On August 21 2014 07:58 Teoita wrote: Arcane switches between mage and frost armor depending on wether there's adds or not.
I have really mixed feelings about alter time. When used properly it's amazing, but sometimes it's really fucking stupid. The way it interacts with PboI is particularly annoying.
The amount of times our mages killed themselves during Lei Shen with Alter time ><
I guess for Blizzard it helps them with encounter design so they don't have to account for the silly things you could do with it.
Cata greens is more than enough to clear outland raids, you could do them as ret to clear faster. You can probably do something like 10man ICC as well with prot easily.
On August 21 2014 07:58 Teoita wrote: Arcane switches between mage and frost armor depending on wether there's adds or not.
I have really mixed feelings about alter time. When used properly it's amazing, but sometimes it's really fucking stupid. The way it interacts with PboI is particularly annoying.
I never really played Arcane, so that's good to know.
The way Alter interacted with PBoI wasn't a problem with Alter, it was a problem with how PBoI procc'd. Every other trinket seems to proc almost immediately, but PBoI's internal coefficient for activation was somehow off.
On August 21 2014 10:18 deth2munkies wrote: $25 is a fucking racket for a server transfer. If they ever knock it down to $5 I might just reactivate and xfer to join a decent guild.
What's wrong with the guilds on Cenarius? Arathian is US top 10, and Masq's guild is above average. Raka's is pretty average, but still far better than what we had.
On August 21 2014 11:26 Ayaz2810 wrote: I have 178k HP. Just saw a warlock with 831k lol. Wtf
My crap geared warlock has around 670k in 513 iLvl gear. HP is crazy nowadays and the dps charts are just crazy. Other day I seen a boomkin pulling 250-300k dps in a heroic.
On August 21 2014 10:42 Jer99 wrote: I wish they'd continue the Sargeras storyline, it seems after TBC they realised they can just make anything and make a shit load of money
Sargeras is the big bad of Warcraft so whenever they do decide its times to bring him back in the spotlight then it'd be when Blizzard is desperate or they think its time to end WoW(which wont be for a long time).
Chances are though that the next expansion is going to be about the Burning Legion anyway.
On August 21 2014 10:18 deth2munkies wrote: $25 is a fucking racket for a server transfer. If they ever knock it down to $5 I might just reactivate and xfer to join a decent guild.
What's wrong with the guilds on Cenarius? Arathian is US top 10, and Masq's guild is above average. Raka's is pretty average, but still far better than what we had.
I really don't care too much about progression (as long as it's occurring at a reasonable rate) as much as community, and if I can find a guild of similarly situated or like-minded people, I'd jump at the chance to go there.
I also blew my audition to Raka's guild right before I quit (kind of fortunate in retrospect since I would have had to quit regardless of whether or not I got in given how my work schedule ended up over summer) and really want to avoid 25man raiding as much as possible (which is what the bulk of the high progress guilds on Cenarius are anyway).
That and I kinda wanna play Horde again (the next expansion story is better for Horde), but all my Horde characters are on Doomhammer, which is a fucking ghost town nowadays. Even so, I'm probably going to pop on for MC then quit again till December because this semester is a fucking nightmare thanks to the extracurricular I picked up. In theory, the time I'm spending writing this is the time I need to prepare my opening statement that's due on Friday and I learned about yesterday.
On August 21 2014 04:57 Ayaz2810 wrote: So I haven't played for 2 years, and for years before that I had a razor naga with the 12 mouse buttons on one side... How are you supposed to use abilities/spells and move while doing so? If I move my hand to hit keys, I can't reach wasd very well. Am I supposed to click my abilities like a baddy and use the other hand to move? Cause that seems terrible. I never thought I would be asking such a basic question lol. I miss my broken naga =(
I have 12345, shift 12345, and alt 12345 as well as ZXC and 4 mouse buttons and I normally have enough to play every class.
I remember I needed 36 hotkeys (40 with WASD) for my mistweaver. Little excessive lol, glad they reduce that a little now. By the time I had learned them well I was already quitting the game. :D
I think your definetly going overboard if you need 36. Not every single thing you could ever possibly need needs to be bound. I still click a lot of stuff that I dont need to cast suddenly or frequently.
Play some arena and have like every single bar keybound :D
In wotlk I had all 72 bound + a button to change action bar so I could summon pet and stuff.
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
Shows you how long ago its been that I did or watched any pvp :p
That's part of the reason why nobody PvPs anymore. You can sit there with 90% damage reduction via Resilience and spells and someone can still drop you in under 2 seconds. Every time they add defensive things, such as buffing heals, adding Resilience, adding more defensive cooldowns, etc... they also buff damage through the roof. Easy way to see this is to look at the raid tiers this expansion. Back on Elegon I used to rank top 10 with barely 80k DPS, and that was 20-30k more than anyone else in my raid could do (Moonkin was broken on that fight). Went back in there six months later with gear from Throne of Thunder and I was pulling 300k easy. Go in with SoO gear and you can break a million.
So, you can see how ridiculous the damage inflation is when you're tripling your DPS every raid tier. In theory PvP should gain some popularity back next expansion because of the item squish (although it doesn't look like they squished nearly enough, and we'll probably be back to the ilvl problems by the second raid tier).
Even in woltk though you could get dropped in no time flat, and it wasn't just from wizards.
I should stop torturing my self by watching pre cata rls :\
On August 21 2014 07:07 deth2munkies wrote: I will never forget the time when I actually beat one of those mages in a 1v1 on the side of WSG. He was full T2, name was February on Malygos. Survived the Pyro/Fireblast with like 200 HP, healthstone'd up, spell locked the next cast (arcane missiles), feared, dotted, drained to death. Was glorious since that mage, Belise, and Zeppelin all ran together and all ran oneshot spec and everyone dreaded hitting their group.
Again, back in the days of early WSG, you got to know everyone's name pretty quick
My proudest AV moment was the first time I one shotted a priest as a warrior with sword spec. A good old times, glad there gone now :p
What are you talking about? Warriors can still oneshot clothies :S
Shows you how long ago its been that I did or watched any pvp :p
That's part of the reason why nobody PvPs anymore. You can sit there with 90% damage reduction via Resilience and spells and someone can still drop you in under 2 seconds. Every time they add defensive things, such as buffing heals, adding Resilience, adding more defensive cooldowns, etc... they also buff damage through the roof. Easy way to see this is to look at the raid tiers this expansion. Back on Elegon I used to rank top 10 with barely 80k DPS, and that was 20-30k more than anyone else in my raid could do (Moonkin was broken on that fight). Went back in there six months later with gear from Throne of Thunder and I was pulling 300k easy. Go in with SoO gear and you can break a million.
So, you can see how ridiculous the damage inflation is when you're tripling your DPS every raid tier. In theory PvP should gain some popularity back next expansion because of the item squish (although it doesn't look like they squished nearly enough, and we'll probably be back to the ilvl problems by the second raid tier).
Even in woltk though you could get dropped in no time flat, and it wasn't just from wizards.