I could go moniter the shit they are monitering myself if I wanted. so why shouldnt they be able to?
Wikileaks reveals global Surveillance system - Page 4
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United States9633 Posts
I could go moniter the shit they are monitering myself if I wanted. so why shouldnt they be able to? | ||
601 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:52 Whitewing wrote: It's not the fact that the cameras are monitoring you, you moron, it's who the cameras are sending the data too, and what they are doing with it -_-. Is it not their right to do as they wish in a public space? | ||
United States31 Posts
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United States2458 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + From: davidharvey13th@yahoo.com Date: April 14, 2009 3:25:30 AM CDT To: responses@stratfor.com Subject: [Analytical & Intelligence Comments] RE: Cuba Reply-To: Responses List David Harvey sent a message using the contact form at https://www.stratfor.com/contact. Dear Richard, I always wondered what the fuss was about in Cuba, now I know. Much like Ireland was to England and France. However, I am not worried about the wars of other countries as they are all controlled by the foreign rich trillionaire bankers of the Rothchild's Illuminati, to kill 6.2 of 6.7 billion of the world's population to leave the rich 500 million slaves, in the name of Sustainable Development. Now that really concerns me that our government, which was elected to defend us against foreigners attacking us and charging custom and duty taxes to foreigners, is going to use laws created by the Illuminati to give up our sovereignty as a nation and as states in order to kill us by fraudulent claims of a bird flu virus that was benign to humans as an excuse to murder 80% of the US population. On another topic, what is your analysis on the Rothchild's Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Council of Foreign Relations, in their efforts to form a One World Government or New World Order, by controlling the US and all its citizens through the bought and paid for politicians by means of the lobbyists of corporations, the DHS, the IRS, the DIS, the Dept of Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board - a private foreign bank of Rothchild's Illuminati? They have taken the dollar off the gold standard in order to inflate and deflate the dollar and thereby creating overt an covert taxation, which will have the knock on effect of causing recessions and depressions, causing bankruptcies, foreclosures, gas crisis, housing crisis, credit crisis, which all involve a national security risk of immense proportions. They must break a few eggs to make an omelet, or in others words, they must ruin all national governments, including the US, in order for the Illuminati to take over the world's countries and make them into the One World Government, One World Religion, and One World Monetary System do that they can control all the world's people. Either way, the FEMA will use some natural or man-made excuse to declare martial law, deport all of American's citizens to go to detention camps, and be forced to take this weaponized vaccine to kill us off, one way or another. Already I have obtained 1000 military manuals of the US from www.spectergroup.com at $18 in order to know my enemy, see how they think, and avoid, escape or evade them by some means, such as heading for the hills as the Jews and Cherokees did, or by going to another country before all hell breaks loose. I plan to use such military manuals to live off the land, (survival) apart from the dollar dominated government that wishes to subjugate us by denying us freedom, food, health care and other benefits, necessary in today's modern world. If the epidemic or natural disaster does not take down the US citizens, the war between the foodless, homeless, jobless (have-nots) against the stores and businesses (haves) will surely call FEMA to declare Martial Law. Either way we are screwed one and all. I am sure you have read the Baxter Pharmaceuticals have attempted to cause the weaponized Avian Flu Virus to be released in six European Countries in order to cause an epidemic that would give rise for FEMA to cut off all transportation and declare Martial Law as a consequence. Then we have the Executive Branch assuming powers that they do not have under the US Constitution and the Legislative branch kowtowing to the President's threat of Martial Law, the the Judicial Branch making law from the bench. I would be most interested in your take in all this. Also, which country should a real patriot go to in order to avoid the coming financial, man-made avian flu virus epidemic, now that H5N1 has been modified with the human virus H1N3 to become weaponized, which with the Model State Medical Emergency Powers Act of 2008 by Bush, would force all Americans, by FEMA declaring Martial Law to be deported to detention centers for involuntary vaccination or face unlimited quarantine and forfeiture of all property and at the point of guns from our own anti-Posse Comitatus military. Why for God's sake is no one screaming at the top of their lungs and the impending Tsunami that is before us and try to amorealate the consequences of it before it happens? Am I the only conspiracy theory wacko that foresees all this? What say you to this? I am truly sorry I cannot afford to subscribe to your excellent info, as a totally and permanently disabled vet, who is 21K below the poverty level. But I do pay attention to all you have said and I do tell others of it. Afterall, if there is anyone who could pull our fat out of the fire, it would be the Watchman on the Tower as in Ezekiel 3:17-21, (YOU), to allow those trained or who wish to be trained and led out of this impending morass of doom against an Axis and Empire of World Evil, the Rothchild's, UN New World Order. We cannot stop them, but maybe we could slow them down a little to give others a chance to run to the hills, as the FEMA led goons will imprison all the citizens in 48 hours from declaraion of martial law. David Harvey Vietnam Vet, Paralegal, ex-LE, & Christian Patriot Columbus, Ohio, USA, formerly Odessa Ukraine where I wrote to you before. Source: http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.gx=1&.rand=eanqhla5ji6t9 | ||
