
Starting regrowth is great because it means I only need another 365 gold to get my Philo stone, which 365 gold comes by pretty quick. Usually I'll be able to go back, get Philo stone and another 1 or 2 wards for lane.
The only downside is not having a pink ward early, so if the enemy team early pink wards your river ward you might have to go back earlier to grab more wards. If they don't have a pink ward, you just take the lead from being aggressive & getting your gp5 item faster.
So unless either you or your ad carry recalls after roughly 6 min, your lane is pretty much free to gank. Where do you ward? Honestly i only see this working as blue team if you have someone else ward the upper entrance to the lower jungle, and still then i don't like the idea of having just 1 ward. It allows brush ganks so much more.
If you open Regrowth+ward on any support and I'm on the other team, I'm going to absolutely hound you to see where you put it, then tell the jungler to gank accordingly. 1 ward can't even cover the river gank lanes.
Most of the harass should go towards your AD carry, so regrowth is useless. The only time supports get focused is when he sets himself up for it, but usually that's a bad idea with or without regrowth.