United States15065 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:33 Cele wrote: If i were US citizen, i´d be protesting tomorrow in Washington D.C. And i don´t mean this as a phrase to express my anger, but as an appeal. Indignez-vous! Wouldn't that be great. The day after this news breaks out, trillions of dollars are made by US corporate industry as everybody buys plane tickets to Washington D.C. Would be nice to do an online protest, like we did for SOPA. | ||
United States7483 Posts
On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods. It's not the government you really need to be concerned about. | ||
China7935 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:42 emythrel wrote: even if we did, what does it matter? Is everyone who is worried about "being spied on" so self deluded to think that their government or anyone that doesn't know them directly could give a flying fuck what they do? I certainly am not. My government couldn't care less what I'm doing unless I am doing one of the following: 1) Breaking laws 2) Not paying taxes Monitor me all you want, if I get caught doing something I shouldn't have been doing in the first place then I have no one but myself to blame. Its the same old story, every generation since time began has felt oppressed by their government and every previous generation tells them how it was better in the old days, just like when older people say "kids respected their elders in my day" its all bullshit... it was exactly the same, just with worse technology. Please get it through your heads, no one cares what you do unless you are doing something wrong. If cameras and datamining help deter, prevent or catch people breaking laws then they are doing their job and those who stay within the law have nothing to fear. The old "slippery slope" argument is beyond stupid, the government can't arrest you for staying within the law and if they did, YOU HAVE THE VIDEO EVIDENCE TO PROVE YOURSELF INNOCENT since ofc they have everything on CCTV and backed up on fortified HDDs...... I don't think anyone is saying that the US govt is particularly oppressive, but you sure as hell better hope it stays that way because most of the tools are seemingly in place for creating a surveillance state a million times more effective than Stasi. You seem very confident that a government can't change for the worse though. Cool. Nvm history and stuff. | ||
Germany210 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:42 emythrel wrote: even if we did, what does it matter? Is everyone who is worried about "being spied on" so self deluded to think that their government or anyone that doesn't know them directly could give a flying fuck what they do? I certainly am not. My government couldn't care less what I'm doing unless I am doing one of the following: 1) Breaking laws 2) Not paying taxes Monitor me all you want, if I get caught doing something I shouldn't have been doing in the first place then I have no one but myself to blame. No offence, but that seems to be a bit of a naive point of view for someone in who's country you can get arrested for not smiling when the police expects you to smile (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/aug/08/olympics-spectator-parkinsons-arrest-smiling). Surveillance infrastructures that can be abused will be abused/missused - either because of stupidity or because of efforts to gain/sustain positions of power (see the blocking of the internet in a lot of europe for example - though the scapegoat in that case is usually "internet child pornography industry" [that doesn't exist] and not terrorism). | ||
Canada10681 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:48 Flakes wrote: People really give our government too much credit. Usually when they hurt innocent civilians it's because of incompetency, not some evil master plan. In America, it's the private corporations you have to watch out for. That's a nice slogan to include in a pamphlet but it's not entirely true. Sure it's not an evil master plan, but individuals with varying degrees of power (ranging from small times bureaucrats and police offers to governors, congressmen and sometimes the president) are fully capable of doing deeply immoral things. Of course, it's not necessarily part of an overarching scheme. The government of the US is responsible for all kinds of atrocities. And with a machine as big and complex as the US, sometimes incompetence is just as damaging as evil. On August 11 2012 09:54 Ketara wrote: Wouldn't that be great. The day after this news breaks out, trillions of dollars are made by US corporate industry as everybody buys plane tickets to Washington D.C. Would be nice to do an online protest, like we did for SOPA. Trillions of dollars in a day? That's adorable u liek a littul puppy awh<<333 User was warned for this post | ||
United States7483 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:53 Warlock40 wrote: Is it not their right to do as they wish in a public space? Legally, it depends on your interpretation of reasonable expectation of privacy (at least in the U.S.). I don't think private corporations recording data on people all over the planet every time they step out in public qualifies as within normal expectations. | ||
5459 Posts
large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency wow seriously? is nobody pissed off by this? i don't give a fuck if homeland security, DoD, or the Marines watch over me. but Dow Chemicals? even Lockheed, Northrop, and Raytheon. these guys should not get access to the data no matter how chummy they are with the defense/intelligence sector. let the FBI feed them intel but dont funnel it in directly. private entities shouldn't unilaterally be allowed access into our private lives. | ||
Canada739 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:42 JKM wrote: You people should check up on the camera's set up in London's olympic city. Facial recognition and enough cameras to more or less keep tabs on any person at any moment :-O. It is scary times when we slowly give up more and more of our privacy in the name of security. It is a waste of money and can be abused by whoever has the authority. I don't hope this thread will be littered with insane conspiracy diarrhea, these subjects sadly don't stay sober for long :-/. Edit: Don't the UK have the highest amount of cameras / citizen (atleast in London)? :-O. Yeah the UK has more CCTV cameras than all of China. | ||
United States288 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:54 Whitewing wrote: For the record, the bolded is the part that should concern people: It's not the government you really need to be concerned about. Yup. Its the people who have our government in their pocket who are the problem. Politicians are just a face, nothing more. | ||
601 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:56 Whitewing wrote: Legally, it depends on your interpretation of reasonable expectation of privacy (at least in the U.S.). I don't think private corporations recording data on people all over the planet every time they step out in public qualifies as within normal expectations. That's a good point, actually. Time to do some reading on this subject. | ||
Canada2972 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:51 ilikeredheads wrote: Freedom isn't free. The US government is there to serve large private corporations, not the general public. Canadian government to my friend, no need to point fingers. | ||
United States1190 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:06 Blitzkrieg0 wrote: 1984 was a lot more than watching people. So is the potential and implications of an implemented surveillance system such as this. | ||
United States15065 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:56 Djzapz wrote: That's a nice slogan to include in a pamphlet but it's not entirely true. Sure it's not an evil master plan, but individuals with varying degrees of power (ranging from small times bureaucrats and police offers to governors, congressmen and sometimes the president) are fully capable of doing deeply immoral things. Of course, it's not necessarily part of an overarching scheme. The government of the US is responsible for all kinds of atrocities. And with a machine as big and complex as the US, sometimes incompetence is just as damaging as evil. Trillions of dollars in a day? That's adorable u liek a littul puppy awh<<333 Well lets see. 350 million citizens in the US. Cost of flying to Washington DC and getting a cheap place to stay for a night on short notice is probably 500-600 dollars as a rough estimate. Really it would be more, as the prices would skyrocket as everyone buys tickets. That would be several hundred billion dollars as a conservative estimate. Not to mention it was a joke, and you are a hateful person with no sense of humor. | ||
Canada10681 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:59 Soulstice wrote: Yup. Its the people who have our government in their pocket who are the problem. Politicians are just a face, nothing more. That's not true FYI. The lobbyists have a lot of power but to say that politicians are "just a face" is to grossly exaggerate the situation. | ||
United States3125 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:56 Djzapz wrote: That's a nice slogan to include in a pamphlet but it's not entirely true. Sure it's not an evil master plan, but individuals with varying degrees of power (ranging from small times bureaucrats and police offers to governors, congressmen and sometimes the president) are fully capable of doing deeply immoral things. Of course, it's not necessarily part of an overarching scheme. The government of the US is responsible for all kinds of atrocities. And with a machine as big and complex as the US, sometimes incompetence is just as damaging as evil. Of course incompetence is worse, it usually means our tax dollars end up getting thrown in a big hole in the ground, instead of going to some corporate fatcat where it at least has the chance of trickling down ![]() My post was mostly in response to the inaccurate perceptions of our government by conspiracy theorists and some non-Americans. Really the reason Americans are so lazy about activism is because of our bloated bureaucracy, not totalitarian brainwashing. | ||
United Kingdom1230 Posts
On August 11 2012 09:06 Liquid`Drone wrote: If true, how is this not big news? Global surveillance with facial recognition? You're fine with someone knowing where you are and what you're doing at every moment? There's absolutely no way any possible terrorist or other threat justifies this gross invasion of privacy, and that's that. I don't have time to really investigate this now but based on OP, this is terrible, and the most important leak from wikileaks so far. Thank you. People's disregard for their own privacy is just insane -_-. And btw this is obviously coming from someone who's probably monitored 24/7 in London. We all know the Franklin quote so I won't bother repeating it, but I really can't see how this can be justified. | ||
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